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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
It is quite amazing how many disgruntled political hopefuls come and go from One Nation - luckily we are able to weed most of them out before they ride to far up Mrs Hanson's coat tails.
The latest case involves a
pre-selection candidate for
Hanson's seat of Oxley. Her name is Dele Rule. Ms Rule recently lost
a secret ballot at a branch meeting - with Colene Hughes (seen right) a tireless
worker getting over the line in a three way battle for selection. The other
candidate was Christine Trevitt also in business - and fresh from the
Liberal Party.
Neither Ms Rule nor Ms Trevitt had any prior affiliation with One Nation and did little, if anything, to assist the party in day to day activities... just flying in for a quick go at a seat - and then flying out again - like a dandelion in the breeze.
Ms Rule is now claiming that "At 11am on the Wednesday (of the selection by the Ipswich branch) Colene was not going to continue," Ms Rule said, "As a result Christine and I went into it thinking there were only two candidates".
Yesterday Peter James disputed Ms Rule's comments saying that Ms Hughes had lodged her pre-selection seven or eight weeks before the meeting. James said Ms Rule's allegations were "hearsay" and were done in a "spurious manner".
Ms Hughes had previously stood for the party for the state seat of Bundamba (and narrowly losing after polling 34.4% of the primary vote). By doing so she assisted the party - after she had flagged her earlier intention of going for the seat of Oxley. (As a matter of interest Colene is one of those candidates directly affected by the "lock up" of moneys due back. Money being withheld because of a contrived court challenge by ex-One Nation members - see story below).
As someone who has been with the Ipswich branch since diddily-squad I feel that the twist by The Queensland Times on the story today pushing Ms Rule's position has to be corrected.
Ms Rule appeared at a One Nation branch meeting just weeks before the pre-selection. She runs a holiday business that deals with Asian tourists and had told me on several occasions in the lead up to the pre-selection how stupid the claims that One Nation was affecting Asian tourism were.
At the pre-selection meeting each candidate was given a clearly defined amount of time in which to present her case. Ms Rule went well over the time and refused to stop talking when asked, eventually she had to be literally told to let matters proceed.
The pre-selection count saw Ms Trevitt being knocked out in the first round. In the second Ms Hughes beat Ms Rule by 14 votes to 12.
After the pre-selection Ms Rule secretly taped a conversation between herself and Ms Hughes partner, Bob Watson, while Bob was talking to her about some image repair that he was doing to one of her old photographs. She took the tape and played it to several people without Bob's knowledge... In fact the last time I saw Bob, yesterday, he laughing body searched me for tape recorders... but this was not a laughing matter.
Ms Rule also typed up a letter and sent it to the Ipswich Branch of One Nation. In the letter she claimed that Ms Hughes was having a relationship with the branch President Tony Price - a claim which is laughable if it wasn't so serious. At the next branch meeting Ms Rule demanded that her letter be read out to the members.
The implication of the "relationship" between Ms Hughes and Mr Price being a conflict of interest nullifying her selection.
In short she tried every dirty trick in the book and failed and now she will stand as an Independent in the seat of Oxley - well good luck to you ma'am because I, for one, don't want you in One Nation.
The locked up One Nation state funds:
Barbara Hazelton (seen right) has
joined Terry Sharples in trying to lock up the funds due to One Nation state
candidates (including Colene Hughes). Ms Hazelton who was once of Pauline
Hanson's staunchest friends felt displaced by her political adviser David
Oldfield and turned on the One Nation party after she was dismissed by Oldfield
over the phone.
Ms Hazelton's action is believed to be against the Queensland Electoral Commissioner - the body responsible for distributing the funds. Yesterday Peter James told me that One Nation would vigorously oppose the motion and seek to be named as codefendants in the action.
It is so sad to see Barbara taking this action. I know that her heart is in the right place and still count her as a friend, although we have not spoken since she was asked to leave and her subsequent very vocal fall out with Pauline Hanson and One Nation.
An apology...
I apologise for the disinformation yesterday in which I referred to the imminent release of the "Debit Tax" policy. The story had the desired effect with The Australian Newspaper not using information that had been allegedly offered to them for Au$1,000 in a story headed "The big pitch" in today's Monitor section.
The subsequent confusion resulted in the One Nation tax policy being referred to as a "surprise package".
Tomorrow I will join about 25 candidates who will be briefed on the tax policy - the official press release will follow on Thursday.
In The Australian article One Nation is referred to as having "simplistic solutions"... well big boy your master ain't going to like this one because it brings equity back into the tax equation and Murdoch can set up as many tax dodges as he likes in the Cayman Islands - he will still pay... yes, I know that's simplistic, but so be it.
On Monday Murdoch's Courier Mail will benefit through including two poster images of Princess Diana - the images are to commemorate her death after trying to escape the pursuing paparazzi in Paris.
Murdoch's Sunday Mirror lifted the stakes for the terrier-like paparazzi just days before the tragic accident as this article in The Daily Telegraph confirms.
THE pictures of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed are likely to pass all previous records for the sums of money involved.
It is thought that there are only four frames taken by the Italian photographer Mario Brena. But if accounts are to be believed they show the Princess kissing and caressing Fayed, and even wrapping her legs around his waist.
The Sunday Mirror is reported to have paid £400,000 for first rights and The Sun newspaper £50,000 for second rights.
Once they have been sold around the world, Mr Brena is likely to make more than £1 million.
What a flop! Resistance's Queensland leader
(seen right) spoke to under 100 students who had gather to protest against
Pauline Hanson, One Nation and the Coalition for "racist" policies yesterday.
Meanwhile The Queensland Times claimed in today's paper that 800 students rallied - someone added a nought - oh well, we can all make typos!
The rally was an abysmal failure after organisers had predicted 20,000 students would turn up.
The protest revealed the true level of support for this communist group in Queensland. In Victoria their success was somewhat greater with about 2,000 participating.
Late last month about 1500 students wagged school and wandered down George street waving banners and shouting "Hey hey, ho ho, Pauline Hanson has to go" in a rally organised by Resistance.
The difference in the support was quite simple to measure. In the lead up to the July rally you could not change channel without being confronted by teenage representatives of Resistance calling on students to join their campaign. This time everybody was bored of their non-issue and the media left them alone.
Some, including myself, would call a decision yesterday by the Victorian Anti-Discrimination Commission proof positive of its politically correct role in the "new" un-Australian society.
The case involves a dating agency run by Ann Ivamy-Phillips. Ms Phillips wanted to advertise a "Jews" only service as she only wants to service the "Jewish community".
Ms Phillips said to reporters after the decision, "We would like to say that this is a pleasing result and it illustrates the true multicultural atmosphere that people of different cultures and backgrounds can enjoy in Australia."
What total bunkum.
The ruling was changed from an earlier one in which her request was declined by the tribunal on the basis that she could not be exempt from the laws under the Equal Opportunity Act. Yesterday tribunal deputy president Cate McKenzie said, "We're satisfied on the material before us that there is a clear need in the community for a service that this agency would provide."
Meanwhile the so-called anti-discriminatory Jewish lobby in the form of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, whose patron is the trashy and hypocritical B'nai B'rith Anti Defamation Commission, supported Ms Phillips application. One rule for one another set for others. This should be a complaint to B'nai Brith's RaceWatch - but guess what you cannot complain on a race basis if you are of Anglo-Saxon descent...
The supporting documentation supplied to the tribunal was a 1991 Monash University report by Professor Bernard Rechter which showed that assimilation, intermarriage and loss of identity were the main concerns of 600 Jews questioned.
The policy of division through multiculturalism bubbles up to the surface - and it is supported by one of the partners in the "RaceWatch" debacle.
Ms McKenzie said, when referring to the survey, said that the small Jewish population "had to be protected" and that religious Jews in particular considered marrying a Jewish partner "vitally important".
"Other agencies cater for the population as whole, this service will cater only for Jews and give them the same equality of access that the wider population has," she said.
Now where is my RaceWatch Report Form - this is a sure case for "outing" - the Anti Discrimination Commission...
Mr Kennett says he believes the Federal election will be held in October, but has been given no inside information on when.
"I'll be going up to Queensland again the week after next and I'm going to campaign in Pauline Hanson's seat against everything she stands for - because I think it's important that we understand that those who oppose views that are going to cause Australia and its community harm should be absolutely rejected at the next election.
Kennett is expected to be up in Blair on September 7th to launch the Liberal party candidate Cameron Thompson's campaign. He is expected to speak at a lunchtime engagement at the Gatton RSL and then speak to party faithful at the exclusive Ipswich Club.
Expect to see me at the luncheon meeting Mr Kennett.
By Martin A. Armstrong
August 27, 1998
The collapse of Russia is having a profound impact upon the entire global financial markets from stocks, commodities and gold to currencies and bonds. Of all the great financial panics in history, this one looks like, sounds like and moves like none other than 1929 all over again. The similarities are not to be found in chart patterns, percentage movements or one-day greatest point declines in history. The similarities of what we are living through have more in common with the fundamentals behind the Great Depression than at any other point in time.
The truth behind the Great Depression is far from the greed of speculators that the socialists have characterized. Stocks DID NOT TRADE ON 10% MARGINS as Galbraith wrote in his book. ONLY new issues traded at such low margins. The NYSE big board was as it is today 50% marginable. The OTC market, which the bank stocks traded in those days, was NOT marginable at all! The truth behind the damaging effects of the Great Depression were left out of the papers of socialists who wrote about that point in history in order to support their case for big government. ALL of Europe defaulted on its debt with the exception of Switzerland. Great Britain suspended payments on its debt for 6 months. Russia defaulted, China and Latin America. In total, nearly $90 billion in sovereign debt disappeared from the face of the financial world.
Another similarity is none other than the devastation taking place in the metals and commodities. While the goldbugs have been relishing in the demise of the Dow with a "I told you so attitude" they too have been hit with the XAU making new historic lows today under that of 1986 as well as gold closing on a new low for the past 20 years. In fact, commodities peaked in general during 1920 and began a 12-year bear market right into 1932 bottoming WITH stocks. No commodity, including silver, offered any hedge whatsoever against the Great Depression and the asset deflation that unfolded. The current collapse in the commodities ALONG with stocks on a side-by-side basis is a direct parallel with that of the events of the Great Depression.
The one striking difference today from that of the 1930s remains none other than the economy mix itself. During the Great Depression, 40% of the civil work force was employed within the commodity sector. Because commodities collapsed, jobs vanished causing unemployment to rise to 25% in the United States hence the term Great Depression. Today, that same type of devastation is NOT taking place and is UNLIKELY to take place within the United States. The bulk of the economy in the US is a domestic oriented service economy. Services include everything from retail sales, lawyers, doctors, government, politicians and of course the financial industry. We have seen such a major depression taking place in Japan. However we also do NOT see unemployment in Japan anywhere close to 25% even after a 10-year decline. Therefore, we do NOT see any risk of a major depression that is identical to that of 1929.
Nonetheless, there is also no way that the low is in place for either commodities or the stock markets. Further declines are now likely with perhaps a 23% correction in the S&P 500 by the end of September in the US. The Nikkei is likely to drop to at least the 12,882 and a move below that area will raise the potential of a sharp decline still to 9,700 for 1999. Gold is at least a $50 decline in it perhaps even short-term while silver might yet collapse back to $4. Certainly, a penetration below $4.50 will then lead to the overall target of $2.75.
The greatest danger that we face is that the US government will fail to understand the seriousness of what is taking place globally. If this develops, we must be diligent in pointing out that the US should NOT attempt to put up trade sanctions in order to protect American jobs from the global deflationary atmosphere. That would have the same effect as Smoot-Halley during the Great Depression.
For now, foreign investors seeking US dollars and US yields should be quick to move. The likelihood that US interest rates will decline in the months ahead is now very high. Short-term rates next year might collapse to the 3-3.5% level. Initially, long-term rates will decline faster as capital pours into US government bonds. This will most likely create an inverted yield curve within the US until the Fed is forced to respond to the global trends. Thus far, the decline in the US share market basis the S&P 500 has been only 14%. This is not enough to make the Fed panic. However, a 23% drop by October could have an impact upon Fed policy.
Emerging markets are now collapsing everywhere. Even within the ERM, the fixed exchange rates are under attack, which brings into question the viability of the ECB ( European Central Bank ) come next year. Under the current system, the ECB will be forced by law to bailout and defend any member currency within the Euro at all costs much in the same manner as Hong Kong or the IMF have acted in recent times. Under the current global conditions, trying to create a single currency right now may prove to be the worst mistake ever made.
Russias impact upon gold and silver are clearly monumental. While inventories in Switzerland have jumped from 5 to 70 tons in part thanks to Russian sales, the collapse in Russian debt is also have a major impact upon the banks that have now recalled all gold on consignment or which has not been paid. Suddenly, credit to none major countries such as Turkey and India has been reduced or eliminated. All gold is being recalled back to the vaults where selling into the open market is now taking place. A collapse in metals prices at this time maybe unstoppable going into next week.
For now, the events that are unfolding are very serious. We are most likely going to face a second wave of credit problems from the Eastern European nations that depend upon Russia as their primary trading partner. The Russian fallout is spreading to Latin America where the credit markets have another $300 billion to worry about from the banking sectors. These problems are only magnified by the inability of Japan to deal with its problems while its ministers are trying to talk the yen up without fixing the problems that are causing its weakness. Hong Kong continues to intervene in both shares as share futures in a futile attempt to hold its currency. We now must be concerned that Hong Kong just does blow-up itself by taking huge losses due to its intervention like the IMF and other Asian nations. A blow-up in Honk Kong will undoubtedly cause a devaluation in China as well. And of course there is Canada. After raising its rates in a last ditch effort to support its currency, the C$ fell to new lows within a matter of hours. Canada again appears to be ready to commit suicide rather than cut taxes. In the end, not only is the world economy going nuts, we have far too many politicians who seem to be taking us down a road of sheer financial chaos
Subject: Politically Correct Discrimination?
The so-called 'Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal' has ruled that 'special' dating agencies for those of the Jewish persuasion are OK. Add this to the list of 'men-only' gay bars and 'women-only' gyms and you have the current state of play in Oz: quasi-dictatorship. The opressed class in this country is now white, male heterosexuals: they are second, verging on third-class citizens. One wonders when they will be required to wear special 'armbands'/'identifying tags' and when interdictions and edicts will start being issued against them(exmpl: eating in restaurants, using public transport and purchasing items in supermarkets)?! It's time for ordinary Australians to WAKE-UP! and DECLARE WAR on these opressors of free speech, human rights and common dignity.... before it's too late.
Subject: KIM '' Honey I've just shrunk the kids !'' BEAZLEY'S TAX PACKAGE.
Dear Scott,
In 1985, with the knowledge of the Labour Governments impending plan to introduce a Capital gains tax on assets acquired after September 1985, my wife and I decided to subdivide a portion of our property as a nest egg for our future security. As a battling couple who could ill afford the high costs involved in the subdivision of our property we decided to borrow the capital in the belief that the pain of repayments would in the long term prove worthwhile. We believed we were safe from a Capital gains tax as it was made very clear by our leaders that only assets acquired after September 1985 would be taxed. This decision was made with a view to provide a solid basis to fund our future retirement and to guarantee our (as yet unborn ) childrens education.
It was also our belief that with the planned phasing out of pensions and the push to invest in superannuation that the security of having a solid asset ( land ) would long term prove more reliable and beneficial than by us contributing extra dollars towards superannuation. How much of these funds are now being lost on the stock exchange and have been squandered in Asian investment ?
Mr Beazley's about face on capital gains tax (pre SEPT 1985 exemption) will no doubt affect many similarly minded people who have chosen to secure their own future rather than trust the financial manipulators to gamble with it.
With regards to ofher aspects of Beazley's tax package I have fond memories of similar promises and commitments being easily discarded once an election had been won, and with another promise (as I have just outlined above ) being broken, will not be duped again !
Have a good day................Steve
Subject: Beazley's debacle
My first impression of Labor's tax proposal was that it was not too bad. It offered tax relief to low income earners without slugging everybody with a GST.
But looking at it carefully I believe that is a big mess. Everybody was previously complaining about the high effective marginal tax rates that people earning around $20,000 were suffering - Nearly 100% effective tax rates!
But look at what Beazley has done! Now people earning $40,000 would be effectively paying a marginal tax rate of around 60% !!! This is because of the withdrawl of Beazley's ill-conceived rebate scheme.
Apparently the $20,000 earners keep 25% more of the money they earn. Presumably then, their effective marginal rate would fall from 100% to 75% - whoopee.
So Beazley would bring in the absurd situation where pretty much everyone -- from $0 per year up to $1,000,000 have an effective marginal rate of between 50% and 75%. Does anybody wonder why people don't want to work? Does anyone wonder why this country is being brought to its knees?
Personally I don't think the GST is the answer. We need to establish a two rate income tax system. A tax free threshold which is equal to the dole. And everything after that taxed at one rate - probably around 35%. We now have the crazy situation that multnationals are paying 35% (when they actually bother to pay tax, which isn't very often), while Australians are paying 50% or more - crazy! Abolish all rebates and family assistance this and that for anyone earning less than some low minimum amount. We need simplification and we need incentive! Both Labor and Liberal schemes are pathetic attempts at tax reform - Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dummer.
One Nation - Please defeat Beazley and Evens in their respective electorates. To think these people are up for leading this country is beyond absurd.
Name Withheld
Subject: School Bags & Red Flags
Comments on today's Adelaide rallies:
I'm surprised that One Nation didn't have a counter-rally today, but it was still amusing to watch some far-left group try to garner votes from their "activists" (About 300 people, about 90% of whom were too young to vote and had "sacrificed" their school time to attend).
The group, who seemed to have a monopoly on dreadlocks and body-piercing chanted things like:
Speaker: Uranium!
Kiddies: No!
Speaker: Land Rights!
Kiddies: Yes!
Speaker: Uranium!
Kiddies: No!
Speaker: Land Rights!
Kiddies: Yes!
Speaker: Uranium!
Kiddies: No!
Speaker: Uranium!
Kiddies: Yes! (Errr, I mean no!)
This rally really seemed to generate interest from the media and passersby. I think One Nation should harness rallies and use them for a good cause, and generate some publicity again, because there seems to be a big One Nation publicity drought in Adelaide.
If there are any One Nation rallies planned, I'd love to participate.
PS: Best wishes for the Federal Election. :)
Subject: contemptible politicians
Political commentators make much of the cynicism of the electorate. What do they expect? While Australia is going down the drain, our politicians have degenerated into electoral bribery. Labor has stupidly promised bigger fistfulls of dollars than Liberal. Politicians' promises! You may as well believe that fairies live under the hydrangeas!
Why do politicians insult us by pandering to the lowest common denominator? Isn't it interesting that the derided One Nation party - which allegedly appeals only to ignorant rednecks seeking simplistic solutions - is the only party which puts the welfare and prosperity of Australia before the contemptible hip-pocket nerve.
Deliberately pitching the election to the hip-pocket nerve when Australia is suffering massive economic and social problems clearly demonstrates the contempt politicians have for the citizens of this country. By abandoning the major parties, the voters rightfully and effectively return the contempt.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Multiculturalism
In the raging controversy two quite Distinct concepts are constantly confused. Multiculturalism means a 'pluralistic society' ie one in which quite different cultures and subcultures coexist, happily or not is another question. This is being confused with multiracialism which is a society composed of people of diverse genetic origins. I personally am not a racist ie against multiracialism but strongly believe that multiculturalism just doesn't work. My home town in the US was composed of a wide variety of ethnic groups and they all hated each other. A recent book on the Inquisition reviewed in The Australian Review of Books illustrated the folly of trying to maintain a multicultural society. However the reviewer ended his summary of the book with a plea for more education in our society with the end of enabling multiculturalism to work. It doesn't and as history shows never has.
Jim Williams
Subject: re; Scott Hastings
Poor Scott Hastings! Just one more result from a Conservative Government. If only he belonged to a Trade Union.
Scott, you need a solicitor who is well versed in the Workplace Relations Act. You need to find out what areas MAY have been breached, such as EEO or AA. You need to find out if it is an Australin Workplace Agreement (AWA) and if it contains anything below your PREVIOUS Award. You need to know what your rights are concerning bargaining/negotiating one of these contracts. You need to find out IF ANY part of the Anti-Discrimination Act has been breached in this new contract regarding employment.
Basically Scott, the Libs gave this monster birth after Cheryl Kernot, Ms Hanson and others voted it through the Senate.
One Nation will have to offer the Workers something or they will return to Labor in droves. It's not just the farmers doing it tough.
N. Daniels
Subject: A New Financial Era Dawns - 1929!
"We will not have any more crashes in our time."
- John Maynard Keynes in 1927
"There may be a recession in stock prices, but not
anything in the nature of a crash."
- Irving Fisher, leading U.S. economist in 1929
"Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently
high plateau. I do not feel there will be soon if ever a 50 or 60 point break
from present levels, such as ( bears ) have predicted. I expect to see the
stock market a good deal higher within a few months."
- Irving Fisher, Ph.D. in economics in Autumn, 1929
"For the immediate future, at least, the outlook (
stocks ) is bright."
- Irving Fisher, Ph.D. In economics in early 1930
Steve Blizard
Dear Sir,
I know you are busy, but I have a few good ideas for you for your up coming election. I hope you are in this election, because I think that Beazley and Howard are losers.
My sister had a lecture by a professor of biology, and he said that we have to cut all immigration out, because there decreasing amounts of water supplies in many areas of Australia. Perth's levels are dropping dramatically, and this will lead to an environmental disaster. A scientist in the eastern states also said that Australia cannot cope with more than 25 million people. Another idea is to expose to the misinformed public that part aboriginals are receiving welfare, even if they have a well paid job. This should be exposed as a form of racism, which it is.
With tax reform, cuts to this welfare area should cut down the burden of tax. Tax on cigarettes, huge fines for drug offenders, welfare cuts on single mothers with more than two children with different fathers, no GST, 25% tax flat rate for everyone. Another thing is to moderate state government expendatures. This year, Premier Richard Court spent $350 million on an unnecessary 'Northbridge Tunnel.' This waste of money is where all our good tax money is going. Was this so much more important than hospital funding? Crazy! Also cuts on politician's travel expendatures. Only if the trips are absolutely necessary.
On a live telecast of parliament, a politician was mocked because he was in Fiji on an 'important business trip.' I think it is important for you to expose these scum to defamate their party, as they are dishonest and are ripping off the system. This will give bigger tax cuts than Beazley and Howard the Coward. Please consider these options. My dad is furious about this crazy government spending.
Name withheld
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.