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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Less than a week out from the Federal Election and the feeding frenzy over One Nation preferences by the Laboral leaders contradicts the line that One Nation is somehow doing deals behind the scenes.
One thing is for sure, and that is that One Nation voters will decide which of the major parties gets in. This has not been lost on the hypocritical attitude of the Laboral factions.
Yesterday there was a remarkable escalation in email supporting One Nation. It almost appeared as if, at the business end of the election, people had realised that voting for one of the major parties would result in the same bureaucratic-led direction being taken in Australia - globalisation, economic rationalism and the growth of the politically correct lobby.
During the last few weeks we have received about 200 support email per day. Yesterday that figure rose to over 1,000.
There appears to be a mood swing in the electorate that the surveys and the media are not and cannot be aware of. On the Internet we talk of push-pull web sites.
Email has allowed us to monitor what surveys like NewsPoll cannot - the responsive mood of the population. The need, not just to read and discuss at home, but to express strongly how one feels - to express support.
The mood is swinging strongly back to One Nation... but Saturday will prove whether this interesting monitor of hidden public support is right or wrong.
Meeting with Pauline Hanson.
I will be meeting Pauline Hanson tonight.
Tomorrow I will have a report with pictures on the fundraising dinner being held in Dickson - where One Nation are set to finish the political ambitions of Labor's Cheryl Kernot
Here is an extract from The Washington Post
Borrowed money was essential to leveraging up the invested capital and increasing returns to investors. At its peak, Long-Term Capital had contracts involving $160 billion worth of securities -- roughly 30 times its capital.
By buying and selling securities simultaneously, Long-Term Capital's partners believed their risks were tiny. Until Aug. 1, Long-Term Capital never lost more than $100 million, or about 2 percent of the firm's equity, in any month, said a source close to the firm. And because the trades relied on relative values between securities, whether the prices of the securities rose or fell as a group was believed to be irrelevant, the source said.
"Granted, we had a huge balance sheet with lots of positions, but we didn't think we had that much risk," a Long-Term Capital partner told someone close to the firm. "We were looking at day-to-day and month-to-month swings that were very small. I know it seems incredible. Maybe we got lulled in after four years."
ABC Debate
Congratulations to Robyn Spencer for her excellent performance in the televised debate with the Democrat's Mr Downey on the ABC's Stateline programme.
Robyn was spirited and articulate. She needed to make her points clearly in the limited time she was given and she did so admirably. I noticed that one moderator would ask a question and then the second moderator would attempt to interject during Robyn's reply. Robyn did not allow this tactic to be sucessful and continued firmly stating her points. I also noticed the brief intro on Robyn which featured video footage made some very cheap shots designed to undermine her. The Downey intro was crafted to present him as the more polished and credible of the two. Her performance negated the ABC's bias and Mr Downey looked a little shell shocked.
You have my vote Robyn. Well done!
David Miller
Spencer hammers Democrats
Actually, Scott, was it not a replay of last night's 'Stateline' wherein she debated with the number one *Victorian* Democrat rep (Downer)?
But yes, as I said in a fax to congratulate Robyn this morning, she showed she had done her homework. Part of that homework was from ANOTD wherein I have been printing out selected passages over the last few weeks and faxing them to her since she told me personally it was coming up. So thanks for your good work there.
Several other points require raising:
1. Could you have something published on ANOTD for those electorates that
do not have the (dual sided) How-to-vote cards? Could you please get someone
who knows their stuff to write the *principles* of how to vote in a two party
preferred system? ...that is, not the details except as samples. For example,
I understand if one puts the other minor parties ahead of the Laborals, it
is a vote for the ALP because of the probable distribution of preferences.
Is it different for the upper house compared to the lower house? Please excuse
my ignorance, but I have heard conflicting things.
2. Scrutineering. We have 38 electoral booths in our electorate. How many scrutineers does one need? Can one person handle more than one booth? We have less than half a dozen fit enough people on our committee. Is there a worry that fiddles could go on? Would it be best for two people to get in a car together and concentrate on going around as many booths as possible to watch for bogus How-to-vote cards? What other things should be be wary of? In other words, there should be a plan of attack for the election, including Plan Bs and even Cs. I wish the hell Manly would post something on the Internet re this and other matters. Between you and me, I know there are going to be some hot intra-party letters flying around after the election. One problem here recently was that an older person going overseas was told the wrong way to fill in the electoral form for the lower house -- the Albert Langer way -- by a woman at an electoral commission office . Maybe all these warnings could be given in a personal newsletters like the one I am answering.
3. Now for a personal one: What are the qualifications of the person/s who wrote the PHON health policy? One part bothers me since it reflects the strategy of the socialist government and their consultants that set up the UK National Health Service in the 1950s. It took forty years to get rid of the bad parts by a Royal-type Commission called the Schranschrief Inquiry into Over Servicing. In my opinion, one does not become wise until one has personally been through a major paradigm shift. To get to the top (state and federal executives) in professional societies where the machinations go on, and go through a paradigm shift takes a few decades. So, how long has this person/s been exposed to health delivery politics?
Warmest regards,
As disgruntled voters, and with both major parties making no pledges or accountability promises for ANY of their policies, we feel you really have an opportunity to fill the vacuum by introducing some integrity, not statements of "never, ever"," L.A.W. law". and "will keep the bastards honest".
Dealing with the "never, ever" here you have a core promise that has been argued away as such, but not taking into account that the Prime Minister has called an election up to 6 months earlier than necessary, thus not fulfilling his term, and thereby dishonouring his pledge.
As far as "L.A.W. law" and the reduction of unemployment to 5% over 2 terms in these troubled economic times, it looks like a "J.O.B.S. jobs" statement; and for this matter the Prime Minister has shown no compassion towards the long-term & young unemployment disaster, an indictment on the generation at the head of government and opersition, that generation only knowing low unemployment rates during those crucial growing youthful years.
An appeal to the people to use a third party to force them to take notice of exactly what the people want for a change, i.e., a referendum as you noted could be used, you must as a party re-emphasise that the government of the country is by the people, for the people during this last crucial week, and any jibes regarding racialism must be put back on the media as trying to divide the country as the media's driven ploy to divide the country.
Keeping the bastards honest, Cheryl Kernot's famous re-iteration, show her and her previous party, the Democrats, as purely an extension of the Labour Party.
These issues have to be hammered home in this last week to inspire voters who haven't made up their minds that a third party is crucial in the balance of power to force negotiations, and statements to the effect that this is what will be done will be of enormous effect for people to make up their minds.
Fay & Graham Inglis.
Dear Sir
I have tried in vane to get my election letters printed in the Courier Mail so I've decided to drop you a line to ask you to warn the people of Australia about the up and coming federal election.
The federal government rely on the fact that the population of Australia is ignorant and politically stupid. The major parties are not a viable alliterative to each other. The UN and the multinationals have more say in the running of the country than the people do and the Coalition, Labor and the Democrats are all in on it. They don't really object to One Nation because of your stance on ATSIC, it's because they don't want their gravy train to disappear.
I had to laugh the other day when I heard Beazley telling the nation that Howard had lied to the people over the GST. Where was his social conscience when it came to Howard lying about firearms ownership during the gun debate.
We need to do away with compulsory voting and we need to vote for just one person with no preferences. If the major parties are not stopped then we will go into the new millennium behind the 8 ball.
Keep the flag flying and good luck on Saturday.
Election 98
Dont be fooled by what you hear in the media the major parties e.g. labor and liberal are the ones that have caused the mess that Australia is in they are just puppets to the international monetary fund that is trying to take over our country.
I am not a member of any political party i am just a concerned Australian citizen that is worried about my children's future. if the two major parties were really worried about the unemployment problem and the hospital problems they would have fixed them years ago. Under part 5 section 51(XIII) which I'll quote Banking, other than state banking; also state banking extending beyond the limits of the state concerned, the incorporation of banks, and the issue of paper money:
But what have the major parties done, sold the Australian Commonwealth Bank to the Australian people of which we already owned.
And let the foreign banks into the country to buy and sell our Australian dollar as they please so who suffers, the Australian people.
What defines an Australian person, a person that lives in Australia and calls Australia home regardless of race, colour or breed and in my opinion that is what One Nation is saying, the people that are not saying they are Australian are the racial ones. (E.g Aboriginals, Asians, etc.) I thought we were all Australians.
I'm not telling you to vote One Nation on the 3/10/1998, but asking you to remember that the two major party's have been arguing between each other for too long. And making and breaking promises so in my opinion we should give the One nation party a go. And before you listen to the media go to your local candidate and ask for a copy of their policies, then you will probably find that the One Nation Party is the only one that will have them in printed form.
So please give them a go they can't do any worse than the others have already done.
Name Withheld
Beg for preferences
DeaScott, please accept my reply to John Howard.
So! Little Flack Jacket Johnny is begging for my preference vote. Dear John, let me list the ways that I loathe thee.
You "preside" over an Internationally Illegal government using a facade of lies which include a foreign constitution and an alien queen who has sold her favors for large sums of untaxed profit from her investments in Australia, to cover the con.
You declared me a possible Mass Murderer because I had my fathers .22. You demanded that I pay to register myself and be tested for competence in handling a weapon while you possess the records of my twenty years of military training. While on this subject, what evidence that the Tasmanian Public Prosecutor may hold, has been tested in court, which found Martin Bryant guilty? The only trial he received was by media. They showed the whole world his photo and declared him guilty. But even then they owed you favors.
You have discriminated against me by giving other Australians of other ethnic origin more money and rights than I receive.
You cater to international socialism without asking my permission. You cater to multi national business which is not taxed, and who put more people out of work than what it employs.
You are part of the cartel that have repeatedly and consistently dropped the tariffs and allowed in cheap, subsidised imports which have put our business`s out of business.
You are the wicked wizards apprentice, preparing us for the take over by a one world government, again without my permission.
You have treated our veterans, exservicemen and women along with our elderly, abominably. For this alone all those responsible (public servants as well as pliticians) should be hung drawn and quartered You have, on at least two occasions, worn a bulletproof vest at public meetings. This gesture is an insult and an affront. Besides, with the big boof head you have you must agree that it would be an easy target for any untrained village idiot, like Martin Bryant.
You have led the Liberal party into a situation where these dupes also have no principles. There are probably more, but you might get the picture if you pull your head out so can look around and listen to Pauline.
I have never considered Labor as an Alternative before but because you have also fiddled with the voting system we had and I cannot give you equal status, you do not leave much choice. Never mind, we will do the same to them next time.
Worst of luck
John Hugo
Support for One Nation
Hello Pauline & all the ONE NATION Team.
We would like to tell you how much we admire and support your work towards the betterment of Australia. We are appalled by the fear, ignorance and rudeness so frequently generated by and on the media. We note that despite that, there is a lot of support for you all from thinking and disillusioned Australians.
Keep up the good work. We're barracking for you all.
Louisa and John, Peeramon
Approximately 10.00pm tonight saw one of the One Nation election ads on channel Ten. Great ad, pity about the Community Service Announcement straight after (by courtesy of channel ten ) about the 'War Against Racism' and the very coincidental time slot. My objection is that these 'Community Service' announcements will continue after the 'Political Blackout' just prior to election. I can't help but feel that this community service is being politically slotted to coincide with One Nation Election ads. There is a forum to complain about TV programming but I'm unable to find it at the moment. Can you help? Where can I register a protest? I would also suggest that this problem be set as a chat topic this week to alert other supporters to protest against this biased programming.
Average Joe's view of the nation
I support One Nation for the simple purpose of the dissatsifaction of our current body governing my country, yes My country, You the government are employed by Me. Without Me you are nothing and you know that as bigoted and arogant as you have become, I understand you have the job that nobody wants, and some horrible decisions have to be made but everytime I see you in the news you give me the impression that you are our bosses and smacking us for our wrong doings, the sooner you relise this is the wrong way to gain our trust and confidence the sooner you will become the marters for the turning around of my yes My great Country.
Who ever reads this may have a good laugh at my writing mistakes and bad grammar but guess what, I am an average AUSTRALIAN and I am SO PROUD of being Australian, and I am ONE of so many that feel the same way. The point I am trying to make without dribbling on which is the mistake you have been making is that listening to us not the minority groups, they make noise but do not carry the weight in the end as im sure you are finding out. We are your people , dont ignore us and dont use us, a protest vote would not be nessicesary if you just became the people you wanted to be in the start of your career, you know what I am saying.
Thank you for listening to me if you did.
phillip faint
Dear Sir
I would like to point out what seems to be a contradiction between One Nation ideology and a certain page on your own website. On your opening page ( ), there is a statement quoted from Pauline Hanson's maiden speech, "We do not want a society in Australia in which one group enjoys one set of privileges and another group enjoys another set of privileges." Indeed I do agree with such a statement. However following links through your website I opened a page titled, "McKiernan takes Spindler sexuality Bill another step" ), while reading this page I realised there was a contradiction. How are gay men, lesbians and transgender people going to share in our country's future if this bill is not passed? Should these people live with a different set of privileges?
(assuming that you define recognition of a relationship as a privilege).
Would you please explain this issue to me?
David Metters.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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