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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Yesterday the payment of Au$500,000 to One Nation candidates was frozen because of the highly politicised action of two disendorsed candidates.
The payment will be held in a bank account by Electoral Commissioner Des O'Shea until the case goes to trial in March next year.
Just Another Attack on Pauline Hanson's One Nation
"Since its beginning Pauline Hanson's One Nation has suffered attacks of all kinds from all quarters, each has been defeated for there was never a basis in fact. This most recent attack is no different.
Pauline Hanson's One Nation is a properly registered Political Party - there is in fact no true case to answer. It should be understood that Mr Terry Sharples, the main person involved in this action, was perfectly happy with our structure, and happy to be our candidate prior to the state election - this point in itself raises questions over his motives.
The Electoral Commissioner, Des O'Shea, has time and time again made it clear our organisation is properly registered and has dismissed all allegations to the contrary.
This unfortunate action taken against Pauline Hanson's One Nation is vexatious and without substance and will be proven as such through the courts.
The only consequence of this action is that Pauline Hanson's One Nation Candidates from the Queensland State election are being obstructed from receiving their funding entitlement to cover their election expenses.
These monies are reasonably expected by our candidates in the state election and are paid in respect of genuine election expenses as proven by receipt. There is no profit and none of this money has any relationship to campaign funds for the coming federal election.
There is suspicion as to who is really behind this current action and certainly the nearly 500,000 Queenslanders who voted for Pauline Hanson's One Nation would not support this unsustainable and un-Australian attack on a legitimately registered organisation.
Whilst we look forward to having our day in court this attack is unprecedented and typical of the unfair behaviour shown towards One Nation. This will be a costly exercise for us but ultimately a more costly exercise for those who have brought this disgraceful action against us."
Statement issued on behalf of Pauline Hanson's One Nation.
Today I will face the students wagging school. The students are being urged not to attend the so-called "rally against racism" - a rally being organised by the Democratic Socialist Party's youth arm Resistance.
I intend to cover the event while wearing my One Nation t-shirt, making it quite clear which side of the fence that I stand on.
The Queensland protest organiser, when quizzed on Channel 7's Today Tonight, admitted that she had not even seen a "Resistance" press release which carried her name and had no idea what was said on the document.
A One Nation State MP, Shaun Nelson, had this to say, "Putting children into the line of fire, into where there's going to be a sea of hatred and violence outsidew Parliament House is child abuse. These Communists need to answer for their actions by organising these protests."
The protests have been timed to disrupt the swearing in of eleven One Nation MPs at Parliament today. Pauline Hanson is expected to attend.
Story tomorrow.
More information on the Darling Harbour scandal can be found here.
Here is another Media Monitor transcript from 25th March 1994:
The Hayson Group of Companies has declined to comment on the record on this morning's disclosures about the Darling Harbour development. An ABC investigation has uncovered evidence of extraordinary business dealings, grossly exaggerated claims and harrassment by companies linked to the shopping and entertainment complex.
Police Minister Terry Griffiths says he is concerned by the allegations and says any documents handed over to state authorities will be investigated.
REPORT. Photocopy of a non-existent document from a mining company which
pegged 21 claims on the eye of the Paterson Range Mineral Deposit (1100 square
km) now Telfer Gold Mine, the largest Gold Mine of Australia.These 21 claims
were pegged under recommendation of geologist Philipp Koehn of Day Dawn.
(from the Narla/Day-Dawn/Newmont/BHP) joint venture. The mere existence of
that company is denied by the Newmont/Newcrest - BHP criminal cartel now,
in their Official Falsified Account of the History of the Telfer Gold Mine
and of its discovery; namelly the "DESERT GOLD" book . n pages
This document demonstrates how a mining companies scuttle themselves Narla
and Day Dawn ) without any consideration for their poor unaware shareholders
CENTURY" . At this point of time some 10 billions$ could be owned by the
FINANCIAL CRIMINALS to the former shareholders of Narla & Day Dawn as
well as to their heirs and descent. This most heinous FINANCIAL CRIME has
been covered up for more than a quarter of a Century by the corrupt and coward
West Australian political class (apart some very rare MPs reminding that
the Solemnly Promised Royal Inquiry had to be convened) and also by FELON
KNIGHTS, who indeed brought a permanent undelible stain on HER MAJESTY'S
The latest Newspoll
The amazing growth in One Nation support nationally, continues:
Party | July 24-26 | July 10-12 | June 26-29 | June 12-14 | May 29-31 | May 15-17 | May 1-3 | Apr 17-19 |
Mar 22-29 | Mar 13-15 | Feb 27-Mar 1 | Feb 13-15 | Jan 30-Feb1 |
Coalition | 35 | 37 | 34 | 37 | 43 | 46 | 43 | 41 | 41 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 44 |
ALP | 41 | 40 | 45 | 40 | 40 | 39 | 41 | 41 | 41 | 44 | 45 | 43 | 40 |
One Nation | 12 | 11 | 13 | 11 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
Democrats | 3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
Greens | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 1 |
Others | 7 | 8 | 5 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 9 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Subject: So sad
I have to speak of my amazement that the Federal Government have stated that they will not speak out about whether or not the school kids should take part in a rally and march organised by the Socialist resistance movement. I think it is tantamount to giving them a green light to expose themselves to an organisation of Anarchists who are part of a world wide dissident group who are always there ,white-anting Democracy and freedom of speach and feeding lies and discontent to the vulnerable , young and unwary, such as students who have absolutely no experience and in a lot of cases not enough maturity to reason with a dilemma of this nature. The older ones parents will be familiar with the threat of socialisam and I will add Communism because they are not too far apart.And they should remember the troubles that these groups have brought on peoples all over the world.
I suspect that during the march the more forward students will be singled out for more on the spot brainwashing and tales of wonder by the organisers and they will be made to feel important and informed that they are natural leaders etc..
I just hope that I am right in thinking that our Australian youth whether born here or overseas will be smarter than to be conned by these losers.
One other thing if I may go on a little longer. This worm person, Sharples or Sharpy or whatever, I don't remember and I don't want to.who I have heard is allegedly working on behalf of the Laboral Party was out smarted in court today by far better people than he. I also heard that One Nation were able to have this cooked up charge against them regarding non-registration of the Party posponed till next year to allow the One Nation sitting members to carry out their work in their new jobs without being pre-occupied with distractions of this sort. The good Lord knows that they are not just on a learning curve but they are up against a lot of desperate people who are in danger of being exposed and losing their Gold Privilages and fine un-deserved lifestyle,and they will be fighting boots and all to damage O.N. members and the Party.
Anyway, what it all means , is that also the re-imbursment of funds to One Nation for Votes won has been delayed and the good people who stood for election are out of pocket. I am guessing but I'm probably right in saying that most of these candidates are just people much like you and I and they have expenses and budgets to stick to and house and car payments to meet and Kids to look after and so on just like you and I. I'd like to suggest that someone , maybe you Scott or someone From the fund raising dept. set up a special address or whatever where we supporters of One Nation can send Donations to help carry the Party through this lean time till the case is settled in the new year . If this is not the right thing to do or if there is some reason why this can't be done, then I think that we should join the Party if we haven't done so already or alternately make an extra donation so the Party can help those that are feeling the pinch and need help for their efforts. ON,ON, PAULINE AND CO.
Dan Stuart.
Subject: Resistance protests
I think it a very sad day when school teachers and their associated head masters send our children on to the street to stand up for the beliefs of their minority ignorant headmaster(s). Such tactics where used in the war when children where used as cannon fodder to buffer the full impact of bullets,shrapnel and associate war weaponry. Are these headmasters and so called school teachers that gutless, that they stand behind the children waiting to see what riots or clashes the children will start on their behalf ? Would these same headmasters and school teacher take full responsibly for any injury or clashes incurred on the children while marching on their behalf ? I think NOT!. In my honest opinion : teachers should very certainly stay out of politics, and stick to teaching. I personal don't recommend teachers entice students to march into the streets on behalf of the headmasters obvious ignorance to the true facts of OneNation.
Keep the children safely in the school grounds were they where put by their parents. May I suggest STRONGLY to the school authority that you first seek 'parental consent' before sending our children marching into the streets on behalf of your ignorant politically motivated campaigns.
Subject: One Nation
I am in full agreement with Pauline Hanson's arguments. She is battling against the Establishment who are trying to denigrate her in order to legitimise their own agendas. Roll on the election when we will see what Australia thinks.
John Parkinson
Subject: Echuca
My parents near Echuca told me that there were only two local aborigines protesting at the One Nation meeting. The remaining all came in from Mildura. I myself, married to an Asian, suffer condemnation (as well as accusations of racism) and personal damage to property because I debate openly the benefits of One Nation. I'll never give up. Australia needs One Nation!
Subject: GO, SCOTT, GO!
Subject: One Nation
I am in full agreement with Pauline Hanson's arguments. She is battling against the Establishment who are trying to denigrate her in order to legitimise their own agendas. Roll on the election when we will see what Australia thinks.
John Parkinson
Re : Allcorp Cleaning, Hayson, Darling Harbour et al :
Keep it up mate, you are an inspiration, but for heaven's sake be careful because you are dealing with some very evil people.
thanks and very best regards
Andrew Hestelow
Subject: Historical Aspects of Democracy in Australia
It would appear from the above article (if true) that our politicians are up the proverbial creek without a paddle.
This would have to be classed as the con of the century. The fact that our politicians could keep such a thing from the public for 80 years is nothing short of amazing but it would explain many things such as why they were so reluctant to have referendums and why the Queen kept telling the Australian people that she would not interfere in governing of another country when the furore over the gun laws was in full swing.
Another worrying thought is,if the Governor-General and the State Governors had no authority then no law passed in the last 80 years is valid because they are the ones that sign the docket as it were.
If, as has been suggested the parties perpetrated this con for the sole purpose of remaining in power, then shooting them would be too good for them.
Alan Esson
Subject: taxes on families
All concerned Australians should read Lucy Sullivan's damning indictment of Australia's tax rip-off of families, courtesy of policies from Hawke onwards (
In 1960 virtually NO tax was paid by a breadwinner until he earned 150% of AWE (average weekly earnings). Today there is no difference in the tax paid by a single earner and a breadwinner with a wife and three children to support. The tax system today gives no recognition to the costs of rearing children. As well in 1960, the top marginal rate came in at 14 times AWE. In 1997 it cut in at 1.4 times!
Sullivan writes: "net family income fails to rise with increased earnings across the range from 50% to 120% of AWE. All families with three teenage children in this range end up with somewhere around $33,000 pa, although the actual earnings at 50% AWE are $18,000 p.a. and at 120% AWE are $43,000 p.a". In other words there is no reward for effort and promotion in this range.
The tax and welfare systems combine to compress family income. Average weekly earnings ($36,000) are reduced to an income level similar to that of families earning only 50% AWE which is raised by welfare to almost $34,000. Sullivan says: "if indeed families at the lower end of the income scale are living in poverty, then average-income employed families are equally poor. This would lead to the conclusion that the MARORITY of Australian families, largely by the action of a tax system which reduces their incomes to welfare levels, are also unable to provide basic living standards for their families with one parent in employment. They would serve their families just as well, in terms of income, if they worked half-time, or not at all".
Families only escape this tax-welfare trap once they earn over $45,000. Sullivan is scathing of a GST, saying it will do nothing to improve the lot of families. For the life of me I fail to see how taxing bread and milk, haircuts and visits to the doctor let alone the odd treat of a Chinese meal or a movie will benefit families. And when I think the well-off will get their Porsches cheaper I'm even less impressed. The US, supposedly a dynamic economy, dosn't have a GST. The very fact that big business favours its introduction also makes me suspicious.
Subject: Hanson tour
Congratulations to Pauline and her team that managed the highly media focused tour around Australia.
Are there any E-mail Petition Targets that require attention?? 60 Minutes?? Education Commission?? Please keep me informed of any e-mail petition strategies that are in progress.
Subject: Higher Migration = More Jobs?
Maybe someone should teach basic maths to the morons who believe that their research 'proves' that high migration creates jobs!(refer attached story)
They say that one new job is created with every ten migrants, but this doesn't mean 9 more unemployed because more than a third don't look for a job (ie they go straight onto a pension, and increase our taxes).
If you ignore the drain on the pension, and if you believe their figures, then every ten migrants results in one new job, and 6 new workers looking for jobs. Primary school maths indicates that the result is five extra unemployed!
These academics usually try to push for higher immigration using their "pyramid selling" theories - migrants increase demand which creates more jobs. The trouble is, they forget that there is already more than enough demand for goods and services in Australia, but there isn't enough income streams to service that demand.
Higher migration will increase demand - the demand for work, the demand for welfare, and the demand for increased migration to create even more "demand".
Eventually, like all pyramid schemes, the system collapses and it is a disaster for everybody.
Gweilo (see article below)
More migrants, more jobs for us all, say academics
By DIANE STOTT in Canberra
Australians looking for work should pressure the Government to increase the number of migrants, says a new study.
Rather than "stealing" jobs from locals, migrants boosted prospects for the unemployed, said the director of the Centre for Economic Policy at the Australian National University, Professor Bruce Chapman.
Professor Chapman and Dr Deborah Cobb-Clark co-authored the research into the effect on jobs of immigration in the past 20 years.
Their unpublished study shows that the chances of locals getting work are even better during periods of high unemployment, as Australia now has.
"For all the evidence, the unemployed are better off, if they want a job, with more migrants coming," Professor Chapman said.
People wrongly focused on the need of migrants to find work, assuming that they took jobs that would have otherwise gone to local unemployed. But they failed to recognise that migrants generated more jobs than they took.
"While they do find jobs, in general the extent of immigrant expenditure is enough that they are net job creators," Professor Chapman said.
On average, each migrant brought $15,000 to Australia, and another $5,000 after arriving. This spending created at least one extra job for every 10 migrants.
And with less than two-thirds of migrants competing for jobs, this meant plenty of work available for those already here.
The study comes after the Prime Minister told Chinese business people in Perth at the weekend that his immigration policy would remain non-discriminatory.
Alluding to One Nation, Mr Howard said some people had been fostering racial tensions, but he believed most Australians held such attitudes in contempt.
One Nation has a policy of zero net immigration and refers to high unemployment as a reason to slash the intake.
Professor Chapman said: "Some politicians say that unemployed Australians are hurt by immigration, that they're stealing their jobs, but the evidence says exactly the opposite." Meanwhile, One Nation is likely to be placed last on most Liberal how-to-vote cards at the Federal election after the West Australian Premier, Mr Court, said yesterday it could not expect any help from his party.
Subject: ole
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Sergio Medina for his honesty about ethnic manipulation, the expression of his deeply felt democratic sentiments, and his tribute to Australia. He has recognized the truth about this country. We don't care where you've come from. If you are here and cherish our culture of "Democracy ,freedom of speach,and a fair go for everyone", you are welcome. You can enrich us with your singing and dancing and cooking, and in return you have the privilege of becoming Australians - the same as us. No better, no worse, just Australian.
In his sentiments Sergio Medina is true blue as far as I am concerned.
Antonia Feitz
Ps. Sergio, despite my un-Australian name I'm also true blue. Some of my ancestors came because of the Irish Famine. Some because they were, ahem, sent. Some because they were adventurous like you. Who cares. We're all Australian and proud of it.
Subject: Re: Criticism by Cretins.
I know I probably do not have to remind you of this, but when Mrs. Hanson or One Nation is derided by the likes of Howard, Beazley, Keating and the Media etc., there are, at the very least, 400,000 Queenslanders on her side who deeply appreciate her efforts.
Frank Andersen
Subject: Federal election and a fair system
I was of the opinion that our system of government and thus our system of election was a fair one. The hype from the media, and the comments made by elected officials from all parties, smells of backhandedness, corruption, secret deals and outright lies to the public.
The accountability of the so-called "government" has slipped dramatically. No longer are parties serving the people, but, like any bureaucratic office, they are further and further pursuing their own ends and hip pockets!
The system is being rorted and the public are being led around like sheep. A fairer ballot system is a priority, and the petty "sooking" by losers which ends up in court with recounts - has to stop. First-past-the-post is the fairest determination of a winner, so why all this preferential garbage and petty bickering and bribing with preferences.
The order of party names should be RANDOMLY placed on all forms and printed material, and the winner is the bloke with the most votes - how much more bloody simpler can I put it!
Craig Bailey
IMPORTANT: Send it to Australian Asians any way you know how.
>This is an open letter to all Asians in Australia, whether citizens, immigrants, or visitors. Pauline Hanson, a small-town woman with a small-town mind, a woman reminiscent of savages from the stone ages, is slowly but surely raising anti-Asian sentiments among white Australians. White Australia used to have an notorious public image as being a racist nation, however efforts by the government, given their enlightened realization that Australia's future is with Asia (and Asians) and that Australia can no longer remain the far lost son of Europe, have Improved Immigration laws in recent years and have successfully marketed Australia to Asia as a viable trading partner. But out of the light does come darkness, Pauline Hanson's One (White) Nation has surfaced -the beast from the abysmal hell of ignorance and prejudice. >
I believe Asians in Australia must make a stand. I'm sure that you love Australia as your home and all the more should Pauline Hanson and the likes of her be silenced.
I invite you to join in this silent and peaceful condemnation of Pauline Hanson, the One Nation Party and all that they stand for. >
yours truly,
This is the sort of trash that no hopers are currently peddling on the net.
Censored for obvious reasons.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation takes
on the 60 Minutes panel - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.