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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
The ongoing saga of Shreddergate will not die. I received feedback yesterday from One Nation State MPs that the Labor Party have viewed our on-line files on the shredding of the Heiner documents. (Documents shredded by order of the Labor Goss Cabinet). In fact, one of their number, Peter Beattie, raised the issue of our web pages in state parliament at the height of the call for five Labor MPs to resign. Beattie referred to the "shadowy information source" backing the claims by One Nation state leader Bill Feldman.
Today's Courier Mail editorial, in picking up the line refers to Beattie's comments thus, "Legal opinion on defamation is a long way from the fact, but suspicion remains over the former Labor government's motives in destroying the documents, including suggestions that it was not unmindful of the interests of union allies. The existence of shadowy forces alleged by Mr Beattie to be driving the campaign to keep a corrosive issue alive during the course of two governments does nothing to allay suspicions."
Maenwhile Democrat Senator John Woodley described One Nation's push to oust the ministers involved in the Goss Cabinet for alleged "criminal offences" in the Heiner Shredding as ridiculous and of serious concern.
Beattie is in full stretch trying to cover up the dirty trail that stands out like the proverbial pimple on the bum and, if correctly investigated, would see five Labor MPs being shown from the house. "There are those who don't want an inquiry into the child abuse at John Oxley... that don't want an inquiry into child abuse generally and they will use whatever means they can to try to stop the inquiry. Well, I've got bad news for them, the inquiry has been set up, it will totally look at all child abuse in these institutions."
Of course Beattie has totally refused to allow the real issue of the criminality of the shredding to be investigated. Laboral are showing their true face - with the Coalition supporting the Labor government in protecting the unprotectable on the floor of Parliament.
I received my "RaceWatch Kit" yesterday.
Here is an extract from my report on this un-Australian trashy exercise in political correctness:
Jeremy Hobbs in his undated letter refers to recipients of the kit as "Dear RaceWatcher".
In his letter he says, and I quote, "Firstly we will distribute kits like this to people to recruit other RaceWatchers and help you promote RaceWatch at events around the country and through the media."
The clear implication of the kit is to "recruit other spies for their cause". I use the word "spy" after careful consideration.
The "RaceWatcher's" job is to go and spy on others - to try and find a "racist" comment made by political parties, political candidates, the media, party workers, and party supporters. Simply put, to intimidate.
It is quite clear that RaceWatch is politically motivated - there is no option on the RaceWatch Report Sheet for "racist" comments made by an individual not associated with a political party.
The politically correct RaceWatch Report Sheet (for outing "racists") devised by these partners has a section which details three race options to mark as having been the target of "racist" comments (is this not in itself divisive, perhaps racist?) The options are: Indigenous Australians; Asian Australians and Ethnic Australians. What happened to an option for "Anglo-Saxon" Australians - is it impossible for another race to make racist comments against them?
The Report Sheet has no provision for the contact details of those being "outed". The Report Sheet on the "racist" is sent back to Community Aid Abroad who then submit it to a contrived "court" made up of politically correct individuals who act as judge and jury. The individuals making up the court are Irene Moss (Asian descent), Trevor Boucher (President of Racial Respect) and Hon Justice Marcus Einfeld (a Jew).
Well today the Australian dollar fell to 56.45 US cents. The media will tell you that it is all to do with the slide of the Russian Rouble - cheaper commodities because of the Rouble's fall and the resulting drop in value of our commodities.
Howard, when questioned on the fall in the dollar on the 7.30 Report last night shrugged his shoulders with the implication that there is nothing he, as Prime Minister, can do about it - even though the bottom line is higher interest rates.
The reason our Au$ is only worth 56 cents today is quite simply because money speculators and hedging companies in the US are making enormous profits for very few at the expense of this nation. We have the Labor Party and Paul Keating to thank for this - the "world's greatest treasurer" a title presented to him by those who are today raping and pillaging this new-look globalised Australia.
Like a little fairy story, "Once upon a time" our currency was locked into a value based on the gold standard. When the money men wanted to bring "rich" countries to their knees they changed the rules. Last year Treasurer Peter Costello sold off a massive amount of Australia's gold reserves - the money simply sinking into this massive pot we call a transient "budget surplus".
Welcome to the new world order, where our Laboral (major party) politicians are little more than stuffed toothless tigers with the balls of your cuddly koala and the resolve of a retreating lost fart in a thunderstorm.
The question we should be asking today is "if we cannot even control something as fundamentally basic as our own destiny why do we need a government in this country? Has globalisation gone so far that the Laboral Party are only a transient government holding the seat warm for new UN governors who will come to rule when Australia is totally stripped bare by the multinationals!"
Subject: Tax reform
What are the chances of One Nation adopting a totally different tax concept, that will blow the opposition away. Can we talk to someone in the know, or have things already been decided?
Hi Reg
One Nation candidates will be briefed this Sunday (in Ipswich) and Tuesday (in Canberra) on the party's new tax policy.
Watch this space for full details on a revolutionary new tax policy that will make sure big business and multinationals pay their fair share of tax... and NO it is not a Debit Tax.
Subject: Olympic Racism
Hi Scott,
On a certain Ch. 10 Comedy / current affairs show tonight it was revealed that the 3 categories that the runner to carry the Olympic torch into Australia must comply with are:
a) Indeginous
b) a gold medal winner (previous)
c) Female
Obviously no reverse racism nor reverse feminism here.
Excuse me, I think I will puke now....
Subject: Why should we assimilate?
To whom it may concern,
multiculturalism and non-violence and my family has been so for a number of generations.
What puzzles me about One Nation policies about assimilation is WHY SHOULD ASIANS/MIGRANTS HAVE TO ASSIMILATE WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU? Every time an Australian visits or resides in China or Asia, They do not begin to call themselfs Asian and nor do they behave like the Asians do. Even if there are migrants in Australia, You are all the better for it. Asians are the glue that bind the threads of your nation together. If they leave, who will be here to train your employees, to mend your mistakes, to finish your work, to make your businesses profitable and to maintain your countries standards? I am an Indian, and will always be so. I will never be an Australian if there are people
My name is S.Verma. I am 13 years old and I live in a small ( and isolated ) town called Bendigo, in Victoria. I often visit large and domestic cities such as Melbourne and Sydney and I have been overseas on a number of occasions. I am very much behind like One Nation to ruin everything.
Where do you obtain your figures that you base your policies on? What do you have against Single Mothers? Are you not a single mother yourself? What have Asians and Aboriginals ever done to you?
The world is all about give and take, One Nation. At the moment, it seems that you are doing all the taking and have nothing to offer to Australia exept disgruntled views and half-baked concepts. Remember, By the time the elections come, some teenagers will be elegible to vote, And their vote is not going to be for you.
Thank you for your patience
Subject: More on printing money
On January 14th 1997, Dr Alan Greenspan, the chairman of the US Federal Reserve Bank and thus the most powerful central banker in the world said: "Let me begin with the fundamental observation that a nation's sovereign credit rating lies at the base of its current fiscal, monetary, and indirectly, regulatory policy. When there is confidence in the integrity of government, monetary authorities - the central bank and the finance ministry - can issue unlimited claims denominated in their own currencies and can guarantee or stand ready to guarantee the obligations of private issuers as they see fit ...
"Central banks can issue currency, a non-interest-bearing claim on the government, effectively without limit".
News Weekly (13/6/98) commented: "Despite Dr Greenspan's clear statement of the power of a Reserve Bank to issue low interest credit in considerable volume, our Federal politicians claim that issuing such credit would be inflationary. This may be the case when the economy is experiencing full employment (i.e. defined as 2-3% unemployment), but when there are well over a million people either unemployed or wanting more work, credit can be expanded for increased investment that creates jobs, without causing inflation".
Why didn't the so-called professional journalists bother to do a bit of research before deriding One Nation for proposing precisely such low interest credit for selected productive purposes? It seems to me that professionalism in journalism has gone the way of the dodo. Rather than put in an honest day's work for their pay - i.e. do some personal research - most journalists are happy to receive and uncritically regurgitate politicians' press releases.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Insider Trading or Political Correctness?
The 'Business' section of the the Melbourne 'Age'[25th August] reported that the two stockbrokers(Dr Peter Woodford[Director of Corporate Services] and Mr Gregory Doyle[an institutional dealer]) at the centre of the so-called 'racism incident' last week i nvolving the old and well-established stock-broking firm J.B.Were & Son have 'resigned'.
The 'insider trading' charge (which did not involve any tangible profit/gain for either of these men) is still sub-judice, although early indications are that it will not 'hold water'. Indeed, Dr Woodford does not face charges at all. Mr Gregory Doyle is being charged along with a finance director (Mr Alan Bartel) from Mining Project Investors, an unlisted company.
One may well ask whether or not these so-called 'resignations' [by two previously highly respected, long-serving and capable men in the broking industry] were not 'forced' by the furore created (and aided/abetted by the media) by multi-millionaire [if not billionaire] Joseph GUTNICK.
Does 'political correctness' now set the course for industry, business, government and the destiny of nations? What price 'political correctness'? [ One cannot help but recall the fate of the former Master of Ormond College (University of Melbourne)....another victim of this hysterical nonsense.]
Apparently, the 'comments' that precipitated the J.B.Were 'incident' were along the lines of 'the Jews are involved in this' or 'the Jews are trading'. And _this_ is the equivalent of a virulent racist slur? My, my! What a thin skin we have, Mr Gutnick.....or, perhaps, we saw an opportunity to use a 'social lever' to further our business interests. Mmmmmm. Whatever, Dr Woodford and Mr Doyle have probably had a 'gutful' of Gutnick!
Dr Woodford and Mr Doyle: commiserations on your mis-fortune. Welcome to the ranks of the victims of 'political correctness'. Perhaps you should consider joining One Nation Party....and maybe even standing for political office: how else can the wrongs be righted?
James Hughes
Subject: Those Damn Protocols again.
Hey Mr SmartyPants who witholds his name if you took the trouble to read your dictionary you would find that a forgery is a reproduction of something! I think a $70 note then, would best be described as an artwork.
As for your sugggestion that Scott might be tacitly agreeing by remaining silent on the issue, I find that offensive. You are obviously not a One Nation supporter or you would know that things are democratic around here. Scott like everyone else has a right to his opinion and he also has a right to remain silent and allow others to express their's. I hope that clears a few things up for you, since it is the Laboral parties who have a penchant for censorship.
As for your pathetic attempt to insult me with that jibe about Ockham's razor. I would just say that William Ockham is long dead and so is his stupid razor principle, since nothing very usefull is being done by the few or the many at the moment! I once lived in Ockham by the way.
Finally yes the ZOGs are getting me down, but your suggestion that I could find the truth about the Jews, from the Jews has me rolling on the floor in hysterics. Thanks for the laugh though. I am still waiting to hear JG Estiot tell me what the Protocols are a forgery of by the way.
Pauline for P.M.
David Morgan.
Subject: Premier Peter Beatme's jolly little Asian junket.
Does anyone have the exact figures as to how much it's cost Queenslanders to have our self-abasing Premier go overseas to try to convince all those Asians that we're not as racist as they are?
Surely most of them already knew this anyway? They're not stupid.
But now they probably think WE are. We must be a laughing stock all over Asia. Let's hope, for his sake, that all the people he met were too polite to laugh in his face.
It would be funny if it wasn't so darned pathetic. And costly.
Thurston Phoremost.
Subject: Legislation not the Solution
The Executive Producer,
LateNights with Tony Delroy,
Dear Simon,
One was torn between relief that this morning's segment was in the "wee small hours" and so would not be reaching and confusing a mass audience and distress that the issue was not receiving the sort of in-depth examination that it undoubtedly deserves.
It was indeed interesting to be reminded that it was a certain John Malcolm Fraser whose Liberal-led "government" was instrumental in introducing the single parent pension (one would normally equate that sort of social engineering with the left factions in the Labor party but then, both Liberal and Labor are committed to materialism and only pay lip service to spiritual and emotional concerns and, of course, votes aren't everything they are the ONLY thing AND the money cost does not come out of their personal pockets).
There are, naturally, a number of aspects of human relationships and activities that defy logic and cannot be effectively managed by legislative or regulatory enactments or, indeed, policed by the bureaucracy. Law will not (as the Chinese discovered) prevent procreation and it is not possible to enact honesty, morality or loyalty.
Senator Lionel Murphy was creditted with expediting the destruction of marriage-based family models by introducing the original Family Law Act although what he had accepted by the parliament was not quite what the drafter of the legislation had proposed - for example, Judges in the Court of Appeal in Family matters are, we understand, not drawn from family law practitioners and are just as likely to be former Judges of the Commercial Court or tribunal with a belief that unemotional contract law is appropriate to a heavily emotionally charged situation.
Much of the work, of Counsellors like Lifeline and Centrecare Telephone or Financial ones, involves relationship breakdown and the awareness that the law in Australia makes it exceedingly easy for a marriage partner to "walk away" from the relationship at the slightest provocation without any real attempt to rescue it and regardless of the consequences for the other party. Certainly the adversarial legal profession makes a good living out of the litigation over property settlements and custody battles that flow from marriage breakdown and so it is quite understandable that many members of that body and of the judiciary (and of court staff) would not want to "rock the boat" by vacating the field.
Some mention was made on the programme to a phenomenon that one caller had observed - social security inspectors are incapable of identifying all the defacto relationships that would result in a reduction in the level of support afforded and so some can effectively "have their cake and eat it too". It would be politically non-viable for the politicians to attempt to correct this anomally during an election campaign.
In the, possibly inaccurate, belief that they can protect their assets, particularly real estate, many people deliberately opt for defacto relationships - the Family Law Courts tend to make unpopular decisions in respect of such matters in the event of marriage breakdown and technically speaking pre-nuptial agreements are probably unenforceable.
Numbers of births in Australia have perhaps not dropped, even though marriages obviously have, and research may well reveal that many citizens have discovered that they can have children to love which will be significantly subsidized by the taxpaying community. One of the callers on the programme indicated that it was not unusual for a father to lose interest in maintaining employment without a partner and with little or no effective access to his own children and this can result in both parents and children becoming social security beneficiaries.
Is there some team in the ABC, Simon, that you can encourage to explore this subject with a view to promoting a greater level of public awareness and if so will you opt for inviting them to follow it up?
J o n M. A x t e n s
Subject: good advice
At the NSW State meeting of the One Nation party at Lithgow on 22nd August, David Ettridge is reported as advising ON candidates to avoid engaging in certain topics. These included Martin Bryant, the Holocaust and conspiracy theories. I think this is good advice.
In the run-up to the election it will be far more productive to concentrate on issues that are of concern to everybody such as unemployment, especially youth unemployment. People should seize upon the Qld Employment Minister Paul Braddy's disquiet at being informed that 60 to 80% of engineering firms are experiencing skills shortages. Why? Because Australia dosn't offer appenticeships to its young people anymore. It's 'cheaper' - "economic rationalism roolz" - to import skilled migrants. That is an obscenity.
As well it will be a herculean task for One Nation supporters to try to educate people that the mainstream media censors information in a big way - more by omission than commision - as we who read anotd know. Either way it is effective.
For example those who rely on the newspapers simply don't KNOW that $200 billion leaves Australia every year tax free. Therefore they don't know that Howard's lauded 'tax reform' is nothing of the kind. They really think he has done his best, so it's up to us to spread the real news that he has chickened out in refusing to touch the multinationals. Save the alleged conspiracy theories for later.
Subject: Sick of it
I am sick of the way this country is being mismanaged.
I am sick of being an average income earner paying hard earned dollars to support lazy non productive people who think this country owes them a living.
I am sick of tax increases, and new taxes, and I wonder, with all the Government cut backs on everything except welfare, where do all these tax dollars go.
If One Nation can take a hard line with these leeches on society and stop selling Australia's assets, put criminals behind bars and treat all Australians equally ( no favouritism towards Aboriginals ) you will get my vote.
Pauline Hanson with One Nation has made people sit up and take notice. The other partys know they now have a fight on their hands. The people knocking you are the ones who can see they are going to loose, or ignorant people being manipulated by the media.
Well done Pauline, and well done One Nation. Keep it up.
A new supporter
Steve Nalder
Subject: Oz will be OK
The assumption that Oz will weather the financial and political storm - which includes the mandatory war - has one fatal flaw. True, we could be independent, provided we can afford to fight the war of attrition that will be ratcheted up as we dig in our heels; you may have noticed the steps so far that have been taken, and if ON appears to be a real threat to THE CITY of Babylon, then away flies the money and, herein lies the fatal flaw:
Since the advent of TV (or Tunnel Vision - same thing), a new breed of Dinosaur (or cannon fodder as they used to be known) has been bred, that is as thick as a brick, and doomed with the same fate as any Dinosaur; they have not a clue about money, can not even recognise economic warfare when it stares them in the face, and any attempt to try to save the Dinosaur class by initiating an independent financial system, will only further confuse and enrage the dumb animals, that will turn against the very ones that were silly enough to try to save them from their inevitable end.
Do not even attempt to convince them of the benefits of printing your own money, just print the stuff to fund the war, draft the Dinosaurs, and send them off to the front; the survivors (there are always some) will know the benefits of an independent money supply, and will defend it till the next Dinosaur breeding season (there always is one, such is life). I will bet on the predictions of Nikolai Dmiryevich Kondratyiev being pretty close to the mark - a fifth economic war about now that eliminates most of the Dinosaurs, and the end of the world depression early in the new millennium.
Subject: How to vote cards
Dear Mr Howard
I have voted Liberal every election since I reached the age of 18, and was also a member of the Liberal Party. I was Secretary of the Randwick Young Liberals some years ago - but unfortunately you will not be getting my vote this time.
Like many others I'll be voting for Pauline Hanson's One Nation, because her views are very similar to mine own. I also happen to be a new Australian.
If you place One Nation last on the Liberal How to Vote card I will put Liberal last on my ballot paper and will advise all my friends to do likewise.
You should think very carefully before doing what many are advising you to do.
Yours truly
Subject: $$$
When Qaddafi threw the NY-Lon consortium out of Libya in 1969, he made a very astute move, when he immediately changed the currency, froze all bank accounts, and allowed a maximum of the equivalent of $200 per week to be drawn by any individual. The effect was to catch the money manipulators with their pants down round their knees, their bare bums visible to all and, everyone was forced to a common level, which made a good foundation to start rebuilding the state. The economic fundies like talking of level playing fields - Qaddafi did it!
The traditional marriage is a thing of the past with de facto relationships being the accepted way of the future - according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Australia's marriage rate per 1000 population:
Current divorce rate at 13 per 1,000 (or over twice current marriage rate).
Almost two in every three people who do get married "live in sin" before the event today - compared to one in four twenty years ago.
Divorces have dramatically increased with Family Council of Queensland spokesman Ben de Jong saying, "There is an acceptance you can jump into a relationship so quickly and get out so quickly. It's easy come, easy go. There is no evidence to show that a de facto relationship is any more stable than a married relationship. I would feel that marriage is a far more stable relationship than a de facto relationship."
The ABS report reveals that:
The average marriage lasts 11.1 years.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
The "RaceWatch Kit - 27th August 1998
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.