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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Yesterday there was a quite extraordinary event in media coverage of political history in the making.
One Nation members and MPs had the opportunity to tackle Laboral head-on in a 60 Minutes confrontation between the new political force represented by about 100 of its number, Graham Richardson for the ALP, Michael Kroger for the Liberal Party and some forgettable man from the National Party.
Follow this link for the story and images.
The Labor Police and Prisons Minister Tom Barton stormed out of a function over the weekend after he discovered he was not on the main table - but Pauline Hanson was.
"Yes," he said, "I left on the basis that I had not been advised that Pauline Hanson was attending but also that Pauline Hanson was placed on the number one table and I was 'bumped' onto another table."
"But it is pretty clear to me that the Logan Chamber of Commerce was treating her as their primary guest of honour.
"I think that was inappropriate particularly as the local member notwithstanding the fact that I am a Cabinet Minister and this was a function being held in my electorate."
Chamber president Michael Ryder-Smith said Barton was "bumped" because he refused to sit at the main table with Pauline Hanson.
David Oldfield said after the incident that Barton showed "he was a very, very small man filled with his own self-importance".
The only way to eradicate racism on campus is to scrap racist programs and the philosophic ideas that feed racism.
Racism will become an ugly memory only when universities teach a valid concept of human nature: one based on the tenets that the individual's mind is competent, that the human intellect is efficacious, that we possess free will, that individuals are to be judged as individuals and that deriving one's identity from one's race is a corruption a corruption appropriate to Nazi Germany, not to a nation based on freedom and independence.
On Saturday I revealed that a number of documents had been placed on the Internet in the US by an unknown party which implicated some high rollers with some rather interesting (perhaps unsavoury) dealings.
I have been referred to a new twist and addition - which can be found here.
And at this link the chronological unfolding of events related to this case - includes links to Supreme Court cases
I received a number of Media Monitors by fax while at the 60 Minutes debate. Here is a transcript of one of them dated 25th March 1994:
Subject: Investigation by ABC Radio has uncovered evidence of grossly inflated claims and harrassment at the Darling Harbour development. Interview with tenants association representative Frank Nijad...
Ellen Fanning: An investigation by ABC Radio has uncovered evidence of extraordinary business dealings, grossly inflated claims and harrassment at one of Sydney's best known landmarks. The Darling Harbour development has been shrouded in controversy ever since it was first proposed 10 years ago but never have the allegations against figures associated with the project been so serious.
An official liquidator is claiming that some of the directors of the management and leasing companies may have acted criminally. This and other allegations plus the evidence uncovered have sparked calls for a full public inquiry into the shopping and entertainment complex.
John Thompson has been investigating the workings of Darling Harbour and here's his report.
Reporter: Darling Harbour was the dream of former NSW Public Works Minister and now Federal Industrial Relations Minister, Laurie Brereton. It was officially opened in a blaze of glory by the Queen in May 1988. It was supposed to have been a festival marketplace, attracting more than 12 million visitors a year.
There were promises of a seven day a week festival by day and by night. Now, six years later, experts and many stallholders in the harbourside complex, claim the promises were misleading and in some cases erroneous.
The Tenant's Association's Frank Nijad.
Nijad: Originally they told us that the company is a very wealthy company and that tenants are going to be successful, they will take every step in order to make the shopping centre successful and it is nothing like it.
Reporter: But the story becomes more extraordinary looking at the financial dealings of the compaines behind the project. harbourside is into its thoird management company, the first two are in Liquidation with combined debts of more than Au$390 million.
A confidential report to the Australian Securities Commission by one set of liquidators reveals serious financial irregularities. It says the ASC should investigate whether there has been any criminal activity.
Ian Hayson, a board member of the two companies in liquidation, is also a director of the present management group. His father, Tom, is a director and is also on the board of one of those in trouble.
Other documents obtained by the ABC show unusual dealings over the car park behind the Sydney Entertainment Centre. A leasing deal involving extraordinary high sums of money done between two related companies.
Ian Hayson is a director of one, he is a previous director of the other. There have been interesting staff movements between the Darling harbour Authority, a government body and the management companies in liquidation.
Of particular concern to many stallholders is the attitude of the management. Gordon Green, former Chairman of the Tenant's Association, sayd he got a call from the Center Manager after circulating a meeting agenda with an item on management performance.
Gordon Green: He said, "I have had enough of this shit. I am not going to put up with any more of it. I thought I could work with you but now I see I can't. I am not going to renew your lease. Now you think about that." and bang down went the phone.
Reporter: Frank Nijad had a similar experience after calling in a newspaper reporter at a meeting.
Nijad: Since then I personally, our family personally, have been subject to harrassment day and night.
Reporter: One stallholder is already taking legal action in the Federal Court against the leasing company for alleged misrepresentation. He claims to have been harrassed dince the action started.
Stallholders are now pushing for a full public inquiry. It seems previous investigations have'nt worked. A parliamentary inquiry nearly four years ago failed to get some basic facts right and many of its key recommendations are yet to be implemented.
The ICAC recently decided it was'nt worth taking any further (action) but legal documents show at least one of its reasons was wrong. In the past many of the stallholders have been frightened to speak out. A full public inquiry now appears the only way the controversy which has dogged Darling harbour since the beginning, can be sorted out once and for all.
Much more to follow... the jigsaw puzzle is just starting to unravel.
Subject: Exposing the Lies
G'day there,
I found it interesting how we are now seeing the youth in this nation being manipulated to the requirements of the proponents of Australia's current policies. Few things these days surprise me anymore.
The reason I have sent this is to clear up and expose a common misconception which is being used to keep people running chasing their tails.
I noticed that many of the children in the recent demonstartions were using the term Nazi to describle Pauline Hanson. This clearly depicts their ignorance of the meaning of the word.
Now pay close attention to what I am saying as it is very important. This is an issue the socialist/marxist thugs do not want you to know about. The mainline media and the established educational institutions do not teach this.
We are told that on the scale we have communism at one end and socialism at the other. This is what we are expected to believe. It is a lie!
Every scale has two ends. The ends of the scale are always opposing to each other. On the scale of right and left, you have one end that has total control, and one end has absolutely no control. This is the scale that measures right and left.
Now if liberalism equals socialism equals communism, and those things lead to more control by bigger and bigger government, then the left must be the side of the scale which has control, and indeed, it is. Witness the old Soviet Union. Witness Cuba's communist regime. Communism is just an extreme of socialism. Both the ALP and the Liberal Party have socialistic objectives (clearly proven by their policies) but they are merely puppets for the real players.
Now, how can the right wing be portrayed as Nazi-like if the extreme of the right wing is the complete absence of control--in other words, anarchy?
Both extremes are bad!
"Nazi" was slang for the "National Socialist Workers Party," and it is on the left. Socialism rides just a little above communism.
Somewhere toward the middle of these two extremes is what is known as a republic.
Right wing, traditionally, is for less government, less control, more freedom.
As the Marxists begin their campaign to bring more control into your life, the way they get you to oppose less control is by portraying the right of the spectrum as Nazi's wanting to enslave you, control you. It is a lie.
People on the right want less government, less control, more freedom.
The extreme of the right, anarchy, is bad. It cannot work.
The government situated somewhere in the middle which is limited in power by a Constitution is the ideal form of government. This is how the United States government used to be, yet it is not like this now.
I hope all that end up reading this understand what I am trying to explain. The propoganda in this age is so prevelant it is so difficult to get people to sit back and think for themselves for once. The poison from the mainstream sources of information severly impairs people's critical thinking processes.
>I think that demonstrations by school children marks a new low in politics and in the teaching profession. In the Vietnam era lecturers got tertiary students to protest against the Vietnam War which was still an abuse of their position. But for secondary teachers to use children is right over the top. Many people make out Pauline a Nazi but it is the protesors (at Hawthorn and Bendigo) who are the real Nazis. Whatever one might say about Pauline she has got the other side to come out in its true colours.
Greg Byrne
Subject: Pauline Hanson
Dear Sir,
sorry I missed Pauline Hanson's visit to Perth ! I work at the Alcoa alumina refinery in Pinjarra and just wanted to say that most of us chant your name !. you indeed are a whirlwind ! we love ya !!!. At the moment I am watching the most bias anti one nation segment I think I have ever seen 60 minutes regarding single mums. I a male was on sole parents and I can honestly say , its a joke, the amount they threw at me , and I agree with you , something has to be done about it.
Please dont loose heart Pauline, there are millions of people with you on many issues !.The brain washing by these shows to the Australian people has been awakened by your statements ! and yes were not going to put up with it anymore are we !
Raymond !!
Subject: Support and help
Dear sir:
I belong to a spanish speaking community, and is amazing how manipulative its mentors and leader can be.
Unable to understand or speak english ,they have to rely on people with vested interest to explain them , what is going on in Australia.
I came to Australia in 1983 from Argentina and inmediately fell in love with this country. Democracy ,freedom of speach,and a fair go for everyone, are australian values and I don't want them to change or desappear I will do my best , not to convince people , but to get them, well informed , and promote a civiliced discuss of ideas.
If they really believe in democracy let it take its course. I will probably dont agree with all your policies , but I think you have the right of express them freely.
Spanish Inquisition burnt books to stop people reading them, today those who are for democracy, disrupt meetings,to stop citizends expressing their points of view.
Yours faithfully
Sergio Medina
Subject: To be informed
Dear Friends fom One-Natin
You are the real future of Australia. I wish to have all iformations about One Nation news.
I have a lot to say but I have to be sure that my informations will be able to reach The Addresee.
All the best
Alojzy Runiewicz
Subject: ammo
This is a topic that could do with some One nationing:
Why are mining royality payments to Native Australians are not classed as income for centerlink and ATO purposes? I think it is strange that an Aboriginal family that get royality payments from MIM, Nabalco and Ranger uranium can get $60,000 per annum in mining royality payments and still get Socail security and a health care card? Some Aboriginal families have family income with royality + DSS of $80,000+ but don't pay any tax how come?
Truth hurts (ouch)
Darwin N.T.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Blantant lies are out, subtle suggestion is in. Jim W on the Channel Nine Sunday program this morning has chosen to use the word "peddling" when referring to One Nation trying to air their policies. The use of this word places One Nation policies in the same basket as drug pushing. Very clever use of the English language with the connotations of using this word being that spreading One Nation policies are as evil as pushing drugs.
Democracy only seems important to these people as long as they have there own way at all times.
Phil M.
Subject: One Nation Party
Dear Pauline Hanson,
Are you sure that you couldn't come to England for a while, you would be the best man here. The BBC (and the first 'B' doesn't mean 'British' these days) is celebrating 50 years of black immigration tonight. We English count for nothing these days.
God best you and your endeavours,
Best wishes,
Tony Baggett
Subject: State of flux
What an interesting state of political flux exists today. Yet so many don't seem to understand why. It appears that the majority do see and hear, but their window of perception is opaque; the truth is not filtering through.
Unfortunately too many people lead insulated frenetic lives where the pursuit o egoism and station has replaced the truly important values of life. If only a little time could be devoted to sit back, listen, and actually think, perhaps more individuals may realise that their steady diet of misinformation has reached such fantastically outlandish proportions that something really is amiss, and most definitely afoot in the greater landscape or our nation.
One Nation supporters are continually portrayed as illiterate, redneck, racists; how derogatory and pathetically untrue. Most l have met are conservative (from both sides of politics), proud, patriotic Australians - from every walk of life and various ethnic origins, who are prepared to stand up and fight for their fellow citizens, They fight for what everyone holds dear, i.e. truth, freedom, and equal opportunity in our politically besieged future.
Yes, Ms Hanson makes mistakes - who doesn't? But do try to realise the exacerbation of trying to do so much, with very little help and far too much hindrance.. l can forgive the mistakes for I feel the tenets of her arguments are grounded in the truth. The truth, what a sadly rare commodity, in the circles of influence in this nation. It is as if the suppression of facts is a preferred option, the easy way out perhaps?
Ask yourselves why? Take the time to absolve your prejudices and really think -our future depends on it. Seek the truth and realise it for yourself
Caroline Haskard Kingaray
Subject: Re: Aboriginal voting and the 1967 Referendum
I watched with interest thinking Pauline had put her "foot in her mouth", dont worry most if not all Pauline supporters know what is right anf what is not. Reporters are thier own worst enemy and our allies at the moment. Like the "pollies" they have not got a clue as to what Pauline is about and what is happening to politics in OZ.
We do !
Keep up the good work we know where your comming from and believe where we are going.
Phill Lawrence
Subject: Racism.
I thought you might like to read this spirited denunciation of racism/diversity and defence of individualism (attached), which comes from the Ayn Rand Institute site in the United States.
On a lighter note, an email pen pal over there tells me that the term the irreverent use for multi-culturalism is "multiculty". I think that this an Americanism that we could well adopt. I have!
Allen Ford.
Subject: Pauline Pantsdown
That song was meant to stir up the people it concerned, much like One Nation itself. The song got banned, which I hope will also happen to One Nation over the recent inquiry over the party's income statement. I say, "Let the schmucks fry" and let people poke harmless fun. After all, political satire has been around far longer than Pauline Hanson. No-one wants to ban Leuning cartoons and they make defamatory statements almost on a daily basis.
Simon Taft
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
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on the 60 Minutes panel - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
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The Barbara Hazelton
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QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
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lies exposed - 11th June 1998
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new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
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The backlash to
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