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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
"One Nation struggling as Hanson faces defeat" is the proud headline broadcast by News Limited's The Courier Mail today. This paper, at the forefront of doing its master's bidding of "killing the cow" will forever be seen as one lacking in credibility by a growing number of thinking Australians.
The paper bases its headline on
its own "CM Research"... which claims that Liberal Cameron Thompson (seen
here right with Victorian state premier Jeff Kennett) will win the seat based
on preferences 51-49.
Meanwhile former Governor General Bill Hayden predicts Pauline Hanson will defy the polls and win her Queensland seat of Blair. Bill Hayden lives in the electorate and says he will be voting Labor number one and a Coalition candidate number two. But he says it is unlikely to have much of a difference on the end result.
"I suspect she'll win it in spite of what's being said," he said, "I think the polls are incapable of developing or recording the views of what is a rather a complex socially and economically structured electorate. It's much different to just a farm electorate or an urban electorate."
Back in New South Wales Pauline Hanson attracted a large crowd of supporters in John Howard's Sydney electorate of Bennelong last night. She also faced a noisy group of protesters outside the meeting. Before the One Nation leader's arrival, about 50 protesters, most from the socialist Resistance group, exchanged heated words with One Nation supporters, with both sides accusing each other of racism and of divisive politics.
However, a strong police presence kept the protesters out of the meeting, and once inside, Miss Hanson received a standing ovation from more than 250 supporters. She told the gathering One Nation would increase its presence in Federal Parliament in the October 3 poll, and warned the major parties she would not go away.
Pauline told the meeting, "When I walk back into Parliament with my fellow One Nation members beside me we will then show them how wrong they are." "They" can obviously include the biased News Limited media.
The battle for election preferences has intensified, with the Coalition warning a goods and services (GST) protest vote next week could hand victory to Labor. Both the Coalition and Labor are scrambling for as many preference votes they can attract. Liberal Party federal director Lynton Crosby says every vote on election day will count.
"This is a very tough election. No-one has ever hidden that fact and preferences and protest votes will be instrumental in determining the outcome of the result," Mr Crosby said.
A substantial GST protest vote, Mr Crosby fears, could cost the Government the election, so the Coalition is appealing for the preferences of all minor party voters, including those backing One Nation.
Yesterday John Howard openly appealled to One Nation voters on talk back radio to put Liberal second.
Meanwhile the Laboral factions are openly showing Australia their true face with their gleeful partnership in "morally" putting One Nation last and exchanging preferences on "how-to-vote" cards being countered by their plea for One Nation voters to put them second "if you have got to vote One Nation first".
Beazley's Labor in making the same appeal says, "The safe thing for people to do is vote Labor if you don't want a GST or a privatised Telstra, that's what you do, you vote Labor."
If there is one thing that the Laboral factions (Liberal, Labor and Democrat) can be sure of is, come election day, they will be wrong about how One Nation allocate preferences.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realise that the major parties have gone out of their way to destroy the rise of people power when it rose in the form of Pauline Hanson's One Nation. In the next article we will look at the "immigration" debate - a debate effecting Australians and raging thanks to the discussion stimulated by Pauline Hanson. A debate which gave the mainstream media the opportunity to justify, incorrectly, that Australia's wonder woman is a "racist" heading up a racist party.
I am faintly amused at the article in today's Courier Mail headed "Kernot hangs on to the lead in race for Dickson". I know that, come polling day, Kernot will shudder when she looks at One Nation how-to-vote cards putting her last. The newspaper polls estimate that One Nation's candidate holds about 10% of the vote in that seat. 10% of preferences being directed to the Liberal candidate will, with Kernot's narrow margin, see the end of the political career of one of Australia's icons of political correctness.
This divisive woman who is anti the family and anti Australian represents the tiny core of the minority factions that were once needed to shore up her Democrat vote (before she jumped from the sinking ship). The unspoken change in her position, somehow overlooked by the mainstream media is a quantum shift from one leading the queer debate for equal rights to suddenly speaking for the Mums and "traditional" families of Australia.... even her former party's founder Don Chipp despised her before she jumped.
Kernot, in many ways, represents the outcome of a sick political system shored up by media mates with deals in the backroom. Next Saturday many of the off-spring of this system will be side-lined as One Nation preferences start taking their toll... there will be no favours and have no doubts Labor can kiss goodbye any hope that they have of taking government in the Lower House.
The issues like the GST and the sale of Telstra which One Nation stand firmly against and which Labor throw out as a line for the second preferences of One Nation voters will be challenged in the Senate where the Coalition will not have the numbers.
Here, One Nation will have a big say in what happens and one thing is for certain - despite the rhetoric of the Laboral factions they could be justifiably called "the same political prostitute just wearing different panties".
The enemy to Australia's future is Laboral's globalisation - and as Graham Strachan says in his excellent book "Globalisation, Demise of the Australian nation":
The two main aims of economic rationalism are "deregulation" and "privatisation". The purpose of deregulation is to force smaller nationally owned businesses to compete with huge TNCs in the national economy on a phony "level playing field" in which the stronger cannot lose, the ultimate effect of which is to enable TNCs and international investors to buy up and "rationalise" nationally-owned businesses and destroy potential competitors.
The purpose of "privatisation" is to transfer ownership and control of all publicly-owned assets, including essential services, out of the ownership and control of national governments into the hands of internationalists. There is to be no Australian-owned national economy, and the fraudulent policy of "privatisation" is one of the ways Australian governments can assist the engineers of "globalisation" to achieve that goal. Again the language of "free market economics" is used to conceal the real nature of the "globalisation" process.
While Labor makes much of the sale of Telstra they conveniently forget that it was their government which privatised Qantas and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. It was their government which signed the FSIA.
Both Laboral factions clearly represent big business... the only difference between the two is that Labor is an economic cowboy. And Australia does not need that at the moment.
While One Nation has battled to make its mark in this federal election, because of the invidious role of the media barons pulling the strings of their puppet-like chiefs-of-staff, it will be the few lower house seats and few upper house seats that the party holds which will control the balance of power in this country.
From these small beginnings will rise a new voice for the people - however muted it might be in these early days the fight against the system has just begun - and the front-line on Saturday will be preferences and ensuring that Labor cannot form government.
One Nation preferences will achieve this aim.
You know that something is amiss when the home of political correctness, the Australian National University in Canberra start reporting "positively" on One Nation.
Here is an extract from that article:
Every other party attacks her (Pauline Hanson), including the Democrats, who have the same immigration policy of "zero net replacement", and the conservative wing of the Coalition who share many of her attitudes.
Have the polls got it wrong (as they did in the recent Queensland state election) or is the bubble about to burst?
Multiculturalism and ethnic variety are clearly not issues for the major parties.
Yet a National Party candidate, Ted Shephard, who says Australia should process no new immigration applications for three years calls One Nation's position "extreme". Shepherd is contesting the Gold Coast seat of McPherson, a blue-ribbon conservative seat previously held by former Liberal turned Christian Democrat, John Bradford.
Mr Shepherd says a three-year moratorium would allow Australia to assess its resources and requirements. He says his suggestion is quite different from One Nation's position on immigration. "The One Nation Party is all about extremism, they want to stop immigration totally," he said, "We don't. We simply want to have a halt in proceedings so we can review the situation and then move on into the next millennium with a definite idea in place as to what our requirements are.
"Now if the future needs come out and suggest that we do need to raise our level of immigration, then that's appropriate. But at present we seem headlong on allowing as many as possible into the country whereas we need to just have a review," Mr Shepherd said.
Of course Ted Shepherd is a drongo - One Nation has pushed the view that immigration should be based on "zero net growth". If he had bothered to go to the immigration debate last weekend and to listen to One Nation Immigration spokesperson Robyn Spencer he would know that he was misleading a compliant press who will report anything negative against One Nation without question.
In Peter Walsh's autobiography "Confessions of a failed Finance Minister" he reveals that the Labor party, in its quest to buy the immigrant vote not only pushed immigration to levels that cost Australia dearly, it also tried to cover its traces by funding pro-immigration research - which resulted in the birth of "multiculturalism".
"Migrations adds more to demand than it does to supply, ipso facto it blows out the current account deficit. (Apologists for immigration, such as BIMPR either deny this fact or claim it applies only in the short term. This could be true for a once-only immigration intake, but not for an ongoing programme)... [Hence] an immigration programme of 140,000 a year had an adverse current account effect between four and six billion dollars," says Peter Walsh.
There is an excellent book on the subject of immigration. It is called "This Tired Brown Land", by Mark O'Connor and is published by Duffy and Snellgrove in Sydney.
Here is an extract from the book: "In Australia by 1990, "racist" had come to mean little more than "anti-high immigration" or even "inclined to criticise the (bizarrely named) multi-function polis".
Only in France has the VAT fallen since it was first imposed. Back in 1968, it was 20%. Today it's "just" 18.6%. The French must all be sighing with relief.
Just about everywhere you look, the VAT/GST is a tax that only goes one way: up.
I wonder how the ABS define "Aboriginal". I would not be surprised if a few of them were white people who married aboriginal partners & were "accepted into the tribe & land claims". There is a few white fellas in the tribes in northern WA. One guy is Swedish apparently. What a joke. Or are we the idiots not getting in on the gravy train, while paying for it??
Name withheld
Greetings from Borneo
I have just browsed your page and I really admired your leader. In fact while I was on a holiday in Perth recently, I managed to catch a glimpse of Pauline Hanson and that made me happy. I shared with her views although I am an Asian myself asI understand her feelings. Blaming her being racist, etc, etc to me is rather unfair and I suppose the people who called her names where either misinformed or just don't know the whole picture.
As such, I would be grateful if you could kindly please tell Pauline that I am one of her Asian supporters.
Or could you please if possible let me have the e-mail address of Pauline.
Thanks and regards,
Jaithish John
One Nation preferences
Todays news shows Howard and Beasly frantically calling on ONE NATION VOTERS to give them their preferences. Hey, do they no something? We are told by the polls that ONE NATION is at an insignificant 6 or 7%.
Bye for now,
Phil the Dill
To Glen Wallace
Dear Sir,
Your correspondent is everything but poor and insignificant.
Glen is the richest man in the world because he has control of his own mind. That in itself is a power that others of his age will envy.
Wealth has nothing to do with money. All wealth is in the mind.
Insignificant Glen - never in a month of Sundays
Allan W. Doak
Labor= Return to PC
I believe a Beazley government plans to apologize to 'indigenous' people on behalf of the nation. If it does it will be a most divisive act because millions of Australians are nauseated by such political correctness.
Imagine a Roman emperor apologising to the Gauls and the Britons for conquering them! Only a debased civilisation would even consider it. Only ingrates would so insult their own ancestors. Only stupid people judge eighteenth century people by twentieth century standards - or lack of them as in this case. Only despicable people apologise for things they have not done.
Will your vote be counted?
Dear Sir/Madam,
There was an article in the Age to-day (Friday 25/9/98) on page 15 of Opinion by Albert Langer about voting for neither of the ALP/co-alition parties which has major implications for your party.
The AEC has declared that votes that block preferences eg 1 given to One Nation; 2 to Independent; 3 to Lib; 3 to ALP (notice no preference for either ALP/Libs) will be counted as informal. What this means is that it is possible that some of your votes will not be counted. According to Albert Langer's lawyers, the legislation was bungled, hence IT IS STILL LEGAL TO VOTE IN THAT FASHION.
The fact is many people will be voting like this, and possibly for your party. As I understand it, every formal vote with a first preference is actually worth about $1.80 to the party. So, not only is it possible that your votes are going to be thrown in the informal pile, but your party will not receive money IT HAS A RIGHT TO.
Therefore, I suggest you appoint scrutineers that oversee the counting procedure and make sure all votes and revenue are forthcoming.
Finally, I would like to add that I am totally against the One Nation party because I believe its policies are unfair because I think people in need should be given assistance and we all have different needs. One Nation is totally ignoring the needs of minority groups. However, I do think it is important that if someone votes for your party, their vote should be counted!
Yours sincerely,
Matthew Bond.
Democrats - Honesty?
"Honesty, tolerance and compassion" was the guiding principle of the Australian Democrats under Don Chipp and Janine Haines. In 1993, under the leadership of Cheryl Kernot and Meg Lees, it was officially replaced by "the electoral objective--the pursuit of political power above all other objectives".
The same ambitious sisterhood devised and used machine politics to destroy an equally sacred principle of the founding Democrats--participatory democracy within the party. Their first successful experiment was the public humiliation and executive removal of leader Senator Janet Powell, a former close colleague of Don Chipp. This resulted in the loss of several other principled senators and the abysmal result of the 1993 election.
Senator Lees has not reinstated the former principles. Her mouthing of them in this election campaign is therefore a desperate act of deceit--a cynical affront to the many who were purged from the Democrats for prizing principle above power and ambition.
Brian Jenkins
We are focussed on providing Telstra MobileNet customers with continuous improvements in customer service and billing solutions. we are pleased to announce that we are now able to extend the advantages of quarterly billing to selected mobile phone users, such as yourself.
Quarterly biling is a new service, designed to save you time, effort and money.
SAVE TIME You only pay one bill every three months
SAVE EFFORT You only have to worry about paying four bills per year, instead of twelve
SAVE MONEY You could also save on postage and potentially save on bank charges
As a valued customer, you have been selected to receive the benefits of quarterly billing. To accept this offer, you don't need to respond, your next account will automatically be part of this new service.
Your next account will include your network access fee for the next three months, plus any call charges for the current month. After this you will not receive a mobile phone account for another three months.
If you do not wish to receive your bill quarterly, you will need to telephone our Customer Care Centre before September 29, 1998. You can reach us on 1300 656 630 and for your convenience, we are open 24hours a day, 7 days a week.
we hope that our quarterly billing service will provide you with greater ease and convenience. If however you do not believe it will assist you, please do not hesitate to call our Customer Care Centre on 1300 656 630 and we will be happy to continue your monthly billing service.
Yours faithfully,
Greg bailey
In response to this letter I rang the telephone number as given in the above letter and spoke with a pleasant female person who did give her name but i will with hold this at this point.
I asked who were United telecommunications and was advised that they had now changed their name and were now called Customer Service Management. I asked, so you are a private company that now do Telstra's billing services? She advised me that this was correct I said to her I had received the letter that her company had sent in reference to quarterly billing and she acknowledged that she knew what i was referring to.
I asked her if I didn't want this service and stayed with monthly billing would this incurr an extra fee on my account. I was informed that this would not happen and no extra charge would be forth coming. I then told her that I did not want the quarterly billing service as per their letter.
At this point she said that that's o/k and she would have to get some ID from me and then asked me for my address, which I gave. Then she asked me for my birthdate and at this point I balked and told her this was unecessary as I just don't want anything to change.
This lass then asked me to hold and obviously went off to talk to someone. A short time later this lass came back and said that she needed 4 types of ID.
I said that I fail to see the necessity of this.
She replied that the offer was sent to( name withheld) and they needed to confirm that they were speaking with the right business.
I told her that this is an offer made that I am declining and that under those circumstances I do not need to do any such thing and further more as she was representing a private company that is not the company that I have my phone service with I feel that there is a need for them to ID themselves to me. Not only that, as i run ( name withheld) a business that requires a certain amount of anonymity and have a silent listing, just how is it that you have our details in the first place.
At this point I gave this lass implicit instructions that her company may write to me ,but I would not enter into any further dialogue over the telephone on this matter and that i do not accept their offer and wish my account billing system to remain on a monthly system.
This lass was at a bit of a loss as to what to say and the conversation was concluded.
A number of matters rear their head here that i feel should be addressed.
(1) Telstra was touted to the public as needing to be privatised to enable it to be more competetive in the open market a result partial sale of Telstra to the public was carried out. All who invested believed that they were doing the right thing. now we find that Telstra is out sourcing to further private companies such as this United Customer Management Solutions Pty Ltd. Do the profits of this company go towards the dividends of Telstra shareholders, or as i suspect, the shareholders are shown the fees of this company as being an out going for Telstra.
(2) If this new billing company is another private company and this now has access to not only the private details of all Telstra's clients (and we are not sure just how in depth these details might be, but they were prepared to ID me from some fairly personal information) along with the amounts each of these clients spends and maybe even the numbers called, does this not bring back the fear many of us had in respect to our countries commercial security let alone our National one.
(3) If this company is just receiving a block figure owed by each client then surely Telstra has done the accounting work and the billing service need only be a computer generated invoice compiled in house. A company the size of Telstra can not use the excuse that the infrastructure which it had is now not profitable. Just who is this billing company and it's affiliates. National or Multi-National? Who are the directors?
(4) This account in question here is one that accumulates a pretty pultry amount monthly and it obvious that they are not trying to do me any favours, but in fact are trying to cut their own overheads down by less invoicing. Along with attempting to get me to pay for my network access fee
3 months in advance instead of my present monthly situation. When people are on the breadline so to speak this could find many people having used the funds normally spent monthly on their phone bill for other purposes and when the bill comes in that is 3 times larger than normal, they may not be able to meet this obligation.
(5) An offer is made to accept or decline what is offered. This is a change made with out consent and you only have the right to decline. The department of fair trading should be looking into the legalities of this maybe.As even to decline this offer the potential earnings to Telstra in lay terms could be quite substantial.
Sorry to be long winded here Scott ( i heard that) btu i thought this might be of some use to ON.
Duane Langley
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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