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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
The political reputations of a Queensland Independent and the minority Labor Government took an almighty battering yesterday.
A carefully prepared question session on the Shredding of the Heiner documents by the One Nation Party was trivialised by the Labor Party who dodged the questions with non-answers and taking up the time with stupid Dorothy Dixes like the question to Peter Beattie, "Do you think your trip to Asia was a success?"
Perhaps we should not be surprised that Labor's most favoured son, Independent Peter Wellington, sided with them when the serious issue of investigating the shredding of the documents was supported by the Coalition. If he had had an ounce of credibility in his political body he would have sided with the inquiry which would have had major repercussions on the Labor Party.
The move was to get two barristers to investigate the shredding after Labor was forced to release the 1990 Cabinet documents to get the support of two independents Wellington and Liz Cunningham to form the minority government in Queensland.
Coalition opposition Family Services Minister Denver Beanland argued that the move was "the only sensible course" now that the Cabinet documents had been made public.
The Premier, Peter Beattie, spat the dummy at One Nation accusing it of manipulating the issue for political gain. While he does so archivists from all over the world shake their heads in shame at this little man who makes much of his integrity - integrity which, under these circumstances would be on a par of Bill Clinton being left alone with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Room (not that he is anywhere near being in the same league).
"How long is this going to go," Beattie said, "This is nothing more than a political vendetta.. there are no facts to substantiate your case."
But of course there are and when One Nation leader Bill Feldman passed a letter to journalists the dummy spit by Beattie became a major case of paranoia when he said, "There will be some legal action," in an attempt to try to intimidate the journalists who had been handed the material.
One of the ugly faces of "multiculturalism" came to the doorstep of many Queenslanders yesterday when two Vietnamese men were critically injured in a daylight attack in the backyard of a block of units in Indoorpilly. The attack in Central Avenue, Indoorpilly took place just two weeks after Police netted a Au$1 million bounty of uncut heroin from a flat in the block of units.
Although the Police would not confirm it, it appears the incidents are linked.
In the attack eight men wielding machetes and cleavers set on the other two after parking their cars in front of the flats - literally cutting them to pieces as residents in the units frantically rang 000.
A witness said, "A couple of men were running behind the units and there were weapons being waved everywhere. Things like meat cleavers and machetes, everybody seemed to have a weapon."
Police made a number of arrests later in the day as one of the car number plates was recorded and the details handed on. The police found a machete at the Doolandella address in south western Brisbane.
Meanwhile a Vietnamese spokesman John Vu, from the Vietnamese Community of Australia, said he was concerned that the Vietnamese community would be unfairly sighted in the incident.
This just days after it was revealed that Vietnamese from Cabramatta, the drug capital of Australia, had started handing out free samples of honey and heroin (or starter kits) to young children at schools in Bundamba, Ipswich - just ten minutes drive from my office. The Vietnamese thugs are attempting to set up a new distribution point as their tentacles of drug running spread across Australia.
This is what the National Crime Authority report says on Asian Crime:
"Some 80% of the heroin seized in Australia can be sourced to the Golden Triangle' - that is, to the area in south-east Asia where Burma, Thailand and Laos meet."
Here is an extract from the article:
A goods and service tax would not be the magical elixir to solve the nation's economic problems, Prime Minister John Howard said yesterday.
In response to the growing number of welfare and business groups calling for a GST as part of widespread tax reform, Mr Howard warned there was "a danger in the present atmosphere".
Subject: Bravo!
If only there were politicians in the U.S. with Ms Hanson's character!
Bill, US
Subject: Youth Suicide Forum
Dear Sir,
I attended the Peoples Forum on Youth Suicide, and I was dismayed about the lack of advocacy between the minister for family services and the delegates. He said we are doing this and that for youth suicide, but numbers are on the rise, especially in remote areas where I live, so it wasn't working. It would have been good to have a politician at the workshop, it wasn't that great seeing them come for the cameras and leave again.
I am a 17 year old student from a station in the Northern Territory, and I travelled a long way to make a difference. We ended up with 1000 recommendations, and have put them to the policy makers.
I met a One Nation candidate for Riverina at the forum, I think he was about the only person who was of the political nature attending, and he was genuine about his cause. As a young person I should see One Nation as an anti-asian, anti-everything party because of the hype and the media's mis-representation, but I don't. I would like to say that even though you didn't make it to the Youth Suicide Forum, the fact you still made a personal comment about how you felt about the issue was important, and I hope if you get the balance of power in the senate, you make the government think about what they are doing, because it doesn't seem you will cop out like the Nationals.
Damien Moriarty
Subject: American agression.
You were spot on with your lead article in anotd on Sunday. They would be the greatest stirrers in the world . I remember when Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State , he used to visit Africa and we used to have bets on how long it would be after he left the country before trouble started . I think a month was the longest .
I agree with you about Iraq and North Korea , That is nothing short of genocide , and to make innocent children suffer is not very humane in my opinion . The business with Iraq is an example of the world's financial leeches wanting to get their greedy paws on Iraq's oil , But Saddam won't play .
I cannot agree with you though with regards to sanctions being placed on Australia if we didn't do as we were told . I do not think there would be "appalling poverty" Australia is self sufficient and although the standard of living for some may be lowered somewhat , we should survive . We may even thrive without all those imports !
Finally , there is a question I would like answered : What are the yanks doing at Pine Gap ???
Alan Esson.
Subject: Comments on Australian news of the day
We are now seeing in Indonesia the terrible consequences of a defenceless population against a powerful government. We can see how the government ruled with absolute power under Soeharto's regime and in particular how the army ruled the provinces with absolute power. They terrorised the defenceless local communities.
This is the final fate of a defenceless civil population. This is the reason that some countries have enshrined in their constitution the right of citizens to be armed. It is not because they like guns it is because an armed population is the next level of safeguard against a government which runs out of control. The army would never have been able to destroy the local population of areas like East Timor if the population had been armed.
This is why I support One Nation's gun policy. Not because I have a gun (I don't) but because I feel safer knowing that power comes through the people, not that power could be used over the people.
Name Withheld
Subject: Lies, More lies and damn statistics.
Dear Scott,
whilst searching through some of the sources listed in Sheehans book, "Among the Barbarians", I did a search of one Journal, "People and place".
I found a bonanza of information, one section of which i am attaching for your records.
It appears that surveys of migrants showed they many believed they should assimilate, but through manipulation by the Labor's Bolkus and Theophanus, in cahoots with the Ethnic lobbies , meaning the self elected spokesmen , we got multicultural separatism. I recommend your readers check these documents , as well as going to the home page and checking the volumes and subtitles. It also gives an insight Why the forces arrayed against ON and its "torquemadas" are so red hot to shut everybody up using the "racist" brand on the forehead. Talk about leaving foxes to guard the chicken house. The part i found most heartening was that a large proportion of the migrants believed in assimilation, in direct opposition to their masters.
Maybe there is hope yet.
Subject: What is "sovereignty"?
25th August, 1998
The Hon. Tim Fischer, MHR
Parliamentary Leader, National Party,
Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Trade,
Parliament House,
Dear Tim,
Our Principals have instructed us to apply to you for evidence that your minders have drawn your attention to the letter from G.J.Mackney of Goolmangar which appeared under the heading of "Loss of sovereignty" in this region's daily newspaper, The Northern Star, today (Tuesday).
Whilst it is generally accepted that the Australian Labor Party and the Liberal Party of Australia have very comprehensivcely embraced the concepts of "Asianization" it is not widely known what stance the National Party is taking with respect to the eventual basing of the political and economic bloc's capital in Tokyo Japan. It seems a safe assumption that G.J.Mackney must be a Returned serviceman.
Are you also able to affirm that the word "sovereignty" has been included amongst those to be excised from the local political dictionary on the grounds of it being an archaeic concept that cannot be tolerated in the new world order to which this nation's major political parties subscribe?
J o n M. A x t e n s
Subject: Jewish lobby at it again
A case is being heard before the Equal opportunities Commission on appeal as follows...
a Melbourne businesswomen wishes to run a Jewish Only dating agency. That's right folks other races and religions need not apply. Her lawyers are arguing that assimilation poses a threat to the continuance of Jewish culture in Australia. Where does one even begin commenting on this one?!
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
So, Dave, the Z.O.G.s are getting you down, eh? Why didn't you just post a P.O. Box Number and start flogging The Turner Diaries? Is a $70 bill a forgery OF something? Take the "Jewish mafioso's" link, and follow the references. Then you'll know where the Protocols have been derived from.
And Scott, is your silence on these issue a sign of tacit agreement, or that you'd rather not seem to play censor?
I do hope it's the second.Only bloody Mal Fraser has tried to call ON anti-semitic, after all... Nor do I think Daves should (or ever could) BE censored, but they are a living insult to Ockham's razor.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Here is an interesting question for you Scott. You charge for use of your archives of ANOTD. Presumably the current government would like to charge your subscribers GST.
Presumably your subscribers just supply you a credit card number and they gain access. But you don't know if the person supplying the number is in Australia or overseas. Do you just assume they may not be in Australia and not charge GST since your service would effectively be an export, or do you assume they are in Australia and charge the GST?
If the government were to force you to assume the latter, what would be to stop you renting space on a machine off-shore and setting up a foreign company to own and run the operation. You wouldn't even have leave Australian soil but you've now legitimitely avoided the GST.
Is the GST a secret means to continue the destruction of Australian business and continue the globalisation push? Is the GST meant to be the final nail in the coffin of Australian industry? John Howard seems to have admitted that the internet is a giant loophole for the GST. What is to stop people ordering all sorts of goods and services over the internet? Is this the death knell of local travel agents?
Name Withheld
Subject: Small Town Politics
The most subtle way to gain possession of a small town, is to be the sole money lender. Given time, the town will be in a situation of unpayable debt, and if you foreclose on individuals, quietly, over a long period, then your game goes mostly unnoticed without too much violence. What to do with the odd one or two that know your game, so never borrow from you, but do very well independently, and so might raise suspicions that others could do the same? There is only one answer is there not? Their independent means - their homes and crops (specially their oil fields) - have to be destroyed using some plausible deniable excuse for the destruction; they will then be forced to borrow from you - game, set and match.
A couple of these "recalcitrants" (to quote one who would know the game well) have nukes - could be interesting?
A new Australian Bureaus of Statistics study on the use of the Internet has come up with the following interesting facts:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
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Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
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Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.