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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Yesterday morning I was invited
to participate in the discussions over the proposed One Nation tax policy.
I cannot reveal any details at this stage but I can just repeat what Pauline Hanson said on the public record at the fund raiser last Friday night, "We will cut Capital Gains Tax out after two years on a business because if you put the hard work in you should reap the benefits."
In the image above Len Harris, Pauline Hanson and Barry Evans part of the ten man One Nation team looking at the proposed tax plan. Discussions took place in Pauline Hanson's Ipswich office.
The go-ahead for the tax policy was given at the meeting with finishing touches and strategies to be put in place before its release.
Feedback from the One Nation New South Wales state conference held last Saturday in Lithgow...
Thanks to Peter Cook for the report.
The closer you get to what actually goes on in politics the more sickened you get by the blatant corruption and unsavoury deals being done behind the scenes. The one party which is transparently open and free of the wheeling and dealing, Pauline Hanson's One Nation, is the one targeted by the others because its very presence threatens the Laboral two-step that has dominated Australian politics over the last 25 years.
You might recall the derision that followed the comment by One Nation state director David Ettridge when he talked about "printing money" to fund the proposed Au$150 million People's Bank.
The media and politicians like Peter Costello had a field day. "Print money, ha, ha, ha..." was the derisory line followed by the Treasurer and emblazoned in headlines to give the comment credibility in the News Limited papers across the nation. The Costello comments were not questioned, not investigated - such is the abysmal level that journalism has fallen to in this country (but One Nation was at the butt end of the joke so why bother?). What followed was a public rap across the knuckles by Pauline Hanson when she told Ettridge not to speak on policy again.
But was Ettridge's comment so silly? A student journalist at University would have discovered that before Ettridge's comments were made the Australian Treasury and the Federal Government had, in fact been responsible for the printing of the largest amount of M1 money in the developed world - a massive increase of 12.2% in just 12 months - amounting to billions of dollars.
But of course that was different.
"That money" had been printed to help keep the economy afloat in the face of the Asian crisis and to keep things sweet in the lead up to the Federal election. Unlike the One Nation People's Bank proposal - targeted at helping small business and farmers at low interest rate loans this M1 money had just been thrown into an economy which soaked it up like a sponge.
Then in the build up to the launch of Labor's tax policy Beazley comes out and promises every family earning under Au$50,000 a direct tax cut of Au$50 per week - to match the "benefits" of Howard's GST. A simple, blatant election bribe.
The direct cost to our economy - Au$3 billion! As that is not tax being collected but tax being given and money has to come from somewhere, what does that mean? It means "printing" Au$3 billion.
But of course this is where our tightly controlled newspapers and politism comes into its own. No derisory comments about "printing money" just reams and reams of garbage about how much each specific target family groups will benefit by. The statement by Beazley that he will recover the money from wealthy tax dodgers is one that was used by the Coalition in the lead up to the 1996 Federal Election and, of course, that promise never ever got anywhere.
"Never, ever" is a term that Howard used when promising never to introduce a GST, never ever is a term that actually applies to sweeteners which are promised but not given by politicians scouring the voting barrel for votes.
As you will see in the next article, "sweeteners" are not restricted to the general population but are blatantly used to buy the votes of target multicultural groups.
How the Labor Party buy votes... read between the tax payer funded lines...
Here is an extract from the Packer controlled Sydney Morning Herald article:
"I will fight to make the Ethnic Community Council (ECC) the number one community organisation in the fight against racism and that we will put Pauline Hanson last," he said. "Tony Pun did a great job and I am going to build on what he did.
"We are going to be taking a more anti-Hanson stand. We are going to go out into the general community and say the ethnic community has a lot to offer. We, our parents, our forebears have done a lot for Australia.
"It is so important that the ECC is ready for the millennium because if we are not ready for the future we may as well give up."
At the meeting, the Premier of NSW, Bob Carr, announced an extra $50,000 grant to the ECC to increase community harmony.
He also announced the setting up of the NSW Migration Heritage Centre, a State network linking migration heritage and cultural projects.
Pig producers have put the Federal Government on notice, releasing the details of a survey today showing that producer support for the Coalition has plummeted.
The survey of 500 pork producers across eastern Australia by the industry body, the Pork Council, reveals support for the government has fallen from 84% to 36% since the last election.
As well the survey shows that 85% of producers blame the government's policy of allowing pigmeat imports for the current collapse in pig prices.
Pork Council President, Peter Brechin, says the dissatisfaction Australia's 3,000 pig producers feel for the government is still strong despite the release of the Coalition's tax package.
PETER BRECHIN: Well interestingly enough, that survey was taken one week after some government announcements, notably the tax package and what they intend to do there. And it would seem from those percentages quoted in the survey that pork producers in particular haven't changed their view on the patterns that were established in the Queensland election. And that's an interesting result because one would have thought that some at least would have returned to the conservative fold on the back of those tax announcements.
Talking about surveys, here is The Morgan Poll web site that provides some interesting insights.
By Robert Gottliebsen (BRW)
During the week I addressed the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. They wanted to hear about what was happening Down Under and in particular why so many Australians were embracing Pauline Hanson's apparent racist policies. This is the question being asked of most Australians who travel abroad. I would like to devote this week's Comment to a synopsis of my speech, as an aid to other Australian travellers attempting to explain what is happening.
"In Hong Kong, Pauline Hanson is the most public of Australia's politicians. Indeed, many locals could be excused for thinking she is the Australian Prime Minster and that the level of support for her party means that Australia is turning its back on Asia. This is not true. I first want to make it clear that I am one of those Australians who, like the Opposition Leader, Kim Beazley, believe in increased migration, including migration from Asia. I find the overall rise in the popularity of the One Nation party an unfortunate development. But One Nation draws only part of its support base from those who want migration levels cut. The party's statements have been skilfully crafted to strike a chord among a series of unhappy Australians whose problems have nothing to do with migration. One Nation has become the party of protest.
"For example, despite my own views on migration, if I were a Queensland farmer I would have voted for One Nation in the recent state elections, and would vote One Nation in the federal election. We will assume that my farm in Queensland is on a long-term pastoral lease. These rural leaseholds are the equivalent of freehold land because they have been held in families for generations. Back in the 1980s, when the High Court of Australia first raised the question of Aboriginal claims over Crown land, the then Prime Minster of Australia, Paul Keating, assured all farm leaseholders they would be protected.
"But in the past 12 months the High Court has effectively confiscated many farm rights. In the process, farmers around the country have become frightened. Even those on freehold land could lose rights over their access to water. At the time of the Queensland election the Federal Parliament had not been able to protect my land and only One Nation had a policy that satisfied me. Similarly, Western Australians have seen most of their state become the subject of land claims that stopped new mineral development, so support for One Nation is very high in the west.
"But the problems of remote communities went much further than the High Court's land decisions. Commodity prices are down, city-based politicians have limited the use of guns, and services such as banking, post, rail and some communications facilities have been withdrawn. Accordingly, the standard of living in many communities has been slashed. The party that represented the farmers, the National Party, is led by Tim Fischer, who is one of the best trade ministers Australia has ever seen. But the view of many in the rural sector is that he has not delivered.
"Since voting for One Nation in the state election, as a Queensland farmer I have been well rewarded. The Federal Parliament has put through Aboriginal legislation which at least protects some of my land rights, although it doesn't go far enough; banks have declared that they are going to restrict rural branch closures; the Government will maintain its control of the telephone company; Australia Post is going to stop closing rural branches and there is a plan to link Melbourne and Darwin with a fast train. The rail proposal has a real chance of success because it will make a second Sydney airport unnecessary.
"If my simple vote for One Nation in the state election was able to deliver so much benefit, then I will do it again because even more benefits may flow.
Why one strong supporter is switching
"Let us look at another group of people who support One Nation. This time I can point to a friend of mine who plans to switch his vote from the Government to One Nation. This friend is a member of one of Melbourne's prestige clubs. Over many years he has supported the Liberal party with large donations amounting to many hundreds of thousands of dollars. He has also actively supported one or two candidates. This man has business interests throughout Asia, including big operations in China. Like me, he would welcome further migration, particularly from Asia.
"He will vote One Nation at the next election for three reasons. First, he has a pig farm and he is appalled that dumped Canadian pork may wipe out his operation. He believes the Canadians outmanoeuvred the Australian Government, which did not take into consideration the protection the Canadians give their farmers. (Many Queensland sugar-cane growers also believe they were treated badly when protection was lowered.) My friend is also unhappy with the Liberal Party leadership. And thirdly, he is appalled by the violence seen outside One Nation meetings as a result of demonstrations by people protesting against racism. So he is going to deliver a protest vote, and deliver it hard.
The migrant threat to jobless people
"My third category of One Nation supporters are those that the media in Hong Kong focus on. These people do not want further migration and are particularly opposed to Asian migration. What sort of people are in this category? Some are elderly people, who grew up at a time when there was high protection in Australia and we did indeed have a White Australia policy, which they supported. Others oppose multiculturalism.
"But this group is more likely to be unskilled workers. Australia has very high minimum rates of pay compared to other countries, particularly the US. Many young people have not been taught to read and write properly. As a result, unemployment among unskilled people is very high. Also, wages and conditions are too generous to facilitate the level of job creation required to sharply reduce unemployment.
"Moreover, our politicians have introduced legislation that makes it difficult to sack people, so employers take much greater care in hiring. So, if I am an unskilled Australian-born laborer fighting to obtain a job out of a small pool of jobs, I must compete against many new migrants, who may be Vietnamese or Indonesian or, at other times, Turkish or Lebanese. As an unskilled person I see these migrants as making it more difficult for me to get a job and I believe they should be stopped from coming in until unemployment is lower.
"Australian politicians are not prepared to explain the problem to the people. The previous Labor Government could not get unemployment down. The current Liberal-National coalition promised to fix it but has done little better. One Nation says it will allow migration only to the extent that it replaces people who leave the country, and it will protect industries. These policies attract much support. But gradually the main parties are managing the process and the country is coming to grips with the problem One Nation presents.
A threat to the system
"If One Nation had focused simply on farmers' land rights, banks, telephone companies and protection, it would have got support but nowhere near the publicity it received by playing the Asian card. By referring to Asian migration the movement ensured it would get maximum publicity both locally and abroad. A set of policies simply linked to race and migration would have been easy for the existing parties to counter but One Nation has a carefully selected group of issues that cover a much wider area and so become harder to attack.
"One Nation threatens to decimate the Liberal Party's partner in government, the National Party. That puts the Prime Minister, John Howard, in a difficult position. Beazley spends most of his time blasting Howard for not being strong enough on this issue. Beazley has a strong pro-immigration stance, but he needs to be careful because One Nation appeals to an important segment of his constituency. Given One Nation's support levels in Western Australia, it is conceivable that Beazley could lose his seat at the next election even if his party wins government. Globally, it is not unusual for minority interests to attract 15-20% of the votes in a community.
"What gives One Nation such tremendous power in Australia is the voting system itself. In the lower house the seats are arranged in geographic regions; One Nation support tends to be concentrated in rural areas, so it may well take a number of seats. In the upper house the system is one of proportional representation. That ensures that in each state, if a party achieves a certain proportion of the votes, it will gain representation. One Nation could easily secure the balance of power in the upper house and possibly the lower house.
"Australians have been debating a republic and the debate has stalled partly because the current system of government has worked well to date. One Nation now endangers that system, because to govern, it may be necessary for the two main parties to combine. If that were to happen, the debate in Australia would shift from a limited focus on Republicanism to an entirely new constitution. However, it is possible that support for One Nation will wane as debate over the coalition's proposed new tax package overtakes the issues on which One Nation gains support.
Australia's chance
"I have focused so far on the aspect on Australia that attracts most publicity in this region. But you should not forget that Australia has emerged as one of the most prosperous countries in the region. Our asset values have not fallen to anywhere near the extent of those of our neighbors, and I include Hong Kong and Korea in this calculation. Unlike Japan, we have a sound banking system and our Government has reined in expenditure to produce a surplus. The main planks in foreign policy are agreed on by both parties. Australia has an education system that is producing talent that the world's technology companies are seeking out. It has the opportunity to be a very prosperous part of the world if its politicians don't get sidetracked by the issues I have described."
Interesting that Gottleibsen somehow forgot to mention people are supporting One Nation because they are revolting against:
Dear Scott,
I have just visited your
FORUM and must congratulate your efforts in setting up this site.
I found it reassuring to know that there are so many Aussies out there who
are genuinely interested in contributing their time and ideas into making
this country the land that our forefathers dreamt it could be.I have only
voted once in my lifetime 1972 when as a 19 year old in the next ballot for
Vietnam I voted Labour who promised not only to bring the troops home but
also to ''Buy back the farm''. After the 1975 coup I vowed never to vote
again until we had a party and leader that had the guts to bring our forefathers
dreams to life. I will certainly be registering a vote next election and
will work for the cause.........................................
Steve Milson.
Dear Scott,
I was most interested to read your comments ( 23/8/98 ) regarding the US / UN strong-arm attacks against Iraq and now Afghanistan and the Sudan and I agree with your thoughts as to the underlying reason behind the conflict, ie: protecting the interests of the multi national oil cartels.It is also ironic that Sadam and (the alleged terrorist) Osama bin Laden have strong connections to the CIA and British M16 , both organisations appearing to have armed and trained both men. I hope the actions by the US Government are proven to be correct as their attack on previously non hostile Islamic nations will only serve to unite the Muslim people with potentially disastrous ramifications for all.
Scott, you posed the question as to what would happen if we in Australia refused to toe the line. I have ''maintained the rage'' since 11/11/75 when the Whitlam government was destroyed over the Rex Connor / Khemlani loans affair when they attempted to borrow overseas capital '' TO BUY BACK THE FARM '', and I believe on that day notice was effectively served on any future Australian Government of their fate if they did not toe the line.
I also interested in Frank Andersen's comments 22/8/98 and I concur with Frank's opinion that ONE NATION has a lot of support and POTENTIAL support amongst disenchanted unionists and traditional ''tree of knowledge'' labour party supporters. Since the Hawke / Keating kneecapping (the Accord) and the Howard / Reith assault on workers conditions and job security, blue collar workers have also suffered but have to some extent been neglected in One Nation policy. Perhaps the tax package once released will win over many wavering supporters. I would like to hear from other unionists in the hope that our concerns to can be formulated into One Nation policy.
PS I couldn't help but notice Beatties attack on the heroin dealers on tonight's news and the promises to clean up the drug menace that is like a cancer eating away at our youth and spreading crime, corruption and misery throughout our country. I hope it is not a stunt, for I really believe that the heroin problem needs to be SERIOUSLY addressed by ALL PARTIES and should not be used as a gimmick to win a few votes, if Beatties crackdown saves one life then I'll be the first to give him credit and I hope that all will support the initiative.
Have a good day....................Steve
Subject: GST, races ,racers
So what happened to the much vaunted race-based election the chatterers assured us we would have? Seems no one gives a rats arse about race and their jeans (er...genes), but the hip pocket seems to be where the nerve centres are located instead.
Poor old Leibler might have to work at something else, other than parasitism, for a living. Joe Gutnick might give him a job swinging a miners pick, seeing his days as a pick-pocket are numbered; well, it is obvious he would never be employed as an engineer - he even failed as a social engineer.
Subject: Struggle with Globalism.
Bravo for Australian Sovereignty Antonia (I allways enjoy your contributions) we are indeed up against a new breed of robber barons for whom laboral are only middle level servants!
I was interested in the input on the Jewish Mafia also, and a recent contributor who blithely claimed that "The Protocols are almost certainly a forgery" Once again I'd like to ask JG Estiot what are "The Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion" a forgery of exactly?
If one looks around this world with a critical eye it is not too hard to see where the Globalisiation push is coming from! To see who are the lackeys and who are the ringleaders for instance.
Antonia is quite right in saying Liberal and Labour care nothing for Australia, on the contrary they are promoting a Rhodesian / Zionist vision of One World Government. A government run by international money and controlled by the same age old decievers who once again are claiming to be a religion and not a race, whilst practising their own vile brand of racism and flinging racist labels at anyone else who dares to question them or to suggest that all races be treated equally.
No we must stop this, we must return One Nation to Federal Office. They will help to restore National pride. Only if all nations can do this can we hope to then learn to live togethor as a peace loving Global Community! free of Zionist Occupied Governments. We are of course up for a huge Struggle with Globalists but we can and must defeat them. The alternative will be a new millenium as serfs and slaves of New World Order Robber Barons.
Pauline for P.M. I say.. David Morgan.
Subject: Worth thinking about
Apparantly it's company profit reporting time. I read that Telstra is expected to post a $3 billion dollar plus profit this year. So why is the government so desperate to sell such a winner?
Subject: Arrogant Nonsense from Tabloid Journal!!!!
'Deadly Obssession: Killer's House an Arsenal ' screamed the front-page headline in the Melbourne Sunday Herald-Sun, 23rd August, 1998. 'Time to End the Killing: Wake Up Call'fumed the self-righteous editorial on Page 28(sic)
On careful perusal of the follow-up 'story', we find that the 'arsenal'(retrieved from a bungalow[_not_a _house_] at the rear of a Prahran residence/boarding-house) included such items as:(a large quantity of) knives, 'replica'(or 'toy') guns: of the kind that can be readily purchased 'across the counter' in most retail outlets throughout the state of Victoria,'camouflage' clothing and 'webbing' and a large quantity of military/gun magazines..._all_ perfectly legal and available to any man, woman or child who presents the purchase price at hardware stores, service stations, newsagents, K-Marts, 'Army Disposal Outlets' or 'Second-Hand' dealers anywhere in Australia. *Also found in the bungalow was a quantity of [_real_] guns and ammunition. Minus the abovementioned 'peripheral items', however, the 'arsenal' began to take on a not-so- threatening appearance.
Pre-empting the carefully-considered findings of an official and legal Coronial Inquest, and appointing itself as Judge, jury and executioner, the Sunday Herald-Sun pontificated that the resident of the bungalow 'ambushed' two inoffensive men who had come to help the resident move. Out-of-context snippets from 'police' and 'unofficial sources' "backed up" this fanciful assertion. More worrying by far, however, was the 'Editorial Opinion' : a nice little hotch-potch of illogicalites, absurdities, factual inaccuracies and downright lies.
Here are a few 'choice' excerpts: **"Crackpot views on gun ownership no longer have a place here...Tolerance has expired on lunatic ideas" opens this diatribe of nonsense. Hmmm....those would be the 'crackpot views' of the _millions_ of Australians who own firearms, I suppose.? 'Tolerance has expired...': so much for living in a 'tolerant society'. Let's tolerate _anything_, (including:: homosexuality and lesbianism being 'force-fed' to school-children as 'acceptable lifestyles', 'partial-birth abortions'[infanticide], 12 year-old taxi driver killers, teenage psychopaths,violence and pornography on prime time television, 30+% divorce rates and general societal breakdown) _except_ for politically incorrect viewpoints...such as the right to possess firearms for self-defence.
**"No one will snigger at rednecks who assert they have a right to defend themselves with firearms.." Nor will they snigger at: old age pensioners under siege in their own homes, people in isolated communities(without a hot-and-cold running police presence) terrified of intruders and 'home invaders', people in outer-suburban or outlying areas where the 'reaction-time' of police is in the order of 20+ minutes(the difference between life and death) in a state of panic over aggravated burglaries/rapes, child kidnappings/abductions and armed robberies of law-abiding citizens in broad daylight.....
**"No one will find amusement in the One Nation candidate's argument that there is a United Nations inspired conspiracy to disarm Australia" Ooops...your political bias is showing, Mr Editor! You refer, doubtless, to the recent speech of the One Nation Party representative in the Queensland Parliament(one of those who was elected by the almost 1/3 'fringe-dwellers'[viz: ordinary, working-class Australians] of Queensland). Perhaps a perusal of the State Hansard is in order here....? My recollection of the speech was that the representative was claiming that the 'Tough New Gun Laws' were, in fact, not new at all and were 'hatched' in foreign capitals...the 'Australian Shooters Journal'(hardly an extremist right-wing 'hate magazine')of September, 1997 discussed this fact at length. The article referred to the UN 'Universal Declaration of Principles on Firearms'. *Australia is a major player in the framing of this declaration, much of whose input is based on a recognisably flawed 1990 report; 'Violence: Directions for Australia', 'produced' by the National Committee on Violence. Other players in this little saga are Drs Natalie Goldring and Susannah Dyer, employees of the 'British American Security Information Council(BASIC)Project on Light Weapons and co-authors of a paper entitled:"Controlling Global Light Weapons Transfers: Working Towards Policy Options", dated 16th April, 1996. This paper talks of 'neutralising' pro-gun ownership groups/lobbies and 'creating' a climate conducive to 'gun control'....all for a 'safer society', of course. Needless to say, studies/research that showed 'gun control' actually _increased_ crimes of violence(exmpl:the surge in violent crimes committed in Japan[which has probably the toughest gun laws in the Western world] by criminals armed with illegally obtained/imported handguns, studies by [former founding member of the National Committee for Handgun Control] Paxton Quigley and criminologist Gary Kleck of Florida State University ) were/are conveniently ignored!...also 'swept under the carpet' is the evidence that, in places(such as Kenneshaw County, Georgia)where citizens are issued permits to carry concealed firearms and to have firearms for self-protection, crimes against property and life have plummetted....
**"No one will tolerate the scurrilous proposition that the massacre of 35 people at Port Arthur was part of the government's orchestration of gun control"... Now _why_ would/should an assertion like this be raised? To show:[a]pro-gun lobbyists all believe this(and are, by implication, wackos?), [b]people who are pro-gun lobbyists are,by and large, 'conspiracy theorists', 'rednecks' and loonies? or [c]there are a _lot_ of people questioning the 'official' account of the Port Arthur 'incident' and it is getting harder and harder to 'keep the lid on': best course of action...dismiss them as 'crazies'[perhaps it's the old Marxist-Leninist tactic:'call the enemy what you are'!]. Whatever you do, though, don't you dare present any of their arguments/facts/evidence, lest you lend them some kind of credibility. Can't have that! The whole media-driven edifice of the [necessary] 'Tough New Gun Laws' might start crumbling!
**"It is time to get serious...It is time to send the crackpots and fringe-dwellers packing...." where? Concentration camps? Rounding up several million crackpots and fringe-dwellers(the 25+% of people who support One Nation Party,[and, by implication, their Firearms for Self-Defence Policy] for instance) might present a few 'logistical' difficulties, to say the least....unless....
**"It is time to get the rest of the guns before we have another week of death..." You have _got_ to be joking? How? By declaring martial law? A police state? Installing CCTV monitoring equipment in every home and residence in Victoria/Australia? Requiring people to wear electronic tags/ monitoring devices?(a la 'Demolition Man'?)Conservative estimates place at _less than_ 1/3 the number of 'illegal' firearms handed in during the recent 'gun buy-back' scheme(the which was little more than 'legitimised theft' anyway! If I break into your house and steal your VCR, I have committed a theft..even if I leave $200 on the 'fridge to pay for it!). That means there are over 1 million(if not several million) illegal guns still at large in the community. Clearly, these people _do_no_want_ to hand them is doubtful if any amount of money or any sort of threat would induce them to do so. The only recourse would seem to be to _forcibly_ acquire them. To advocate such a tactic (with the necessary police/military back-up and legislation) is pretty much the same as declaring Civil War against approximately 1/3rd of the population. Is this what the Editorialist is advocating? Perhaps ASIO should be notified?
**"That guns will kill about 600 people in Australia this year is evidence enough that thereis still a lot of work to be done, no matter how successful the buy-back scheme is judged.." 'That guns will kill about 600 people in Australia this year is evidence....' of _exactly nothing_. There are nearly that many killed annually in Australian hospitals because of medical neglicence/malpractice. By that logic, doctors ought to be banned!...whatever,there are a multitude of different circumstances involved with these deaths. The two police shot dead earlier in the week in suburban Moorabbin, for example, were killed by a criminal armed with a(probably un-registered) hand-gun. Hand-guns have been by and large unavailable to the general public in Victoria for over forty years! So what? Clearly, the 'Tough New Gun Laws' had _no effect whatsoever_ on that incident. "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"!
**"There are still too many un-registered guns in circulation..." Obviously...and your solution is...?
**"Enough is enough....." _AMEN_!....It's time ordinary, decent Australians said 'ENOUGH' to Politically Correct garbage'tarted up' to look like an 'argument' by a journal that, at best, could be described as 'tabloid' and,at worst, as 'sensationalist gutter claptrap'. When are Australians going to start boycotting these propagandists and brainwashers and stop buying their newspapers and/or advertising in them?
Packer has increased his stranglehold on the "independent" Fairfax empire with his right hand man Brian Powers, already in the chair, overseeing the demise of Bob Muscat, the company's CEO. Muscat resigned yesterday and was replaced by a three man team headed by Powers. Powers said that "Muscat's resignation was accepted by the board with regret".
"In just two years Bob has strengthened the senior management team, imporved efficiencies in the production, advertising sales and editorial departments, increased revenues as well as recently introducing a rigorous cost-cutting programme."
Project Hercules was aimed at cutting Au$40 million in costs this financial year - including up to 40 editorial redundancies.
In a statement by Fairfax "That (three man) committee will comprise Robert Whitehead, general manger of Sydney operations, John Greaves, finance director, and Brian Powers, who will serve as its chairman."
The move created a stir at the Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA) which has promised to investigate. Powers resigned from Packer's mob on the 18th May the day he became chairman of Fairfax. Three days later The Sydney Morning Herald's editor-in-chief and publisher, John Alexander, left the employ of Fairfax.
Meanwhile, with a federal election in the air, the shadowy characters running the Australian mindset through the tightly controlled Packer/Murdoch media ensure that nothing is done by the politicians who cannot afford to put this sort of media power off-side.
The Au$ slipped to below 58 US cents yesterday.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.