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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Tomorrow a group of One Nation supporters and members will take on Labor's Grahame Richardson in a 60 Minutes interview looking at Australia's future.
The confrontation (of sorts) will take place in the Parliamentary Annex in Brisbane and is expected to be aired tomorrow night.
Some documents have fallen off the back of the proverbial truck.
The supplier of the material fears for his life. You will understand why. He has sent an unknown informant a whole pile of evidence which could have major implications on a number of very rich people in Australia.
From this link the recipient has started putting a few of the pieces together pieces which reveal some damning evidence implicating some very high profile Labor politicians amongst others.
Note, if I get hit the information carried on this page and related pages that I believe will be posted shortly should be the primary suspect in any subsequent investigation... please record the overseas link carrying this information for record keeping purposes.
The holes in the Australian Constitution
Aspects of Australian history the government does not want you to know about. The Australian Constitution is UK legislation and was extinguished at independence on 10 January 1920. To understand more about how politicians have conned the Australian people, read on!
This is a very interesting page that you should only visit when you have a free hour up your proverbial sleeve.
Well it's not been a good week for democracy in this country.
Last Sunday in Melbourne a rally by a legitimate and registered political party had to cancelled because a group of screaming thugs launched a violent attack on free speech.
Well it gets worse.
And a parent's first hand experience of the "schooly" protests:
'Resistance' organized the 'Fight the System' rally in Adelaide, Apparently, the 'System' consists of not only Hanson's One Nation but also Howard, Liberals, Labor & Big Business. Although I think the schoolies were mostly there to fight fascism or something? I overheard this conversation between two young things.
"What is our chant again ?"
"Hanson is a fascist."
"Hanson is a fascist."
"What is a fascist ?"
"What ?"
"Hitler, you know, Adolf Hitler ''
WHEN Paul Keating was Treasurer, Dr Ken Henry was his adviser on taxation. Henry was - and is - no grey faceless public servant; he was often seen around Parliament House driving his black, 1930s Citroën "Light 15" - a gangster-style car with flared front mudguards. He added to the distinctive look with black sunglasses, a charcoal suit and matching Blues Brothers hat.
When things got fraught during the 1993 election campaign, Keating adopted more than Henry's advice - he took on some of his image as well. He donned Ray-Bans for the cover of Rolling Stone magazine and turned himself into a blues icon. It was quite a contrast to the dry John Hewson and his 15per cent GST.
Now, Henry is the brains behind the Federal Government's tax reform plans, despite being unknown to the public.
Working with him is another former Keating adviser and veteran of the 1985 tax summit, Greg Smith, whose political nous has earned him the job of devising the Government's $10million marketing campaign for a GST.
Subject: Keep up your cause
Just like school teachers from other countries to push our children against the country they are being paid from. Califonria is the same way we are fighting against immigration and all their pushing into our state and federal jobs. They only help their own and people can't be misled. We will be a 3rd world country if they get their way. We are really not one world, we have all been raised differently. Ask if the children are getting an A on their report cards to picket your party. In the 60s' we had this at all our colleges, when Clinton was in Russia and smoking his one marijuana cigarette. They never change, the hippie movement must die and keep some moral fibre in our countries. This is not racism they are terrorists trying to unseat everything our countries have been founded on.
E. Petersen
San Bernardino, CA. 92413
Skpeaking about Aboriginies or however you spell it, maybe they can start some casinos for gambling like the indians have done here and want to take over the whole country through gambling rights of tribes. We are against gambling in California and the indians are opening up their reservations to gambling so they can raise money from retired americans to fight the laws of our states. Watch out the indians in your country will do the same, not on their own but with help from investors.
Subject: Victorian Riots
I was saddened to read that the misguided few are at it again protesting on untrue issues spawned by our national media and the vested interests. If some-one doesen't find a bit of backbone and put these people in their place, the country will slide into anarchy.
We only have ourselves to blame for the present day situation, we were warned, for many years people like Jeremy Lee has been lecturing and writing books on the subject but we took no notice until it was nearly too late. The road back is going to be rough but if Australia is to be rescued from the clutches of greedy and inept politicians we will just have to put up with the bumps.
Alan Esson.
Subject: Laboral Revealed
Dear Sir,
Yesterday on ANOTD I made some disparaging remarks about Malcolm Fraser and I had a sleepless night over it.
Malcolm is a truly great Australian and I was wrong.
Malcolm confirmed it this morning when I heard on the news that he has suggested to John Howard that the Coalition "form a Government with Labor in order to stop One Nation".
Well done Mal....I told you he was a truly great Australian.
Gee, I wish I had thought of that first.
Is this guy really an ex Coalition Prime Minister of Australia or did I miss something in the 70's & 80's?
Somebody tell me I didn't here what I though t I heard.
Allan W. Doak
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Who is this Malcolm Pantsdown person, anyway? The idiocy of Labour and Liberal working together is too funny to be taken seriously. Could you imagine Johnny and Kimmy smiling and shaking hands while their left hands held long knives behind their backs?
I listened to Mal talk about the "evils" of One Nation. This, from a man who masterminded the removal of a democratically elected Government.
Can't any of these politically correct dopes see, that if Australians don't want Pauline Hanson then they won't vote for her? If people do want to vote for Hanson or any of One Nation candidates, then how is it any business of Mad Mal??
Subject: Fraser/Beazely
One Nation doesn't seem to be getting as many Labor voters as switching support as Liberal voters. Beazely has certainly let the side down badly. He still doesn't seem to realise that if anyone is responsible for the rise of One Nation - It's him! Opposition leader indeed, he provided no opposition and left the people with no-where to go to voice concern. Labor voters need to wake up that that Beazely is going to be another Howard. The difference between the Major parties is negligible, as Mr. Fraser pointed out. Labor Government ran to Globalism/Level playing field/privatisation and Howard continued with ear muffs and blinkers. Evan's is totally globalist, and now we have Fraser trying to pave the way for Labor/Liberal Coalition after the next election so they can continue Globalism and the sale of Telstra. One Nation would now have to win 50 % of the vote outright to beat Labor and Liberal. If One Nation received 40% and the majors got 30% each, for simplified example, Liberal/Labor could still form Government having both lost to a new party. What use is democracy? When the people could clearly prefer one party over another two, then the two losers steal the peoples wishes to continue the program that has turned people against them.
Mr. Fraser, your proposition could divide the nation for the first time since ... er ..when was the last time? 1975!!! (funny about that) And he says he stands for unity! Power for his agenda at any cost more like it.
Subject: J. Shinkfield & Multiculturalism
Hmm......looks like there's little more to discuss when we both see each others viewpoint as racist.
As a first generation Australian of non Anglo-Saxon racial background, having travelled to many different countries and mixing daily with people of many races, I remain convinced that those attacking PHON have got it wrong. The fact that so many of them have to resort to lies, slander and violence against PHON instead of rational debate raises concerns as to how entrenched the multiculturalism industry is and how morally corrupt political opportunists are.
When my parents immigrated to Australia they did so knowing that they were leaving their ties to their cultural identity behind as their new homeland was assimilating immigrants into their culture. Naturally they still practice some of their former cultural lifestyle and some of it has passed onto myself. But, as a first generation Australian I identify more with the Australian culture than with that of my parents. Assimilation has successfully built a great nation with a distinct culture which I was quite surprised that you questioned.
With multiculturalism, Australians are being divided according to race, and we have already seen evidence of conflicts between ethnic groups, and calls for removal of Australian traditions to accomodate intolerant multiculturalists. Contrast that with Pauline Hanson inviting immigrants to become one with our people and culture.
Regarding family values and the birth rate, I have heard that the divorce rate is nearer to 50%, marriage is on the decline and singles are on the increase and many people are saying it's too expensive to have a family. Also, industry is so productivity driven that they become anti-family ( I have actually seen this at my work ). Hardly a promising place to bring children into.
Peter W.
Subject: MAI
The dangers proposed by this agreement and the 20 year binding nature make it a dangerous piece of work. The only groups that could concievably find this attractive are those who know they will directly benefit from the outcome. For Australia to place itself in with the same arena as the mega economies of Europe and the US is sheer stupidity. The economic weight of these countries will totally dominate the local economy. Closer ties are one thing domination is somthing totally different.
Marian S.
Subject: Hello Pauline!
We are with you.
Victor Mishenko
Donetsk, Ukraine
Subject: Pauline
my name is bradley rilen and i'm 25 years of age and a great supporter of one nation i think pauline hanson is doing a great job for australia and really look forward to see more of pauline in the future.
go get em pauline one nation will win the battle.
Subject: your mailing list!
I love pauline hanson and this web site! it's great. I would like to be informed and want to join the One Nation mailing list... NOW!
jane manson
Subject: Discussion forum.
Lets have a forum for political action. Most of the people that respond to your site are expressing supportive opinions.
How about trying to assemble a group of supporters who are prepared to are prepared to establish an attack team to take on the contraforces that threaten our country and its democratic system.
You reference the CRIMES ACT 1914 - SECT 28 Interfering with political liberty . ok - so howdo we turn the crimes act against the likes of the anti democrat malcolm fraser and the socialists who are mobilising the school kids against ON. We've had Qantas, channel 10 in perth and Liebler trying to knock us out.
How do we counter these propagandarists? I'm looking for a forumof people who know the system and can legally work within it to push back these forces of anti democracy? What is needed is a legal counterforce capability that is capable of playing very, very, but legal, hard ball.
Your forum is good in that it reveals that ON supporters have are "average" Australians who have many fair and reasonable reasosons for supporting ON. But what about he peoplethat are really pissed of with the anti democracy rhetoric that is flung at ON. I'm really pissed off, not that isupport every ON policy item, but I am reallly bugged by my countrymens lack of political tolerance.
I'd like see a working group established that could find the ways and means to legally challenge these contraforces.
Any ideas?
I dont think that sending emails to the public relations departments of Qantas or JetSet get anywhere. Maybe if we sent letters to their lawyers (preferrably the New york or Londondon offices of their lawyers) would count for more because (maybe & I'm guessing here) the lawyers would? have an obligation to forward these communications to their clients at cost. lawyers especially american lawyers ar'nt cheap and this would put a financial cost on opposing the australain democratic process. Just an idea.
Also how abut a black list on australian orgs that oppose ON on the web? My knowledge of the behaviour of Managing Directors suggests that this would terrify them.
Fraser is in bed with the Communist Chinese - why dont we have a Malcolm Fraser web page and list all the human rights abuses in China on it with his picture?. You can get this from amnesty or the Moslems or the Tibetans.
Surely ON has one lawyer amongst his suppoters. Can we not harness hiss knowledge?
Joe Otway
Subject: Need help?
My name is Dominic Sidor and I am living in Moorabbin, Mebourne, Victoria. There is on suburb such as Redfern in Sydney here. It's called Springvale. Every house contains Asians, Vietnamese to be exact. I can see Asians moving into surrounding suburbs and it's frighteneing. Every day I see more and more Asians walking on Moorabbin's streets.
Dominic Sidor
Subject: Deja Vu
Some time ago I wrote saying I believe that no matter what the Polititians did or when they held the Federal election it would make no difference to the fact that One Nation exists and that the longer the election was delayed , the more time would be available for Australians to become convinced that there is another alternative to the deceitful, self-rewarding, business men Polititians that presently govern[?] our once great country. It is a fact that now many,many Australians support Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party and the numbers grow every day. I read pretty well everything, and the un-supported attacks on O.N. are just about the dirtiest example of twisted facts I have ever seen. Also the way the authorities and the media have let themselves become puppets to Polititians is very sad. It is simply a fact that time and reality have caught up with the way the Polititians have allowed [for their own interests] our country to run off the tracks and slowly degenerate to what it is to-day. I have to believe that a lot of it was unintentional and that some things just got out of hand and slowly but surely became the mess it is to-day. But human nature being as it is the existing Polititians cannot repair things without losing face and exposing themselves to well-deserved criticisions. Also International bodies who were able to talk them into signing ridiculous aggreements to the detriment of Ausrtralia would also easily talk them out of making corrective changes that would enable us to become independant again. I have heard it said that 70% of people are sheep and that they need someone to lean on and lead them. Well, I don't believe that, but I must say that I am amazed at how many people believe and take at face value the information given to them by the the two bodies who are known all over the world for their deceit and manipulation of facts ,and of courseI mean the Polititians and the Media.
Surely by now most thinking people must know that that Pauline Hanson is NOT raceist and it is the Media that claim she is just to create a source of controversial news and improve market sales. Also it is plainly evident that as far as the Australian Aboriginal is concerned Pauline Hanson only wants to control the alleged corruption in Atsic and similiar bodies to ensure that a fair distribution of funds occur and that the needy Aboriginal gets looked after.
It is obvious to me that some Australian.businesses and pretty well all Polititians in the other parties are very frightened of exposure and of having their privialiged positions taken away from them and are therefore fighting tooth and nail for survival and will do and say anything to discredit One Nation and their personal attacks on Pauline Hanson are shameful and un-Australian.
Up till the last Qld. election I and my family ALWAYS voted for the conservative Parties both State and Federal and for many years we wished for John Howard to be our Prime Minister.But sadly , when it happened he exposed himself for what he really is and we are so disappointed . So, ON,ON, Pauline and Co. Congratulations and thank you for being here.
Dan Stuart
P.S. I own a gun and I vote.
Subject: Re: Hanson for PM
Most interesting comments from Jan yesterday. From watching Sesame street recently I thought that all Americans were black already! There was not a single white face on the show.
Gordon Briggs
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Tony Miles wrote:
> Pauline Hanson. I've read some of her speeches. I've read some of the replies. I've read what people have to > say about her, both for and against. I've now come to this conclusion. >She has found a voice amongst the misinformed minority. There are 'Pauline Hansons' to be found in every > corner of society and the globe. They say what they think based on what they understand and the angle from > which they can see. Their intellects and view of the world are limited by the depth of their experience.
Yes well Tony, everybody "says what they think based on what they understand". There's nothing terribly bad or unique about that. Similarly, everybody speaks from their own point of view - "the angle from which they can see". Everybody is limited by their own experience, education and research. Nothing unique about that. Show me someone that doesn't apply to.
It is every person's right... Nay, it is every person's DUTY, to vote for the party which will benefit them the most, from the angle they see things from - that is from their own circumstance. That way, the maximum level of benefit will in theory be delivered to the Australian people.
Now you say that her supporters are "misinformed". Well it takes a bit more intellectual will power to disagree with the majority - to not follow the Calf Path that everybody else is. Those who go against what is politically correct have at least gone through the mental exercise of figuring out for themselves what is what.
But if Pauline's supporters are so "mis-informed", then where are all the "informed" people who would tell them where they are wrong? We see a lot of name-calling, personal attacks and physical violence. Where are all the facts that One Nation are carelessly ignoring?
Like, I'm willing to support a GST. Just tell me FIRST what the benefits are for me. Go on please tell. Yes I know the current system is stuffed. But tell me why a GST will help. Yeh, not JUST why, but also PROVE it. Show me the statistics from one of the many other countries with a GST. Seen any policians bandying about facts lately? No, didn't think so.
Or tell me how it is better to save a few percent on fuel, sugar, pork etc, when it will lead to an ever exploding welfare bill for the taxpayer. Yes "Mr. Informed", please enlighten us backward children.
Or tell us why we need to turn our telecommunications over to foreign interests (Optus + sell Telstra etc). We havn't seen any major improvment in our telecommunications from competition. But what we have seen could equally have been accomplished through having a couple of AUSTRALIAN telcos competing against each other. Instead of the Optus debacle, all the Govt. needed to do was split Telstra into several competing entities. Telstra-A and Telstra-B if you will. Let the CEOs of each company compete for the biggest salary bonus for making a profit. Meanwhile the profits go back into the Australian people's benefit. But oh no, thats too "simplistic" and "uninformed".
Or tell us, "Mr Informed", why a country with more resources, both natural and otherwise per capita, than ANY OTHER COUNTRY on the face of the earth should face a continually deteriorating economic position compared to other countries. Australia used to be #1 in living standards. How far we have slipped! So tell us, "Mr Informed" why more of the same makes sense. When you put your hand in the fire and it hurts, most people have the common sense to pull it out again. Why oh why not us?
So when you accuse me of "saying what I think based on what I understand"...
My simplistic, populist, "uninformed", "unplanned" answer is --- OK.
Name Withheld
I almost let this letter slip by without comment, but then felt that would be another sign of the apathy which affected this nation IN THE PAST. Tony states "She(Pauline)has been found to quote facts and figures that are unsubstantiated and untrue in many cases."
Now Tony, it's your turn. Please support these statements of yours with facts and figures.
1. "She has found a voice amongst the misinformed minority." Please tell us specifically what we are misinformed about.
2. "Their intellects and view of the world are limited by the depth of their experience." I agree this is generally true of everyone, including yourself. However please tell us the view of the world and the depth of experience of each of the One Nation supporters.
Another interesting comment is in regard to this website. Tony proclaims, "You cannot absolve yourselves from blame if people react negatively to your action and by publishing you are actively taking part in the debate." This activity was once known as free speech! Since there are two sides in most debates do you agree that people with opposing views to the One Nation stance cannot absolve themselves from blame if people react negatively to their actions? By admitting that there is a debate are you lowering yourself to our intellect or have we been raised to yours?
Something else you can help me with. When people with such great intellectual capacity as yourself go to vote, do you follow the How to Vote cards of your Party or do you make your own independent decision. Come on, tell the truth.
Bob Thompson
Subject: Racism
Racism according to my dictionaries: "a doctrine or teaching, WITHOUT SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT claiming racial differences in character or intelligence, to assert SUPERIORITY of one race over another or others; to maintain the purity of a race or races...any programme or practice of discrimination or segregation BASED ON THOSE BELIEFS."
Of course I am reluctant to quote any dictionary these days, as men with "itching ears" are quick to change the meanings and other attributes of any word in later editions to suit their own ideology. Remember when Gough Whitlam was castigated publicly for calling a kilo-metre a kill OM eta. Many dictionaries have changed (updated) since then to include the false colloquialism.
Nevertheless Alan Esson was wrong to call himself a racist, as he does not fit the above definition. He only helps to continue the false conception of the word.
If I don't like the southern Latin races because they stink of garlic or any other race because they may make me personally uncomfortable, and as a result I discriminate against them (i.e. refuse to serve them), THIS IS NOT A RACIST ACTION, because it has nothing to do with superiority. I most certainly leave my self open to the the charge of discrimination or intolerance, which may be even uncharitable, but it is NOT racism as per the above definition.
As regards the definition itself, notice the qualifier, "without scientific proof". Has anyone apart from Charles Darwin done a study on the matter? Modern ideologists love to use Darwin in support of our evolutionary ascendancy from the ape. Perhaps the illusive missing links are amongst us today, many of whom seem to have taken over our universities.
Almighty God Himself has elected the Jewish race as His CHOSEN PEOPLE, and even though they may be out of favour (as are most of the rest of us) at this moment, they are STILL His chosen people; and that is enough evidence of superiority for me.
Philip Madsen.
Subject: Hawthorne Is Wrong
I Don't know who you are Scott. I suspect that I do not care to meet you as I have many points of strong disagreement with the policy of the One Nation Party. Just one small point, though, in case you have not realised yet.
Hawthorn, Melbourne Victoria, is NOT spelled Hawthorne. I can only conclude by raising my own personal concerns about the negative effects of any One Nation presence in Australian political institutions. Any country should be spared the ill-informed prejudices of those who do not take the time to avail themselves of a range of perspectives, and instead tend to be either consciously or (worse) unconsciously operating with the prime motive of hate as their driving force. And who, to crown it all, have the hubris to feel that 'they' are right. No one has an exclusive access to 'truth'. Unfortunately, those who argue as badly as Pauline Hanson and the cohorts of One Nation representatives I have had the ill-fortune to hear speak, obviously do not have an inkling of this fact.
I have always had concern for Australia's future. Of one thing I am certain: One Nation is NOT the answer. This is a Party that is worse than the cynicism of the ALP and the Coalition, it is a party based on ignorance, and which operates in ignorance of its ignorance.
Thanks for taking the time to read this if you have. I have not been too specific, but there is plenty of information around, everyone should take the time to read, widely, not narrowly or shallowly, or with a baggage of HATE.
Finallly, again: HAWTHORN is NOT spelled HAWTHORNE!
Swinburne Student Union
Subject: Left Link as an organ or tool of the ALP
To Scott Balson, and others involved in the 'GWB' (Global Web Builders),
are you being deliberately cynical when you state that: '"Left Link, Victoria's Broad Left Mailing List" proudly displayed as a member of the Labor Party's ACTU. It is listed on the ACTU's "links" page.'
While this may indeed be true, Left Link is in no way a direct relation to the ALP. In fact Left Link would have a tenuous link with the ALP at best. Left Link, is as stated, a Broad Left Mailing List. It is used by Left activists of all persuasions to communicate and remain updated about political, social and cultural goings on around Victoria and indeed the world. There are a huge amount of activists who have nothing to do with the ALP. Left Link is also NOT associated with organising violent events.
The violence at the anti-Hanson rally at Hawthorn Town Hall is regrettable, and was perpetrated as much by One Nation supporters and members of the police force as it was orchestrated by any people on the Left. You are peddling misinformation and lies. Is this just a generic fact associated with the modus operandi of One Nation and other members of the Right currently using this political Party as a handy mouthpiece.
Left Link is a loose range of Left activists. You are incorrect when you make any claims about the 'orchestrated nature' of political protests organised in any way using this mailing list. Again, there is little if any connection between Left Link and the ALP Left, besides some, mainly minor, cross-over of politics. Most Left activists are committed to non-violent direct action.
Finally, I personally regret the fact that Pauline Hanson was prevented from speaking. I think she is an inane public speaker, and unless David E. has his hand up her arse and using her as a puppet, I do not regard her speaking as a threatening event. If people are swayed or influenced by her loose grasp of reality, or her very limited ability to really understand or handle statistics, then good luck to them. There is probably very little that could be done for such people in the first place. I feel that she should have a right to speak. But given that she persists in using (and apparently believing) the lies and misinformation that she uses while engaging in her public speaking, then I can understand how individual activists on the Left (or Anarchists) become upset enough to rally enough to prevent her from speaking.
Please check your facts before making such ridiculous claims and frankly stupid assertions with regard to political conspiracies or "worrying new tendencies".
Yours sincerely,
Swinburne Student Union
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.