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an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
"Let them go home. We know where they live," the Aboriginal threatened as guests tried to leave a One Nation meeting in the small Victorian town of Echuca. Welcome to the "new Australia".
This is the new politically correct face of Australia where democracy is so slanted so as to forego any semblance of what it is supposed to mean. Many of the 200 aborigines (mainly from the Yorta Yorta tribe) who had gathered outside the Echuca workers club had one aim in mind - to cause as much trouble as they could. In Australia the police fear having to arrest Aborigines because of the repercussions on them, their jobs, and possibly their family - if they live in a small country town. The Aboriginal Legal Service have been known to put police through the hoops for allegations of race based arrests.
Echuca is such a small country town and just 100 police had been allocated to protect the guests who had come to listen to Pauline Hanson speak. During the meeting, the noisy protesters could be heard outside causing Mrs Hanson to remark to her 100 luncheon guests, "This rabble outside wouldn't have a clue what I'm talking about. They call me a racist.. they have no idea what I am trying to do."
Aborigines screamed "Pauline Hanson go home" outside, broke through the police lines and started thumping the windows of the hall in which she spoke. They barred three exits trying to block her retreat. Because of the danger she was immediately taken away through a rear gate to a waiting car by Federal police.
Her guests weren't so lucky. The police regrouped by the exits as punches were thrown at them. Some guests tried to leave. One man managed to get outside but was immediately felled by a carton on food which was hurled hard into his face - he fell on the concrete path. He was helped up by police as the Aborigines shouted, "Get going you redneck dog."
About 200 guests were stuck inside as the Aborigines fought pitched battles with the police to get in. A couple tried to brave the crowd outside, fists flew, but failed to connect because the police had quickly formed a protective cordon around them.
The Aborigines screamed obscenities and spat on the couple as they were guided by police to the rear car park. One woman tried to kick her way through the police breaking the rear view mirror of a parked car.
The spokesman for the protesters, Greg James, pleaded with the Aboriginal group saying, "We are prouder than this, we are better than this," but they would not listen.
The police decided that the best way to get the trapped guests out was to use a police car. The car was driven up to the front door of the now heavily protected hall as the Aborigines continued to try to gain entry.
The guests were taken away from the scene a few at a time by car while the Aborigines shouted, "Let them go home. We know where they live."
During the whole drawn out process in which police and guests were assaulted only one Aborigine was arrested - for assaulting a policeman. A sad enditement on the state of the nation. If that had been 'white' Australians several arrests would have been made, but as I said before the police fear the repercussions of arresting an Aborigine today.
A local Yorta Yorta elder, Elizabeth Hofman, summed up the actions of the protesters like this, "It has been very emotional for me to see these young Aboriginal people having to stand up for themselves like this.
"To me it is very sad to see people who are our friends and neighbours and people who we do business with going to this meeting with that woman."
And all this time with all this violence in the state of Victoria. The Premier Jeff Kennett displayed his elitist bigotry by refusing to condemn the actions of those who would destroy the democracy that all Australians hold so dear.
Commentators name withheld.
Well the Laboral parties have at last crawled out of their little shells and been forced into a corner to display what they are really all about.
Former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser says the Coalition should consider forming a government with Labor, if it is the only way to stop One Nation's influence in Parliament.
Mr Fraser says the most likely scenario after the next election is a hung parliament with One Nation holding the balance of power. He says that would give One Nation far too much influence over policies relating to Asia, immigration and the Middle East.
In an interview to be screened on SBS Television's Insight program last night, the man who is famous for losing his pants late at night in a US hotel... says One Nation would wreak enormous harm on Australia if it held the balance of power.
"It's not just John Howard, I'm also saying it in relation to Kim Beazley," Mr Fraser said. "He should govern if it's in cooperation with the Liberal Party and the National Party if it is the only way to diminish racist influence in the Australian body politic."
In today's "Bottom line":
Plots and conspiracies are thicker than buffalo flies on a bullock's backside at the One Nation website. It runs copy accusing the Victorian police of telling lies to One Nation national leader Pauline Hanson about protesters and her safety so that she would abandon some engagements in that state.
The site says the Labor Party and their "extremist thugs" make "the much maligned Nazis look like kids playing in the park".
It also describes journalists as "intellectual prostitutes" who are biased, run political favours and do deals with mainstream parties.
Prostitutes maybe, but intellectual? Fairgo.
Remember the scorn heaped on Pauline Hanson's peoples bank? Well it seems that it is okay and viable only if it race based...
Suggestions of merchant bank to end indigenous welfare dependency....
Federal Aboriginal Affairs Minister Senator John Herron says a special merchant bank could be used to fund investments designed to end the welfare dependency of indigenous Australians.
Senator Herron told a business lunch in Brisbane, the idea was based on a Canadian model where six of the major banks formed a merchant bank to manage indigenous funding.
He says the idea depends on the outcome of talks with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) to split indigenous funding into social and economic development funds.
"Gatjil Djerrkura the chairman of ATSIC has already had some discussions with one of the banks," Senator Herron said.
"It may be that one bank currently in existence emerges as the sort of preferred provider, alternatively that the banks might combine."
On the issue of banks:
Did you know that: If you deposited $1,000 and the bank lent it out 32.8
times at 10% they would get $3,280 per annum. You would get 6% and earn $60.
Of that you would pay at least 15% in tax. You get $45 per annum. They use
your money. You still own it. They put up nothing and risk nothing. Wouldn't
you rather be a bank?
Trading Banks | 18.3 x shareholder's funds |
Savings Banks | 32.6 x shareholders funds |
Merchant Banks | 18.0 x shareholder's funds |
Building Societies | 32.8 x shareholder's funds |
Do the needle in the haystack bit, try to find just one that is Australian owned:
Follow this link for their links.
So you thought all these anti-Hanson protests were spontaneous outpourings against racism? Well think again. How can a democratic country allow the sort of behaviour being outlined below continue.
It is a blight on the Labor Party in particular who are tied up with the Resistance - the group co-ordinating the schoolyard "protest".
Subject: Urgent! Please read!
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 02:16:25 PDT
To Whom it may concern,
My name is Brent Cassidy, I am 13 and a student at xxxxxx which is academically selective. I would like to point out that I support the One Nation political party. Recently I was entering the school gate when I was approached by a person who was handing out pamphlets. The pamphlets where about attending a 'Anti-Hanson walkout'.
They told me that I should go as Pauline Hanson is a Bad person, I then responded politely by telling them where to shove it. It seems to me that you have a lot of Australian youths against you. I do not know if you have a youth contact or a youth spokes-person, but if you don't I would be glad to do that for you. You are probably thinking, Why do I need a youth spokes-person?
Well I'll tell you. Youths like all adults have political views, but these views are more impressionable and these views are even more impresionable when they are being addressed by one of their peers, like myself. Although youths can't vote now they will be able to in the future and although you may think you don't need these votes now, I can tell you that you will need them in the future. Also remember if you don't do anything to gain these youths respect they may be forced to vote for the Labour or Liberal party, now do you really want that?
Brent Cassidy
In an unprecedented move, the peak farming organisation has vowed to actively campaign against Pauline Hanson's One Nation party at the next Federal election.
The executive director of the National Farmers' Federation (NFF), Dr Wendy Craik, told a farming conference that One Nation's policies would hurt farmers, despite its high level of support in the bush.
One Nation had capitalised on voter frustration that the major political parties were not listening to them, she said, but their policies would be costly to the nation, and especially to farmers.
Vowing to educate and persuade people about the benefits of trade liberalisation and economic reforms, Dr Craik said "we have much work to do".
In response, the One Nation party launched an attack on the NFF and Dr Craik, saying they did not represent family farmers.
Ms Hanson's senior adviser, Mr David Oldfield, said: "Dr Craik and the group she fronts are not representative of farmers. They are the flunkies of the Coalition and big business farms and are not held in high esteem by traditional family farmers." The One Nation farming policy, which includes blocking pig imports and raising tariffs to protect farmers, had been developed by farmers at the grassroots, he said.
Subject: The ACCC and galaxy..
Dear Editor,
At 11:30 pm on a cold dark night which was created for viewing Galaxy, (and/or Foxtel or Optus Vision) my screen suddenly went black. I sat there for a minute wondering what was going on, and at precisely 11:31 pm, my service was back, but under the name of Austar. The next day I was told by my sister that Galaxy was no more. So I got out the phone book and rang Austar, and asked how I could subscribe to their service. They asked me where I lived, and when I told them they said I couldn't subscribe as they *were* not *allowed* to have subscribers in metropolitan areas. I said, "So basically what you are telling me is I cannot pay for my pay TV service? That is why it is called pay TV!"
I live in an area where Foxtel and/or Optus have no cables. Both these services are *cable* pay television services. Galaxy was the only service which was *satellite and therefore the only one many consumers who had missed out on the cable rollout could subscribe to. Satellite is also better picture and sound quality. Galaxy also provided a microwave service in some areas which were mainly covered by the cable rollout, but not entirely. I knew the ACCC was involved, so I rang them here in Adelaide, and they told me to ring Canberra.
I encountered a woman who told me that the reason they had not allowed Galaxy to be sold to Foxtel was because OPTUS had threatened to pull out of the international and long distance telephone market! She actually said to me "if we had allowed the sale to go through you would have lost your cheap international phonecalls"!!!!!!!!!
If what she said is true, that is nothing less than blackmail!
The end result is luckily Foxtel have purchased all of the set top decoder boxes for satellite, and I still have a service, no thanks to the ACCC. However, subscribers had to live through a month of panic in the meantime. Anyone who has the service will surely tell you the thought of going back to commercial TV was quite terrifying! We dont get a lot of time to watch it, but as my husband often says, when you do, you get quality TV viewing. No ads, all the old shows you miss, 24 hour a day music channel, the news, the old movies you never saw but heard a lot about.. and if you have insomnia, no more half hour long shows about exercise machines and memory tapes.
I can't see the purpose of the ACCC, and the guy that
runs it
Jennifer Widdop
Subject: The Unending Deception
Hi Scott,
The attachment is for "You Say" on ANOTD.
On another theme, I spoke to you some months ago about putting together a floppy disk with all the One Nation speeches, policies, press releases etc.
I have done this work but will do nothing about getting it out to Branches and interested groups until I know the legality of what I am doing.
I believe that it is important to have a comprehensive collection of material available to everyone so as to provide the true picture and not what the enemy says.
As well as all the One Nation material that I have downloaded from the ON Website, I have included other things such as the Australian Constitution, Lima Agreement, MAI, Asian Crime, and other relevant pieces.
I have saved it all as text files so that it can be read on any PC. I have reformatted all the articles so that they are a bit easier on the eye. I think that there must be at least one computer available to every branch in Australia and this would give them a quick and ready resource of ON material.
I would envisage regular updates by mailing a new disk of the latest happenings. I see this as being particularly valuable in the remote areas.
Can you give me your thoughts on this project and if OK, how do I seek approval to get it into the system.
Allan Doak
Subject: love the Woman
Me personally , I love her , and what she is standing up for . I saw Pauline yesterday in Echuca , got a photo taken of me kissing her cheek and a few signed "how to join" leaflets , then we heard her speak without the media editing or asking only the questions that they want the general population to hear and of course without that "bloody Ray Martin" interrupting in the middle of an answer.
I am proud to say "I have heard I will vote"
Name withheld on request
Subject: Hanson for PM
I support your one nation party and would like informtion about issues like immmigration,gun ownership,free trade and the australian federal election you are having soon.How could i as a American send you a donation? Is it possable for me as an american to become a member of the one nation party? I am a white american who is fed up with the way the the usa, is being run.both the democrats and the republicans are no good and will not do any thing about the problems here and the issues are the same here. but a lot worse here. for example the usa is being overrun by third world immigration and washingtion will not do anything about it.the usa is only twenty years from becoming a nation with a white minority culture. president clintion is running around the nation telling whites how they will have to accept the nonwhites taking over the usa. god help us. we are going to have a civil war over here. and it is coming very soon.we need a one nation party here in the usa. i hope pauline hanson is elected your next pm. I better close now,hope to hear from you soon.I am new on the internet,so my typing is only fair.
Jan R Pearson, USA
Subject: Farmers Federation
I heard on the ABC 12:00 noon news that the Farmers federation is going to campain against One Nation. Does this mean that they want Globalisation and support colective farms?
Have they consulted their rank and file members or are they like the trade unions and political parties, who decide what is the best for them?
How about farmers and pastorlists e-mailing their opinions.
Subject: poem for pauline
Dear white fella
Couple things you should know
When I born, I black
When I grow up, I black
When I go in sun, I black
When I cold, I black
When I scared, I black
When I sick, I black
And when I die, I still black.
You white fella
When you born, you pink
When you grow up, you white
When you go in sun, you red
When you cold, you blue
When you scared, you yellow
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you grey.
And you have the cheek to call me coloured?
Name withheld
Subject: Gun Laws
Hi Scott,
Many thanks for your hard work in maintaining this site, which gives us a source of information which is accurate, and usually impartial.
How much did you have to pay Malcolm Fraser to say what he did? If ever evidence was required of the deterioration of the Liberal Party, and the lengths they will go to keep a two party system, his statement about a national unity party was the ultimate.
I voted Liberal from 1960 until the Lindsay by election in '96. The thing that woke me up was John Howards method of introduction of, and the contents of, his new gun laws. I was aware of the gross inaccuracies in his statements, and felt that I was being made out to be a person of crimminal intent without any evidence, merely the interest in firearms.
The writer Scott in Thurs ANOTD seems to have fallen victim to the urban myth that if only we could get rid of guns, somehow danger and crimminal threat disappears ie less guns equals less crime. (While I agree that uniform national laws were needed, the extent to which they have gone is far too restrictive.) I challenge him to find any FACTS, as distinct from gut feelings, to support his case. EG ABS figures show homicide numbers by firearm decreasing over 1979-1996 while homicides from causes other than firearm increasing over the same time. Suicide shows similar results. World Health Organisation figures for international homicide rates worldwide in 1989 show no correlation between gun laws and homicides. Israel for example has a lower homicide rate than us but allows more responsibility for its citizens in gun ownership. Analysis of The UN Secretary Generals report entitled 'Measures to Regulate Firearms' E/CN, 15/1997/4 shows similar figures eg Finland has the highest gun density but sixteenth in homiciderate.
I suggest he explores the Sporting Shooters web page to get a more accurate perspective, especially the 'firearm graphs'. Look at the 'documents of interest', then 'studies, essays etc' and read the ones on Prof John Lott, from Chicago University, who shows that in the US at least, more guns equals LESS crime. That will blow you away.
If he is really interested in making Australia a safer place, then the 4Corners program 2w ago on hospital safety, which showed 10,000 people a year Aust wide DIE because of mistakes in the medical treatment, and that a Labor party report showed $156m would make a great difference to that number, should put a perspective on how to spend money to make Aust safer!
Col Easton
Subject: Thurston Phoremost RESPONDS to his CRITICS.
I, Thurston Phoremost, your Say No To Hanson candidate, am thrilled at the overwhelming response from Mr Scott which flooded into my office yesterday after I released my Policy Document here!
Here is my reply!
Mr Scott says:-"First off, gun laws. Yes, restricting guns to the general public isn't going to solve all our problems and crime. But do you have a better solution?"
Thurston Phoremost replies:- Well, Mr Howard's solution -
(1)cost a *LOT* of money,
(2)alienated a lot of people who were never part of the problem anyway,and
(3)has failed to reduce the incidence of firearms-related crimes.
Logically speaking, then, in view of the above, it shouldn't be too difficult at ALL, to come up with something better than Mr Howard's "solution".
Agreed? Good.
Well, those dreadful Hanson people
Anyway, people on this Prohibited Person's register, are to be forbidden to posess any type of firearm, with some severe penalties in place for those "prohibited persons" who violate this law.
This seems like a damn good idea, I must say. But I rule it out, because Hanson thought of it before I did.
Also, a couple of Hanson supporters
This sounds like a bloody good idea too, but I reject this also, for reasons similar to those already given above.
Mr Scott says:-"Sure, the criminals will probably not have handed in their armaments during the gun amnesty, like you say, its in their nature to break the law."
Thurston Phoremost replies:- Correct. And remember, crims will ALWAYS need guns, not only to commit armed robberies, but also they use them to protect themselves against OTHER criminals. I mean, for example, a marijuana farmer can't go complain to the police that someone is planning to steal his crop, eh?
Mr Scott says:- "However, isn't it also true that by restricting access to weapons to all, it would also eventually make it harder for criminals to get access to guns?"
Thurston Phoremost replies:- Welllll, it would almost certainly make it much more EXPENSIVE for crims to buy them.
So I suppose the crims will just have to rob more people or sell more heroin to finance this extra cost.
Also, this ever-increasing "street value" of guns will ensure that a vigorous black market in illegal firearms will grow and grow.
But please, Mr Scott, please stop all this darned negativity.
Sure, Johnny's firearm laws were an expensive, controversial, ineffectual, total and complete waste of time, but I think you're completely missing the point here.
The POINT, Mr Scott, is this.
Sure, Johnny's laws have achieved nothing, however, the important thing to keep in mind is that you, and I, and every other anti-Hanson person out there, BELIEVES IN HIS HEART that these laws have been of a TREMENDOUS benefit to our society!!!
And for heavens sake, in the final analysis, isn't THIS what it's all about, after all?
Mr Scott said:-"As for your views on Asians, its so nice of you to stereotype them all into a nice little category."
Thurston Phoremost replies:- Please Explain? What category was that?
Anyway, I'd like to share with you something I heard on the John Laws show today. A man describing himself as a Labor supporter phoned in, and lamented the fact that, in his view, Hanson was chasing away prospective Asian Uni students from coming to Queensland universities.
This fellow described a scheme in the USA whereby some universities SUBSIDISE students coming from Asia, some of them actually give the Asian students their first year free of charge! He was implying that we should do the same in Australia so as to "repair" the "damage" that Hanson was doing to our reputation in Asia.
Whaddya reckon, Mr Scott, sound like a good idea to you? Freebie Uni education for Asians?
Naturally, I, Thurston Phoremost, am all for it. And I'm sure all other Anti-Hanson people agree with me. Anyone who disagrees is, of course, a racist and, in all likelihood, a bigot also.
Mr Scott says:-"Yes, there are a lot of Asian students in our universities."
Thurston Phoremost replies:- A LOT of them, yes, and we make lots of MONEY from them, too, don't we? So it's worth keeping all those lazy Australian students out - sell off their future, they probably don't have one anyway (see below).
But why stop at universities? Why not do the same with, say, our hospitals? Chuck all those lazy non-millionaire Aussies out of their hospital beds, and put in wealthy Asian capitalists instead! Think of the money! The MONEY is more important than ANYTHING else!
Mr Scott says:- "But do you have figures about how they are studying here and flooding back home to utilize their skills?"
Thurston Phoremost replies:- Well, I certainly HOPE they're putting their university education to good use, unlike a lot of our LAZY BLOODY Australian university students who seem to be more interested in a career of chasing Hanson supporters, abusing them, spitting on them, and beating them senseless.
Ah yes, when I see the type of people who support Multiculturalism, it reaffirms my absolute belief that Multiculturalism is a great and wonderful, worthwhile thing, and worth fighting for (provided, of course, that we only have to fight people from the old folks home, above the age of 87, who can't fight back.)
Mr Scott says:-"Oh and lets not go into corruption. Yes, corruption is purely an Asian thing."
Thurston Phoremost replies:- What's this? Are you saying that Australian politicians are in any way less amenable to large juicy bribes than Asian pollies are?
I, Thurston Phoremost, CHALLENGE you to produce one scintilla of evidence to support this outrageous and ludicrous fantasy!
Anyway, why should Asian pollies get all the loot, why shouldn't our own boys and girls cash in? We NEED Business Migration, dammit!
Mr Scott says:- "It is just this kind of posting which reveals some of One Nation's supporters true attitudes, and one reason I see why their stance may not be in the interest of Australia in the long run."
Thurston Phoremost replies:- Me? A One Nation supporter? 'Tis to laugh!
Hey, I am a dinky di Hanson hater, just like you. And I'll prove it!
Here's proof - I know that 80% of our manufacturing industry is owned by foreigners. Well, I won't rest until foreign ownership of Australia is 100%! And I know I can count on your support in this.
Still not convinced? OK, I think it's good that the 30,000 people in our pig-meat industry are being driven broke because our government encourages imports of large quantities of pigmeat from Canada.
Also, I think it's good that multi-national corporations set up business here, and use Transfer Pricing scams to avoid paying tax and even, in some cases, using the same scam to fraudulently claim tax CREDITS, apparently with our government's blessing.
Also, I think it's just GREAT that our government is dismantling our tariff protection, whilst our "trading partners" still insist on keeping tariff barriers of up to 100%, or even more, to stop us being able to compete in THEIR markets.
Wow, still not convinced?
OK, well, Hanson says, "I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians".
WHAT danger? Cripes, the Aboriginals were swamped by a totally alien culture, starting from about 200 years ago, and you don't hear THEM complaining about it, do you?
NOTE:- Some of the above does not really reflect my true beliefs, it's just satire, contributed for its comic relief value. Anyone who wants to get offended is free to do so. Any similarity between John Howard and a ghastly little barking toad is (whilst quite remarkable) entirely coincidental.
Subject: School Children To Demonstrate
Principals come out in support of "anti Hanson / racism demonstration walkout"
A CLASSIC example of what P.C and degraded respect / morals are doing for our education system.
I am sure that there is some directive by the education departments that prevents this, I will do some research tomorrow but in the meantime.......
I went to a 2 teacher school in Bonshaw NSW and had the pleasure (not always LOL) of being taught by a man that I still only know as "Mr Reitse" (prounounced rightsee), who looked after yrs 5 - 7. I kid you not - this man RULED with an iron fist when he had to (he was also the principal) - This man also used to help us make "lackey guns" (fired rubber bands) and we used to drag the old NSW school desks (with inkwell) out to make forts at lunch. The students used to come to blows over whose side Mr. Reitse would be on. I miss him, I really do.
Over the years, I thought that I would attempt to contact him but, to my shame, I haven't.
I am 28 yrs old, I didn't own a pair of shoes until I was 13, we ate our own mutton, rabbits and kangaroo tail soup - we grew our own vegetables. washed in a bath heated by the old "chip heater", and read Biggles books. Better that than being taught to leave school to protest against that which we had neither the knowlege, nor the vote to change.
Long Live Mr. Reitse, Long Live Biggles.
Anthony Mare
Subject: Chairman Mao resurrected
Well we knew the mainstream parties were desperate. We knew they had to come up with something to try and stem the tide of defection. But did any of us consider they would sink so low as to use schoolchildren as a weapon in their survival fight? Yes, as long as they have their parents' permission, children will be allowed to leave classes to protest against Pauline Hanson and the One Nation party. Their absence from classes will be regarded as 'authorized leave'.
Some of us might be old enough to remember that Chairman Mao used children to shore up his position when it started to look shaky. What a precedent for Australia!
I am sure some children do object to One Nation, whether from their own response to media mis-reporting, or from simply accepting their parents' views. I am equally sure that peer pressure is going to play a big part in tomorrow's 'protests'. This is not good for democracy.
And if anybody needed any evidence to be convinced of the corrupt collusion of the main political parties, tonight Malcolm Fraser - the man who posed for the Easter Island statues in Graham Strachan's memorable phrase - said that Liberal and Labor ought to consider forming a coalition to keep One Nation from having the balance of power in any future government! True! What an admission of the fact that they have been a de-facto coalition for years.
They are REALLY scared. Tell your friends.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Israel Review & Intimidation
Mr Leibler,
As an American, I find it repugnant in the extreme that you would publish the names and Suburbs of 2000 people with whom you disagree - One Nation members and donors - in the Australia/Israel Review. Your excuse is as transparently flawed as your attempt to justify the publishing of those peoples' information "in the interests of "political transparency."
Yet once again, you arrogantly presume that people are nitwits, or are just too afraid of being called childish, invective names, like 'antisemitic' to stand up to the nonsense that must surely be spawned in the dark recesses of the criminal mind.
But, your actions come as no surprise to me, since - over the past 10 years, I have done some studying of the tactics used by those who hate the truth, thus call the truth itself "hate."
Your/The Australia/Israel Review's committment to shelve plans to publish the names of One Nation's remaining 8,000 members is not a gracious act at all, Mr Leibler. By your own comment, "We feel we have made our point," proves beyond doubt that your methods are consonant with the dregs of the underworld; terrorism, intimidation, marginalization, deception, inciting fear, and the rest of the usual tactics which your ilk have become notorious for over the past 3,000 years.
Why do you suppose that - after so many brushes with disaster - your tribe has never once publicly and humbly asked, "Could it possibly be something WE ARE DOING which incites people to retaliate?"
Think about it, before you all push too hard... perhaps one last time.
Remembering the 13 Million Ukrainians
Murdered by the traditional enemy
Subject: Swan Hill Meeting
I missed the meeting on tuesday night in Swan Hill, by all accounts she spoke really well, I wish her all the best. It's a pity this "rent a crowd" mob keep following her around. I have an idea I would like to drop into the pot to stimulate the economy, I dont know if its feasible or not, your comments please. How about dropping the Sales Tax, say, to around 12 1/2 % on AUSTRALIAN manufactured motor vehicles and leaving imports at their present level. Surely this would kick our industry into gear. Also we hear Costello telling us the oil companys will be brought into line and we MAY see a 3c drop in the cost of fuel. Not a word about the 34c per litre rip off the Government takes. I believe if they reduced fuel tax to, say, 15c per Litre, we would kick start the tourism industry, country business, and employment nation wide. Keep up the good work Pauline, you are not just keeping the bastards honest, you have scared the living shit out of them. Good on you.
Neil Gannon.
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 15:57:13 +-1000
Lot 7 Runnymede Estate Rd
Nanango, 4615
(07) 41-632-423 (ah)
23 July 98
To all Members of the House Of Representatives
On the morning of the 25th June I attended Kingaroy court to answer on 3 charges of illegal possession of fire-arms. The weapons involved were one .22 single shot bolt action rifle and two air rifles. I pleaded NOT GUILTY to all charges as I believe that the laws under which I am charged are illegal. I was remanded on bail to appear again on the 7th August 1998. On the evening of the 25th June I attended a public meeting in Wondai, Queensland (near Kingaroy) at which the Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, was the main speaker.
At question time I said the following to him:
MARTIN ESSENBERG- "My name is Martin Essenberg. I am a conscientious objector to the New Gun Laws. I am currently on bail having been in Kingaroy court this morning for illegal possession of a .22 bolt action rifle and 2 air rifles. Can you stop enforcing your Governments demands for uniform gun laws and let Queenslanders make up their own minds." PM JOHN HOWARD said amongst other things-" NO- I stand strongly on this" My Comments- The Federal government has no jurisdiction in gun laws. These are a state matter. John Howard is enforcing his will on the states of Australia by threatening them with budgetary cuts unless they comply. Queenslanders, as far as John Howard is concerned, are not responsible people who can be trusted to make their own laws in this issue.
Most of you members of the house of Representatives voted for the Legislation that allowed the states to pay compensation for confiscated guns. Most of you are supporting John Howard when he imposes his will on the states.
None of you had any mandate for these actions not being elected on this issue. You all reject opinion polls at most times yet in this case of finding gun-owners guilty without trial you all jumped onto the bandwagon to enforce new gun laws. I ask you to correct this situation and allow the states to withdraw from the Uniform Gun Laws and for the people of the states to be allowed to make up their own minds.
I am due in court again in Kingaroy on the 7th August 98 and Brisbane on 11 August 98. When convicted I will be a criminal. Do you think that this will achieve what you wanted.
Martin Essenberg
IF YOU SUPPORT MY STAND PLEASE FORWARD THIS E-MAIL ON TO OTHERS If you receive this e-mail from some-one and want to be on my mailing list send me your e-mail address. If any private citizen wants to be deleted from my mailing list let me know.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
> First off, gun laws. Yes, restricting guns
to the general public isn't going to solve all our problems and crime.
> But do you have a better solution? Sure, the criminals will probably
not have handed in their armaments during
> the gun amnesty, like you say, its in their nature to break the law.
However, isn't it also true that by restricting
> access to weapons to all, it would also eventually make it harder for
criminals to get access to guns?
Do I have a better solution? Yes I do.
Let me preface my comments by saying I don't own a gun, I've never owned a gun. I don't and never have personally known anybody who owned a gun.
In some countys in America, it is against the law NOT to own a gun. 98% of people all own guns. Crime is UNHEARD of. Why? Because criminals don't dare say "boo" without getting their ass blown off. Put yourself into the mind of a criminal. Would you break into someone's house when there is a very high probability that there is someone in there who may blow your head off? Restricting access to all people owning a gun will do very little to stop criminals. Firstly there are many millions of guns in the country. If it causes the black market price of a gun to go up from $300 to $600, what difference does that make to a criminal?? None.My house was broken into a few weeks ago when my wife WAS at home. I wish she'd had a gun (preferably one of those clever ones with a computer chip which only fire for you if your fingerprints match). Who knows what this guy's intentions were? As it happened she screamed and screamed and thankfully he was spooked and left.
The main reason I support guns is that we don't know what the global situation will be 5 or 10 years from now. A well armed country cannot be taken over. Am I paranoid? No, I don't think Indonesia is about to invade. But look how things have changed in Indonesia in the last 12 months! For all I know, in 5 years some military dictator will be in charge and all the people are hungry (like they are now), and the military says "hey lets go south".
Paranoid? The British thought they were safe in 1938. Another war with Germany? Nahh, no way. There is nothing worse than people who will not learn from history. Oh but we live in a safe world now right? A new world order? Yeh right. We shall see. If some other country did invade millions could be killed. I'm willing to take the chance of the occasional Bryant going loony rather than risk the total annihilation of this country.
Call me insensitive, but greater sacrifices than this were made by Britain to retain their country in WWII, and keeping Australia defendable is equally as serious a matter. If you don't take this seriously you are flying totally in the face of history.
Name Withheld on request
Subject: CAN YOU HELP?
Juliet Gellatly, the boss of extreme UK animal lib group VIVA, recently toured Australia promoting her campaign to ban the sale of kangaroo meat in Britain. She appeared on talk radio around the country, plus ACA, Kerrie-Ann etc. Her major success came when UK supermarket chain Tesco agreed to stop selling kangaroo meat in 300 of their stores. Tesco's had been lobbied by NSW Upper House MP Richard Jones, who claimed - on Parliamentary stationery - that kangaroo culling is cruel, unsanitary, and that the meat represents a health hazard to consumers. All untrue, in fact the industry is heavily regulated and has strict hygiene and rules to minimise cruelty. Thousands are employed especially in processing. The loss of Tesco's in particular caused the closure of at least one abbatoir in South Australia. Forty jobs were lost. Jones' lies during the campaign have prompted a planned motion of no confidence in the NSW parliament (see Piers Akerman, Daily Telegraph, 21/7/98). Note that Jones, who resigned from the Democrats last year, plans to run in the March 99 state elections under a new animal rights political party, and VIVA are seeking charity status in NSW.
Now Jones and Gellatly are at it again. Jones has flown to London to organise VIVA's 'day of action' against Sainsbury's supermarkets on Saturday. Details are at the VIVA Web site,
Visitors to VIVA's site are urged to follow a link to Sainsbury's page and protest to their managing director by e-mail. Should Sainsbury's remove kangaroo meat from their shelves many more Australian jobs will be lost.
Could I place this on the ANOTD page as a post, and invite readers to follow the links? If they don't agree with Jones' campaign they could let Sainsbury's know.
This is a simple matter of a politician selling out Aussie jobs and exports to advance his political career. No, I have no involvement with the kangaroo industry, but what Jones is doing is very wrong.
Subject: GWB and One Nation party issues
Pauline Hanson. I've read some of her speeches. I've read some of the replies. I've read what people have to say about her, both for and against. I've now come to this conclusion.
She has found a voice amongst the misinformed minority. There are 'Pauline Hansons' to be found in every corner of society and the globe. They say what they think based on what they understand and the angle from which they can see. Their intellects and view of the world are limited by the depth of their experience. She has been compared to Hitler and I think this an unfair comparison. Hitler prepared and planned his success on the backs of the disgruntled people of his country in a calculated fashion. His 'passion' was conrolled and thought out. Pauline Hanson speaks her mind but not in the same manner. It may be possible that others of a more devious nature are pushing her forward to further their own ends but that is a matter for speculation.
She has been found to quote facts and figures that are unsubstansiated and untrue in many cases. An unforgiveable sin for any politician but I don't belive she is one and not even close to being one. She simply lacks the intellect to be one.
Your company has the right to publish her web pages. You can disclaim any agreement with the sentiments expressed in those pages. But remember this, you are publishing material that is offensive to many and nectar to some. You cannot absolve yourselves from blame if people reactly negatively to your actions and by publishing you are actively taking part in the debate.
Tony Miles
Subject: DANGER!: 'Dangerfield' Alert!!!!
'Dangerfield' stores in the Melbourne Metropolitan area!
The management of this 'chain' of sleazy, grotty "shops"(which sells: 'clothes','posters' and 'counter-culture' accoutrements[drugs?]) has recently taken it upon itself to berate passers-by with offensive, outlandish and clearly inaccurate 'stickers',(in garish red/yellow/black colours) plastered all over their front store windows at approximate eye-level so that they cannot be missed by passers-by.
Here's a sample: "One Nation Party...SKKKUM!"..."Say no to racist rednecks! Say no to One Nation"[this particular 'beauty' features a sinister looking 'KKK'-type in full hooded regalia with a burning 'cross' in the background]
Doubtless, such a publicly offensive display of violent bias will irritate and dismay many ON Party supporters. I suggest that ON Party supporters write letters/faxes to their local members/councillors complaining about this and also write letters/faxes to the management of 'Dangerfield' shops...their addresses are in the Melbourne White Pages!
**Herez their Melbourne(Oz) fax Nmbr: +61 3 9417 3493 [Head Office!]
(*sorry: couldn't locate their 'email': perhaps someone else can post that?....actually, I don't think they have one!*)
Subject: Information
Thanks for the information about Leftlink. I have forwarded the address to a number of colleagues who are becoming active in the campaign to eliminate racism.
Phillip Whitefield
Subject: What did Bosford mean
Does anybody know what Arthur Bosford, ESQ was on about? I must be deficient in literary appreciation for I havn't the foggiest notion, though from his salutation - 'dear hard core Nazi bastards' - I gathered it was uncomplimentary. Perhaps he was high on some funny stuff? Like prejudice?
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
For those of your readers who are not aware of the "Heartland" website and their "Intellectual Ammunition" articles. There are many similarities with our thinking here in Australia.
Even Marg at the International Bookshop in Melbourne could find it refreshing and it may even add a bit of balance to her library.
Best wishes,
Bob Thompson
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Echuca - where
race relations were the real hidden loser - 24th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.