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an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
The world's policeman struck again last week.
The United States armed forces striking against targets in two separate countries, Sudan and Afghanistan, as a retaliation against two bomb attacks against United States embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
The attacks by the US were perpetrated by a lying American President "Starfleet Commander" Bill Clinton who was facing further allegations about an illicit affair with Monica Lewinsky.
The whole issue begs the question - who will the world's policeman attack next - and for what reason? Let us take the hypothetical case where, for example, One Nation gains power in Australia and, the new government voted in by the people and with their blessing, decides that the Australian media should be diversified into smaller lots of ownership and the mining and petroleum industry nationalised and re-sold to Australian owned interests.
Big money in the US, based on their track record, could object and put pressure on the Congress and the President through their well-placed lobbyists. What then is to stop the "world's policemen" to come and barricade our ports with their missile carriers and intimidate us with their packs of fighter planes - just like they have done to Iraq for so many years after they were humiliated after their stupid attack on Kuwait.
What is to stop the "world's policeman" from reducing the Australian population to appalling poverty through denial and embargoes because the Australian population say "NO" to the loss of the country's sovereignty to the big end of town in the US. These are spine chilling thoughts but then look at the track record of the US in dealing with countries who will not bend into their mould.
Now I am not saying that I agree with their politics, but surely the people living there should have the right to decide. Look at North Korea - the poor being deliberately starved out of existence while the media look the other way and the US navy patrol their coastline to ensure that the country remains "sanitised".
Look at Iraq where this once prosperous country, long after they have been militarily destroyed, now carry one of the most impoverished nations in the world today. The US have protected Saddam Hussein the alleged focus of their anger - because they could take him out anywhere at any time.
Look at Cuba - right on America's doorstep. A country where US embargoes have reduced the country to a terrible state of decay.
There is one common theme about these countries and that is that they have refused to allow foreign transnationals to destroy the spirit of their people.
The underlying justification for the "world's policeman" is the United Nations which is anything but what it's name implies. It is nothing more than the bureaucratic haze behind which big business wheels and deals the future of Australia and other countries like pieces on a chess board. International agreements like the MAI and the FSIA are negotiated out of view of the peoples of the world in the halls of the OECD, the World Trade Organisation and their undemocratic big business partners.
US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright spoke yesterday of a long term struggle in the "war of the future".
What sort of war is she talking about? Is this where the gloves come off and those opposing the multinationals are pounded into the ground?
Osama bin Laden, the Saudi billionaire accused of being behind the embassy bombings said after the attacks on Afghanistan and the Sudan, "The battle hasn't started. Our answers will be in deeds, not words."
The Sudanese Foreign Minister Osman Ismael said, "The United States should rest assured that it will not escape justice from the Sudanese people, the Arab and African peoples, and the international community. If it repeats this action again."
But perhaps the most telling and pointed remark was by the Muslim clerics in Afghanistan who said, "The Americans and Jews want us under their power, they want to keep us poor."
Which begs the question - should the Australian people just lie down and die and let our nation's spirit be enslaved by foreign money. For me the answer is a firm no and so it will remain - for as long as I am allowed to draw breath.
Before News Limited took over Australia's sport through Pay TV Channel Foxtel I can recall watching finals live, and more importantly, free on the commercial or government channels.
All that has now changed.
In fact what is now happening is little more than a disgrace.
This morning I watched the Trinations Rugby Union Final REPLAY. A fascinating match played in Ellis Park in Johannesburg between Australia and South Africa. While South Africans were able to watch the game live and free from their lounge rooms rugby union fanatics like myself were no longer offered that privilege.
For me to watch I had to be a subscriber to Foxtel and for the fee of Au$49.95 per month the best I can get is to watch a REPLAY of the match played about 10 hours earlier.
Just two years ago when Pay TV was introduced Murdoch and Packer, while they were lobbying the government and the short-term memory Australian population for the rights to broadcast major events like the Trinations, we were guaranteed that not only would we be "allowed" to see these matches live, but we would be able to see them free.
Just to show you how far down the hill we have gone, the rot does not stop there. The "so-called" Australian team had "VODAFONE" - a US company plastered all over their chests. The proud green and gold jerseys of the Wallabies now plastered in large red writing - only restricted in size by the size that the letters could be to accommodate the length of the name.
The South African team in their green had no commercial advertising plastered across their jerseys. Their pride in playing for their country I believe played a major part in their victory. The "Australian" team actually BELONG to Murdoch and VODAFONE if you look at the coverage objectively. They did not represent me or Australians - they represented a money-making scam now controlled by big business. What used to be ours, like so many things Australians hold dear, is now theirs. And the Australian government are their willing partners.
I hang my head in shame when I tell you I barracked for the South African team. I barracked for them because, unlike Australia, they did not represent the multinationals who are sponging this country dry like a super-mopper looking for whatever is left that is good and Australian and able to be commercialised for profit by lobbying career-minded politicians.
I cheered when South Africa won the Trinations Cup 29-15 for no other reason. I cheered every time they scored a try... because I saw the game as one played between a country (South Africa) and the multinationals (Australia).
For those who do not or who cannot afford Foxtel and therefor could not watch the REPLAY the travesty is complete. The final, a major sporting event involving our country, was kept from them. It was only money that could buy you access to the game... a major and popular Australian sport that is sponsored by the tax payer after mum and dad Australians spend hundreds of hours watching their kids play and come through various levels in their quest to "play for the country".
It is really no wonder that South Africa won - the team knew who and what they were representing - the real victims were clearly our team who did not know who or what they really represented. All they did know is that unlike 28 million South Africans very few back home would have that privilege and that only hours after the game was won or lost.
The Anglo Australian Race
I recently saw a program on TV which was putting forward the views of certain ethnic groups, whilst endeavoring (Oh! so subtly was their intention) to put down ON.
I discovered, via this program, that I belong to the "Anglo Australian Race". And here's silly old me thinking for 55yrs that I was just an Australian. Can someone please tell me when were the "Aussies" anhialated?? Was I off sleeping somewhere whilst the true blue Aussie was becoming extinct ~ I didn't even know we were on the endangered species list. I was off in Africa for many years ~ perhaps that's when it happened.
Now that I'm classified into an official race (Anglo Australian), naturally I have no more right to decide the future of my country than any other race. I find myself being subjected to racial prejudices, slander and contempt from other ethnic groups. I'm being told to shut and be quiet; I'm being told what I can do; what I can say, and who I can vote for.
Yes! I have got an Anglo Saxon background. My forefathers were amongst the early settlers, and whether convict or free we settled this country; we built Australia ~ WE ARE AUSTRALIANS.
Subject: Victimisation of minor parties & Independents
Dear Member,
Given that the so called major parties (financial membership now down to less than 1.5% of the population) have been successful in arranging indexed compulsory taxpayer subsidization under the Electoral Funding legislation, why, our Principals wonder, do you or your colleagues believe that they would not use every ruthless "dirty trick" to protect their privileged position from the strict application of the Constitution (which did not contemplate entrenched political party machines controlled by non-parliamentary hierachies with hidden agendas or ulterior motives)?
Could the perception arise from some people in the Australian electorate that you were not really interested in equity, fairness or justice? If that is not the case then surely you will be seeking to prove to the community the value of organisations like the Human Rights and EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Commission, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, the Electoral Commission,The Anti- Discrimination Board,and the Governor-General.
J o n M. A x t e n s
Subject: Protocols & the Jews
Whilst the protocols are most probably true ( it doesn't matter if they are forgeries) it is not charitable or correct to allow this to be turned against the Jewish race. We all came from Adam.
The Jews are more the victims of the Zionist conspiracy, than are the gentiles. They have suffered probably more over the centuries for their denial of their Messiah, as we all have suffered because of the sin of our first parents. We must welcome them into the one nation family. Beware of the anti semitism that the money manipulators would love to label us with.
Our real danger will come from Russia (sold missiles) through Islam, triggered perhaps through inadvertent actions of the US.
We should not knock Islam, they are an example of holiness to Christians. Christians today have lost the plot. Jesus said, " You are either for Me or against Me, those who are neither ...I will vomit them out of my mouth" I agree.
Love makes you happy. Hate makes you snappy. Join the Happy One Nation family.
Philip Madsen
Subject: To Mnemosyne
Before you fall for the GST, call on Mnemosyne to re-tell you some stories:
ABC TV 7:30 report July 8, 96: Special feature on $800 million per year, tax not paid by ultra-rich; Quote: "all roads lead to Mark Leibler."
Sun-Herald Headlines:
April 29, 90 $1 Billion Tax Rort Exposed.
March 10, 91: Big Tax Cheats Let Off.
April 28, 91: Call For Tax Rort Probe.
Sydney Morning Herald headline:
March 12, 92 Anti-Semitism makes us feel Jewish, says top rabbi.
Who is the driving force behind the GST? The same Mark Leibler who was at the bottom of the "bottom of the harbour" schemes.
Noel Pearson is employed at Arnold Bloch Leibler.
David Greason initiated both National Action and the National Front and is a regular columnist for Leibler's Australia/Israel Review - whose Brown Shirts are now acting as your thought police.
The Leiblers know all about banking and counter-gangs, how about you, what do you know? If you do not want to know then do not bother, and vote for Leiblers GST but , if you do want to know, the book: "Gangs, Counter-Gangs and other political crimes" is now in print, and: "Secrets Known Only To Bankers" is about to be printed.
For all the revolutionaries who dream of grabbing Australia back from the neo-colonialists, better get a first-hand report from someone who did not, only talk about it, but did it in fact, without a shot being fired; learn from an expert who your real enemy is.
This book you can get at any 1/2 decent book shop: "Escape to Hell" ISBN 2 7604 0613 X (specially the chapter with the same title as the book).
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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