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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
The price is high when a son makes claims on her profile mother.
Steven Zagorski one of Pauline Hanson's sons from her first marriage has gone public with claims in the trashy weekly magazine known as New Idea.
Steven was paid Au$25,000 to do the story - a fact which has been completely overlooked by the media who today lap up the claims and regurgitate them with the clear intention to damage Ms Hanson's credibility.
"It's a very private and personal matter and it is a family matter," said a shattered Pauline Hanson, "I love all my children and I'm just so sorry that someone would pay him for the story."
Of course Pauline's comments earlier this month that she was the "mother of all Australians" is linked to Steven's claims.
The New Idea magazine promotes the story on the front cover as Steven saying "I can't even speak to her."
In the article he is quoted as saying, "I don't speak to her now because she is too busy, but I've often asked her to 'please explain' my childhood - so far I haven't got an answer."
The truth of the matter is that Mrs Hanson has supported her son Steven by caring for him at her farm during much of this year. She has also tried to get him work in the district.
The article in today's Courier
Mail refer to "rumours" that Pauline Hanson is "estranged from her eldest
son Tony". I have met Tony on several occasions and from my firsthand impressions
I can clearly say that there is nothing wrong with their relationship.
Tony can be seen here in the striped shirt alongside Pauline at the One Nation first birthday party in April this year. Not acting like an estranged son... one would think.
That disgusting little midget who led the country into globalisation and disaster in the 80s - and who has been claiming his paybacks ever since - has the gall to attack Pauline Hanson in today's Australian.
Between Hawke and Keating this country was led into foreign debt and unemployment and, worst of all, sold off to foreigners with his blessing.
Here are some Hawke classics from the article headed: "High risk in repugnant tolerance of Hanson".
"But now, inside the cocoon of comfort provided by a Prime Minister derelict in his duty, the accident of Australian politics has become the hazard of our nation. Pauline Hanson threatens our internal cohesion and compassion, our economic growth and our status in the region and beyond. By ignoring our history, she jeopardises our future."
"Hanson's policies, founded as they are in ignorance, prejudice and fear, have neither an internal logic of their own nor any vestige of rationality in morality."
Here is an extract from the Washington Post:
President Clinton together with other world leaders will seek to find new approaches to such traditional values as democracy and market economy at a conference today focusing on an ideology that some call the "Third Way." It will mark the first time that this ideology is put into an international context.
The latest Newspoll
Party | Sept 18-20 |
Sept 11-13 |
Sept 4-6 |
August 28-30 | August 4-16 | August 7-9 | July 24-26 | July 10-12 | June 26-29 | June 12-14 | May 29-31 | May 15-17 | May 1-3 |
Coalition | 42 | 42 | 41.5 | 40 | 44 | 39 | 35 | 37 | 34 | 37 | 43 | 46 | 43 |
ALP | 43 | 44 | 41.5 | 40 | 39 | 39 | 41 | 40 | 45 | 40 | 40 | 39 | 41 |
One Nation | 6 | 7 | 7.5 | 10 | 7 | 11 | 12 | 11 | 13 | 11 | 7 | 4 | 4 |
Democrats | 4 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Greens | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Others | 3 | 2 | 2.5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 5 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 7 |
happened to the immigration debate?
How come the major parties have gone completely quiet on the issue of immigration?
Kim Beazely had plenty to say during the past two years. During the launch of a book by a former ambassador he stongly supported the notion that Australia should become a part of Asia. Later on he supported higher immigration levels.
Strangely now that the election campaign is upon us, he is keeping silent on his ideas. Yet this is the very time when the electors should be discussing them. Evidently he would rather not discuss his plans with us.
I would like to see people who have the opportunity to challenge him on talk-back radio about this. People should also ask whether he stands behind the immigration policies of the previous Labor government (of which he was a senior member). These were the policies which were so badly discredited in Paul Sheahan's book.
Name withheld
Birrell and the PC debate
Check out Katharine Betts' _Ideology and Immigration_ if you haven't already.
The (predictable) ALP/PC response to some of Birrell's earlier papers attacking the immigration/growth lobby was to ignore him, or snigger and say "racist".
Dr Birrell hasn't won too much praise for it, but he's been pointing to the costs of [badly regulated] immigration for some time now.
Perth's Cabramatta
Much is said about Cabramatta being an Asian stronghold.
Northbridge, suburb of Perth is as bad if not worse and it boasts in increase in crime almost beyond belief as rival Asian gangs fight not only among their own kind but also attack any unsuspecting tourist or local who happens to be in the vicinity.
Although the WA Police do their best to control the situation at a most unreasonable cost in manpower they are forced to leave other duties to do so. Consequently the increase in home burgularies, home invasions and car theft are constantly on the rise.
Ask the WA Government and they will deny that we have a problem, senior Police are being gagged and we are being constantly lied to in regard to this situation.
Therefore, as a postal voter due toa permenant disability who will be extemely disadvantaged by a GST, I have aleady voted for One Nation.
I did not spend a quarter of my life in the Armed Forces to see the country go down the gurgler and poofters given more rights than I have.
The First Eleven - The Sydney Morning Herald
Dear sir,
According to recent media reports, the eleven One Nation Party members of the Queensland Parliament have caused support for One Nation Party to drop because of their lack of tangible results/achievements..
How can this be? These people are _not_ members of the Queensland 'government' and, hence, have little, if any, input into 'government' policy and direction. As such, how can their 'results', or lack thereof, be ascertained?
While the Laborals appear to have adopted a 'hands-off' approach to these representatives of the people, various media reports(exmpl: the recent 'stories' in the Sydney Morning-Herald/ Melbourne Age) have endeavoured to smear them as either 'loonies' or 'incompetents'.
Perhaps these media hacks and multi-national puppets should look no further than the Laborals for under-achievers, incompetents and nutcases. The litany of disasters perpertrated by these clowns over the last twenty years is literally mind boggling!(15+% real unemployment, destruction of manufacturing industry, destruction of the rural sector, privatisation, sale of Australian assets to the highest bidder at bargain basement prices, economic irrationalism, political correctness, de-stabilisation of society by attacks on the family unit, shool-children taught all kinds of relativistic nonsense:transforming them into mini Charles Mansons, an abortion holocaust[necessitating large-scale immigration just to keep abreast of the natural attrition rate], multi- cultural fragmentation of Australian society, confisation of private property[New Gun Laws] &c &c &c!). Quite frankly, Uncle Tom Cobley and Blind Freddie's dog could have done a better job!
Di Berrill and the caffe latte set
Dear Sir ,
Antonia has beautifully described the pickle that the pc chardonnay sippers now find floating in their long stemmed glasses, with the acknowledgement (finally) by academia that ethnic ghetto's have been created in our cities. What position will they take on the matter now? Lets see ..... Once they have recovered their composure......Well...for goodness sakes..lets celebrate the cultural diversity and tradition that they represent,after all ... aren't overcrowded ,crime ridden,economic basket cases that foster child slave labour and exploitation of the weakest and poorest, the signature indicators of the home towns and traditional lands that many of these immigrants come from? Bless their little bamboo hats, so strong is their culture and pride ,it has survived the beastly influence of assimilation policies and has in fact flourished in this country ,despite all those frightful racists who want them to "Australianise"..shudder.
Isn't it fantastic! we can go to Asia without
leaving the country!
Cynically yours
I had to have a bit of a laugh yesterday. I happened to see the Democrats TV election add.
The reason for laughing is that they make it quite clear that the only policy they have is not to have a policy!
They are just s*** scared of One Nation getting into power and them losing. All there add says is vote for them so that they can keep One Nation out of power.
It's a sad comment on what used to be a proud political party that they stoop to this sort of rubbish.
All we can do is vote them out and make sure ON gets in.
Geoff Stanley
Subject: Ossie Ostrich and the Commonwealth Games
Dear Editor,
Thank Lucifer that the Commonwealth Games are over. (Herograms should have included the number 666 - just like the Telstra phone bill pay-by-credit-card payment number does!).
Now, we only have to survive the election (which no-one except our politicians want) and, "Zipperman's" tears and confessions.
Once we have exhausted these earth-shattering subjects we should, once again, be able to immerse ourselves in the most intelligent, intellectual and thought-provoking (mega-rating! - journospeak) programme on our televisions - which has been endorsed throughout Australia, without any political preference, as being the best TV viewing - RED FACES.
The whole of Australia is currently being deprived of intellectual content on both television and radio - no matter that it be taxpayer-funded ABC broadcasts or otherwise.
Why are we Australians so totally mesmerised by sporting people, moronic politicians, TV commentators, lower-than-moronic movie "stars" and pop music "artists", as well as incestuous Royalty?
(We only have to go back to Queen Victoria. Remember that she was the British Grandmother of Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany - who was supposed to have started the "War to end all Wars". The next King of England was the Uncle of Kaiser Wilhelm, and the next King of England was the nephew of Kaiser Wilhelm - and all that was before the First World War even started! Who knows what level they've reached at the moment?)
Sports "people", royalty, or politicians contribute absolutely nothing to Australia. It's their "sponsors" - usually multinational companies - who gain a benefit from all the advertising and/or campaign contributions! All that the Australian taxpayers receive for their investment in the "Australian Institute of Sport" is, sometimes, a "Gold Medal" (worth about $295 - we need the money) - and a completely broken-down teenager who might, if luck prevails, be able to become an illiterate, incoherent TV sports commentator or even, better yet, a politician! The rest of the "competitors" fade into oblivion, or go to work at Macdonalds or Woolworths (depending on which Government provides the lowest youth wage payable at the time by a multinational company!).
All that our current crop of politicians provide to Australia is Multinational investment in our Pollie's superannuation fund - which is by far the bluest of blue chip investments - but ordinary Aussies aren't allowed to invest in that company! So - that particular investment doesn't benefit the people of Australia. It only benefits the Multinationals and our pollies.
PLEASE - can we have "Red Faces" broadcast next Saturday - and also on October 3rd? We've already missed two weeks of it, and are likely to be deprived of any intellectual stimulation for at least another couple of weeks.
We've seen the Commonwealth Games and the election campaign speeches and the reports about "Zipperman" and the heart-breaking story about the little boy with the in-growing toe nail who requires the assistance of the United Nations. We don't want to watch the re-hashes ad infinitum - and also have to suffer the brain-dead commentators pontificating to us all over again!! (Did you see the commentator with the cigar? Hmmmmmm).
PLEASE - bring back "Red Faces". It only takes ten minutes of TV time - which is about the maximum time needed in any politician's or journalist's life - for him/her/it to make an absolute moron of him/her/it self. (How's that for "Political Correctness"?).
Mike Grant
Clinton's video - where to look
Hi Folks,
Thousands will tell you where to look, Try here:
The four-hour videotape of President Clintons grand jury testimony will be released on the Net later today, together with another 2,800 pages of supporting evidence. Mega-traffic is expected. It will be at news groups like Fox on and CNN
Peter H Davies
National Focus
Letters to the Editor
EMERALD - (Monday, September 21, 1998) - I recently came across an article which I would like to share with you. It has carelessly been confirmed by A Current Affair, most major city newspapers and on news reports that far left Communist groups are responsible for much of the violence seen at some of the One Nation rallies. Now please look closely at the following: Marxists against One Nation, Liberals against One Nation, labour against One Nation, Democrats against One Nation and Greens against One Nation. All of the above are against One Nation, correct? Actually, the leasers of major parties are dictators, and so, in reality, many of the members of these parties are good Australian citizens. Dont forget that. It is the administration that is crooked. If then, the administration of all these parties side WITH the Marxists - what might the leaders really be?
Could that be the reason why they cant SEEM to get it right? Remember the Marxist must destroy the existing system before they can implement their own brutal system. One Nation is getting in the way. Its as simple as that. Thats why there has been a smoke screen on truth. Its time to remove their smoke on the water...
V. (Vic.) B. Cominos
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Where the politically
correct hang out - 20th September 1998
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
One Nation's Tax Policy-
4th September 1998
One Nation "Media
Adviser" shows true colours- 1st September 1998
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes
debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.