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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Yesterday Heather Hill and Pauline Hanson released One Nation's Family Court and Child Support policy at the Barry Jones auditorium at the Ipswich Global Info-Links building.
Here are some extracts from a policy which calls for the Family Court to be abolished:
The following principles will be adopted by ONE Nation to rectify unjust applications from the Family Law Court and Child Support Agency.
Property settlements owned prior to the relationships will remain the possession of the individual. Settlements will be based on a 50 / 50 split between partners.
Full information on the EasyTax here
Here are some extracts from an article by Robert Olding (state and indirect taxes partner in KPMG) that appears in today's Courier Mail:
One thing One Nation cannot be accused of is mere tinkering with the existing system. Ms Hanson has achieved her aim of a proposal which tears up the existing tax system and starts with a clean sheet of paper. This is true revolutionary change, involving a totally new tax system and massive change to the operation of the economy, the likes of which have never been introduced anywhere in the world; indeed it is completely untested in the real world.
Bruce Ruxton (Deputy President of the RSL) on the topic:
Bill Hayden is right because racism is practised throughout Asia. There would not be one country to our north that does not practise some sort of racism, and the greatest example is Japan. It is the most homogenous country in the world, and any non-Japanese would soon find out that he is a second-rate citizen. Even third generation Koreans living in Japan, who are descendants of the thousands of Koreans taken to Japan during the war as labour, are still not on the electoral roll, although they were born there. "The White Devils" policy is still maintained in China, and we have seen the attitude of other countries in South East Asia towards ethnic Chinese and Indians who form part of their population.
Marion Lau (Deputy Chairperson, Ethnic Communities Councils of Victoria) on the topic:
It depends on your definition of racist. The majority of Asian countries are very protective of their cultures and traditions, which they are proud of and are anxious to preserve. Most Asians are keen and happy to make friends with western world countries like Australia, but at the same time are concerned that the next generation are not over-influenced by Western culture and lose sight of their own.
Like parents wanting to ensure that their descendants carry with them not only their memories but also their values and beliefs of their forebears. I think that all countries have a right to be selective of the relationship that they build with each other.
From the above statements you can see that we now have the truth bubbling to the surface. Simply put the selective definition of the word racist depending on who says what. This is a classic example of the politically correct domain.
Pauline Hanson is racist for saying Australia should not be Asianised while Asian countries, according to Lau, are not even though, in her own words, they seek the same protection of their "Asian" identity.
the classic interview with the Japanese Television crew who had come
to cover the "racist" One Nation party last year?
Here is an extract:
SB: Is there racism in Japan?
HK: We don't call it racism - we call it discrimination. In Japan there are minority groups who are discriminated against. There is discrimination against people on the island of Okinawa by mainland Japanese for example.
SB: Isn't it somewhat ironic you came to cover racism in Australia yet you have it in Japan?
HK: Yes. Okinawa is a good example of this discrimination.
Today's Courier Mail carries an excellent opinion piece by Lawrie Kavanagh which puts things clearly into perspective. Here is an extract from the article headed "Loony Left wrong about racism".
But getting back to our near-neighbours' perception of Australia's racism, Jim Elder, who is just back from an Asian junket, did what a lot of critics are doing in trying to deal with Hansonism: put the cart before the horse.
He told State Parliament this week that it doesn't matter if One Nation was racist, Asian businessmen believed it was and it was up to One Nation to "get out there and ensure that the perception out there is corrected".
Wrong, Jim. What you should have done in Asia and still be doing today back home is attack the outright lying, racist politicians, journalists and commentators both here and particularly in Asia who gleefully promote the perception of racism in Australia. That is the lie damaging Australian business, not this rag-tag party that is winning wide support thanks to the challenges it offers and the fear it inspires in the self-promoted born-to-rule classes.
Here is an extract from the Washington Post article:
But the jury yesterday said that one aspect of ADM's deal-making -- in the obscure business of lysine, an additive used to spur the growth of pigs and chickens -- went too far.
After deliberating for five days after seven weeks of testimony, the jury found ADM officials Michael Andreas, 49, Mark E. Whitacre, 41, and Terrance S. Wilson, 60, guilty of conspiring to set prices of the feed additive with foreign competitors and agreeing on how much each company would produce.
The jury heard and saw evidence that ADM and its co-conspirators discussed lysine prices at meetings in the United States, France, Japan, Mexico and Canada. ADM's lysine sales alone totaled $454 million during the period when the conspiracy was being carried out, which dated from 1992, according to the Justice Department.
"This is probably the best-documented case of corporate crime in history, with all those tapes," said Albert V. Krebs, an agricultural journalist and author of "The Corporate Reapers."
The Libertarian Party has launched a national campaign to abolish the government's system of racial classifications, and is urging Americans to refuse to disclose their race on census forms in the year 2000.
"For 20 long years, the U.S. government has demeaned every American by pigeonholing us according to the color of our skin," said the party's national chairman, Steve Dasbach. "In three years, when the census takers ask about our race, we hope Americans will stand up and say: No more. Tell these fill-in-the-blank bureaucrats that your race is none of the government's business."
The party launched the campaign this week when the federal government, after a three-year study, decided not to abolish its five official racial classifications. Instead, government bureaucrats said multiracial Americans should check several boxes, such as black and white, on the 2000 census form.
The goals of the Libertarian Party's "Say No to Racial Classifications" campaign are to build public awareness of how politicians exploit racial classifications to further divide the nation along racial grounds, and to eliminate them from all government forms, said Dasbach.
"We're telling Americans: Stop and think before you check that box," Dasbach said. "If millions of Americans withheld their racial data from the government, the politicians' framework for American Apartheid would crash to the ground."
To spread the word, the party is enlisting the support of a network of activists and registered voters across the country and is mounting a nationwide media blitz.
The government's current five "official" racial categories, created by the Office of Management and Budget in 1977, are white, black, American Indian/Eskimo, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Hispanic. Federal agencies use the classifications to bestow benefits such as jobs, low-interest loans, and college scholarships.
"Sadly, the government of a nation dedicated to liberty and equality under the law is using arbitrary racial characteristics as a wedge to pry Americans further apart," Dasbach said.
Even the courts are getting into the act, and have become America's latest racial battleground, Dasbach noted.
In March, for example, an Egyptian immigrant implored a federal court to change his government-mandated racial classification from white to black. The man, Mostafa Hefny of Detroit, insists that he is black because his ancestors come from the ancient black kingdom of Nubia, which is now part of Egypt and Sudan. But the government insists that he is white.
In an attempt to get himself reclassified as black, Hefny explained to the court that his skin is darker than General Colin Powell's, who is officially classified as black.
"Why is the government so obsessed with the color of Hefny's skin?" Dasbach asked. "Because politicians are desperately fighting to preserve racial categories so they can preserve their power to hand out favors."
Dasbach encouraged American politicians to learn from other nations with more progressive racial policies -- such as South Africa.
"A decade ago, the U.S. government imposed trade sanctions to pressure the South African government to repeal its system of racial classification called Apartheid," he said. "Wouldn't it be ironic if South Africa, which has since repudiated government-sponsored racial discrimination, now imposed sanctions against the United States for the same reason?"
Fortunately, if the Libertarian Party's campaign is successful, American politicians won't have to rely on a foreign government to teach them racial tolerance, Dasbach said.
"Every single American can strike a blow for a colorblind society by saying 'no' to the census takers and 'no' to racial classifications," Dasbach said. "We're all Americans -- what else does the government need to know?"
Marie Hogg ranted:
>one nation are the most socially damaging group
of "people" to abuse the media. It is truly tragic that the excuse of
>"free speech" empowers this political group to vocalize such dangerously
damaging propoganda.
>This muddle of misfits are not fit to organise a school fete, never mind
have the intellectual capacity, and social
>ethos (please explain) to understand, manage and have the capacity to
adjust to changing perceptions of what this
>nation, and part of the global system, must do to survive in an equitable
world. The fact is, we are NOT all equal,
>we do not all stand in the same place as our starting point in life.
Being female, or old, or black, or vegetarian,
>puts you in a position of less intrinsic worth and value in a society
which has been constructed from a white
>male's perspective. So all these disadvantages have to be compensated
for in order to make a country just. Why is
>this so difficult for you all to comprehend? Surely it is not such a
mentally demanding area, perhaps education is
>the key. But one suspects that a just, equitable society is not what
is really wanted by you people, it means less for
Marie, it is true that some people in society are disadvantaged, and it is true that an ideal society would help such people. Of course, whether for good or for bad, equality of outcome can only be achieved under a communist system. Of course that can tend to bring everyone down to the same level, rather than raise everyone to the same level.
Some people are disadvantaged financially, and can by helped by giving them money. How do you tell if someone is financially disadvantaged? The colour of their skin perhaps? Their racial background? No silly - you tell by looking at their tax return.
Some people are disadvantaged by lack of education. How do you tell if someone is disadvantaged thus? Perhaps you look and see where their ancient ancestors lived? Perhaps you look at their genitals to assess whether male or female? Do you look and see what they eat, whether vegetarian or meat? No silly - you tell by looking at their educational achievments in comparison to their intelligence and aptitude.
Isn't this stuff as obvious as it gets? Surely it is not such a mentally demanding area, perhaps education is the key. But one suspects that a just, equitable society is not what is really wanted by you people, it means less for you.
Name Withheld
Poor Marie
It never ceases to amaze me that people so willingly expose themselves as brain-washed. Marie Hogg is the latest. Anybody who writes: "Being female, or old, or black, or vegetarian, puts you in a position of less intrinsic worth and value in a society which has been constructed from a white male's perspective" - has never thought independently.
It is pure ideological cliched jargon. Typical first year Soc Sci or Women's Studies propaganda. Outdated too. The wider intellectual world has long given up on this sort of leftist twaddle which only survives in academia and hence government bureaucracies.
Groups. See how she uncritically stereotypes people by their groups. According to this view anybody who is in the chosen list is automatically "disadvantaged" and has to be "compensated for" [sic]. Look around, Marie: is Noel Pearson (black) really disadvantaged? Is Cheryl Kernot (female)? Is Gough Whitlam (old)? Was Linda McCartney (vegetarian)?
Like all the others, she refuses to enter into any substantial let alone civilised debate, and merely indulges herself in cheap insults. It must be very comforting to view the world wearing prescription ideological blinkers. She hasn't yet twigged that labelling political opponents instead of discussing the issues with them is very unconvincing as a debating tactic.
Logic is never a strong point in One Nation critics either. At the start of Marie's tirade we are a "muddle of misfits ... not fit to organise a school fete" and with no "intellectual capacity". But at the end, we are people who do not want a just, equitable society because it would mean less for us. At what point did the intellectually-challenged muddle of misfits transform themselves into the selfish haves? I missed it.
Another example of her lack of logic is her racism and sexism. Yes, Marie, you have committed two mortal sins of PC. You have racially smeared and sexistly stereotyped a whole group of people - white men. Shame!
Antonia Feitz
Hansonite hater
Marie Hogg amazes me. You say this society was designed by and for white males! Hah now who's living in the past Marie. I am a white Australian male Marie and I assure you I do not feel in the least bit priveliged under the system I have watched degenerating since the '60s.
You sound like some Germaine Greer educated femenist relic from the '70s Marie. You say we are a band of misfits, that we abuse the media, and that we aren't sincere in wanting equality. Well cobblers, all of it I say. You are of course entitled to your opinion, but you merely state it, you dont give us any reasoning or any honest angle you are coming from.
As a white male single parent of 47, I do not feel priveliged in any way I assure you, in fact I would like some of the rights afforded to brainless left wing bored females. I would not mind as a poor unfortunate hetro-sexual being given a few of the rights afforded to so called gay people. Better yet can I be an Aboriginal please? Or why not go the full Monty and claim equal rights with Australian-Jews then I could have a say in picking who gets labeled a racist!
Marie dont be shy tell me why someone in my position wouldn't want equality? Anyone else think disenfranchised white males over 40 need a minority special interest group? We seem to be one of the few minorities with no organised voice. Then again wouldn't it just be better if we had one straightforward set of rules for everybody?
Pauline for Prime Minister.
David Morgan W.A.
Goodday from China
Hello, I am Arthur an Australian ex-expatriate kid in Beijing PR China. China, if you didn't already know is in ASIA and so a lot of ASIANS live there. I heard somewhere that you One Nation Party doesn't like Asian people. Is this so? I find it hard to believe that you dislike a certain race of people. Do you know what that is called? That is called RACISM. Racism is a very FASCIST thing. Are you right-wingers? Did you know that HITLER'S Nazi Party was based on Fascist ideas? Did you know is ideas started a World War? I do hope you don't start a World War. I also heard you don't like INDIGINOUS AUSTRALIANS. Did you know that Indiginous Australians were in Australia long before caucasians.
My friends, my family, my teachers, my peers and I all think your ideas are based on the famous theory of BULLSHIT. I am from Geelong Victoria and that is where you have the least support. I am not Asian or an Indiginous Australian. I am not rascist, you seem to be.
Could you please reply and tell me your theories and ideas. I would love to support you, it's just that I can't.
Arthur F.
Happy third birthday anotd
Dear Scott,
Happy 3rd birthday, we hope you and your staff celebrate many more. Keep up the good work!
from Lorraine Steve Katrina and Sean Milson
PS Please consider the following attachment for publication;
ALL THE BEST..............
Pauline Rules
I would like to say that I think that Pauline Hanson is the queen of all queens. I believe in everything she is trying to get accross to our narrow minded society. I cannot stand it how people ridicule and mock Pauline for her messages she is trying to convey. If people just listened to what she is saying rather than twisting and distorting what she is saying then maybe they will understand the real message behind her ideas. If we are supposed to be living in a democratic society where people are free to express what they feel then howcome at every one of Paulines meetings, the idiotic and violent public will not let her speak. I am seeing a reiteration of hitlers days where there were all out riots, violence and hatred, the difference is that it isn't because of 1 person, it's because todays society are to afraid to see the real fears that Australia may face, if not today, if not tommorow but one day. I am a strong believer of the saying "you will always reap what you sow", I convey that message to the public and hope that their narrow minded violent antics all falls back on them one day.
I have just turned 18 years old and I am enrolled to vote. I can assure you that I will be voting for Pauline Hansons one nation party in my local electrate, Aston.
Ross Kovacevic
Pissed off with wasting tax payers money
Dear Sir,
I'm glad that Professor Lauchlan (Sp? please correct me if I'm wrong) Chipman of CQU appeared on TV to tell the ordinary people how his organisation spends our taxes. He said that he is annoyed that Ansett is withdrawing its flights from Rockhampton because his staff are concerned that they will no longer be able to fly Business Class at taxpayer's expense. (WINTV News 6.00pm Friday, Sept 18, 1998 News item No 1).
Why are University staff any different from "ordinary" people - including Industrialists (who contribute much to the economy of Australia), commercial travellers (who also contribute significantly to the economy of Australia), and the Mums and Dads of this country - who contribute a damn sight more to the economy of Australia than anyone else?
If "we - the ordinary people" can't afford Business Class air travel - why should we have to pay the extra amount for University staff to do so at our expense? Do TAFE or High-school staff travel Business Class? I doubt it - but I'd like to know if they do.
Couldn't the extra money be spent to greater educational advantage on books for the University library; test-tubes for the Science department; computer upgrades for the students - or even, simply - hiring one more competent Australian lecturer (instead of importing one who doesn't speak enough English to be understood in their contracted subject)per year in order to increase the delivery of tertiary education to Australians?
We CERTAINLY don't want our education taxpayer-money to be spent by the CQU on the kind of political advertising we've seen over the past couple of months.
Hey, Prof. Chipman. I've got news for you. The ordinary people out here in the real world aren't stupid. We don't live in fantasyland like you seem to do!
Prof. Chipman said today (18.9.98) that the CQU's air-travel costs $1.5m a year. (Check the WINTV tape.)
As at today (18.9.98, I've checked!), Ansett's economy return fare Rockhamton/Brisbane is $628. The same flight travelling Business Class costs $798. That is exactly $170 difference to be able to sit in a 10cm wider seat for 1 hour at a time (ROK/BNE/ROK), drink 'free' beer, wine or champagne - and be able to say to people - I always travel Business Class! The luggage doesn't arrive any earlier - or does it?
(From here, the Canadian CQU School of Health, Don Bradman and Human Performance may wish to debate my mathematical conclusions.)
The fare difference represents an approximate 27 percent (27.07 if you want to be pedantic). If this saving was applied to Professor Chipman's TV stated CQU air-fare cost of $1.5 million - the CQU would then be able to apply a further $406, 050 per year of taxpayer's money to the education of our students instead of using it to mollycoddle the egos and backsides of Univeristy staff.
In fact, at a cost of about $70,000 per year for a senior lecturer - that difference would enable CQU to employ another six (give or take a decimal point) senior lecturers per year - or buy hundreds of computers, or purchase tens of thousands academic texts for the University library for the students to use!
Professor Chipman and Alexander Downer are going together to (I believe) Korea to extoll the virtues of studying in Australia. Wouldn't it be good if they travelled economy class - and used the rest of OUR money to give something back to OUR education system?
Mike Grant
When lies and deception are bi-partisan and legal
When I wrote the "ONLY LABOR CAN STOP THE GST" email, I naively thought such a blatant lie would be illegal. In fact Sec 329 (1) of the1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act made "any matter or thing that is likely to mislead or deceive an elector in relation to the casting of a vote." illegal.
However since 1972, and thanks to Mr Crighton-Brown and his too-smart lawyers, such bald lies have been legal! If you want to know how you'll need to read the findings of the full High Court. So much for the 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act. its no wonder our politicians have made misleading and deceiving electors their primary political skill.
While "ONLY LABOR CAN STOP THE GST" is the most blatant, it is therefore less convincing than the grossly misleading and deceptive comments from Mr Howard such as "go along with what the majority want when they vote at federal elections" and accusing the Democrats of "tearing up the rule book".
Does One Nation have a policy on electoral reform? If not I'd like to help get one together in the next week or so. I think there are ways to turn the the High Court decision back on our political leaders. After 25 years they have not only failed to amend the act to reverse the damage done by the court, but with bipartisan treachery, have been ruthlessly exploiting the trust of millions of Australians.
As I suggested in my earlier email, "Re: Don't Worry about a GST - Worry about the Senate!", this could also be a chance to expose far more than Labor's lies.
Regards, and who is One Nation electoral reform person?
Jim Stewart
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
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controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
One Nation's Tax Policy-
4th September 1998
One Nation "Media
Adviser" shows true colours- 1st September 1998
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes
debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.