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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
The "Assimilation is not racist" page is now up. This page challenges, head on, the ethics and hypocrisy of B'Nai B'rith and Campaign Aid Abroad who have set up the so-called RaceWatch committee.
Feel free to add your comments from this page if you do not "fear" being "outed" as a "racist".
The lies behind the "truth"
If you are to believe the media and the mainstream political parties in Australia today there are two major issues facing this country.
It should come as no surprise that the first is blamed on One Nation who's policy is to "turn back the clock" and allow the people to decide where the global market takes us. By tackling the second issue One Nation, the people's party, has taken on powerful opponents.
One has to look no further than the policy of multiculturalism - a policy started by the Labor Party (without any open discussion with the voting public) to discover the core of rising race-based resentment in this country. Here you have a policy, now in its advanced (should we say "unstoppable) stages which were initially implemented to shore up the Labor vote.
Multiculturalism is at the heart of division and racial conflict in Australia today. One only has to look at the un-Australian moves by small fringe groups in the Chinese and other sectors of our community to try to blackmail the major parties into denying the mainstream Australian a voice on issues which they perceive to be serious.
Spurred on by a hostile and polarised media the Australian who has suddenly questioned "why do we have multiculturalism" is labeled a racist by the media and the politically correct if he or she does not shut up.
The focus of the rising discontent has come in the form of one brave fish and chip owner Pauline Hanson who is now blamed for everything and anything from the falling Australian dollar to the "rise in racism".
Quite clearly the "she'll be right mate" attitude of the laid back Australian has got to be questioned in today's changed environment - if we as a nation are to survive in the form that we love and have come to cherish. We can no longer sit back and watch the assertive leaders of the politically correct and minority groups pull our strings. It should come as no surprise that their actions in the recent past have resulted in the face of Australia, as we knew it, changing forever. These power-brokers now head-up vigilante-type organisations like the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission which have spread like a cancer and who are anything but what their name suggests. More often than not the hierarchy within them is dominated by representatives of fringe groups like the gay and lesbian lobby, ethnic lobbies etc... who use their positions to their own vested advantage and against the best interests of mainstream Australians.
The men and women in the major political parties, Laboral (the major Australian parties), have quite clearly fawned at the feet of these new politically correct powerbrokers while Australians have gone about their daily lives little realising the dramatic changes that were taking place. Today these same politicians refer to the mainstream Australian view with derision calling it "populist"... as if the will of the people was somehow anti-democratic.
When Pauline Hanson raised the issues that started to fester in the backrooms of bowling, footy and golf clubs around the country giving people a public voice the response by the new force of political correctness was violent and unwavering.
The Australian people, as one, watched as this woman was vilified by a hostile media and wondered why.
Quite simply Pauline Hanson and her One Nation party had jumped on a raw nerve, the Achilles heel of the media barons and their partners the Laboral Party. She had exposed the vote rigging activities of Laboral and the lies and distortions of an anti-social mainstream press hell bent on breaking down the high quality lifestyle that Australians enjoyed. The Australian media's multinational masters, the Murdochs and the Packers had a lot at stake. Cheap labour equals higher profits, and the Australian labour market is seen as nothing more than a resource to be exploited just like minerals that lie under Australian soil.
Today we start seeing the fruits of the media barons efforts:
In the new "globalised" world that the Laboral Party are pushing for the multinationals the level playing field has nothing to do with social responsibility. It is all about economic rationalism - or profit at any cost. The fruits of this policy pushed so hard are noticed by all Australians, yet sadly many do not know the reason why they are happening. One has to look no further than the unquestioned dramatic changes and lay-offs in the now foreign owned banking industry where the only thing Australians is the name of the banks.
The new sweat shops that allegedly employ child labour are right here in Brisbane. Fashion houses where adult workers are paid just Au$2 per hour and children are not paid at all as they toil in cramped, squalid conditions.
Jack Morel of the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia said, "We've got children as young as eight that come home from school and sit on sewing machines all hours of the night.
"It was recently found that overseas students were working under a house in appalling slave-like conditions for 12 hours a day. The fashion houses in Brisbane's West End use outworkers ( people who work from home or makeshift factories). They can use 40 or 50 workers and avoid paying WorkCover which could be costing the State Government millions of dollars."
Why should we be shocked? Why should we be surprised? This is the world that the multinationals want and already exploit. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to reason why all the transnationals have set up major factories in China where labour is cheap and plentiful. Everything today, even the "Australian" tourist momentos carry the slogan "Made in China".
There are the hundreds of thousands of lost jobs in Australia - represented by that simple slogan. Cheap labour. Welcome to the world that Laboral have been pushing us towards, quietly and deliberately as they hanker to their sponsors - big business and the multinationals - with the media barons being at the top of the pile. Child labour is already being used in China as an acceptable resource... the headlines in today's News Limited Courier Mail "Children 'slaves' in fashion factories" is about as hypocritical as you can get.
The thread between One Nation's policy to put a stop to globalisation being pushed on us by the rich, the greedy and the powerful and the tagging of the party as racist is no accident. One Nation wants the Australian people to decide how to face globalisation and how to control foreign ownership - this is a threat to the greed and all-encompassing control of the Murdochs of this world and it has to be nipped in the bud at any cost.
Interesting that, following the growing support for One Nation, the Coalition have implimented policies demanded by Mrs Hanson that were initially called racist by the media - yet the tag somehow stops at the political border that separates Laboral from One Nation - the people's party.
The damage that the mainstream media have done to Australia's reputation by bandying the "racist" tag around the global media traps is only exceeded by the likes of Queensland state premier Peter Beattie who on his current junket in Asia perpetuates the "racist" myth for his party's own political agenda.
Beattie got close to the truth when he said to journalists in Hong Kong, "The most extreme of these damaging reports have been outrageous. I am alarmed when I am shown newspapers depicting Asians being threatened with AIDS blood."
The lies and distortions have been sown deliberately and clearly by the Murdoch/Packer duopoly in partnership with politism (where articles are slanted to support, mainly, the Labor party whose political interests the "objective" journalist actually represents). Lies of racism which have now taken up a life of their own where the Asian press put their own twist and distortions on the story. And who can blame them? Murdoch's puppets are past-masters at this type of mind control.
These lies are perpetuated by career politicians like Beattie who say, "Federal Tourism Minister Andrew Thompson breezed in from Melbourne, made a few gratuitous remarks and went home no doubt feeling very pleased with himself. He does not have to worry about jobs and the impact One Nation is having. I do and I intend to do everything I can to minimise the problems."
If he was to be honest, which he clearly is not, Beattie would be saying, "I have had enough of the spin doctors in the Australian mainstream media. They are to be condemned for the lies that they have spawned which have spread like wildfire through the Asia Pacific region. The Australian media should be diversified and the power of the Murdoch/Packer empires destroyed quickly and brutally so that journalists can once again report with honesty, objectivity and integrity."
Of course, the race card will now be used against One Nation when Beattie tries to explain why he failed to reach his illogical promise of a 5% unemployment rate in Queensland.
Not so - if you are to believe News Limited.
Senior QCs are working for Aboriginal groups are challenging Beattie's Native Title legislation on the issue that 3000 Grazing Homestead Perpetual Leases extinguish native title.
Sounds a trifle racist to me under the ever expanding definition of the word.... Beattie's push to ensure "certainty" embraces just two of Howard's ten point plan - with Beattie finding support from the Coalition while being hung out to dry by those who he claims to champion - the Aboriginal lobbyists.
A group called the Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (now isn't that a lovely politically correct word?) said that the legitimate rights of Aborigines would be taken away if Beattie's Bill was passed through State Parliament without amendments.
Racist! Racist! Labor's Racist! Come on News Limited call a spade a spade - or has politism reached new heights or racism a politically correct amendment to its expanded definition?
The problem is this time, the media in Oldfield's sights was the Official One Nation Website, which the spinmeister has accused of reporting wrong information about Mulgrave Hansonite MP Charles Rapport.
Despite One Nation's Website and several other media outlets carrying stories saying Rappolt and his secretary Sandra Higgins were partners, Oldfield claims everyone's wrong.
According to Oldfield, Rappolt and Higgins are not in a relationship and only live and work together despite the website showing Higgins with Rappolt at a gathering of One Nation MPs and spouses in Brisbane recently.
Someone must be telling porkies: is it the entire Australian media and the One Nation Website, or Someone Else? And isn't there a rule about MPs hiring their spouses, even apparent ones?
For the record the third party coverage is clearly referred to as: Commentary by Scott Balson, Global Web Builders.Another close miss in credibility by The Courier Mail.
Subject: Racewatch=Star Chamber?
Dear Scott,
The disturbing revelation that an Organisation calling itself "Racewatch" has now formed, is probably the most frightening thing i have seen come out the One Nation victimisation.
the fact that a group of individuals arrogantly consider themselves divine enough to dictate morality and decide what is racism , decide who should be vilified and who should be anointed has all the ingredients of the worst of Hitlerian Germany and Stalinist Russia. The cries for John Howard to stamp on ON pale into insignificance compared to the beast that is now forming.
at no time have i heard any anti semetic comments raised , yet it would appear that the majority of this Inquisition are Jewish. Why? It appears to me that in order to be anti racist , you must endeavour to grab the high moral ground, thereby entrenching ones own version of racism first..
This group along with Liebler have done a great disservice to the Jewish people in Australia.
this is a bad time for this country, and i fear this will only create real racism , what started as a simple expression of concern by a lot of australians that the system was going off the rails , the vendettas, harassment, media beat ups and now finally, "The Panel of Inquisitors" are escalating the issues.
Now i do know how deep racism, witch hunts and concentration camps are created.
Be prepared to be denounced to these *Racewatch Commissars* and the* Education Cadres* by your own kids for having differing opinions..
I have included some interesting websites which appear to differ with their philosophy.
Interesting comment under theory, regarding assimilation , *racism*?
And the assistance to other races , not on colour but on need!! sound familiar?
Also appears there is work for them to do in Israel.!!
SCENE: Small Sunshine Coast hinterland township.
TIME: Lunchtime , Monday 17/8/98.
PLACE: Local branch XXXXXXX bank.
INCIDENT : Well known local church identity heard to complain as a bus load of Japanese tourists hold up customers for 15 to 20 minutes while exchanging travellers cheques and Yen . Bank employees not adequately trained in the Japanese language .Much confusion and frustration. Much gnashing of teeth, some shaking of the head and an offensive comment by accused ,"BXXXXY TOURISTS"! I will supply full details at any future enquiry .
yours faithfully............ Anon
The Editor
Dear Sir ,
Citizens Initiated Referenda (CIR) also known as Community Based Referendums (CBR) is not a political party, is not involved with any political party, and espouses no political cause other than the rights of all of us to have a more direct say in what is happening in Government.
It brings democracy back to the people where it belongs. As former US President Woodrow Wilson said, this concept is the gun behind the door.
For Mr Beatties information. (CIR) (CBR) was in the Labor Party Platform since 1902 and remained there until removed at the party's Perth Conference in 1963 when it was dropped on the motion of Don Dunstan.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Borboridge had a CIR plan? Why didnt he support Liz Cunningham when she submitted hers? Not even in his wet dreams.
John Hugo
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
At last! The true reason for the revulsion of One Nation! Citizens Initiated Referenda.
The party in the Qld parliament will dare to propose it as a private members Bill. The voting within the House will be interesting.CIR would destroy the "right to rule" of "those born to rule". The governed will have a say in the day to day decisions made on their behalf. As a spokesman for the labor govt has suggested that a minority of voters could propose a referendum and have it voted in to over ride the govt`s agenda. This is somehow undemocratic as a majority of the people have to pass it. The spokesman forgot to mention this part. Never the less, back to the house, I believe that, come the voting time (A referendum wont be called on the matter), the "major" opposition parties will only have to cast one vote to let Labor win. Or will they have the guts to expose themselves by voting against the Bill enmass.
John Hugo
Printing money
In the Age 29/06/98 was an article about defense of the nation-state.
They quote reserve bank stats that say "...the Reserve Bank, under the direction of the Treasurer, printed or coined some $1.5 billion in new currency while private bank lending contributed the remaining $22 billion to money supply growth.
In the month of April alone, the Reserve Bank had printed or coined some $266 million- nearly twice the amount required for the Ettridge Bank.
Question: Can someone explain how the Gov injected
these amounts into circulation.
Question: Does anyone still wish to deny that private banks "create"
Noel Mc Donald
When the RETAILER sells the spade he collects the GST from the customer, he then deducts the GST he paid to the wholesaler, and sends the balance to the TAXMAN.
When the WHOLESALER sells the spade to the Retailer, he collects GST from the retailer, and then deducts the GST he paid to the manufacturer and sends the balance to the TAXMAN.
When the MANUFACTURER sells the spade to the wholesaler, he collects GST from the wholesaler, deducts what he paid in GST to the metal components supplier, and what he paid to the timber handle supplier, and what he paid to the nuts and bolts supplier, and what he paid to the paint supplier. Etc. and sends the balance to the TAXMAN.
And what do the suppliers of all these components do? Im stopping here. Oh darn, I left out all the GST paid out in the services , contractors, power water... send the balance to the TAXMAN
BUT THEN all this has to be recorded for every single item, for every single service ????
Ive only just touched the tip of how SIMPLE this iceberg is... And what about the farmer?
He has to accept the the price the market place pays, often below his cost, and pay the GST at both ends of the line. Deduct the GST on his inputs, and pay the balance to the TAXMAN.
If the above was complicated, sorry . Philip Madsen.
PS I wonder if you have to pay your accountant GST? Thatd have to get some of the multinational money, wouldnt it? Probably claim it off their income tax!!
Poll tipped for October 17
A FEDERAL election is likely to be held on October 17, strategists believe.
They say there is a 90 per cent chance of an October election following the release of the government's new tax package.
Election analyst Malcolm MacKerras agrees, although he has not ruled out a poll for early next year.
Mr MacKerras, senior lecturer in politics at the Australian Defence Force Academy, believes the poll will be held on October 17 or 24, with Prime Minister John Howard calling the election around September 10.
"Either he goes ahead boldly or he gets cold feet and leaves it to May 8 or 15 next year," he said yesterday.
"But unless the tax package falls flat, I rate the chances at 70 per cent for an October poll."
Labor strategists say all the evidence points to October 17.
They say Mr Howard is expending too much political energy not to have a mid-October poll strongly in mind.
They believe not to go ahead after raising expectations of an election would amount to a slow political death for the Government.
Labor's own tax package is expected to be released next Thursday week and some Liberals speculate an election announcement on that date would overshadow the ALP's policy.
Just when Prime Minister John Howard decides to go will be determined by the reaction to the tax package.
The Government will analyse reaction in the public polls and in its own private focus groups before deciding.
The first electoral test for the GST on any scale will be in the August 29 Tasmanian election.
While the poll will be mainly fought on state issues, Labor which is widely predicted to win is planning to raise the GST as an issue.
Federal Parliament is due to resume on August 31 for the first two-week sitting of the spring session.
However, sources say there would be little, if any, need for Parliament to sit for more than a week to tidy up any legislation.
Australian elections are always held on a Saturday, with a minimum of 33 days notice required under the Commonwealth electoral act.
The chances of an election before October 17 are slim because of school holidays which do not end until October 11.
If he does not go this year, the earliest Mr Howard could call an election in 1999 would be March 6.
But this would overlap with the NSW election campaign, with the State poll already scheduled for March 27.
In the event of conflicting dates, the federal election would take precedence.
The last possible date for Mr Howard to call an election for the House of Representatives and half the Senate is May 29 next year
Peter H Davies
National Focus
Subject: Comment
"Some of the most racist countries like Thailand, Japan and Indonesia..."
I agreed with you that many people in Asian countries are indeed relatively racially discriminatry, but certainly not all of them are like that. Similarly I know many people in Australia are also relatively racially discriminatry, but I am not of them. So I feel being blamed when anyone says the same about "Australia".
I think saying back in revenge what others said to you will not be very beneficail in building a less discriminatry world.
Name withheld
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.