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October 1995
Intimidation? You be the judge.
Yesterday was the day of the "big guns".
I am reporting this because I believe that it is important for the public record.
Just a day after I reported on how Lachlan Murdoch had allegedly told senior editors at News Limited to "Kill the cow" (when referring to Pauline Hanson's One Nation) and two weeks before the Federal election I had two quite remarkable, apparently unrelated, contacts from senior people in the mainstream media.
First was a call from a man who introduced himself as the Managing Editor of The Courier Mail, Gary Evans, alleging that I had breached the paper's copyright by reproducing an article by one of their journalists.
Then at 6.45pm last night, after I was supposed to have gone home, a solicitor from John Fairfax Publications Pty Ltd sent a five page fax to my office - details of which I will withhold at this stage as the material is referred to as "confidential" and "Any unauthorised use of the contents is expressly prohibited" in a covering letter.
What I find interesting is that in the Fairfax letter I am given up until 10am today to "rectify their unsubstantiated allegations" or face unspecified legal charges. For a normal business that would have been less than an hour....
For the record the accusations made in the Fairfax letter were responded to and refuted at 7.45pm last night.
Breaking news.... on legal advice I have today at 3.30pm published a scanned image of Fairfax's five page threat together with my response.
One Nation's number one Queensland senator-elect, Heather Hill, will today release the party's family policy. I will be placing this up on the One Nation web site later this morning.
16 people from the Philippines who were expected to come to a Master Builders Convention on the Gold Coast have cancelled because of the continuing misleading reports by Australia's mainstream media linking the growing support of One nation with "racism".
A twist on the story was given by Labor's Public Works and Housing Minister, Rob Schwarten, who blamed alleged "racist activities of One Nation".
Schwarten used state parliament to say, "Due to bad publicity generated by alleged racist activities in Australia, our original group of 16 persons shall no longer participate in the Masters Builders convention in October."
Bill Feldman responded by accusing the ALP of "well funded dirty tricks division of deliberate hate, fear and smear against One Nation".
Feldman pointed the finger at the Laboral factions for spreading misleading information around Asia about One Nation and "racist" issues.
While feelgood pictures of News Limited's political mate, Kim Beazley dominate the pages of today's Courier Mail an article of derision is again left for the exclusive domain of One Nation.
Labor Party ex-Premier Wayne Goss' staffer, now political reporter, Dennis Atkins writes, "David Oldfield is a spin doctor. He is a political tactician whose real skills are manipulation, deception and diversion." The story suggests that One Nation cannot be believed about where it will allocate preferences.
Strange that this comment is made just hours after Alan Jones told the nation of Labor's hypocrisy over exactly this issue - Labor are somehow a sacred domain untouchable by the media. This is part of what Alan Jones said:
A couple of things need to be said.
In the 1974 election the Labor Party in Werriwa, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam's electorate, unashamedly put the Nazi party's candidate Ross May ahead of the Liberal candidate.
Make of that what you will.
And I have sited a piece of paper which was distributed by the Labor Party in the recent Queensland State election. It indicates by its writing in the bottom right hand corner that it is authorised by, and I quote "M Kaiser, ALP, Peel Str, South Brisbane" unquote. He is the Queensland secretary of the Labor party.
The text of it includes
the words: "Thinking of voting Green, Democrat or One Nation? Give your
preferences to Labor."
And what about Labor's track record at the recent Queensland state elections. Elections that should have been dominated by the party's bogus "How to Vote" cards issues by M Kaiser under similar themes.
In his article Atkins questions why One Nation has not circulated how to vote cards for all electorates like the major parties (Laboral factions) who have all put One Nation last. To quote Atkins, "The answer, of course, is that One Nation's David Oldfield is just another schemer, playing Machiavellian games."
Here is an extract from the Australian Financial Review article
The findings point to the possibility of One Nation winning more than 15 per cent of the primary vote in 63 of the 148 electorates in the House of Representatives. In 23 electorates, the party, on the basis of the Morgan polls estimate of the appeal of One Nation in each State, could expect to win between 20 and 30 per cent of the primary vote. (Carries an excellent chart showing support)
Dr John Kingston, the One Nation MP for Maryborough, is the man with a mission. While the television cameras widely covered state premier Peter Beattie's back down on the downgrading of the community's hospital last week nothing was said about Kingston's efforts.
Yesterday Kingston, who has on several occasions in the past expressed concerns to me about the issue, tabled 10,351 signatures in a petition that he had co-ordinated. The petition was to ensure that the government take note and stop the planned downgrading.
Yesterday Kingston told the media, "It (Maryborough) is an underrated town that hasn't sold itself well and it doesn't need that sort of thing to happen."
Reverse racism
Regarding Ron from W.A.'s comments on ANOTD (Thurs 17th Sept).
Ron, as a fellow West Australian you have my sympathy. I could tell you a story or two that would make your hair curl! My work partner has not been able to allow his two little boys to play in his Kelmscott back yard for several weeks now, as the well known Aboriginal family living next door use the vehicles in his back garden for target practice!
The police of course have been informed of this and a myriad of other crimes committed by this family, but there has been no law and order in Perth for several years on the occasion of Aboriginal crimes against Whites, and indeed in several other areas too numerous to mention! Police have confirmed that one of the vehicles at least was damaged by a bullet but say there is nothing they can do! Well big surprise, there's been an ongoing war in this street for 7 or 8 years and nobody wants to know.
On the matter of preferences, thanks for pointing that out Antonia I shall be checking the preferences of my 2nd and 3rd choices very carefully now. It is only recently becoming clear to me the full extent of the corruption that is actually inherent in the preference system, as my partner made clear to me the full ramifications of preference trading. It seems we may need to get as much as 45% of the primary in many seats to even stand a chance if preferences are stacked up against us. I'm from the UK originally so I am having a good deal of trouble coming to terms with a system other than first past the post. Realities being what they are though I think Antonia has a very pertinent point. How about checking the preferences of every candidate and put them all in order according to where THEY place O.N.?
My thanks to S.E. Wagger for putting both the Republic issue and the Olympics in their proper perspective!
David Morgan. W.A.
Counter the racist tag
Hi Scott
The conspiracy by Labor and the Liberal camp could be countered by One Nation offering a reward to anyone who could prove her policies are racist.
I feel myself proving Pauline to be racist would be difficult in a court of law, if she is racist why has no one taken some action against her in this matter.
Something has to be done pronto to counter this tag that is applied to One Nation, the two major parties just do not want another political party on the scene, something must be done!.
My best wishes to you all
Peter Colindale
Family Law Court Policy
Your party's view on the Family Law Court will be eagerly anticipated not just by the media & the policy scrutineers in the major parties but those who have been victims of the inept & uncaring judges & their rulings in the various courts around Australia.
Although Phillip Cleary is no fan of One Nation's policies he has a chapter in his autobiography on the impact of the family law court on a case of murder against his friends' deceased daughter & how the criminal got away scot free from the proper authorities under the modern day definition of the word "justice".
This may be of some help to your campaign in favour of the proposal for abolition of the Family Law Court.
Policy matters on Education,Environment,Sport & Recreation & other matters of importance to metropolitan Australia are anticipated.Focussing on the rural vote is admirable,but if you want more representation you need to show the people proposed policies that will help them in the business sector impacted upon by government deregulation.
Chris Axtens
Hi Scott
I have recently read the One Nation Easy Tax Policy, and I agree with the comments of another corrrespondent who stated that, while he certainly agreed with the proposal to give the benefit of less income tax to the employer. I am an employer and I believe that the income tax currently paid should be returned to the employees. The fair dinkum workers of Australia need a break. The employees in Australia have been reduced to a poor class and have no optimism for the future, while people on benefits are in some cases better off than the working poor. The people of Australia have born the brunt of the outflow of Australia Assets to overseas interests. The pressure on One Nation from the British Oligarchy controlled press and media is all because One Nation has proposed National Banking which would not allow the money power to rape the Australian people. GST or Gouge & Screw Tax as it is known in Cananda is a smoke screen to stop the minds of people thinking of the main problems. Malaysia Prime Minister as of 1/9/98 has broken away and taken monetary control of his country to stop his country slide into economic ruin. Watch closley he will come under severe pressure by the IMF.
Also this morning the Labors so called "Big Gain" Cheryl Kernot, what a travesty! she has done to the Democrats what Monica did to Bill.
Keep up the good work
J. Hope
Billions of dollars have been spent rescuing the faltering economies of Asia, and Russia. Seeing as they're no better off, where did the money go? Who has pocketed these billions? Has it been another case of 'rescuing' the international financiers as happened in Mexico?
George Soros certainly gave the game away when he admitted that the global capitalist system now coming apart at the seams had been responsible for the remarkable prosperity of "this country" over the last decade. Right on George, the US and the multinationals have prospered at the expense of entire nations.
Memo to Australian politicians: globalisation isn't working. Which of those three words are you having difficulty with?
Antonia Feitz
Reverse racism
For claiming that indigenous people get special benefits, Pauline Hanson is called a racist. Yet despite passionate denials from city journalists, there are indeed special benefits available to indigenous Australians. Why is there confusion on what ought to be a simple matter of fact? The problem is that the journalists ring up the Department of Social Security and are told there are little if any differences in benefits. And it's true.
What is not understood is that there is a huge range of discretionary funding available. For instance, one of my sisters provided free tutoring in Latin for an Aboriginal student at university. Now if this lad was just in from the bush nobody could object. But he was a local. He'd grown up in the same town, lived in the same sort housing, attended the same school, played in the same sports teams as all his peers. Why is free tutoring available to tertiary students purely on the ground of race?
An Aboriginal man once wrote to this paper telling us how one of his cousins received legal aid because he was black, but another of his cousins didn't because he was white. (Hi, Moseley!). One country town pays for the 'creams' of Aborigines who join the bowling club. Again because family members work in the area, I know that some schools on the NSW central coast provide free start-of-year booksets for Aboriginal students, as well as financing excursions, including the expensive trip to Sydney. The costs of sporting meets and even music lessons can be funded, depending on what's available.
That such benefits are available on the grounds of race not need, naturally rankles with the equally poor if not poorer whites in these towns. Twenty years ago, these Aborigines would have regarded themselves as whites anyway. It is well known that the number of people identifying as Aboriginal has exploded beyond the capability of the most determined attempt at natural increase. It is natural for people to cherish and be proud of their heritage. But should they be financially rewarded for their ancestry? Forever?
Regarding special benefits, of more concern is the wasteful duplication of services. Duplicating medical, welfare, housing and legal services in towns which already have them is not only racist, it is scandalous when the genuinely needy remote communities seem to get nothing. When real Aborigines in the remote communities don't even have a reliable generator or a nurse let alone a doctor, it is obscene that Aborigines in well-serviced towns like Kempsey and Armidale demand and get special race-based services.
To point this out is what makes One Nation guilty of 'racism'.
One Nation pamphlet
Dear Sir,
Generally the One Nation pamphlet was informative and covered issues Australians should be debating.
Three points to make:
(1) Tariffs are not a good idea, subsidies are. Subsidies through low interest loans are the best, then tax breaks, rewarding profitable government contracts, etc.
Tariffs will ensure Australians pay high prices for goods that donot compete on an open market (or sell overseas) and suffer in quality over time. An equivalent subsidy is a much smatter approach (German manufacturing does not have tariffs but they have huge subsidies and it is for this reason - about 100 billion a year). A subsidised product still sells on in market in the same quality arena (because there is no tariff walls or inhibition) and the selling price is not high due to a tariff - this is really quite important. Your industry still remains lean, mean and competitive.
A quick note about the Pork Industry: I agree that leaving this to the free market is ridiculous. We should match the cheap imports with subsidies NOT tariffs. Leaving it to market could mean we would no have pork industry in the future, causing us to import all our pork for Australians, contributing to our trade and foreign debt. And if we wanted to or needed to rebuild the industry we would squander alot of money in reset-up costs - and more than likely depending on the situation this would mean money financed from abroad.
Solution: Subsidise people who have been in the pork industry for three or more years (proven financially and can be said to be the core business, outside 'normal' market fluctuations). Ways of financing: introduce Australia Bonds or special savings tools open to the public, at 1 or 2 percent. Make these 400-600% tax deductible. Then give industry, import replacers, and exporters the ability to borrow at long-term low interest rates, say at 3% - other countries have done this.
(2). You didnot mention AUSTRALIA'S SAVINGS RATE. Our foreign debt is due to our poor savings rate (increased exports, wise utilisation of capital, etc helps). Germany's saving rate is at about 16% of GDP, we are a smaller country, higher for us is probably a good idea (Australia's is at about 4-5% GDP - hopeless). WE MUST HAVE TAX DEDUCTIBLE SAVINGS.
Financial deregulation also needs to be reinvestigated, an economy smaller than NY City completely on the open markets?
(3) Selling of government run companies is a good idea. Governments are not into innovation or good service. You can sell these off (keeping a portion if you wish for subsidies and research) only to Australian and NZ citizens. Putting an upper limit of any one holding at 5% (stopping the elite from taking over), and allowing pension trusts to buy more - this would mean its continual access to the Australia public, money is recirculated into Australia, elites donot take over.
eg. SA ESTA should be sold, it is so easy to add a small generator, private generator to a national grid, that there is no point in a government holding on to this assets. In this sort of competition consumers will get better prices, and the risks associated with the old ESTA greater increase - there is no point in the government staying in this area. Australia companies, industry, council municipal dumps could all hook in adding very competitive and targeted prices.
Yours sincerely
Anthony Moeller
Misguided Hansonites
one nation are the most socially damaging group of "people" to abuse the media. It is truly tragic that the excuse of "free speech" empowers this political group to vocalize such dangerously damaging propoganda.
This muddle of misfits are not fit to organise a school fete, never mind have the intellectual capacity, and social ethos (please explain) to understand, manage and have the capacity to adjust to changing perceptions of what this nation, and part of the global system, must do to survive in an equitable world. The fact is, we are NOT all equal, we do not all stand in the same place as our starting point in life. Being female, or old, or black, or vegetarian, puts you in a position of less intrinsic worth and value in a society which has been constructed from a white male's perspective. So all these disadvantages have to be compensated for in order to make a country just. Why is this so difficult for you all to comprehend? Surely it is not such a mentally demanding area, perhaps education is the key. But one suspects that a just, equitable society is not what is really wanted by you people, it means less for you.
Marie Hogg
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
One Nation's Tax Policy-
4th September 1998
One Nation "Media
Adviser" shows true colours- 1st September 1998
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes
debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.