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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
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The Labor dominated Ipswich City Council is back to its disgraceful worst once again.
anotd readers will recall how Cr Paul
Tully (seen right in the bow tie), after helping incite a violent
demonstration at the
of One Nation in April 1997, was at the forefront of getting the
council to prevent One Nation from using council facilities.
At the time of the ban in June 1997 Tully said that it was "because of the party's racist policies" but after a slap on the wrist from other councilors the official line was changed to being a "concern for the safety of council staff manning venues where One Nation held meetings".
The decision was reversed in January this year with the council finding no reason to ban One Nation from using their facilities.
In fact the council-owned Barry Jones auditorium was used by Pauline Hanson's One Nation half a dozen times in the lead up to the state election. Here are images taken from:
Announcement of state leader - 21st May 1998
The policy launch - 8th June 1998
both press conferences taking place in the council facilities without a single protester being sited or any reason for fear of anyone being "hurt".
Following the landslide wins by One Nation in the state election last month Laboral have embarked on a campaign of intimidation and deceit epitomised by the council's decision to revert to banning the party from using its facilities again. Over the last six months there has been absolutely no cause for concern - and nor should there be. If protesters come to cause trouble they should be summarily dealt with by the police.
One Nation is now a major political force in this country and this blatantly politicised move to hinder freedom of speech should be recognised for what it is - a disgraceful, undemocratic move by a council forever damned for its decision.
We would encourage you to contact Ipswich's Queensland Times telling them what you think about this move by Laboral.
Here is an extract from Pauline Hanson's latest press release:
I believe Aboriginal Australians are not receiving in any meaningful way the billions in taxpayers' funds allocated to help them and this appalling situation must not be allowed to be continually covered up by the cry of racist every time someone asks questions.
The Dodson Cable Beach affair and the more than 200 complaints against Aboriginal Land Council members relating to corruption and bribery, recently reported by the Daily and Sunday Telegraph must be fully investigated. I believe there must be a Royal Commission into ATSIC and its related organisations and I challenge the government to sort out this mess once and for all.
If such investigations find these organisations free of corruption or misappropriation of funds, I will resign from Parliament."
Simply Laboral, simply stupid.
The Laboral (Labor, Liberal, National, Democrats and Greens) parties continue to be a source of severe embarrassment to Australia.
Over the last twenty or so years these major parties have had their credibility shot to pieces as they have misused the faith given to them by the Australian voter.
One has to look no further than the fall of Australia as a nation from its position of influence and power in the world. Twenty years ago we were treated seriously by our trading partners because we controlled our own wealth. Today, thanks to the idiotic policies of Laboral we are but a shadow of our former self with foreign based multinationals raping and pillaging the land.
Laboral would have us believe that they have delivered us multiculturalism, "reconciliation" and moved us into the global economy.
Let us look at these issues one by one and see how they have affected the mum and dad voters of Australia.
Multiculturalism: A term which quite simply legitimises the destruction of the Aussie way of life - the reason most migrants came to Australia in the first place.
Reconciliation: A word bandied about whenever the hand is being extended by the indigenous population seeking "compensation". Perhaps the words should be exchanged to reflect what they mean.
Global Economy: A term which signifies the destruction of Australian jobs through economic rationalism.
These are the three sisters of Laboral's political platform. That is all they have achieved for Australia in the last twenty years. Quite simply put Laboral are a disgrace.
Is it any wonder that the Federal Coalition is starting to self-destruct as politicians who have had enough nouse to lift their snouts just far enough out of the feeding trough to have a look at the real world realise that the Australian population have had enough of their disgraceful performance.
There are a number of National and Liberal MPs ready to jump to the new people party - Pauline Hanson's One Nation. These are people who are sick of the bungling, cowtailing to big business and blatant abuse of power which is the hallmark of Laboral.
It is time for embarrassment to be replaced with accountability. Would
you support a special Laboral
think tank... a forum where we can look at issues related to this disgraceful
blight on our political history. Please
send an email (icon right).
Here is an extract from an article in today's Courier Mail by Ron Brunton:
The magazine also claimed that it had withheld the addresses and telephone numbers of members "in the interests of privacy". But the magazine did not care tuppence about anybody's privacy. It is very easy to work out the details of many people on the list, especially those with less common names or who live in small towns. Using a sample of 250 names as a test, I was able to discover the full addresses and telephone numbers of about 30% in only a couple of hours.
Given the physical violence that has already been directed against One Nation supporters, publication of the list can only be seen as intimidation - not against the extremists who have infiltrated the party, or its autocratic leaders - but against a rather haphazard collection of ordinary people who have joined One Nation for a variety of reasons. Had an Arabic newspaper, or a magazine of the anti-Israel hard left, published a list of members of a Zionist organisation, there would have been much justifiable outrage and anxiety in the Jewish community and the Australia/Israel Review would have led the condemnation.
What a bad job the Laboral parties must be doing - if One Nation is as bad, simplistic and misguided as the media would have us believe. It makes interesting reading when you compare the "objective" reporting on Labor and Coalition issues then look at the sneering, degrading articles about One Nation - not that anyone in their right mind believes the Packer/Murdoch media circus anymore.
What the elitist journalists or intellectual prostitutes have not yet realised is how badly they are regarded by the general Australian population.
For example, support for the Coalition Government has fallen to 32 per cent, its lowest level since the 1996 election, and Labor would have won a Federal election held in early July by default, according to the latest opinion poll by Roy Morgan research.
The Coalition parties attracted 32 per cent of the primary vote, compared with Labor's 42.5 per cent, in the poll conducted on the weekends of July 4-5 and 11-12.
Meanwhile Pauline Hanson's One Nation polled 14.5 per cent, equal to the highest level of support shown for the fledgling party since it has been included in the polling. Now, seriously, would that happen if people believed what they read in the papers?
On a two-party preferred basis, the latest Morgan poll calculates support for the ALP at 57.5 per cent (compared with 46.4 per cent at the last election) and the Coalition at 42.5 per cent (compared with the 53.6 per cent which delivered it election victory).
This was based on One Nation preferences favouring Labor 55 per cent to 45 per cent, Democrats preferences favouring Labor 69 to 31 and Greens favouring Labor 87.5 to 12.5.
The Roy Morgan Research company returned to face-to-face polling, rather than telephone polling, to conduct the 1,786 interviews for the survey.
Pollster Mr Gary Morgan, argued that face-to-face, confidential, interviewing yielded more accurate results, and that telephone interviewing had tended to over-estimate support for the Coalition and under-estimate support for other parties.
"As support for a new government begins to wane, it can be difficult for people who have changed their allegiance to discuss the change openly," Mr Morgan said.
Bye, bye Laboral...
Subject: Ipswich City Council
The Editor
Dear Sir,
I recently asked my class of final year university students studying Advanced Communications to research the communications techniques used by both sides in the One Nation debate. Prior to the project, a large majority of the 40 plus students believed Pauline Hanson to be a racist set on dividing Australia. This belief came from a deluge of media reports.
However, after detailed research and analysis, including a review of all of Ms Hanson's Parliamentary speeches, One Nation policy and press releases, it became apparent to many of the students that the tag 'racist' was a very effective smear technique which first appeared when the political power base of both the government and opposition was potentially threatened - a technique with little or no basis in fact or truth but guaranteed to generate a headline.
Many of the students found it difficult to reconcile the tag 'racist' with One Nation's policies that espouse, inter alia, that all Australians should be treated equally and that such egalitarian treatment should be provided on a needs basis. In other words, although One Nation says we should be treated equally and not judged on the colour of our skin or ethnic and cultural background, much of the mainstream media has ignored this fact and fallen victim to one of the oldest manipulations in the political spin doctors' handbook - make it sensational, make it negative and don't let fact get in the way of a screaming headline.
This is the same shameful technique currently being exploited by the Ipswich City Council when they cite 'safety' as a reason for barring One Nation from (up to now peaceful) use of their facilities. Use of fear as an emotive jusitification is as crude and baseless as calling a policy that tells us we are all equal regardless of our ethnicity 'racist'.
Christopher Stear
We are letting you know how we feel about the Ipswich City Council's decision to prevent Pauline Hanson from using ratepayer's facilities.
The damage to Ipswich's reputation through this undemocratic ban is being passed on to many potential Tourists, Immigrants & Asian Investors via the media.
Some of many Questions that should be answered by the Local Government Representatives are as follows:
Is freedom of speech restricted by banning the leader of any party from speaking at a particular venue ?
Do Labor have underlying undemocratic motives ? and
What role the ratepayers have been allowed regarding this decision by the Labor council ?
Many ratepayers could be One Nation Supporters who may also be [or have been] Labour Council Voters.
If the Security, Safety & Health of Council Employees is at risk at this venue, we would expect employee advocate groups such as Unions to be involved.
This is not even a Commercial decision but merely a mediocre political hot potato
Robert & Heather Brandt
Subject: Beazley's endorsement
Did anybody else bother to read Kim Beazley's stupid letter of endorsement to the "Our Nation" group which is co-ordinating the protests against One Nation? He was embarrassed that the international community (of big business) was watching Australia carefully.
Of Pauline Hanson he said: "She is not about looking after Australians - she is only about race and division". In today's Australian there's a picture which shows Pauline happily receiving a kiss on the cheek from her new adviser on Aboriginal affairs, Albert Deverell, himself an Aborigine. Some racism.
Beazley finished up (with a bit of luck he'll be finished up soon) saying: "I hope that the on-line petition and other initiatives will be great successes and that together we can work to strengthen our decent and tolerant society".
Well Kim, the only trouble is that Australia WAS a decent and tolerant society until pc creeps like you wrecked it. The bottom line of the old Australia was fairness and social harmony. The bottom line of the new 'economically rationalised' Australia is profit, and social slash & burn. Nevertheless Australians are determined to claw back their country because One Nation has provided them with a rare chance to do so.
Probably a lot of people around the world are indeed watching Australia with great interest. I reckon a lot of them are thinking: if the Australians can get their country back, perhaps we could too...
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Laboral parties unite
When I saw the site, encouraging protests against One Nation, I sent them an e-mail stating: 'That I would rather be One Nation than One World.'
It may be an idea if all the readers let them know of wahat they think about them.
Subject: Indonesian Fishing Confrontation
The story covered on the "Today" show thismorning has, to me, sinister overtones of what to expect of our Northern neighbours in the future.
Call me paranoid if you wish but this "larger than usual" vessel ramming an Australian navy vessel smells like a "probing" exercise to test our preparedness and guage our resolve over sovereign waters.
Watch that space for future incidents ( I believe that the Indonesians call the region "South Irian", or something similar. )
Best Regards,
Anthony Mare
Subject: Australia's territorial waters
A grave mistake was made by our Navy in not disabling and capturing the large Indonesian fishing boat fishing illegally N.W.of Darwin this week. The vessel is reported to have been been fishing in the area for 11 days. Why did it take so long before the Navy responded?
The HMAS Cessnock was hampered by the ridiculous rules of engagement which are at present in force in our Navy.During the chase of some thirty hours, only warning shots were fired. What a stuff up.
The Indonesians have fished out their own waters and you can bet that this was only a test run and now they know that our Navy is a toothless tiger they will be back in force with more and bigger boats.
But we would be stupid if we thought this government would do anything to upset their Indonesian mates.
Alan Esson
Subject: Re: J. Shinkfield & Nostalgia
Hi J Shinkfield,
This is a reply to your comments about the "Nostalgia" letter of earlier this week.
I agree with you that there were several generalizations made by Alan Esson, and generalizations always invite correction.
I must correct you however, on your comments about racism. Alan Esson stated that he became a racist "when he saw little Asia's springing up in each of our capital cities". This reaction by Mr Esson is no different to those of the Asians choosing to live in these Asian neighbourhoods. Both Alan Esson and these Asians are preferring their own cultural standards and lifestyle etc. However, these Asian immigrants came to Australia presumably to become Australians but their actions prove that they reject our culture and instead want to strongly maintain their own. From this fact, it is obvious that those Asians supporting multiculturalism are, according to the politically correct use of the word, racists. Even our Asian neighbours could be added to this political correct "racists" classifcation as they do not have policies of multiculturalism ( obviously preferring their culture over others ).
You mentioned that multiculturalism is a strong reminder to Asian nations that we do not hold anything against them, and that if our nation had a white Australia policy they would think we are racists and possibly attack us. Since Asian nations do not have policies of multiculturalism ( and in some respects support policies similar to One Nation's policies ) I guess it would be right to believe from your statement, that Asian countries do not like us because they are racist and therefore may attack us anyway.
Unfortunately those labelling the One Nation party as "racist" lack forethought as their very own distorted definition of the word includes the very groups they claim to be protecting. These extremists attacking One Nation always resort to lies and slander ( even if it causes damage to our country's reputation ) to stop any rational debate, and such stupidity can only be described as un-Australian.
Subject: Voting
The Prime Minister,
Mr. J.W. Howard
Your attempts too marginalize One Nation will backfire on you if you continue (as I believe you will) on your present path. Even more conservative voters will begin to wonder what difference there is between the Liberal and the Labor Party.
When someone like me deserts the Liberal Party, there is a real problem and it seems to me that the problem is you. You only consult when it suits you. You have been in politics too long.
I do not support the sale of Telstra. To liken Australia with its population distribution to Europe or the United States is disingenuous at least and mendacious at most.
To attempt to foist your GST on medium and small business is to attempt to make them unpaid tax collectors. Your protestations that they will be somehow compensated for their labours is laughable; you know that any compensation will be as fleeting as a vapour trail in the sky.
On the other hand, Big Business will love it, possessing as they do, large bureaucracies to fiddle the books.
I am just oberving in the news your Government's attitude to the Indonesian fishing boats. You have just presided over the abject capitulation of the Australian Navy to pirates - that is the only way to describe it. God help this country when a real threat emerges on the horizon.
Subject: Mr leibler
Scot I was trying to send this to jetset travel, plus learn how to send email to, two places at once, can you tell me from your copy if the email would have went to jetset as well. Thank you Scot also for all your information you send out to Paulines supporters about the unelected opposition and about honest John and the empty hat Tim,they are only the puppets not the puppet pullers. the puppet pullers must have a very powerful influence over our country and political system because they are still not listening, the labour party is the exact same in a different suit.
God Bless
Trevor Post
Subject: Public Explanation Please
Dear Sir,
Two quotes from Deputy National Party Leader, John Anderson from The Australian on 16th July, 1998.
Mr. Anderson accused One Nation of "Threatening democracy and pursuing dangerous policies"
I call on Mr. Anderson to reveal which "Democracy" he is referring to ? Surely not Australian Democracy, as quite clearly this has not existed for over two decades. Regardless of what brand of politics any of us have voted for since 1972, we have ended up with Parliaments run by people who have betrayed Australia.
Mr. Anderson's reference to "dangerous policies" needs to be explained just a little further. Dangerous to whom and why, Mr. Anderson ? Not dangerous to your "ruling elite" by any chance ?
He further went on to say "Across the Nation we are witnessing the emergence of a new Political Party that wears the cloak of Democracy, but is anything but Democratic".
Mr. Anderson may like to draw a comparison between the relevant Democracies of One Nation and The National Party. Was Traitor Tim's order to "Shut-up", to outspoken National MP's this week, a part of his party's Democratic system ? Silence those that dare to differ ?
Accuse me of "wearing a cloak of Democracy" if you like but Tim's order sounds pretty un-Democratic to me.
Allan W. Doak
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Tim Hackett wrote:
>If this is the case, then how come all farmers
get the diesel fuel rebate, not only those who are subject to economic
>hardship? Maybe farmers aren't a 'race', but they are a specific group
in Australia. If Pauline is on about assistance
>on the basis of need, then all assistance, not just assistance to Aboriginal
people, should be subject to these
Tim, the fuel excise tax is supposed to pay for road maintenance etc.
Farmers use most of their diesel in farm machinery which does not use public roads. Therefore it would be totally unfair to expect farmers to pay a "road maintenace tax" on fuel which is not so used.
Name withheld by request
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Hallo Scott
I'm not sure if these comments are O.K. but here goes. On the matter of the G.S.T. & Taxation generally Could you please elaborate on the blanket opposition to a G.S.T. I don't have any in debth knowledge of the subject. I have so far agreed with the stand taken by One Nation on many of the policies issued, albiet that they often appear simplistic, common sense usually is.
Unlike other issues the G.S.T. seems to be one that One Nation is against on a sight unseen basis. This would concern me grately. I believe a big part of our current social and economic problems arise out of Governments not being interested in passing or reviewing legislation on the basis of what's good for the Nation: Opposing everything another party proposes: Creating policy & legislation on the basis of popularity ie; the number of votes it will attract.
As you are aware, the financial welfare of a nation is interlinked to it's system of revenue collection & distribution and the one currently is operation in Australia is a nightmare. I have personal knowledge of both business & valuable talent lost to Australia directly as a consequence of the Taxation situation here.
I would like to think that One Nation will have substantial, alternative policies out or review all proposals (irrespective of their source) to fix this nightmare and then support or reject them on their merits.
I firmly believe that many Australians are like me, totally fed up with the current system and with a feeling that One Nation offers common sense and integrity. In a Federal Election I would swing back to the mainline parties if I found One Nation was playing politics just like the rest.
The Taxation system will be crucial in the next Federal election and a simple "No GST" statement might well unseat the current government without achieving the potential result for One Nation.
Maree S
Subject: "Our Nation" website
To Whom it May Concern,
It is interesting to note that a web site created by an organisation that purports to be anti discriminatory would accept endorsement by two Jewish only organisations.
This observation is in no way meant to be anti Jewish, however I believe that technically, an organisation that bases its membership requirements on a race basis, exclusive of other races would have to be defined as "discriminatory".
On a personal note, I think that you should include some original content on the site instead of relying on endorsements from the likes of Cheryl Kernot, who has proven that she has no firm views on anything except her political career.
Anthony Mare
Subject: headless chooks
How diverting it is to see our politicians all running round like headless chooks, falling over each other trying to placate angry Australians.
Surprise, surprise! The Howard government has rejected the recommended key 'reforms' [read 'destruction'] of Australia Post. Rightly fearing One Nation they have suddenly pretended to find a social conscience. As if. They are just looking after their own political hides. Not to be outdone, Labor has concocted a scheme to force banks to maintain services in the bush. Give us a break.
Do they REALLY think we are so stupid that we won't remember there was bi-partisan support for the economic rationalist policies which have resulted in the selling off our country? And that anybody who objected to it was treated with ridicule? It's too late, guys, there is an alternative now. We don't believe a word you say.
The Australian's economics editor is not pleased with the politicians' belated pretence at listening to the people. He calls this flowering of democracy a 'deterioration in the national and policy climate'. It 'sends the wrong signals to international assessors of this economy'. Our loss of independence dosn't get clearer than that.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Aboriginal voting and the 1967 Referendum
What is all this talk about voting rights being restricted by race?
Australian politicians would never allow such a policy, would they?
Think again. This policy already exists and is supported by the Liberals, Labor, Nationals, Democrats & Greens.
To all those non-Aboriginal Australians out there - see how far you get if you try to vote (or stand) in an ATSIC election.
Of course, in Australia all these ATSIC associated voting restrictions are approved as as politically correct "social justice". In South Africa, similar policies were known as Apartheid, and were outrageous.
I suggest that One Nation issues a press release, condemning racist voting restrictions, and demanding that the government provide equal voting rights to all Australians regardless of race.
Aboriginal voting and the 1967 Referendum
My question is that how are we being discriminated against? Who is discriminating against us? Do you seriously believe you are being discriminated against because you are white.? What someone has knocked you back on a job because you are white? Neighbours refuse to talk to you because you are white? You guys have no idea do you? Show me where this discrimination occurs, where you have been disadvantaged because you are white? Hey this stuff your pushing may not be because you are fascist, I doubt whether Pauline Hanson would know what fascism is. I have never heard someone speak such crap, be so ignorant yet still have idiots vote for you, I guess from what I have seen on TV the average age of a One Nation supporter is about 72, I hate to say it but you guys have no future. The only young people who would vote for you are people like the League of Rights or the Ku Klux Klan,( groups who are obviously providing you with support) lets not forget that
the majority of Australian's are intelligent, fair ( thats not meaning blonde) and compassionate people, what you guys are about is keeping Australia for whites only ( so if you Swedish your welcome ) eventually people
will realise that you have no solutions for this great country you just create more problems.
I look forward to receiving more mail from you guys so what I can read cannot be taken out of context ( sorry I mean to say you cant use that excuse)
Just do me a favour I could do with some cash, wanna go print me some?!!
Christopher Jack
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.