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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Do you remember the days, not so long ago, when journalists were allowed to investigate issues that mattered, issues that affected the Australian people? Issues like crime, murders and social concerns. Real investigative journalism, free of their master's hand?
Today, of course, all that has changed with the "modern, new age" journalist being told what to cover and how - and these are the lucky ones. Many are holed up at the office re-writing articles that come down the wire from Reuters - often because they refused to follow the "editorial line" - their office-bound status being punishment for daring to challenge the line delivered by the "Chiefs-of-Staff" on behalf of their media masters.
The control of the modern journalist and what he is allowed to report is complete today with the directions and instructions coming directly from their god... either Packer or Murdoch. So much for editorial independence.
It will be interesting to see how little coverage is given to the family law policy - will it follow the way of One Nation's Primary Industry policy which was completely overlooked as the media non-event of the year. On Tuesday this week Heather Hill spoke to a number of people on-line - resulting in this file of what was discussed. Much value was gained by Heather during the discussions.
Yesterday Heather Hill told me, "The family Court is not the place to be taking family problems.
"When you look up at how it was originally set up it was supposed to be a concillitary process for families. If anything, today, you have got bitterness, you have got divisiveness, you have got the adversarial system at its very best and you've got winners and losers."
Heather said that One Nation would push for the return on the emphasis of the traditional family, "What it really means is moving funds away from minority groups because you can't deal with one side of the family unit (such as women's health), you have to deal with Mum, Dad and the Kids."
The One Nation policy on family law will now be released on Friday (not Thursday) and is expected to include:
Well there's been plenty of talk in recent days in relation to the coming Federal Election about who is going to get who's preferences. Now, of course, at the top of the agenda is the argument by the Labor Party and the Democrats is the argument that any Liberal or National who puts One Nation anywhere but rock bottom on their "How to Vote" card is committing some sort of crime.
The book by Graham Strachan is excellent. I have been reading through the first few chapters. Here is an extract:
Australian "mums and dads" taxpayers currently pay 91% of the country's tax. On the total take of about Au$150 billion in the 1995-96 tax year, company tax amounted to a mere Au$12 billion (about 8% of the total), and private taxpayers paid the rest in personal income tax, sales tax and excise. Foreign-owned big business paid Au$3 billion: 2% of the total.
At $15 plus $2.50 postage (with discounts on both book and postage for larger orders) every Australian must read this book. Ordering details at Graham's website.
Oldfield strolled onto the grassy
arena as the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Tim Fischer, was walking off after
addressing 300 angry farmers protesting about the future of rural Australia
under the Coalition. The venue was the small rural New South Wales town of
Yass. Oldfield did not make for the truck from which other political candidates
were making their pitch. Instead, trailing a gaggle of cameramen, he followed
Mr Fischer who retreated as fast as he could outpacing Oldfield to his car.
The media loved it. Cameras whirred and clipped. Distant amplified polspeak and heckling provided the background music to a strange debacle in modern Australian politics. Mr Fischer turned on his pursuer saying "I am not into stunts."
"I just wanted to say hello," Mr Oldfield said.
"Hello and goodbye," Mr Fischer replied as he walked to his car.
"He did seem to be quickening his pace as I was gaining on him," Oldflield said to the assembled media as Fischer's car left the area.
Where Mr Fischer had earlier faced hecklers, Mr Oldfield was listened to and applauded as he spoke from the back of the truck. This, remember, is One nation - the party in decline....
On rural economic problems Oldfield said: "You can destroy the cities and the country towns will rebuild them, but if you destroy the country towns, who is going to rebuild them?" and on foreign aid: "You have got to send them something they can eat, not something their leaders can steal."
Earlier, Tim Fischer confronted by posters reading "Fischer Farrer Failure" and "No tariffs, no subsidies, no votes", had told the same assembly, "You may attack me and that's fine...
"I also fully recognise that there is no such thing as a level playing field. What I do know is that Australian farmers are so efficient they produce five time more product than eighteen million people can consume."
Fairwell National party, fairwell.
Here is an extract from the Sydney Morning Herald:
David Oldfield appears to have achieved with One Nation's preferences what he failed to pull off at the Queensland election - a chaos theory strategy designed to force the Coalition and Labor to woo One Nation voters in vulnerable seats, despite having put One Nation last.
He said yesterday: "Unless the parties are talking to me, it doesn't matter. Don't talk to candidates or officials, the buck stops here with me."
and in a case of direct intervention on preferences, despite the rhetoric by National leader Tim Fischer, we hear:
That Bill Hovard told the media: "I spoke to Tim Fischer around midnight on Friday about the fact that we were looking at the decision to split the ticket (with One Nation ahead of the ALP)," Mr Hovard said. "He said it would be a big problem, especially because Warren was a minister . . . he said he and the Prime Minister were looking for solidarity with all their ministers because it would look better than one breaking ranks."
Mr Hovard said he explained Mr Fischer's views to a Wide Bay campaign committee meeting on Sunday, which had been expected to formally agree to the split ticket decision, and it had been influential in their decision to abandon the idea and agree to put One Nation last across the board. Mr Fischer has repeatedly said preference decisions will be decided "seat by seat" and "State by State" rather than influenced by the party leadership. He has said he did what he could when he "set an example" by putting One Nation last in his own electorate of Farrer.
Asked on Channel Ten's Meet The Press program last Sunday whether he would try to dissuade National Party candidates from directing preferences to One Nation ahead of Labor, Mr Fischer suggested personal involvement would backfire. "I've not done any wheeling and dealing . . . the regimentation demanded by elements of the elites, including the Canberra press gallery, is exactly the sort of fertile ground which causes One Nation some momentum ahead of a Queensland election," he said.
Just another porky pie which is the trademark of career politicians. Welcome to the club Mr Fischer..
Member for Tablelands Shaun Nelson told Queensland Parliament "anti-democratic forces of division" were rallying against One Nation.
Mr Nelson challenged anyone to table a One Nation policy that contained racist views.
"I have had enough of the tag of racist," he said.
"It is not true - none of the 11 MPs in One Nation could be accused of being so.
"I say to this House it is a damning indictment on the assumption of innocence until proven guilty, that fundamental of democracy, that I have to stand here and say this.
"Finally I say to members: suffocate, label and deride One Nation at your peril."
In just three weeks from now the anotd will be three years old. Older than any other electronic daily newspaper in Australia - that includes Fairfax, News Limited etc. The anotd first appeared on the 8th October 1995 and has been published daily (including Christmas) since then.
Well, well, now hasn't the much lauded politically correct RaceWatch been quiet!
Nearly three weeks into the election and B'nai B'rith and Community Aid Abroad (CAA) have yet to find a racist to oust in Australia despite all the trashy rhetoric and expensive "RaceWatch-er" kits. Could it be that B'naiB'rith has at last fallen on its own racist sword?
What about all that money spent by Community Aid Abroad supporting a failed scheme. Money donated by Australians for use in funding communities abroad. Money misspent by CAA on failed un-Australian ventures that do nothing but divide the community.
It is time that the Australian taxpayer stopped funding sick, politically correct organisations like this. The Au$13 million a year that CAA gets in my and your taxes would be far better spent in the Australian health system.
International financier Mr George Soros said Russia's economic crisis would worsen, Latin America was on the brink, and the world's lender of last resort - the International Monetary Fund - was ill-equipped to head off a global meltdown.
Painting a bleak picture of the future for the world economy, Mr Soros told US legislators that financial crises gripping Asia and Russia had already spread to Latin America, where panic was setting in, and that Malaysia's foreign currency controls could set Asia's recovery back.
Warning that the global capitalist system was coming undone, Mr Soros said the US Federal Reserve might need to cut interest rates to spur growth and he called on the US Congress to give $US18 billion ($30 billion) to the IMF to replenish the lending agency's reserves, drained by multi-billion-dollar bail-outs of Russia and three crisis-hit Asian nations.
But Mr Soros told the House Banking Committee that even a fully funded IMF could not end the turmoil.
"Replenishing the capital of the IMF will not be sufficient to resolve the global financial crisis," he said.
The IMF engineered huge rescues last year for Indonesia, South Korea and Thailand to avert the region's economic collapse. In July, the fund assembled a nearly $US23 billion package for Russia.
But market confidence evaporated despite the IMF cash injection, Russia devalued the rouble and defaulted on some foreign debt, and Russian President Yeltsin's surprise decision to ditch his young Prime Minister, Mr Sergei Kiriyenko, did nothing to reassure frightened investors.
Mr Soros, whose speculation helped send the British pound spinning out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in September 1992, has drawn fire from Malaysia and Hong Kong for the activities of the hedge funds he controls.
He is chairman of Soros Fund Management and this and other funds which he controls are said to have lost some $US2 billion in the Russian collapse.
Mr Soros said the meltdown in Russia had exposed new weaknesses in the international banking system.
"A global credit crunch is in the making," the multi-billionaire philanthropist told the committee.
"The global capitalist system, which has been responsible for the remarkable prosperity of this country in the last decade, is coming apart at the seams."
He said the downside for the Russian economy was "practically limitless" after the collapse of the rouble and a big debt default; he said Russia's banking system had been wiped out by the latest economic turmoil.
"The situation in Russia is quite dire; very, very serious."
Of course it is Soros who is a master at bringing sovereign countries to their knees because of his ability to manipulate their currency's value in the new globalised world.
My wife Jill and I run a small business in Perth employing 9 people.
We wish to bring to your attention an injustice sufferred by one of our employees Bronya R.
Bronya lives with his partner and two small children in rented accommodation in Balga, a Northern Perth suburb. They have lived there for some 18 months A few weeks ago an aboriginal family moved into the adjoining property. On several occasions he has caught members of this family sniffing glue in his back garden and in direct view of hi children. After several requests for them to desist he finally lost his temper and insisted that they get of his property.
Later that evening two females and two males from this family burst into his home. The two women carried out a serious assault against his wife armed with a cricket bat - in full view of his children, while the two men chased Bronya out into the road where they proceeded to attack him with an iron bar.
Their injuries required hospital treatment. Bronya was away from work for one week.
Despite repeated approaches to the police they refused to investigate the matter. They did not take statements they did not press charges for grievous bodily harm, saying only that it was Bronya's responsibility to take out a restraining order through the court.
It was only after finally taking the matter to the Ombudsman, that the police bothered to take statements. Charges have not been made. Bronya and his family continue to receive daily abuse and though they are reluctant to do so they now accept that they must move to another area.
Clearly we cannot approach the police on Bronya's behalf, but are wondering if you would be prepared to first obtain the police account of the incident to first check the full story, and to subsequently assist in any way you are able.
I realise this is a very sensitive matter at this time but my wife and I feel so strongly about the injustice that we must do whatever we can.
Many thanks.
Unfortunately Ron we have all heard of this before.
It is called reverse-racism.
I'm not convinced of the sense in putting both the major parties last. Barring the greatest political upset in history there will be a Howard or Beazley government, and our preferences will elect it. We have no choice if we want our vote to count.
If people don't want a Labor government, putting the Democrats or Greens before the Coalition parties will be counter-productive. Democrat and Green preferences usually go to Labor. For the same reason each voter will have to find out the political leanings of the independents. That should be easy to see from their own how-to-vote cards.
One Nation first. Then, if you don't want a Labor government put it last. If you don't want a Liberal government put it last. But think carefully where the preferences of the minor parties and independents will go before you put them before either of the main parties.
It is a vitally important matter and needs discussion. Any more thoughts?
Ps. After reading that article on Spindler's Sexuality Discrimination bill I'm putting the Democrats last. With 'harassment' being defined to include a refusal to accept bisexuality [once called sexual depravity] as a 'distinct sexuality' they are a menace to all decent people and society itself.
So B'nai B'rith has been running courses in schools and police forces to promote 'racial tolerance'. It now plans to extend the courses to companies to intimidate - whoops, 'educate' - middle managers. The campaign is a response to the rise of Pauline Hanson and the 'racism' she espouses. Only deceitful ideologues could claim that a woman who wants everybody treated equally can be a racist. And only fools could believe them.
It is common knowledge that these 'workshops' use peer pressure as an effective tool to intimidate free expression. But they backfire, because people only pay lip-service to them. Once the 'facilitator' leaves after being heartily thanked for the wonderful insights he has revealed, the participants invariably agree that it was a load of crap and a total waste of time.
Once, the citizens of this country freely formed their own opinions according to their religious or philosophical heritage, or from personal moral searching. We used to live and let live, and though we differed, respected one anothers beliefs as being sincerely held. Contrast this true civility with the bullying tactics of the likes of B'nai B'rith who seek to impose their beliefs on everybody. If they truly valued tolerance they would tolerate One Nation and not continue to peddle the lie that it is racist.
Antonia Feitz
One Nation's Primary Industry Policy
Dear Sir
How are you ? Im so glad that there is someone in parliment like Pauline !! Im a 16 male studant in Western Australia and like everything your trying to make equil there is reason for it, but no one knows, Its such a shame...
Keep up the great work, please. And dont let any one get you down because i bet there are hundreds of australians who would vote for you but too afraid to admit it. Some how you have to encourage people to speak out and/or even understand what your policys are and so forth....
Keep in Touch
Unfair benefits
I have heard much talk about how indigenous Australians are able to gain access to welfare and other social security support that is not available to non-indigenous Australians and other Australian ethnic or 'minority groups'. This would seem unfair...
I recall part of Pauline Hanson's maiden speech in parliament referred to the need to treat all Austalians the same and effectively ensure an even playing field.
Has the One Nation Party ever researched and documented the difference in benefits provided to indigenous vice non-indigenous Australians? It is most difficult for me to both understand and identify the scope of these 'extra' benefits not available to the rest of us Australian taxpayers.
I would be most interested to learn of those differences, and request you advise how I can find out. Is their a report you could provide, or are you able to suggest commissioning an inquiry to determine the extent of these benefits, the results of which could be provided to One Nation supporters.
Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.
Plunder Tax
Hi Scott,
Why do we have such enormous proposed tax increases ? by both Government and Oposition.
Why do we call it GST, or anything else, why don't we just call it PLUNDER TAX ?
Is it because we need more money to pull the various Asian Countries out of a hole, while their governments (I mean presidents, their relatives and all sort of hangers on), use the money for themselves .
Why do we call it GST, or anything else, why don't we just call it PLUNDER TAX ?
Why doesn't our government be more honest, and tell us to pay our taxes directly in to their accounts, it would be cheaper.
Why do we have to pay for their plunder of their Countries coffers, anyway ?
Can somebody tell me ?
Richard B.
Humor In a Depressing Time
Lease the Land of OZ????
The only way the political masters in Canberra can see to solve our debt problems, is not to effectively manage the nation, but to sell off the nation's assets. The National Airline, The Bank, Airports now we are seeing the sale of the worlds best Telecommunications Company Telstra, a big profit producer. And in the future Australia Post?
'As selling national assets' is the 'vogue phrase' of the yuppies maybe we could sell the military to one of the security services Armaguard, Mayne Nickless etc - and lease it back. Better still, lease it to the New York Police Dept - they already have better equipped and more police officers than we have soldiers, and hire it back if we ever need it.
The Navy could be leased to the Bondi Yacht Club, the Airforce could be leased to the Aero Club just think of the money we could save maybe the Tax Office could finish up paying us?
We could lease Parliament House to the Canberra Country Women's Association (CWA), Parliament could book ahead and pay a weekly rental, like us country folk do when we hire the local CWA hall for meetings.
If we negotiate with General Motors US, their profit is so high they could pay every man, woman, child and dog a million dollars. We could invest our million dollars, live off the interest leave the residual to the kids no worries mate she'll be right, good-onyer mate, beaut and bonzer and have a ripper time.
Then we wouldn't have to worry about anything we would all be millionaires we could put our heads back in the sand and no longer have to worry about our national assets or who owns bloody our country!!!!!!
Jeff Budd
Howard's gaff on law enforcement
I sent the following to the liberal party home page.
Congratulations, the latest policy on law and order has just put hundreds
of thousands of legal firearm owners further offside with the party and widened
the road to ON in the rural electorates. Statements such as 'all firearms
license' will be recorded in the criminals data base are nothing short of
gross stupidity, with the mood so volatile on the issue of firearms. Effectively
it means every legally licensed firearm owner who votes for the Liberal Party
is asking to be lumped in with prostitutes, drug dealers, robbers, child
molesters and the like.
Fair dinkum is anyone interested in thinking about ordinary Australians. The basic concept is fine and is to be applauded but really did anyone think including legally registered firearms owners was going to add one vote to our tally. Indeed it has just lost us votes to the only viable Conservative Party on this issue; the Nats have little or no credibility on the issue. When I heard the announcement I thought excellent idea having all the sex offenders DNA prints available for police to match against. But then I heard I was to be included in it as well, I didn't believe it at first, surely they are smarter than that. But no, the ABC made a point of ensuring licensed firearm owners were mentioned at least four times during the item.
As one labor person said to me 'libs dont know how to win an election', with statements such as above I'm inclined to agree with him.
Wayne Brown
Timid Tim tiptoes through the tulips
The real meaning of political 'debate' was demonstrated yesterday at the Yass showgrounds when Timid Tim confronted a ropable crowd of small business people and farmers. Apparently, his pre-arranged 'script' didn't quite go to plan, as a number of concerned citizens threw curly questions at him. However, in typical Laboral politician style, when the hard balls came, he ducked! Instead of addressing the concerns of those present with regards to globalisation, economic irrationalism and decimation of services in the bush, he jabbered out stock/standard Laboral answers.
The piece de resistance came at the conclusion of this sorry spectacle when One Nation Senate candidate, Mr David Oldfield, attempted to engage Timid Tim in debate, however brief. It seems that you must be a member of the Laboral establishment to warrant such prestigious venues as Sixty Minutes or the National Press Club. If you're not, you don't even get a 'look in' at the Yass showgrounds!
Timid Tim's response to Mr David Oldfield ("Hello!..and good-bye!) may well turn out to be a prophetic utterance on his own political career! cheers!
I agree with Hanson in regards to the issue of a republic. We don't really need one.
Kim Beastly tried to stir the emotions about a "..head of state opening the Olympic Games." All I can say to that comment is "SO WHAT??" What's the big deal about making a half hour speech at a sporting event.
It may be a big international sporting event but it's over within a few weeks. When everyone's gone back home to their countries with whatever medals, etc., we're left with this puppet republic. One that is interdependent upon the United Nations and one that has a head of state who takes orders from the Media men with the money.
The Laboral Pollies are always talking about "the big picture", but Beaze and the boys want us to get all teary-eyed about the Olympics.
When it comes to the BIG PICTURE caper I'm afraid the Olympics are not even a black & white snap-shot when compared to Australia's future. Get real Beaze, a republic won't put people back in jobs and it won't get the money and aid to Aboriginals who really need it.
S.E. Wagger
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
One Nation's Tax Policy-
4th September 1998
One Nation "Media
Adviser" shows true colours- 1st September 1998
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes
debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.