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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
three cryptic words used by a desperate Lachlan Murdoch to his senior News Limited editors days before the federal election was called. More than likely he was acting on his father's instructions.
This horrifying abuse of Australia's political system was confirmed to me by an extremely reliable source.
The cow is Pauline Hanson of course. "Kill" referring to her political career.
What we are now seeing in the feeding frenzy of biased reporting in our polarised Murdoch-dominated media - the results of that one instruction by a single, powerful young man half my age. A man who wields the power to make or break governments... and we think that we live in a democracy. Our extensive report "The Four Corners of Australia's Trojan Horse" documents how Murdoch and his editorial cronies are ruling Australia through the media.
Right now Murdoch is launching his greed-power-based attack on British soccer with Manchester United being a billion dollar target - and the British don't like it.
Just last week News Limited
set one of the Big 6 accounting firms loose on
The 2%
EasyTax... Derek Smith (seen right), one of the developers of the
tax, was contacted by a senior partner in the firm who tried to set out to
ridicule the tax - after lengthy discussions the partner revealed that he
was acting on News Limited's behalf. Smith was able to show that the
tax made sense... the result of the discussions
with the partner - which were given to News Limited - complete
censorship because they showed the tax in a positive light.
My understanding is that there could be serious ramifications in the professional bodies behind the accounting profession because of the manner in which this tax has been treated by some members of their profession - baying to the tune of big business with little regard to the truth.
Yesterday several members of the One Nation chat line joined Heather Hill on line to discuss Family Law Court and Child Support issues. Heather was on-line from my office in Karana Downs.
The exercise was very valuable to Heather who was able to gather more information and feedback in the lead up to her release of the Family Law and Child Support policy tomorrow. This one to one use of the Internet to help formualte policy was a world-first on this exciting new medium.
Read what was discussed with Heather Hill (flc.txt 23k) during the chat session (exact copy of the 60 minute chat session)
Pauline Hanson was mobbed by fans on Monday in Albany after her most confident speech of the campaign to an enthusiastic audience of 400.
Mr David Oldfield, whom Hanson describes as "her right-hand man", joined the campaign in Western Australia, One Nation's second most successful State according to the polls.
David introduced Pauline as "just a little redhead from Ipswich" who had dared to "say the unsaid". Ms Hanson later denied that the remark was patronising and said she had "had a chuckle" over it.
To loud applause she demanded an end to foreign takeovers of Australian companies; the removal of former prime ministers from the public payroll; the retention of the national flag; and the abolition of competition policy.
She said Labor and Liberal governments had turned Australia into "a First-World country living in Third-World conditions".
The biggest cheer came when Ms Hanson said jobs must be found for 15 and 16-year-olds who were "not academically minded". Otherwise, Australia would end up with "a bunch of academic derelicts with no jobs to go to".
After her speech, the crowd was asked to approach her with questions, and she was overwhelmed by autograph requests and declarations of support.
Amid the melee, she said she wanted a referendum on capital punishment, and an end to all foreign aid, except Australian-grown food and products.
The next day Ms Pauline Hanson is escorted through a Perth shopping centre by police and security personnel.
Ill-informed protesters drove the One Nation leader from one supermarket and forced her to take refuge in a coffee shop in a second, its entrance blocked by a line of police.
Members of the youth group Resistance met Ms Hanson at Karrinyup shopping centre with shouts of "Say it loud, say it clear, racists are not welcome here", and "Land rights yes, racists no, Pauline Hanson has to go".
Ms Hanson went to the next supermarket, Galleria Morley, but was again greeted with loud protests, as edgy police manhandled and blocked journalists, and some Hanson supporters clapped from the sidelines.
Ms Hanson ran into a coffee shop, where, as police held protesters at bay, she autographed a man's tattooed upper right arm, and changed her schedule to avoid further protests.
She told reporters: "I'm upset for the people in the shopping centres, for the shoppers, and the shopkeepers. But no, I'm not going to turn away and walk away from it. A lot of these people that are screaming out racist, they have no idea 'cause I've never said one racist statement at all, never. They are very ignorant of the way they are carrying on."
Extract from an article by Christine Jackman:
After multiple by-passes and with emphysema in both lungs, Mervyn doesn't get out much anymore. He knows his time is limited and he wants to make the most of it. He wants to meet Pauline Hanson.
Last week, Mervyn got that wish.
It was the meeting Hanson didn't want the public to see. Even a One Nation critic would have to admit its a big compliment being someone's dying wish. But Hanson went to some lengths to keep the news from the media when she went to meet Mervyn last week.
A bit of smart driving in between two scheduled appointments - a nursing home visit and a "meet the people" shopping centre walk - and she managed to lose all but four of a determined media pack.
She asked us to wait outside during the visit. We obliged.
But then Mervyn's wife Dorothy, the vice-President of a local Hanson support group, urged us to come in.
Inside, in a tiny lounge room neatly crowded with knick knacks and the accumulated trivia of a life shared and slowly coming to a close. Mervyn sat and haltingly told Hanson a meandering story of war and its aftermath, of war pensions not forthcoming, of being sacked by Joh Bjelke-Petersen during the SEQEB dispute, of the Howard Government's slashing of support for invalid carers.
Have a laugh at this Laboral faction's expense at:
The new Australian Labor Party web site
Here is an extract from an article in News Weekly:
McKiernan has recommended narrowing this exemption even further to exclude any activities of religious bodies that receive Commonwealth funding. This would apply to religious schools, hospitals etc.. and require them to choose between employing homosexuals and transsexuals and tolerating open homosexuality among students or forego Commonwealth funding.
This is the most serious attack on the religious school system since the DOGS case sought to deprive them of funding. The McKiernan report essentially says "violate your religious beliefs about homosexuality or go broke".
This is Graham Strachan's follow-up to his controversial sellout success, 'Economic Rationalism: a Disaster for Australia'.
Globalisation is no longer a conspiracy theory: it is official Government (and Opposition) policy! The only secret now is just what 'globalisation' means.
According to the power elites it involves 'trade liberalisation' and that's it. In fact it goes far beyond that, and includes political and social globalisation as well. This book explains how it is all being engineered behind a screen of lies and half truths by politicians, corrupt media, and treacherous elites in business, government bureaucracies, academia and the churches, with the aid of false economic and social theories. While it concentrates on economic deceit, this book goes on to uncover the complete globalisation programme. The real nature of Globalism might surprise you!
At $15 plus $2.50 postage (with discounts on both book and postage for larger orders) every Australian must read this book. Ordering details at Graham's website.
and if you had any doubts about the topic, here is an extract from an article in today's Financial Review:
All of which makes plenty of strategic sense. For all the faults of the international community in dealing with the crisis, the IMF fully supported by Washington is the right remedy in Asia, Russia and Latin America. Indeed, it is not implausible to argue that the IMF has contained, to an extent, the financial chaos in some hard-hit countries like Thailand and South Korea. Let's not forget that Mexico, after accepting IMF therapy and money during its 1995 currency crisis, grew by 5 per cent in 1996 and 7 per cent last year.
Moreover, emerging markets such as countries in the former Warsaw Pact have avoided the "contagion" effect, as have extremely open financial systems like Singapore.
This, of course, does not mean that all is fine and dandy with the international financial system. Mr Clinton is right to advocate fresh changes to the architecture of the world financial system.
TORONTO, 2nd June--The supersecretive 1996 Bilderberg Conference at King City, north of Toronto, ends today. As usual, the 120 assorted members of European royalty, internancial financiers, major newspaper publishers, heads of supranational agencies, leading U.S. and North American politicians, and selected titans of industry and commerce have managed to conceal - so far - the substance of, and the concensus reached after, each of their "Round Table" discussions.
The Toronto-based NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE, which first alerted the Toronto media and wire services to this well- concealed huddle of the super-rich and -influential publicity-shy elite, has stated repeatedly, based on sources we consider absolutely reliable, that we understand that one of their main topics of discussion has been a prearranged Unilateral Declaration of Independence by Quebec. For a variety of reasons, we expect this to occur between February and April of 1997. The ultimate aim of the slow and prolonged destruction of Canada as a viable national entity which would follow is a predetermined Continental Union of Canada and the U.S. by the year 2005.
Draft Declaration on the rights on Indigenous Peoples
In Mondays ANOTD I drew attention to articles contained in the Draft Declaration on Human Rights for Indigenous People which, by the bills own definition, are racist and discriminatory. I hope readers will consider the following sentiments of which I whole heartedly am in agreement with:-
"In the broader sense of the term we are all indigenous. We are all of the earth and the earth is for all of us. I believe the Declaration outlines the birthrights of every human being born on this planet. I believe it is too late to keep on segregating our tribes. All groups of peoples have been both oppressors and oppressed and it is time now to stop repeating the cycles of aggression. Rather that we would come together as the human race and recognise that we need to foster co-operation in all our communication in order that we may proceed in establishing international standards of living and working together to solve the crucial problem of regaining the natural balance of our earthly ecosystem before we self destruct."
Jenny Burnstad
Cloud Forest Institute / USA
Concerned American
Sorry to respond two days in a row but at the risk of being boring I just could not let the concerned American from Detroit's comments go unanswered. (ANOTD Tues 15th Sept)
I dont know about you guys and gals but Ah'm udderly sick of hearing about Bill Clinton's grubby little affairs. Furthermore Mr Clinton scares me sh*@less ! The thought of what distracting stunt this Megolomaniac will try to pull off next to distract the World from his sordid personal life. Oh dear.. oh dear ... the dangers of sleeping!
May I also say that I do take an interest in America and that is why I know that Bill is the last person patriotic Americans would want to remain in power. I mean the man's a Rhodes scholar for God's sake!
I would have thought that a concerned American would be visiting sites like or since these and similar sites is where he will meet most of his fellow concerned Americans.
As far as I am concerned Bill Clinton is worse than Johnny Howard and Kim Beastly put together and that is reaching into the realms of the extreme! I think Americans should wake up and get rid of him.
As for us Australians we just face the task of ridding the political landscape of Laborals and replacing them with proper One Nation elected representatives.
Cheers ...
David Morgan.
Net claims high moral ground
Hi Y'all,
Wanna see the report on the po' pres??
The Starr Report on sexual high-jinks in the White House proves the Net has
come of age as a news medium. Well, thats what the Internet says, claiming
the event is a marker for the democratic and empowering possibilities of
the Net. More importantly, anyone can view the report unfiltered by traditional
media, and increasing numbers now use the Net as a primary source of news.
CNN reports that 12% of adult Americans, 20 million, used the Internet to
access to the report. Despite jams, the Net coped, helped by the fact the
report was mirrored at most major news sites and on Netscape, which has 270
servers worldwide. At CNN, traffic at 400,000 hits a minute eclipsed all
previous volumes. AOL was up 30%. The Associated Press reported traffic at
20 times normal. For those few who havent seen it, the full report
is at
Wanna see what the po' pres says:
CLINTON REBUTTAL The White House rebuttal to Kenneth Starrs report, claiming that its really nothing more than the graphic details of a private sexual relationship, told with the intent to embarrass, is at
Peter H Davies
National Focus
Where are they taking us?
According to the THEORIES of aerodynamics and aeronautics the Bumble-bee, because its body weight is too great for its wing span, cannot fly, but the Bumble-bee not knowing this goes on flying just the same.
Does it then follow that, in remembering that "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance", we need to question the very purpose of Conspiracy THEORIES and the ulterior motives or hidden agendas of those who promote them or fear of them?
It appears that, in this world, every generation has its need for battles to wage and its elites to look up to or to work towards becoming a member of (or retaing membership in).
Currently Mammon is in the ascendancy at the expense of such values as justice, ethics and morality.
The up-coming Federal election in Australia seems certain, like its predecessors, to be promoted extensively, and very expensively, through the mass media as a conflict - NOT on what is really good for the nation but - merely as a fierce battle between two political party machine elites ("Labor" and "Liberal" or "Coalition") who seek to have their puppets occupy the Treasury Benches and accrue the extensive perks of office. Do not be misled, the candidates representing those vested interests are even now seeking to lull the "swinging" voters into the belief that it will be merely a meaningless "protest" vote to give their first preference to some "minor" party candidate or Independent BECAUSE, in the process of the subsequent distribution of preferences, ONLY Liberal or Labor will be elected (as the front for those who really "govern"?). You are, of course, aware that the total financial membership of the "major" ("tweedledum and tweedledee") political parties is now less than one and a half percent (1.5%) of the country's population?
Perhaps there really is an increasing proportion of the citizenry willing to challenge the direction that "government" (and "opposition") parties are taking Australia? AND to demand disclosure of the extent of any obligations to serve the vested interests of non-residents?
Without advocating the views expressed in the book,
there is some logic, for the politically aware in our midst, to read, before
October 3, 1998, Graham Strachan's "GLOBALIZATION: DEMISE OF THE AUSTRALIAN
NATION" - details, one understands, are on the internet at
J O N M. A X T E N S
Another supporter? I think so!
Probably like many others, I am a little nervous about many issues concerning One Nation. Primarily, these are :
1) Acknowledged lack of experience and expertise which is evident in interviews with various potential candidates, which makes one wonder how well they would succeed in running one of the biggest businesses on Earth (a whole country). Will they make costly mistakes?
2) Worries about some apparent division and discontent within the party at State level, the possibility of people with the wrong ideas, private agendas etc. getting on the bandwagon and changing the original concept of this party. To what extent can Pauline Hanson ensure that her stated views and policies will be upheld by the specific candidates which have suddenly appeared from nowhere all over the country? Will we get what we believe we have voted for? Just how strong a person is Pauline Hanson? (Frankly, believe a benevolent dictatorship might not be all bad!)
3) Will Pauline Hanson really listen to people, both the common people and also a variety of qualified independent advisors (not just one or two) and act according to their views even if they contradict those gut instincts which she characteristically relies upon? Many, many people agree with her views on most subjects but what will happen when a large majority disagrees with those views? Will her strength of character and personal convictions work against us?
In spite of all that, I've seen and heard enough to take a chance on a few unknowns. I'm particulary disgusted by the widespread very personalised attacks on the leader of this party, which have only helped to strengthen my resolve. I believe this next election will be our one and only chance to really rock the system and get some actual democracy into our parliamentary system for the first time ever. I want to see an end to the 2/3-party system, controlled by party whips - and the big business interests behind them. I would also like to see an end to preferential voting! Based on blind faith, I will definitely be voting for One Nation first, followed by any old independents, with Liberal next, Labour next and Democrats last (unless you can suggest a different pattern).
Good Luck!
Derek Steele
Why vote for One Nation?
Dear Fellow Citizen,
I send this message & material to you because the question of an alternate Political Party holding a substantial power in the New Parliament will be determined in October 1998.
Discover for yourself why this next election is so crucial to the future of yourself and the nation as a whole. Do not allow the distortion of fact and misrepresentations of the Media (including the A.B.C.) or even your own prejudices to influence your vote. Get the facts and make your own judgment as to whether One Nation is "spot-on".
( To satisfy yourself of the authenticity and genuine reasons for concern ,those able to do so should access ONE NATION Web-site for themselves and view the actual documents there most of the matters are covered and can be accessed from the One Nation Web site directly at ;-
"links" will be found there to other official web sites provided for the benefit of people who are prepared to research matters for themselves. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET AND WOULD LIKE TO SEE MATERIAL ON SUBJECTS COVERED AT THE ONE NATION WEBSITE LET ME KNOW (83447396) AND I WILL TRY AND SUPPLY YOU - d.h.-j)
There is a perception abroad that One Nation supporters are racist,rednecks with a simplistic view of Australia,with a backwards looking nostalgia for the 1950's.It is also portrayed as having policies that if adopted could lead to Australia's disadvantage.
These perceptions have been strenuously,persistantly supported and developed by the Media, all the "old" mainstream political parties and even by in some instances,religious organisation opologists and so-called self-styled "carers".
I have voted Liberal all my life in Australia except in one instance in 1972 when I voted for the A.L.P./Whitlam government because I believed the A.L.P. would institute changes that Australia needed. I am sickened and disgusted by the shambles that has followed from that time and all other Governments (of both complexions) ever since.
I am convinced that both major parties are equaly at fault in not protecting Australia from external pressures and influence to the detriment of the majority of its citizens. Political "correctness" has had its day - the time for straight thinking, talking and ACTION to restore sanity to this country is at hand.
Reading & listening to the expressed views of the existing major party leaders gives me no confidence whatever for the future of this country.Undoubtedly we have all been let down by Political parties in the past which is a sound reason to really make sure that it does not happen again.This can best be achieved by citizens taking a personal and intelligent approach to the real important questions and ignoring all the hoo-ha of the so-called experts who have lead us unwisely in the past.
While the Media and the A.L.P.,Lib/Nat Coalition & Democrats( aided and abbetted by the "loony" left which include academics & idiot church leaders and undergraduates persist in their criticism & abuse of the One Nation Party & Members/supporters for so-called "racisism"& "political unsophistication", the Party itself having given the lie to these claims many times,been concerned with many other matters which seldom see the light of day in the Media or PARLIAMENT itself and of which the majority of Australians are almost completely unaware.(Certainly the "rent-a-crowd" agitators apeing Nazi thugs of the 30's in behaviour would have no knowledge or concern for such matters - they are the REAL simpletons in truth!)
One of these matters is the M.A.I. treaty which the O.E.C.D. has been trying to pursue and promote in Australia with the active support of both the A.L.P. and the Lib/National Coalition.
Until Mss Hanson broached the matter in Parliaamemt practicaly NOTHING had been said or discussed or debated in Parliament despite its enormous importance to the future sovereignty of Australia and its people!.
If you as a concerned citizen really want to know why One Nation is needed in Parliament to ensure citizens are properly protected read on............The M.A.I documents demonstrate the need( and thats just one area of concern!) .
Forget about "racism" - thats just a red herring, One Nation is composed of many different types of people but all share a fundamental dislike of being taken for granted and duped by the established parties who have demonstrated by their performance and acts that their main concern is posession of power and the perks of office. I sincerely believe that existing Mainstream parties have shown that there is no dirty trick,lie or deceit they are unprepared to do to achieve POWER and perpetuate their little oligarchy.
Most sincerely,
David Hughes-Jones.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
One Nation's Tax Policy-
4th September 1998
One Nation "Media
Adviser" shows true colours- 1st September 1998
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes
debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.