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October 1995
GST hammered in latest polls
At a time when Murdoch and Packer harvest the government's taxpayer funded Au$10 million feast of promoting and advertising the GST the new tax has not fared well.
A survey of Queenslanders came up with the following result:
Support GST | 45% |
Oppose GST | 50% |
Don't know | 5% |
Better off | 39% |
Worse off | 45% |
No change | 9% |
Don't know | 7% |
See letters under You Say
One can only second guess why B'Nai B'rith in Australia who, by establishing "Racewatch", changed the English definition of racism. Their definition of "racist" behaviour NOW includes those in the Australian community who call for Australians and immigrants to assimilate into the mainstream population.... many One Nation voters, including myself, believe that assimilation is the way it should be to prevent divisive, race based conflict in our society in the future.
It is only when you see what some well-heeled elite, discriminatory and secular Jews and Jewish organisations, who are behind the call for this change in definition to "racist", represent that you start seeing the hidden agenda.
Here are just some on-line examples of clear discrimination within Jewish organisations globally and Jewry:
The Zionist Federation of Australia
INTRODUCTION - The Zionist Federation of Australia is a national Jewish roof body organisation with a very wide affiliation base. The ZFA officially represents the Australia Jewish Community in its objective of upholding and actively pursuing all aspects of the wide ranging Zionist Programme. The Federation embraces its constituent State Zionist Councils, each headed by an elected President who in turn is Vice-President of the Federation.
The goals of the Federation include "the protection of Jewish rights everywhere" and the Federation is charged by its Constitution with the task of organising and officially representing Australian Jewry in carrying out these broad aims.
The ZFA's central work is the promotion of Aliyah and all levels of Zionist education. To this end, the ZFA, together with the State Zionist Councils, has created a number of innovative services and programmes.
And what is the cornerstone of Aliyah (Immigration to Israel)?
The Hagshama Department The World Zionist Organization web site tells us the first requirement is:
"Proof that you are Jewish! This can consist of a ketuba (yours if married, or parents' if not), or a letter written by your rabbi of your Diaspora congregation, preferably in Hebrew, or your conversion certificate."
If you are not Jewish you do not meet the criteria of reaching "Aliyah" - you cannot become an Israeli citizen. Let me repeat that - YOU CANNOT BECOME AN ISRAELI CITIZEN. Now that, I presume, is not discriminatory.
What are Jews doing to and how are they treating the Palestinians who are being evicted from their homes in the "new" Isreal?
Executive Council of Australian Jewry:
QUOTE: The ECAJ is the Australian Affiliate of the World Jewish Congress, the Asia/Pacific Jewish Association, and the Commonwealth Jewish Council.
The ECAJ constituent organisations are the Jewish Boards of Deputies of New South Wales and Queensland, the Jewish Community Councils of Victoria and South Australia, the Council of Western Australian Jewry Incorporated, The ACT Jewish Community Inc. and the Hobart Hebrew Congregation.
Affiliated organisations are the Australasian Union of Jewish Students, the Australian and New Zealand Union for Progressive Judaism, the Australian Federation of Wizo, the Federation of Australian Jewish Community Services, Maccabi Australia Incorporated and the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia (Federal).
Observer Organisations are B'nai B'rith District 21 of Australia and New Zealand, the New Zealand Jewish Council and the Zionist Federation of Australia.
Jewry is, by its own definition, clearly based on a framework of discrimination and exclusion.
One Nation is all about all Australians being treated equally and immigrants from wherever being required to assimilate into our society. B'nai B'rith's Racewatch, supposedly established to uplift our morals, is in reality nothing more than a front to hide the discrimination that permeates from extremists that hide within the Jewish lobby. The highly selective and discriminatory immigration requirements for Israeli citizenship is just one example - but because we fear being called anti-Semetic by speaking out (just like the fear of being tagged "racist") we are supposed to remain muzzled by creations such as Racewatch.
Racewatch should be exposed for what it is: un-Australian and unwelcome in a society which is trying to come to terms with divisive policies that have been thrown at the people by politicians and political party machines which have not represented their best interests.
And B'nai B'rith should be condemned for what it is: unrepresentative of Australian norms and using the same tactics (through Racewatch) that were used by the terrible fascist Nazi regime under Adolf Hitler. And we thought Leibler's list was bad enough!
Pearls of wisdom from a left wing loony.
catherine martin
Subject: Pauline Hanson's Prosper Australia rally
homophobic, ignorant, racist pig
The Northcote 'By-election':
Dirty Tricks, Intolerance and Politicisation...A Report from the Front Lines...
The true nature of politics in Australia is now emerging, courtesy of the 'by-election', held in Northcote (an 'inner' North Eastern Melbourne suburb) on Saturday 15th August, 1998.
The 'lead-up' to this by-election involved the resignation of the sitting Australian Labour Party member. The Australian Labour Party then fielded a high-profile candidate from the 'stockbroker belt' of Melbourne's eastern suburbs: Mary Delahunty (an ex-Australian Broadcasting Commission 'journo', now 'living' in Woodend, a yuppie retreat about 40km from the Melbourne GPO). This particular person comes from the 'intellectual elite', or 'silver-spoon set'. It is doubtful if she ever done a hard day's work in her life. Such is the contempt with which the ruling bi-partisan Labour/Liberal(Laboral) government of Oz views ordinary Australians,however, that they felt safe to field her in this seat. Doubtless, their confidence was also bolstered by the fact that the traditional, Australian working-class residents of this area have been, by and large, forced out and replaced by a 'rag-tag' mixture of ethnic ghetto-dwellers, ferals,'trendies' and yuppies. The current political representatives in this 'area' constitute: Theo Theophanus (described as:'the ethnic warlord of Northcote') and Martin Ferguson (ex Australian Council of Trade Unions 'hatchet man' and extreme left-wing sympathiser/collaborator).
On learning that One Nation Party intended to contest this seat, the cries of outrage and indignation could have been heard in Mongolia! A well-funded campaign of villification, ostracism and downright lies ensued in the local and metropolitan media: newspapers, radio and television. Such was the trepididation that One Nation Party might 'upset the applecart' in this show-piece of multicultural intolerance, that no expense was spared. The two major parties(Labour and 'Democrats') that were fielding candidates(the Democrats deliberately chose an Aboriginal person: who had a high profile in the large local Aboriginal, or Koori, community) conspired to 'swap preferences' and to pressure the other minor parties/independents (a total of seven in all) to _put One Nation last_. A huge quantity of expensive, full-coloured posters were produced(doubtless, courtesy of the taxpayer-funded Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission) for the Democrat candidate(and were plastered up in almost every conceivable location in the area) and no less a personage than Cheryl Kernot(heir-apparent to Kimbo Boozey, 'Leader' of the Federal Opposition) descended on the benighted suburb of Northcote to 'assist' MS Delahunty with her campaign. Not to be out-done by these shenanigans, Premier Jeff Kennet also waded into the fray by mailing (to _every_ voter in the area) a voluminous letter/brochure explaining just _why_ they should not vote One Nation Party...needless to say, the 'brochure/letter' was short on facts and logic and long on rhetoric. So much for the partisan nature of politics in the State of Victoria! Add to this the deliberate 'misinformation' spread by the media (the claim that One Nation Party expected 20+% support....a total lie: the One Nation candidate maintained that he expected no more than 10% _at most_,and you have a nice little witches brew on the boil... the One Nation candidate, operating on a shoe-string budget and with only irregular volunteers to help and up against the combined forces of the Laboral Party, the ethnic 'lobby' and the multinational-controlled media, struggled valiantly to have his message heard by the few ordinary, working-class people[mostly elderly] that remained in the area...)
Polling day dawned and, at each of the 14 Polling Stations, One Nation Party volunteers were confronted by the combined forces of the 'Opposition'. In every conceivable and strategic location, large, full-colour placards and banners were placed extolling the merits of either MS Delahunty and/or the Democrat Koori. One Nation Party was reduced to attaching its 'posters' to isolated trees or inconspicuous lamp-posts!
Every single non-One Nation Party person distributing How-to-Vote cards confronted prospective voters with the pre-arranged 'speech':"Put One Nation last" direct contravention of Electoral Commission rules and regulations(distributors of How-to-Vote cards are not supposed to 'tell people how to vote by denigrating other candidates'). Doubtless, these people felt secure in their not inconsiderable numbers and back-up. The resident electoral representative was notified of this breach of rules but, doubtless because of previous displays of excessive violence by anti-One Nation Party 'protestors', hesitated to act. So much for democracy in action!
Polling closed at 6p.m. and counting commenced. By 10 p.m., the result was clear: MS Delahunty had won the day. Not to be outdone, the Koori Democrat candidate congratulated her: claiming a major victory against One Nation Party! At last the clouds part to reveal the true sky!
_NOT_ a victory for the Australian Labour Party and for those people who may aspire(however misinformed) to its dubious ideals: but a victory _against One Nation_. "This will send a message around the world that the people of Australia have said 'enough'" spouted Mr Representative Koori and MS Delahunty during their open slather/media coverage! How a minor by-election in a highly ethnicised inner urban electorate(helped along by the combined forces of the multi-national media and the bi-partisan Laboral Party) could have/reflect any bearing on the electoral results in the looming Federal election, was(of course) not seriously explained! The fact that One Nation Party polled the third highest(after Labour and the Democrats) at 6% was not addressed. One would imagine that a signal of such magnitude as claimed by MS Delahunty and Mr Representative Koori would entail a vote of .6%,_NOT_ 6%. The fact that the self-effacing and down-to-earth One Nation candidate polled even that much is a small miracle. Needless to say, the One Nation candidate did not get time to counter the ludicrous assertions of MS Delahunty and Mr Representative Koori in his 2 second soundbyte!
One may well add a Postscript to this sorry little saga: "He who laughs last, laughs the loudest". One Nation Party may well have lost a (minor) skirmish. They have certainly _NOT_ lost the war.....!
James Hughes
Subject: Jewish Pogroms
Regarding the Jewish pogrom against the rest of Australia, we should get a good laugh out of their latest attempt at social engineering. My bet is the prohibitionists will end up with the same result that all prohibitionists have ever obtained - the thing they tried to suppress just grow'd and grow'd like Topsy and, the more they flailed at the flames, the hotter the fire got and the further it spread. Bet they would not be game to try their ideology in most other places on the face of this earth, or they would end up face down in the earth. They are bloody lucky we are a tolerant lot, and will allow them to fail of their own accord; still, if the boongs keep on calling me a white c--t, I might convert to Judaism. Then we would see who was and was not racist - try converting to their racist religion!
The Macquarie dictionary defines 'pissing into the wind' as; a futile exercise. Spot on! (Must look up what this latest exercise of the do-gooders equates to, which I reckon is all piss and wind anyway).
Subject: Tax and corps
If the government were dikkum about tax reform, we would pay no personal tax.
It is interesting to note that the Austrialian Tax Office is to target 200 multinationals who earned a staggering $34 billion in income but paid only $40 million in tax (i.e. 0.12%). These corporations are certainly not showing any social responsibility.
They reported losses despite strong growth and account for 60% of the local and 82% of the overseas interest expense, although they make up only 1.47% of companies
One transfer pricing exposure yeilded the ATO $45million in tax and penalties.
If these companies paid 36% tax, this would yield $12.24
billion. This is the value of the proposed tax cuts with NO GST!
Source: Abs, ATO
Professor A H Pollard AO August Australian
Economic Trends
Subject: GST - NO!
Letters to the Editor
EMERALD - (Saturday, August 15, 1998) - Now that some of the John Howard and Peter Costello Goods and Services plans have been revealed, it is time for the electorate to respond appropriately. The plans as outlined todate are only a small dose of what can and will follow. Once the initial legislation is in place and Goods and Services Tax becomes a fact of life its administration will be the sole province of the then Treasurer. As time goes by Howard, Costello and their successors will manipulate our lives by taxing us out of existence, comrade Lennin of the 1917 Russian revolution would have approved. In Norway the Tax has now reached a high 25% whilst in Britain it is 17.5%. No government irrespect of political persuasion can be trusted with a Goods and Tax. There are plans to eventually abolish the Senate, the States and Local Government as we presently know them. Any State politician who supports the abolition of state taxes and who embraces the Howard/Costello proposal is in fact aiding and abetting the destruction of their state as a separate entity. With one vote one value, living in the country will be impossible. All of the parliamentary seats will be located in the more populous area. The members of parliament will represent constituencies who will give a dam about their country cousins. The solution, write to your Federal Member of Parliament and Senator seeking an undertaking that they will not support the introduction of the Howard/Costello reeking plan. If you dont get a positive reply, you will then know what to do at the next election.
V. (Vic.) B. Cominos
Subject: G.S.T. rate conjob.
Regarding Mr. Howard's statement that the G,S,T.rate won't rise while his Government is in power.
Nat. Senator John Stone has attacked Howard's mechanism to lock in the rate of 10% and so he should.
Prime Minister Howard says the rate can't be lifted unless it has the unanimous support of State and Federal Governments and the Senate. Mr Howard is on record for repeatedly telling Lies,{I will never,never support a G.S.T.}and many others,just like the rest of the deceitful Polititians which we are burdened with and who have proved they care for no-one but themselves.
He will simply do what he did when he wanted support for his Rotten Gun Law, the law that made criminals of so many patrioticAussies. He will just give the States Etc., an offer they can't refuse. I.E. Do what you are told or I will with- hold Grants, reduce State payments and generally treat you as Pariahs and make life hard for you,or perhaps with hold pre-selection from you at the next State election etc. Never forget , Never, never forget, what these people have done to the citizens, and the once great and independant Nation of Australia. It is true what they say. "People have short memories" But this time we MUST REMEMBER. Australian citizens must show their power at the ballot box and never again allow themselves to be slowly but surely manipulated to the point that we accept almost anything thrown at us by a small group of self serving 'Silvertails', who are more interested in kow-towing to Forign concepts and signing International Aggreements and promoting Multiculturism and all the National degradation that goes with it than they are interested in the welfare of the citizens and the integrity of our great country.
Don Stuart
Subject: The Goose that laid the golden egg
Dear Scott,
Just a few thoughts on the Abbot and Costello Tax Package:-
1: I was under the impression the GST rate of 10% was
to replace all the existing "hidden" sales taxes ! What happened to petrol,
beer and cigarettes ? Any others I' ve missed Mr. Howard?
2:The Great Aussie Dream of buying your first home seems to be a little bit
harder to reach, a $7000 rebate when the costs of the real estate has risen
by $20,000 ?
3: A lot of people are going to offer cash minus 10% for services . Cracking
down on the black-market cash economy are you Mr. Howard? I bet a lot of
business people and tradesmen (who have just been appointed as tax collectors)
are all ready planning to open Swiss accounts!
4:Helping the average Aussie family Mr. Howard ? It seems to me those on
the higher end of the wage and salary scale have just been given a , very
substantial, helping hand. (the rich get richer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
5: I hope our pensioners are happy!
6: I hope that these two geese have taken into account the potential disaster
that is brewing in the worlds financial institutions? Who knows what state
our economy will be in by the mid- year 2,000 , perhaps some of the "sweeteners"
may just have be delayed until things ecover,( sorry about that
.......,circumstances beyond our control............)
7: Inflation? A slight rise will quickly eat away any" perceived "gains.It
would also appear that a lot of "cuts" in personal income tax has been made
possible by the present surplus. This surplus has been created by deliberately
cutting funds to our public services, Schools, Hospitals etc .Mr. Howard
let it slip on T.V that with the extra money in our pockets we should be
able to afford Private Health insurance . I have a feeling that our public
Health system is under threat.
8: Privatisation ? ( I think we are already on that track). The new hospitals
in Port Macquarie and (the soon to open ) Noosa, are both owned and operated
by Mayne Nicklas. I believe that the privatisation of our Public Health system
has already begun. Education ? Our youth are already competing for places
in our Universities with foreign students. Whatever happened to the "old
fashioned" idea that we look after our own first !
Having seen enough of this farce already I think that THE $10 MILLION taxpayer funded advertising campaign is a total waste of money . That $10 million would make a nice little first installment towards funding a peoples bank that would aid our small business people and farmers. Are there any other areas where the odd $5 or $10 million dollars currently earmarked for similarly public minded exercises could be saved and diverted towards this concept ?
Many of Howard's "much loved battlers" are already rejecting this insult. The Lib/Lab coalition thinks that they can win the voters back through an auction directed towards the hip pocket . It may fool many , but I feel that most thinking Aussies believe that there are many more issues that need to be addressed and fairly debated. Why is our tax system so unworkable in the first place ?, especially since we have been told that all this foreign capital that has flooded our country since WW2 is to OUR benefit. Why have we suffered continous high levels of unemployment and have such a high dependency on welfare in the most asset rich nation in the world ? Why is the burden on the PAYE taxpayer so great when the Multinationals , that have been favourably treated , are siphoning the wealth of our country, relatively tax free ! ? To whose benefit is this Mr Howard ? Certainly not the battler, nor our small business people and farmers and certainly not our young who have to live with the realities of your policies.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the whole charade are the tactics I believe will be used in the short lead up to the election.
One Nation having done the Laborals dirty work in destroying their little country cousin, the Nats, and taking the brunt as scapegoats (ie: the phony racist - anti Asian smokescreen) for their own failures, will find that the attention of the media will shift to the Democrats . The "keep the bastards honest" party will be offered as the safe alternative to One Nation in the event of a cliffhanger. The media will be directed to spotlight the Democrats , and ignore One Nation policies. Opinion polls will be skewed to show One Nation's support base slipping.
We will be told If we elect a hung parliament with One Nation holding the balance of power will our promised tax cuts may be endangered by One Nation obstucting it's passage in the senate in an attempt to implement their own policies . Remember, despite the media, Pauline has been the only effective opposition in our Parliament. Democracy only works if we have an effective and informed opposition as a balance against political oppression.
Keep up the good work, Scott . ........... and have a good weekend all.......and good luck in Kennett country,
The Hon. Peter Costello, MHR
Federal Treasurer,
Parliament House,
Dear Minister,
Following our Principals instructions, we write to congratulate you on your recently leaked decision to ensure that the operation of the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) is facilitated by providing Small Business with a stationery pack, a Compact Disk or a 3.5inch "floppy" from which the proprietors can produce the records necessary for the lodgement of GST Returns and claims for recoupment of tax paid on business consumables.
Our Principals were, of course, somewhat surprised that you or your team would be so far advanced with the project, and aware of the need to cater for such mundane aspects of the process, given that you still have to convince the Senate to endorse the concept of the GST. They were, naturally, delighted by the smart move of allocating all the nett proceeds of the GST to the States and Territories as they, regardless of their political affiliations, will then be perceived by the electorate to be the real villains when the tax burden is felt by the citizenry.
Retailers of goods may indeed be used to preparing or paying for the preparation of sales (and other) tax returns but for those who provide services this will mostly be a new experience and so they will value any package that takes the pain out of the steep learning curve that they have to travel and provides a series of simple forms that can be called up on their computers and facsimilied or electronically mailed to the ATO along with the electronic funds transfer.
Many will assume that you have also been consulting at some length with your Colleague Minister for Education about the appropriate- ness of special supplementary material, relative to the GST, being prepared for despatch to Universities, Schools and Colleges for use by Lecturers and Teachers in accounting, economics and similar courses.
Surely you intend to make more political capital out of the consequences for the participants in the "black economy" who will now be caught by the GST every time that they buy goods or services from legitimate commerce and industry, but that, of course, is an issue for another time.
J o n M. A x t e n s
Subject: Anti-family ALP's loony left
It shouldn't surprise anybody that the ALP's loony left is anti-family, but here's some proof for anyone who's interested. I came across one of their web sites where their twisted boast was made.
The web site is about an Adela Pankhurst (1885-1961) who, according to ALP's loony left, was "a good socialist who became a rotten tory".
Adela Pankhurst formed the Australian Women's Guild of Empire, which the ALP's loony left seemed to be quite distraught about. This is what they had to say about the Women's Guild, "....which, every bit as bad as it sounds, stood for anti-communism, the family, Christianity...".
So, "a good socialist" is anti-family and anti-Christian. We already know that they are self-serving political opportunists who promote violent rallies and label all opponents with whatever slur they think will intimidate the most.
Obviously a "good socialist" = un-Australian scum.
No wonder Adela Pankhurst dumped such a bunch of losers.
Peter W.
Subject: Oz: now a safe place?
Johnny coward said in Adelaide today(Saturday 15th) that he was "immensely proud of the new national gun laws" and that "they have made Australia a safer place"...really, Mr Coward?
Want to provide some evidence to back that up? Safe for whom? _Of course_, its _always_ been safe for Laboral Party politicians who have unlimited access to 24-hr Federal police bodyguards, or Protective Services police. How about old age pensioners barricaded inside mini-fortresses and afraid to walk the streets?
How about people in isolated communities, where the nearest Police Station is half-an-hour or more away?
Hmmmm....I suggest that Australia is now safe for the following: psychotic teenage thugs, career criminals,rapists and any foreign power or dictatorial domestic regime which sees a disarmed populace as a green light to 'deal with' a country that it now sees as 'ripe for the picking'....itz certainly _not safe_ for the average Australian. As the saying goes:"when guns are outlawed, only outlaw will have guns" Perhaps, if some of those misguided and deluded people who voted solidly _against_ ON Party at the Northcote by-election, realised just how vulnerable they are, courtesy of the Laboral 'government', they would be screaming to have the first by-election declared invalid and another one held to replace it....
Subject: Congratulations - Well Done on a Good Job
Dear Sir / Madam,
It is refreshing to hear that a political party like "One Nation" has the voice of reason.
Although I now reside in the United Kingdom, I have been very interested in the local and international exposure that the party has achieved.
In June / July I was visiting Queensland and could not believe that a party that raises and speaks the issues that are affecting the populous without the fear of retribution can exists.
We are all now use to either voting Labour / Liberal or Labour / Conservative (as in the UK) and having a change of faces but not change of policy or are willing to settle back into a nice comfortable 3 or 4 years and say and do nothing about the areas that really affect the populous.
However, I believe "One Nation" and especially Pauline Hanson have the right idea.
Congratulations again.
It appears that Canberra requires a Queensland Point of View and Pauline Hanson is the right person to deliver it.
Thank you again.
James Forbes, UK
Subject: What value is our constitution?
Hello to all you Very Important Politicians,
I am a citizen of Australia of Very Little Consequence
In Brisbane Magistrates court on the 11th August 1998 I was in court 12 on a charge under the Queensland Weapons Act 1990 (Unlicenced possession). The Act is a Queensland Act and I am of the belief that the Act in Question is unconstitutional.
Whether it is or not is immaterial to my complaint. What I am very annoyed about is the way the matter of Constitutionality was dealt with by the magistrate.
As Parliamentarians you should be concerned at the way the Queensland Magistrate concerned, dealt with the matter. They are obliged, whenever the Constitution is invoked in a matter, to adjourn the matter for a reasonable time to allow notice to be given to the Attorneys General of the Commonwealth and of the States of the raising of the Constitution as a defence. By passing judgement without doing so, the aforesaid magistrate has offended the Federal Law enacted to ensure obedience to the Constitution,
That law is the Crimes Act 1914. At a time when Queensland Crown Law is under fire in Parliament for advising certain Cabinet Members to break the law and shred documents it is strange that a magistrate feels free to ignore his obligations as an Australian and act like he is serving a Sovereign State. This is lawlessness by a Government servant.
The Questions I would like you all to answer is this - Has the State of Queensland seceded from the Commonwealth and is it no longer bound by the Constitution? Is the action of a magistrate in total disregard for the Constitution a deliberate act of State or was it just the expression of personal arrogance by the magistrate himself?
The Credibility of the Rule of Law in Australia is on trial here. If a citizen cannot get a magistrate to obey the law and the Judiciary Act 1903 section 78B clearly imposes a duty on the Magistrate to adjourn the matter for a reasonable time to allow service, what is the point of having a system of justice?
I believe that there is a crisis of morality in the magistrates that are sitting in Queensland. They appear to be the servant not of Justice but of Treasury. I believe there is a crisis of morality in Crown Law that it has allowed this to happen, and a crisis in the morality of the Police Prosecutors who seek a conviction at any cost despite having a law that says they must not do such a thing.
Will you refer the matter to the Australian Federal
Police so that they may investigate the complaint. Their Act is quite clear
on their obligation. I extract the following from- the Australian Federal
Police Act 1979 Reprint no 4 8 Functions
(1)Subject to subsection (2C), the functions of the Australian Federal Police
(a)subject to subsection (1A), the provision of police services in relation
to the Australian Capital Territory; and
(aa) the provision of police services in relation to the Jervis Bay Territory;
(b) the provision of police services in relation to:
(i) laws of the Commonwealth;
(ii) property of the Commonwealth (including Commonwealth places) and property
of authorities of the Commonwealth; and
(iii) the safeguarding of Commonwealth interests; and
(ba) the provision of services in accordance with arrangements entered into
under subsection (1C) and doing anything else included in the arrangements
that is incidental or conducive to the provision of the services; and
(bb) to perform the functions conferred by the Witness Protection Act 1994;
This is a case where the laws of the Commonwealth have been trodden underfoot by paid servants of the State of Queensland. My affidavit, which was ignored, clearly claimed my rights as an Australian. The issue here is not the rights and wrongs of my case. The issue is the way it was dealt with.
The Magistrate has felt comfortable offending Commonwealth Law. He has offended;
1. CRIMES ACT 1914 - SECT 43 Attempting to pervert justice Any person who attempts, in any way not specially defined in this Act, to obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat, the course of justice in relation to the judicial power of the Commonwealth, shall be guilty of an offence. Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years.
CRIMES ACT 1914 - SECT 32 Judicial corruption Any
person who:
(a) being the holder of a judicial office, corruptly asks, receives or obtains,
or agrees or attempts to receive or obtain, any property or benefit of any
kind for himself, or any other person, on account of anything already done
or omitted to be done or to be afterwards done or omitted to be done by him
in his judicial capacity; or
(b) corruptly gives, confers, or procures, or promises
or offers to give, confer, procure, or attempt to procure, to, upon, or for,
any person holding a judicial office, any property or benefit of any kind
on account of any such act or omission on the part of the person holding
the judicial office; shall be guilty of an indictable offence. Penalty:
Imprisonment for 10 years.
This Magistrate, undoubtedly being the holder of a judicial office, in dereliction of his public Duty and his Sworn Oath of Office, without granting due process has conferred on the State of Queensland, a Person in law by the application of Section 64 of the Judiciary Act 1903, a benefit, namely the proceeds of a fine in the sum of $400 in contravention of the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia.
To confer that benefit upon the State of Queensland the magistrate was obliged to disobey a lawful Statutory command of the Parliament of the Commonwealth binding upon him by Section 5 and 109 of the CONSTITUTION in a place that became a Commonwealth Place by the application of Section 70 of the Constitution the moment I presented the affidavit to the Court.
There is a crisis in law in this country. When a State sets out to deliberately, without compunction to break the laws of the Commonwealth then it is time that the Federal Police, supported by the Federal Army under the Command of the Governor General stepped in if neccessary, to ensure that the people the Police and Army are sworn to serve are not treated with contempt by petty officials of this State.
Queensland is like the State of Alabama in the USA which refused to apply the Laws of the Congress and which was then occupied by the Army of the United States until it did obey those laws. In Alabama it was racial equality that was to be enforced. Here it is legal equality. Every citizen of Australia is entitled to be treated equally, fairly and impartially before the Courts of the land.
When this corrupt magistrate is prosecuted the transcripts of the day are admissible as evidence against him by the application of Section 129 (5) Evidence Act 1995.
In the event that no public servant will prosecute this offender, will you, as Parliamentarians confirm that my common law right to insist on obedience to the laws of Australia and my Statutory right under section 13 of the Crimes Act 1914 to prosecute an offender detected breaching those laws, will not be deliberately frustrated by Commonwealth and State public servants.
Yours faithfully
Martin Essenberg
Subject: Shopfront Sharebrokers
Dear Editor,
There used to be publicity for a notional book titled "The Rape of the South Pacific" by Burns Philp and some long time investors may remember a ditty (or doggerel) that described a widow who, having approached the sharebroker for advice, was reputed to have been raped by "Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Bean".
However, if we are now to believe the article by John Kavanagh titled "Shopfront Sharebroking" in the Personal Finance supplement of The Weekend Australian (August 15-16, 1998) Macquarie Bank and Merrill Lynch Private are "taking investor services to the streets".
Lismore, the Capital City of Summerland and a University town, in North Eastern New South Wales, and several other regions that used to have personalized Sharebroking services locally available via offices of Merrill Lynch, for example, we understand, have very recently had those facilities withdrawn.
It must now be three or four decades since the last burst of real enthusiasm of investing in "equities" Back in those days the locally owned sharebroking firms (yes, there really used to be some Australian brokers before the growth of the international banking Mafia, globalization and the "level playing field" of the new world order) used to push Investment Clubs as the place for investors to gain an education and Monthly Investment Plans for them to buy shares by instalments.
Some people, convinced that there should have been greater access to a market for shares/stock units, even proposed, back then that there should be an over- the-counter market or a series of regionally organized share markets but the vested interests in the exclusive club running the Australian Associated Stock Exchanges brought pressure to bear on the politicians to squash the moves. Oh, how times change if there are votes or money in it!
Given that both Federal and State governments are now opting to sell virtually all public sector (taxpayer owned) enterprises, without due authority from the equitable owners, to sections of the community (possibly enroute to eventual foreign ownership as the investors "hip-pocket nerves" receive offers "too good to refuse") there seems certain to be a period of increased interest in trading securities.
OPM (playing with "other people's money") has always been a "sport" enjoyed by the, often entrenched and even occasionally in-bred, "professional" directors of major corporations and this will now become a widely played game given the impotence and irrelevance of the QANGOs (quasi autonomous notionally government organ- izations) delegated the supervisory role. Readers should contemplate the reality of who decides just how to divert their funds, including their fair share of the company's income, which are invested in publicly listed corporations, into perks for the Board and a mere handful of senior corporate bureaucrats, whilst shareholders/investors are treated like mere unsecured creditors to be cast a few crumbs occasionally by way of dividends or interest.
Your forebearance, dear Editor, in publishing this comment and risking reaction from the vested interests is appreciated.
J o n M. A x t e n s
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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