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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Yesterday I was visited by Michael Duffy a freelance reporter with columns in The Australian newspaper.
Duffy phoned me on Monday requesting an interview as he is compiling an unauthorised biography on Pauline Hanson and wanted to get some background information on how the Internet is used to assist the One Nation party.
The basis of the meeting being accepted was that he would be doing an objective study and would be centering his work around the blatant bias of the media against Pauline Hanson.
On a different issue leaked Labor party documents reveal that their surveys have shown that One Nation will win ten to twenty five seats in the lower house at the next Federal election and are expected to hold the balance of power.
Not bad for a party which is being put last by both major parties (Laboral) in an attempt to squash the democratic voice of the people who have had enough!
The editor of the Queensland Times (QT), the paper thrown out of a press conference by Pauline Hanson just over a week ago because of media bias, has threatened to take the party to court over the allegedly "unauthorised" use of a photograph.
A copy of the photograph taken by a QT reporter in January this year at a press conference in which Pauline Hanson exposed the MAI was given to the party's Queensland Electoral Campaign Committee chairman, Tom King, to be raffled.
The party also used it in some promotional material before the state election - with the QT now claiming that this was done without their permission.
Well, I have news for the editor Mark Hinchliffe. He knows that he did exactly the same to me - pulling one of my images off the web site and using it in his paper without my permission. When I questioned him about using it he said, "Well I thought that the Internet was anarchy and anything on it was public domain."
Since this time I have freely supplied the QT with a number of photographs of One Nation related events without cost or favour - the most recent example being a photo of the press conference in July this year.
Perhaps Hinchliffe's threatened actions are nothing more than sour grapes as he has now been excluded from any interviews with key One Nation executives.
Pauline Hanson raises the issue of the 1967 Referendum
Last night Pauline Hanson was in Adelaide spreading her message about the inequalities facing the Australian public. She spoke to several hundred supporters at a dinner. During her speech she raised the issue of the 1967 Referendum on the Aborigines.
"But if Australians knew today what was foreshadowed for them they would have though twice about passing that vote."
"I will not ever be called a racist and accept that because all I am calling for is accountability," Mrs Hanson said.
Ms Hanson said the 1967 was supposed to be all about making Aborigines equal but instead a Mafia-like Aboriginal bureaucracy means that some Aborigines get it too good.
The case of SE Queensland's ATSIC Commissioner, Patricia Thompson, is just one example of what Mrs Hanson is talking about. Mrs Thompson's immediate family (five members) totally dominate the staff of the Ipswich Aboriginal Legal Service (ALS) earning over $200,000 in salary packages. I have weekly complaints from other Aborigines in this area about blatant nepotism and favouritism in the way the local ALS is run - like a family business to the exclusion and detriment of others they are supposed to represent.
The 1967 referendum, because of the way in which the wording of the Australian constitution was termed, also sparked the scandalous native title debacle in which two sets of rules clearly apply.
Meanwhile an innocent respondent to an Aboriginal claimant (normally a farmer) is expected to pay his or her own legal costs.
Yesterday Pauline Hanson also raised the issue of mealie-mouth Foreign Minister Alexander Downer who she said she would be happy to see lose his parliamentary seat. South Australian based Downer is a silver spoon walking disaster... something that even the Liberal party confirm.
A number of South Australian State Coalition MPs are currently talking to One nation about jumping ship - an issue that Pauline Hanson touched on in a press interview yesterday.
Over the last few weeks the mainstream media have been turning the blowtorch on independent newspapers, such as the Strategy, with unsubstantiated claims that they are "extremist right wing publications". Comments by National Party Senator Boswell in the Senate are used as the platform for the claims. Boswell knows that his comments cannot be challenged in the courts - as he is protected from defamation claims under Parliamentary privilege. The comments are picked up on or fed to Murdoch and Packer's mates to feed on - and they do.
Murdoch's Courier Mail "national affairs" reporter, Peter Charlton, is at the forefront of making much of the claims. Charlton said in a round about way last Saturday that the anotd is "tarnished" because it is associated with The Strategy. The claims made by this intellectual prostitute reflect the concern that the media barons have of free thinking, concerned, and, most importantly, independent publications.
I receive The Strategy on a regular basis and I have got to tell you it is a good read. Like the anotd the monthly paper exposes the mainstream politicians and media - their lies and their collusion. This editorial angle is quite simply the basis of the attacks against it. Just like Pauline Hanson has been called a "racist" because she threatens their cosy autocracy the media are now labelling anything that threatens their very shaky credibility with claims of "extremism" - with a thin thread being found that, through poetic license, becomes an all-enveloping case against the threat.
Another man who has been labelled by the News Limited media as a "right wing extremist" is Tony Pitt. Tony is a die in the wood Australian who is concerned about Australia being handed over to foreign interests. Tony first drew my attention to the video on the Moneymasters referred to in the article below. For concerned Australians it is a must buy video with factually based arguments presented showing how the world's economy is being manipulated by a few powerful people.
Of course anyone who dares to stand up publicly for the rights of "populist (or mainstream)" Australians is labelled by the pawns of the media barons who do not want free speech in this country - that would threaten their position of privilege in the pockets of Australia's political leaders.
The truth is quite simple to see. As I have said before more and more Australians no longer believe what they read in the papers - and they are given every reason for their concern as the media falls on its own sword.
For the record the "anotd" has a quite simple format:
Finally, I am not a member of any "extremist" groups such as the "League of Rights" and never have been. My only membership is with the One Nation party. I am concerned about where those in power are taking my country.
Here is a third party comment on the video at the page:
What you have shown in the scenario is what we are constantly doing at the personal level as well as the public level. It is the policy of exploitation that the rich employ against the poor. This is why grandfather [Mahatma Gandhi] said "Materialism and morality have an inverse relationship when one increases the other decreases." If I may, I would like to keep the videos as resource material to teach students about economic violence in the world. With good wishes. Yours sincerely, Arun Gandhi, M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
Extract from this week's article by Graham Strachan.
Recently a journalist on the payroll of The Australian newspaper accused Australians supporting One Nation of being information poor. Australians certainly are information poor, and that journalist ought to know. He makes his living helping ensure they stay that way. Anybody relying for their information on the major Australian media, or even the Prime Minister who is now falling over his own propaganda statements (he wants to sell the rest of Telstra to the Australian people; it already belongs to the Australian people), really is in the dark and being fed compost. The information paucity lies with mainstream Australia, not the One Nation/Australia First/Independent camp. That camp forms part of a new world-wide movement using the Internet to source its information and to coordinate global action calling for a new internationalism. Part of the demands of that movement are that politicians cease grovelling at the feet of international Capital, stop telling lies and half-truths, and start representing the people they falsely swore to represent.
Relying on Australian media propaganda one would get the impression globalisation is progressing magnificently. In fact it is coming undone already. On April 1, 1998, John J. Sweeney, President of the AFL-CIO (the big affiliation of US unions) addressed the American Council on Foreign Relations, one of the bodies pushing globalisation. In a talk called The New Internationalism Sweeney revealed some things Australians would have to search long and hard to find in their local media.....
The Conet project... below is an extract:
For more than 30 years the Shortwave radio spectrum has been employed by the worlds intelligence agencies to transmit secret messages. These messages are transmitted by hundreds of Numbers Stations.
Shortwave Numbers Stations are a perfect method of anonymous, one way communication. Spies located anywhere in the world can be communicated to by their masters via small, locally available, and unmodified Shortwave receivers. The encryption system used by Numbers Stations, known as a one time pad is absolutely unbreakable. Combine this with the fact that it is almost impossible to track down the message recipients once they are inserted into the enemy country, it becomes clear just how powerful the Numbers Station system is. Numbers Stations transmit on very rigid schedules, and can be heard by anyone with a standard shortwave radio.
Subject: Please Explain? Militant's three clicks to ( their own? ) anti-Semitism.
G'day Scott.
Well there I was, on Tuesday morning, reading (as I do most every morning) your News of the Day.
In it you mentioned someone named Greason, a "self-proclaimed fascist" and editor of Australia/Israel Review.
Well, I thought to myself, "Huh?? A fascist? Working as editor of a Jewish magazine?? Please Explain??"
Below this, you provided a hypertext link
Hmm. Pretty yellow background. Not much interesting stuff, though. So, I idly scrolled down a bit, and clicked (that's one) on "Marx-Engels Archives". Then I clicked (that's two) on "The Library". Then I clicked again (that's three) on something rather (I thought) provocatively titled "On the Jewish Question", written by some dood called Karl Marx.
I believe this Karl Marx is some sort of a hero to yer real true blue, true believer Lefty type. Well, after trying to read his stuff, I really can't imagine why.
Firstly, the stuff is pretty turgid, fair dinkum, you wouldn't invite this guy to a party, I reckon he'd have everyone either asleep, or slitting their wrists, within about a minute and a half.
Jeannie Little he definitely ain't!!!
Anyway, after a few minutes of trying to read his stuff, you really begin to understand just why it is that he was quite unable to follow his male siblings into a profitable and successful career in American comedy moviemaking.
Secondly, though, the guy has spouted some of the most vile anti-Semitic rubbish that I've ever seen uploaded onto a Web page. I've put a few excerpts below, and believe me, what you see below is only a tiny fraction of the anti-semitic nonsense which is on this one page! I didn't click on any of the other links, I've got better things to do than read this sort of garbage. However, before you send anybody else there, I thought it might be wise to let you know just what sort of crud that website leads you to, it's worse than you think it is.
Cop this:-
"Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew -- not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. ... What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. "
And this:-
"We recognise in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the present time, an element which through historical development -- to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed -- has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily begin to disintegrate."
As Tim "The Demtel Man" Fischer would say, "But wait, there's more..."
"Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man -- and turns them into commodities. "
"The god of the Jews has become secularised and has become the god of the world. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange."
"The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general. The groundless law of the Jew is only a religious caricature of groundless morality and right in general, of the purely formal rites with which the world of self-interest surrounds itself."
"Jewish Jesuitism, the same practical Jesuitism which Bauer discovers in the Talmud, is the relation of the world of self-interest to the laws governing that world, the chief art of which consists in the cunning circumvention of these laws."
"Only then could Judaism achieve universal dominance and make alienated man and alienated nature into alienable, vendible objects subjected to the slavery of egoistic need and to trading."
"Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism -- huckstering and its preconditions -- the Jew will have become impossible, because his consciousness no longer has an object, because the subjective basis of Judaism, practical need, has been humanised ... The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism."
And so it goes, on and on.
I'm flabbergasted. Why is it that an organisation that has, or had, some sort of friendship with the Labor Party, is promoting this sort of stuff? Please Explain?
And what, really, is the connection between these people and the Australia/Israel Review?
Yes, I realise that this stuff quoted above was written a long time ago, but why would anybody want to dust it off and put it on display?
Wouldn't it have been best left in the garbage bin of history, instead of being proudly placed in "Militant's" weird Nazi web site?
Or, perhaps "Militant's" website IS a garbage bin of sorts?? Well, it's very much the product of really tiny, really sick minds, in my opinion.
Thurston Phoremost.
ps, Are these the same people who are throwing condoms full of urine at Pauline Hanson, are these the cowardly sub-humans who savagely beat up the old man and the old woman whose only crime was that they wanted to attend one of Hanson's political gabfests? That makes me angry, I have to say.
As a matter of interest Militant's Stephen Jolly was the organiser of the violent protest against Pauline Hanson's One Nation last year in Dandenong. It was at this event that a man was king hit when leaving the meeting. Full story with pictures here.
Subject: The tide is swinging
In answer to a telephone poll in a recent Herald-Sun (Melbourne), over 91% of 1329 calls said they opposed the publication of the PHON membership list. Maybe it was the disgusting journalistic wording on the cover which prompted this.
As a side issue, it is interesting to listen to the wording used on TV news programs. They cannot help themselves from inserting emotive words in virtually every sentence. Studying the broadcasts for this aspect at least makes them interesting. In fact, it makes for a cheap family game to 'spot' the emotive words.
To return to the main issue: I am personally grateful to the posting by John Moore on Tuesday. This is because I have very old and dear friends who are Jewish so it made it possible to bring up the subject in a non-reactionary way with them by referring to his view. Jewish people should be even more grateful to John since it might intercept a release of anti-semetic feeling. But it would be better if more Jews spoke up like him as I have encouraged my friends to do.
Scott, your great background information -- as usual -- on the people behind the magazine confirms the above. That is, it confirms that they are unrepresentative. Furthermore, the subsequent comments of these people are typical of spoilt kids... of rich parents who have bought their way out of trouble in the past. Thus they expect it as a right that everyone else automatically and instantly disregards their misdemeanours. Unfortunately, the innocent and the gentle cop the backlash.
Barry M.
Subject: emial to Liebler
Copy of email sent to Mr. Liebler:
Mr Liebler,
Maybe lists of Jews should be published to celebrate your rediscovered level of stupidity and persecution, but then, this is Australia, we wouldn't do that would we? WE? Obviously "we" can't include the depraved likes of you, who has stooped to the darkest levels of the Nazi political tactics.
I can only surmise you have your ancestors turning in their graves.
Yours Sincerely,
T. Shaw
Subject: The Politics of Fear
The calling of an early state election in Tasmania is demonstrative of the fact that the mainstream parties and professional arse kissers like Harradine are terrified of One Nation's chances in that state. It is also blatantly obvious that they are NOT afraid to stoop to what amounts to fascism in order to subvert the democratic process.
A good historical precedent is when the Nazi party hijacked the German Parliament by shouting down members of other parties in order to prevent them being heard......hold on a second - that sounds like our Parliament too.
Best Regards,
Anthony Mare.
Subject: "Langer' voting system
Hi Scott.
I heard today (Tues) on 2GB at 3:28pm on the Mike Jeffreys show, that the voting method known as the Langer method, where you number a ballot paper 1,2,2,2, etc to eliminate preferences, has been made invalid in a federal election. Legislation was passed at the last sitting. This makes it more difficult for minor parties to get seats. I am unaware what the situation is in state elections.
Col Easton
Subject: letter
My name is Chung Lee. I live in China, there has been much news about you. Most of it bad. But I think that your views on immigration, and an English test before residency is granted. Keep up the good work
Subject: Invasion.
Dear Sirs,
I can entirely sympathise with the sentiments expressed by the Australian One Nation party, and the efforts of Pauline Hanson.
I live in Orange County, about forty miles south of Los Angeles, and we are experiencing the same kind of invasion here. The Federal Government pays lip service to the control of our border with Mexico, yet every day hordes of illegal Mexican aliens cross the border and take up residence in Southern California.
It is estimated that there are three million illegals living in the greater LA area, downtown Los Angeles having degenerated into a third-world slum.
The burden on our schools, law enforcement agencies, social services, infrastructure, etc,. is becoming intolerable.
A short while ago, Clinton, in a speech at Portland University, said that the American people had better become used to living in a country where no one ethnic group predominates. In other words, the Western Anglo Saxon culture on which this country was founded, is to become a thing of the past. Our culture is being destroyed as we watch, all in the name of "multi- culturism", i.e. the theory of cultural relativism first propounded my Margaret Mead and other socialists of her ilk.
Within thirty years, the US will have become a third-world banana republic, my only consolation being that I will be dead before the worst effects of our apathy have come to pass.
I am an expatriate Pommy from London, and I'd hate to see the same thing happen to my Australian cousins.
Keep up the fight!
Cordially, Nigel Boag
Subject: How to vote cards
Hello there,
We have followed with interest the undemocratic methods the big political parties have and are using to try to sweep aside One Nation. They all have no answers and certainly are not in any mood to listen to the electorate, all of us little people. least as far as the Coalition's concerned, if they put out 'how to vote' cards with One Nation last, then they are doing us a HUGE favour.
Basically we (my wife and I) are Liberal voters from way back, certainly since Keating smashed our dream of home ownership with his stinking interest rates. We are not fussed with having to drag ourselves down to the polling booths only to see nothing change time after time.
So....if One Nation is last on all their how to vote cards, then it is simple for us. Vote 1 for the last on the liberal how to vote card, and it doesn't matter about the rest of the clowns. No more messing around trying to work out who is who. Just get hold of the liberal card and it is guaranteed to have the candidate we want to vote for last on their more trying to read the small print.
One other thing we have noticed. Thanks to Pauline, no-one's talking about the republic nonsense anymore. One more Keatingism out the door and on the rubbish heap. Hooray for Pauline!!!
Greg Towells
Subject: Media and political lies.
I am sick of lies and propaganda from the politicians(Lib/Lab/Nat/Dem/Greens) and the main media, my family and I have decided to vote for One Nation at the next election, so as to put a stop to the rot. Long live freedom of choice, freedom of speech, capitalism, the right to bear arms, the right to defend yourself, liberty and justice, good government, a people's bank low interest on longer terms, and to create the wealthy nation Australia once was.
D Henderson
Subject: Re: Nostalgia
Thankyou for publishing my letter a few days ago. Can you also please post this letter under "You Say:" - I know it's rather long but I would appreciate it if you posted the entire letter.
Dear Sir,
This is in reply to Alan Esson's "Nostalgia" letter posted yesterday on this site. It is good that you can admit you are racist, though of course such views are totally un-Australian and ill-conceived. You say that some Asian immigrants cannot speak English still after twenty years. How do you know that? Perhaps they are just speaking in their native tongue to themselves? I admit I haven't got any statistics, but I'm sure most if not almost all Asians who are capable of working speak English - it's just that some of them are hard to understand given the difficulty of changing from say a Chinese accent to an Australian accent. These people still work, of course, and provide a service to their community like any other person. If they have Australian citizenship, then they ARE Australians. Some white Australians have to get rid of this perception that the whites are the REAL Australians, and all others are just minority extremists. They're not! They're just fellow Australians!
Most of the Asian people I know (I know quite a few from school) who spent most of their childhood/adolescence at a normal Australian school speak with a normal Australian accent, and speak English fluently. These are the people that will 'integrate' further into our 'Australian' culture because they are equally fluent in English and native tongue, which they may speak exclusively to their parents. So you cannot say that ALL Asians don't want to integrate.
Even though you seem to believe that the crime rate increase is due to Asian immigration, I can't see that as a likely cause. Asians are not inherently more criminal or anything. I agree that the drug scene and selling of Public Utilities etc. to companies outside Australia are worrying factors of today. I'm not exactly thrilled with the Howard government, but immigration is not the cause of it. If you think it would be possible for the Australia of today to still be a "White Australia" with the same quality of life, then you're deluding yourself. Immigration enhances life here, as well as greatly improves our ties with other nations, especially Asian nations. You say our defences are a joke. Although we do have allies, by ourselves we may not be in that strong a position, but at least we're not under any real threat of attack. Our multicultural position is a strong reminder to Asian nations (who are of course our direct neighbours and therefore more in a position to attack us) that we do not hold anything against them. If today we still had a "White Australia Policy" then Asian nations would be more likely to look at us and say "they do not like us - they continue to have racist policies" and be more likely to invade Australia. Economic ties would also be less lucrative.
If you vote for One Nation, then you are putting across to the world that you are putting your vision of a White Australia ahead of the benefits that other cultures give to us, and giving Asian nations especially the perception that "we do not want them or their business". These nations may choose not to import Australian wool, or other commodity, and instead go to another, more tolerant, nation for their wool: money coming into Australian will be lost, quality of life will go down as our economy begins to really falter. Asian businesses will choose not to setup branches in Australia: potential jobs will be lost. How could anyone possibly call that prosperity?
J. Shinkfield
Subject: One Nation Media Bias
Choking on ingrained incompetence and prejudice, Australia's media has lost plot and credibility in one go. Here is a rare chance to meet and scrutinise some of the journalists who have been presuming to enter the authority vacuum and take over the political ascendancy of a decadent, poor little rich nation. The Packer Channel Nine's extraordinary coverage of media bias against Australia's brash new minor party is now available.
(Click first on 'cover story', then on 'full transcript')
Don't expect to see a 'mea culpa' about Nine's own worst performance--the tagging of US Armageddon Warriors to the last stages of the Queensland election coverage. Note, however, the rediscovery of something archaic and unexpected --"observational reportage" --by one newspaper journalist, Margo Kingston.
Between the lines, read how the disgust of the Australian public about the nation's weak government and opposition parties has turned against media for habitual use of deliberate disinformation to entrench major-party servility to corporate rapacity. One Nation has been elevated by default--all other available straws have been uselessly clutched and dragged down in the mire.
We are unlikely to see any worthwhile media critique of One Nation's lack of substance, nor of the failure of the other political parties to step outside their offices and sniff their putrescent handiwork. Unless some honesty can be introduced, the peasants can hardly be blamed for choosing a great fire and a new landscape.
The only good news is that Pauline Hanson is implacably opposed to globalisation and the MAI.
Brian Jenkins
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.