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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
World first on the Internet:
One Nation's number one Senate candidate in Queensland and author of the party's Family Law Court and Child Support Policy, Heather Hill, will be live on Internet CHAT on the discussion board - live midday tomorrow.
The policy will be released on Thursday and will be refined and tuned, where required, following the chat session. Comments made on the One Nation discussion forum have already had an impact on the formulation of the Family Law Court and Child Support Policy.
If you would like to participate you will need to first register on the board. Follow the instructions from this link.
Several days ago we mentioned how the Labor Party had been one of those involved in "discussions" with One Nation over preferences.
No one believed us... now they do. Yesterday One Nation's candidate for Robertson, Kevin Glancey, told the nation on Channel 10s "Meet the Press" how the Labor Party had approached him on the issue of preferences.
On the programme Glancey told how "the Labor family" had suggested that their views on Telstra and the GST were the same and therefore One Nation should give Labor their preferences.
His claims were supported by David Oldfield who stated yesterday that several Labor figures including a front bencher had approached him over the issue of preferences.
"I took what they had to say on board but One Nation is not going to do any deals," Oldfield said.
Meanwhile, in Pauline Hanson's seat of Blair the Labor Party has put the Nationals above the Liberals leading to accusations that they are aiding Ms Hanson in winning the seat (Liberal candidate Cameron Thompson coming in second after Ms Hanson in primary vote support).
Liberal Party state director, Greg Goebel said, "What Queensland (Labor) has done is gone against what Kim Beazley has said all along - that they would put One Nation last and have no truck with any party that had anything to do with One Nation. (The Nationals have exchanged preferences with One Nation in some seats.)
"It will be on Mr Kaiser's shoulders if Pauline Hanson wins Blair. What Labor risks here is electing Pauline Hanson."
My name is Peter Stokes and I am the President of Pauline Hanson's ONE NATION in Tasmania.
Please find attached information for publication on Pauline's Tasmanian visit which is this coming Saturday and Sunday 19th and 20th September 1998.
Supporters meetings will be at:
The Old Picture Theatre at Wynyard, 8 PM Sept.19th. Entry fee of $10 applies.
Campbell Town Hall, Campbell Town, 2 PM Sept 20th. Entry fee of $10 applies.
Old Tudor Motor Inn, Launceston. 8 PM Sept 20th. Entry fee of $10 applies.
Door sales apply for all the above or you may book with myself. Details below.
Breakfast, Brunch and Dinner
Supporters may choose to meet and dine with Pauline on Sunday the 20th. Sept.
Breakfast is in Ulverstone at 8 AM
Brunch is at Devonport at 11 AM.
Dinner is in Launceston at 6 PM.
All inquiries re tickets may be directed to myself on (03) 6425 3404. Bookings
close at 8 PM on Wednesday 16th Sept.
Draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples
Dear Scott,
The following extracts have been taken from the 1993 Draft Declaration on Human Rights for Indigenous People ( United Nations Commission on Human Rights.) I have included the definitions of indigenous and native from the Concise English Dictionary
Definition of indigenous: existing naturally in a particular country, region, or environment; native.
Definition of native: inborn; natural to a person; innate; (language etc ) of ones place of birth; relating to the indigenous inhabitants of a country or area; occurring naturally. a person born in the place indicated; a local inhabitant; an indigenous inhabitant, esp. a non- white under colonial rule.
In the preamble to the document is the following definition of racism ;
AFFIRMING FURTHER that all doctrines, policies and practices based on or advocating superiority of peoples or individuals on the basis of national origin, racial, religious, ethnic or cultural differences are racist, scientifically false, legally invalid, morally condemnable and socially unjust .
In light of the above definition consider the following articles which appear to be in contradiction.
Article 4
Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct
political, economic, social and cultural characteristics, as well as their
legal systems, while retaining their rights to participate fully, if they
so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the
Article 15
Indigenous children have the right to all levels and forms of education of
the State. All indigenous peoples also have this right and the right to establish
and control their educational systems and institutions providing education
in their own languages, in a manner appropriate to their cultural methods
of teaching and learning.
Indigenous children living outside their communities have the right to be provided access to education in their own culture and language.
States shall take effective measures to provide appropriate resources for these purposes.
Article 19
Indigenous peoples have the right to participate fully, if they so choose,
at all levels of decision-making in matters which may affect their rights,
lives and destinies through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance
with their own procedures, as well as to maintain and develop their own
indigenous decision-making institutions.
Article 21
Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and develop their political,
economic and social systems, to be secure in the enjoyment of their own means
of subsistence and development, and to engage freely in all their traditional
and other economic activities. Indigenous peoples who have been deprived
of their means of subsistence and development are entitled to just and fair
Article 22
Indigenous peoples have the right to special measures for the immediate,
effective and continuing improvement of their economic and social conditions,
including in the areas of employment, vocational training and retraining,
housing, sanitation, health and social security.
Particular attention shall be paid to the rights and special needs of indigenous elders, women, youth, children and disabled persons.
Article 26
Indigenous peoples have the right to own, develop, control and use the lands
and territories, including the total environment of the lands, air, waters,
coastal seas, sea-ice, flora and fauna and other resources which they have
traditionally owned or otherwise occupied or used. This includes the right
to the full recognition of their laws, traditions and customs, land-tenure
systems and institutions for the development and management of resources,
and the right to effective measures by States to prevent any interference
with, alienation of or encroachment upon these rights.
Article 27
Indigenous peoples have the right to the restitution of the lands, territories
and resources which they have traditionally owned or otherwise occupied or
used, and which have been confiscated, occupied, used or damaged without
their free and informed consent. Where this is not possible, they have the
right to just and fair compensation. Unless otherwise freely agreed upon
by the peoples concerned, compensation shall take the form of lands, territories
and resources equal in quality, size and legal status.
Article 31
Indigenous peoples, as a specific form of exercising their right to
self-determination, have the right to autonomy or self-government in matters
relating to their internal and local affairs, including culture, religion,
education, information, media, health, housing, employment, social welfare,
economic activities, land and resources management, environment and entry
by non-members, as well as ways and means for financing these autonomous
Article 33
Indigenous peoples have the right to promote, develop and maintain their
institutional structures and their distinctive juridical customs, traditions,
procedures and practices, in accordance with internationally recognized human
rights standards.
Article 38
Indigenous peoples have the right to have access to adequate financial and
technical assistance, from States and through international cooperation,
to pursue freely their political, economic, social, cultural and spiritual
development and for the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms recognized in
this Declaration
Article 39
Indigenous peoples have the right to have access to and prompt decision through
mutually acceptable and fair procedures for the resolution of conflicts and
disputes with States, as well as to effective remedies for all infringements
of their individual and collective rights. Such a decision shall take into
consideration the customs, traditions, rules and legal systems of the indigenous
peoples concerned.
Have a good day............ Steve
Dear One Nation Supporters,
I often feel that policy is tossed into the ring without any thought whatsoever. During the past couple of weeks I have been concerned about Mr. Beazley's retrospective Capital Gains Tax, not only because it is another broken Labour promise - and there have been many of them, but the way I see it is seems to me that should we be unfortunately enough to find Mr. Beazley living in the lodge we could find ourselves in the position of children even having to pay capital gains tax on their mother's wedding ring. I think a lot of people will be having a close look at their wills and rewriting them. Just even mentioned a loved item could attract capitals gains tax. Wow! What a sneaky devil he is. So this is the Labour Party's idea of sneaking in a death tax. Well you won't be getting any preferences of mine Kim. You can go fly a kite!!
I also just worked out also that as a pensioner the GST means I am up for 10% more to get my house painted and some drainage work done. Thanks a lot John Howard!
Looks like there is only one way to go - ONE NATION!! Go get 'em Pauline!!!!
HI, I'll take this opportunity to congratulate Pauline on her effort in Rockhampton last Thursday night. Judy and I were both there. We found the media behaviour bordering on the offensive and intimidatory, in terms of pointing bright camera lights in the eyes of those signing in at the beginning of the meeting.
To my mind such tactics are peurile and invasive, and I feel it is only a matter of time before a writ is issued against those responsible. Citizens attending a public meeting in what is supposed to be a Western democracy are not obliged to put up with latter-day McCarthyism, or some half-baked antipodean clone of its mindless gestapo tactics.
Good on you Pauline - the truth always hurts those trying to suppress it. Keep taking the fight up to them. Look forward to your leading a much-increased One Nation presence in the Federal Parliament, despite the antics of the two major factions of the self-styled international brigade: Labor ( surely an oxymoron) and Liberal ( only in looking after their own!!)
Please give this the widest circulation.....
Ian and Judy Turton ( I&J Turton Consulting)
To the man who swore at me
We are not that different, you and I.
In other times we might share a round in a pub
And talk of sport and films and books.
But because I am brave enough to put
The name of a brave woman on my chest and put
A leaflet in your box
Your heart fills with mindless hate.
"Who's that for?" You asked
Pleasantly enough.
"Pauline!" I said
Pleasantly enough.
"Pauline, Pauline HANSON?"
I could feel the hate and prejudice.
"Get it out! Get it OUT, GET IT OUT RIGHT NOW!"
As if my leaflet were contagion, and might poison
Your mailbox, your home and heart
With hate and prejudice.
Too late for that!
Your sweet little daughter got it out and gave it
I almost told her go and give your Dad a hug,
But who can conquer mindless hate
With boundless love?
"She's the source of all division and hate!"
You shrieked as I walked off
Smiling at your lack of insight.
You are entitled to your opinion
Though you are wrong.
If you don't like her, don't vote for her.
We have one vote each, you and I,
And our vote counts for exactly the same
Whether our hair be red, our skins brown, or our hearts
Filled with hate and prejudice.
You are wrong, and you doubtless tell
Others over beer in pub
Or coffee on campus.
Pauline's words were on the air, but they had been
In my heart these many years.
We are all equals
Whether our hair be red, our skins brown, or our hearts
Filled with hate and ignorance.
She says it often enough
But you can't hear.
Like the leaflet in your mailbox
Her words in your ears are contagion
And you must shut them out
Lest you be poisoned.
You stamp your little foot and swear
But if you would only hear her words
You'd be aghast at your prejudice.
Two little words unsaid.
Will you say sorry to Pauline and me
On October 3?
Peter Mackay
Use my vote wisely
Dear Sir
My name is Ian McIntosh and I am a naturalised Australian. I was born in Rhodesia, now called Zimbabwe and came to this country in 1983 after meeting and marrying an Australian while I was living overseas in London.
I am now divorced but have two Australian born children to call my own.
Though born in Rhodesia / Zimbabwe I am of Scottish descent, my parents having gone out to Rhodesia in 1955 to make a new life for themselves out under the Afrcan sun. In those days it was a case of Empire building. Because Rhodesia like Australia at that time enticed and encouraged skilled tradesmen and other professional people to make their home in the new land. Australia too, enticed new emigrants from Europe with the $10 or was it 10 pound assisted fare.
I do not know how much you know of recent African Political affairs say from 1960 onwards but I would say that I know much more than you do, just from the fact that I have lived through this period in African history.
As a white Rhodeisan living under the so called Ian Smith white racist regime I can tell you that I was indeed a proud citizen of that country at the time. I was a member of the Rhodesian defence force and fought in a bushwar for 6 years ... honestly believing that I was defending my country from becoming a socialist/communist enclave. As both Magabe and Nkomo gained support from China and Russia respectively.
As history will now show those two so called revolutionaries have had to become Pragmitists due to external pressures from the IMF. I honestly believe that the IMF or world bank has become the modren colonial masters for many many countries around the globe, and that includes both developing and third world countries.
Pauline why have previous Australian Governments sold out the Australian birthright to be an independant and self producing country ... what hidden treaties have previous Govts signed that we as a people have no knowlege about ... may I site just one ... the Lima Agreement ... which if I am not wrong signed Australia manufacturing rights away for the so called benefit of the developing tiger economies of Asia and around the world.
I know have to listen to all the major political parties telling me that you are racist and anti asian ... but for my money you are not and are just looking after Australia's interests whether it is black or white!!!
I too ask as you do ... why is so much of tax payers money being spent on Aboriginal affairs and so little getting through to the average Aboringal????
Why should the Aboriginal or any other Nationality be treated as a special human being within the Australian community as god has given them all the attributes that constitutes all of humanitiy. I do not believe for one moment that they should be treated with kit gloves ... they are part of the Australian fabric just like us newly introduced Australians and in my books must strive to make their mark within the ONE NATION that we so proudly call Australia.
This is why I will vote for you and your party because I beleive at long last you are voicing the true concerns of us average Australians, no matter what race or cultural background ... we must all consider ourselves as belonging to a ONE NATION and not just a mish mash of cultures.
I honestly believe that there is reverse racial discrimination here in Australia at this time ... if this was not the case then why is it that Aboriginal kids get paid by govt funds to go to school ...and my son does not ... My son of 11yrs has just asked me why this is so.
Do you have an answer for him on this ????
What would U do to equalise the situation?????
As far as taxation is concerned ...I believe that we are taxed too heavily here in Aus and the taxation system is made much to complicated so that the average Joe will not know how much he / she is being riped off.
I agree with you that the taxation system has to be simplified ... whether it is the Debt Tax system or the 2% Tax system ... so long at it helps small business and Australian owned manufacturing businesses .... that is all I am concerned about .. to hell with the thinking that we must tow rag ourselves to the global ecconony.
Keep speaking up for us Aussies no matter what colour, Australia deserves to be the power in the world that it should rightlfully be ... and not some third world counrty dictated to by the MIF or some other world force.
We should be seen as a ONE NATION and not as a devisive Multural Cultutal Nation as many of the do good doers would have us believe.
A fair go for all Australians no matter what Colour, Creed, or Relgion that is why I support you in ... you want Australia to be ONE NATION and so do I.
I hope that you will find time to write to a fellow Australian.
All the best with the forth coming election ... for you have my vote ... all I ask is that you use it wisely!!!!
Ian McIntosh.
Democrat promises
Oh dear, the Democrats have learned nothing. On today's news I heard that a key Democrat election promise is to INCREASE funding for the bullying and destructive Human Rights Commission. Should we put Democrats last on the ballot paper? One Nation suporters have to realistically ask themselves do they want a Coalition or a Labor government? How shall we best secure the result we want?
Would a sympathetic political analysist (and I know there are a few of you) please explain the best tactics for One Nation supporters? I realise it is going to be different electorate by electorate, but some overall guidance as well as specific examples of how preferences will work in particular electorates would be much appreciated.
Antonia Feitz
Pauline and Party,
I was at your first meeting ever held in Perth - organised by Paul Filing. So I have followed your progress with intrest, although I do not agree with everything you say, however without doubt you are the only one that will stand up for Australia.
I have worked as an Engineer in Malaysia and Brunei and I can tell you that they are very racist. The Chinese and Indian communities are kept down and are not allowed to own a business with out the majority share holder being a Malay. Malays get preferential Bank loans, pay lower intresr rates and get the pick of the best housing. Chinese, not being allowed to purchase any housing before it is first offered to a Malay. Malays get preferential education/jobs/ promotion etc etc. I worked for a leading Malaysian Petrochemical Company.
I only knew of one or two Chinese and no Indian employees as all jobs are essentially reserved for Malays.
Please tell the Australian people the truth about how rasist the Malays realy are! The Malay cannot stand the truth! I know from experience how hypercritical they really are. Confront them with the truth on these matters - and ask them to justify their policies! They will howl!!
Please stand up for Australia - for no one else will.
As a migrant myself I understand only too well what you are talking about. I decided to come to Australia in 1982 because I recognised and agreed with the 'then' Australian ideals. I did not come here to become multicultural!! I could have stayed in the UK and done that.
Good Luck in the Election.
One Nation needs a good result to wake Australia up. We should stand on our owe two feet and do what is best for Australia. And if the Malaysian don't like it - tough -just remind them of how they do things!
"Great" debate
Tonight marked another milestone in Australia's political history.
The usual verbal reposte was there, but unlike any other debate between "Government" and "Opposition" - they were debating one another with a view to win, not the votes of the opposing party, but those of a third.
This is a very important point, one that I shall bear in mind when I cast my vote, not for either of them, but to the "third" on October 3.
Anthony Mare (Ant)
Hi there
Good job guys keep up the good work!!!
Does One Nation say anything regarding the changing of the voting system. I have heard lots of people talking about how useless the system is and i was enraged when i heard that Libs were going to swap preferences with Labs in WA......
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
A brief lunch time
controntation with Jeff Kennett- 8th September 1998
One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
One Nation's Tax Policy-
4th September 1998
One Nation "Media
Adviser" shows true colours- 1st September 1998
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes
debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.