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October 1995
The BIG Lie: John Howard "Four out of five Australians will be better off under the GST."
Big business cannot hide their glee about the GST. Quite simply what remains of the tax burden will be put on the shoulders of working Mums and Dads in Australia.
What the GST does, very effectively is to shift what is left of the tax burden on big business and multinationals to the consumer. It is well known that the biggest tax dodge in Australia's history is going on day after day - unchecked by the Australian Tax Office and protected by whoever it is that runs the Australian treasury today. Why has this gaping hole in our tax system not been addressed?
General Sales Taxation, 1921 - USA Staff memo, Division of Tax Research, Treasury Department: A sales tax could be shifted by business to the consumer and the handicaps placed upon business by existing taxes would be removed (and be shifted to the consumer).
The GST, quite simply, is a new tax on you - whatever the Coalition would have you believe. Not only is it a new tax but, despite Howard's claim that the rate cannot rise, just as sure as night follows day the rate will rise in the future.
Howard when pushed on this issue said that he "could not be responsible" for governments in the future. This from the man who just three years ago said on national television that his government would "never introduce a GST".
It seems like three years is a long time in politics... longer than "never" - what did Howard say about a GST rate rise "never" happening?
The men from Treasury are behind the GST. It is well known that the Treasury has for years represented the multinationals to the detriment of the Australian voter. It was the same shadowy characters who were negotiating the MAI in secret before Pauline Hanson blew the whistle in January this year.
The average Australian is the big
The big winner if a GST is introduced will be big business as the tax
burden is shifted on to the consumer.
The IMF and
The IMF said, for (Pakistan to) sustain economic
recovery to take hold, the authorities will need to maintain a tight grip
on government expenditures, to ensure the success of the fundamental reform
of the tax administration machinery, and to proceed steadily with expanding
the net of the General Sales Tax and of the Agricultural Income Tax.
GST won't rise
There was an interesting comment on ABC television late last night.
The reporter while talking about the GST made this observation.
"Of the 29 countries which have implemented a GST only
3 have the original tax rate. The rest have risen."
In fact the programme showed how the GST in Denmark had risen by 150% from 10% to 25%.
Prices will fall on goods
The experience of other countries turning to a GST are classic examples of
this lie "in waiting". The big winners under the GST will be the major retailers.
They have already shown in the past (example cheaper "fresh" orange juice imported from Brazil) that where goods are obtained at a cheaper price the saving is not passed on to the consumer.
You don't have to be an Einstein to recognise that through "price shuffling" on thousands of goods the profit margin will be raised with the savings being promised by John Howard never fully eventuating.
The Government estimated price rises on groceries as:
Watch the prices remain the same (post-GST) on the shelves before the 10% is added and then ask yourself "Why is the increase after the GST only marginal?"
The other big winners in the short term include Australia's media barons with Au$10 million of your money going into their pockets to explain to you through advertising why the GST is good for you. If that doesn't make much sense, it gets better.
John Howard on television today: "I do believe that this will be very good for our country."
Let us remember what Bob McMullan said when signing the Financial Services Industry Agreement (FSIA) in 1995: "The financial services agreement will directly benefit Australian banks, insurance companies and securities traders."
Of course the "Australian" banks are now foreign owned as a direct result of the FSIA being signed.
The Fox (the multinationals) will have, through our Australian treasury, been able to place a new tax burden on our backs - if they succeed in the quest of getting a GST implimented. The multinational's foreign owners want total domination of our markets with Australians paying their share of the tax burden for the "luxury" of being able to buy their products with their profits being shuffled tax-free off shore.
The One Nation leader, Mrs Pauline Hanson, who has opposed a GST, last night left the way open to reverse her stand. But she backed criticism of the relative lack of tax relief for battlers compared with high earners, and attacked the failure to crack down on trusts, "letting the wealthy off the hook yet again". "The package also makes no move to get a fair share of tax from the multinationals," she said. "I have previously raised concerns about the GST, but I have an open mind, and will support whatever is in the best interest of Australians."
Yesterday we included an article carried in the Bangkok Times in July, which read in part:
"A foreigner remains a foreigner regardless of how long he resides here or how fluently he learns to speak the language. Even if he acquires Thai citizenship, the local community withholds integration. He may have the customs and mores down pat, nevertheless he lacks the requisite prejudices.
"Every nation inculcates their children with convictions of superiority - moral, intellectual, inherent - the Land of Smiles no exception. Any Thai who doesn't accept this as gospel is regarded as unpatriotic, if not disloyal. Foreigners aren't expected to accept this because they are outsiders who don't know any better."
On the 15th June 1998 Thailand's Bangkok Times carried the following editorial:
Headline : 'Harsh price of ignoring racism'
Pauline Hanson, who never met a foreigner she liked, has established a strong foothold in Australian politics. Prime Minister John Howard, who has long refused to attack Ms Hanson and her fellow racists, must finally show he is willing to battle, or risk being tagged with the Hanson stink.
The big problem with the election victory of Pauline Hanson is that it was so very predictable. Indeed, for the past year and a half, a combination of warnings and pleas went out to Prime Minister John Howard about Ms Hanson. Mr Howard has continuously and continually refused to face the facts that were obvious to so many. Time is running out. Unless he has the courage to oppose the troubling tide of Australian racism, it will harm his country for a long time to come.
Pauline Hanson has gone from independent malcontent to party leader to popular politician in the past 18 months. She came to international prominence with a speech to the Australian parliament. The speech showed an appalling racism, not seen nor heard from Australia for decades. In brief, Pauline Hanson thinks that Australia is so attractive that Asians are plotting right now to over-run it. "Swamped by Asians" is what she sees for the country - a process already under way through immigration. As for Aboriginal people, they were cannibals who ate their women and children, and now only want the money of white people, like her.
When Ms Hanson made her very unmaidenly speech to parliament, it caused concern within Asia. We are not used to hearing such blatant and hateful spite from politicians Down Under. We had believed Australians had changed from the "whites only" days. We waited for the nation's leaders, particularly Prime Minister Howard, to assure us that Ms Hanson was a disgusting aberration. And we waited for Mr Howard to take to the political podium and beat back the racism which Ms Hanson was stoking.
Instead, we got a pro-forma assurance from Mr Howard that his government, his supporters and Australians in general did not - and could not, ever - support the malignant speeches of the woman from Queensland. When Asian leaders suggested that Mr Howard might wish to be seen in active opposition to Ms Hanson, the Australian prime minister declined. His tenuous argument was, basically, that he should not dignify Ms Hanson's hatred by opposing it. Most of us in Thailand, and throughout Asia, were shocked by the lack of political courage.
Now Mr Howard has come to a final crossroads. At the weekend, Pauline Hanson's One National party won about a quarter of all votes in the Queensland state election. A smirking Ms Hanson has appeared on TV in her country and throughout Asia. No wonder she is leering. Her party holds what appears to be the balance of power in Queensland, and others now must negotiate with her. She says that Mr Howard and his government don't have a clue what has hit them. In this, she may be right.
Mr Howard must call an election by next March. But he must face Australian and Asian public opinion well before that. We have insisted since Ms Hanson's first parliament speech that Mr Howard needed to show leadership. His refusal to stand up against Ms Hanson has brought him to this. Pauline Hanson stands on the brink of holding serious political power in Queensland, and of challenging Mr Howard and the rest of the national political establishment.
We don't think Australia is a racist country. But there will be many who will start wondering. The emergence of Pauline Hanson as a serous political player is troublesome. The utter refusal of Mr Howard to fight her is unwelcome. If he continues his policy of tolerating the white supremacist in silence, many people in Asia will draw the appropriate conclusion.
It is Pauline Hanson who has called for all Australians to be treated equally - irrespective of race. So who are the racists and who are not.
The lies of the mainstream media in Australia and the Laboral parties are now starting to spread like a disease through the racist Asian states to our north. A case of the pot calling the kettle black.
I would love to know what "pearls of wisdom" are being reported at this Chinese (Australian-based) news page. If anyone can help please advise.
Subject: Bangkok Letter
Hi Scott,
If the "letter" was received by snail mail, I hope we get to look at the envelope..!!.THE POSTMARK may reveal it's scource.
The Bangkok Times letter from a "One Nation supporter"
>Here is the kind of good work ON members do for
>image overseas.
Wasn't it fun watching Golliwog Downer's affected indignation, as he tried to hide his glee at being handed a weapon with which to attack those dweadful One Nation people?
>I wonder why they don't use this kind
>of material at home?
Actually, some, just some, of the material IS an accurate representation of the ideas you are likely to hear from a thinking, politically aware One Nation supporter.
However, it's clear to me that the letter in question was written by someone whose first language is not English.
>Letter printed in the Bangkok Post 07/08/98:
>[begin quote]
> As a current member of the One Nation party of
Australia, I feel
> compelled to spell out our anti-immigration policies to all Asian
> countries.
As someone else has already pointed out, the author makes no attempt to "spell out" any alleged "anti-immigration policies".
> The press in Thailand has been a strong critic of our leader, Pauline > Hanson, and therefore it is only appropriate for the party to voice our > concerns about the massive influx of Asians into Australia directly to the > Asian people. We trust that this letter will hopefully put an end to this. ^^^ "I" becomes "We" here, for some reason...?
> Most Asians undoubtedly originate from the lower
> classes so even rich Asians do not fit into Western society in
The above two lines are written in Asian-English, consequently it is unclear just what point the author is trying to get across.
> There are suburbs in Australia that are mainly
inhabited by Asians, to
> the extent that white people feel foreign in their hometown. These
> suburbs are typically dirty, flourishing in crime and undesirable in
> of real estate values.
"Flourishing in crime"? "Undesirable in terms of real estate values"?
This is how a Queenslander talks? Sure. Prease consider. :-)
> Excessive Asian tourists (Japanese and Koreans) visiting places like the
"Excessive Asian tourists"? Awkward, stilted usage of English here.
No natural-born Australian is going to use this phraseology. Trust me. "Excessive numbers of Asian tourists", maybe.
> Gold Coast help to paint a poor image of the Coast
and discourage white
> Australians from visiting their very own country.
> Our past and current governments have failed the "True Blues" in
"Failed the True Blues"??? Oh, come on!
Well, now we KNOW this guy just hasta be a troll. :-)
> Australia very badly. They have wasted much of
our resources on dumb
> policies like overseas aid and have thrown away A$2 billion of
> taxpayers' money on unworthy and highly corrupt countries like
> Indonesia and Korea.
"Unworthy and highly corrupt"? Quite true, actually, but once again, not the phraseology you'd expect to hear coming from a Qld redneck, surely?
> Globalisation is conjecture dreamt up by so-called
Australian society.
Oh, this sounds very Australian, and especially very Qld. Suuuure.
> Globalisation allows cheap and nasty produce and
imports from Asia to
> flood our Australian markets, with the ultimate outcome of massive job
> losses in Australia.
Quite correct.
> We strongly object to the stupidity of spending
taxpayers' money on the
> training of Asian soldiers who one day may chose to attack us.
Only a few of the more intelligent Australians object to this stupidity,(particularly the use of SAS troops to train the Indon butchers in East Timor.)
Most, however, just accept it without comment, proving once again that the author of this letter knows nothing about Australia and Australians.
> To invite foreign students to take up university
courses in Australia will only
> displace our own students from their rightful places.
Again correct, but the use of the phrase "from their rightful places" here seems unusual.
> And don't preach to us about your Asian values.
Just see where they
> have got you today.
There is absolutely NO perception here in Australia that Asians have EVER tried to "Preach" their values to us. This letter was written by someone who knows little or nothing about contemporary Australian society, or at the very least, someone who has learned about Australia via faulty second-hand "information".
> Our gloomy economic forecast is the direct result
of our close trade
> links with Asia.
This is probably true, and may become more obvious as time goes on.
> To put in bluntly, we do not want your trade,
money and,
> certainly, not your people.
This is ridiculous. No Australian would ever declare that he or she "doesn't want" someone's money.
> Finally, don't attempt to blackmail us by threatening
to boycott our
> Sydney Olympics. With or without your participation, the Games will
> ahead as planned. Asian athletes are either drug cheats or
> in their abilities.
"Insignificant in their abilities"? Can't you just imagine an Aussie sports lover saying that? :-)
Thoughtful statements such as "Arr, ya f****g fairies, can't hold a f****g ball, whynchas sew a f****g handle on the f****g thing?" or "Kiwis take it up the arse, doo daaah, doo daaah!!" are much more likely to be uttered by an Australian sports fan.
"Insignificant in their abilities"? Christ.
> If you think all of the above is hot air, think
again. After the next
> election, we shall hold enough seats in the senate to make a
> A Hanson man
> Queensland, Australia
>[End quote]
Based on the above truly brilliant detective work, I have positively concluded that the author of THAT letter is none other than...
Subject: Relevance
Dear Editor,
Leslie Loble in her article headed "Voters ready to dump globalisation policies" in the Opinion Supplement of the Monday, August 10, 1998 issue of The Sydney Morning Herald, suggested that even the thinkers in the United States of America are questioning the downside of international trade - globalisation's benefits are not only under attack from Pauline Hanson's One Nation!
However listeners to the Media report on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Radio National on the morning of Thursday August 13,1998 would now know that the media is only too aware that governments have been replaced by big business (the "marketplace") in the role of significant decisionmakers.
Truth is an early casualty when the media sees its role as merely the "bread and circuses" of delivering only entertainment.
If, in this era of mass communication, the application of spin doctoring were to be used by fringe groups and disenchanted citizens in emphasising the negative aspects of globalisation then the major parties' big picture agendas would probably be shown up for what they really are. The risk might then be that the natives might be described as revolting - their mass cynicism will certainly be abundantly obvious.
J o n M. A x t e n s
Subject: unable to downloab anotd
Hi Scott
I am a keen reader of anotd and enjoy , with great interest , the news of One Nation and the views put forward by other readers.
My problem is I have found it , impossible at times , some other times ok, to download anotd to either floppy , printer or hard disk , so as to read it at leasure and not remain on line.
I have been able to download press releases and other information from One Nation's web site and other web sites.
I have encountered something similar with only one other web site , where I was able to download it to floppy, but not print it from floppy.
Could you help me with this problem or have any suggestions.
Keep up the good work,
Subject: Four Corners
Dear Sir.
I am fully aware of the bias by the MEDIA . . .
I see it everywhere I turn . . .
It's incredible !
Keep up the good work !
Roy Blinston
Subject: I was wrong....
Hello Scott, I was very wrong in my optimism about the ABC - the are as bad as the rest I am sorry to say. With ref to the 4 Corners program...
Cheers from Bruce and Sale Branch.
The only racism being practised in Australia is by politicians of all persuasions and it is being directed at all cultures. There are no families of any race that haven't been torn asunder (often fatally) by our political bully boys and girls.
In related writings I have shown how the misappropriation of Taxpayer monies, over many years, has destroyed the fabric of Australian society. Australia isn't a patch of what it used to be - let me take you back to the future:
In 1945, Ben Chifley, shocked and compassioned by what he saw was being done to families during the great depression, introduced his Commonwealth Home Loan Scheme (CHLS). By 1954, 48 per cent of families owned their own home outright. The significance of this policy should be etched in our memory if we are to begin fighting the racists in Canberra who would destroy us totally.
In 1950, Robert Menzies, by a cheap trick, won Office over Chifley and in 1954 proceeded to dismantle the CHLS. The enormity of this first post-war injustice to families must be driven home to people, because it was the end of Australia being known as 'The Lucky Country".
It should be pointed out here that if the CHLS has been allowed to continue, every family in Australia who wanted one, would have owned their own home by 1960.
Apologists for our racist poltical parties (In the main, all journalists and whores} will offer many arguments against this truth but none should be believed.
The plain truth is that all party politicians since Bob Menzies have eagerly partaken of the fruits of office while presiding over the destruction of nigh on one million families, regardless of culture or race.
Some further points; Foreign investment only benefits the rich. In spite of the fact that in 1997-98, Australia earned a total net revenue of $144.2 billion our corrupt politicians still had to sell off Telstra and the Commonwealth Bank to pay off foreign debt and make ends meet. (in 1950, Ben Chifley wanted to nationalise the banking system!)
Due to the anti-family policies of our mentally sick politicians; many thousands of disaffected fathers are preying on young people in polically correct bothels. These young prositutes (of all races) are being forced to accept this situation as a means to surviving in our rotten society. They are being fed herion and are dying at a rate of six per day.
Instead of fathers being at home protecting their offspring, they are in brothels bonking each others children.
N.B. There are over 6,000 prostitutes operating in Queensland, the majority work for the same politicians and criminals who were running them under Joh Bjelke-Petersen's all party regime. (A fact 'our' ABC and News Ltd. fail to inform us since penetrating journalism isn't in their agenda - they are not Joh's chooks, they are prostitutes of a different kind.)
Pauline Hanson might not have all the answers but she is a breath of fresh air when it comes to a choice between her and our racist politicians. Her only problem is she is selective in her criticism of political skullduggeries. Like all politicians she blames the victims. She fails to grasp the reality that if every family had their own home we would have no foreign debt to pay off and our welfare bill would be minute.
In conclusion, if we are to rescue ourselves from our racist politicians, we must go back to the future and reinstate the CHLS (Commonwealth Home Loan Scheme).
We might also reduce our country's highest ever crime rate - although perhaps, not political crime!
Subject: Four Corners
Thanks Scott. The mainstream media will never convince me that Pauline Hanson's One Nation is bad for us.
For the record, on my unofficial Social Scale the mainstream media share the bottom rung of the social ladder with child molesters. Not far removed from these two on the social ladder lurks the mainline politicians. I call it as I see it.
Subject: Four Corners
Dear Scott,
thanks for the message, re: 4 Corners.
My friend, they will try ANYTHING, to intimidate, and distort the facts, but be assured that all the broad masses of "ordinary" down to earth, Australians, HAVE a good brain, to think for themselves, and the reply will come, at the voting booths.
Iam taking the opportunity, to thank you for all the good work you and your helpers do, to keep us all informed.
Best wishes for strength, to OUR Pauline, David and David, and the rest of the team.
Arthur Katakalos
Subject: information
At present both major parties have displayed a disrespect for the electors of Australia.
Education, employment and health are my concerns for Australia. Recently I spoke at length with Eric Abetz on these subjects. He like all the others had no answers because they all follow the same political rules. Liberty is lost in Australia as the party machines fight for the same scraps.
One Nation needs to refer more to the daily needs of people and not become just another dog fighting for the same bone.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.