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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Interesting that now that the infamous News Limited Courier Mail have failed in their bid to discredit Pauline Hanson and One Nation despite an extensive campaign of misinformation they go to the other extreme. Now the paper refuses to cover any news on One Nation.
What a joke!
This biased paper is largely owned by the Murdoch family and is headed up by the son with the silver spoon, Lachlan, with the main intellectual prostitute, editor-in-chief Chris Mitchell, jumping to his master's every command.
You can almost tell when young Murdoch and Mitchell have met to discuss how to destroy the "people's" movement.
On Sunday Margo Kingston referred to the blatantly biased reporting of The Courier Mail during the lead up to the Queensland State Election last month.
Terry Sharples, a failed state candidate for the seat of Burleigh and Ted Briggs (who was caught out months ago as being associated with Brisbane's anti-Hanson Mayor Jim Soorley) are still trying to stop payments going back to One Nation candidates.
About Au$500,000 can be claimed by nearly 80 One Nation candidates who contested the state election - but the claims have now been put on hold after the white anters put their case to the Supreme Court.
Yesterday high profile QC Tony Morris and barrister John Miles appeared for the men during a preliminary hearing.
The plaintiffs are arguing that the 500 members that were used to register One Nation in Queensland were actually members of a "supporters" group and not the One Nation party.
Yesterday David Oldfield called their move "politically motivated" and said, "It will be interesting to uncover who is funding them and supplying their legal team - we are looking at it, we believe it is other political parties... more than one."
The utter humiliation of the lout who has stuck his extremist left wing thugs on guests to One Nation meetings has come home to roost at last. Kim Beazley is not a nice man. He is a career politician who will do anything to feed his very large ego. For years he has been denigrating Pauline Hanson, the woman who speaks for a growing number of Australians.
Last night he faced the ultimate humiliation with over 1,000 people coming to listen to Pauline Hanson speak in his seat of Brand. This is an area where One Nation can claim 20% of the vote - and with Mrs Hanson's decision to put Kim Beazley last on the "how to vote" cards he is finished as a politician.
In 1996 he won the seat by just a few hundred votes - the One Nation preferences will see his demise.
At the meeting last night a grab bag of rent-a-crowd hooligans hurled abuse at the guests and Pauline Hanson as they arrived. It was the same old violent scenario that we have seen time and again all over Australia.
Inside the hall there was standing room only as Mrs Hanson talked on issues that Australians can relate to.
She was cheered and praised for her stance. Is it any surprise that Mrs Hanson is on the rise and rise?
Last night shell-shocked Beazley was facing the threat of the Liberal party putting One Nation above Labor in Brand resulting in this statement, "If they do it, they're dumb: it's not craftiness, it's stupidity. They'll find themselves in diabolical trouble if they do that... that was the lesson from Queensland."
David Greason, the self-proclaimed fascist and editor, is associated with Militant - the communist arm of the Labor Party - and the movement aimed at disrupting democracy in Australia. Their policy is to nationalise Australia top 200 companies.
Mark Leibler, the Jetset man, is tied up with Massad, the Israeli secret police and is one of Australia's most notorious tax evaders (read "tax evasion" experts) - being recognised as one of the country's "smartest" accountants.
This is what the Sydney Morning Herald had to say last year:
One of the advisers to many of the 100 families on this hit-list, the Melbourne-based lawyer Mark Leibler, detailed the embarrassing backdown by the ATO, Treasury and the Howard Government in a paper to a conference in June on "Effective Utilisation of Trust Structures". Leibler describes the crackdown as a "witch hunt", and defends the legitimate use of trusts.
In May last year, Costello began the back-pedalling when he announced that collection of the $800million had been deferred by one year "to allow time to develop appropriate responses to extremely complex issues".
Costello's August Budget said that the figure was merely the amount of "revenue at risk", rather than what could be collected. Instead of $800million, the Budget papers put an estimate of $100million for this financial year and said it was impossible to make estimates for subsequent years.
This assessment was quite at odds with Ralph Willis's announcement of the crackdown, which talked about "additional revenue" of $800million.
The residual is a mere estimate of the amount of revenue lost from tax minimisation by these 100 families. Collecting the money, as experience has shown, is another thing altogether.
Carmody said last April: "Well, it was never actually a handful of people with $800million. What we did was take an estimate, given the wealth and the sort of incomes you'd expect to be generated, of the revenue at risk."
And, just in case you want to contact "HERR" Leibler try this Internet address.
In terms of class composition, the ALP can no longer be described as predominantly working class, even at rank and file level. In policy terms it is firmly pro-market. It fits in with an international swing to the Right and loss of active working class membership that includes all social democratic parties. While links between the union bureaucracies and the ALP leaders remain strong, the historic ties between union members and the party are next to destroyed. The idea that the radicalisation of workers, students and youth generally will be reflected in a turn by them to the ALP is redundant.
Bourgeois formations - like the Peronists in Argentina - can still have electoral support from workers in the absence of any alternative, but their class basis remains the same.
The federal intervention to overturn the locally selected candidate in Batman in favour of Martin Ferguson, the endemic branch stacking, the effective closing down of the NSW ALP conference for its last two days so as not to cause division in the run-up to the recent NSW by-election, the almost total lack of opposition to Brumby's unilateral support for privatisation, CityLink and the Grand Prix at Albert Park is even more telling than the loss of working class members. It shows the end of any real internal party democracy, debate and discussion - the precondition for a swing to the left at a later stage.
It is clear that in the wake of Howard's election victory, Federal Labor is not attempting to 'reposition' itself to the Left to take advantage of the opposition to the cuts, but concentrating on issues of corruption, lack of experience in managing capitalism etc to generate support. The voice of old Labor, of Keynesianism and reformism, is not found now in the ALP.
This is not to say that Labor will not try and opportunistically capitalise on the anti-cuts mood of working class people and students. They can still be relatively successful in this if a mass left alternative is not built.
Internationally the crisis of social democracy as they are forced to the Right by the capitalist crisis, thus undermining their traditional support base, has led in some cases to their wipe-out ie in Japan and Italy (see the almost total electoral collapse of the SDP in the recent Japanese elections). In other countries like Britain, they maintain a mass electoral base for now, with the lack of any other alternative to the Tories, but face big splits and collapses in the medium term. In other countries like New Zealand, they continue to exist without their previous mass membership and with less trade union support, side-by-side with new left parties.
The ALP remains a bourgeois party as it has always been, but its links to the working class are now electoral, not active. In the March federal election, more manual workers voted Liberal than Labor - but this was mainly due to frustration with the Labor leaders, not a conversion to Thatcherism. In Victoria there are five members a day leaving the party.
The union link remains but as in Britain, the Labor leaders would like to increase their funds from capital. Beazley has said that there will be no more Accords if Labor are re-elected federally and for the first time ever, the ALP made their own submission to the wage case at the IRC, separate from that of the ACTU. The ALP is a liberal bourgeois party with an electoral base in the working class and ties to some union bureaucracies.
An August 29 Tasmanian State election does not auger well for One Nation's hopes of gaining a foothold in the State.
Because of the deadline, One Nation's application for registration as a party in Tasmania will be suspended until after the election, meaning the party's name cannot appear on the ballot papers.
One Nation State coordinator Chester Somerville describes the snap election as a move to stifle One Nation as a force in Tasmania.
Mr Somerville says the ruling will not stop One Nation from standing candidates in all elections.
"We will then need to discuss that with the Electoral Commission as to how we will be identified on the ballot paper and marry that identification up with the One Nation banner," Mr Somerville said.
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson arrives in Tasmania on Wednesday to address meetings and meet candidates.
Subject: Leibler's list - disgusted
The fact that you use the very techniques used against your race by the Nazis to publish the name and domicile data of One Nation supporters shows what a contemptible person you are. I understand many Jews indeed feel the same way, because they see this act for what it is. Attempted persecution pure and simple.
Hypocrisy is the lowest form of deceit and you, sir are it's practitioner.
Jetset Travel is now black banned by myself and family pending a full public apology.
Mike Linton
Subject: Leibler
Dear manager,
I understand that Mr Leibler is an employee of Jetset. I was shocked to see that he was emulating one of the more gross acts of the Nazis during and before World War 2 in publishing lists containing the names of persons not liked by the Nazis and placed on trains for extermination in death camps. I take it that I can now expect a Jew to turn up at my door with a piece of paper with my name on it and ordering my deportation? What a turn around. I visited several death camps in Europe when my family visited. I came away shocked and frightened that something like that could happen. I have been a supporter of Israel for a long long time because of their fantastic struggle with oppression for so long. Now I have a Jew singling me out for special treatment. They just lost me as a supporter. They just turned into the bad guys by placing my family at risk because of my political beliefs. I cannot believe they have done something they themselves have been railing against since the war. I take it they have a large interest in Jetset Travel. I am now going to exercise my rights as a consumer and sell other travel companies virtues instead of JetSets. I will do what I can to damage you because you have seen fit to place my family in danger's way.
Go to hell Leibler!
Mark Smith
Subject: publication of names
Dear Mr Leibler,
As I am not a subscriber Australia/Israel Review I guess I missed the publication of members names from all the other political parties that you have published in the interests of "political transparency". If you haven't, why haven't you?
I cannot understand why you may feel threatened by the One Nation party. Nothing that they have said or released to the press can be taken as being against any section of the Australian community. I would have thought that a person in your position would be able to assess the news reports for the lies and half truths that they are concerning One Nation. I can only assume that you have an ulterior motive. Which party ( in the interests of "political transparency") are you affiliated with?
I have only done one tour in my 45 years and it was with Jetset to Singapore. If I don't get a suitable reply to this letter then it will be my only tour with Jetset Tours.
Tom Stone
Leibler files
Dear Mr Leibler.
I feel you may have undermine the right to privacy an integrity of the Australian people with a different view of your own: to further cause some type of dissidents with in the Australian citizens with respect to the One Nation Party. It is therefore of my own free will that I make my point in choosing that I will no longer arrange any further travel with/through your Jetset Travel company an its associated services. Today with in the Computing and Information Age -- the right to privacy is a paramount an important issue that I align with quite easily... I'm sure you can now understand my view...
NB. Do you feel I should post this to the 3200 internet news groups around world ? I feel this may further make my point... ? (fear not) I suspect your actions may have been motivated out of publicity, an not out of malice ?
G.D.Mutch [B.I.T.]
Subject: One Nation
Mr Leibler
As a Jew I am surprised that your organisation published the list of One Nation supporters. I am a supporter of One Nation in that I believe that all Australians should be Australian first and foremost. I also believe that all persons should be treated equally with no favour or disadvantage afforded any group or race in this our country. Sir it seems that you do not share my views, it is possible that I am mistaken if so please contact me via e-mail to express your opinion.
John Moore.
Mr Leibler:
How DARE you publish my name and suburb in the interests of "Political
Transparency"! THIS is the sort of tactic you would expect from 1930's &
40's Nazi Germany.
Name withheld on request
Subject: Congratulations!
You are a breath of fresh air, Thankyou you are saying what most Australians have been thinking for a long time
Paul Leyshon
Subject: A Crooked Affair Pt. II
Tonight we had "The Freedom Scouts" denigrated by McMullen and some wanker who obviously either:
a) Doesn't know what end of a firearm to point (and would probably soil himself if he found out).
b) Is on someone else's payroll (apart from the ministry of pretence) - no spelling error.
Like the old saying goes, If there is a need, someone will fill it. We are defended by a handful of brave (one would hope) men and women in todays defence forces (did anyone pick the oxymoron?) that are equipped with outmoded or badly designed / deployed equipment and undermanned (should that be underpersonned?).
The fact that VETERANS are in part training these volunteers speaks volumes when faced with the fact that NOT ONE member of the Australian "defence forces" gave comment during the entire show.
Perhaps Mr McMullen should give thought to a follow up on Australia's defence forces to establish exactly what we are ready for - A hint Ian, don't show us old F111's, F16's that we can't afford to arm, Tanks that cant handle the Australian terrain or assault rifles that melt if you fire more than 40 rounds in a combat situation because they are made of plastic.
Sickened More Than Usual,
Anthony Mare
Subject: Nostalgia
Fifty years ago when I was in my early twenties, Australia was a great place, there were jobs for anyone who wanted to work, old people did not have to turn their homes into a fortress, people living in the country seldom locked their doors, we had a Defence Force to be proud of, we had some caring people in parliament, (not all but some), we had the "White Australia Policy" which in this age of "political correctness" is a definite no no The authors of that policy knew that East and West "ne'er the twain shall meet". I can say those sort of things because I admit I am RACIST. I became one when I saw little Asia's springing up in each of our capital cities.
Some of these people have been in Australia for twenty years and still cannot speak English. What benefit to Australia are these people?
Fifty years ago we welcomed thousands of European migrants who spread out all over the country and BUILT things like farms, homes for themselves and a future for their kids. They WORKED and helped build the Snowy Scheme amongst other projects that used to belong to US.
Very few Asians have integrated with the country, they have taken over whole suburbs in the capital cities and turned them into little Vietnam's or little China's or whatever and they will NEVER become Australian, they don't want to.
And now, Fifty years on what have we got? We have an island continent that is being RAPED by every go-getting multinational company in the world, we have governments we deserve, because we did not pull them into gear forty years ago. Murders, rapes, assaults, holdups, shootings, stabbings, and all sorts of mayhem are a daily occurrence, the drug scene is no longer a scene, it's a PANORAMA. One of the fastest growing industries in Australia besides Aborigines, is building GAOLS. Our DEFENCE forces are a joke. Our governments(State and Federal ) are selling our Public Utilities as fast as they can.
WHAT CAN WE DO? We can get down on our knees and pray, pray that enough people in Australia think enough of their country to vote for Pauline Hanson's ONE NATION party at the coming Federal Election, then we MIGHT just MIGHT be able to turn the clock back to prosperity.
Alan Esson
Subject: The Chardonnay Set
Dear Sir,
How revolting was it to sit through that sickening half hour of tripe dished up by the scourge of mankind, namely "Ray Martyr". "Martyr" presiding over a sickly array of the ruling elite as they sipped their Chardonnay and reminded we "little people" that we were forgetting our place.
It appeared to me that the main purpose of the show was to rub our common noses in their obscene wealth.
While watching I kept getting this feeling that I should somehow be thankful to these people for granting me my lot, that somehow, without them I could not exist.
How big is the gap between these self proclaimed rulers
and the Aussie Battler ?
What would these bloated prigs know about real life in real Australia ?
These people only absorb what pleases them and all else is rejected, such
is their power If this is a sample of the ruling elite for the new millennium,
then I must redouble my efforts to bring about suitable and necessary
Finally and on a lighter note, could somebody "please explain" why John "I am the" Laws , with his vast wealth cannot find a better hair transplant company.
Allan W. Doak
Subject: The first signs..............
The intelligensia in acadamia are starting to question themselves. The media is second guessing itself.
The Politically Correct Lobby groups are making tactical errors.
Politicians are regularly going into hysterics, and distorting democracy in an attempt to hold on to power.
The parasites have almost lost their grip on the gravy train. The people have woken up, and shaken off their apathy.
All the signs are there. One Nation is a winner. More people want to jump on the bandwagon.
The political revolution is well underway.
Subject: Re: Senator Colston's No to Telstra sale
Message from the editor of The Strategy
To all patriotic Australians
This request is to help further protect against the sale of Telstra.
We have excellent response out of Senator Mal Colston's office when contacting to congratulate him on his stand against the ``sale Bill'' and are now conducting a phone campaign to further strengthen his stand against the expected attack by John Howard to attempt to sway Colston into changing his vote.
If we can each ring six people, and in turn get them to each ring six people to phone Colston's office, then by the time we reach about 7 layers deep we should have something like 200,00 people ringing him with congratulations.
The number to ring is toll free 1800 654 938 or
fax number is 07 5591 2362.
Please help this cause if you can.
Ray Platt
Subject: Colston
Who wants a bet that Colston changes his mind???? Or better still; How much does it cost to buy a senate vote. Hmmm! Might have to ask Harridine that one.
Subject: news of the day
I see the Aboriginals that have loans for 1.5%. I see the benefits of Abstudy over Austudy. I see refugees getting similar loans to what our returned war veterans get. I also hear talk of One Nation wanting 1.5% loans for Farmers and "Bushys" that are doing it tough.
But tell me who looks after people like the Cobar miners? Who looks after the blue collar worker with his 10% interest mortgage. I'm talking about the worker that has been thrown on the scrap heap by some foreign company who was registered off-shore. A company that just decides to close up shop and says, "See ya' later Aussie workers! Ya dopey pack of suckers!" I'm talking about companies that Reith, Howard and Costello "go cap in hand" to.
I'm not a Cobar miner but I'm un-employed because Cyprus-Amax (an American company that OWNS Australian mines) got it wrong. They stuffed up so 300 workers are now un-employed and unable to get Centrelink payments because they "Had A Go". (By the way, "had a go" is an Australian term that means worked hard physically and mentally in whatever task was at hand).
If a worker didn't use all his/her sickies, annual leave and long service leave before they were retrenched, then they were punished. John Howard decided they could use those award entitlements to live on and not receive a Job Search/New Start allowance. That meant 'tuff-titties' for trying to reduce the home loan. In the next breath Howard's Klan are whining about how much money sick leave costs the country. In other words, they don't want us to have a holiday or get sick until after they've sacked us.
The only solution I see for me is to become an Aboriginal who migrated here from Asia, become homosexual (oops, sorry. I mean Gay) and find a piece of land and claim all my ancestors are buried there and then later on sell it to a one of those foreign mining companies.
If the above has upset the P.C wankers in this country then so be it! But me and my kind have had enough.
N. Daniel
Revised version of Psalm 23
Thought you might appreciate some humour to put on the page. Hope you laugh as much as I did..
I shall not want.
He leadeth me beside still factories and abandoned farms
He restoreth my doubts in the liberal party
He anointed my wage with tax and inflation, so my expenses runneth over my
Surely poverty and hard living shall follow the rest of my days
And I shall pray for the dole
And live in a rented house forever.
Five thousand years ago Moses said
Pick up your shovel
Move your ass
And I will lead you to the promised land
Five thousand years later Gough Whitlam said
Lay down your shovel
Get off your camel
Sit on your ass
This is the promised land
This year Howard will
Take your shovel
Sell your camel
Kick your ass
And tell you he sold the promised land
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.