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October 1995
The Media start reflecting on their own bias.
After Ipswich's Queensland Times was thrown out of a press conference in her office last week the media are starting to have a think about their own bigotry, bias and blatant dishonesty. (Note the reference to The Courier Mail's bias).
Extracts from the Sunday programme
Margo Kingston on reflecting how she was accused by her colleagues of going soft on the One Nation leader after spending some time in the bush with Pauline Hanson:
What I was actually doing, shock horror, was observational reporting. Thats all.
Interviewer: As distinct from?
Kingston: As distinct from finding the chink and making that the story. For example The Courier Mail followed her once after they tried to ignore her. They followed her up to north Queensland where every single small town came out to see her. There were mob scenes, interesting, weird, mind-blowing phenomenon.
The Courier Mail ran four par(agraphs) on how she nearly got killed on the road when her driver tried to overtake. That was it.
One obvious example of the medias calculated bias against Hanson was the photos of her that it used...
You look at the mainstream medias use of pictures before the Queensland election they were all of her thin lipped, scouring, glaring, every single one of them.
Peter Bauers (respected Canberra journalist) There are elements of truth about her comments about Aborigine getting loans for 1.5%
Break to Pauline Hanson asking Howard in Parliament, how can you make loans at 1.5% for Aborigines and not for the bush when you called for equality at Longreach.
Bauers, Why cant you set up loans for hardpressed countryfolk at 1.5%? When I set up a Peoples Bank I get ridiculed. There is an element of truth. That is true.
Interviewer, Is it true that country folk think that that element of the debate has been suppressed by people like you and I?
Bauer, I think a lot of us in the media may have been shied of these things because of political correctness. That we didnt want to question thinks (like) why Aboriginal health is such an appalling, disgraceful, national scandal. After a great deal of public money has been thrown at that problem.
John Pasquarelli (Pauline Hansons first political adviser), As soon as you try to have a debate you are called a racist. seriously, you are called a racist. Read through the Age and the Fairfax press. You are called a racist or you are called a bigot. Thank God now those words have been so misused by your mates in the media they have lost their currency. Just like homosexual styled gay and now we are going to see principle and morality the way the pollies here are flogging those words - in another couple of years they wont have any currency either.
David Oldfield, People hate, absolutely hate, the media with a vengeance.
There are no taboos. Any line can be crossed - as soon as it is Pauline Hanson the media think they have got a free kick to hurt, to impale, to attack, to murder to do anything they like. Any scurrilous allegation regardless of how lacking in substance or lacking in credibility the person who might be making the claim might be it gets a run. If you are willing to put up your hand and say I have got something really nasty to say about Pauline Hanson, you will find yourself on national television.
Interviewer: Neither Tony Abbott nor most of the media which carried his allegations (about the legitimacy of the One Nation party) bothered to check them first. Readers of this Sun Herald headline could be excused for thinking that Pauline Hanson would pocket Au$500,000 (headline: Pauline pockets Au$500,000).
Yet this week a frustrated Queensland Electoral Commissioner, Des O Shea, told the Sunday programme that Abbotts claims were totally baseless.
Television images of a violent 200 strong rent-a-crowd mob infecting the Australian goodwill with their bigotry and hatred were sent around the world yesterday. The moment came when Pauline Hanson left a meeting where she had addressed about 700 supporters in the Perth suburb of High Wycombe.
The protesters made up of the usual motley bunch of no-hopers and left wing fringe university drop outs were violent before during and after the event with guests being jostled and abused when they came to hear Pauline Hanson speak.
During the two hour long meeting their were scuffles between the 50 police and protesters outside the venue.
Pauline Hanson got into her car safely when she left. However, only the reinforced windows of Pauline Hanson's car stopped her being hurt as one man, Wayde McDonald, 28, of Victoria Park, lunged against the glass in a blatant attempt to physically assault her. He was arrested and taken away by police.
One Nation director David Ettridge said that it was probably the most violent moment in the short history of the party as he, seated next to Pauline, watched the protesters surround the car and hammer the windows with sticks and fists.
"I don't think we've had that before at such close hand. Anything could have happened," he said.
"Pauline was surprised by the aggression of the people and their degree of hatred. She doesn't have these problems in the eastern states.
"When you see their faces staring at you through the glass, you wonder what planet they come from," Ettridge said.
When Pauline Hanson suggested that ATSIC be disbanded she was labelled a racist by the media "for singling Aborigines out".
Now we learn that the Coalition, in an attempt to woo back some One Nation votes, are to disband the central head office and shift control to regional centres although there will be no savings in the Au$1.8 billion tax payer funded ATSIC budget. It is expected that cost cutting will follow.
The changes are expected to be submitted by Aboriginal Affairs minister John Herron in a submission to cabinet next month.
Of course the headline makes no reference to "racism" and, after all why should it? This is Murdoch's business mates in the Coalition not the unwanted outsider One Nation!
Dear One Nation
As someone who works in an accountants office, I wondered if sending you information which you may find helpful, will aid you now and when you finally come to running this country.
On the 10th July I went to a tax seminar - Taxation Intensive Day, CPA held at The Carlton Crest Hotel, Brisbane. It was stated that Division 7A of the ITAA became law at the 23rd June but that on the 10th July NO COPY OF THIS NEW LEGISLATION was available. This means that people can be prosecuted under the law when they are not permitted to even see that law.
Accountants and Lawyers are supposed to be advising their clients and need information well before it becomes law. What kind of mismanagement is this?
C. Allen
The Australian Democrats says it will win votes from the Liberal party because of the Federal government's stance on Wik.
Democrat's Leader Meg Lees says party polling in Sydney and Melbourne shows traditional Liberal voters are switching to the Democrats, because they are disappointed in the Federal Government's handling of native title and other social issues.
But, speaking on Channel Ten's Meet the Press program, Senator Lees said her party was also losing votes - to One Nation.
"It's very hard to actually track votes to that extent," she said.
"But we know that there is certainly just that section of pure protest - anti, I guess you'd called those voters - anti-politics, anti-politicians, that has wandered away."
This web page carries links sympathetic with the Labor party and interviews with Militant's Stephen Jolly.
On the mainstream media's basis of balanced reporting this should now make the news headlines as Militant were responsible for the violence at a One Nation meeting in Dandenong last year.
Let's wait and see... Ha! Ha! (See the story above about media bias).
Here is an extract from the Washington Post article:
The Clinton administration has enforced a near-total ban on the supply and sale of U.S. military equipment and training for the Colombian military because of its deep involvement in drug-related corruption and its record of killing politicians, human rights activists and civilians living in areas controlled by guerrilla groups. The restrictions have permitted limited training in specific areas controlled by drug traffickers, but require that Colombian units first be evaluated for human rights performance before receiving U.S. assistance.
However, U.S. special operations forces, unbeknownst to many in Congress who fought for the original restrictions, are legally free of these restraints and have trained hundreds of Colombian troops in "shoot and manoeuvre" techniques, counterterrorism and intelligence gathering. The special forces training proceeded even in 1996 and 1997, when Clinton "decertified" Colombia for military assistance because of its failure to cooperate with U.S. anti-narcotics policy.
In on-the-record interviews, several officers with longtime experience in Colombia said the human rights records of the Colombian units trained by special forces in these exercises are not evaluated because it would interfere with the unit's ability to work together. Asked about the training, Defense officials initially said -- correctly -- that they are not legally required to vet the units. In subsequent interviews, however, they said such vetting does take place.
Subject: The Australia/Israel Review list and Jetset Travel
Dear One Nation supporter in Queensland,
It should be noted by One Nation supporters that the man behind the Australia/Israel Review, Mr Leibler, is one of the men behind Jetset Travel.
When booking your next holiday trip I would ask you to consider what Leibler's views are on the publication of the list of the names and Suburbs of 2000 One Nation members and donors in the Australia/Israel Review.
Mr Leibler said the decision to publish the list of members and donors was in the interests of "political transparency". He said concerns about privacy had been met by not publishing full addresses and telephone numbers.
What Leibler failed to mention is that they published the suburbs that members live in. Many One Nation members had phone calls from the media - contacts made directly through the list published by the Australia/Israel Review.
The Australia/Israel Review has since shelved plans to publish the names of One Nation's remaining 8,000 members. Mr Leibler said: "We feel we have made our point."
Perhaps it is time for One Nation supporters to make their point?
Jetset can be contacted on:
Scott Balson
Subject: Anti-ON list
How about a list of all companies on your web site that are anti ON?
These can be called "Companies Against Australian Democracy".
My own belief is that the threat of economic boycott is likely to be an effective weapon to retaliate against the Lieblers of this world.
And Qantas for that matter as well. Ansett would be delighted to carry passengers who are put off QF by their ban on the news.
You could also add the ethnoparasite Peter Dowdings law firm that to the list. Dowding is milking the aborindustry for all it can.
I'm sure that your list will soon grow!
Joe Otway
Subject: Are we getting thru?
Perhaps it would be a point of interest to loyal One Nation supporters to publish any results of our e-mails to those like A.I.R. who try to cause harm to O/N.
Darryl Hetherington
Subject: The Leibler Files
I will keep this message brief, but I am emailing you to express my concern over Mr Leibler's recent actions concerning the publishing of some 2,000 One Nation members in The Australia/Israel Review.
The fact that Australia's major news sources have been painting One Nation as racist, and flaring the anger of misguided Australians everywhere is bad enough, but to open encourage the prosecution of One Nation members through such actions in unforgivable.
Neither myself nor my family will be using JetSet services in the near future, and I will advice my friends to do the same.
Yours sincerely...
Sana Kin'Thai
Subject: The Leibler Files
Dear Mr. Leibler,
As a proud Australian and a supporter of One Nation, I must say I am appalled at you/your organisations actions re. the publishing of the names of One Nation members.
I have a lot of friends in the Jewish community who have taught me about their culture and how Jews through history have struggled against oppression due to their beliefs.
While I do not vote for One Nation (yet), I support the push for certain reforms in this country, many of which seem to be the concerns of the majority of the community.
While One Nation are incorrectly (in my view) considered radical and racist by certain sectors of the community, your actions are far more extremist forms of bigotry.
As an influential businessman, I can assure you that I will be turning people away from Jetset Travel from now on. I will also encourage my associates, to encourage their associates, to bypass Jetset Travel from now on.
I will be monitoring the growth of my anti-Jetset network with pride.
In my humble opinion, you are a disgrace to the Jewish community.
Chris Tanner
Siubject: List
Dear Mr Leibler,
I am not happy with your reasons for publishing One Nation members names in the press.
Your actions will be remembered when arranging future travel for my familyand friends.
The Australia/Israel Review list and Jetset Travel
Dear "One Nation" internet corespondent,
I have sent my letter of complaint to the jetset travel addy. In sort I was most distressed by the actions of "Australia/Israel Review, Mr Leibler" as these actions seem to be "NAZI" like in approach. I didn't think this was possible coming from a Jewish journalist paper.
I have been looking through the ON structure and i agree with the organisation plan to remain non democratic in its organisational structure and to concentrate on democratic reforms amongst its constituent representatives. I agree there would other wise be a large number of people that would join ON to directly destroy the party. I think historically this has been seen to be the case with other parties. This is also a misuse of democratic principles when people use memberships in this way.
Thankyou for the e-mail. I hope the web page forum gets up and running again other wise a e-mail list discussion group would be a lot of fun. Please keep me informed.
Subject: Re one nation
To the self Appointed Guardian of the Australian
Mr Leibler
Dear Sir
What right do you consider justifies your intrusion into the life and liberty of some 1800 Australian's. Not One Nation, Liberal or Labour Supporters Australians
Under a democratic society you are guaranteed the right to free speech and belief. You are not guaranteed the right to Question the beliefs of others, just like you are not given the right to question their religion.
If the Australian's you named disagree with some warped view of the world held by you; what right justifies your vilianisation of these people?
I may not agree with either Pauline Hanson or her Party Policies but I'll defend her right to free speech and thought. Just as I would defend you right to free speech and thought, but not your right to impinge on the rights of others guaranteed under a democratic society because it does not fit your philosophy.
I am disgusted in your action by your obvious use of the Victimisation of the Jewish People to justify your own flagwaving. Sir you are an Australian First and Foremost because you or your parents chose to live in Australia to do business and raise families here.
If you are not an Australian then you have no right or justification for your actions and I hold you in the same contempt as the Long Haired Idiots in to-nights news attacking Pauline Hanson's car.
An Angry Australian
Gary Wilson
Subject: Leibler
I think he has a nerve responding like that. In a democratic society we all have the right to put a point of view without the sort of aggravation that Leibler has given One Nation supporters. I don't support all that One Nation stands for but it has a perfect right to put its point of view. If people don't like it they can reply in letters to papers, radio talk back and so on. Nobody has the right to stifle debate with the tactics Leibler used. I don't think David Irving should have been prevented from coming to Australia even though his views are anathema to me. But if he ever does come out here and says anything I don't like I'll show him no mercy.
Greg Byrne
Subject: Listing of our Members
How would they react if all the members in their community as a party would be listed and published, so that they also would appear more transparent !
At least we know now who is the driving force and leader behind all the Hate of ONP.
Regards, Egon
Subject: reply to the listing publication
I think that the cartoon of Zanetti in the SMH of last Tuesday (I am not sure of the day) comparing the jews action with the Nazi actions speaks a trillion words.
I suggest that One Nation asks permission to Zanetti to publish the cartoon on the web
Open letter to Mark Leibler.
Dear Mr Leibler
I am writing to express my disgust for your action in publishing the names of 2000 One Nation Party members without their consent. Such an action is un-Australian.
You seem to have forgotten that in Australia, people's political allegiances have traditionally been regarded as private unless they choose to disclose them. (Are you aware that Australia invented the secret ballot?). You have treated this tradition with contempt. You have even exposed your fellow Australians to the distinct possibility of violent reprisals from intimidating, McCarthyist bullies such as yourself. (Already one supporter has asked to be removed from a pro-Hanson list fearing intimidation. But you have gained nothing by this action - he'll still vote for One Nation!). You also seem to have forgotten that One Nation is a legitimate Australian political party. You seem to have forgotten that Australia is still a democracy.
You would do well to remember that at the height of the communist hysteria, Australians rejected a referendum to ban the Communist Party, though the majority of Australians detested communism. In a similar spirit I am sure they will find your action totally repulsive, totally un-Australian. You have miscalculated badly. And you have brought Jews into disrepute.
I am sure that you have done One Nation a great big favour. As a result of your disgraceful action thousands more people will flock to One Nation. And you will be seen to be a hypocrite. For in publishing such a list you have done the very thing Jews have always protested about - labelling people, ascribing a set of attributes to people because of their group, and bullying them.
I strongly defend Pauline Hanson's right to speak her mind and to found a political party. One Nation's success clearly demonstrates that there has been a big void in the Australian political scene for the past 15 or so years. By a fluke of history, Australians now have a chance to force governments to listen to them. You have swallowed too much propaganda if you believe that ON supporters are all 'worried', 'anxious', 'fearful of change', hurting', 'racist', 'misguided', 'rednecks', 'losers' etc.
They describe themselves as 'fed up', which expresses a very different sentiment. Primarily they are patriots who don't want to see Australia sold out from under them. The charge of 'racism' is a smokescreen thrown up by a desperate government and opposition along with all the self-styled 'elites'. It is too contemptible to even consider answering.
Since when has it been morally suspect to hold an opposing political point of view? Your arrogance is stunning.
Yours sincerely
(Mrs) Antonia Feitz
Subject: invasions of privacy
Herr Liebler - Heil!
I am a strong supporter of Pauline Hanson's One Nation party and proud of it. Your total lack of respect for the privacy of the One Nation party members is sickening.
There are more than 200 Australians with whom I correspond regularly by Air Mail. Please rest assured they will be asked to consider jetset's disgusting lack of concern for privacy, when they and their families plan air travel.
john hamilton, entrepreneur, USA
Subject: Nazi lists
If your airline is as careless with your passenger lists, as some stupid Jews - who should know better - are irresponsible with names they bandy around, then there is no way I would ever consider Jet Setting.
Subject: Leibler
That someone would do a despicable thing like publishing private citizens' names and locations is not surprising when it comes to the NWO's bag of dirty tricks. But how did these people get to have the full list of One Nation's 8,000 members? Does One Nation have a "fifth columnist" among your leaders? In other words, an enemy within?
It seems to me that a thorough house cleaning is in order, starting at the top, not just a call for grassroots protests.
Bob Dj. USA
Subject: Leibler's list
Dear Scott,
I heard a very interesting comparison to this list and that is was no different to lists the Nazi's had put forward to prosecute the Jews. They obviously deny this, but I thought the comparison was interesting. If this list is not to prosecute members of One Nation, what other reason do they have to print it?
Mr. Leibler
Dear Sir.,
In the interests of "political transparency" I now expect that you will publish in the Australia/Israel Review a list of at least 2000 members of the Australian Branch of the Jewish XXX Organization.
Your failure to do so will expose your political duplicity.
Kindest regards.
Subject: Welcome back
Hi Scott,
Welcome back on line. The hypocrisy of the Mag that published ON's member lists!! I understand (doesn't everyone, to the n'th degree) that the Jews have been persecuted; they should be sympathetic to individual rights of people to belong to a political party as well as a fair representation of the party's political views. Shame on Liebler!!!
Having just seen the Channel 9's Sunday Show, I was surprised and delighted to find that they seem to have presented the story (evidence of blatant media bias towards Pauline & ON, and suppression of debate on anything seen as "racist")
David O in particular came over well, although I think he always does.
I didn't understand the point of having John Pasquarelli sacked back in 1996. He seems a sensible down to earth fellow. Maybe it was that he was not considered the best person to take ON on from the small start to the greater things that it is achieving today.
A point about the "secrecy" of the running of the Party. I firmly believe that the disciplined way it is being run is absolutely essential to maintain the party's integrity. It would be far too easy for experienced political operators to put a mole in a high position, and "white ant" the whole show. It is a pity the branch members concerned enough to bag the party, & threaten to resign etc etc cannot see this.
I still don't understand why people who have supposedly 100% behind the party and its aims can get the hump enough to run to the media if they don't get their own way. Small minds and large egos' I expect. Can't they see or don't they care that they could be damaging the party.
Pauline Power!
All the best
Marshall Thornton.
Subject: My family's future travel needs.
It is with regret that I wish to inform you that I and my family and our friends and associates will in future not use Jetset Travel to meet our travel needs.
Your Mr Leibler, who apparently is also behind the Australia/Israel Review, must take responsibility for our decision not to use Jetset, for it was his decision to publish the names of some of our friends without their permission in his lousy newspaper. This irresponsible decision on his part has caused anxiety amongst many decent Australians who have since received nuisance calls. These are my friends and I will stand by them.
Mr Leibler may not care that some of the people harassed as a result of his actions are themselves very caring people, some of whom are social and voluntary workers, who regularly give of their time to assist the needy in our community.
My personal efforts at voluntary work in assisting the needy extends to South Africa and goes back almost 30 years. Together with my colleagues in Anglo American Corporation, under the chairmanship of Mr Harry Oppenheimer, we did a lot for the underprivileged in South Africa for no political or financial gain.
Perhaps Mr Leibler should buy himself a stepladder. From where he is presently standing he obviously cannot see the damage caused by his actions and may need divine guidance to elevate his views and principles.
Subject: Leibler's list
Copy of email
Dear Sir,
It is with deep regret I read of what you did. It takes me back to the last war when we learnt about the atrocities perpetrated on the Jewish people by the Nazis.
I still can't understand mans inhumanity to man.
I would have hoped you of all people would understand Democracy at work, and the reason why free speech is so important in a democracy. It seems to me it comes back to the same old thing, power over the masses and you it appears are a big part of that, being used as a stooge by the Liberals in their bid to squash ms Hansons party.
You should remember what you left and what you have now in this Democratic country. You can have your say, but you had no right to publish any Australians name in your biased paper. That is what I call RACIST.
My family will not in future use your facilities for travel in Australia, or outside of our wonderful country.
I am not a member of One Nation but a concerned Australian. It is not One Nation that is racist it is the powerbrokers of the two major parties and people like you behind them, lending your name and money to wipe out someone who has hit the nail on the head, someone who has recognised the problems in our society, someone who has the guts to stand up and say what a lot of ordinary Australians are thinking. If you covet what you have in this country, then think for yourself, dont be led into something just for the sake of power. Remember, IT IS NOT THE LOVE OF POWER, BUT THE POWER OF LOVE that will win in the end. FREE WILL is the entitlement of everyone, not just the chosen few.
John Hocking
Subject: The Jewish Problem!
Dear Sir, Would you please advise me on how One Nation can insure that the party's membership list does not fall into the hands of the Jews or the media ever again. Can or is the party going to protect the membership list!
An idea for you, offer to all One Nation supported the option of using a 1990s "alternative or coded name".
Have this new name placed on the mailing list and the real name to be encrypted in your data files so that only trusted people can have access.
Say that a Mr John Smith uses an internet nickname of "Jacknet", and you offer him the option of using a nickname so that you can be better protected your mailing list,, say that John Brown takes this up and wants to receive mail from you as the following
Subject: Leibler
Dear AIR,
I write to express my displeasure at your publication of the names of the 2000 members of Pauline Hanson's One Nation. Some day you will wake up to the fact that anti-Semitism arises from the actions of the Jewish community itself. This is one of them. A public apology is what is called for.
Jim Williams (a descendant through my mother of the Hallgartens of Frankfurt and the Pinkus' of Szczecin)
Subject: Leibler
Dear Scott
Maybe I've missed something, but how did the A/I Review get the list of One Nation members?
p.s. John Laws was up to his usual pathetic worst in Sunday's Telegraph. The more these so called 'movers and shakers' try to discredit Pauline Hanson the stronger becomes the support for One Nation from fair-minded Australians.
I was going to suggest the One Nation publish the names of 2000 Jewish business's.
But I was drowned out by the calls of "Racist and Anti-Semitic.
Subject: Faheys' Funny Finance
Dear Scott,
Did you happen to catch Fahey on the Sunday programme? Now that Johnny's outright extortionist tactics have failed ( The bush gets untimed local calls ONLY if we get to sell the rest of Telstra ), enter Fahey with some gravity defying reasoning. I fail to see how, using sound business principles, you can justify the sale of Australia's most profitable public trust company in order to reduce national debt, at the same time spending heavily on infrastructure in the said concern that you don't in fact own anymore?
With regard to his repeated statements to the effect that the resulting corporate entity would be bound by "standard of service" legislation, Correct me if I am wrong but would not the proposed MAI render this legislation unlawful?
On a footnote to the esteemed Mr Charlton. If "The Strategy" newspaper is "extreme" in it's outlook then how would you describe people that king - hit MP's and hurl urine filled condoms?
Best Regards,
Anthony Mare
If you are white and want to control immigration and the job give-away it seems we are not very popular, especially in California. I do not think economics and race issues are the same thing. Just because you want to protect what you have does not mean you are racist or a bad person.
Keep up the good work
E. Petersen
Subject: Media finally admits bias
"Some surprising admissions of bias come from some of Australia's top political reporters..." Really? Suprising to whom? Tell us something we don't know!
I'm waiting for the transcript of this story, to see which journalists confessed their sins. I think a confession to the Press Council would have been more appropriate.
The vote at the website currently says that only 75% agree that the media has been biased.
The other 25% must be complete morons.
(To see how Channel 9 programmes rig the vote see this link)
Pauline Hanson and the Media Reporter: Ross Coulthart Producer: Peter Hiscock
Has media coverage of Pauline Hanson been biased? And have we in the media, in our enthusiasm to expose the dark side of "Hansonism" many suspect is there, subverted the few remaining threads of credibility we have with the Australian public?
In a bid to expose the dark side of Hansonism, has the media been biased? Has it lost credibility?
In a week where the One Nation leader turfed a newspaper journalist and photographer out of her office for alleged biased reporting, its appropriate to take a long, hard look at whether her claims of bias have any foundation. This week on the "Sunday" program, Reporter Ross Coulthart makes the confronting analysis that yes in many cases the medias zeal to do the hatchet job on a political party it sees as implicitly racist and divisive, has been excessive.
Sunday turns a critic's eye on some of the stories it and Channel 9 has broadcast on Hanson...
"Sunday" also turns a critics eye on some of the stories it and the Nine Network has broadcast on the fiery Independent member for Oxley. The program asks some of Australias top political reporters whether theyve been biased and gets some surprising admissions. We also respond to the even more confronting charge from the medias critics: that irresponsible media coverage of Hanson and her policies has, in fact, helped her rise in the polls.
Some surprising admissions of bias come from some of Australia's top political reporters...
This is an in-depth and revealing probe into how the media pack played into the hands of One Nation our transcript will be available right here on Monday morning. You can also take a look at Pauline's own message to Sunday - signed for Sunday during the filming of this story.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Hi Scott,
I was also intrigued by Cheryl Kernot's reference in the "Current Affair" talk fest:
But perhaps the classic was the statement by Cheryl Kernot who said, and I quote, "There is another issue to, and that is that about 80% of the Hanson voters are men." Her obsession with the sexes continues. How were these figures obtained? There are 3 primary ways;
Of the three, I would like to believe it was an exit poll. The problem is if it were an exit poll, which booths were polled, how large a sample was taken, over what time frame was the poll taken, was the sample representative (of the sexes, male and female), and did those polled tell the truth? Is she (CK) placing her reputation on the banana skin of an exit poll, or was it a case of engaging the mouth before the brain?
Looking at each problem separately and in a bit more detail;
which booths were polled - Within any electorate there are a number of locations one can place a vote. Subsequently one booth may have a higher male or female vote cast, simply because it's next to or near a Sporting field, hotel, shopping center, or whatever. Therefore, it is possible for one booth to have a higher male or female voter turnout.
how large a sample was taken - Was the sample taken 10, 100 or 1000. If it were 10 or 100 this may not indicate a trend unless you were looking for a particular result, and stopped when you got the result that suited your needs.
over what time frame was the poll taken - Was the poll taken early when the booth opened catching a group voting on the way to work, or late catching the "woops, I almost forgot to vote" crowd? Once again during certain times in the day there are sometimes swings of male or female voters due to work, household and other circumstances.
was the sample representative of the sexes, male and female - Or did the group conducting the exit poll ask primarily male voters upon exit, once again to achieve a desired result?
and did those polled tell the truth - It was clearly demonstrated in the polls leading to the election that ON would poll about a third of what it actually did get. Why? Could it be that there are many closet ON voters, and if so would this trend continue to the exit poll?
Thanks for listening
Ken White
Subject: Putting One Nation Last
Dear Sir,
If you put One Nation last on Liberal how-to-vote cards it will only confirm everything that we ever thought about you and your Coalition cronies. You are not acting in the best interests of Australia and Australians but are merely doing as you are told to do by the IMF, UN, OECD, USA, Rockefellers and Rothschilds but not necessarily in that order. What a terrible shame, what a curse it must be for your offspring or do you lie to them too ?
Yours Sadly,
Allan W. Doak
Subject: Telstra
Wasn't it great that Senator Colston gave the boot to Howard's plan to sell off the rest of Telstra. And haven't the Nats been shown up to be gutless wonders in supporting Howard. Surely they could not have been so stupid as to be taken in by his bribe? Why should the delivery of essential services to the bush rely on selling off Australian assets?
On the radio this morning Bob Katter said it's high time people in Canberra stopped thinking that the Australian people are 'wrong' whenever they object to a policy. He said Canberra had better start listening to the people instead of lecturing them. Right on, Bob.
For too long now politicians seem to have forgotten that Australians elect representatives, not masters, and especially not leaders. A political party may have a 'leader', but the Australian people don't have a leader. The Prime Minister leads his government, not the Australian people.
Antonia Feitz
La Rochelle Sunday 12th of July 1998
Dear Omega.
I have well received your message and I thank you for your advice. I will therefore post my messages on Aus.Politics and on every other Aus.News.Groups.
I am also glad to know that you have repercuted those to your friends in Australia.
I have coined a word sometimes back referring to the "Court Dynasty of Corruption" and to Richard Court and I have told some friends about it. I call these people the "BUSS" boys and they are unable to understand the turmoil of those like prospectors or farmers or miners etc. all those who are the living forces of Australian and are fighting hard to make a living while the "buss boys" can sail through live without bothering at all with usurer incomes. The Parliament of poor Western Australia is full of "buss boys" and the other categories of people are as rare as primary rocks windows in the Nullabor plain (This is a very personal cunning hint).
And so, what are the "BUSS BOYS" ? In fact "BUSS" is the acronym for "Brought Up [with a] Silver Spoon", and in my humble opinion it applies to many MPs in Western Australia . In my view, prospectors, miners, farmers, fitters should run for politics and I hope the President of Australian Prospectors Bob Sheppard will stand at the next Western Australian Elections to defend the rights of prospectors, right from inside the House of Parliament . I say here that if I could, I would VOTE for him.
What Hercules can you call at the rescue to clear these New Augias Stables which has become the Western Australian Parliament (and may be some other State Parliaments) of these heartless type of PROFESSIONAL representatives, clinging to their status of importance and their position of power and remaining in place from term to term against all high seas and high tides. Do they care about all the prospectors who made what Australia has become, especially about all those who perished in sheer misery after a whole life of research without any find of value ? I have met many of these old timers living on close to nothing in the bush after a whole life of hard work; I wish to quote here two of these great people's names I personally knew: Billy Mill & Billy Green of Marble Bar. I used to bring them a kangaroo each time I came out of the bush and I consider that it has been an honour in my life to have been invited to their table.
Since I am going to be check out again (second time) of a provider due to numerous complaints (close to a hundred i.e. about 1%) from Australia because of the content of my mailing, as said previously, you can contact me at my falling back address and next week I will inform you of a new working address with a new provider.
I will not let go; I want the FINANCIAL CRIMINALS of Newmont/Newcrest & B.H.P to be put down the hole for 20 years and especially make restitution of their approx 10 Billions of Dollars bounty to the thousands of Oz, US, NZ, Briton, Italian, Swiss, Japanese Narla Minerals NL & Day Dawn LTD fleeced shareholders. The information about "The Greatest Australian Mining Covered Up Swindle of the 20th Century"(part I; II; & III) is now posted to Italy and Switzerland, I am sure some of the true legal owners of "Telfer Mine", holders of Narla and Day Dawn shares will very soon come up to surface to claim their due from the FINANCIAL CRIMINALS and from the successive Western Australian and Australian Governments who COVERED UP these HIDEOUS CRIMES.
Regards. jean-paul turcaud, France
Hydro & Mining Prospector.
Pioneer of Australian Mining
Discoverer of Telfer Gold Mine, Nifty Copper Mine and Kintyre Uranium
Deposit in the Great Sandy Desert of Australia (and of other things too)
Subject: Petition against putting One Nation Last.
I used to be a Liberal supporter but not anymore. The phrase "Honest John" has hit me as the biggest lie of all. As an example "Never ever" I would have thought meant never. Not for as long as convenient for Mr. Howard. I don't care if he puts One Nation last. I am capable of working out my own preferences and if Mr. Howard's wants to put One Nation last then I will do the opposite and put the Liberals last instead and the media bias won't change that.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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