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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
That village idiot the National's Senator Ron Boswell addressed the largest branch meeting of his career last night when he spoke to five One Nation members at the Petrie branch of the party in Redcliffe. Boswell was invited to address the branch meeting by 25 year old Brendan Bogle who has fitted the mould for politism to be expressed perfectly. In fact the press contingent far outweighed the One Nation membership at last night's meeting making the room look like it had about 15 members attending. It is well known that National Party branches have been decimated by the rise and rise of One Nation.
We have described in the past how any One Nation member can gain national exposure by simply turning on the party. We saw examples of this on Monday's Four Corners report and subsequently the repetitive coverage of the Bogle/Briggs show.
On Monday Bogle told Four Corners that the entire Petrie branch would defect to the National Party resulting in the National idiot putting up his hand to address the meeting. Now the Petrie branch has 200 members who normally attend the One Nation branch meetings.
Last night they stayed away in droves from the well publicised event showing their disgust in the (now) "ex-President" of the branch.
Of course Senator Ron Boswell with his unusually large audience complained at the meeting that 196 plus members had been "intimidated" because they had been contacted and discouraged to turn up. Now Boswell has the political ethics of an alley cat - a fact that has been proven time and again on the floor of the Senate where, under Parliamentary Privilege, he can slander who he likes when he likes - and he does - with the toliet trained journalists picking up his tag and running with it in the Murdoch press. Politism at its best.
With the media spotlight following every little shadow in the One Nation bandwagon does he really think that the media would NOT have been contacted by just one of the 196 plus members allegedly "intimidated? What a no-hoper.
Last night the ex-President now National Party member Brendan Bogle told the five that One Nation had been infiltrated by Nazis and the right-wing Confederate Action Party.
In an interesting contradiction Bogle claimed that One Nation was developing "damaging" policies while National Party state director Ken Crooke said One Nation was copying National Party policies - making Brendan Bogle the joke that he is but he is in good company with the National's village idiot.
Meanwhile the media have failed to interview any of those who stayed away - and they had plenty to choose from - it would spoil a nice biased story born out of politism. We will shortly be carrying a comprehensive article on the evening and the background prepared by a One Nation member who remains in the party.
As State Director Peter James told me yesterday, "You can count the number of One Nation members defecting to the Nationals on one hand while the mass defection of thousands of Nationals to One Nation goes unreported by the press."
In a letter below Media Watch's editor Jean Estoit states: "You can talk about shonky journalism when they start using a different size magnifying glass for One Nation."
Well said Jean.
Below is an email from one of the victims of politism. The Asian author wants me to help him prepare an article on One Nation. Experience has taught me that the dangers far outweigh the goodwill and compliance that I would normally show for such a request.
The dangers, quickly summed up, are misreporting and bias with my correspondence being misrepresented to fit his pre-defined agenda.
Thus I will not be assisting the student journalist - and he can thank his "professional" colleagues for that.
Subject: Pauline Hanson phenomenon
Dear Sir,
I'm a student journalist from Deakin University. I was wondering if you could tell me more about the Pauline Hanson phenomenon, and the Packer/Murdoch Media. I was also wondering, if its not too much to ask, if there were anyone else i could contact regarding Pauline Hanson and her relations to the immigration debate, native land titles and overseas reactions. Thank you very much, and I sincerely hope that I have not caused you any inconveniece Sir.
Yours sincerely
B.C. (Name suppressed)
With the government pushing a GST which, somehow, offers massive benefits to everybody according to the Coalition... we have decided to focus on some of the options being presented and a reader's views on why the GST is bad for Australians.
The Australian population has been bombarded with pro GST rhetoric for over a decade. The proponents are mainly people with either a political or big business background and an agenda filled with self-interest and "globalism" rather than the interest of Australia in mind.
Proponents use half-truths and all-out lies to push their idea's onto an unknowing population. It is my intention to explain from were the GST 's negative results will be felt most severely: Small business, the largest employer group in Australia. This large group of self employed people are doing it harder than ever before and don't need any more financial disadvantages.
The Debit Tax Formula is simply an added percentage, one third of one percent (0.33%) is suggested, to the amount withdrawn from all accounts by Banking and Financial institutions. This tax, when cleared, is instantly deposited through the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) system into the National Treasury.
Finally, the Easytax, promoted as the way to prosperity and job creation. The book "Your future in your hands" can be ordered on-line at this link. Here is a summary of the option proposed:
A companion to the author's first book on major tax reform 'A Diet of 2% - can prevent harder tax', this book describes the results of a comprehensive computer model of the Australian economy which, probably for the first time, shows tax by tax and State by State how much each industry sector contributes to the government. This also shows how a simple, alternative method of funding government can allow 1 to 2 million new jobs to be created in the private sector to reduce the need for much government expenditure in social welfare, and to spread the tax burden more equitably across the community.
Only total tax reform can allow the Australian economy to prosper. This is a must read for every citizen who cares about the future.
Pauline Hanson told Channel 10's Sunrise programme this morning that One Nation's tax policy would be targeted at making sure the multinationals and big corporations pay their fair share of tax for a change. At 2pm sharp today I will be releasing the party's Small Business policy from this link. (There is a media embargo before this time).
It can also be viewed from a link at the One Nation home page at 2pm.
See letters below for other views on the GST.
Subject: Desparation
When I heard of the defection of the executive of the Petrie branch of ON, I nearly fell off the chair laughing.
The opposition is getting very desparate if they think a stunt like that will sway the majority of ON supporters.
Now if they had gone over to the LIBS there might have been a trace of credibility, but no-one in their right mind would defect to the NATIONALS and to bring boofhead Boswell into it put the icing on the cake. There are some mighty liars in the Federal Parliament but they can't hold a candle to our Ron.
There is no doubt in my mind that the former major parties are scratching the bottom of the barrel in their desparation to find anything to try to stop the One Nation push.
We can expect to see a lot more of this type of rubbish before the election.
I see they have brought a new player onto the field, The Far Right Confederate Action Party (what is far right anyway?) the CAP has been defunct for years and is about as far right as my dog and he is a commo! They have got far right on the brain, The dreaded League of Rights is far right, and so is any minor party that is against their philosophy except one , the Citizens Electoral Council. Now there is a far right mob of globalists owned by Lyndon Larouche, an American nut of the first order. How is it that the media never mention this organisation. They have for years , been accusing the Monarchy of being behind the destruction of Australia and New Zealand, according to them the Queen is the CEO of the mining giant Rio Tinto and the head of the Mont Pelerin Society, (whoever they are) A couple of other bad nuts, according to them, are Prince Phillip and Prince Charles.
They publish a newspaper called the New Citizen which is full of this sort of rubbish and calling for the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche who was jailed some years ago in America for fraud.
These are the people I would be watching but you never hear a word about them. Something funny going on there, methinks.
Alan E.
Subject: "Press Gallery"
Just read the article regarding "the first day in parliament", and was shocked to learn that you had difficulty in getting to the Press Gallery, if it is reserved for the "Press" with the rules that you need be a member of some journalist club or similar, perhaps you should enquire and report your experiences, it may prove informative as well to see how the mainstream reporters operate, but take care to keep your wits.
A Haig
Not difficulty getting into the Press Gallery. Just difficulty in taking photographs - while many, many others photographers were allowed to - for the simple reason that I did not fit the "mould".
As I have said before the President of the Queensland Press Gallery, Mike D'Arcy, was to tell me a few days later that he had no right to stop me when he did. And I have still had no apology from the Press Gallery either - not that I will bother holding my breath.
Subject: Robson
(For publication)
Sydney Morning Herald's Frank Robson asked you why you thought the media coverage of Pauline Hanson and One Nation was biased. Just in case you have not convinced him, feel free to give him my e-mail address. I have analysed over 1000 newspaper articles and dissected several hundred hours of TV news and current affairs. I have been exposing the tricks used to vilify Hanson since 1996, both on the Internet and on radio. And you know what? In nearly three years I have never been contacted by a journalist for my opinion on the matter, and the reason is deceptively simple. One of the many tricks they use is to go to "experts" which will tell them what they want to hear, and not to the real experts who will tell them (with proof in hand) the way it really is.
Pauline Hanson, like all other politicians is not above criticism. One Nation like any other party is not above criticism. But there are ways of doing it. I have examples of good newspaper articles which were critical of One Nation. A critical article is fair when it puts One Nation under the same type of scrutiny as the Liberals or the Labor parties. You can talk about shonky journalism when they start using a different size magnifying glass for One nation. You can talk bias when they give maximum exposure to statistical mistakes made by One Nation officials, but keep relatively quiet on even bigger mistakes made by Costello and Alston on the same week. This difference in emphasis is what contributes to making the coverage completely biased. Of course, there are neat little tricks of the trade, like picking Hanson's worth photographs and increasing their contrast to make her look like a hard, heartless woman. Other tricks include deliberately confusing "of Asian nationality" and "of Asian origin" to make Hanson's figures look completely wrong. Recently, some gutter tricks have (re)appeared. Some in the media are saying that "the majority of Australians do not support One Nation". This is true but the majority of Australians do not support any other party since none will be getting more than 50% of the primaries. The most disappointing thing is that people fall for this kind of rubbish.
Give me a TV crew and I will do exactly the same story Four Corners did on One Nation last Monday. The difference? It would be the Labor party and their notorious undemocratic branch stacking that would be the subject of my report. I would also ask Beasley how democratic it is to thrust Mary Delahungry at the head of the queue in Northcote (Victoria). I would go through Labor's record in government and pull them apart. I would show them as having cheated Australians on Immigration, deliberately favouring the immigration of nationalities that Labor controlled via various ethnic groups like FECCA, for the purpose of increasing their power base. And if you gave me another Monday night slot, I would do the same kind of job on the Liberals.
JG Estiot
Subject: Floored Corners
What really surprised me, having sat through Paulines's 3/4 hr speech in the first Perth meeting, & observing the Flawed Corners camera people filming the entire speech, they did not use any of it at all! All they were interested in was showing Pauline in the toilet etc! One must take an educated guess & say that the ABC must be petrified of actually screening what Pauline says regarding any policy matters. Otherwise the One Nation vote would sky rocket from 11% nationally to 30% immediately. The more I think about it, examples like this is even more reason to encourage Mr Kroger to de-knacker the GayBC.
Also, I think it is about time a MAJOR expose was done on the "Resistance" & the National Socialists. These people are communist crims. What must be done is to expose WHO is financing their nefarious operations, & make the Australian public realise these are the crims who secretly influence the Labor Party.
Steve (Blizard) - Perth
don't give yourself a hard time over the Flawed Corners thing. It came across as a clumsy hatchet job, and overt bias like that rebounds on the ABC's tattered credibility anyway. The biggest loser was Tony Abbott, who came across as a complete phony with his 'I don't know who's funding Sharples' routine. Learn from it, put it behind you, and don't let them trick you again....
Byron Stander
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Just a few short points about last night 4 corners show.
It portrayed Pauline as the cause of increasing dissension & violence in Oz politics, but Pauline is not the cause at all. She has been the focus of attention that spoke on plain matters affecting everyone, breaking through the politically correct methods used by Laboral until now. The fact that she has so much support is that there are many people who agree with what she is saying. She could say what she liked, and if nobody thought anything of it, she would have faded out immediately.
There was a lot of focus on what the disaffected previous ON members had to say. The substance of their allegations were not stated, but they did seem genuinely worried. Personally, I do not know about the machinations of political parties. Because of the newness of the movement, there are bound to be many enthusiastic amateurs. I would expect amateurs to get upset if things do not go their way.
Myself, I think the two D's (& P) have tried to organise a watertight political structure. If I was one of those enthusiastic amateurs, I would leave the why's & wherefors to the professionals. Without such highly competent people running the show, it would fall on its ear immediately. I am sure this is what the major Parties hoped would happen, and are becoming increasingly dismayed & worried that the ON Party is going from strength to strength.
So to the potentially disaffected ONP officials - leave the organisation to the D's & do what they ask, they know what they are doing.
The part interviewing Tony Abbott was very interesting. When he was asked about organising the law suit for Sharples, involving the Liberal Paul Everingham, he kept shifting his eyes down & away each time he answered. This is classic body language for telling porkies. It is obvious that Lib money & resources are being used against ON.
Subject: 4 Corners and media generally
Does everyone agree that it's time for O.N. to stop bending over so the media can shaft them? There is a general perception, with which I agree, that media's tactics leading up to the Queensland election have helped raise the level of support for the new party. However, the media has switched tactics. They have accepted that they only help Pauline by trying to make her look bad, or inept. A far better approach is the tried and true one of portraying a political party as disunited. The political adage that disunity is death has proven very true in the past.
Unlike the other parties, the media will NOT give ON any opportunity to counter the impression of disunity they are now putting across. They started with the Hazelton affair and the experienced electronic media people at 60 Minutes were well aware moving the goal posts at the last minute would be very likely to produce enough outrage to enable them to present ON supporters as a bunch of disorganised, rabble. A fine honed sense of cynicism within One Nation, could have seen a fall back plan, on which everyone was briefed, with prepared questions to ask, in proper sequence, just in case something like this went down! Another old adage that is very true is 'Forewarned, is forearmed.'
Last night's Four Courners was very bad because the leadership of One Nation clearly believed the Four Corners' team was going to produce a positive and favourable program and so let their guard down. 4 Corners were very careful not to denigrate Pauline herself. On the contrary, they didn't cut comments by disaffected members that they still support or even (surprisingly) Pasquerelli's comments that he had never heard her say anything racist. They even had her interviewer repeat to her that everyone supported her, in order to reinforce the spin that the evil and undemocratic power crazed people around her are taking over. Many references were made to all those people who voted for HER perhaps having second thoughts if they had been aware of the true situation inside One Nation. They quite adeptly managed to give the impression that the One Nation leadership was being given the opportunity to respond to the negative claims being made during their interviews with disaffected members. I was not surprised that they went after an inference that the Liberal Party was behind, and possibly financing, the ongoing court action in Queensland. Any collateral damage the ALPBC could inflict on the Coalition would have been considered a plus.
And, BTW, I don't know anything about at all about One Nation's S.A. candidate, but 4 Corners did a damn fine job of portraying him as an unbelievable, and, possibly, dangerous sleazebag.
There is nothing One Nation can do now about what has gone down, but, in future, they can do two things. The first is to only place any credence for an objective presentation in journalists who have shown it in the past, such as Alan Jones, Frank Devine or, even, Alan Ramsay. For everyone else, I think One Nation should continue to accept their offers but from now on have thorough brainstorming war councils ahead of time, based on the assumption that the media's aim will be to portray them as negatively as possible, and the techniques that can be deployed to counter this, so that the media will either have to drop the whole story or end up allowing a positive message to be put across.
Carol Kavanagh
Subject: the 4 corners program
Dear sir,
I have just watched the mid-night repeat of the 4 corners story on One nation, having missed it the first time around. It was great to see REAL footage of Pauline,looking and sounding natural and relaxed ,especially when she was meeting the people . You can see that she IS one of us , and has a genuine connection with her supporters and the people of this country. This is in such stark contrast with most politicians from the Laboral ranks,that it stick out like the proverbial. Any way before I had seen the program ,I had read anotd and took in the reports of how Tony Jones had pulled a swifty to try and run the party down ,so i wasnt expecting too much , but as it turned out , he failed miserably and i was pleasantly surprised.
It really was a revelation to see "normal footage " of Pauline and to hear her at some length , at least,with out the irritating and unfair interruptions that the grinning creampuff , Ray Martin and his ilk, so often subject her to in "interviews".
I think that it was probably the first time that many ,many other Australians have seen Pauline in anything other than a negative way too and like me they would have been impressed with the way she came over. For me ,this made up for any attempt by Jones to try and turn the program into some sort of expose of "rifts" within One Nation. In vain ,I waited for evidence that One nation was "self destructing from with in" and "tearing itself apart" etc.etc. What I saw was a hugely popular and demonstrably democratic peoples movement that is sweeping the country. Ordinary australians are standing up for someone who they KNOW is speaking for them. No wonder the Howard /Costello /Beasley /Packer /Murdoch cartel is quaking in its collective shoes . This is striking the coldest fear into their corrupt little hearts ,they have seen the writing on the wall and they know how little time they have.
As for these "rifts" in One Nation,does Tony Jones and the politically correct mob he works for ,really think that we are going to be impressed with stuff like .... "he said he said that" ? Do they think that we expect an organisation that has grown this quickly,with such an impact on our lives, not have some disruptions and disaffections? Which planet do they think we have been living on? Do they think we are not ,or have never been , ...members of the football club ,or the bowling club ,...or the union or on the darts team at the pub? Do they think we have never worked in a big company? or a small one for that matter,or in the canteen at school...or been on the shire council? Do they think that we have never seen people fall out and argue ...or jostle for support or influence? Do they seriously think that we would be shocked to hear that this occurs in a political party???? It just illustrates how out of touch they are with ordinary Australians. If Tony Jones and Co want to do a beat up on factions and dissention with in a political party,well , Tony ,mate , how about we just point you in the right direction and leave you to it,OK? Just leave us with the footage of Pauline and friends.
Yours sincerely,
One of the 25%, and growing daily!
Subject: Four Corners 10th Aug
Dear Scott
We watched 4 Corners last night, and I have read the comments on it tonight. I have also just watched the 7.30 Report in which there was a follow-up to the case of the 3 members who have today joined the Nationals, and also a further question on the "concealed weapon" story.
Now I see the shonky "journalism" and all the dirty tricks the media are playing, and I realise this will only get worse as election time draws nearer. My own belief is that international forces are behind the efforts to destroy Pauline and ON at all costs.
But I would also like to give an observation which seems timely. David Oldfield had it right when he said to tell the truth, then you don't have to remember the lies. But it was obvious on last night's programme that someone was NOT telling the truth. The Senate candidate virtually admitted he was lying in the last few lines he spoke, when he said something to the effect that things told in confidence should not be revealed - apparently referring to what he had told David Oldfield about carrying a gun. The other David, and also Pauline, stated flatly that he had a license, and did carry a gun. The other inconsistency came over the radio today. It was said that the so-called leader of the Petrie ON branch had not been connected with the Petrie branch, but with another location. Tonight, the news showed the three who left and described them as being from Petrie. What's the truth? Please accept this in the spirit in which it is written. If David Oldfield's advice on telling the truth is carried out, the media will have nothing to latch onto. And also, I have learned in my own life that you don't have to answer questions if you don't want to. Just tell the questioner that it's not a subject you care to discuss.
Knowing the rabble you're dealing with, isn't it time that strict guidelines are laid down, from the top level right through ON to make sure everyone knows what is being said about sensitive or personal issues, so that there is no contradiction in answers? Isn't it also time the media were curtailed from getting access to internal matters which they are going to misreport, and put in as bad a light as possible?
Do you know Jack McLamb, retired police officer from Phoenix, who talked in Sydney in Nov 1995? He outlined conditions in the U.S. which paralleled what we are seeing here now. If you haven't heard him, and are interested, I have his video, and also "Operation Vampire Killer 2000", which is a well-documented book he has produced and circulates to police and armed forces personnel.
Again, I repeat, it's a NWO we are fighting against, not the Howard's or the Beazley's of this slave nation. It will take every ounce of dedication to awaken people to the true perils.
You are doing a mighty work. Keep it up and God bless you.
Don Gray
Subject: four quarters
I never thought I would come to praising the authoritariansm of the Davids, but when I heard the lies of those sleasebags about CAP on four corners, I began to appreciate the problem. It was infiltration at the top and the branch level, that destroyed the aspirations of the grass root members of CAP, who were only trying to wake up the masses as to what was going on. These must be the same, could they be called professionals, going back to the NP? Good riddance.
I should have trusted the instincts of Pauline about who can be trusted.
The Programme probably did no damage, but Someone did lie about the hand gun. It had to be the top Senate leader in SA. It's not the gun, we all might need one of those, its the lack of communication that exposed the lie on TV that could cause the damage. David Oldfield will fix it.
Come back to the National Party, drones Tim Fischer, we are truly democratic. What a laugh. They might be at the moment. After all they havn't excommunicated Bob Katter yet. Then of course this is AP (after Pauline). People should worry about what things will revert to if it ever comes to AON. (after One Nation). Mark my words, there has never been a successful rising of the common people. They go back to sleep , and the "children of the dark" who never go to sleep, take over; again.
Philip Madsen
Subject: a deafening silence
Why arn't all the so-called anti-racists out on the streets protesting about the brutal rapes of Chinese women and even little girls by Indonesian mobs? The women and girls were targeted solely on the grounds of their race. I'd call that racism, wouldn't you? The hypocricy is sickening.
Subject: Shinkfield's racism
G'day J Shinkfield,
I see you still haven't recanted from you're racist views ( well perhaps not racist by true definition, but based on the current use of the word by political opportunists and PC crackpots it is ).
Well, lets see what it is that makes extremists and opportunists label PHON "racist". PHON upholds our distinct Australian culture and is concerned about the devisive and damaging effects of multiculturalism and the large numbers of immigrants from very different cultures. Yes...Australians prefer their own culture ( as racist as you may think that is ).
BUT WAIT.....isn't that exactly the same attitude that Asian residents in the various China towns and other Asian neighbourhoods have. They prefer their own similar type of race and culture. Even the countries they come from have this attitude. So, there you have it folks....the Asians in Asian neighbourhoods and countries are racist because they think just like PHON.
Perhaps you didn't know that surveys in the U.K revealed that Asians were the LEAST likely to marry outside their own race. EEEK!!! That must make them the most heinous of all the racists in the world.
I'll give you another example of the pot calling the kettle black. A multiculturalist I know is of an Asian racial background and is a 2nd generation Australian. She identifies very closely to the culture of her grandparents country. She even went to that country to get a husband of her same race and culture to bring back to Australia. And would you believe she calls Pauline Hanson a racist and she ridicules Australian culture while speaking glowingly of Multiculturalism and high immigration. You couldn't find a bigger hypocrite than that now, could you.
By the way, J Shinkfield, I can assure you that there is no such thing as an anti-assimilation gene. The fact that many Asians prefer to form their own neighbourhoods etc is evidence of how very different their culture is, and it's a fact of life that people generally do prefer their own kind and/or like minded people. But, to be consistant with the current misuse of the "R" word, the Chinese community, the Asian neighbourhoods, Asian countries and multiculturalists are RACIST.
Can I suggest you keep to the ACTUAL definition of racism, or people might start to suspect that you could be some political opportunist or perhaps even a beneficiary of government funding from one of the grievance industries. These types always resort to words like "racist" for their own selfish gain.
If you could only break yourself free from the political correctness trance you would be able to understand what PHON is really about.
Peter W.
Subject: Re : Export Tax
Dear Editor,
Richard B wrote.. >Sat. 08.08.98, on Channel 2 in the news at 19:00hrs., It was announced, that Exports will be exempt from GST.
As far as I can see, people from other Countries, buying
various products, manufactured in this Country, will not have to pay the
GST on them, but anybody from this Country will have to pay the GST on the
same products. WHY ? < Did they mean exports in the sense of individual
people buying goods here and taking them back to their own countries? I didn't
see the news that night. If so, then you have to realise this goes on right
now and has done for years. I work in an electrical retail outlet, and at
this exact moment in time, if somebody comes in with a passport and an airline
ticket, providing they are leaving within a month of the sale, they get the
goods Sales Tax Exempt. Of course, in my industry, we have 32% wholesale
sales tax, so it is usually a considerable amount of tax they do not pay.
Take for example an item that is $1000 my cost.. you take the sales tax off
and you get back to $680.. That's $320 the government does not get in sales
tax.. then we add our 25% markup on.. which makes the goods $850. Then, what
if the customer decides not to take the goods with them? There is no checking
done by customs as far as I know..
We are not the only country that does this.. but some
of the other countries do it in a much better way. Take the UK for example.
Last time I went there, you had to save all your receipts and claim the tax
you had paid when you left the country. I believe
If they meant paying GST on goods that we export to other countries.. then that is a different story, and unfortunately one that I can't comment on as I know squat about the current situation.
Jennifer Widdop
Subject: Comments on the Australian News of the Day
Regarding the proposed GST, I've become more skeptical about it as time goes on. I believed the economist's arguments when Fightback! was released and voted for it. Having looked at it more closely I've become more skeptical. I'm willing to be convinced, but at the core it is an unfair tax and it will take a lot of convincing to assure me that it is good for Australia. I would suggest people who are thinking about the GST answer a few questions about it first...
1) Supposedly we need a GST because of the declining revenue base of the federal government. Additionally, tax bracket creep has led to poverty traps. But I read in the Sydney Morning Herald today that while we had a 10bn deficit 2 years ago, we are now at 1bn surplus. Forecasts say that in 2000-2001 we should have an 8bn surplus. Based on a total budget of around 100bn, this is a huge surplus. Plenty of money to rectify the bracket creep problem and still remain in surplus.
2) Supposedly everyone is a winner out of the GST. Big business is winner. Small business is a winner. Middle class Australia is a winner. Big income earners are a winner. The poor are winners through compensation packages. How exactly are we supposed to believe that everyone can be better off at the stroke of a pen?
3) Why do we need to eliminate the State FID debits tax through a GST? It seems to be that this tax is one of the few taxes I actually don't resent very much. But then again I'm not moving millions of dollars around through the stock market everyday. I say keep the FID tax.
I actually don't mind having Howard as PM, just as long as he isn't allowed to actually DO anything. What really turns my stomach is the thought of Beazely getting into power. Therefore I'll be putting Labor last and Liberal 2nd to last. If the choice is Howard or Beazely, I want Howard with a One Nation senate to stop him doing anything.
Name withheld on request
Subject: GST
Dear Scott,
I am a member of One Nation and proud of it, isn't it an interesting time?
Just to see THEM squirm and slither and try to discredit ON is pure fun.
And the best part is: It doesn't get them anywhere!! They just haven't got it yet, the Australian people do not believe them anymore. They are not controlling us anymore and they are finding it SCARY!!
Please find attached my explanation of the GST, feel free to publish it anywhere.
Kind regards,
Karel Zegers.
Subject: One Nation
Dear Friends:
Need more information about your efforts. Please consult my web site
We are on the same wavelength.
Cliff Kincaid, USA
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
![]() |
Name site is owned by One
Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.