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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Words that are pure Hansonism, "It's like I am a mother. Australia is my home and the people are my children."
So politically incorrect, so controversial and yet so pure. Words that got up Federal Treasurer Peter Costello's goat when he replied, "She isn't my mother..."
In April this year when writing on One Nation's first birthday party I wrote "She (Pauline) is the mother of this nation."
When you think of the impact that Australia's Pauline Hanson has had on Australian politics and the turning points which have continuously thrust her into the limelight time after time since the 1996 Federal Elections the word Hansonism shines through.
The comment is Pauline at her best - and I believe that the now well publicised words, uttered at a meeting on Wednesday night in the small town of Gatton in the centre of her seat of Blair, will become the subliminal focus of growing support for her unconventional form of expression and heart-felt beliefs. Beliefs that Australia has a very sick political system at this stage in time.
At the One Nation birthday party the expected number of participants was
well down on what had been hoped - although about 400 people actually celebrated
the birth of One Nation. It was at this time, with the Queensland state elections
that I quietly reflected on my own fears that the party might have peaked
in its support.
The brave souls who were to take up the fight for One Nation in the state election faced an enormous task as support, according to the polls, was declining and they were openly ridiculed for supporting Mrs Hanson.
This was just weeks from the historic results in which One Nation became a real third force in Australian politics - a force replacing the National Party which had joined the Laboral factions funded by big business.
The words by Pauline Hanson at Gatton are so important because they reflect her deepest feelings and people will recognise that. People know that the Laboral factions are making promises that they cannot keep, fighting like children in a schoolyard over the political spoils while using the media to bash the little kid in the corner (One Nation) over the head whenever they pause for air.
You be the judge whether this is balanced reporting -
On the one hand we have the blatant use of Au$15 million from taxpayer funds to promote the Coalitions tax policy (GST) days before Howard called the election on the other we have the Au$50 dinner fee paid by two federal agents protecting Mrs Hanson. The common denominator - both stories made front page news in The Courier Mail.
We all know about the corrupt use of taxpayer moneys to push Howard's election campaign so we won't dwell on that - in the second case, that of the "agents dinners" we read that The Courier Mail "obtained documents" that showed the federal agents paid $25 a head to gain entry to a One Nation fundraiser in Caboolture.
"I have mentioned it to them (the agents) and they say that they have always paid for the meal component but there is no donation whatsoever," Mrs Hanson told the paper.
The difference between the two cases? Quite simply the bulk of the tax payer money used by the Coalition has gone straight into the bottom line of the Murdoch print empire.
The decision to release One Nation's Aboriginal policy at Longreach should be viewed with the historical implications that reflect the impact of Hansonism and Howard's earlier speech there.
In his speech at Longreach just over a year later Howard mimicked the words penned by Pauline Hanson in January 1996 - words which saw her being evicted from the Liberal Party for expressing "racist" sentiments. Howard's parroting of the statements made by Mrs Hanson in the letter have, somehow, been saved the same racist tag. They reflect a quantum shift in political thinking by the Laboral factions following Mrs Hanson's success in those 1996 elections and her impact on Australian politics......
Believe it or not the extracts in blue
below are extracts from the
in the Queensland Times on the 6th January 1996 that resulted in
Ms Hanson being branded a racist by the media and resulted in her being
disendorsed by the Liberal Party. (See attached image of article that appeared
in the
Singapore Strait
Times in June 1997. This article perpetuates the myth created by
the Australian media following the publication of this letter.) The statements
in black are those made by John Howard at Longreach last month. Oh, how the
Liberal Party reveal their true colours...
Pauline Hanson letter: "I would be the first to admit that many years ago the Aborigines were treated wrongly but in trying to correct this they have gone too far..." John Howard at Longreach: "I think that what has happened in this country is that we had a pendulum of Aboriginal affairs that was over here and I think that it has swung too far over in this direction particularly because of the Wik decision and what I am trying to do is to bring it back into the middle and I think that that is where it ought to be." Pauline Hanson letter: "I don't feel responsible for the treatment of Aboriginal people in the past because I had no say but my concern is for their future." John Howard at Longreach: "I do not believe in intergenerational guilt when it comes to Aboriginal affairs. I am aware of the history of this country. I am aware of the fact that the indigenous people were here first. I do not exhibit a sense of shame for what our forebears did." Pauline Hanson letter: "How can we expect this race to help themselves when government showers them with money, facilities and opportunities that only these people can obtain no matter how minute the indigenous blood that flows through their veins and that is what causes racism." John Howard at Longreach: "I understand the resentment that the rest of Australia feel when social security services are made available to minorities that are not available to them."
The editors at The Courier Mail are again bowing to their masters - the Murdoch family.
anotd readers will recall the trifecta of editorial and one-sided "opinion" pieces that filled The Courier Mail in one critical week when the Liberal Party decided to give One Nation preferences over the Labor party - pressure that resulted in this Laboral faction reversing the decision.
In today's Courier Mail at a time when several National Party MPs have said openly that they will give One Nation their preferences over Labor the paper carries another predictable editorial headed: "Dangerous Courtship with One Nation".
Here is an extract from that article:
But their nod of approval for One Nation will have disastrous effects on the National Party elsewhere, and on the senior Coalition Party, the Liberals. Voters in the metropolitan centres of the nation will be unsympathetic with the alliance (as it will be seen to be) with One Nation, and will punish the Liberals, in much the same way that Liberal voters in Brisbane reacted in the Queensland election.
What The Courier Mail has done in the above extract from today's editorial is to confirm two viewpoints that we have continuously expressed in the anotd.
What is surprising is that they have fallen on their own sword so openly. Confirmation of the fact that:
One Nation
I am inspired by One Nation's approach to Australia's problems. I am a law student at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, U.S.A. In the U.S. we have a very similar problem with low-skilled Mexicans entering our country and taking benefits, but contributing little, while separating themselves as Mexicans and not Americans. My Congressional leaders would do well to take notice of One Nation's approach and heed the callings of the majority of the people and not that of the multi-cultural beuaracrats.
Good luck to you!
Chip Parker
Comment on News of the Day
Dear Editor,
There has been some concern on my part that the internet is not reaching a very wide audience on behalf of One Nation.
That may not be justified; The following was in a a letter from a friend who lives in Port Macquarie NSW, but does not have internet access:
".......Pauline Hanson and some of her followers. I can only point you in that direction. One nation will certainly have plenty to talk about with the Federal Election on our door stop. Shouldn't be short of a few thousand words. I really admire the lady's guts! AND her philosophy. Main problem concerns off-siders, some of whom have ambitions of their own and are using Pauline as a stepping stone. However I believe most of them have been cut down to size and shown the door."
john hamilton - USA
Who's Dumb
Scott ,
I would like to comment on two things in yesterday's edition . The first was the article on electioneering at the Queensland University of Technology and associated with that was the post by Antonia , both refer to a problem that goes back 60 years to just before the war .
The Fabian Society's London School Of Economics trained many Australians in the art of Socialism and during the war they also inserted a number of academics into our Universities to form a nucleus of Socialist oriented lecturers .
One Australian played a major role in the corruption of our halls of learning . He founded the ANU and became advisor to seven prime ministers as well as the Governor of the Commonbwealth Bank and the Reserve Bank , he was also a leading stirrer in the Aboriginal uprising in the 70's and 80's .
It is no surprise to me that a lecturer in any of our uni's is pushing the political barrow . After 60 years of indoctrination why wouldn't they ?
Alan Esson
Steady as she goes
I agree with Jeff Langtip who said One Nation dosn't need explicit policies on everything. A total stranger remarked to me that the lack of policies is probably a plus in that people feel they might yet get a chance to have their say about Australia's future.
It is enough to know One Nation stands for an independent Australia against a globalised Australia, for traditional morality against imposed pc elitist 'values', for the assimilation of migrants into the broad Australian culture against the divisive policies of multiculturalism (yoo hoo! calling all Racewatchers!), and for fostering our own industries against exporting jobs in the name of economic (ir)rationalism. The details can wait. What is required now is the will to perservere and to win.
Support and concern
Dear Sir
I would like to express both support for one nation and dissapointment that you are not putting a candidate in my federal seat of Denison I think that Pauline at present and hopefully One Nation after the next election is just what australia needs to tell those Lib/Lab politicians who they really are supposed to represent.
You are on the right track promoting Australia as a (united but diverse) culture instead of the current multi (many individual groups hanging onto there own predjudices)cultural mess only an united Australia can make this place a better and prosperous nation
Randall Treloyn
Hanson supporters
To Whom This May Concern,
I am a supporter of Pauline Hanson and her One Nation Party. I do not consider myself to be racist, but just a fellow aussie worried about the future of Australia. Concerning politics, Australia is in trouble. We need a new leader to fix the mistakes and problems done by the previous leaders. My family and I are 100% behind Ms Hanson, good luck in the future...
my name is Jefferson Stone, I am 45 years of age, a musician, a teacher and a student.
I am fed up as many others are I'm sure, with the sanctimonious, bigoted and hypocritical major parties in Australia.
I have just visited the One Nation sites, and have read some of Pauline's speeches. I have not, as I have maintained for over a year now, heard Pauline say anything that strikes me as truly racist in content. I believe that too many people are mislead by the media beat-up, unfortunately believing what they see on the television news and hear on the radio as being the truth.
They continue to put their faith in the so-called "professionals" who "know what they are talking about".
I know that this is NOT the case, I've been around too long to trust the bastards who are primarily looking after the interests of the fat cats who dictate the policies and manipulate the major parties. Ok that, I think has been established. My question is, if I vote for the One Nation Party, have the barstards engineered it so that my vote (by preference) will go to them anyway, be it little Johnny or cuddly Kim? I don't want to waste my vote. Can anyone clear this up for me? I like what Pauline has to say. I am not a racist, I have worked and played with people from all over the world, black, yellow, white. They are all equally guilty of being human, with all the faults that go with that. But where will my vote end up? This may be an ignorant question, but I guess I AM ignorant in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Jefferson Stone.
Why can't this bunch summons up a bit of courage?
Dear Scott,
In an election campaign where the collusion of the Laborals has been so unashamedly exposed and their squabbles over the spoils of office so transparent it is refreshing to see four National MP's , Macauley, Katter , Kelly and Marek break rank and publicly announce their intentions of putting ON ahead of Labour on THEIR how to vote cards.
In a campaign that has seen the Laborals throw a fistful of promises and dollars like confetti in a whirlwind at an increasingly cynical electorate, I , remember the past 26 years during which these same parties systematically allowed the wholesale looting and pillaging of the assets which once belonged to the PEOPLE OF THIS NATION and the sell-out of our sovereignty and institutions in a garage sale in which the people of this nation were largely excluded and through deception, ignorant.
For me and I HOPE MANY OTHERS this election is about reversing those mistakes and laying the foundations for the generations of Australians that will inherit this country long after you and I have departed. To return the pride and sense of purpose to our youth and the belief that this country offers to those that are prepared to have a go a fair go in return. For me there is no return to the parties and policies that have for so long have effectively disenfranchised my vote and through their propaganda and disinformation, of which Herr Goebells would heartily approve, have kept most Australians ignorant to their deeds.
Pauline Hanson is the mother of the rebirth of our nation. I for one will not allow that child to be stillborn nor allow that child to wither on the vine for the blood money proffered by the Laborals ! That rebirth starts on the 3rd of October and it finishes when this nation is returned to those who are blessed in calling this country home.
To those MP's who have stood up to be counted and followed their consciences and put the interests of their constituents ahead of the interests of the party machine, all the best. Whether you are re elected or not I hope you continue to put the interests of fellow Australians ahead of those that serve only to ensure their own survival and propagation. I believe that many of your colleagues will follow suit.
A true democracy allows for healthy debate and dissension on principle by those that profess to serve it , Beazley, as have others in this campaign have revealed their true colours by their efforts to suppress and deny those rights to our elected representatives and citizens. His mentor and predecessor Paul Keating once told this country that Parliament was ''irrelevant'' and through his antics reduced public perception of its chambers and representatives to something akin to a vaudeville side-show run by clowns and snake oil salesmen. We deserve better than that Mr Beazley !
Have a good day
Having seen the MAI sparsely in the newspapers and a flood on the net I object strongly to our country signing further international treaties - especially in view of the fact that the bulk of the population were not consulted! I believe that a class action to reject it after the event should be successful. If it is not then it should be retrospectively thrown out! Restrospectivity has one or more precedenyts in Australian law. And if all else fails - declare war. I'm that pissed off. Our representatitives have mis- or dis- represented the electorate for too many years. By rail roading the voters and claiming authority without properly legitimising it, in my opinion this is a breach of promise and fraud.
David Miles.
Take 'em seriously
Dear Editor,
Given that the election campaign has been being conducted for a very long time and has become rather boring, readers in the print media (and listeners and viewers in the electronic media) are frequently looking for entertainment in what the spokespeople dish up.
Ginger Meggs - a cartoon or comic strip in the previous generation - was creditted with the bit about "when I went in for a swim my cordial bottle was half full but now it is half empty - I've been got at". A certain Kim Beazley Junior was on national radio on Thursday morning suggesting that it was naughty of the Liberals to be talking about the cup being half empty when in reality it was half full - are we supposed to laugh?
Going on in the same interview (with Fran) the listeners would have heard the Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Labor Party inferring that his party, unlike the Liberal one, would continue to act, as it had in the past, "in the National interest" - did that mean that it was a silent parttner in the National party or that he really believes that major political parties, like Labor, act in the best interests of the nation?
J o n M. A x t e n s
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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One Nation's
Primary Industry Policy- 7th September 1998
One Nation's Tax Policy-
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B'nai B'rith's
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