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an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
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October 1995
Alexander Downer screws up again
What a vision old foot in mouth trying to have a go at Pauline Hanson in Indonesia. Now Indonesians are perhaps the most racist people in Asia. Their recent actions against the Indo-Chinese was widely reported with the "racist" tag somehow escaping Australian reports.
You see the "racist" tag has already found its media home - yes anything to do with Hanson... it does not matter how blatantly untrue the description is - just keep trotting it out at any opportunity and sure enough one day it might just stick.
Unfortunately some media commentators independent of Packer and Murdoch and with real credibility have blown the whistle. Just last week Alan Jones said, "Every politician now knows that a lot of people out there have had a gutful of being ignored, unrepresented, and force fed policy and decision that they dont agree with, but now the best it seems, and the most vicious way to counter all this is to call Pauline Hanson a racist. Say it without any proof.
"In other words if people disagree about the way Aborigines should be best treated call them racist, if they disagree on the levels of migration, call them racist."
Well Laboral were at it again - this time Downer told a large group of Indonesian businessmen that Pauline Hanson's racist views were not representative of most Australians.
Is it any wonder that our Asian neighbours are concerned about Hanson - after all the lies that the politicians and the media are telling?
Disendorsed Noosa candidate David
Summers (seen right with Pauline Hanson at the
One Nation
Birthday party) and Terry Sharples who contested the Burleigh seat
in the recent
Queensland State Election
have served a writ and notice of motion in the Supreme Court
in Brisbane claiming One Nation is not a validly registered party pursuant
to the Electoral Act 1992 (Qld).
The party has already been given the green light by the Queensland Electoral Commission - but don't let that decision get in the way of losers.
David Oldfield responded to their writ by saying, "They are wasting their time and the court's time simply for a headline."
The losers are aiming at freezing the funds that will be paid back to candidates for expenses in promoting their campaigns.
One of the joys of being associated with the One Nation party is you get to be named in Parliament on a regular basis.
Just last week Tony Abbott called me "the constitutional officer" when trying to question the legitimacy of Pauline Hanson's One Nation and this week , according to Peter Charlton, it was the turn of National Party Senator Ron Boswell to have a go.
In an article today headed "Conspiracy Theory" (reminds me of another recent article of a similar name by this man) Charlton again draws the reader's attention to me. This is the second time in two weeks that Charlton has referred to me personally in articles - obviously the web page must be seen to be having some considerable influence on the trash that the News Limited papers throw at us day after day...
Here is what Charlton says:
"Boswell also pointed the finger at Scott Balson, One Nation's World Wide Webmaster... "how many voters in Queensland knew that... Scott Balson has a business arrangement with the same extremist newspaper, The Strategy? Balson gives them double billing with his own news of the day service. Together they form the Independents Consortium."
"Balson has been off the web this week: his service provider went broke."
The only factual statement in this extract is that my service provider went broke. The Strategy has far more credibility than any News Limited paper that I know of.
I have scoured the Senate Hansard and found that there is no reference to me in the Senate by Boswell this week (6th to 10th July 1998). I will be placing another complaint with the Australian Press Council against The Courier Mail for Charlton's blatant lies in the article.
The story behind the "Keating" piggery story
The reporting on Paul Keating and the piggery over the last few days has been a classic example of how the media intimidate those in power. The Murdoch/Packer empires have an enormous reservoirs of information on Australians "of interest". This information, when used, is seldom used in the best interest of the person being "exposed".
The Mafia-like tactics of the media barons have been used countless times before and have often resulted in Prime Ministers and governments in power working closely with the Packers and Murdochs to their best interests - and against the best interests of the man in the "Australian" street.
Margo Kingston a journalist with the Sydney Morning Herald said last year:
"Now when you have a man so powerful that he can buy Graeme Richardson to talk the Labor party around and Michael Kroger to talk the Liberal party around, and Howard and Costello and Alston jump to his every need no matter how irrational, no matter how transparently incoherent their arguments, we have a huge problem. And yes, personally I am very scared, personally, of Mr Packer taking over Fairfax."
Of course, today, Packer virtually controls the editorial content in Fairfax through one of his key men, Brian Conroy, who now heads up that organisation... a move that went ahead without a whimper from either side of government. Quite simply they did not dare to challenge one of the men who could dump on them.
In an editorial, in The Courier Mail on September 5, 1997 under the heading, Heading "Media gambit failed the basic test" it was reported:
"The inept attempt by John Howard to reshape media ownership policy deserved to fail and has been rightly consigned to the after the next election drawer. The bid by the Prime Minister and Communications Minister Senator Richard Alston to dump the cross media ownership restrictions failed the basic test the Government set for its changes: it was mogul specific.
"Both Mr Howard and Senator Alston protested that, unlike former prime minister Paul Keating, they would not draw up media rules to suit any proprietor.
"This was always tendentious nonsense. the driving force behind these mooted changes was to allow Kerry Packers Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd to buy the Fairfax newspapers while maintaining its stake in the Nine television network."
The reason the statement was made was quite simply because Howard had left Murdoch out of "the deal".
Which brings us back to the Keating expose.
It would be laughable to think that the feature in The (Fairfax) Age last week headed "THE DEAL" was based on information just obtained. In the article it is revealed that Keating was paid Au$6 million in a piggery deal by one of Indonesia's wealthiest families, the Soeryadjaya family. Keating, at the time, said that he was selling out to his share of the Browne and Hatton piggery to his partner Constantinidis, when in fact the piggery was being bought by overseas (Indonesian) interests.
The bottom line of the article is that the Indonesian family were, in fact, "buying Keating's influence" when buying the piggery which had debts in region of an estimated Au$15 million. In fact, according to Senator Michael Baume, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia loaned Keating and his Greek partner Au$23 million against security of under Au$1 million - but this is just one of many amazing breaches of regulation that would not apply to average Aussies but were provided to Keating in the piggery case.
What the news has not covered amongst all the extensive reporting is the link between Keating's piggery and the operations subsequent changes of ownership and the impact that it has had on mum and dad piggery operations in Queensland. "Keating's" piggery operations once in Indonesian hands were merged with Danish pork company Danpork which has been responsible, in recent months of putting some 500 small farmers out of business.
What you will notice, if you take the above link, is how the Queensland government (bureaucrats) made some quite remarkable decisions to favour the Danpork operation to the detriment of the mum and dad piggeries in the area.
What we have here is a classic case of payback by Keating using his influence to favour the foreign investors who bailed him out - and this is done to the detriment of hard working Australians who had built up small piggery farms to earn a crust.
One can only wonder why the Murdoch/Packer media left this key development out of their stories hammering Keating, but you can bet one thing for sure and that is that Keating reneged on a deal and has now been dealt with by Packer.
The only question is "What was the deal?" My view is that Keating was working for Packer interests in Indonesia and when things got to hot he dumped the deal. Packback is always sweet for the media barons because it reminds the other politicians that their future is dependent on playing ball their way.
That well known grinning creampuff, Ray Martin, introduced a new, laughable format of unrepresentative current affairs to our television screens last night. Martin made out that he was wanting to get answers to hundreds of questions raised by letter writers.
His introduction was about the only good thing about the programme, "We brought together a bunch of Australians, a diverse bunch to toss around your questions....Pauline Hanson said we are in danger of losing our Australian identity" so we all waited expecting to see mums and dads talking about issues as the camera shifted to the "bunch of Australians".
What a grand disappointment. What we got was a bunch of elite internationalists and well known anti-Hanson personalities. There was Cheryl Kernot, Ita Buttrose, Bryce Courtenay, John Laws, Dick Warburton, Wendy McCarthy (University Chancellor), Gerard Henderson (Political Commentator), and Tan Le (Young Australian of the Year).
Ita Buttrose was the first into the foray: "She is feeding of the fear of change, we are not losing the Australian identity - that is a load of hogwash."
Just a few minutes into the segment Ita Buttrose had already dominated the conversation with her condescending remarks to the "viewer out there".
Dick Warburton, on the Reserve Bank Board, "Then Pauline Hanson comes along and says do you want a 2% loan then I'll give it to you...." well Dick what about the 1.5% loan to the Aborigines... why single out that race!
But perhaps the classic was the statement by Cheryl Kernot who said, and I quote, "There is another issue to, and that is that about 80% of the Hanson voters are men." Her obsession with the sexes continues.
All in all a programme which had about as much to do with Australians as ice caps on the Sunshine Coast.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Good to see the site back up and running again, I was getting a little lost without it!
Geoff Stanley
BTW For those of the Jewish/Australian Review, I live in Hurstville. Print that in your pathetic racist rag!!
Subject: News of the day
Al I have to say is.... ITS GOOD TO GET THE REAL NEWS AGAIN !!!
I was having severe withdrawal pains without my daily fix of information.
Thanks for getting truth back on the net.
regards.. Len Walker
Subject: Back on the air.
I can now access your anotd in Manila, Thursday night. It was reassuring to receive your email during the break. Keep up the good work.
-Kevin Wildash (Manila)
Subject: Welcome Back
Dear Scott,
It's nice to see you back online - I was away for 10 days and thought someone must have taken radical action against you LOL.
Have you considered giving the police the plate number from that tail you picked up, lodge a harassment complaint and see what the response is? Maybe you could use the anti stalking laws as an avenue?
Best Regards as Always,
Anthony Mare
Subject: I agree
Rather silly that a Jewish magazine should do it. Try doing a similar list for the Jewish community, there would be a out rage and rightly so.
What is next? Bar code Tattoos and the enforced wearing of a Southern Cross Star for ON supporters?
Who are the Nazi's now??
Subject: The Australian/Israel Review
The Editor
Dear Sir
As a organisation that claims to represent millions of persecuted Jews I am amazed that you would publish the membership list of a legally constituted Australian political party.
It would appear that the Jewish community are now branding any Australian who dares to exercise his or her democratic rights in questioning our immigration policy a RACIST.
What next......Will you be demanding all One Nation members have serial numbers tattooed on their wrists?
Yours in absolute disgust
Ken Hunter
Subject: "The Gotcha List"
Dear Sir,
I am not intimidated by the list, in fact the list has been a good thing for Australia.
It has proven once and for all that there are racial groups in Australian that have assumed positions of superiority. There could be no other interpretation on this act other than one of inciting racial hatred and bringing about a state of unrest in our Nation. It is going to be very difficult for honest people to ever again take seriously, anything that emanates from this particular section of the Jewish Community.
I truly hope that the peaceful, democratic and decent Jewish people, let it be known in no uncertain terms that this action by their self-proclaimed elites is totally unacceptable and a violation of the basic democratic rights of the Australian people.
Allan W. Doak
A proud Australian One Nation member
Subject: An open Email to Australia/Israel Review
To whom it may concern at Australia/Israel Review,
I feel it only fair to inform you that a copy of this Email has been sent to Mr. Scott Balson, webmaster of the One Nation party, with my permission to publish it in his "Your Say" section, also, I hope it is no problem for you if I similarly submit your reply (if any) to Mr Balson.
I must stress, however, that I have not given Mr Balson permission to include any of my personal details in my submission, and I hope and trust that you will similarly respect my privacy.
The purpose of this Email is to add my voice to those of the many Australians who have expressed grave concerns at what they perceive to be a gross invasion of privacy committed by your magazine.
I refer of course to your recent actions of publishing the names and some personal details of One Nation members in your magazine.
I see from recent public statements from one of your spokesmen, that you do not share these concerns.
In view of the above, and to show your own consistency, can I request that you publish a list of all Liberal Party Parliamentarians who are members of the so-called "Lyons Forum", with, if possible, a brief description of what that organisation stands for.
Also, could I request that you publish a list of all sitting Labor Party Parliamentarians who belong to "The Fabian Society", again supplying (if possible) details of that organisation's beliefs and aims.
I realise it would be a bit silly for me to ask you to publish a list of all Liberal, Labor, and National party members who are Jewish, I fully appreciate that you would see this as a gross invasion of their privacy (in addition, of course, to being of no possible interest to anybody at all).
However, I WOULD like you to provide a complete list of all sitting Parliamentarians, as well as all candidates in the up-coming Federal Elections, who are Jewish.
I feel it would be advantageous for voters to know beforehand, just where our potential politicians are "coming from", as it were, since many of us who do not share the beliefs of the Jewish faith may feel that a Jewish MP would be unsuitable.
For example, I would assume that many Australian voters of Moslem or Christian or indeed Palestinian background, could possibly feel that any such candidate may be unable or unwilling to adequately represent his or her interests in our Parliament.
Finally, I would like to assure you that I believe strongly that, as loyal Australians, members of our Jewish community have every right to express valid criticisms of One Nation policy.
However, having said that, I'd implore you to keep in mind that many good Australians who are One Nation supporters, have fathers and grandfathers who gave their lives fighting the NAZI scourge in order that you and I could live in such a pleasant and democratic society such as is present-day Australia. I imagine that many of these good people would be most upset at being compared to NAZIs or fascists, as quite a few One Nation detractors are prone to do.
Therefore, it is my opinion that it would be "nice" if you could confine your statements to criticisms of One Nation policy, rather than personal vilification of the type that we've all too often seen.
I eagerly await your reply.
PS, Mr Balson, if you decide to include this Email on your web page, I request that you do not publish my name or Email address.
Thank you.
Name Withheld
Subject: Who will spring the trap of Leiblers List?
All things seem to be going to plan. The list was printed, the public are outraged and amid the torrent of accusations that are being hurled at the AI Review, specific details from specific people are no doubt being carefully taken.
Will it be YOU that springs the trap of Leiblers List?
The One Nation bandwagon rolls on, and particular interests are finding themselves threatened. Amongst the public outrage there has wrongly been condemnation of Jews from many directions, but only the condemnations of some are going to be remembered. These chosen few will consist mainly of One Nation members (particularly those on the printed list and in party positions) and no doubt an assortment of targeted miscellaneous individuals.
Their wrongful condemnation of Jews will provide the ammunition to not only justify the printing of Leiblers List, but will justify their printing of the other 6000 alleged names. Regardless of the bastardry shown in printing the first list, the AIR will say "look over there, One Nation members are calling for the deportation of Jews"........ (or some other appropriately juicy comment made in the heat of the moment )......"We told you they were Nazis". And the media circus will lap it up!
It will only take the reckless comments of a few for the media to demonise One Nation as a whole for the comments of anti-semitism. The commercial media will make sure the public never forget.
So when we rightly criticise the AIR for their despicable actions, let us be careful how we vent our spleen. Hit these bastards where it hurts, in the courts and in their wallets, not in the public arena with emotion.
You may ask why I would think such bizarre thoughts......well if I were an immoral soul and had a political agenda that excluded One Nation from existing, and if I were running the AIR, I would not do exactly what they have done, but it would be very very close to the mark.
So let us tread carefully lest YOU be the one to spring the trap of Leiblers List.
Scott Steel
Subject: Political Censorship?
I am writing to express my dismay at your in-flight censorship of Channel 9 coverage of Pauline Hanson and the One Nation political party. This is not what I expect in an airline. Certainly the public -- your customers -- has the right to decide for itself what to think on political matters? It is hardly up to airlines to decide what kind of political views are acceptable to be covered by the news and which are not.
I am a frequent intercontinental traveller. I will not travel on an airline that would treat me in such a patronising manner. Once Qantas decides to focus on what it should be doing -- providing a safe and comfortable travel for its customers -- I will choose airlines threat their customers with more respect.
Paul Shetler
Subject: Racism
The essence of racism is the universal proposition "All (identified class members) are bad"-- refutable by the contrary "Some (such members) are not bad". It is laughable to entertain the syllogism "All Hansonites are racists; there are 400,000 Queensland Hansonites, therefore 400,000 Queenslanders are racist and bad."
The promoters of the patently invalid attack on One Nation are obviously the beneficiaries of its possible success--opposing political parties (all of them) and media interests--whose spin doctors anticipate and respond to any change which indicates that the peasants might be getting out of established control.
What has now become clear is that the incumbent parties' hatred of losing their statistical vote-share is a far more passionate hatred than that ascribed to the monopoly on racism which they impute to the Hansonites.
I am reminded of the equally serious Reformation contest between the Church of England and that of Rome, during which a temporary failure in the quality of England's soap was ascribed to "Popish" retaliation!
It is a damning indictment of our political institutions that the Australian compulsory preferential electoral system (designed to heavily favour major-party incumbents) is able to be further corrupted by systematic disinformation and overt preference-vote manipulation in order to produce a result acceptable to persons who are interested in particular outcomes, justice not being one of them.
I have no interest in promoting one party or another. I merely despair that reason cannot avail against the stultifying vested interests which constantly--and so successfully--pervert our "democracy".
Brian Jenkins
Subject: Am I a racist?
I would prefer Australia to maintain a recognisably Anglo culture, but I don't have a problem with migrants per se or people of other races. For example, I thought that the young Vietnamese-Australian girl who won the "Young Australian of the Year Award" was a shining example of what it means to be truly Australian. And I believe that some Asian groups 'assimilate' better than some European groups. However, I don't believe we need an overt policy of multiculturalism, or that migrant pressure/lobby groups have any place in our society. We will never go back to the 50's: too many Aussies like ethnic food too much, and in any case, I would guess that Aussie culture is destined to be just a sub-culture of a pan-Western culture anyway. The reality is that we are already a pluralistic society tolerant of differences in how people live and I believe that 'multiculturalism' is more divisive and more inflammatory than anything else. So far as 'diversity' being a resource, you only need to look at Japan, one of the most monocultural societies on earth to show the falsity of this notion. In any case, cultures are just a human 'invention' anyway and thus subject to the same criticisms as any other human ideas, and we tend to filter foreign cultures through our own values ( e.g. we don't condone the attitude of some cultures towards women and practices such as clitoridectomy ). My preference would be for migration levels to be tied to unemployment levels and also tied to our ability to successfully deal with our environmental problems.
That's about it: so am I a racist?
Ian Gray
The only racism being practised in Australia is by politicians of all persuasions and it is being directed at all cultures. There are no families of any race that haven't been torn asunder by our political boys and girls.
In related writings I have shown how the misappropriation
of taxpayer monies, over many years, has destroyed the fabric of Australian
society. Australia isn't a patch of what it used to be - let me take you
back to the future:
In 1945, Ben Chifley, shocked and compassioned by what he saw was being done
to families during the great depression, introduced his Commonwealth Home
Loan Scheme (CHLS). By 1954, 48 per cent of families owned their home outright.
The significance of this policy should be etched in our memory if we are
to begin fighting the racists in Canberra who would destroy us totally.
In 1950, Robert Menzies, by a cheap trick, won Office over Chifley and in 1954 proceeded to dismantle the CHLS. The enormity of this first post-war injustice to families must be driven home to people, because it was the end of Australia being the 'Lucky Country'.
It should be pointed out here that if the CHLS had been allowed to continue, every family in Australia who wanted one, would have owned their home by 1960.
Apologists for our racist political parties (In the main, all journalists and whores) will offer many arguments against this truth but none should be believed.
The plain truth is that all party politicians since Bob Menzies have eagerly partaken of the fruits of office while presiding over the destruction of nigh on one million families, regardless of culture or race.
Some further points:
In spite of the fact that in 1997-98, Australia earned a total net revenue
of $144.2 billion our corrupt politicians still had to sell off Telstra and
the Commonwealth bank to pay off foreign debt and make ends meet. (In 1950,
Ben Chifley wanted to nationalise the banking system!) Due to the anti-family
policies of our mentally sick politicians, many thousands of disaffected
fathers are preying on young people in politically correct brothels. These
young prostitutes (of all races) are being fed heroin and are dying at a
rate of six per day.
Instead of fathers being at home protecting their offspring they are in brothels bonking each others children.
Pauline Hanson might not have all the answers but she is a breath of fresh air when it comes to a choice between her and our racist politicians.
If every family had their own home we would have no foreign debt to pay off and our welfare bill would be negligible.
In conclusion, if we are to rescue ourselves from our racist politicians, we must go back to the future and reinstate the CHLS (Commonwealth Home Loan Scheme).
We might also reduce our country's highest ever crime rate - although perhaps, not our political crime.
Tony Lee - social mechanic.
Subject: Where in the World is Barbara Hazelton?
Dear Sir,
Just like the computer game spy Carmen Sandiego, Barbara mysteriously disappears from Australia on the eve of the publication of "The List" and then even more mysteriously turns up on the set of the "Today" programme (which just happens to be broadcasting from Hong Kong this week) to perform yet another dump on One Nation. Coincidence ? I think not.
Allan W. Doak
Subject: Coles Myer
Letters to the Editor
EMERALD - (Tuesday, July 7, 1998) - A recent Victorian Supreme Court decision following the appeal of Coles Myer Limited could see State and Federal taxation authorities across Australia forced to refund millions of dollars to public companies involved in share buyback transactions.
Basically, the decision found that there was no transfer of rights that attract stamp duty but rather an extinguishment of the rights of those shares. It is expected that there will be an increased interest in buybacks.
The decision should be of great concern to small business and the pay as you earn tax payers because any erosion of the anticipated tax collection will result in the governments finding other ways to raise the taxation. Yours,
V. (Vic.) B. Cominos
Subject: The discredited Sixty Minute Survey
I just recently started looking for some information about Pauline Hanson and came across your pages. Looks like we all have the same problem of getting any honest news from the major media.
A little item you might find interesting. I typed in the address shown in your screen capture of the Sixty Minutes page showing the survey to see what was available there now. The story was there, but the voting results weren't available. I accessed the page a few more times over the next few hours. Some how, mysteriously, that page became unavailable. However, the pages 17028.asp and 17030.asp are still available.
Danny Murphy
near Houston, Texas
Subject: Offensive cartoon in 'Australian', 2/7/1998 Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish to vigorously protest at the cartoon which appeared in the 'Australian' newspaper of 2nd July, 1998. The obvious implication of this cartoon was that One Nation Party supporters are illiterate fools. I take grave offence at this.
One Nation Party is a legitimate political organisation of similar if not comparable standing to the Australian Labour Party or the Liberal Party. Doubtless, your paper would not consider publishing a cartoon characterising supporters of those parties as uneducated imbeciles. Meanwhile, I shall urge my friends, associates and colleagues _NOT_ to purchase your newspaper or any items/journals/magazines/brochures associated directly or indirectly with it.
Furthermore, I shall urge them to inform _their_ friends, associates and colleagues _NOT_ to purchase your newspaper and/or submit any advertising/classified advertising material to it. cheers!
Subject: Mailing List
Well done, at last somebody with enough guts and honesty to state the truth and the general feeling of the overwhelming silent majority. Keep the ground swell moving, and never lose the simple focus of being a normal every day Australian.
Please include me on the electronic newsletter, and also please advise the e-mail/postal address of the Party Organisation in Western Australia.
If there is anything that we can do in W.A. please let us know.
Wayne Jenkins JP.
Subject: suggestion
Dear Sir
There is ample evidence to suggest that One Nation has captured many votes in rural Queensland. This may include many local urban areas where dissatisfaction is emotionally apparent with the manner Australia is being governed. What I am about to suggest is a procedural policy that may capture many urban and rural votes in Western Australia. In no way do I wish to consider myself above your knowledge and political strategies, however, I am one of many faceless who are listening to One Nation. Should your mandate include legislative changes to the Criminal Code and Immigration Law that includes cultivation and distribution of prohibited substances to the list of serious crimes then an avenue may be opened for deportation of any immigrant, (Anglican to Asian) and their respective families, to their country of birth should they be convicted of a crime under the serious crimes schedule. Such a consequence would instil fear that present punishment cannot maintain. It would lessen imprisonment costs, reduce the care costs to the taxpayer and give hope to those who cannot protect themselves. In Western Australia crime exceeds all other States. We have the highest divorce rate, the highest road death rate, the highest workplace injury and death rate and the highest vehicle theft rate. Presently assorted media is associated with recent elderly bashings. If One Nation continued with its battle cry of Australia First and demonstrated a clear mandate to law and order you would capture many votes that are swinging in this state. We boast of sophistication, however, the truth is we are divorced geographically from our Nations vote. In many cases election results are announced before our votes are even counted. Twenty thousand voters marched in Perth when a 200 previous conviction Aboriginal killed a pregnant woman and her young son in a car chase. Four thousand elderly marched last weekend to protest at elderly bashings. I hope your local candidates are keeping you aware of changes in culture in Western Australia. Forget targeting judges for weak sentencing; change the legislation so they can act. There are three distinct occupations that are subject to Aboriginal funding abuse on a daily basis, teachers, nurses and the police. You could get their vote.
Take care.
Tony Thatcher
Dear Sir
We would like to see One Nation introduce a Private members Bill into Queensland State Parliament which outlaws the distribution of false, misleading or ambiguous how to vote instructions. We believe that this practice amounts to the same class of deception as vote rigging, double voting and stand over threats of the supposed consequences of voting for a particular candidate. In a country where voting is compulsory it is inappropriate to allow this practice to continue.
With regards to Laurie Breretons' comment about members of One Nation deserving to be exposed because of his inaccurate view of the polices of One Nation. Our comment is that, "Mr. Brereton has always shown himself to be bereft of enough intelligence to offer an opinion about anything. The man sold his sole to the Keating principles years ago and would be better suited to retire and raise mushrooms in Launceston, or Sydney or anywhere !", (His and Keatings', Mushroom Policy.( "Keep em in the dark and feed them manure".) In fact the grain of salt is better without him.
Yours sincerely,
Rob Williams
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.