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October 1995
One Nation is escalating its campaign to defeat the National Party Leader, Mr Fischer, in his own seat of Farrer as evidence mounts that his local vote is collapsing.
This week the One Nation candidate running against Mr Fischer in Farrer won the critical support of the local Shooters Party. On Wednesday night, key officials from the Shooters Party in Albury, the main city in Mr Fischer's electorate, unanimously endorsed One Nation's policy on gun ownership and will now play a leading role in campaigning against Mr Fischer.
A senior Shooters Party official in Albury is also a campaign manager for One Nation's candidate in Farrer, Mr Don McKinnon.
The speed with which Mr Fischer is losing support to One Nation has stunned both parties. Evidence that Mr Fischer's political base is crumbling includes:
Former local National Party officials in Farrer establishing One Nation branches and recruiting National Party members.
Former National Party campaign workers in towns such as Deniliquin and Mildura now working as local campaign managers for One Nation.
Recent polling by the local newspaper, The Albury Border Mail, indicating that Mr Fischer's primary vote has crashed from 66 per cent at the last election to around 33 per cent, with One Nation's vote surging to 24 per cent.
Financial and logistical support flowing into One Nation in Farrer, including one local gun lobbyist providing Mr McKinnon with a plane to use for the election campaign.
On the current polling figures, Mr Fischer would be forced to rely on preferences to hold his seat. Although his office has been dismissive of the polls, the Nationals' leader has recently devoted considerable energy to his electorate.
Mr Fischer's One Nation rival is a former loyal National Party supporter of many years' standing and the mayor of the town of Wentworth. Mr McKinnon says the gun issue is not the major reason why he and other Nationals turned against Mr Fischer, "but it was the straw that broke the camel's back". "We lost our banks, our doctors, everything was downsized," he says.
When Mr McKinnon began going to local One Nation meetings he recognised many familiar faces. "They were all ex-National Party people."
One Nation's convener in Mildura, Mr Peter Whitfield, is a former National Party branch official but has now recruited more than 160 members to a new One Nation branch. His current allies include other former National Party local officials.
Ms Pauline Hanson's senior adviser, Mr David Oldfield, is not surprised by the upsurge in One Nation support in Farrer, an electorate Ms Hanson has already visited and will return to. Other National Party seats in NSW, especially on the North Coast, have also experienced a boost in One Nation support since the Queensland election.
Mr Oldfield said One Nation has not yet decided whether to direct preferences to Mr Fischer or to Labor.
Subject: Petition by email
Dear Prime Minister,
I am a current and financial member of the Liberal Party. I am also a key seat strategist and have been involved in the preference issue since well before the Queensland election. I have listened to many arguements and opinions on the issue of the Liberal Party's preference position with regard to One Nation. As any political strategist could tell you, a preference decision is best made close to an election.
The position you have forced through the various party executives to put One Nation last is ridiculous and weak. Ridiculous in that it has been made so far out from the Federal and state elections. Ridiculous because for every so called "liberal" that will be appeased by such a decision, there's atleast one that will be riled. Ridiculous state wise due to optional preferential voting systems. Weak because it's pandering to the very political forces within the Liberal Party that trained and promoted David Oldfield and have wrenched the party into the center of politics and so far from it's original principles as laid down by your hero Menzies. The reason we now have a new political force representing the right or conservative side of politics. Our old domain.
Prime Minister, I listened to many "moderate" or leftist liberals arogantly threaten that if the party didn't put One Nation last they'd refuse to help in the campaign or even contemplate resigning from the party altogether.
Sir, if we do put One Nation last I promise you I'll be involved in the campaign. One Nation's!
E (Name withheld)
Subject: assimilation means:
A demand that migrants forget their various heritages is not assimilation, it is stupidity. Perhaps I can best illustrate what assimilation means by using the example of one of my sisters-in-law. She is proud of her Hungarian ancestry. Her home is festooned with Hungarian flags, tapestries and embroideries. She cooks a mean goulash and scrumptious pastries. Her children are bi-lingual. But she is fiercely proud to regard herself as an Australian first and foremost. Not a Hungaro-Australian, but simply an Australian. She says migrants can be as ethnic as they like - on the weekends. At work and at school they should speak English and join in Australian civic life.
In this light, assimilation means keeping the best of the migrants' cultural heritages - the cuisine, the music and dance - but accepting the legal and political systems of Australia. With the policy of assimilation - a two-way process - everybody benefits. Why do people vie to come to Australia? Because it is a land of freedom and opportunity. That's our culture and we're sticking to it. The whole and simple reason for Pauline Hanson's popularity is because she is a patriot and stands up for the Australian way of life.
Multiculturalism is different. Though its architect never intended it to be so, the policy has come to be understood to mean all cultures are to be given equal status in Australia. Not so. The Australian culture - its language, laws and customs - is domimant and I make no apology for using the word. A big part of that Australian culture is tolerance, traditionally expressed as a 'fair go'. As Paul Sheehan wrote, it's only under that big umbrella of tolerance in the dominant Australian culture that 'multiculturalism' can flourish. Take away that umbrella and we would revert to ethnic tribes.
Multiculturalism is bringing about this dangerous state. Why else did the Chinese community unite to fight Hanson? The Australian culture she champions is the very one that has provided them with the opportunity to do well!
It's time to kill off the ugly m-word which has only created division. Apart from being a more euphonious word, assimilation as a policy makes it clearer for migrants to understand what their rights and responsibilities are. Surely a Good Thing.
Subject: Suggestion for Scott
Briefly Scott..
congratulations we're proud of you. I have begun to print out all these reports and have established a growing network of interested supporters who are passing on the printed copies to those who can't access the www. You may consider telling fellow supporters to do the same if there's no legal problems with that.
Darryl Hetherington
For the record the anotd may be printed, copied and distributed freely by One Nation supporters.
Subject: Germ Greer
Dear Sir,
Why would Germaine Greer give a stuff ?
Australia is not even a good enough place for her to live in.
She would be better served concentrating on doing the things that she does best, only nobody has ever known what they are.
Allan W. Doak
Subject: 60 minutes
Scott. It rather pains me to have to ask this question but since we have been given such a hard time by 60 minutes in the past and it was my understanding that we were going to have nothing more to do with them why were we so stupid as to front up again? You know what is going to happen so why do it? I get angry when I see the party maligned in the media and I expect people like David Oldfield to only deal with media that will make some effort at fair play in panel discussions. How many times do you have to be kicked by a mule before you learn not to stand near it?
Please do not take offence at this letter because I like what you write and appreciate the effort you make for the party. I'm just a bit irritated by our apparent inability to learn from experience.
Cheers, Hayden.
Subject: Thanks
I am just writing to you Scott ( the silent achiever) to commend you . for you efforts you must be a special Australian committed to free speech and equality ! common plain old fashioned horse sence . !. Hard work must be rewarded, you deserved to be told brother and all of us in the mining industry are rooting for you/us. ! please continue you have no idea how much your name is appreciated :) , for the sake of our nation. LOVE the worker !
Subject: keep up the good work
keep up the good work bringing the truth out it is a pleasure to see what is happening and we just hope that the truth can overcome all the hostility and bias shown by the general media.
Bill Edwards
Subject: undemocratic elections
The actions of the established political parties are those of very frightened people when they stoop to such undignified acts such as placing the One Nation candidates last on the lists.
What have they/you done that you must hide from those who at last are trying to speak out with honesty against those who are attempting tyranny by stealth. Peter Reith is an everlasting example of such deception on a grand scale. What are you doing?
Max E Webb
Subject: Leave the garbage on the dump
Hello Scott,
I agree with Victor J. Bridger the garbage should be left on the dump.We know there are a lot of sick people with warped minds but I for one am not interested in their garbage, so please don't encourage them.
Alan Esson.
Subject: One nation, another reason for the upsurge.
One Nation, the Upsurge Another reason for the upsurge in One Nation, constantly overlooked by many within the Government and Media are the Social and Cultural factors pertaining to Anglo Saxons.
Most imported cultures would strongly resist any watering down of their own cultures, (ably assisted by Government) but totally ignore Anglo Saxon Australians the right to question the preservation of their own traditions and cultures.
When authorities get together in their political correct think tanks and pass regulations in our schools preventing traditional Christian values being taught, all on the premise that this would offend children from other religious backgrounds, they are in fact undermining and denying Australians pracising traditional Western cultures long established in Australia.
Would the same authorities dare to tell children from an Islamic background that they should not wear veils over their heads, or alter their traditional teaching methods because it is a sign of a different religion that it may offend Christians? What about Western Culture and Sacred Things? are they not of equal importance?
(Quote) Emile Durkheim, one of the fathers of sociology believed that individuals are products of complex social forces and cannot be considered outside the context of the society in which they live.
Durkheim believed Sacred things are those objects and symbols, including principles and beliefs, that these things must be preserved from violation because they represent all that is of most value to the community.
All cultures hold something sacred. In secular Western societies, the sacred might be embodied in certain principles, such as individual rights, freedom, justice or equality. In Durkheims view, therefore, religion is not a matter of claims about the universe that are either true or false, but is the normal way that a society constructs and maintains its cherished tradition and moral values.(end of quote)
Governments and the media are never heard to express any desire to preserve the cultures of traditional Anglo Saxon Australians as they so desperately seek to promote Multiculturalism and the destruction of the Anglo Saxon Culture.
Most One nation Supporters are not the radical deranged people the Government and the media would have the public believe, but are mostly made up of a distinct society and culture rising in anger at being denied their equal rights in the law as well as culturally.
Subject: Re stephen martin
>Dear Dickhead
>I have lived in Australia for the past 25 year.
Is suppose I should
>point out that the colour of my skin is white
>and my parents are both Anglo-Australians.
>I am travelling to a country called Kazakhstan
(you probably don't know
>where that is) to work in a 5 star hotel.
>I will not miss Australia. You and the people you
support have made this
>the most racially divided country I have
>ever had the misfortune to witness.
>Get fu***d
>Stephen Martin
What is this idiot talking about? I have been doing business with companies in the region he mentions for the past five years and to the best of my knowledge, there is no 5 star hotel there. I suggest that stephen martin is doing to himself or having done to him, exactly what he sugests you do. Will the real stephen martin please stand up so we can all see what an idiot really looks like?
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.