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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Pauline Hanson, on releasing the 2%EasyTax, made it quite clear that the document was a discussion paper - one that offered true tax reform and one which would see that the multinationals paid their fair share of tax.
Yesterday that comment was lost in the lies and distortions that we have come so used to seeing in News Limited 's Courier Mail with the headline "Hanson ready to axe flat tax plan".... based on the following comment at a country fair yesterday: "I don't have the researchers, I don't have, you know, the Treasury there behind me, and I'm saying here take it, let's have a look at it."
Those comments are reported as "the apparent backdown..." and the reason for the headline.
What would voters rather have? Just two options presented by Laboral factions - which are set in concrete? Or a third which will be tabled and be adapted to see:
Behind the faces and beliefs of many journalists lie hidden agendas which have nothing to do with ethical or balanced reporting. One of the most striking examples of this X-Factor is The Courier Mail's "Bottom Line" editor Dennis Atkins.
You see Atkins is a true blue Labor troglodyte. Before working at The Courier Mail he was ex-Labor Party Premier Wayne Goss' media adviser. Like many Labor staff affected by Labor's loss of government in the mid-1990s he simply walked into a job being kept warm for him at News Limited.
This is the real story that the media will not cover. The real bonds and outright conflict of interest that runs rampant through the lines that you read in the paper. This is why objectivity has gone out of honest reporting and why One Nation has to be put down like some diseased political animal that could infect the major's - which in turn could have negative repercussions on the privileged status of the media barons and their financial empires.
Why the shot at Atkins? Well in today's Courier Mail under the headline "Easy come, easy go as hanson flattened" he writes: "The One Nation vote has suffered from the antics of Queensland parliamentary leader Bill Feldman and his ill-disciplined and eccentric colleagues. For a party elected on a vote of economic hardship, the One Nationites in the Queensland Parliament could not be more out of touch with their electoral base, spending their time talking about conspiracy theorise and other loopy fringe matters."
Do you notice how the implication is that all One Nation MPs fall into a new derogatory category somehow exclusively their domain while the Labor and Liberal Party MPs are somehow perfect - despite charges against at least one of child sex abuse, the scandalous cover up of Shreddergate - which implicates five current Labor MPs and a range of other sins which are shelved away and hidden in dusty newspaper archives for as long as it suits the media barons.
Below is the final email received by me in the saga of the "Story that never was". anotd readers will recall that Sunday Mail reporter Chris Griffith contacted me over an Anglican Church article in their "Focus" magazine that intimated that I was publishing racist posts on the Internet.
Turned out it was an Asian in Melbourne spamming the One Nation email address. The twist that an Asian was causing racial division by sending racist email under someone else's name in an obvious attempt to credit them did not fit into News Limited's tight focus on discrediting One Nation so the story was shelved by the paper's Chiefs of Staffs... a bunch of unethical misfits - and that's the generosity of my heart being kind to them.
Subject: Re: Did I lose interest?
Thanks Scott,
As you can see it didn't run, but I'm sure that was because the paper was pretty saturated with political news & maybe it didn't rate as that dramatic a story anyway. Whatever I'm sure there was no conspiracy about it all.
Thanks for your email.
Chris Griffith.
For the record The Sunday Mail did manage to get me name and that of my company negatively associated with the "Port Arthur Conspiracy Theory" because subscription to the anotd allows access to The Strategy - a paper with buckets more credibility than News Limited - The Strategy has reported on differing views on what was behind the changes to gun laws following the tragedy.
One of the most telling facts revealing how sick the current political system is is child abuse - right here in Australia. Yesterday I spent some considerable time speaking to Shane Nicholls founder of "Care for us".
Care for us was set up by Nicholls after he suffered for years at the hands of the Department of Community Services (DOCS). Nicholls claims he was proclaimed mentally deficient by DOCS in an effort to keep him quiet about the abuse that he faced for 22 years.
Amongst his claims are:
Here is some correspondence received by email from Nicholls yesterday. Please contact Nicholls and see how you can help. I especially appeal to the reporters who follow this page to investigate objectively some of the claims that Nicholls makes.
Care For Us
P O Box 80 Canterbury NSW 2193
Phone: +61 2 9716 4552
Fax: +61 2 9716 9191
Pager: +61 2 9963 3257
Contact: Shane Nicholls
Phone: (02) 9716 4552
Care For Us Calling for an Inquiry into Department of Community Services (DOCS)
Sydney-Care For Us Founder, Shane Nicholls is formally calling today for a Royal Commission Inquiry into the Department of Community Services. Mr Nicholls stated that the Department has not made any significant changes to its organisation, operations, or culture in the last 4 months, despite the removal of Ron Dyer as Minister, the removal of two directors, or the removal of Ashfield senior staff. "You can't go forward with improvements with the unresolved past hanging over you." said Shane Nicholls.
Care For Us has embarked on a campaign to get a Royal Commission into the Department through paid advertisements on Radio 2GB to be followed by other radio stations. The first ad calling for anyone who has been or knows someone who has been harmed by DOCS to contact Care For US. "With these new cases coming forward and the 800 already with Care For Us, we are calling on the Government to do the right thing by the public of NSW and get this Inquiry started." Mr Nicholls stated.
At the last meeting held on the 20 of August 98, members of Care For Us resolved that the Department must be held accountable." said Mr Nicholls. "I also note that Kim Beasley nor John Howard have mentioned anything in their election statements about the protection of children from abuse. Why is that?"
Care for Us has had a major influence on the NSW child protection services. We uncovered story after story that demonstrated the total incompetence of the Department of Community Services and its senior management.
We were rewarded for this effort by the sacking of Ron Dyer by Premier Carr. The New Minister Faye Lo Po was also forced to cast adrift her Director General, Helen Bauer and to appoint Carmel Niland to take on the task of pulling this monstrous organisation into shape.
Carmel Niland met with Care for Us and has removed a number of senior officers in the Ashfield office that Care for Us identified as not having the best interest of children as their top priority.
Finally, Care for Us has registered as a political party in NSW and intends to run candidates in the Legislative Council.
Care for Us while pleased to see some changes taking place in the Department of Community Services is far from convinced that either the Government or the Opposition really understands the concerns of the Community about the the way how children are protected from abuse by the Department of Community Services.
The Government while spending billions on the Olympic Games has thrown only coins to the Department of Community Services. There has not been a reappraisal of staff numbers in light of the continuing increase in notifications of child abuse and the unremitting increase in deaths of children known to the Department. Education and the provision of supervision and support to frontline staff although promised is still waiting to happen.
The Opposition while supporting the criticisms of the Department made by Care for Us still has not produced a policy document which would outline their approach to reforming DOCS and in particular have not given any commitment to how much it is prepared to spend to ensure that cases of child abuse will be professionally assessed and that intervention will actually protect the child.
Neither party has said a word about the most effective approach to protecting children: Prevention. There are examples of major inroads being made into reducing the incidence of child abuse in the USA as a result of home visiting programs. These programs have shown that a weekly visit to families starting in the middle of a woman's pregnancy and continuing through to the child's second birthday have dramatically reduced child abuse.
Care for Us will continue to advocate for a child protection service that not only provides quality services when children have been identified as being the victims of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, but in addition addresses the most important area of providing services which will prevent child abuse.
Care for Us needs your help if it is to achieve its aims of protecting children.
Care for Us wants your help and involvement in this most needed cause. You
can help by:
· Contacting Care for Us with examples of cases where inadequate
and incompetent work by DOCS has lead to children and their families not
receiving the help and support that was needed.
· By joining Care for Us as a member and contributing to the
cause of protecting children.
· By writing to your State and Federal Government Member of Parliament
demanding that they address the need to adequately resource the services
which are required to ensure that all children have the chance to reach their
full potential free of the risk of physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
Follow this link for CARE letters on this subject
Paul Gill who leaked out information to Labor members on how to hack the Liberal Party web pages sent me the following explanation on how he did it yesterday. Gill is one very unhappy vegemite and after reading what he has to say below it should be of no surprise that he became the focus of a concerted media slur - when those reporting did not understand that the Liberal party web master was as much, if not more, to blame than Gill - according to this report on what happened.
A member of the ALP (out of his own curiosity) printed out the source code to the Liberal site. - nothing wrong with doing that, is there? He then noted that the 'candidate's details' section was without site security. It was a webform in cgi - whatever that means - I am not entirely clear. But it meant that candidates (or anyone) could go to the site and enter the details and hit the 'submit' button at the bottom of the page, and the candidate's details would then be updated - not hacking, not anything to do with passwords or anything like that.
The abovementioned ALP member mentioned his discoveries in a conversation with me. I sent the information to some friends. The letter became a chain-letter, as email often does. Somewhere in the third or fourth generation of the letter, it was received by someone at the ANU who amended the Liberal pages from an ANU computer lab.
I then received an email informing me of who did the amendments. I do not know if the statement as to who did it is true or not. But the person named is not a member of any political organisation, not even within the university, and is someone I have never met.
There was no hacking from the ALP or from Mr Beazley's office. What did happen in Beazley's office was that I sent an email to some of my friends saying basically "doesn't this show how dumb the Liberals are?"
There is no police investigation - I have tried to contact them to give a statement for the last three days and keep being told "no, there is no investigation". Despite there being no investigation, I have made an official statement to the police outlining what I know about the incident, and they have been at pains to tell me there is no action pending. The action of me in sending the email to my friends was not illegal, or even malicious. It was the kind of email we all send to our friends when we find something interesting we know our friends would be interested in. I did not incite anyone to do anything, I merely highlighted a weakness in the system.
I was dismissed because my actions were deemed unsuitable. I was not a long time staffer for Beazley as has been alleged, but have been working for his office in a temporary basis for two months as a researcher. The other person 'dismissed' was not a paid member of staff, but a volunteer worker in a campaign office. He was the lad who told me of the Liberal website weakness in the first place. So he did not do anything wrong or illegal.
Paul Gill (ex ALP staffer in Beazley's office)
Quote from article below: Indian banker told me with utter certainty that newly unified conglomerates of banks "will be the new countries, the new tribes that will run the world."
Georgie Anne Geyer is a nationally syndicated
Washington Times 6th September 1998
At the annual World Economic Forum in Switzerland last winter, where it was said that half the gross national product of the world was represented, an exchange took place that explains what is really behind the collapse in Russia.
At the final session, some of the world's leading globalizers - men and women who perfervidly believe that the new "one world" of the globalized economy and the Internet will make all men brothers -- were making their points when a man in the audience interrupted them. "My gut feeling is that things will get worse than they were before the Internet", he said. "Geography acts as a buffer and protects us from other cultures. Now we can more easily recognize how different we really are."
Then he added the infuriating blow: "I have a feeling that some of you are very naive," he said.
The six globalizers on the stage could not have been more aggravated had someone called them socialist central planners. "Guilty as charged!" one cried out, then railed against such despicable cynicism. Then Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft Corp.'s futurist guru, gave the usual mantra that the Internet is "putting people in touch with other people" and that "technology makes us free from the old constraints of the tyranny of geography."
As Russia has choked and veered into collapse, we are seeing the collapse of many utopian ideas of the celebrity globalizer's who have dominated so much recent thinking. It was their innocence that doomed Russia, because it caused them to apply financial, political and cultural policies to Russia, and to many other countries, that were wildly inappropriate and counterproductive.
The globalizers - in their powerful aeries in the international lending organizations, in the Clinton White House, and in important forums pretended that Indonesia was (like everybody else in their idealized new world) free market and democratic. In truth, it was crony capitalism and autocratic kleptocracy.
The globalizers pretended Russia was an emerging market, of an imperfect but ultimately workable democracy, and a prospective partner of a "Eurasian" Western world. In truth, Russia was an autocratic, inept state whose economy was being tooted by a handful of semi-criminal oligarchs. These kinds of "mistakes" in judgment and analysis have real consequences, and deadly outcomes often flow from their errors.
It is no accident, for instance, that the World Bank, filled with globalizing economists, failed utterly to anticipate the crisis in Indonesia, the harbinger of all the other crises. Nor was it an accident that the "omniscient" World Economic Forum, with half the wealth of the world represented there in 1997, failed to say one word about the Asian financial crisis that within months would sweep the world - or that this year I, at least, heard not a worried word about a Russian collapse. Instead, "the tyrant of territoriality is a thing of the past," one American economist there assured me, while an Indian banker told me with utter certainty that newly unified conglomerates of banks "will be the new countries, the new tribes that will run the world."
Underlying this globalized utopian vision of society is the ultimate arrogance, which is that "they're all just like us" (although, have you noticed, we're not just like them).
The fact is we're not all alike at all, and we are not interchangeable tools in the financial arsenal of the globalizers. There is something called "culture," which is the accumulated experience, memory and habits of every people, and it will affect how human beings and groups develop far more than the dreams of the globalizers.
After communism collapsed and the Soviet Union itself died in 1991, an intelligent American policy toward the "new Russia" would have been a modest one of realizing that, as the poet Pablo Neruda put it, "everything that is buried is not dead."
Had we operated under the realistic analysis that Russia remained a cultural universe with its own exigencies, we would have realized that we could - and should - only attempt to "help" around the peripheries, training Russian students in democratic principles, and making financial aid and investment available when they decided they could make use of it. We should hove been harshly realistic with them, and not pumped in the moneys that eventually helped destroy them and turn the Russian people against us.
Instead, there prevailed the all-or-nothing globalizer option - "you can develop overnight because this is a magical new world of international investment and communication" - and Russia was pushed far beyond its capabilities.
And so, instead of the banks becoming the new "countries" and the new "tribes," it is the banks that are collapsing first. instead of geographic territoriality being the "tyrant," it is chaos and anarchy that are the new tyrants.
Today, we see everywhere peoples and countries opting out of the globalized illusion, as they begin to tally the costs of such deception.
Subject: B'nai B'rith
The Bnai Brith Anti-Defamation Commission is a good example of propaganda disguised as a service to the community. Their "Submission to the Internet Industry Association For Consideration for Inclusion into the Internet Industry Associations Code of Practice" (mentioned yesterday in your news) is a complete joke.
First, let me save the Bnai Brith Anti-Defamation Commission time and money. if you censor Internet content in Australia, people will publishing it anonymously in another jurisdictions and they will get more of a following because of the publicity. You just cannot censor the Internet.
The Bnai Brith Anti-Defamation Commission is a censor parading as a do-gooder. They are trying to build a power base so as to be able to censor the people who do not share their ideas and beliefs. Their totalitarian approach to free-speech is worthy of Nazi Germany. They want the "IIA to publish a six monthly review of complaints received and action taken under the Code, which should be sent to relevant public interest groups." This way, they can continue updating the Liebler lists.
They accuse some groups of being "pseudo-religious" because they raise the question of a "Jewish conspiracy to extend control over the world for the Jews." Is it really unreasonable to examine, analyse and even challenge the disproportionate power that 0.5% of the population has? Is it racism or criticism? Is it racism or politics?
What makes Bnai Brith, self-appointed moral guardians of this world, more suitable to police racism on the Net? Is it the fact that there are an insulated organisation who do not grant access to people who are not of the same race? Perhaps it is this first-hand knowledge of racism that qualifies them.
Forget the propaganda, there can only be one approach to fight racism: education. We should teach our children that people should be judged on merit, not on race. We should also lead by example and associate freely with people that are not of our own race. That is, we should not behave like some sections of the Jewish community.
If B'nai B'rith wants to fight racism, why did they not oppose the application for an "all-Jewish" introduction agency, as recently reported in the news. How do they justify this? Can anyone come out and tell me that it is not possible to have a simple database field in the introduction agency's matching software that says "Jewish only" and that people be matched on that basis? Do you really need to bar non-Jews from the building? Come on, racists!
JG Estiot
Media-Watch Interactive
Subject: Irrelevant Truth
Dear Sir,
Channel 9 has just informed me that "latest polls show that Pauline Hanson is in danger of losing HER seat of Blair".
Pauline's seat of Blair ? I think not.
Just a little information for Channel 9 and the ruling elite - Pauline is the Member for Oxley.
There is no sitting member in the seat of Blair as Blair has never been contested.
Truth is Truth and Mainstream Media is Mainstream Media and never the twain shall meet.
If in the event of Pauline not winning Blair, she will not have lost HER seat but will have in reality lost a seat that was created by the ruling elite for the sole purpose of destroying Pauline and One Nation.
Isn't it a strange coincidence that out of all the Federal electorates in Australia, Blair and Brand needed some adjustment.
Blair to get Hanson out and Brand to keep Beazley in.
Thank goodness that the Electoral Review Commission is totally impartial and unbiased or some cynics may start to believe that there is skulduggery afoot.
Dare I say, "a conspiracy"
Allan W. Doak.
Subject: Federal Elections
Having read Pauline's 'maiden speach', I find it hard to believe all the inaccurate 'garbage' re race etc. I have given many copies of her speach to friend's, these people have agreeded that the 'rubbish' from the other government parties, media etc. is not a a true representation of Pauline's goals.
With 'voting' comming up - "We will most certainly vote for Pauline"
Subject: One Nation Party
My wife and I migrated to Australia from Canada in 1974. At the time, Australia was ranking 7 in the top 10 countries to live in. After some 24 years, Australia is now ranking 21, amongst third world countries.
We have always been supporters of the conservative side of politics but, we are disappointed with the mainstream parties that have taken this country down over the years. We believe that these parties have "lost the plot" along the way, and it is time someone does something about it !
Patrick Remy-Maillet
Subject: THE HEROIN TRADE: how do we deal with it ?
Dear Scott,
Bill Feldmans call for a crackdown on the gangs and parasites and who profit from the abuse of our children must be applauded by ALL AUSTRALIANS who are sick to the back teeth with the inability of our authorities to stem the heroin tide. Bill, who in his many years in the police force, would have first hand knowledge of the infiltration of this cancer into our society and of those who are responsible for it.
If you are to believe the various media and intelligence ( CJC ) reports which clearly identify the source, distribution routes AND the communities in which the heroin trade originates and proliferates, then any concerned Australian regardless of colour or creed must be appalled by the efforts of spokesmen for these communities who attempt to hide behind the veneer of racial persecution in an attempt to deflect attention from the criminals who hide amongst their community. I AM CERTAIN THAT MOST VIETNAMESE WHO ARE HONEST AND LAW ABIDING CITIZENS would share these sentiments Perhaps fear and intimidation compels their silence.
Those trading in human misery and degradation must be weeded from our community for as a father of 2 children I am very aware of their vulnerability to these predators. This is not a race thing, for all kids be they black, white , yellow or brown are at risk and those who prey on our future generations should be punished by the full weight of the law regardless of race, creed or association.
Immigration Minister Phil Ruddock's claim that immigrants are adequately screened before entry into this country is laughable considering the exploits of Christopher Skase who has managed to make a mockery of this governments attempts to bring the fugitive to justice. Perhaps passports and new identities are just as easily obtained in Vietnam Mr Ruddock, and perhaps our illegal intake of immigrants may need to be addressed !
It is a matter of history now that Al Capone during the prohibition era in America was brought to justice through the efforts of Elliot Ness and his Untouchables, TREASURY AGENTS who used the taxation laws of that country to nail their target . Perhaps if our ''efficient'' tax avoidance investigators were let loose to follow the money trail we may nail a few Mr Bigs !
As a society we may also need to change our perceptions of drug addicts and how we deal with them. Our present prohibition, as in America in the 1930's, and our ineffectual attempts to deal with the heroin trade has allowed corruption and crime to entrench itself into the roots of society.
If we were to compare a heroin addict, who commits a crime in order to fund their addiction, to a drunk, who is more likely to commit a criminal act after a drinking session then maybe we should consider decriminalising heroin usage. This would eliminate the need for addicts to commit crime to fund their next hit. Addicts who turn to crime in order to fund their habit cost society in financial as well as emotional terms dearly. Burglaries, car theft and armed robbery are just some of the acts committed by desperate addicts .Their lifestyle becomes as addictive and more dangerous than the drug. Addicts once they have injected themselves pose almost no threat to society, UNTIL the effects wear off.
If we were to treat heroin as a medical and social problem by decriminalising heroin usage we may be able to break that cycle. Supplying addicts by prescription ( with regular health checks ) we would be able to eliminate the threat of Aids and Hep C ( which is contracted by 75% of addicts in their first year of addiction ) and keep many of our youth alive. The main cause of death amongst addicts is by overdosing on a product which may vary enormously in potency and may also be polluted with any number of lethal cutting agents. As a community would benefit from the reduction in addict related crime as well as stopping the flow of money to the drug cartels. The methadone program has not been hugely successful . Maybe the next wonder treatment will prove to be more successful in rehabilitating addicts.
Until that happens we should remember that a heroin addict could easily be our child, our loved one or our friend and the destruction of our fellow human beings needs to be addressed NOW and THROUGH our lack of initiative corruption , crime and human misery spreads. More of our children are at risk and the problem becomes more entrenched. We need to make some hard decisions.
HAVE A GOOD DAY...............Steve.
The Vote For One Nation.
If you care for our country then please take the time
To consider the thoughts expressed in this rhyme.
For the last 30 years this Nation of ours
Has been sold off and plundered by all those in power.
Driven by ego, bias and greed,
Their selfish aims always to fill their own needs.
Labour and Liberal, Democrats and Greens
Their lies and hypocrisy are simply obscene.
Obsessed with their 'super', dealings and rorts,
Ignoring the crims walking free from our courts,
Forget struggling farmers, those dull unemployed,
Their trifling problems just make them annoyed.
It's time for new blood, for someone who cares,
To lead our great Nation out of despair.
We need a true patriot, courageous not feeble,
Someone who cares about all of our people.
A leader with vision, speaking the truth,
Who won't be a pimp for minority groups.
That person exists right now, it is true.
Despite constant attacks from the privileged few.
The pollies, their cronies, the media and Jews
Have all tried their best to discredit her views.
Not in our history has anyone been
Subjected to the hate and intolerance seen
From all of these groups whose positions are threatened
By common-sense and honesty- a new type of weapon.
Her detractors have now proved wrong over time,
For example her claims about ATSIC and crime
Have been found to be true, and that's only the start;
This lady's advantage: she speaks from the heart.
'Political correctness' has been dealt a blow,
Next 'social engineering' also must go.
"Economic rationalism!", "Globalization!",
Just trendy buzz-words that bankrupt a nation.
While media censorship and political rantings
Have further degraded the journalists' standing.
The few decent members can only lament
That both their "professions" are held in contempt.
Let's hope that the voters have not yet forgotten
The lies and the pain they've had hoisted upon them.
And won't be bought off with the promise of loot,
But will do the right thing and give them the boot!
If you want your childrens' lives to enhance
Vote 1 for One Nation, while you still have the chance!
Ex-Liberal Voter No. 100,000. 6/9/98.
Well there we go - Australians are amongst the lowest paid workers in the world today. From the lucky country to MacJobs with a swimple swish of the magic stick called economic rationalism - a policy pushed by the Laboral factions (Labor and Coalition).
As Professor Bamber of the Griffith University graduate school of management said, "It's something of an urban myth that Australian workers work short hours and are overpaid and are constantly on strike.
"One hundred years ago we were the wealthiest country in the world in terms of standard of living. We seem to have slipped a long way since then."
Yes prof it's called globalisation and Australia stands out like a pimple
on the bum being the most globalised, abused and pillaged of all nations
- thanks to Laboral factions and their big business mates.
Country | Annual Work Hours | Indexed Labour Costs |
Australia | 1876 | 84 |
Canada | 1737 | 93 |
France | 1520 | 112 |
Germany | 1499 | 185 |
Italy | 1682 | 96 |
Japan | 1898 | 138 |
Korea | 2166 | 43 |
Sweden | 1544 | 124 |
UK | 1735 | 80 |
USA | 1953 | 100 |
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
![]() |
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation's Tax Policy-
4th September 1998
One Nation "Media
Adviser" shows true colours- 1st September 1998
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.