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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
If you are to believe the News Limited papers it is practically a criminal offence for One Nation to stand candidates in the Federal election - so one wonders what the reaction will be when the party wins 20 seats in the lower house after the elections?
The snide comments and nit-picking by Laboral journalists continues unabated with any comment by the new state MPs that can be twisted being twisted, any fact that can be distorted being distorted and any supposition that can be made on any flimsy and unsubstantiated facts being made.
This is the new world of the media where the One Nation party stands out like an enigma to their ability to control our hearts and minds... and they don't like it. The bleatings have reached fever pitch as more and more Australians give them a serve for their unethical behaviour.
Back in the realm of politism (where the boundaries between politics and journalism become extremely vague indeed) the mainstream politicians are doing loops and hand stands for their masters, the Packers and the Murdochs in their exclusive little world of elitism and favour. All to no avail... I can just see the likes of Lachlan Murdoch bleating away to daddy about the threat that Pauline Hanson is making to his favoured contacts... who now fear an inquiry into the dirty world of politism.
On terra firma we have John Howard saying yesterday in a radio interview, "I still remain sceptical about their (One Nation's) capacity to win seats in the House of Representatives. You've got to remember that was a state election.
"I find it quite astonishing that people suggested that somehow or other it was a judgement on the Federal Coalition."
Meanwhile a Labor source said, "The same trends that happened in Queensland will happen nationally. I believe they (One Nation) will win five seats in Queensland and a couple each in Victoria and South Australia and maybe one or two in South Australia."
Of course the Laboral parties (Coalition and Labor) only represent big business and the multinationals so it is only reasonable that they should exchange preferences and put One Nation, which represents the Australian people, last.
It is only common sense politicians who have not been seduced by the big business league who are now having their doubts about this outdated Laboral type of politics where the minority group vote becomes the centre stage to cover up the influence of the multinationals over their policy. These, mainly National politicians, like De-Anne Kelly and Bob Katter have seen the light and are now openly questioning the direction of an unrepresentative party that is being shored up by News Limited and politism.
I seem to remember a video tape which showed Alexander Downer addressing a league of rights meeting. But, for some unknown reason, The Age didn't publish a story linking the Liberals with the league of rights.
I wonder why............?
One Nation linked to league
Evidence has emerged of close links between the senior Victorian official in Mrs Pauline Hanson's One Nation party and the extremist League of Rights.
A state Liberal MP has uncovered material revealing a co-convenor of One Nation in Victoria, Ms Robyn Spencer, received campaigning support from the far-right racist organisation in the 1994 Kooyong byelection. At the time, Ms Spencer was leader of Australians Against Further Immigration. Her party's candidate in the byelection was Ms Angela Walker, who polled 8per cent of the vote against the former Liberal state director Mr Petro Georgiou.
Last year, Ms Spencer and her husband, Dr Rodney Spencer, joined One Nation. She is the immigration spokeswoman and is expected to head the party's Victorian Senate ticket at the federal election.
The Liberal MLA for Caulfield, Ms Helen Shardey, has obtained a copy of a taped speech that Ms Spencer delivered to a League of Rights dinner in Gippsland three years ago in her former role as AAFI leader.
Ms Spencer opens her speech by thanking the League of Rights for the invitation. ``It is really nice to have the opportunity of meeting with you, particularly all the people with whom I've spoken on the telephone,'' she says. ``To actually meet people face-to-face is always a nice experience.
``The other thing I would like to do is thank all the people particularly who came and helped with the Kooyong byelection from this area.
``We rely on people like yourselves to come and help us and that has certainly aided in the successes we've had.''
Ms Shardey obtained the tape after research revealed that Ms Spencer's speech had been widely advertised in League of Rights publications, including On Target and Intelligence Survey.
The MP sent off $6 to a post office box address and was mailed a copy of the tape. ``Ms Spencer's remarks substantiate the links between herself and the League of Rights,'' Ms Shardey told The Age.
``Such a link demonstrates One Nation has become a resting place for far-right political groups who are now in a position to influence One Nation policies.''
In League of Rights advertising, the Spencer speech was billed as a ``brilliant new tape''. Ms Spencer was praised for speaking with ``great authority and presence'' on issues of immigration, multiculturalism and ``the destruction of all things Australian''.
``Her address is essential material in the slowly emerging debate on the issue,'' the league said. In the speech, Ms Spencer claims the league, founded in Melbourne in 1946 by Eric Butler, is the victim of a biased media.
``The Australian media has obviously, in the case of the league, tried to marginalise you, throw you into the far-right bin with all the slurs and innuendoes and name-calling that that entails,'' she says. ``We receive much the same sort of treatment.''
The emergence of the tape comes after repeated denials by One Nation that its organisation had connections to the league or other extremist groups.
Ms Spencer could not be contacted for comment last night. In June, a prospective One Nation candidate, Mr Andrew Guild, was forced to resign from the party after he admitted to links with the militant and racist National Action group.
Subject: ignorance is dangerous
Militant RED's abusive, threatening and plain rude letter perfectly illustrates the parlous state of democracy in this country. If he actually understood that political freedoms such as the right to free association and to free speech have only been won after prolongued struggle across centuries, he could not possibly maintain his anti-democratic stand against One Nation. By being so viciously intimidating he proves he has no understanding of the true meaning of tolerance, and no respect for our hard-won political rights. Tolerance was not invented by Anti-Discrimination tribunals but derives from our heritage of Western civilisation. Why does he not practise what he professes to believe?
I think the root of the problem lies in the education system. Whole generations now have experienced an education focused on process to the detriment of content. Students are not taught a body of knowledge, but supposedly how to research. The trouble is, with no knowledge they have no means to evaluate their 'research'. Consequently many of them are ignorant and simply indulge their prejudices instead of learning to think independently. As they have little knowledge of Australian let alone world history, sadly they are condemned to repeat its mistakes.
Subject: ignorant rednecks
One Nation may have slighty succeeded in holding an outdoor rally in Ipswich last night but I challenge Hanson or any other mindless supporter to hold an outdoor rally in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, or any other main population centre outside of One Nation strongholds in Queensland. [cut]
Yours in the deepest dis-respect.
Militant RED.
I'm waiting for you.
You should refer the matter to police. The guy clearly implied physical violence.
Name Withheld
Subject: Comment on Australian News of the Day
Packer's media clowns tried, but they failed. They couldn't hide the strength and determination in Pauline's voice. She has a weak little voice say the know all critics... She sounded good on the night.
Good on ya girl, not bad for "a little fish and chip shop lady with no education."
The little person ( seems like a lonely little boy. Maybe we should ALL send him some email .. make that LOTS and LOTS of email.
the curlew is ... watching .....
Subject: Ipswich Rally
Congratulations to Pauline HANSON on her dealing with the Ipswich Rally. There is no doubt her style and stand taken impressed many people. amd indeed probably backfired on those who intended to destroy the credibility of ON.
It's style like this that will get the votes - the people want to hear the truth - on any subject - and not the compressed garbage that floats from the mouths of the other political parties MP's.
I noted the comments about the Qld Police.
You will find that the majority of the Qld Police support ON. During the last state election all the Police Officers I spoke with indicated they were voting ON. The number of Qld Police now nears 6500. Double this with partners gives you 13,000 - take 85% of that to allow for some attritiion and you have a sizeable vote, not to mention the extended families and friends. Mind you I speak for the Police Union members only - I think most of the others run with the hares and hunt with the hounds.
It's no wonder Bill FELDMAN was voted the State leader.
Keep up the good work and don't be daunted. There are many thousands of silent voters out there who are just waiting for the federal Election to have their say. ( Don't think Russell Cooper has managed to get up completely off the floor yet. If anyone wver thought they were unbeatable it was him. It was very close.)
Subject: a voice in protest
I wish to inform Mr. Balson was wrong in saying that Ian Rintoul was at the protest on the 4th August in Ipswich. I know Ian and he is not the person in those photos. I also object to the constant references to 'violent' protestors and the terms used by Ms. Hanson on the night (eg. the unemployed rabble). I am sure there are unemployed people amongst her supporters. As for rabble, I consider the protestors are motivated by concerns about the emergence of a 'divided' Australia resulting from the racist scapegoating that Pauline Hanson continually uses. Calling for all Australians to be treated equally when particular minority groups are not at the same starting line in society is to perpetuate the continuing unequal status for these Australians (aborigines and migrants). By Pauline Hanson's One Nation party claiming these minority groups receive special privileges when anyone can see the insignificant amount of special privileges have not improved their lives is to legitimise the ongoing racial vilification that is still directed by supporters of One Nation towards these people. As an EX resident of the district I have spoken with these supporters and daily hear their racist filth against Australia's aborigines.
Thus, I applaud the protestors who are prepared to draw attention to the fact that racism is consolidating in Australia since Pauline Hanson's maiden speech. It appears to me that she is being selfish, in robbing Paul to pay Peter, as she takes funding from one of the most disadvantaged groups in this society to give to another group (farmers and small business).
But this interventionist stance is doomed to fail as the rest of the world follows the globalisation path in the capitalist economy. Trying to create a "socialist' Australia where the government intervenes into the market eg tariff protection and state-run banks ( as One Nation economic policy highlights) in a capitalist world will impoverish the Australian economy even further. National socialism did not work for Germany so why should it work for Australia?
S. Brown
Subject: Good Luck
Dear Dickhead
I have lived in Australia for the past 25 year. Is suppose I should point out that the colour of my skin is white and my parents are both Anglo-Australians.
I am travelling to a country called Kazakhstan (you probably don't know where that is) to work in a 5 star hotel.
I will not miss Australia. You and the people you support have made this the most racially divided country I have ever had the misfortune to witness.
Get fu***d
Stephen Martin
And we won't miss you.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Scott, you ask the questions...
>When is the Government going to act to protect
her as is her right and due?
> When are the Federal Police going to act to arrest these (alleged)
> When are the various State and Territory Police going to act to arrest
these (alleged) criminals?
Very good questions. But we don't have to wait to get an answer. Contrary to popular belief you don't have to wait for the public prosecutor to decide to prosecute. Any private person can prosecute another person for a crime. All you need to do is identify some of the perpetrators, produce enough evidence of a crime, and get a solicitor to prosecute.
Admittedly this is extremely rare, but the point is that it can be done. One Nation presumably has more than a few lawyers who could bring about this action all by themselves.
Scott, please withhold name.
It doesn't surprise me that Beasley is condoning the behaviour of violent demonstrators at One Nation meetings. You've already shown that many of them are closely connected with the Labor party, and he's clearly putting politics before principle. What a shame that the Opposition Leader can't display the strength of character for which his father was known.
Byron Stander
Subject: pauline
Hi Scott, you know how I feel Pauline Hanson Is great. Ive seen you a few times on times on the news.
Subject: Please add to mailing list
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am the Rector of a traditional Anglican parish here in British Columbia, and I would like you to know that you are not alone in your problems or your fight. We in Canada are suffering from the same political, social, and economic problems that you are suffering in Australia. We are the victims of a atheistic socialist revolution which has swept across the western world under the guise of multi-culturalism, feminism, and gay-liberation - broadly called "human rights". It is evil, and must be fought by every right-thinking, decent, and patriotic person.
So many times I hear people say that the Clergy have to support these so-called "human rights", since Christ preached love of neighbour. This is nonsense. Christ also preached obedience to God's laws and the responsibility of mankind for his sinful actions. Any one who reads the Bible, and believes it to be God's inspired Word, knows that this is all the work of politically motivated people who hate Christ and Christianity, our Christian moral and political foundations, and our Anglo-Saxon heritage.
God bless your One Nation Party, and God bless Mrs Hanson.
And God save OUR Queen and bless OUR Commonwealth.
From a friend in Canada,
Father Redmile.
Subject: LETTERS
Dear Scott,
I realise there must be a tremendous amount of work and time devoted to your News of the Day and do not wish to appear critical but feel that there are a couple of points to be made.
Firstly, I understand that you are attempting to allow people to have a say but there must come a time when you will need to vet both the quality and quantity of those letters posted to your site. Some of the language used by writers leave something to be desired in their content, from the emotinonal (dick heads) words used, the spelling and the length of the letters.
Secondly, I appreciate the opportunity to be able to obtain information from various links which would not otherwise be available. However, could I suggest that more attention could be given to One Nation policies in addition to the activities of various One Nation members of parliament as well as Branches. Perhaps an invitation for some input from Branches could be a start.
Thirdly, it has been my experience, that in providing information provided from a source not researched by myself that every precaution should be taken to ensure its veracity.A disclaimer by GWB should accompany any submitted article.
I would like to commend you on your effort to make available the views of the dissenters because this does provide both supporters and those who have not decided where they stand to see what they are up against and who.
Victor J. Bridger
Subject: Truth and distortions in the media.
Seems as if you people in Australia have the very same problems we have here in Canada! - that is "wilfully distorted" news to serve political agendas. Any person or persons not "buying in" to the "newsspeak" are villified with terms like "racist" when subjects such as aboriginal rights and immigration are concerned!
This will be very apparent here over the next few months as a major aboriginal "Nisg'aa Treaty" which was conceived and negotiated in complete secrecy, has just been signed (Tues 4th. August) against the wishes of the majority of British Columbians and we are being wilfully denied our democratic and constitutional right to a provincial referendum (as required by law for ALL laws involiving the constitution) by the SOCIALIST government of British Columbia! This is the first of 50 or more treaties with massive economic and constitutional repurcussions if allowed to proceed unchecked and with no "safeguards" for the 97% majority of British Columbians! The final(?) cost of the treaty will be close to $500 million Cdn!
This is just a single instance where the media and political spin doctors will totally distort the above original factual account of the situation! The other "distortions" (a la George Orwell!)are to do with immigration and refugees(far worse situation than Australia!), multiculturalism and the ongoing " separatism nonsense" with Quebec!
Basically - what one sees in the "Main" media are just a tissue of lies and distortions and the REAL facts can be found on the internet on websites provided by individuals and small groups of concerned citizens!
Kind regards
Bob Tarplett, Canada
Subject: Dead Ducks Desperation
If you want a good giggle (provided you can stay awake), have a listen to the last guest speaker on Aunties Radio National program: Late Night Dead (oops, Live), compered by our resident pinko, Phil-the-dill Adams.
Poor old Phil can not allow any of his guests these days, more than a few words, before he interrupts with his manic phobia - Pauline; poor old Mel could not even read his prompts properly, and whoever wrote the speech could not disguise their desperation. You will notice the whole program was pure propaganda which, apart from violence, is the only defence left to the ducks that are as good as dead in the water (to paraphrase Bob Katter on the GST (Globalists Sneaky Tax)).
Subject: One Nation's Electoral Prospects
Hi Scott,
In case you, or someone else in O.N., does not keep up with rural news via The Land, I thought I'd paraphrase an article in the August 6 issue by Ian Patterson, headlined 'Nationals under siege.'
It is based on opinions by Malcolm Mackerras and Tony Windsor (who is described as 'a former National Party hopeful, who, as an Independent, is now the most popular MP in the NSW Parliament')
According to Mackerras, due to the preferences situation, where nobody is going to direct preferences to One Nation, the Nats will hang on to most of its seats, because they 'will pick up preferences from all and sundry' so that he predicts they will lose only a mere two seats in the forthcoming poll - Wide Bay in Queensland and Parkes in NSW; and that the only lower house seat ON can possibly hope to add to that is in Pauline's electorate of Blair. Mackerras also claims that One Nation will only gain three Senate seats, one each in Queensland, South Australia and West Australia, because, due to the same preferences situation, the Democrats will hold on to three seats.
Scott, I am unaware what Mackerras was predicting for ON prior to the Queensland election, but I hope he is wrong about this. I am still hoping that the Libs and Nats will direct preferences to ON because, if they do not, there will be another Federal Labor government in power, and the social engineering and repression of free speech and democracy will go on unabated.
Windsor agrees with Mackerras's predictions, although
he adds that he believes ON will do far better in the western suburbs of
Sydney and Melbourne than most people expect. Mackerras also predicts that
ON is a fad that will die away, once the widespread anger over the gun laws
begins to fade. OTOH, Windso says that this will not happen if ON start
'delivering workable solutions to the problems they are so good at
On that, after reading The Land, it seems there are plenty of expert opinions on what kind of 'workable solutions' would be acceptable to regional Australia. Some of these would involve reviewing the Hilmer competition laws, which ignore the effects of distance in the bush. I realize Pauline has already criticised current policy on the pig industry, but the issue of The Land makes it clear that country people think Canberra's suggestion that competition is the answer to everything is ridiculous, e.g. in relation to dearer petrol, how can there be any competition when most small towns only have one petrol station; and how can our pig producers export in competition with European countries who heavily subsidise and protect their exports. The Land complains that China is not bound by the World Trade Organisation and heavily subsidises its produces who now produce more than half the world's pigmeat; grain freight in Canada is heavily subsidised by government and so grain is provided far more cheaply to piggeries in Canada than in Australia. Our rural people are battling drought and floods, not to mention Aboriginal land claims, while 'Canberra seems spellbound by GATT and now the World Trade Organisation' The Land notes that NSW Government spending on rural infrastructure had declined from about 17 per cent in 1991-92 to 10 per cent currently. Elsewhere 'Comment' states that tax reform for regional areas and tariff reform are essential to agiculture's viability. A letter writer refers to insurance companies in the cattle industry which hold superannuation funds that entitle them to be taxed at only 15cents in the dollar. The writer asks that these urban politicians who allow these insurance companies to pay only 15 per cent tax at least set the tax rate for agriculture lower to give rural industry a boost. The writer reflects the general rural anger that 'These urban politicians know countries like Japan, America, England, and most of Europe, to name a few, heavily subsidise their primary producers, yet these same politicians must believe Australian producers can survive under our present circumstances.'
It seems to me that the combination of a promise to voters in the West of Sydney and Melbourne to remove the social engineering legislation that has produced the such high levels of Aboriginal and Asian crime (and, yes the migration policy is part of that) - with a promise to regional Australia to review Hilmer and lower some rural taxes and introduce tariffs on food imported into Australia, would be offering policies to solve the major problems as perceived by the voters in those areas. Equally, combined with strong support for unions and worker protection, the rural promise is unlikely to reduce urban votes for O.N. in those western areas.
O.N. may already be thinking along these lines. I do so hope that they are.
Subject: ANU on One Nation
On June 22, all ANU staff and students received an email from the Vice Chancellor's office, informing us of the text of a letter being sent to the major newspapers in Australian AND Asia!! You may, or may not, have read the V.C.'s letter in the newsprint media, but the basic thrust was that the ANU wanted everyone to know that the university strongly opposed One Nation because it is a racist party. I found the V.C.'s letter to be outrageous at the time, but, then, not particularly out of step with most of the general viewpoints I have heard expressed by many of the academics at this institution. Anyway, the latest issue of the ANU's internal paper - ANU Reporter - carries a letter to the editor which not only do I agree with 100 percent, but I found it reassuring to discover that there are still a few objective and balanced individuals at ANU. The letter was from Roberto Soria at the ANU's Mount Stromlo Observatory, and the text is as follows:
"While obviously I have no objection to condemning racism and creating a safe environment on campus, the purpose of the VC's letter sent to the major newspapers in Australia and Asia being (also) sent to "All Staff" at this particular time, seems a bit dubious to me.
The letter says "The policies and principles espoused by the One Nation Party are certainly not acceptably in Australia's tertiary institutions' and 'The racism, bigotry and xenophobia of a minority have no place in the international community of scholars and equally have no place on any Australian campus." The second sentence is a true and commendable statement if taken on its own, but the equation "One Nation supporter = racist" which is implicitly assumed here is only a matter of personal opinion, because the ONP is a movement that has chosen to contest democratic elections and has always officially claimed to be opposed to racism.
Of course one can fiercely disagree with the ONP, but shouldn't a tertiary institution be a plae where freedom of thought is encouraged, both on the Left and on the Right, as long as violene or racism are not actively advocated? The idea of a Vice Chancellor implicity telling all staff members which party not to support if they don't want to be branded as racist, bigot and xenophobic makes me feel uneasy.
Besides, the VC's letter is rather patronising towards the many Queensland electors who chose to vote for the ONP. Professor Terrell informs us that "it is important to remember that the outcome of the Queensland election owes much to the particular circumstances of that State, and is not, I believe, indicative of the thinking of the majority of Australians." Yet, at the polls, the vote of a Queensland pig farmer is just as worthy of respect as tht of a Canberra VC, whatever the particular circumstances are. I don't think the ANU should apologise to any Asian nation for the results of a free, democratic election in an Australian state.
Finally, the idea that Pauline Hanson's electoral success can frighten Asian students and induce them to stay away from our Universities is ludicrous
and does not do them justice. Asian students are mature enough to take into account academic standards and job opportunities when they choose a tertiary institution. In fact, Asian enrolment at the University of Queensland is rising, despite Hanson's scare.'
Ironically, the adjacent page of The Reporter carries a story on a symposium
held last month entitled 'Pauline Hanson's One Nation and the Future of
Australian Politics' at which the Dean of the Faculty of Asian Studies, Professor
Anthony Milner had said that 'One Nation threatens to destroy one of the
greatest foreign policy initiatives in Australia's history - its engagement
with Asia.'
P.S. Any comments on a suggestion to seek donations from O.N. supporters, friends, and members, to hire a free lance journalist with the authority to report on Queenland State Parliament, or, at the very least, with the ability to get an article into the newsprint media highlighting the information that it is NOT possible for anyone other than the press gallery, and that the press gallery is clearly acting on a freeze in relation to O.N. members, unless they can be portrayed in a negative light. If anyone else thinks this would be worthwhile, I will pledge $50.
Carol Kavanagh
Subject: Comments on Errol Ardron's letter
Errol suggested that we close the US bases here, in order to hit them where it hurts... I'd like to remind him of the last politician who tried to close down Pine Gap - Whitlam. He got fired by the Governor General who succumbed to CIA manipulation in order to protect US interests. I'm not saying it will ever happen again, but it's something that should be kept in mind. The sacking of politicians is not all that can be done to protect those interests...
Alan Howard
Subject: Air-heads of the Fundy Paradise
So the brilliant air-heads at the economic fundamentalist castle of cards in Canberra reckon we will not be able to attract investment from SE Asia, because we consider them a bunch of corrupt racists. Why not? We just gave them a pile to inflate their money supply and devalue their currency further, which will only be used to prop up failed banks anyway, as always. Beside, the stuff was pulled from the same hat that the non-existent money magically appeared from for the States hospital systems.
Why would SE Asia not export it straight back again? Here would be the best place for the dough to be invested, as it might at least show some return (not the same kind of return as 'Australian' banks shifting back to Australia from SE Asia - another grand globalist dream down the chute).
If SE Asia does not want the Russian experience imposed on them by the International Murder Fund, then perhaps they should instead try a One Nation idea and start their own National Bank, and tell the 'money' lenders to go jump in the Arafura sea.
The economic fundies in Canberra should be our first export to the moon when we get our space program up and away; so we can watch them from earth and see how long it takes for them to either starve or, wake up to the fact that moon rocks make a dandy money supply, and start to build pyramids to get their fledgling economy going. It should not take the air-heads long thereafter, to realise that there was not even any need to build pyramids from moon rocks as an excuse for printing money - they could build imaginary ones with the same effect; after all, it is all merely a matter of belief as to what society considers to be real and what is not.
England ran their economy (long before the word 'economist' ever entered the lexicon) from 1100 to 1694 (when the Bank of England was started) on bits of wood called Tallies; the last of which were burned in 1834 by allies of the Bank of England in the furnaces at the House of Lords, the flames from which burned down both houses of Parliament- very prophetic! Now there is a bit of history that will never be taught to the slogan-thinkers that protest at One Nation meetings. And here is another interesting historical snippet from that period: The English 'Book of Customs' says that, in those days, the craftsmen were so rich, that instead of being incapable of citizenship, citizenship became bound up with membership of one of the companies. The fundies say we should not return to the past; I am not surprised at that, as they are no craftsmen - crafty maybe.
Objective analysis of any carefully obtained unbiased social data on the One Nation / Pauline Hanson 'phenomenon' will reveal that the majority of One Nation Party members and supporters have never in the past and do not today advocate or wish to take part in that which can currently legitimately be labeled 'racist' behavior. 'Culturist' behavior being quite another matter entirely however.
The majority of Pauline Hanson's supporters certainly do justly require all forms of their paid Australian administration to actively maintain through implementation of clearly announced unambiguous policy which naturally gives rise to the enactment of intelligent legislation, Australia's long established 'Australian cultural environment'.
The difference between 'racism' and 'culturism' while being in fact huge, is and has contemporarily been very much confused in the mind of the average Australian citizen. Common and very predictable criminals in Australia have long exploited the fact that racism and culturism share some obviously paradoxical linkages. They have used that fact to assist them maintain this confusion.
These socially destructive dangerous sociopaths have done their level best and have in fact managed with full media complicity to succeed in creating the illusion that for an Australian to be staunchly 'culturist' automatically brands him or her as being thoroughly 'racist'. The first position being a completely socially valid one, the second very much an invalid one.
The work of maintaining acceptance by duped innocents of the totally wrong premise that culturism equates with racism has been and remains a priority task for usurper sociopaths in Australia. It is of course quite natural for these criminals to be most diligent in maintaining that confusion, as their anti-social profit oriented ethnic industry agendas are properly serviced that way.
It makes no sense at all for any Australian, an Australian person either born here or one born overseas to be at loggerheads with any other fellow Australian. What does make sense from the fact that this unwelcome situation is increasingly becoming invited and pressed for today, is the fact that sociopaths need the condition of wide social division to exist here so they can continue to illegitimately gain from it.
Our sociopaths gain from it in the myriad of ways Australia's about thirty years of rogue dishonest vote buying governments have set up for them, i.e. through such governments allowing the guilt, ethnic, and Aboriginal industries to become viable operations here. These industries of the criminal classes steal from the general community unjustly advantaging themselves ironically in many cases through exploitation of the very minority communities they pseudo work 'for'. All Australians except those sociopaths lose in a very big way from this situation of course.
In the specific case of the 'ethnic industry', some overseas born general innocent Australians misguidedly facilitate the works of these criminals without ever stopping to objectively check the nature of the destination of the path they are being led along.
In so doing they effectively are shooting themselves in the foot.
They are doing that stupid thing by creating many antagonists among their fellow Australians where previously there were just a negligible few. These particular manufactured malcontent 'cargo cultist' behaving ethnics have long been assisting bring to pass the institution of the very social conditions they have been taught to loudly express irrational fear of. They have begun to construct social conditions which only their enemies, and certainly not the general 'Australian cultured citizen', require to exist in our nation.
I am extremely offended by and made angry that so many decent thoughtful appreciative Australians who were not born here (defined 'ethnics') have been caused to suffer the unhappiness which social division on racial grounds brings them. These innocent people have been caused, largely by our wholly out of self control avaristic media, to wrongly feel that they are not welcome here solely on the basis of their race. That condition is, despite the currently seemingly all pervading media manufactured evil atmosphere, just not so.
Quite the contrary, what many 'born here' Australians are in fact saying and being many times deliberately and to much lesser extent accidentally misinterpreted is, that 1) the 'born elsewhere' assimilated actively contributing Australian is most welcome and thus his/her presence is no less than greatly appreciated. Conversely however, 2) the setting up of any other culture than our familiar one here by immigrants is not at all welcome and never shall be.
If those latter immigrants so pine for their original cultures they should go back there to enjoy them, not expect to import them here. That despite the clear invitations issued by our sociopathic vote buyers and ego bound politician and bureaucrat has beens.
These demands by 'Australians' (naturally including Australians not born here) are not the demands of 'racists', they are the completely legitimate demands of 'culturists'. And such proper demands -will- ultimately be caused stand.
Regarding Australian Aboriginals now. Many Australian Aboriginals are legitimately making the very same demands in respect of their own distinct cultures today. Ironically they are doing so with the patronage of those abject screeching politically correct socially dangerous morons within our society who are loudest in rudely yelling 'racist' at non Aboriginal Australian 'culturists'! As much as a moron can be 'intellectually dishonest', those screechers therefore are indeed just that.
Fairly there is room in Australia for two consensually acceptable culture streams to coexist, (near) Australian original Aboriginal culture ('near', as 'original pure' is sadly for them lost -forever-), and 'contemporary Australian' culture. Contemporary Australian culture should be expected to continuously be undergoing slow and steady, but never as it is now, rapid thus destabilising change.
Further adoption of certain aspects of Australian original Aboriginal culture into contemporary Australian culture I believe should also be a consciously encouraged social 'endeavour' for today.
In that regard for the future, maybe some genuinely well intentioned people from each Australian culture who are not 'posers', especially not our 'politician poser vermin' can assist. Such citizens can perhaps join together in a completely non competitive reconciliatory spirit to learn from one another just how to go about bringing such desirable integration steadily to fruition?
Be assured that the rude screechers of Australia will ultimately -lose- their battle to keep some Australians at loggerheads with other Australians in tomorrow's looming better social climate (it will get worse before it gets better however). They shall be caused to not just lose their battle but to lose it completely. And it is important for all that they do. This will come about as the fast awakening 'Australian intending survivor class' is latterly beginning to effectively assert itself. And it is important for all that it does.
'The Great Unraveling' of the effects of the recent past social atrocities committed against the lifestyle of Australia's psychologically abused, extraordinarily tolerant, comfortably multiracial, very calm, most genuinely friendly innocent citizenry, continues apace.
It is in this atmosphere those waste of space Johnny and Beazliebub each cynical makers of meaningless political promises whether they be defined core or non core, are definitely soon leaving. The supremely arrogant 'emetic visiting professor of vilification' and the narcissistic 'silver bodgie' et al et al happily have all long gone. Thus a new dawn can eagerly be expected, a dawn brilliantly heralded by the rising of ON is nigh! :-) (neo-Nostradamus 980805 :-) )
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
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the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
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The One Nation
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QANTAS censor Pauline
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