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October 1995
Subject: Did I lose interest?
Readers will recall my comments yesterday regarding a phone call I received from a reporter from News Limited's Sunday Mail. Chris Griffith was asking me about racist posts made on a news group and, by implication in the latest Anglican News "Focus", attributed to me.
In my report I say "Griffith seemed to lose all interest in the story when it appeared that the poster was of Asian descent. One wonders if they will bother with the story in The Sunday Mail tomorrow." I have to apologise to Chris because here is his reply to me by email last night:
Hi Scott,
I saw your reference to me on your web site. Actually I didn't lose interest in the issue as you claim & I've written a story about it. Whether it has appeared or not, I too will know tomorrow.
Chris Griffith
For the record the story was not published by The Sunday Mail. I wonder if Chris has any comments as to how differently the story would have been treated if the racist posts had found to be made by Scott Balson, the One Nation webmaster and not by some Asian prankster?
Later today (at 9.10am) I will talking on Radio National's Background Briefing (792 AM in Queensland) on why people no longer trust the media or politicians. What we have above is a classic example of selective censorship - not by Chris Griffith (as per his email above) but by his Chiefs of Staff who monitor and filter what we (the people) are allowed to see, hear and read.
I call it blatant unethical reporting but then when you have Murdoch (the man called "worse than Hitler" by CNN's Ted Turner) calling the shots what more can you expect.
Don't worry Chris this happens to me time and again - not quite on a weekly basis - but with the election coming up it is getting that way. That's why my original comment - however I should have said The Sunday Mail Chiefs of Staff seemed to lose all interest in the story... etc.
Here is my email I sent to the Anglican News yesterday.
One Nation plans a massive letterbox drop across Australia to explain its 2% tax policy. Several large donations to One Nation have accompanied the release of the policy by the party.
The letter drop will be used to combat criticism by One Nation's political opponents and accountants. Pauline Hanson is standing by it saying people will not be concerned once they understand the policy.
She says all One Nation candidates will be responsible for delivering the details to every Australian.
"It's only just been brought out," Miss Hanson said. "The clear message hasn't been put across, what a 2%EasyTax is all about.
"But we've had a lot of people who have phoned up the office from right around the country who think it's very good," she said.So there is a mixed reaction to it and people who are questioning it are virtually asking how does it work?"
Extract from article in The Weekend Australian Sept 5th 1998
Business Section Pages 51-52. By Terry McCrann
There are none so blind as those that wont open their minds to discussion of the issues. On that basis, you would have to conclude, todays growth businesses must be metaphorical white canes and labradors.
Two things prompt this thought, starting with the reaction to Pauline Hansons 2 per cent so-called Easytax ..
This, though, is very different from ridiculing it so patronisingly, as if it is intrinsically dumb like for instance arguing you can build 50-storey office blocks without foundations.
The prime culprit is Peter Costello, who has assailed it as one of the silliest proposals he has ever heard. Rather deliciously, he fails to understand that it actually isnt all that different to a GST.
Costello said on Thursday: "Apparently, every time a transaction occurs, you tax it at 2 per cent." Then he added: If there were 100 stages in manufacturing a car, you would be taxed at 100 times 2 per cent.
Well, Peter, that is also exactly what happens with your GST. So if there really were 100 stages in manufacturing a car, your GST at 10 per cent, as against Paulines 2 per cent would apply 100 times.
While I find racism offensive, I find the snivelling, two-faced diatribe by the ADC as bad if not worse. This group who represent one of the most discriminatory regimes in the world today, Zionism, and the un-Australian "RaceWatch" are now on another of their politically correct righteous campaigns.
Here is an extract from their report
The Problem of Racism on the Internet
The ADC has identified several, Australian home pages that are exclusively devoted to the dissemination of hate. (A list of hate site addresses appears as an appendix). The appearance of racist sites on the Internet is, in the assessment of the ADC, a worrying trend. This is because it provides a means through which racist groups can build contacts through the use of links and recruit new members who would otherwise not be exposed to this material.
The ADC has identified a tiny segment of material which is part of the massive, rich tapestry of information being sown and distributed on the Internet. For Internet pundits the freedom of speech aspect is paramount - thus the issue of censorship sets a worrying trend. Whether the ADC are right or not is open to debate. What is not is the obsession that the discriminatory ADC body has in outing others while hiding behind its own blatant bias against people who are not of Jewish descent.
In a classic case of hypocrisy the ADC recently established "RaceWatch" with Community Aid Abroad. RaceWatch depending on Australians spying on others to succeed. The hypocrisy is quite simple. RaceWatch is based on the premis that to say immigrants must assimilate is "racist". If that is the case then the refusal by the ADC to allow persons of non-Jewish descent into their ranks has got to make them the number racist on their list.
One Nation stalwart Scott Balson could be on the verge of cleaning up on the federal election campaign. Balson runs a pro-Hanson news service called Australian National News of the Day which is likely to prove quite popular as Hanson rivals dig for background on One Nation. He recently implemented a US$10 monthly subscription fee on the service. Could it be we have another media mogul on our hands?
Well I'm pleased that you approve of the service Sid. As I am discovering a growing number of print media reporters are following the page - could they be the rivals that you talk so clearly of?
In November last year we covered the story of Dr Donald Whittaker, who runs a family planning clinic, being taken to the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Tribunal for daring to state the medical fact that Aborigines have thicker skulls than non-Aboriginals.
Whittaker was trying to quells the concerns of an Aboriginal mother, Lisa Moffatt, by explaining to her that her child would have a thicker skull "so that a bump on her head would not be as damaging".
Stephen Keim of the Tribunal made the following ruling:
"In the light of this finding, I am of the opinion that it was not less favourable treatment that led to Ms Moffat's finding her experience at the doctor an unhappy one. Rather it was an inherent lack of sensitivity on Dr Whittaker's part that caused him to stumble; to cause offence when only reassurance and mutually enjoyable conversation was intended."
The real victim here is not Ms Moffatt but a doctor who was just attending to a patient in his clinic. It has taken the tribunal nearly a year to come to a politically correct decision. Is it any wonder people in this country fear speaking out any more? What the hell happened to our "lucky country"....
Article by Paul Osborne -(Anglican News - Focus) September 1998
Dear sir,
I was shocked to learn through a reporter from The Sunday Mail that my name and that of my company, Global Web Builders, had been associated with racist remarks in an article in your September edition of Focus. He faxed me a copy of the article.
I had not been aware that a story was going to be published naming me in an article and implying that I was sending racist remarks to an Internet forum.
You see sir I am an Anglican. As an Anglican I have been found guilty as charged by your reporter Paul Osborne who has used your publication to be judge, jury and executioner.
What has my church come to? How can it become involved in these personal, unsubstantiated attacks on my integrity? If I cannot trust my own church to give me a fair go whom can I trust in this world?
The reason I was named and found guilty by association was on the simple premis that I maintain the One Nation web site. May I say that I am very proud to be associated with the One Nation party that, despite the media's obsession with statements to the contrary, is not a racist party.
As an Anglican I, and I am sure many of your readers know, that once you make a stand people go out of their way to catch you out. Born again Christians know that expressing their faith results in people looking for them to 'sin'. One Nation supporters have been tagged as racist, bigoted and simplistic by the foreign owned News Limited media because the party represents people and not big business. Big business fund the major parties who more often than not do their bidding.
I am not trying to give your readers a commentary on One Nation as I am sure that many are so locked into the racist perception of the party that my time would be wasted making that point.
I want to set the record straight. The posts made on the Internet did not originate from anyone at One Nation. Following the call from The Sunday Mail I was able to locate the posts and ascertain that they were 'spammed' (ie sent by someone else using the One Nation email) from an Internet Service Provider called Netspace.
From this I was able to ascertain that the posts had originated from a Vietnamese man in Melbourne. The individual involved, who I will not name, has some very unpleasant attributes including posting a large amount of defamatory material about Pauline Hanson and One Nation on the Internet.
I would trust that you would give this letter a suitably prominent position in the next addition of your Focus paper and formally apologise to myself, my business and the One Nation party for the implications of the article carried last month. I have yet to assess the damage that this article will invariably do to my small business - ironically a casualty of my church.
Scott Balson, Global Web Builders
The Media
Canberra Times correspondent Andrew Kerans (5 Sep 98) says that he will vote Democrat for the Senate. He says this is because he is worried about One Nation's policies, but I suggest that the fact that is wife is the leader of the ACT Democrats could be a major factor.
If the fear of racism really bothered him, then he could ask for no better Senator than One Nation's Estelle O'Brien, who has a Japanese grandmother, an Aboriginal daughter, and not a racist bone in her body.
But in the ACT the result is cut and dried anyway. As always, Liberal and Labor will take one seat each, because the voters mindlessly follow the above the line directions of the major parties. And the wonderful Estelle will try bravely, but fail because no party will give her their preferences.
Peter MacKay
Subject: comments
I live in Hong Kong. I feel that One Nation has hit the nail on the head with a number of issues. I don't hate asians in fact I live in an asian country and I am married to one but I felt that Australia was becoming so saturated with asians that they would not have the chance to integrate into our society and that our society was starting to lean towards their ways.
I believe we need to reduce asian immigration to an extent to allow those asians already in Australia to integrate and become australians than to live as aliens in a foreign land.
The Aboriginal issues is one I am very strong on. I remember sitting on the steps of the Charleville post office and I had my dole cheque in my hand. It was for about $ 140 for two weeks. A young Aboriginal was sitting next to me and I asked him how much his dole cheque was and he said $320. I felt I was now living under reverse apartheid.
Closed down the Aboriginal and Islanders Affairs dept. and save the Tax payer millions and treat the Aboriginals the same as the rest of us. You can give them free medical and free education including University but that's the limit. If they can't make a go of it then , then they will never succeed.
Your tax proposals were one of my own ideas, although I felt that 2% seem a little bit high, remember every transaction gets a charge so by the time a product is produced many small tax charges have been laid on it. I was thinking more in the line of a % of 1% as the tax charges. The other good thing with this type of tax system is it allows people who wish to work harder to get the benefit of their extra work and because tax revenues are tied to economic activity it stops political parties messing with the economy because their revenue is tied to the health of the economy.
Regards Brett Wilson.
Please keep me informed.
Subject: Preferences
The reason I am sending this is because I think that we need someone who has come from within the ordinary Australian life style and knows about the Monopoly that the two scheming major parties have over the Australian Electorate. I am of Yougoslav decent and do not wish for Australia to become like my home country, full of hate. So give the smaller parties like One nation a go and stop denegrating people that you know nothing about. Mr Howard and Mr Beasley and all the other hypocrite people who pretend not to be racist themselves should speak for themselves.
Subject: Racewatch
Racewatch has a form online for reporting cases of racism. It is at and one of the questions is "Was the alleged racism reported above directed at : Indigenous Australians, Asian Australians or Ethnic Australians."
This in itself is rather doggy because it doesn't offer an opportunity to report the most common form of racism in Australia: anti-white racism. Maybe I should report Racewatch to... itself.
JG Estiot
Media-Watch Interactive
Have just read your easytax documents and on first impressions it looks great - the only criticisms I've heard from the major parties are non-specific "cloudland" type comments but no hard fact rebutals - as a small businessman (sole trader) I like it and would be grateful for further mail outs as they are created - why aren't you plugging this full bore through the media against the Labour band-aid plan and Coalition GST ?? Do you have a candidate for the Richmond electorate yet - if so, on the strength of your easytax plan alone, he/she has my support and I would venture to guess - many of my associates both public servant, farmers and small biz operators. Even our local taxation accountants are having trouble with the current system!
Yours faithfully
Campbell Dunstan
Subject: EASY TAX : an idea for discussion
Dear Scott,
I had hoped to copy ON's 2% Easy Tax and present it to my fellow workmates on the Friday morning in the hope that it might sway many ON sympathetic ( but not as yet committed ) voters. However on consideration I decided that a little more thought on the proposal was needed.
While I am in full agreement with the need to rebuild our present tax system and on the surface the 2% Easy tax does offer a much simpler solution I find it very hard to believe that most PAYE taxpayers ( 8 million + ? ) would feel comfortable with the savings on tax being put into the pockets of their bosses. The assumption that the bonus would be used by small business to hire more staff may be true in some cases but many would look upon it as a windfall and many would no doubt find plenty of uses for the bonus other than for the intended purpose. I have serious doubts as to the consumer seeing any savings passed on down the line.
At my workplace much of that bonus would be used to upgrade plant and equipment . My employer ( Boral ) through the use of more Hi -tech equipment would shed a very large percentage of it's workforce.
However I do believe that if that tax saving was passed on to the employee ie. gross wages minus 2 % tax the proposal may still work and a lot of those 8 million + wage earners would seriously consider the system. By injecting that tax saving into the pockets of the consumers I believe would be a far safer alternative than trusting small business and BIG business to do the right thing. Workers with money to spend would be the best investors for business . They might decide that with the extra dollars in their pocket that a first home purchase is now a realistic goal, the kids might just get that bike, we may even be able to afford a new car and buy those extra groceries , pay the mortgage of a little earlier and afford private health insurance , HEAVEN FORBID WE MAY EVEN BE ABLE TO SAVE AND INVEST SOME OF IT. Wouldn't this create employment opportunity and encourage business to grow and become more competitive ?
I am also concerned about the use of the capital being raised by the imposition of compulsory superannuation on PAYE taxpayers. If each employee contributes say $50/ fortnight and you multiply that by 26 then multiply that again by 8 million which equates to 10.4 billion dollars / year being entrusted into the hands of the financial institutions. Where is the evidence that this money is being wisely invested in AUSTRALIA ? Indeed how much is left in the kitty in the light of the financial meltdown.? Wouldn't these funds be more wisely entrusted to a PEOPLES BANK lending for the benefit of our business and rural industries ? It may even force our other lending institutions to be more competitive.
As ON's tax proposal is open to debate I hope my criticism is taken in good spirit as I think the proposal for a 2% Easy tax is certainly worth consideration but unless the above proposal is offered as an alternative ON will not gain a lot of support amongst unionist and PAYE taxpayers and this will UNFORTUNATELY impact on election day.
Have a good day...........Steve,
Subject: Discrimination (?reverse)
While living in Katherine NT I was continually amazed at the job ads in the local paper which quoted in black and white 'Aboriginals or Torres Strait Islanders only need apply'. But it's not only racial discrimination. While in Melbourne attempting to get into a TAFE course, I had to fill out a form which had a checkbox marked 'Tick this box if you are female or from a non-English speaking background, as these people may be given preference'.
I don't want to have any advantages over anyone else. I just want to have the same rights and benefits as everyone else. Darryl Luff
Subject: supporter
My name is Peter Stephens from Toowoomba QLD, and i would just like to say that i believe whole heartedly in what Pauline is trying to do for the country........
Dear Pauline or whoever does the e/mails.
Keep sticking it up em.
I am a 53 y/o invalid pensioner trying to survive.
I have never voted at all and until recently felt guilty about it, but after watching Gareth Evans drinking champagne and signing some treaty with the Indonesian Regime for a share of wealth from Timor, I am now glad as my name cannot be associated with murderers, rapists and Parasitic Politicians. Not your party. You're the best thing that has happened for Australia in years. Whatever the outcome, it will be very interesting to see how many cookies the big two offer over the next couple of weeks. Just the deisel tax is one of the best things that could happen, and if you hadn't come along, that wouldn't have either. Thank you.
I worked all my life and paid my taxes and had no idea what the pollies were doing overseas with the above class of people. I have worked in mines and construction industry as a plant operator and crane driver and had to leave the workforce due to ill health and now I need assistance to survive I am told my lung damage and hearing damage doesn't warrant any compensation.
I spent my working years in three seperate relationships with ladies who had children from previous marriages. None worked out. What hurts the most is the wages spent raising the kids for all those years, paying rent, schooling etc.
Now there is just me and my dog and just trying to keep a roof over our heads and food in the belly is a battle.
Maybe you can offer some advice to me.
Maybe I can offer you some advice.
Every time Little Johnny or Big Kim offer a cookie, you run an ad showing the news when they're offering the bait and then you appear saying " if it wasn't for One Nation arriving with a bang this bait wouldn't have happened. EG: DEISEL TAX.
Even the Aborigines don't realise how good your going to be for them in the long run.
You are one brave lady, keep it up, watch your back and I hope I hear from you or someone in the party concerning my health etc.
One more thing. If scallops are shellfish, what do you call potato cakes?
John Dunstan
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Name site is owned by One
Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation's Tax Policy-
4th September 1998
One Nation "Media
Adviser" shows true colours- 1st September 1998
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.