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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
We get a lot of "hate mail" from anti-One Nation supporters at GWB. The reason I am giving the one below prominence is because it raises a couple of important issues.
Subject: ignorant rednecks
One Nation may have slighty succeeded in holding an outdoor rally in Ipswich last night but I challenge Hanson or any other mindless supporter to hold an outdoor rally in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, or any other main population centre outside of One Nation strongholds in Queensland.
You consider the Resistance group to be communists which illustrates you have no real idea of the ultra left factions and associations in Australia. Resistance and the Democratic Socialist Party (one and the same) are considered the meakest leftists in the country next to Beazley and his phony left cronies.
Look if you think you got some great photographic and web capabilities, and fancy yourself as one of poorlines right hand spies, then I'd think you'd better re-examine your own photos or learn to read.
The banners are made by the Socialist Worker organisation not Resistance as clearly shown. Anyway this point is trivial. Should you happen to ever cross my path facist (sic) I'll be sure to give you what you deserve whether the commercial networks are present or not.
If we ever cross I'll guarantee you'll forget the experience.
Yours in the deepest dis-respect.
Militant RED.
I'm waiting for you.
(Send him an email if you wish... I have).
At this link you will see excerpts from the criminal code as they apply to freedom of assembly, and here are the resulting questions asked: the police have a responsibility and a duty to protect her (Pauline Hanson) and those who support her and the One Nation Party from harm from these violent mobs, anyone who hinders or interferes with the police carrying out that duty have also committed an offence as excerpted above in s76. (1)(b)(ii).
The originator of the post on blue above is the sort of little man who attacks elderly people who come to listen to Pauline Hanson speak, the sort of little man who should be arrested and put inside for three years if he breaks the Crimes Act as outlined above.
Of course, in this politically correct world, the law no longer matters. All that matters is that the hooligans and trash like the writer above who go to any lengths to intimidate people get a hearing because the major parties see them as the last stand in trying to stop the One Nation populist movement.
Regular readers of the anotd will be aware of the very clear link between the violent protesters and the Labor Party... as the secret, undemocratic funders and henchmen behind the anti-racism groups who have sprung up like pimples on a bum on a cold day. The "anti-racism" slogan is purely used to give any group "credibility".
The major parties (Laboral), spearheaded by the Labor Party and the mainstream media continually perpetuate the lie that One Nation is a racist party... and thus the mirage of legitimacy for the extreme left groups to act undemocratically is put in place.
As we showed in a link in the previous article many of the actions of these protesters clearly breach the 1914 Crimes Act.
Now Kim Beazley has gone the full circle with his lies and deceit saying, "The images (at Ipswich) that were conjured up for me were very like all old 1930s footage of Germany. I thought - as I initially thought when One Nation was created - this is going to bring divisiveness into Australian politics like we have not seen for some time."
What Mr Beazley fails to say is that the action of his protesters were the reason that the event got such wide coverage. If his loony left wing had been kept away from a legitimately held public meeting by a federal politician for her constituents the television stations would have had nothing to show, the journalists nothing to report on. A fact not lost by Prime Minister John Howard who said, "you could almost imagine those demonstrators at Ipswich last night were being paid by One Nation (because of the publicity they created)".
I have a message for both these political stooges. If Labor's thugs left us alone we would be the happiest little vegemites in Australia... and the gathering of One nation supporters at Ipswich would have been ten times the size - I know of hundreds of people who were intimidated by the recent violent protests at One Nation meetings in Victoria. The Queensland Times reporting that protesters were expected in the paper that day doing nothing to quell their fears.
As David Oldfield said yesterday, "It (the Nicholas street rally) was strictly an electorate evening for the local member to speak and meet with the local people - it was not a One Nation rally and was never going to be a One Nation rally."
The Democrats, who will be decimated (like the National Party) at the next Federal election, are now running a series of anti-One nation advertisements aimed at attracting Labor's traditional politically correct minority groups.
The Democrats are expected to lose a number of Senate seats at the next Federal election because of One Nation's growing support.
Yesterday the National Party MPs gathered in Canberra with the leader Tim Fischer and deputy leader John Anderson voluntary vacating their positions after being challenged by Bob Katter of being useless. They were re-elected - shows the state of the National Party today!
After the meeting Bob Katter said, "It's a bit too late to change the leadership when boat has already hit the iceberg."
Meanwhile the latest surveys show One Nation support in western Australia now standing at 25%.
Labor's mates in The Courier Mail have a big task ahead of them - re-writing the history of Shreddergate.
Seems like the re-writing has started though. It was One Nation's eleven MPs who put the heat on the Labor party and their supporting independents (Wellington and Cunningham) to release the Cabinet documents - to ensure that they could get their support to form a minority government.
The press gallery somehow overlooked this fact which stood out like hair on a dog. The stories carried smugly hid the truth and carried extensive extracts about Beattie wanting the "truth" to come out.... with no reference to the major role played by One Nation in making Shreddergate an issue.
Today the re-writing continues with Labor MP Gordon Nuttall telling State Parliament that the CJC had, "deliberately set out" to stop an investigation into its official misconduct division chief Mark Le Grand. "When the CJC behaves in this manner and when it deliberately sets out to stop an inquiry into one of its leading officials, it is quite clear to me that something is smelly and wrong," Nutall said in Parliament.
Parliamentary Commissioner Julie Dick, an eminent criminal barrister, has been put in charge of the investigation into Le Grand.
Now the bigger crime, the shredding of the Heiner documents by the (Labor) Goss Cabinet has somehow still not been included into the "all embracing" independent inquiry... bit close to the bone.
At this link you will get some interesting background on "our" banks. Here is an extract:
Since the deregulation of the banking industry in Australia, many people have been astounded and angry at the incredible growth of the banks profits, matched by the massive loss of profits and assets of both business and individual bank customers. Since deregulation, some banks net profits have increased by over 1300% while at the same time, the rest of us have suffered the "recession we had to have".
Almost everyone knows somebody that has been mistreated by his or her bank. There are far too many stories about bank "victims" for us all to be telling lies. We, the people, cannot afford the same justice that is available to the banks. If this statement is considered a slur on the justice system, it is meant to be.
The purpose of this PAGE is to launch a public investigation into the banking industry of Australia. The investigation will be run by the people, for the people. No politician of political party will be involved with this exercise. We intend to offer credibility with this investigation. A network of skilled and reputable members of the public has donated their time and resources to run this investigation.
A Queenslander, Martin Essenberg, is challenging the validity of the new gun laws.
Here is an extract from his court action:
(a)The MAGNA CARTA, CAP. XXIX says: "NO freeman shall be taken, or imprisoned, or be disseised of his freehold, or his liberties, or free customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or in any other wise destroyed, nor will we pass upon him nor condemn him (a, unless by the lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay, Right or Justice."
Subject: Protest Ringleaders at Nicholas Street
Hello Scott,
After listening to the mindless rabble trying to drown out Pauline's speech to her constitutuents in Ipswich last night, I was wondering if you were keeping photographs of the ringleaders at these demonstrations.
I hope you are as we will need to be able to identify them to bring them before the courts on charges of inciting violence amongst other things.
No-one who threatens our democracy can be allowed to get away with that type of behavour. I am not referring to the misguided poor souls who chant and spit, I am referring to the organisers of these protests that this country can well do without and who must be brought to justice.
Included among them would have to be the so-called leaders; Howard, Beazley, Kennett and all who have condoned these attacks on the freedoms which we in Australia have long held sacrosanct.
Alan Esson.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Wonderful to see Pauline going toe to toe with the "bloody rabble" at the Ipswich rally. Once she gets fired up, boy can she let fly! Never mind any seeming hesitancy or speech notes. What eloquence!
I heard this am on the local Newcastle ABC station David Oldfield answering a question put by an ABC reporter at a business council meeting. He is as sharp as a tack, very succinct with his answers, and always directly to the point.
There seems to be a dearth of independent political parties coming out of the woodwork, trying to cash in on the disaffection of the mainstream voters with Laboral. Australia First complaining that their policies are very similar to ON but the press hasn't given them the time of day. None of these people has had a Pauline to fire the imagination, or the intellect and dedicated ability of a David O!
There was publicity about Qld ON member Shaun (sorry, forgotten last name) trying to start a fight, but it obviously wasn't that at all. Shaun said the members were all yelling & screaming. If the Qld parliament is supposed to have new improved code of conduct, why does the (Labor stooge) speaker wait for something to get up the ON member about. I am anticipating that there will be one rule for Laboral etc., and one rule for ON in the Qld Parlt.
Subject: Re yor website
Dear Sir
Thank god Pauline has the guts and determination to take on the gray men in their gray towers , plus their their mouthpieces sitting in our parliament .
You are probably aware that the international young socialists are behind the current demonstrations against your party , For the most part I believe they are young people that have been influenced by their Marxist/? teachers .
I find it difficult to tag these people , they are a combination of Marxists and Anarchists perhaps a new word should be coined to describe them.
Whatever they are , They are an enormous threat to global as well as our Australian democracy , They represent mob rule , I hope and pray that one day we will overcome this element and their backers , and restore our great country to what it once was .
Sincere Regards
Bernie Harris .
Subject: Nicholas street
Hi Scott
I was at the meeting on Tuesday night and enjoyed the way in which you physically "removed" one of the protesters who was abusing Pauline and blocking our view.
What he lacked in manners you more than made up for in guts. Perhaps here lies the difference in our attitude towards this country's future.
Subject: Ipswich Council
Hello again Scott.
Would you say the Ipswich Shire Council is being unreasonable for refusing to let Pauline Hanson use the Hall. if they let the ALP and Liberals use it then they are and they leave themselves liable to a prosecution under section 28 Crimes Act 1914. If they exclude everyone then they are safe. The fine they face is $99,000 if convicted. Half that would make One nation feel better wouldn't it. The video evidence would almost certainly be enough to send them down. As a body corporate they cannot be jailed but their hip pocket would be hurt. If you are interested then I will happily prepare the paperwork and email a draft to you. Any person may prosecute them as a statutorily appointed prosecutor. Preferably someone who has not a lot of assets right now.
Peter Gargan.
Subject: Who are the Fascists (Ipswich meeting)
Hi there
Well I think it goes without saying who the Fascists are,one should hope that the People of Ipswich will get the message about where there City council is at or who they are at it with.As a returned Serviceman I am disgusted with this rabble, the same half-witted mob that you see every time Pauline fronts up,this same scum would be exterminated in the Countries where there philosophies come from,and to think that I went to war to protect these Bastards makes me sick.
Brian (Jock) Kay
Subject: Griffith uiiverstiy supportes group
To Scott,
I'm so annoyed at the way such group demonstrate there right to free speech. I have decided to demonstrate my right to free speech by starting a supporters group for One Nation At Griffith University as there is support for One Nation at Griffith University.Mt gravatt Campus. Maybe Scott you could put out an email when you get time so that their may be a couple on us to start it thus ease the burdon on me, I mean if I'm the only one their then I will look a bit silly. Others will come however they don't want to make to many waves as they feel it may effect their carreers. (Many lectures are invilved in other political parties.)
I have the heart for it back lack the knowedge of getting things off the ground.
Paul Reid
Subject: The Rabble
Pauline need not apologise for the presence of the rabble at her meetings. I listened to some of Bob Menzies on the Radio, back in the days when Politicians didn't hide behind a TV camera or a Microphone, and he absolutely reveled in the presence of the rabble. Of course he wasn't refused the use of a hall, but street meetings were the order of the day.
It was the rabble that converted me (amongs't many) to vote for Menzies. They are doing the same for Pauline. The rabble move with the wind and are incapable of being converted to anything. We must feel sorry and pray for them, and never allow ourselves to stoop to that level of HATRED.
Philip Madsen
Subject: Your Coverage of the Nicholas Street Rally
Isn't it just so wonderful to see a totally biased and creative report of the rally! You must be a very sick person! To rebut your super hypocrytical statement about these HUMAN BEINGS who demonstrated DEMOCRATICALLY against "one nation" and used their rightful FREEDOM OF SPEECH, we live in a democractic country and human beings have their ever right to demonstrate and protest as long as it is within the laws of Australia. Who are you and onenation to say what we can and cannot do! many thousands of people have peacfully protested against the government and private enterprise in Australia over the past century so don't use this lame excuse to make people feel sympathy for your selfish cause!
Michael Rosenbaum
Subject: In an Emergency?
Dear Sir,
The grubby mayor of Ipswich, John Nugent, in relation to the refusal of the use of the Civic Centre to One Nation said :
"In an emergency it would have been difficult to get people out quickly"
The refusal was on the grounds of protecting the workers under Workplace Health & Safety regulations.
"If this building is so designed as not to allow the safe exit of people in an emergency, how will the workers escape in the event of say, a fire, a burst water main or a gas leak or explosion" ?
Surely this building cannot comply with the Ipswich Council's own building codes. If this is the case then Nugent and his treacherous Council should be prosecuted for endangering the lives of those that work in this building on a daily basis.
Allan W. Doak
Subject: Someone MUST be lying !
Dear Sir,
I have taken note of the various media reports on the One Nation Ipswich meeting of Tuesday night.
Here are the results :
SOURCE SUPPORTERS PROTESTORS Channel 9 News 4th Aug. expected 600 guests 200 protesters
Channel 9 News 5th Aug. over 600 "easily outweighed by supporters" Carolyn Tucker (AM) 5th Aug not stated "hundreds of protestors" and...
Sydney Morning Herald (on-line) no mention The Australian
On-Line no
So there we have it folks, the Australian media today. You be the Judge
Allan W. Doak
Subject: one nation
Dear one nation,
Finally someone has the integrity and courage to voice an opinion that many of us are in no situation to do anything about. Your achievements have not gone unrewarded.I , and many of my associates, totally agree in what your party has to offer.SAVE AUSTRALIANS FOR AUSTRALIA!!! As a true patriot , I find it hard to see my home country "AUSTRALIA" ,being labelled on so many products as being australASIAN. What ever happened to the white AUSTRALIAN policy ? Does anyone remember a general referendom on immigrant policies ? Should we vote for a leader , or an interpreter?
Where I agree that screened immigrants are a part of improving our financial expansion, I cannot understand why we are permitting immigrants with no education or technical skills to enter our country , with the same opportunity at the social security as an AUSTRALIAN pensioner who has been working for this countrry all their lives , and furthermore , does this money ( our much loved but deteriorating AUSTRALIAN Dollar) remain here or does it get posted to some foreign country to support a new immigrants' family back home ?
This I feel is not a racist statement, but a cry out for a "FAIR GO " Would I get the same entitlements if I moved to Vietnam , Tonga , China , Samoa , or any other country ? Of course not !!!
Why can't I purchase property in a country like Indonesia ?( I can if 51% owned by an Indonesian party) Anyway , I'm sure that every true AUSTRALIAN understands. We are getting shafted!
You have my vote , and if do not succeed , thank you for at least standing up for the minority , the TRUE AUSTRALIANS.
Good luck , and raise a toast for our Australin children.
All the best ONE NATION !!!!!!!!!!! TISH.
Subject: tony maher
A letter in response to Tony Maher.
Tony is the Senior General Vice President of the C.F.M.E.U. and has made some comments about Pauline Hanson and One nation. These comments are in the August edition of the Union's journal, "The Common Cause".
In paragraph 3 Tony mentions Hanson's vote for the Workplace Relations Bill.
My response is that Cheryl Kernot and her former party allowed this Bill through the Senate. Cheryl now runs around with Kim and the boys pretending to be a Labour politician.
At least we all knew where Hanson stood on this issue.
In paragraph 4 Tony states how silent One Nation was during the MUA's campaign on the waterfront.
Obviously Tony does not have access to the 'Net and was unable to read the good press on GWB's "News of the Day" when Corrigan and friends were exposed. It was also unlikely that Tony would have seen ANY good press about One Nation in the customary Newspapers and TV News.
In paragraph 5 Tony mentions how One Nation people never came near picket lines when miners were battling Multi-Nationals like Rio Tinto and ARCO.
Tony, I ask you this; "Would they have been welcome??? With the lies that the press were pushing about One Nation, would they have been safe at your Picket Lines?"
In paragraph 8 Tony recites John Howard's line about "No worker would be worse off under his Government."
All I can do Tony, is remind you of the former ACTU boss and Prime Minister who said "No child will be living in poverty by 1990"
(Speaking of old Bob.....His thin mate Paul was going to do the Wharfies over just like Bob did the Pilots. The wharfies knew this and so did a lot of other people.)
I could go on about Tony's article in the "Common Cause" but I think enough has been said. I only want to leave you with this final comment.
When Labour was absolutely flogged at the last election, damage control speeches were made by Jenny George and Bill Kelty. In essence, they were about how the hierarchy of the Union movement had lost touch with the members on the 'shop floor'. In other words, the grass roots members. WELL GUESS WHAT? The grass roots members are still getting a kicking and we've had enough. This is why we're heading for One Nation.
Maybe O.N. aren't perfect. Maybe they are similar to Norm Freehill's article at the back of "Common Cause". The only certain thing is that Liberal and Labour have kicked us around for too long. We really haven't got much more to lose by voting for One Nation.
A cavilled out member of the Mining and Energy Division of the C.F.M.E.U.
(Name Withheld)
Subject: Appearance at the National Press Club
To whom it may concern!
Given that there have been people from business,military,national & international political figures that have spoken at past press club meetings viewed on Wednesday's ABC coverage at 1pm,when is Ms Hanson or Mr Oldfield going to make an appearance & "confront" their critics in the media & the political scene?
In anticipation of a reply,
Adrian Mackay
Student in Politics
Subject: bargains?
Yesterday's Australian had a full page devoted to the benefits to Australia of Hilmer's ruinous competition policy. These were the headlines to the articles:
"Tariff war brings home the bacon".
"GST right for country in long haul".
"Little rise in the cost of living".
"What goes up sometimes comes down".
"The basic competition story is a good one".
As well there was a quote from one of these articles in much larger type as a sort of subliminal advertisment: "The average family is reaping the benefits of lower tariffs".
The basis of that absurd claim was that "households were paying 3.8 per cent less for pork and 1.5 per cent less for poultry in June than in March... Falling world prices and a surge [till now emphatically denied!]in Canadian and Danish imports, as a result of improved access to the Australian market and over-production at home [!], have combined to hold down prices of those products".
Wowee. Never mind if Dad gets retrenched, or if formerly viable family farms go to the wall - pork prices are down. And clothing prices eased 0.1 per cent. Now that really makes the heart glow, dosn't it. That Australians now have no choice but to buy cheap, shoddy clothing manufactured in third world countries under third world conditions is regarded as progress by our political elites. Neither the female pollies nor the wives of the males would be seen dead wearing the trash they assume we are happy with. We are supposed to be grateful that we get these cheap goods. We are presumed to have no idea of quality. And we are not supposed to mind that a quality domestic industry has been destroyed dumping skilled Australian workers on the economic scrapheap.
Because they are themselves so selfish our self-styled 'leaders' have no understanding that Australians care more about each other than about getting the best bargain. Surely we are not so debased as to define our humanity by saying: "I shop (for the cheapest price) therefore I am". One of my grandfathers used to say: "I'm too poor to buy cheap". His saying is worth pondering in this Age of the Bargain.
Subject: Ideaology and Technology
Hi One Nation
I have been bombarded with the media's interpretation of your views, and I am not a very trusting person of the media, yet alone the dirty mud slinging politics that seems to prevail in Australia.
My only concern is the mud slinging has got people on your side who are in fact raciest and hate mongerers, but we can blame the other dominant parties for that.
I too want to see Australia united, but I am also for equal rites and my underlying line is to "love thy neighbour" and that be all of mankind. Anything that adds to this virtue I will endorse 100%. Anything that criticises without knowing all the facts is narrow minded, and I think that we have had that for all too long already.
I hope that you views are positive in this regard, I truly do. I have just found your website, and have not read it all yet. I am only too aware of how the media and rumours and propaghanda can poison the minds of the masses.
Perhaps you may also want to consider internet polls, and internet referandums, to cut down on tax payers monies. Most people these days know someone with net access, and through this manner we can set up user names and passwords, and would even cut down on the costs of postage and so on. Efficiency and technology are at our finger tips, I hope you guys use it to the benefit of all Australians.
Subject: Friends across the sea
Greetings from New Zealand
This is to inform you that I will be contesting the Christchurch City Council elections as a Mayoral candidate under the banner of "One Country."
Any comments, support or help would be very much appreciated
Yours Truly
Paul B Telfer
Friends across the sea
Subject: Re: One Nation August Newsletter
saying hi, letting you know ,our full support ,i want to be a member .but worried of some people around me .
Subject: re mailing list
I am interested in receiving more information via your mailing list.
If i can express my opinion it is this
I have read Pauline Hansons maiden speech and it is my opinion that she is anti immigration and not anti asian. I am Australian with a Greek background and i am happy to learn more more re One Nations Policies. Australia has has suffered an iatrogenic disease inflicted on us by politicians as Pauline stated in her maiden speech, and to see three politicians on 60 mins program speechless says it all.
M. Khavounitis
Subject: Keep Up The Good Work
Keep up the good work Pauline. I am one of the millions that just listen to the news and make up their own minds. No one knows or cares about me or my business.
You are doing a good job, and are a testimony to the freedom we enjoy in this country.
I hope One Nation does well at the coming election.
I am quite good at computers. If you can do with any free help or advice in this general area - such as email, faxing or whatever, feel welcome to let me know and if I can help I will gladly assist.
Brian Clayton
Manly, NSW
Subject: Where is the level playing field???
Certainly not practiced by the US. Just to mention a couple of infractions!!!!!!!!
The US Government have recently introduced a 30% tariff on lamb imports into the US, Provided $9,000,000 for promotion of US wine into the UK.
Gifted and subsided under guise of their export enhancement scheme, millions of dollars worth of wheat to Indonesia.
When is our government going to get off their buts and put it to these countries and force them to adhere to their agreements on free trade.
Australia seems to be the only signatory that is following the agreements to the letter while the rest of the world sits back and laughs at us. Surly in our politicians had any guts they could at least embarrass the countries, even hit them where it hurts, threaten to close their satellite bases here or something.
Surely there is something we can do to hurt these bastards like they are doing us.
Errol Ardron
To the Editor
Dear Sir
In the south we understood that, Community based Referendums (CBR) also known as Citizens Initiated Referenda (CIR) was a policy of One Nation.
Since One Nation's rise to fame, through the ballot box, we have not heard mention of (CBR) (CIR).
There are thousands of us out here, that believe (CBR) (CIR) will do more to return power to the people, than any other policy. We hope to hear more about this policy now that One Nation has elected representatives in Parliament.
Subject: Pauline
Good on ya mate
Give them heaps,We are being snowed by the Goverment of the day so lets have a go and get this Country back on track.When your Party and mine Now. Get into office we can get all these Dickheads a job of some sorts???But no DOLE Finished Work or go hungry.
We Look Forward to a Change of Goverment.
Keep up the good work if youy can.
John Thornhill
Subject: One Nation
Dear Sir,
I am responding to your prerequisite of registration in order to enter group discussions taking place on-line.
After taking note of the undercurrent sweeping our nation with respect to Pauline Hanson and the Australian One Nation Party, most notably that affecting the erstwhile sluggish bi-political system which formerly dominated our federal governance, I would very much like to have available this forum wherein I may from time to time contribute some constructive they advise or criticism or simply words of encouragement and concurrence.
It seems to me that reaction to what Ms Hanson has said...or should I say been allowed to be seen as having said (insofar as what the fourth estate reports), is bordering upon the neurotic. It could be all together written off as just an embarrasment to sound political process if not for the obviously vindictive and contemptible disregard for freedom of speech. On that note alone I can see One Nation gaining a lot of supporters.
Will you please advise me as to what I need do to obtain a username and password?
Yours Sincerely
I.C. Kadaitcha
Subject: One Nation Interest
Please :
1. In all of the hype about the migration issues, would it not be politic for One Nation to point to the scientific evidence which clearly suggests that we have reached the limit of the people we can support on present technologies? Apart from the ethics, we simply cannot support more without a falling standard of living. In view of this there ought to be a population policy of which immigration simply forms part.
2. Hasn't it occurred to anyone that the main beneficiaries of the lowering of tariffs and the re-structuring of the Australian industry is the Australian Public Service whose jobs are not subject to external competition. I am sure they are quite prepared to let the Australian public suffer. That is the real issue not 'dry economics'.
3. One notes that the bitter opposition on ethnic issues is coming from those who, at taxpayers expense, rely on creating and maintaining wethnic differences to sustain their power base and income? What POSSIBLE reason could there be to turn Australia into another Yugoslavia? The argument that unless we do what the Asians want we will lose business is clearly specious apart from being plain wrong. I admit there must be susceptabilities hanging over from the colonial era but to do otherwise than to follow our own policies in a spirit of co-operation and equality would be to denigrate them.
4. I have NEVER seen the ruling elite, the holier than thou "know it all' media idiots and their pseudo intellectualism, and the executives (who needed to spend $4.0m to prove they are a bunch of twits?), nor the political elite and their sacred cows and concept of truth being what no-one can disprove, looking so utterly out of place and ridiculous.
5. Thank god for the Salvos? Thank God for Queenslanders the home of common sense!!!
Where can I join???
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Name site is owned by One
Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.