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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Tonight I will be attending the One Nation rally in Ipswich's Nicholas Street.
The rally is headed for some very challenging moments during which our freedom of assembly will be threatened. I was advised last night that the night creatures from Griffith University in the guise of the Democratic Socialist Party (the adult arm of Resistance) will be there as well.
The thugs are expected to arrive at about 6.30pm an hour before Pauline Hanson speaks. Guests are expected to arrive from about 7pm. The thugs and the guests will, because of the nature of a street rally, be mixing together.
Tomorrow I will carry exclusive images from the event. I hope and pray that the thugs will let democracy prevail, but I have my doubts based on past experience.
Senator Amanda Vanstone has said that Pauline Hanson's bodyguards were replaced last year because they were "unprofessional" not because they were "too friendly" - this contradicts a Courier Mail line in yesterday's paper which was clearly meant to imply some sort of "personal relationship" between Mrs Hanson and at least one of the guards.
"The level of professionalism was not what it should have been," Justice Minister Senator Amanda Vanstone said.
Meanwhile Barbara Hazelton, back from an overseas trip, was speaking to the media again, this time saying, "I would never ever bring into doubt their professionalism, they were quite fantastic and I'm sure they would have laid down their lives for Pauline."
I agree with that statement.
There is only one thing that will stop Pauline Hanson's One Nation holding the balance of power after the next Federal election and it is not the possibility that the party will not win seats.
The fallout from the disintegrating Coalition threatens to dessimate the Liberal Party. The National Party is already all but gone. If the Coalition disintegrates further Labor will win in their own right even though One Nation will win a handful of Labor seats.
Yesterday, the view that One Nation will hold the balance of power was supported by Queensland state opposition leader, Rob Borbidge, who conceded that his party, the Nationals, is likely to be annihilated in the poll.
Speaking on the ABC's Four Corners last night Borbidge said, "I mean we could be potentially looking at the possible annihilation of the national Party at a federal level.
"It could be that serious. I think the likely outcome of the next federal election... based on the way the polls are going now, the that One Nation will have the balance of power in both the House of Representatives and the Senate."
Meanwhile the calls for National leader and deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer to step down are reaching fever pitch in a very public condemnation of his performance.
Some 40 hopeful Senate candidates for One Nation in Queensland have been told, by letter, that the six successful candidates will have to pay Au$10,000 to Manly to nominate for the federal election.
The money would go towards how-to-vote cards and posters, with losing candidates being refunded Au$4,000.
The assistant secretary of the Queensland Electoral Campaign Committee (QECC), Mick Chapman, wrote in a letter to Senate candidates on July 7th, "I would also bring to your attention that the six successful nominees will be required to lodge Au$10,000 with the QECC within seven days of endorsement as a Senate candidate. This Au$10,000 will cover the costs of how-to-vote cards, business cards and all essential materials within the Senate candidate kit."
Poppy King "the lipstick lady" who recently condemned Pauline Hanson and One Nation has, it appears, her own fair share of problems after her business partners pulled the plug saying that they had lost Au$2 million on the lipstick venture.
Ms King was, until now, widely lauded as an example of how determination can allow anyone to be successful. Personally, the only thing that I have known Ms King to do is to talk to groups on "How to be successful"... seems like the advice is somewhat misplaced after all.
Ms King went public about her financial problems yesterday much to the distress of her partners, Tab and Eva Fried who invested Au$3.5 million in her business in April last year.
"Poppy Industries is not going bankrupt, is not in any financially unsound position. This is a dispute between the non-executive directors and myself to end the business relationship," Ms King said yesterday.
Speculation is that she has gone public to try to attract new investors to help her keep her financial dream alive.
Interesting how quickly even the much lauded mini-elitists can be dropped by those who have the power and the influence to make or break people. In 1995 Ms King was announced as winner of the Young Australian of the Year. An award now in the domain of the politically correct in our society.
Poppy King might just come to her senses, see what is happening to this country and join the One Nation band wagon. The only political party serving the interests of all Australians.
Current law puts the government is in a position to inappropriately monitor the movements and transactions of every citizen. Not only is the national ID movement underway, it will be a reality by October 1, 2000. Congress considered delaying implementing the law because of privacy issues, but apparently had decided to let the law stand.
Students of Bible prophecy recognize this as a possible fulfillment of the prophecy found in the book of Revelation which reveals that the antichrist will be able to track and control all financial transactions. The scripture says that NO MAN will be able to buy or sell anything unless he has the mark.
He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark of his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. - Revelation 13:16-17
The Clinton administration is quietly laying plans to assign every American a "unique health identifier": a computer code that could be used to create a national database that would track every citizen's medical history from cradle to grave. It would keep track as you change doctors and insurance companies, track your diseases, the medicines you take and why you take them. And all that information would be on a government computer.
Subject: Sixty Lies Per Minute
Your letter to the editor"Sixty Lies Per Minute", in 'You Say' of 3Aug98, was a classic among many classics, in its effective rebuttal to Sixty Minute's feeble, aborted attempts at denigrating One nation and its supporters.
you are ever tempted to curb your enthusiasm for One Nation - please DON'T
keep your powder dry,
john hamilton - USA
Subject: 38 minutes BS
Hi Scott,
I trust you are monitoring the 60minutes vote monitor ;-)
I am logging some interesting screenshots of the 60 minutes 'discuss' forum. Here is the message I've posted. The message has been getting longer each time I post it:
In response to the question "Why aren't One Nation members prepared to discuss philosophies and policies?" I wrote:
One Nation members do discuss philosophies and policies. A better question would be "Why do 60 minutes choose to consistently misrepresent One Nation?"
Common discussion points in One Nation circles is a)
what does Kerry Packer have to lose if ON gets seats?
b) how best to boycott the major sponsors of media products that consistently
breach the AJA code of ethics.
[end post 1]
This is the second time I have posted this. Does the
proud sponsor of 60 minutes approve of censorship of public comment on broadcast
[end post 2]
Subject: 60 Minutes
Dear ONE NATION . . .
What happened to the 60 MINUTES segment on the Party?
Was it really that short (ie: only 15 minutes) ???
Surely, something as "life-threateneing" as the ONE NATION PARTY deserves more than 15 minutes - and it wasn't as if they had another "great story" to follow it (ie: a re-hashed story from 20 years ago - that didn't even have a happy ending).
I got the impression that if the ONE NATION segment had shown ONE NATION in a "bad light" then it would have been a ONE HOUR SPECIAL. Is there any truth in this ? or am I just being a little paranoid ?
Yours . . .
Roy Blinston
Subject: 38minutes
Hi again Scott,
Did you or anyone else you know of capture the 38 minutes IRC session from Sunday night? It would be interesting to see if the 38 minutes transcript matches the actual session.
Methinks it's time to get serious about boycotting the sponsors of shows that consistenly breach the AJA code of ethics.
Tony Hancock
Subject: Free Watch vrs 'Race Watch'
A 'committee' called 'Race Watch' has just been formed to 'monitor "racist" comments' by candidates in the forthcoming Federal election. Naturally, it consists of 'intellectual elites'[amongst them that vocal apologist for multiculturalism, Mr Justice Seinfeld(any relation to the TV character?)]
The 'brief' of this little collection of politically correct anachronisms is to scrutinise the comments/language of all and sundry connected with the election and to 'expose' them in the media! How boring! Haven't these people got something better to do which might support candidates who advocate their own ideologies: like grass-roots campaigning in shopping malls, public places, small towns, regional centres, work-places and community centres? Or don't they want to 'get their hands dirty' "mixing it" at the coal-face with the common or garden variety populace of Oz?!
Perhaps a 'counter-committee' ['Free Watch'] should be formed so that the rights of all Australians to free speech is upheld. There are already a multitude of laws, both criminal and civil, to cover untoward, inappropriate and illegal uses of the English language. Yet another department of the Thought Police we don't need! cheers!
Subject: What do the Howards eat?
To demonstrate the effects of the GST, last Sunday's (Sydney) Sun-Herald published the family budget of the McLean family who have an annual income of $35,000. They spent $20 a week on fruit and vegetables, $25 on meat, $55 on groceries, and the list continued detailing their budget for meeting their mortgage repayments and rates, electricity, insurance etc bills.
The paper also published something called "John Howard's Shopping List". Howard's gross income is $210,000. His net is $116,556 which translates into a nice take-home pay of $2,241.46 a week that he can plonk in front of Janet. The Howard family expenditure was listed under the following headings: fruit, flowers, groceries, extras and daughter Melanie's cigarettes. The fruit, flowers and 'groceries' totalled $91.60.
According to this shopping list the Howards must be very frugal, smelly but cultivated vegetarians. Janet spends $52 on fruit and $31.50 on flowers and $8.10 on groceries. Though the shopping list detailed how much she spent on strawberries, basil, rosemary, six corn cobs, three pears, two big tomatoes etc, along with two takeaways of pizza and curry, it made no mention of the usual items on the family grocery list. The only items listed as 'groceries' were one litre of orange juice and four litres of milk!
Apparantly the Howards don't buy bread, meat, cans of tuna, breakfast cereals, pet food, butter or cheese. They don't buy vegemite, peanut butter, jam, tomato sauce, tea or coffee. She can't be much of a cook because no spices, flour, eggs, pasta, rice, oil, cornflour or even sugar is on the list of groceries. No alcohol or cordials make the Howard grocery list. As well potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cabbage and onions do not appear. I must admit I was surprised that the Howards' don't buy soap, shampoo, conditioner, toilet paper, deodorant, talcum powder, toothpaste, detergent, washing powder or wool wash either.
Dear readers, make of it what you can.
Subject: TRUST ME, I'M A JOURNO........
just saw a promotion for next week's 'Four Corners' story on One Nation. The ad closed with a closeup of Miss Hanson's face.
The picture had been cropped, and digitally enhanced, to make her eyes look sinister. What are those reptiles planning this time?
Byron Stander
Subject: Look out! The 'Big Aussie' under threat!!!!
Don Argghh-head!, enemy of small business, the family farm, the battler and ordinary working people has recently taken on the mantle of 'Chairman' of the 'Big Aussie': BHP. Look out Australia! This economic rationalist psychopath, globalist stooge, pro-MAI freak and declared enemy of traditional Australian values(he once called small family farms who protested against unfair bank foreclosures as 'extremist red-neck fanatics') is on the loose. Whatever the faults of the previous Chairman of BHP(Ellis) he wasn't in the same league as this Gordon Geccko-type company/small business wrecker and lackey of the NWO! Be warned! This is just another example of the utter contempt with which the 'elites'(big business, 'politicians', academia, the media and 'the church') regard the average Australian battler and worker!
You don't have to be Nostradamus to predict that the days of BHP as a solely Aussie(or mostly Aussie!) compny are numbered indeed!
Subject: tax
It must be so embarrassing to be a Coalition backbencher these days. I can hardly believe that John Howard holds them in such contempt as to reveal his tax plan to them and the public on the same day. He assumes they will be good little boys and girls and publicly approve of a policy they will not have seen before.
Howard treats the people that way too, but at least we are increasingly likely to object and tell him what to do with his ruinous policies. It's a pity the backbenchers are too afraid to do likewise.
If the tax reform package does not address the scandal of multinationals paying little or no tax - and that's straight from the horse's mouth: Jim Killaly of the ATO has frequently made the claim - it will be treated with the contempt it deserves. The whole reason for the 'crisis' in the Australian tax system is that the big end of town don't pay tax. Given that, it's pretty obvious why they are paying millions of dollars to 'sell' the government's 'reforms' to the mindless bunnies - sorry - the voters.
The GST will simply spread the tax burden more evenly over all Australians, especially the poor ones. Instead of workers and (some) businesses paying tax, everyone will now pay tax including the unemployed, children, retirees, and mothers at home. The IMF will approve, and big business will be spared.
And they still wonder why the natives are restless? They can't be that thick! Can they?
Subject: Launch of One Nation at Dandenong
Let me just settle one fact about the launch of one nation at dandenong. The man who was beaten and required medical attention was NOT beaten by anti-hanson protestors. He is an a-political man who just wanted to hear one nation speak for themselves. He was in FACT beaten by HANSON SUPPORTORS. This is a claim not made by me, but THE MAN HIMSELF. The media chose not report this. No where in news coverage does he actually say he was beaten by protestors. He says what happened, but not by who. The man in question is a friend of a collegue of mine. And that is what he told my colegue. So it's time to stop spreading the untruths about anti hanson protestors being violent and dangerous. I thought One Nation and Hanson was about 'The Truth'?
My reply:
Young Kelly Elizabeth
What you say is crap.
If that is true get a statement by the man signed by a JP otherwise try rocking a more gullible boat. We come across your sort of trash daily.
Scott Balson
Subject: There are Jews and jews
Visit this site to get a Jewish version of what the Anti-Defamation-League is really all about. The ADL and B'nai B'rith have the bloody cheek to accuse Australians of prejudice and monitor politicians (by that they mean only one political party of course) for 'racist' remarks, and yet condone the actions of Joe Gutnick, who also has the bloody effrontery to take sides with the ADL!
Now Mr perfect Jewish Joe Gutnick makes millions of quids from Australian gold mines, and sends the money to Israel to build Jewish settlements on Palestinian land, and so fight a proxy war from Australian soil, using our money and our resources. This is one foreigner that must be sent to Israel, after his fortune has been confiscated to benefit Australians - not Jews in Palestine. That is the thing he and his mates - the Leibler brothers - fear most. They fear that if One Nation gets government in Canberra, then off they go to Israel, minus their ill gotten gains from Australia.
Subject: One Nation To Govern Australia
I would like to say that I totally agree 100% with the idea of making Australia One Nation, I am not a raciest and nor do I think is Pauline Hanson but we do have to do something about the inequality that is in Australia at the present, if people do not want discrimination lets all be equal not two different cultures and in some cities 5 or 6. I want all Australians to be equal not wether im black white. I do not see why because you are black you should deserve any other rights than the same as any other Australian. I have always Voted Liberal but I am going to Vote One Nation at the next election We have got to get it right for the good of all Australians not the minority groups who seem to dictate to the rest of us what is right this is a democracy and we should all have the same rights as each other to live work and bring up our families in a free non discriminate country that we are all proud of. Thank you Pauline you have got the right idea and I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope you can make a difference.
Yours Faithfully
Michael J Crick
Subject: Let One-Nation have a say...
Why is one Nation going to be last on voting cards ? They are an equal party to other parties, and therefore should be given the same chances as other parties. Fair enough One Nation is controversial, but isn't every other party. I don't think I have seen a political decision ever, that hasn't been played down by other people and parties. When I see parliament on TV, it scares me that this room of grown men and women run our country. They act like a bunch of 3 year olds.
The biggest problem I have with people protesting Pauline Hanson is the fact that no-one has let her have a fair say. When she came to Newcastle, Hunter street was blocked off and full of protesters. I dont support or reject One Nation at this stage because I don't know what their policies are, because no-one lets her have and UN-interrupted time to say them. I think Pauline Hanson should get a time slot on National TV for say an Hour, and say what has to be said, then no protesters can interrupt her.
I think people should listen to what she has to say and then make a decision on weather to support her or not when they have the full story, and that isn't going to happen when people don't let her get a word in edge ways.
-Brendon Black
Subject: National ID Cards
Dear Scott
Further to our previous contact, I have found the below information about what is happening in the United States to introduce a National Identity System. I am sure you will find it very interesting.
I think it would be an excellent idea to bring this issue into the spotlight - particularly as the Prime Minister must call an election in less than 7 months from now.
Since the USA is now ready to have this system put into law we Australians need to ask those who are in power & influence and/or control our Government what they intend to do to introduce this National ID System into our country. They (whoever "they" are) obviously intend to have this same system set up & running also. They have allready tried - Do you remember the "Australia Card" Bob Hawke allmost succeeded in implementing when he used to be PM? It would be illegal for any Australian to open & operate a bank account or (if I remember correctly) to buy or sell anything over the value of $10,000 without it. One Nation MUST expose this insidious attempt (which will succeed if you do nothing to prevent it) of increasing Government control & knowledge of our private affairs. One Nation MUST determine what policies OUR Governments have or allready implemented to bring in this National & more than likely International ID system which the article below describes has allready happened to innocent US citizens. WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN TO US ! One Nation (and their leaders Miss Hanson & Mr. Oldfield) MUST ACT NOW to bring to all Australian's attention this hidden government agenda.
Please pass this letter & the information below on to Miss Hanson & Mr. Oldfield without delay. They are the only ones with the guts to confront our political leaders with this agenda, expose it for what it really is & hopefully prevent it from happening. Waiting untill after the election is called & held will be too late. One Nation holding the balance of power in either or both the House of Reps & the Senate will be completely irrelavant because the three other major parties will combine their votes in parliment together to form a "National Government" to completely neultralize any influence One Nation will have. If this subject is raised into the public arena NOW it can become an issue far more important to ALL Australians than weather we have a GST or not. One Nation is the only force in this country which can prevent or at the very least delay what you will read below from happening here.
Our very freedom is at stake. Don't you agree with me this is the most important thing for our country & our people?
Finally with reference to the two books I previously mentioned, I now relize I don't have them as I have lent them to someone else. I strongly urge senior members of One Nation, especially Miss Hanson & Mr. Oldfield, to obtain & read these books. It will provide you with an enormous amount of information on what is happening behind the scenes which our Governments & the Media over many years have kept hidden. They are called "Final Notice" & "Better than Nostrodamus" by Barry Smith. They are available from the below bookshop:
Crossway Bookshop
2 Vision Drive
Burwood East VIC 3151
Phone: (03) 9886 3788
I sincerley hope that you take to heart the issues I've raised & put into action to fight vigirously against our Government's plans to introduce this terrible ID System. If you succeed in doing this not only will the Coalition be destroyed at the next Federal election, One Nation will be thanked at the ballot box for fighting for our freedoms & rights. The only problem we will then face is whatever coalition of parties has the power & control of the Parliament after the election, they will more than likely continue to implement the New World Order objectives (an international ID System is only one objective they have). Perhaps they will then be in a position to accellarate it. Our fight against the centralization of power will never end.
To finish I'd just like to make one comment re the 60 minutes programe I saw last night. The whole thing was obviously contrived. The question I have is this: Contrived by whom? Richard Carlten is very clearly a part of the influnce the media have to help bring about a World Dictatorship. I have no doubt Ray Martin is also & has been right since he started his career in journalisim more than 20 years ago. I wonder if he is a Freemason? Perhaps he is a member of one or more of the following orginizations - I know for a fact many of our politicians are:
I trust this letter is received by the right people in your party.
Please write to me Miss Hanson & Mr. Oldfield to let me know you have read this letter & the below information & if you have interest in obtaining the two books by Barry Smith.
Yours Sincerley
Darren Hewitt
Subject: Democracy Laboral style
Hi Scott,
This article was in the Advertiser Monday August 3rd 1998
Police fear for MP
Cameron refuses help after ETSA stand abuse
By Political Reporter PHILLIP COOREY
Police have told senior Labor MP Mr Terry Cameron they are concerned for his safety.
But he has rejected offers of assistance despite being the victim of several incidents since he publicly declared his support last month for the sale of ETSA and Optima Energy.
The incidents last week involved Mr Cameron's car, home and office.
A spokeswoman for the Deputy Police Commissioner, Mr Neil McKenzie, confirmed yesterday he had instructed an officer to contact Mr Cameron to express concern about his safety. The spokeswoman said Mr Cameron had been offered a risk assessment to see whether he warranted around-the-clock protectection.
Mr Cameron said he had declined the offer - for now.
"I had a word with the police and told them a few of the things that have been going on," he said.
Since Mr Cameron told parliament last week that he thought ETSA and Optima should be sold to help ease the State's debt, he has had his:
Mr Cameron did not want to comment on the matter involving his home but it is understood the condoms were left in a conspicuous position to anger his partner,
Mr Cameron said he did not have any suspicions about who was responsible for the attacks or even if they were linked.
The Treasurer, Mr Lucas, said the pressure being applied to Mr Cameron was similar to tactics used against former Labor MLC Mr Norm Foster, who broke ranks and voted for the Roxby Downs Indenture Bill in 1982. Mr Lucas said any situation where an MP had a specific view and was then subjected to harassment "is regrettable".
A spokeswoman for the Opposition Leader, Mr Rann, said Mr Rann would not comment.
Mr Cameron said he expected this week in parliament to be "pretty rugged", during debate in the Upper House on the sale of ETSA and Optima.
He is likely to speak in support of the bill but is as yet undecided on how he will vote.
With the democrats and Labor opposed to any sale, the Government needs the support of No Pokies MLC Mr Nick Xenophon, plus another MLC such as Mr Cameron to break party ranks.
Tony Hancock
Another perfect day in paradise.
Here are some images taken of my son, young Alex, at his 8th birthday party on Saturday...
Have a good one.
![]() |
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes
debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.