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October 1995
Tony Abbott's lies in parliament
On Thursday morning I received a phone call from a man claiming to be from the Parliamentary library staff in Canberra.
He asked me where he could get a copy of One Nation's constitution. I advised him to contact David Ettridge at the Manly office. What resulted was my name being raised in The Lower House of Federal Parliament that day in which Mr Abbott states, "... I approach a person described as One Nation's constitutional officer. When asked for a copy of the constitution, the gentleman in question, Scott Balson, said, "I only look after the web page. You will have to ask David Ettridge."
There you go folks, I wear a number of hats - now including that of "constitutional officer!"
Now that you know the credibility of Tony Abbott read on and judge for yourself the credibility of one Peter Charlton.
One thing that I have learnt is not to believe the small 2 by 2 photos of journalists that sometimes appear alongside the title of an article in the newspapers. The picture used by Margo Kingston in the Sydney Morning Herald, for example, must have preceded Noah's flood. However, the one used by Mr Peter Charlton would have required, I believe, a large amount of dedicated and careful touching up.
Having met Charlton in a case in which I took the Courier Mail to the Australian Press Council earlier this year I was quite surprised at how ugly this man actually is. Not just in looks but in personality, a personality which glares out at you with hatred... maybe he has been in the profession too long? Who knows, who cares.
However, today, Mr Charlton's lead article in the Courier Mail headed "One Man's Notion" is a classic in 'do what I say, not do what I do'. In the article he states "The effect is to suggest an open, democratic party with popular support. Yet the reality of One Nation is quite different."
A few weeks ago Charlton sent me an email threatening me with a number of legal actions. This email is show below:
Priority: Normal
X-Msmail-Priority: Normal
From: "Peter Charlton"
Subject: MAI
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 98 15:52:49 PDT
Mr Balson,
I notice that your home page is carrying my report in The Courier-Mail about the MAI. I own the copyright on that report. I receive a payment for the Copyright Council twice a year for articles of mine which have been copied and used.
I have not given you permission to use my report, or any other material which is my intellectual property.
Unless it is removed instantly, I shall sue.
In any event, I take exception to being described as "unethical". I regard that as grossly defamatory.
You will be hearing from my solicitors unless any and all references to me are removed from your website.
Yours sincerely (and determinedly)
Peter Charlton
The comments in Charlton's email followed my close coverage of the events leading up to, during and after my action against The Courier Mail. (This information was fortunately taken by an unknown person in the US with interest in media related issues and posted up on a site there before it was removed from the gwb web site following Charlton's email). It should come as no surprise to readers that Charlton was the author of the articles which I considered, and still do, to be biased journalism. It was blatantly obvious to me that Charlton does not like coming under the scrutiny that he likes to put others. As I said earlier "do what I say, not what I do"....
In today's Courier Mail article Charlton makes several references to me and my company and our involvement with One nation.
Here is a transcript of the part of the article referring to GWB:
"Scott Balson of Mount Crosby, who runs the One Nation World Wide Web site marked the first anniversary of One Nation thus: "Very few realised the significance of the presence of David Oldfield, who would soon after become Pauline Hanson's political adviser. Very few had ever met David Ettridge before, the man who had forged the One Nation dream with Pauline Hanson.
"Balson is another important One Nation figure. His web site, Global Web Builders, offers interested Internet browsers a wealth of information about One Nation. He also operates an associated news service, for which he charges US$!0 (Au$16) a month, which he claims is "independent" of One Nation.
"Much of his news service is, in fact, comment and interpretation on articles published in Australian newspapers and transcripts of Australian television and radio programmes.
"On the evidence of his web site, Balson is an unabashed admirer of Hanson the personality: "Some people and the mainstream media tell me that she is ill-informed, ill-educated, a bigot, racist and divisive (sic)," he writes. "Others tell me that she speaks for the mainstream population. It goes without saying that I support the latter point of view... consider what this woman has been put through by the media in the past two years.
"She is no longer just a politicians. She is the mother of this nation. She is a wonderful woman and like many, many Australians I love her for her dedication, vision and guts... she is Pauline... we all love Pauline and what she stands for..."
"Balson's web site comes complete with photographs of One Nation gatherings. It provides an opportunity for feedback from members and interested supporters. The effect is to suggest an open, democratic party with popular support. Yet the reality of One Nation is quite different."
At this point Charlton brings in the comments by Tony Abbott with all the balance of the bottomless pit of funds thrown at a small portion of the Australian population through the infamous ATSIC.
The article is scattered with "According to Abbott..." statements... well according to Abbott I am the "constitutional officer" and quite frankly, that, like so much else is total bullshit.
In another Courier Mail example, it was claimed that Steve Menagh from Manly was no longer associated with the One Nation party. Steve was most surprised when I phoned to give him the news. It is a sick reflection on the powerhouse play of the mainstream media when they attempt to intimidate even the most junior members of One Nation's staff by naming them in articles aimed at deriding the party.
But, as I said before, intellectual prostitutes who do their master's bidding without question do not let honesty and integrity get in the way of a good story.
Why should they? Murdoch and Packer have all but got Australia's media tied up and, except for the free Internet, they would get away with their prejudice, hatred and deceit without question. Thus the threatening email from Charlton.
While billion-dollar-Beattie travels around the country in his Au$50 million jet the leader of a party which gained 23% of the state's vote has had to forego his driver.
The decision follows the meagre financial provision for One nation staff. An allocation of Au$300,000 per year for five staff. Bill Feldman, the One Nation leader, will do without his driver and employ a research officer instead.
Here is an extract from an article in the Financial Review By Michelle Grattan
"Gathered around the lunch table was a group of some of Australia's biggest business names. They included Tony Berg of Boral, Frank Lowy of Westfield, Fred Hilmer, the man who has shaped the nation's competition policy, and Reg Clairs, of Woolworths.
"It was late 1997. The topic was immigration. One Nation was up and running but not yet rampant. But the diners were worried the migration debate was slipping away by default and believed the pro-migration arguments should be put more strongly."
Subject: Support of One Nation Page
I am very disappointed in a company that would support a party like One Nation.
I will attempt to avoid your company in future occasions.
Craig Leech
Subject: Barbara Hazelton
Dear Sir,
It is not often that I disagree with you but in the case of Barbara Hazelton, I firmly believe that she was a plant from the beginning. There have just been too many cases of information failing to get through in the past. Sorry, but that's the way I see it and it came as no surprise when she raced off to the media for her 15 minutes of fame and her thirty pieces of silver.
Allan W. Doak
Subject: Peter Costello
IN HIS attack on One Nation, Peter Costello conveniently overlooked the fact that in 1945, Ben Chifley placed 48 per cent of families (two-parent) in their home by introducing the Commonwealth Home Loan Scheme. These homes were owned outright. In 1954, Robert Menzies dropped this scheme and actual home ownership fell to 38 per cent. Systematic reductions in taxpayer funded Housing have seen actual home ownership by families drop to less than 10 per cent. Sure, Australia has a 70 per cent home ownership rate but they are not owned by families.
The fact that less than 1(one) per cent of yearly total revenue is allocated to Housing is a clear abuse of power. This has been the case since 1972, so both sides of politics are guilty.
Violence can be manifested in many guises and when churchmen sit quietly by while nigh on one million families are demolished through political skullduggery then they are equally guilty. Watching Peter Hollingworth denigrate Pauline Hanson, when the lady plans to introduce cheap home loans, makes one hope she might also introduce freedom FROM religion.
Tony Lee.
Sources: 'The Australian' Budget reports since 1972
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
So all One Nation supporters are only variations on the wit theme, HUH? Well this is one WIT who lacks the superior intellectual humour of the one worlders, and will not be voting for the three ring circus (Howard and two other a*****) come the federal elction.
My file on those who have commited crimes against Australians continues to grow.
The Curlew.
Subject: Offensive Cartoon
Dear Sir,
I protest most strongly about Bill Leak's cartoon in 'The Australian' newspaper of 2/7/98. Such an insulting and small minded effort is a disgrace to your paper, and journalism in general. It is also an affront to the many Australians who support One Nation.
You have lost the right to call yourself 'The Australian'.
I will be complaining officially to the National Press Council after I visit the newsagent to cancel my subscription to your paper.
I'm sure you will use the 'It's only a Joke' plea. No way. It is offensive in the extreme.
Milton W. Ingram
Subject: One? Nation
I am confused and perhaps you can enlighten me a little with your comments........
How can you espouse a "one nation" view when in actual fact Australia is actually hamstrung by an outmoded system of government - federated states.
We have six public services, six health services, six DPI's, six transport departments..the list goes on.
On top of all this we see state governments actually costing us money by vying for contracts that serve and benefit a local rather than a national economy. We only have 18 or so million people here so why is it that we require so many tiers of government at a cost of around thirty billion dollars Australian per year?
This separatist attitude is pushed further by arguments for the bush who I am sorry to say are actually a minority - aren't you supposed to be trying to represent us all?
It seems to me that you are perpetuating the us and them mentality that has existed between rural and city communities for years and for years has been exploited by the coalition and Labor.
I personally resent having tax payer dollars used to subsidise businesses (farms) that are unable to sustain crops through poor environmental management. Smart management of land is an economically smart option because if you don't wreck what you have then it can serve it's purpose almost indefinitely. I also find it bloody insulting that some expect their land to be converted from leasehold to freehold at my expense - I could of course demand that a house that I have been renting for years be handed over to me at the owners expense, is that fair?
Whilst I do not dispute that many farmers are doing it tough, why don't you ask yourself who makes them stay there and how much subsidy would a city business receive if it went to the wall because the owner refused to adopt best practises just because he/she has been there a long time.
I find it curious that Australia is producing five times more than it consumes yet there are lots of farmers doing it tough!!! This tells me that perhaps there is not enough room for them all and perhaps assistance should be given for them to diversify or be retrained/re-educated to adopt a more stable lifestyle without relying on subsidies.
You may also like to consider recent comments on refugee status......
If we didn't stick our noses into the affairs of other countries (interfere) and worse turn a blind eye to horrendous abuses of human rights and personal freedoms (because we earn money) then perhaps we wouldn't expect to see quite so many fleeing situations that we had a direct hand in creating (East Timor is a classic example). It's great isn't it? Lets screw country X for everything we can get and when the "battlers" can't live there anymore we tell them they can't stay with us!! Funny that - this is what's essentially been happening since my old home (Britain) decided to colonise the world and form an empire.
I suggest you read John Pilgers latest book "Hidden Agenda" .
For the record, I am absolutely not a one nation supporter - I believe that your party is actually creating divisions not unity as you purport to support. I wrote this in an attempt to broaden your thinking a little - we cannot survive on our own, we are part of a wider community and sooner or later what we do does have an impact on others be it your next door neighbour, the family across town , somebody at the other end of the country and ultimately someone in another country.
Please, please, please do your research correctly and check your facts - since you gained prominence I've watched Australian turn against Australian and it's distressing.
It's not how I want to see this country.
Marco V.V.Solas
Subject: One Nation: How to win NSW
Hello Pauline and One Nation, you've done a great job. Please try hard in NSW. Here is how to win in Sydney
Pledge to support resumption of the land at Sydney's East Circular Quay currently occupied by the toaster.
Promise to conduct a full parliamentary enquiry into the construction of above. Promise to support the 8 lane superhighway project linking Sydney to Western NSW via a tunnel under the Blue Mountains.
Promise to support the return of Sydney Showground to the people of NSW to whom it belongs. Fox Studios (Rupertland) to be moved to Newcastle . Introduce building regulations to stop the wholesale destruction of inner city suburbs by greedy developers.
Promise to return all the military land around the harbour to the people for recreation only purposes (One Nation Park). Military personnel and operation to be moved to regional areas to provide jobs and support there.
This will win you votes for sure. Sydneysiders only care about Sydney and you'll even get the greenies on side.
Milton W. Ingram
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.