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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
The 60 Minutes segment yesterday showed the fighting spirit of the "new" Australian. The Laboral parties woke up last night when they saw what Australians now feel.
The "she'll be right" attitude that the elite have taken advantage of for many a year has gone. Australians are now fighting back, and when you put a compliant man in a corner (like the media and politicians have done to the Australian population) you can expect a firm and powerful answer.
This appeared during the 60 Minute segment with the political elite, Richardson, Kroger and National's Braithwaite, being shown up for the shallow little men that they are.
Kroger saying while pointing at Richardson and laughing, "You have been paying his superannuation...." A big joke for whom money leeched from the Australian nation has resulted in their wealth.
On the other hand we had a young One Nation member saying, "Mr Kroger when did you last have to save money so that you could buy a new tyre for your car?"
The chasm between those on the podium and those representing One Nation was not about policy but about fairness and the "level playing field".
Shaun Nelson's comment that "The Laboral parties fear citizens in Parliament....." was, to me, the statement that summed up the vilification that the politicians like Beazley, Howard and Fischer have reserved for Pauline Hanson and her party.
The mail received overnight (some shown below) has all been supportive of the views raised by the One Nation members at the debate - even though the 60 Minutes twist tried to present a situation where we had "changed the agenda" when the reverse was, in fact, true.
Having had the opportunity to meet most of Pauline Hanson's federal bodyguards and having spoken to them I have found that they all share a sense of awe for the woman that they protect. The professional relationship between these men and the One Nation leader is better than cordial because Pauline is a "people's person". They are her friends and often join in the light discussion with Pauline's trusted "inner circle".
Now The Courier Mail would have you believe that there is something "unprofessional" about that relationship with the much quoted Ted Briggs saying that "I knew she had a very fond consideration of that gentleman." Briggs was the Soorley white ant kicked out of the Queensland Electoral Campaign Committee after he tried to disrupt it in the lead up to the state election. Yet he is continually quoted by The Courier Mail as "former Queensland treasurer" without any explanation as to his fall from grace.
In the article it is claimed that Mrs Hanson is upset that her latest Federal team were being transferred to other duties with the comment that it was because they were deemed "too personally close to her".
David Oldfield confirmed that her security guards had been replaced several months ago saying, "Pauline was very upset about the situation (when the security guards were transferred). They (security chiefs) felt the whole team were too personally close to Pauline. They felt they were too friendly with her and liked her too much."
Here is an extract from this excellent article:
Never before, to my knowledge, has the leader of a mainstream party (with more than 300 branches and representatives in two Australian Parliaments) been prevented from speaking in public. Some of the intellectual thugs who have achieved this seem proud of it. Do they not understand the difference between protest and suppression? Or do they care?
This raises questions vital to the health of the Australian democracy. Why is this all of such little concern to Hanson's critics? Why are there no demonstrations against Resistance? Are the parents and teachers who encourage children to protest against Hanson as keen when it comes to educating them in the principles of a free and democratic society?
It's time for Hanson's enemies to stop hiding behind the word "racist", which is used so often to describe One Nation, and come out in the open and justify their absurd hatred of Pauline Hanson.
Here is an extract from his comments today:
The Commonwealth Bank said on Friday it would get rid of 2000 more jobs over the next two years, so no obligation to employees. That's on top of the 1,000 that have gone over the last 12 months.
That means that the total number of jobs cut by the National Australia Bank, the Commonwealth and the ANZ in the last year alone is 11,500.
"I doubt very much whether the good Lord, if He returned to earth would be able to sell the GST." Well said Bob.
In the lead up to the Queensland State election the feel good stories about Beattie and his Labor mates dominated The Courier Mail - with many of the journalists now reaping their reward by higher salaries in the payroll of the new Labor government. Pretty blatant and corrupt one might say, but the same picture is now starting to emerge on a Federal level.
Over the last two weeks the reporters have been trying to outdo themselves with feel-good stories about Beazley and co... lobbying for top jobs in his staff if Labor get in. This blatant unethical reporting line continue in today's Courier Mail with grinning gollywog pictures of Beattie and the Democrat traitor Cheryl Kernot on a ride at the Pine Rivers Show.
Funny thing when Pauline Hanson goes to a show like this the people are naturally drawn to her, and the pictures taken reflect this fact. When the Labor elite go they have their photo opportunity taken in places where no people can be seen... reflecting, I believe, people's distrust of what they stand for.
Kernot is known to be all behind the legitimisation of gay and lesbian behaviour to the point where the relationship is recognised in law like a normal heterosexual relationship with all the wrappings that go with.
Yesterday she was trying to issue out a challenge to debate Pauline Hanson saying, "I have offered to debate her but apparently she won't because I am not an elected representative of parliament."
Here is an extract from that article:
The outcome of the next federal election will be largely determined by One Nation preferences in Victoria, where Mrs Pauline Hanson's fledgling party is winning a surge in support, according to Labor Party research.
The research, based on a breakdown of published opinion polls and Labor's own research, shows One Nation enjoys an astonishing 15 per cent support in Victoria - up to three times the level indicated by the leading published opinion polls.
While the research shows Labor enjoys at least 45 per cent of the federal vote in Victoria (enough to gain at least 10 of the 27 coalition seats it needs to win government) Labor strategists fear One Nation's high primary vote will result in a strong preference flow back to the Liberals.
The Labor research shows the federal coalition's support in Victoria has eroded to less than 35 per cent - lower than its average national support.
Sydney Water has set up a telephone information service in 10 languages during the water crisis.
Lines will open at noon today, with a specific contact number for each language group:
So what happened to Swahili?
Subject: carleton says
Host richard_carleton says: "thanks for the opportunity of talking, for what its worth my view is that there are no simple solutions to complex problems and that, John Howard and Kym Beazley are well aware of, and one might hope that Ms Hanson will be one day".
Unbiased political reporter huh? I thought there was a code of ethics these guys abide by. This man unashamedly bats for the major parties, and slanders the new third. Absolutely disgraceful moral code, to have major TV political debates fall into this man's hands. He's an elite media magnates dreamboy. And boy, don't they feel threatened by an uncontrolled political party threatening their cosy media laws. Disgraceful.
Subject: 60 Minutes
Hi Scott,
I must say, It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Despite the SEVERE and BLATANT editing in the programme, the essence of ON shone through.
I thought that the ON supporters were controlled, coherent and restrained - taking into account the utter crap that was being hurled around. It seems as though they still aren't prepared to listen, so all that they have sowed, they shall reap.
Did anyone notice the recycled "modern Romeo and Juliet" afterward? not so subtle, looks like the"people" at "9" still think we are totally moronic and open to suggestion.
P.S. - You looked better on TV mate, do it more often.
Subject: "Sixty Lies Per Minute" was worth watching, for once!
First of all, congratulations to all the One Nation supporters who told it like it is. There were plenty of darned good speakers there, but none of them were up on the stage.
I just can't get over the utter arrogance of Kroger.. The deep contempt that he has for the ordinary Australian man and woman was just palpable.
Well, Mr Kroger, let me tell you.. We have FAR, FAR more contempt for you and your kind, than you so clearly do for us.
Think about that, you Liblab politicians. You just think about that for a second or two, and think what it means to your chances of holding on to your priveleged positions for much longer.
We've had a GUTFULL, and you people are going to reap the results of your continual neglect of your duties, your constant betrayal of our trust, and your disgraceful conduct, when all of us "NIT-PICKERS" and "COMPLAINERS" drag you away from the trough and boot you out into the street come next Federal election.
And for your information, Mr Carleton, I am NOT, nor have I EVER been, part of Mr Oldfield's "brood", thank you very much. I do greatly admire the man's intelligence and his forthright manner, but that's as far as it goes.
However, I am very much champing at the bit waiting for my opportunity to vote for One Nation, just as I did in the Queensland election. Roll on One Nation! Yahoo!
Subject: 60 mins
I have just watched the edited 60 minutes show. Even though this excuse of a show tried its best to belittle the One Nation people, it failed miserably.
(I only wish I could watch the Lib/Lab machine scurrying around in Damage Control.)
Congrats to David Oldfield and to 'Pauline People Power'. How refreshing to see Australians finally getting a chance to kick some "Parasite Butt".
As a New South Welshman, I now know why Qld'ers voted for these One Nation people. They are very sharp and VERY, VERY COOL!
60 Minutes
Scott, I saw you on the 60 minutes session tonight. It was a weird set up. I am not sure why they did it, but it certainly didn't work for Richard Carlton, that is for sure. And David Oldfield is looking more confident than ever.
Subject: M. Kruger represents the Liberal party to the core.
Isn't it interesting that the only strong insinuation about One Nation having race policies came from the Liberal speaker M. Kruger. It didn't even figure as an issue with the One Nation people. He resorted to scare and slander dialogue. The same man while facing a major TV debate in front of an unprecedented political upheaval fuelled by devastating fiscal hurt, says "There's no economic problem". I'd comment further, but that says it all! Should we laugh or cry?
Subject: Please include this for me on the Politics Forum........
It is definitely time that the people of Australia got some reasonable unbiased reporting on issues, that they are not fed politics as though it was an industry product. Politics is a tool for management not a pawn for building a POLITICAL INDUSTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great to see honest and genuine AUSTRALIANS being concerned about where we are heading....... Australia can only head towards a better future when this caliba of people get together. As a member of One-Nation said on the 60mins show "We are not politicians rather citizen representatives"......
Subject: My personal belief in the Strength of the Australian Character
It shows in the clearest of forms that the Great Australian Spirit is alive and struggling, when True Blue's start agreeing with each other as to the problems which they are facing. Australians are indeed a mixed barstard bunch. They are all from different life styles, cultural backgrounds and racial discriptions. YET, each and everyone of them ARE Australian, and in that UNITY they form ONE NATION!!
The Australian has a great deal of tolerance for anything different. But the Australian does NOT need to see a final out-come, They can see the out-come brewing before it shows itself. The Australian is obviously no longer satisfied to sit back and tolerate the SYSTEMATIC DESTRUCTION of their own BackYard. They have decided to stand up and face the illusions which our (regretably we elected them) current political entourage of showbiz industrial politicians have placed before us.
Just as the Aboriginal Community discovered that it was been tottally over run (for their own sake they were too late!) by the white mans systems. They have however discovered the flaws of the systems which have been binding their hands. As out-rageous as it sounds they have utilized the system to feather their own nest (credit where its due), how-ever the school book politicians have all overlooked and even fallen into the same political loop-holes created by the Aboriginal effort.
As Australian's all of us, we must UNITE on OUR own ONE NATION and say enough is enough, the ROT STOPS HERE!!!!!!!!
Organization: Top Cat Technology
Excellent performance on Sixty Minutes, very good!!.
Even the media is against you, but they don't know how to stop it!!!
Please put me on your mailing list.!!!
Trevor Carroll
Subject: Nordlandic Folk... One Nation ?!
Message to Scott Balson.
Hello Scott,
First, congratulations for your work for the new Pauline Hanson site. In fact, what happend you is very common here in Europe. I should even say that the reason why I contacted you was based on my surprise of seeing it un-hacked !
While you had your problems, I found a way to be hosted free of charge on Geocities site. I have no HTML knowledge so I wrote my text on Adobe Page Mill (off-line) and I uploaded it later under the form of HTML encoding created automatically by Page Mill.
On this address you will find a first text indicating my point of vue. Your comments are very welcome. The contain of my social-ecology theory will be added and I am now studying how to establish "links".
To point out my mind better I have to say that we had here, in Europe, already several quick big succes of political parties based on angry small and medium white middle class. They all have been recuperated or dissolved in the long term because they where suffering of a lack of wide prolitical program and of a long term social vision. Recuperation was also due to the work of the powerful catholic church... and this is why I have been particularly attached to the idea of a long term vision outside the roman church, back to traditional values.
More information on the site will follow.
Best Regards.
Subject: One Nation
Im 16 years old and I support One Nation. Im from Qld and I have had an interest in politics for many years now. I have for a long time been thinking of joining a young wing of a political party eg young libs, young labour, but I dont like labours policies and the libs are a joke. I dont like the Democrates and the Nats have downgraded themselves to a lower branch of the libs. When One Nation came in to being I thought that I would not like them ether but they did something no other political partys do and thats listened to Australians. Anyway I was wondering if theres any Young One Nation groups around that I might be able to get involved with. If not could you surggest what I could do to help One Nation.
Thanks for the help
Julian Origliasso
Subject: race
The Weekend Australian ran a story on black and white intermarriage in Britain. Apparantly a quarter of black men marry or live with white women, but only 1.6% of black women marry or live with white men. Marcia Williams who has never had a relationship with a white man said: "I resent black men going out with white women because I feel we will be a dying race if we all mix. I just can't understand friends going out with white guys".
Why isn't this regarded as racist talk?
Subject: Ideas & Dogma
Ideas are made by masters, dogma by disciples, and the Buddha is always killed on the road.
Tunnel vision is a disease in which perception is restricted by ignorance and distorted by vested interests.
Tunnel vision is caused by an optic fungus that multiplies when the brain is less energetic than the ego, it is complicated by exposure to politics. When a good idea is run through the filters and compressors of ordinary tunnel vision, it not only comes out reduced in scale and in value but in its new dogmatic configuration produces effects the opposite of those for which it was originally intended. That is how the loving ideas of Jesus Christ became the sinister cliches of Christianity. That is why virtually every revolution in history has failed; The oppressed, as soon as thy seize power, turn into the oppressors, resorting to totalitarian tactics to 'protect the revolution'. That is why minorities seeking the abolition of prejudice become intolerant, minorities seeking peace become militant, minorities seeking equality become self-righteous, and minorities seeking liberation become hostile.
Tom Robbins; 'Still life with a Woodpecker'.
The organisers of the public protests against One Nation, obviously have not learned any lessons, either from still life, Tom Robbins, or even a Woodpecker. But the protests are the best possible fuel for political change in Oz - there is nothing like a baptism in fire to set a real conflagration going; the hotter the flames, the more the martyrdom, the greater the spread of the religion, and the deeper the roots go underground to strengthen the plant against the next fire. The plant can only grow stronger once it has established its place in history by not withering under the first of the flames.
It is a political trick as old as politics itself, to accuse the accuser of the very thing you do. Want to be a big time drug dealer? Then get into politics and start a war on drugs, then behind the facade of the war, you gather info on your opposition, and strengthen the network necessary to your trade. If you are a secret Fascist, then accuse your accusers of setting up the new Brownshirts while you in fact are the one doing it behind the blind or, if you are a secret racist, then charge the opposition with racism, and get the blind mob to do your dirty work, the results of which you can produce as proof of the alleged racism of your enemy. What you hope to obtain is an over reaction on the part of the enemy, so he will finally be hoist on his own petard as he tries by force to 'protect the revolution' he has won. The only revolution that ever lasts is the one that comes not from the narrow top, but the one that originates from the broad base - it supports itself; the former needs so much constant attention that it never lasts.
The one thing that beats all the violence, both physical and psychological, is the secret ballot, and the thing that beats all the polls is the bookies betting odds. Who might win? Watch the Bookies odds. Who will win? The secret will be out when the votes are counted. Make your vote count!
The acronym TV, applies to Tele Vision, and Tunnel Vision alike, simply because they are alike.
Subject: ph
stuff theses left militant bastards why dont you organise a support rally against them i will personally lead from the front. oh by the way i am of aboriginal/ chinese descent.
keep up the good work pauline? please keep fighting as you are our last chance of breaking down the walls of silence?
ps i know it is hard but try to keep your party honest. i think you are one extroardinary lady with all the biased media reporting on you and the bloody militant an co hypocritical views on you ?ps i could probably type for hours supporting your views ,,,,please help clean up these ethnic ghetto communities as they are springing up everywhere and as a very proud young australian i am finding it hard to express my views (so is my younger brother who he say that no child should have attended that rally becuase they shouldnt be worried about politics when he aint even old enough to vote? shame, shame ,shame on the education department for alowing a left wing extremist group organise it in the first place (bunch of mugs i reckon) i have to go know yours faithfully
true blue
Subject: Drugs in Sport
1st August, 1998
The Hon.
Minister for Sport and Recreation,
Dear Minister,
Constant references are being made in the media to problems associated with the use of performance enhancing drugs in "Sport" and our Principals have directed us to seek from, or through, you some explanation of the present reality. Given, naturally, that it is now been some substantial period of time since "Business" invaded and took over the "professional" sporting arena and "Competition" became the industry "art" of winning at virtually any cost. Everything, so they say, is fair in love and war and this, of course, is war - the survival and prospering of the most amoral, ethicless and ruthless participants imaginable.
Only the naive, it would appear, would believe that "sportsman- ship" still means giving one's competitor an even break. Comparisons with the political scene are odious and should always be discouraged. Recent moves, by the controllers of the governing political party machines, have been to alter the culture in a way that has rendered loyalty, particularly to an employer including a sports club, an anachronism. They have virtually done away with the very concept of involvement in any one activity beyond a contractual three year term and, some would say obligingly, allowed employers to avoid any obligations to pay long service leave benefits.
Expressions, by the top man in the International Olympic Committee (IOC), to the effect that performance enhancing drugs should be excised from the list of banned substances, appear to be quite in order if the main purposes of an honourless "Sport", including perhaps the Olympics, are now to legitimize drug peddling, collect medals and use them as an introduction of recipients to highly profitable sponsorships of goods and services or merely to generate extensive income for a handful of media moguls.
J o n M. A x t e n s
P.S. An early and informative reply will be appreciated by these particular Principals and in anticipation of its supply they have instructed us to thank you.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes
debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.