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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
The Courier Mail got wind of One Nation's tax package 48 hours before its official release on Thursday.
Today the paper, under the heading, "Hanson to unveil flat tax strategy" refers to the 2%EasyTax - a tax which applies a flat 2% tax rate to goods, services and labour, including imports and exports.
On Thursday I will be providing detailed information on the tax to be adopted by One Nation. This will include case studies and clear definitions of how multinationals and big business will be forced to pay their share under this tax.
The Supreme Court will decide whether the state seat of Mansfield will have to be re-contested after Labor produced and distributed "How to Vote" cards at polling booths which appeared to be One Nation's voting preferences - given to Labor.
The Labor candidate Phil Reeves beat Liberal member Frank Carroll by just 83 votes. anotd readers might recall that the misleading "How to Vote" cards were a common feature on Labor's deceptive tactics on June 13. I believe that a so-called Liberal "How to Vote" card distributed by Labor at Ipswich against One Nation's Heather Hill played a major part in her loss by just 400 votes.
In the Mansfield case Mr Carroll's council Peter Dunning has argued that ALP boothworkers changed out of their Labor clothing in an attempt to deliberately mislead people who were handed the "One Nation" How to Vote cards.
Meanwhile trouble is brewing in a big way for the Labor Party in the state seat of Woodridge with their MP, Bill D'arcy, being at the centre of child-sex allegations.
On Monday Labor premier Peter Beattie called on his back bencher to resign, yesterday he continued with this line suggesting that D'Arcy's health should be a major factor in his standing down - the MP suffering from a heart problem.
Yesterday Beattie said, "I have been aware for some time that Mr D'Arcy has in fact had a heart condition, which is one of the reasons why I felt on Sunday when I raised this issue with him that these were one of the matters that he would need to take into account when he considered what his future was."
This was the first the Premier had identified the MP by name... and the reason anotd, unlike the mainstream media, had withheld talking openly about D'Arcy being at the centre of the unsubstantiated allegations.
The comment of the day belongs to Opposition leader Rob Borbidge who said, "This isn't a government, this is an accident.
"On Sunday, Mr Beattie told everyone it was partly because of the family that he felt the MP should resign his seat. This was rejected by the MP's solicitor who said the family wanted the MP to stay on and fight on. But now, apparently, the MP has fairly quickly developed a heart ailment which means he should not keep sitting in parliament. Where was the heart ailment at the time of the election?"
Of course D'Arcy's resignation and the loss of Mansfield will result in Labor losing two of their seats in the minority government - the outcome will be a Coalition between One Nation, the Nationals and Liberal Party.
Of course we mustn't forget that the National/Liberal Coalition said that they would never do deals with One Nation before the election - the same furphy now being trotted out by the Federal Coalition.
As the National Party support continues to bleed to One Nation the party's leader Tim Fischer is starting to find that the dissension within his ranks gathers a momentum of its own.
Three National MPs: Bob Katter, DeAnne Kelly and Paul Marek have revealed that they will direct their preferences to One Nation while their leader has said that he would put the Labor party above One Nation is his seat of Farrer.
Fischer's move is likely to have
major negative repercussions for him as
Nation's candidate, Don McKinnon, seen right, is very well respected.
McKinnon is the mayor of Wentworth shire and already commands over 20% of the primary vote according to independent polling.
Meanwhile national Party state director Ken Crooke said individuals could allocate preferences where they wished, "I won't be recommending anything to my electorate council or head office about preferences."
The Age
Tuesday 1 September
Battle for the electorate takes off in cyberspace
If the Internet is to be an election battleground, then, so far, Pauline Hanson is firing most of the shells.
One Nation's web site is the most colorful, active and aggressive of the main contenders.
The federal Labor Party site notes there are ``33 days to go to a better Australia'', provides biographies and e-mail addresses of candidates and MPs and details of the party platform.
The federal National Party site is under construction, although many National MPs have personal sites that can be reached on the Internet service provider Ozemail.
Many Liberals, Democrats and independents also have personal sites and most can be found by using the Web Wombat search engine (
Where Mrs Hanson's site uses bright, professional graphics and colorful backgrounds, the others look more like departmental documents - thousands of words, texts of parliamentary speeches, extracts from political handouts and other stuff beloved of the truly dedicated.
The New South Wales Labor Party site is a little trendier and is decorated with a picture of the Opposition Leader, Mr Kim Beazley, and Labor recruit Ms Cheryl Kernot, depicted a little like a honeymoon couple, standing together in a vaguely bushland setting.
None of the main parties indicate how many visitors their sites have, but One Nation has an ``odometer'' claiming 212,646 hits by noon yesterday.
One Nation's site is designed and managed by a company called Global Web Builders, run by Mr Scott Balson, who has been the target of vigorous attack on a Victorian chat site called LeftLink.
Some visitors to that site have demanded Mr Balson be banned from the Internet, along with One Nation.
Labor's site describes the Internet as the most important technological development of the decade.
``Its effect on politics is going to rival anything since the advent of television. The Internet will influence every area of campaigning and it is up to us to review our traditional methods and adapt ourselves to this new interactive technology,'' the Labor site says, although it does not take its own advice.
``While the challenges ahead for us as political activists may be daunting, the opportunities that are opening up are amazing. Welcome to politics in the 21st century,'' it says.
Subject: URGENT: Important Banking and Tax information One Nation can use in the election.
Dear Sir
Over the last few weeks I have been educating myself as to the history of the worlds monetary system and its true nature in society. I was put on the money research trail a couple of months ago after attending a financial seminar. The education I have since received about our banking system (which is not common knowledge) seems incredible, but at the same time in my own mind I cannot find any way to dispute the material I have read. The problem is that I, and the rest of society, have been conditioned from birth to accept things the way they are without asking questions.
The information I have emailed you is freely available on the Internet. References to relevant sites are at the end of this email.
The documents enclosed in this email are about Australias (and the worlds) fraudulent Banking system. All the countries of the world (and their peoples) are being placed progressively more and more in debt by the banks (Just look at the size of Australias and the USAs foreign debts). There are references to official government records and quotes by politicians in these documents, so you can double check them yourself.
Our countrys national debt does NOT have to exist. We can greatly reduce taxes and get the economy going just by getting the government to regain control of our banking system. The Reserve bank (a private organisation controlled by bankers) is in control of Australias money supply not the government!
I dont know what your tax policy is for the election, but the material I have enclosed for you to read, if you brought it to the publics attention, would blow the socks off both the Liberal and Labour parties (their tax policies are smoke screens), and I feel it would greatly increase the outcome of the election in your favour. I have heard a lot of good and bad about your party. I dont follow your party (or any party for that matter). I probably wont even vote for One Nation at the election. You could say that Im even USING your party to get this information into the public arena. But I WILL say that I feel your party is the only one which might DARE to publicly air the material in this email. Your party is in the best position to bring this information into the public forum and expose the banking system fraud during the upcoming election campaign.
I IMPLORE you to view the links in this email and get the people putting your tax package together to read them. PLEASE, at least read the one about the Commonwealth Bank it will disgust you and fill you with rage. One of the documents even provides a suggested tax policy solution to allow the government to regain control of the financial system and allow the people to benefit.
Read this material for yourself YOU WILL SEE !!
URL References:
(Site where I found the documents)
(American site lots of info explaining whats happened in America over the last 200 years).
Book: The Creature from Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
Read a synopsis of this book at the above site. (I have ordered this book from
Michael Walker.
Subject: Liebler and the Aboriginal Industry Gravy Train?
I thought your readers might be interested in this little snippet from a speech that Graham Campbell made in the House of Representatives on 3rd July 1998.
"It is the Labor Party that is going to go out there and give assistance to those frauds in society--people like Noel Pearson. Whom does Noel Pearson represent? We find that these self-appointed leaders of the Aboriginal industry, which the Labor Party dotes on, actually represent nobody.
Let us look at the conflict of interest of Mr Pearson. He is employed by Liebler and Bloch, a company that has made a lot of money out of all this tragedy that has beset Australia. It currently gets from ATSIC a considerable sum of money every year. That goes right to the heart of native title negotiations. What a conflict of interest. It would be very useful if the media in this country would have a look at that sort of conflict. "
What I want to know :- Is this the same Liebler who has been using every dirty trick in the book to destroy One Nation and its supporters and anyone else who has the audacity to believe that freedom of speech is something worth protecting?
Thurston Phoremost.
Subject: Jewish Republic in Australia.
Hi Scott, I found this floating round the net about a year ago. I don't know if it holds water but you may find it of interest:
Organization: Vancouver CommunityNet
In article you wrote:
Do Jews want to create another Jewish Palestine in Australia???
After the Crimean failure The World Jewish Congress and Zionist Federation Of Australia have agreed to establish a Jewish Republic in one of Australian States. The Jewish State may be set up in South Australia because of the similarity in climate. So far the Immigration SA is recruiting high executives of Jewish creed with no specified job responsibilities. The interpreting and translating services which are part of SA Immigration Office naturally do not cater for Arabic languages although they claim to provide translating services for 70 languages.
The Jewish propaganda glossy pamphlet entitled Multicultural Life 2 informs that the most prominent migrants who mostly contributed to Australia are inter alia Meyers and Leiblers with Isi Leibler as the shining example of successful migrants.
In 'Australia/Israel Review' 1st -15th July 1996, page 9, one can read: ' Isi Leibler, President of the executive Council of Australian Jewry and co-Chairman of the World Jewish Congress and his brother Mark, a hot-shot Melbourne tax lawyer and former head of the Zionist Federation of Australia...
The Leibler brothers of Melbourne are part of an International network associated with the Order of B'nai B'rith, a nominally Jewish freemasonic lodge founded by British Intelligence... the B'nai B'rith networks have carried out hideous provocations, including espionage, funding neo-Nazi groups, sponsoring the Ku Klux Klan, terrorism and murder... the powerful international crowd to which the Leiblers have attached themselves are specialists in reshaping, and even bringing down, governments or entire nations whom they target. For Australia, they intend to ram through drastic changes in the laws and political life the country through the racial vilification bill..... Mark Leibler was an Israeli intelligence agent who had been involved in efforts to courier drug money to Australia with the assistance of Michael Costello.'
Needless to say that both the Israeli Republic in Australia and their propaganda tubes are paid by the taxpayers.
Subject: Tax Reform
Dear Sir/Madam,
Apparently, according to both Liberal and Labor parties, I am one of those "rich" people who need to pay more tax by way of a superannuation surcharge.
I assure you that I don't feel very rich and will be struggling to fund an adequate retirement benefit.
Both major political parties, have for years spouted enormous amounts of rhetoric about how we should all be saving to provide for our own retirement. It is difficult to argue against this, and I fully agree. However, in order to win the support of the "average" income earner, both parties have decided it is politically expeditious to throw in the surcharge so that Mr and Mrs Average can see that the "rich" people are getting it in the neck. The truly rich people of course will simply find another way to avoid the erosion of their wealth, leaving PAYE taxpayers to fund an ever increasing welfare bill.
Now, I don't think for one moment that the Labor Party will shed any tears for the plight of those earning income above the top marginal tax rate level and given its traditional support base, that is understandable.The Liberal Party, in its mad dash to secure the vote of low to middle income voters however, seems intent on destroying it's traditional support base in a swing to the left. That leaves people like me wondering who to vote for. A vote for Labor or Liberal will cost us money, and in the long term, if we have to rely on a part Government pension to retire on, may also cost taxpayers money. That leaves One Nation, whom I believe could hold the balance of power in the Senate after the election. A taxation policy which treats peoples savings and superannuation in a more advantageous and reasoned manner will ensure the votes of a large number of disaffected voters and the election of more One Nation candidates.
Yours faithfully,
Byron Bennett
Subject: Re: One Nation in the upcoming Federal Election
Dear Sir,
I have just finished reading the government booklet explaining "The New Tax System" and as you would expect, it told me nothing!!!
Can you tell me if we people who live in the bush, where prices are naturally dearer than in the cities because of freight and lack of competition, will be paying a greater amount of GST than our City Cousins ?????
By way of explanation:-
If the price of an item is $100 in the City, GST will be $10
Add freight and variation for isolation, same item costs $120 GST becomes $12 on the same article or 12%.
This anomaly did not exist under the wholesale sales tax system because the sales tax was calculated on the wholesale price which remained the same regardless of the retail price.
THANKS FOR YOUR GREAT WORK and your support for those of us who chose to live in the bush and Feed Australia.
Subject: letters
Quote's from Grant's letter to Anot'd. "Take a look in a history book or two and see how history repeats itself." "The christian coalitian in the U.S. have the same smiley faced facism as yourselves." "then you can talk to me about freedom of speach, which you won't have because history shows that's one of the first things to go in a right wing government.So consider your next move wisely.You will never represent me or the views of the intelligent and that is why you will fail."
You claim to be informed and intelligent by your statements yet you do not even understand your definitions.
The scale of left to right is total control on the left and total anarchy on the right. A scale has OPPOSITES at each end. Think about it for yourself and stop believing what you are told.
Fascism is defined as a one party system where the individual is subordinated to the state and control is maintained by military force, secret police and rigid censorship as well as government regimentation of industry and finance.
All the sheople (which is most people unfortunately) who make these kinds of statements are merely just demonstrating their total ignorance and complete indoctrination by the one eyed brainwashing machine that sits in their living room.
Following is a letter, published in a U.S. newspaper in 1995, which I think is quite relevent. History does indeed repeat itself! "The unaware are unaware that they are unaware"
Merril E Jenkins
To the Editor
During the past several months in the American press the democrats have quickly denounced the republicans as Nazi's due to their attempts to control runaway spending. How very ironic, you see, I remember the Nazi's. Let me share a little about them and recall some of their exploits.
First of all Nazi was gutter slang for the verb to nationalise. The beider meinhoff gang gave themselves this label in their early struggles. The official title of the Nazi party was, The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany. Hitler and the brown shirts advocated the nationalisation of education, health care, transportation, national resources, manufacturing, distribution, and law enforcement. Hitler came to power by turning the working class, unemployed and the academic elite against the conservative republic. After Der Fuhrer's election ceased being a political conspiracy and was transformed into a fashionable social phenonoma, membership in the party was especially popular with educators, beauracrats and the press. Being a Nazi was 'politically correct.' They called themselves the children of the new age of world order and they looked down their noses at everyone else.
As Hitler acrued more power he referred to his critics as 'the dark forces of anarchy and hatred.' Anyone who questioned Nazi high handedness, in the German press, was branded a conservative reactionary. Joseph Goebbels, minister of communications, proclaimed 'a new world order.' The Nazi reign of terror began with false news reports about the Jews, Bohemians, and Gypsys who were said to be arming themselves to overthrow the new world order and Hitler demanded that all good people register their guns so they wouldn't fall into the hands of the terrorists and the madmen. Right wing fanatics of the old order who protested fire registration were arrested by the SS and put in jail for 'fermenting hatred against the govermment of the German people.' Then the Riechtag, the government building, was burned and Hitler ramrodded an emergency anti-terrorist act through parliament which gave the Gestapo extroadinary powers.
The leader then declared that for the well being of the German people all private firearms were to be confiscated by the Gestapo, law enforcement, and the military. German citizens who refused to surrender their guns when the jackboots arrived were murdered in their homes. By the way the Gestapo were the Federal Marshells Service of the Third Reich. The Swat team was invented and perfected by the Gestapo to break into the homes of the enemies of the German people. Now when the local police refused to take away guns from the townsfolk they themselves were disarmed and dragged out into the street and shot to death by the SA and the SS. Those were the Nazi versions of the ATF and the FBI. Whenseveral local ministers spoke out against these atrocities they were imprisoned and never seen again. The Gestapo began to confiscate and seize homes, and businesses and bank accounts and personal belongings of wealthy conservatives who had prospered in the old republic. Pamphleteers who urged revolt against the Nazi's were shot on site by national law enforcement and by the military. Gypsies and Jews were detained and sent to labour camps. Mountain roads throughout central Europe were closed down to prevent the escape of fugitves into the wilderness and to prevent the movement and concealment of partisan resistance fighters.
Public schools rewrote history and Hitler youth groups taught c`ildren to report their parents to their teachers for anti-nazi remarks. Such parents disappeared. Pagan animism became the state religion of the Third Reich and Christians were widly condemned as right wing fanatics. Millions of books were burned first and then people. Unmarried women were paid large sums of money to have babies out of wedlock and then given medals for it. Evil was declared as being good and good was condemned as being evil. World order was coming, and the German people were destined to be the peace keepers. Yes, I remember the Nazi's and they weren't republican's, and they weren't right wing, and they weren't patriot's and they weren't militia's. They were socialist monsters. Thomas Colton Ruthford.
...end quote
Subject: What is Racism???
I believe that all australians , regardless of he colour of ther skin should
1. Speak English fluently
2. All have exactly the same right asnd priviledges , no special deals for
special people,
3. Know the Ausra;ian way of life and live it
When I was young there was no need for us as youths to carry weapons, use drugs, and we were not afraid to walk the streets at night, true we had our fights but they were ofught strictly to ther queensbury rules and no one was seriuosly hurt apart from the odd black eye or two That is why I am inclined to support Pauline in the next election
Doug Stanborough
Subject: Semites and Jews
David Madison (Dave M.), I thought would have been a little more balanced in his warning that we do not want a little Israel here in Oz, by criticising Islam only, but omitting the most racist religion on earth - Judaism, and the well known Jewish Mafia influence in Canberra.
We need your support against the would-be murderers who want to disarm us Dave but, show you are an Aussie first, by leaving religion out of the propaganda message. Any imports bringing their fundy religious war baggage with them to this country - people like Joe Gutnick with his gold mines, and Leibler with his tax dodges, fighting proxy wars from Oz against the Palestinians, whose Semitic people the fanatical religion of Judaism has invaded - must be exported back to the holes they came from, after their assets have been stripped, and returned to the people they robbed. And that rule must be religiously applied to any import from any hole on earth. We fought hard to make this country what it is, and any pissing around by imports, must be met with the immediate export of the offending piece of shit that would drag us down to the pit they came from; they can carry on their wars on their own territory, using their own money, not ours, and they can prove they are real 'freedom fighters', by dodging real bullets, and pulling the trigger themselves.
Start knocking up some spare ammo too Dave, that fool Leibler is making for another pogrom, and people like him skip out with the loot and leave his scapegoats to suffer the consequences, then sue later for compensation as though he was the victim. Do not forget either, the Western world has far more Semites than Jews, and the Anglo-Saxon-Celt has always played one against the other. The Semites have been exemplary imports so far but, they know far more about the Jewish influence in Western governments than 'Joe Blow' does, and if they decide they have had a guts full of the games of both the Anglo-Saxon-Celts, and Judaism, then both of us may have to convert to Islam - quick smart!
We live in interesting times Moshe!
Subject: Ready?
Ready for the Malaysian treatment when ON gains power? Mahathir is a good barometer to watch. Get your quids out of the banks right now before the international money mafia strips your account to pay for their losses. The Lab\Lib\Dem\Nat\Greens will bail out their mates with your taxes, you can bet on that. Do not forget the names of the members of the Mount Pelerin Society and to what parties and companies they belong. Watch out for 'stray' missiles too, if the international money mafia loses in Oz and the parasites get sprayed with poison. Might be a good time to dig up the AK47, or the old 3-o, and check that it still works too.
Subject: Jewish lobby at it again
It's amazing how the Media is always portraying Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party as being discriminative. Yet a tiny - but very powerful minority group has earned permission by the Anti Discrimination Tribunal to operate a Dating Agency for Jews only! Non Jews don't need to apply, that means around 99 percent of the population. The Race and Breeding of the Jew has to be kept pure and clean under the cloak of Religion. If that isn't blatant Racism, what is then? If I would apply for permission to operate a Dating Agency for One Nation Members only, a howling storm would break loose in the Press, with screams of Racism. One can see here, that two brushes are applied. One for the Chosen One and one for the rest of Australia. This Ruling should be, by One Nation Party condemned and revoked.
If a minority group does not want to intermarry with the rest of Australians on grounds of race and religion, they are not worth having to integrate with the building of a better Australia and should be made to leave Australia, as here, racist bigots should not be welcomed.
Subject: The corrupt media
The Sydney Morning Heresay Herald wrote today:
>Despite its Queensland success and the growing
experience of some of its leaders in the art
>of communicating ideas, One Nation remains very short of credible
Ha! Besides a "policy" of buying votes and a fierce anti-caviar stand, can someone please tell me what the policies of the Labor party are?
The fact that One Nation has a web site means that I know this for the lie it is. One nation has lots of policies which are credible to anyone who isn't interested in protecting the PC Status Quo. I heard Graham Richardson interview David Oldfield today. Despite his loaded questions he wasn't able to dent the credibility of any One Nation policies. and do tell me one thing though. Laboral have not discovered the internet. Are these the people we want leading us into the 21st century?
To give them some credit, Liberal eventually got a web site up during the last election. I think I was the only one on the planet that actually read their policies - the media certainly didn't. Too intellectual for them I guess. Anyway, a lot of their policies, to be quite frank, were bloody stupid. And they were subsequently thrown out on their ear in the senate when the government tried to implement them.
Not only that, they were a hell of a lot more "racist" than anything One Nation has yet proposed. For example, the Liberals went into the last election proposing that a legitimate defacto spouse of an Australian citizen would not be allowed to stay unless they had lived here two years. But there would be no visas issued to allow them to stay for two years. That's a lot more radical, and probably a lot more stupid and un-politically correct than anything One Nation ever proposed.
So don't talk to me about lack of credible policies. One Nation are the only ones standing up with a credible and coherent vision for this country.
Name Withheld
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
![]() |
Name site is owned by One
Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.