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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
The action by One Nation MPs to focus on the shredding of the Heiner Enquiry documents in their maiden speeches has resulted in the first victory for the mainstream Queenslander. Yesterday, after One Nation member for Ipswich West, Jack Paff, raised the issue of the Heiner documents and called on the Beattie Government to release the Cabinet documents relating to the shredding - the Labor government agreed. And now the government has agreed to an independent wide-ranging enquiry on the shredding.
Now it has got to be made very, very clear that the scandalous shreddergate issue has nothing to do with Beattie wanting to present a new "Mr Clean" outlook and nothing to do with pressure being brought to bear by what is left of the Coalition.
The Shreddergate issue gaining this profile can be tracked back to contact that I have been keeping with the whistleblower, Kevin Lindenberg, and the development of the on-line "Shreddergate" files. These files have been on-line now for about a year - and have been referred to at regular intervals in the anotd during this time.
It was an issue that was raised by One Nation days before the State election after the issue was pursued following discussions that I had had with Peter James, David Oldfield and others. The media, as usual totally ignored the issue despite conclusive evidence being supplied to them.
Not that we should be surprised. In a passing reference Mr Beattie said at the time that the issue was "dead" and too much money had already been wasted on it. The Coalition kept quite.
Now all of a sudden, with their minority government under pressure from Independent Peter Wellington, Beattie yesterday released the Cabinet documents covering the 1990 decision to shred the Heiner documents.
Real credibility had become a real issue not something thrown into the conversation with a nod and a wink to friendly journalists.
The story as you would read it in today's Courier Mail is presented totally differently. No reference is made to the speeches by One Nation members - causing the issue to be faced. No reference is made to the continuing negotiations between Bill Feldman and Independent Peter Wellington to make sure that the key player was fully informed about this incident.
The front page story headed "State to act on child jail abuse" carries the following comments by Peter Beattie:
"I want an inquiry into the kids, into the institutions and the abuse. I'm not interested in personality clashes."
"The Heiner matter was a stuff-up in 1989 by a National Party government and it has gone on like Blue Hills."
"That independent inquiry will have the power to investigate whatever it wants, and John Oxley will not be excluded from that."
No comment from Bill Feldman, no balance in reporting different perspectives - no discussion on the role of One nation in forcing Beattie's hand.
Why shouldn't we be surprised? After all News Limited show time and again that practically every article covering a political issue is as balanced as a bent spoon.
The only exception to the rule that I could find is this article hidden on page 25 of The Courier Mail. Here is an extract:
Endless inquiries, including state investigations and Senate probes, have failed to throw light on this suspicious episode which has refused to disappear from the political agenda.
One Nation, however, has managed to shake free some relevant cabinet submissions and letters from that era which otherwise would have been hidden in archives until 2020.
In doing so the MPs have succeeded in their debut performance where people like former premier Rob Borbidge have failed.
Access to these papers previously had been denied by Peter Beattie, whose permission for release had been sought by then Premier Borbidge in requests up to the time when Beattie was opposition leader.
Under the heading "From the mouths from political babes" the Courier Mail carries selected extracts from speeches by a number of One Nation MPs. Now let us recall that it was the One Nation MPs speeches which resulted in the Heiner enquiry becoming a hot issue again - but in the paper's methodical manner of misreporting you would not believe it from what is presented in this article:
Charles Rapport: "I am proud to be a militia man or a reservist in the patriotic sense. I am proud to carry a firearm in defence of my Australia as done by soldiers through two world wars."
Shaun Nelson: "We will not tolerate this type of systemic corruption on the body politic of this state, just to save Labor Party hacks and perpetuate the infectious poison of corruption which lingers over the head of this great state." (Note the lead-up reference to the shredding of the Heiner Enquiry documents is omitted in The Courier Mail's related news articles.)
Jeff Knuth:
On Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen: "Some people begrudge Sir Joh's success. They were lesser men, greedy men, ambitious men who were frustrated that Sir Joh really represented the truth."
On Canberra: "What they have done is to fiddle the books to fool themselves into believing we have no inflation."
On the Prime Minister: "The Prime Minister is more interested in building castles in Africa."
On One Nation critics: "They use the same vicious techniques, swear words against Churchill that are now being used to intimidate and smear One Nation."
On the ALP: "The Labor Party or sections of it have mounted a major smear campaign against Australia and everything Australian while pretending to be Australian."
The speeches by members of the major parties went without analysis or any form of derogatory comment. This unique honour was reserved for the One Nation MPs shown above.
Meanwhile the new Speaker of the House, Ray Hollis, was stirring up the waters in typical Labor fashion when making much on One nation using a parliamentary conference room for a party meeting saying, "They haven't distinguished between party and parliamentary activity. I will speak to Bill Feldman and once I've explained the difference between party and parliamentary meetings I'm sure there won't be a problem."
One Nation's senior policy adviser Heather Hill hit the nail on the head when she said, "I think it would be much more responsible of the speaker to talk to the people instead of conducting a conference through The Courier Mail."
A few days ago we mentioned that the Ipswich City Council had again reversed an earlier decision to once again prevent Pauline Hanson from using the Civic Centre to allow her to address her constituents on 4th August.
Yesterday One Nation state director Peter James said that he had gained permission from the Police to hold the gathering in the far more dangerous location of Nicholas street where Mrs Hanson would be exposed to the nuts in the loony left. One Nation has taken this stance because the party has been prevented, once too often, from holding meetings.
The council decision took a new twist yesterday when the Ipswich Police Superintendent Alex Erwin disputed the Ipswich City Council's claim that police had told them that it was too dangerous for the meeting to go ahead.
He said, after granting One Nation approval to hold the meeting in Nicholas street outside the Civic Hall, "We at no stage told no one they could not have a meeting."
The street will be closed during the meeting, Erwin saying, "If they go ahead with the meeting, we will police it. In my discussions with them (One Nation) they have been quite happy to do that (discuss security measures for Mrs Hanson)."
If there is blood in the streets because of violence from protesters who run amuck in an uncontrollable situation metres from the Civic Hall the blood will be on the hands of the Ipswich City Councilors because of their decision.
Earlier today Peter James confirmed to me that the meeting would go ahead and that One Nation would be taking the Council to the Supreme Court over its decision to bar an elected representative of the people to address her constituents in a place where safety could be more easily assured (than in an open street).
I will be covering the rally as usual and report back on Wednesday's anotd.
Here is an extract from the Financial review article:
A significant minority of blue-collar union members the Labor Party's traditional constituency plans to vote for One Nation at the Federal election, according to an opinion poll of construction workers.
Thirteen per cent of members of the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union's construction division said One Nation was the party they were most likely to vote for at the next federal election.
State by State, support for One Nation ranged from a high of 18.2 per cent of the union members responding to the survey in Queensland to a low of 8.3 per cent in Victoria. Nationally, support for One Nation among the CFMEU's membership was second only to the Labor Party, which attracted the backing of 48 per cent of the 552 union members polled around the country last month.
Extract from an article in The Spectator, 20th June 1998:
NATIONS hate having to confront their ugly underbelly. So all those Englishmen who shrank from the sight of our football supporters laying waste to Marseilles will sympathise with Australia. The success of Pauline Hanson's One Nation party in the Queensland state elections has forced the Aussies to ask themselves whether they are a racist people.
Mrs Hanson is opposed to further Asian immigration, and wants to reverse legislation giving Aborigines special rights. She has been disowned by the ruling Liberal party, but not, apparently, by the voters in her home state. Politicians in Canberra have two explanations for this, depending on their political tack. Right-wingers will tell you that she is not a racist, and that her supporters are making a misguided economic protest. Left-wingers will claim that she is a racist, but represents a small minority of uneducated and ill-informed rural rednecks. Both are wrong.
This former fish-and-chip shop owner's message is indeed racist, but it cannot be dismissed as a protest from the political fringe. Outside the metropolitan centres that cling to the seaboard of the world's largest island, a spreading virus of race hatred threatens to engulf Australia. This moral and cultural catastrophe is the direct result of the failure of the policies that have guided the country for a generation.
Subject: Re: Interim JPSC Report on MAI .
Hi Scott,
I have just downloaded the Joint Parliamentary Standing Committee's Interim Report in which the Committee slates the Treasury for inadequate briefing, reporting, consultation, etc, etc.
You are probably aware of the report, but, in case you have not, I am attaching the download for your attention. You will probably need Adobe Reader to view or print the file as it comes from . However, you know far more about these computer things than I do.
Would you also kindly inform me of the url for Oz News. I tried searching for it without any luck, but it certainly seems to speak my language.
Your anotd today (31/07) is extra good!
Subject: Stop The MAI
Get the Govt To Stop This Crap MAI
Let's get this election on and have One Nation in There with the Balance off Power
For us Australian's
Best of luck Pauline
Bob and Lewis Barnes.
Subject: traitors in the treasury
Dear Sir,
what a valuable service you are providing to the people of Australia. How else would we ever get to hear about the secret doings of these unelected elitist Traitors in our Treasury.
Through your link to the Austand pages ,I ,and many others ,have become aware ,for the first time, of the wholesale sellout by these traitors.
Name withheld
Subject: O.N.'s First Day
So Beattie thinks One Nation members in State Parliament should lift their game does he? Well I can assure him, they will lift their game alright, that was only a taste of what is to come. These are the type of people we want in parliament, people who are not sullied by the party machine. Good on you fella's, keep it up.
Alan Esson
Subject: One Nation
Dear Sir/Madam,
I really enjoy your reporting. Keep up the good work.
PS, this link on one page is out of date:
This is what the Democratic Socialists (the over 20s) side of Resistance have to say about their *Gay and Lesbian policy for schools:*
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
RE: ABC AGAINST NATURE Oh Peter Geraldton,
How strange you claim Greens are in fact a bit Red, and this show is not biased.
The group behind Against Nature is taking the MARXIST line on population- technology will help solve all problems, especially overpopulation (grim for One Nation/AAFI's Neon-Malthusian line of diminishing resourses, if you think about it). See the Sydney Morning Herald 29/7/98 "Seeing red over attack on greens".
Of course Global Warming is a green myth about how important humans are, and many do want to stop ALL development rather than let Third World countries progress.
The point they the show DIDN'T make was that it's not the telegenic creatures so much we need to save for human survival. Over here, it's ugly microbacteria etc dying off that can cause huge problems. It isn't just humans or animals.
Michael Bradley
P.S. There is a hole in the ozone layer. It should be in the Northern hemisphere
there is a letter from 'Peter from Geraldton' on ANOTD today, about the ABC documentary 'Against Nature'. Would you consider posting that letter at the APF One Nation Forum? I think it would attract some interesting debate.
all the best
Byron Stander
Subject: good job scott ....
every one is behind you to keep it simple....cutting edge technology it is not as long as this are on the cutting edge as far as the detractors go rating they willstride to compete ....good effort scott ....competing with the best over to you ....
as you know a lot of supporters realise that you are one of the most subtle media people in this country with professional ideology ....that can be any no. of ways do,not use the word bullet.bullets you have probably been told already...
Subject: Keep me informed
Iam one off your voter's or will be when the time is right, let's have this election quick so we can get some decent Pollies in this Country
your's Sincerly
Lewis Barnes
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Dear Scott
A hypothetical for you : while surfing the internet, you come across a daily publication which has a repeated photo of Kim Beasley running down the sidebar (instead of, say, Pauline Hanson). Would you call it (a) an independent newspaper or (b) a propoganda sheet? Answer honestly, now, Scott.
Best Wishes,
Subject: 2 items.
Dear GWB
(1) I was coming home on a train and watched as a lady (approx 60-65 yrs old) was eating an apple. She was cutting slices from it with a pocket knife that would have had a blade about 1.5" long. It was then that I realised she was breaking the law. Not only was she in possession of a knife but it was one with a fold-away blade so as to be concealed. What a desperado this knife concealing woman must have been. Then I started to worry about me. Here I was with information about a law breaker. Should I get off at the next station and inform the Police????
How sick and pathetic has this society become? How long before BoB Carr and the rest of the wankers make us all wear shoes with vel-croe? After all, shoe laces are pretty dangerous. They can be used by 60 year old women to tie up and strangle victims while they stab them. (But only after they've eaten their apples).
(2) In the Daily Telegraph (31/07/98) there's a story about a Unionist(CFMEU) who is a member of One Nation. As I have mentioned before to this on-line news service, "There's a HUGE disillusioned blue collar vote out there in Oz. One that has been betrayed by Labour at Federal and State level. The farmers are not the only one's doing it tough. If One Nation does not concentrate some effort towards these Australians, then good votes are going to "go begging".
We know where Ms. Hanson stands on Industrial Relations issues because she says what she means. As for Cheryl the Rat, she(her ex-party) voted the Workplace reforms through the Senate and then jumps into bed with the party who voted against the reforms. It shows the calibre of Labour who will embrace a dope who votes against them.
C'mon One Nation, offer the Aussie worker some concrete to stand on instead of the straws that Libs and Labour are offering us. You'll be surprised by the support you'll get if you do.
Subject: Water water...
Here I sit in Australia's first Third World capital unable to drink the water. Why? Because a massive influx of migrants and the Bob Carr "urban consolidation" policies have pushed more people into a Water and Sewerage infrastructure that just can't take anymore. Many ON supporters will say they saw it coming. It is simply the by product of long years of weak government appeasement to Big Business and the Multicultural industry. Will they learn? I doubt it. But I can say one thing is for sure. There are a LOT of ordinary folks in the Olympic City right now who are not very bloody amused!
Roll on One Nation,
Bozo the Barbarian
Another perfect day in paradise - but very cold.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.