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News Limited's feeding frenzy
The feeding frenzy over the departure of Pauline Hanson's private secretary, Barbara Hazelton continues unabated in The Courier Mail with the front page headline "Three-way powerplay for One Nation"...
This time the focus has been taken off Barbara and moved to author Helen Dodd, who is quoted as saying, "They (the two Davids) are using her (Pauline Hanson) for marketing purposes.
"All I can say to Pauline is 'you
need to get back in charge very quickly before your credibility gets hurt
More than six months after the launch of Pauline's biography, "Pauline, the Hanson Phenomenon" by Helen Dodd, the book for the first time gets a mention in The Courier Mail.... and on the front cover no less!
This phenomenal turn around of exposure by the unethical paper is further proof on how Murdoch is out to distort and mislead the Australian population. Here is an extract of what I wrote at the time:
In the picture on the right Jeff Summerveld from The Courier
Mail and Mark Strong (in the blue shirt) from the Queensland Times
take some notes in a quick interview. This is a particularly interesting
photograph because News Limited's Courier Mail, despite being there
to cover the story, never ran it in Saturday's paper.
Now I know that Summerveld compiled a story - after all he spoke at length to Dodd and Hanson and The Courier Mail photographer took a large number of photographs of the pair signing books. Guess the Chiefs-of-Staff had their instructions from on high... no publicity for One Nation - and to publicise a book launch would be like handing in your resignation.
Following on Barbara's comments yesterday Mrs Hanson said, "I am the president of Pauline Hanson's One Nation and remain the head of the organisation. No amount of attempts to divide the close working relationship that I have with David Ettridge or David Oldfield will succeed.
"I make no apology for the fact that David Oldfield is highly skilled and may very well be at the peak of his profession and most likely the best all-rounder in his field. I appreciate David's abilities and he appreciates mine."
Here is an extract from Pauline's question to John Howard:
Ms HANSON--"My question is to the Prime Minister. Prime Minister, are you aware that the indigenous business incentive program, with a budget of $40,407,000, approved 66 applications for funding in 1996-97 and in 1997-98 has an allocation of $44,454,000 with interest rates starting at 1 1/2 per cent? Considering your attacks on One Nation's policies to help the rural sector, small business, industry and manufacturing by re-prioritising existing funds with interest rates of two per cent, how can you justify criticism of initiatives to create employment through such assistance while at the same time you advocate race based low interest loans? Why does your government make low interest loans available only to indigenous Australians, when you called for equality in Longreach?"
Here is an extract from this week's article by Graham Strachan:
Where is the push for globalisation coming from? It is no secret that the driving force behind the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), a key strategy in the globalisation process, is American big business and finance represented by the US Council for International Business. US officials have openly stated that the objective of the MAI is to protect US investors abroad. But a big business lobby group, no matter how powerful, can hardly bring about single-handedly what President Clinton has described as a great tide of change sweeping the world, and Australias Alexander Downer has called the great political dichotomy of our age, as fundamental as the old conflict between capital and labour.(1) So who else is behind it?
The Western Australian Liberal Party says it is not too concerned about the defection of two of its senior women to the One Nation Party.
Two former presidents of the Liberals' WA women's council, Marie Louise Wordsworth and Margie Bass, have quit the party to join One Nation.
Margie Bass believes the WA Liberals are moving in the wrong direction and she warns other disenchanted members will follow suit.
WA Liberal Party president David Johnston says he is confident they will not lose many members to One Nation.
"We haven't had any mass defections or anything like that," he said.
"Two members have recently left and they were reasonably high-profile members some years ago, they were good members.
"Good luck to One Nation, they've got two good members. But the Liberal Party is bigger than any two people, I've got to tell you that."
Yesterday we reported on a television interview with former Liberal Party State MP Mrs Helen Sham-Ho. Later that day said she may consider joining the Labor Party.
Chinese-born Mrs Sham-Ho resigned on Monday after she said a fellow MP told her not to stand for the New South Wales Upper House presidency because her Asian heritage might offend Pauline Hanson's One Nation party.
The fellow MP was the Upper House Liberal member, Mr John Ryan, Mrs Sham-Ho revealed yesterday. The now independent MP, who was a Liberal Party member for 15 years, said she had a lot of options now open to her.
"I have to commend the ALP because they have been very consistent, very consistent, against the One Nation party," she told the Nine Network this morning.
Asked if she would join the ALP, Mrs Sham-Ho said it was an option and if the party approached her, she would have to think very hard about the matter.
Mr Ryan had been reflecting the Liberal Party position, not his own opinion, she said. "I genuinely believe him that he was very sincere about what he said that the coalition party at the moment is very, very, I suppose concerned about losing the support of the One Nation party," she said.
Mrs Sham-Ho also denied claims that her motivation for attacking the Liberal Party was led by "sour grapes" over not gaining the presidency. Rather than sour grapes, Mrs Sham-Ho said she would call the problem the "glass ceiling" based on her cultural background.
The Coalition in full-panic mode are now trying to dig up all the dirt that they can against One Nation.
Yesterday Costello called on One Nation to investigate one of its directors over allegations that David Ettridge has shifted income offshore to evade tax.
Treasurer Peter Costello has referred in Parliament to allegations that One Nation director David Ettridge received $150,000 from World Vision through the company Global Communications.
Mr Costello says the company is incorporated in Vanuatu and is therefore not liable for tax.
One Nation adviser David Oldfield said on Sunday that Mr Ettridge was employed by the company in Vanuatu, but Mr Costello says World Vision disputes that and claims the money was paid in Sydney.
He says One Nation's leaders must hold an immediate investigation.
"I think there should be a full explanation as to whether or not Australian-sourced income has been properly accounted for in relation to taxation matters, and whether or not an advantage has been taken of a foreign tax haven," Mr Costello said.
Now I wonder why Costello doesn't demand the same investigations into the ongoing tax evasion by his mates Packer and Murdoch? The yellow skin knows that if he does he will fall on his proverbial sword.
Subject: re MAI's
I have been reading your stuff re the above on the Net and am very impressed with your work. I expect that the bad guys must be screaming that they do (yet) have contol over free expression on the Net.
I suspect that the Net nearly has enough power to change the govt in this country. For instance a great deal of ONP supporters are on the web whereas the usual Lib/Lab voter is at the pub.
Malcolm Fenton
No wonder the paper did not print your reply - they could not afford to make Charlton look so stupid!!!
Subject: Pauline Hanson
Thanks for supporting Pauline Hanson.
You only confirm what the rest of the world thinks about Australians.
This multinational for one has just dropped you from contention. We will be spreading the word.
Subject: David Oldfield
I disagree with you on the subject of David Oldfield and his role in the build up to, and result in the recent Queensland elections. The person who did most of the build up work, formation of branches, distribution of information and straightening out of disruptions caused in part by David Oldfield was RON HARDY who appears to have been forgotten by the hierarchy of the party.
Besides Ron, the members of the various branches were the people most responsible for the election result, not David Oldfield who continually interfered in the democratic rights of some of the branches. There was a drought of information for months prior to the election, I know of one branch that did not receive one page of information for 6 weeks and if it hadn't been for Ron, myself and others distributing information to the branches and the people of Queensland, the result may not have been so good.
Alan Esson
Subject: Comments
I am from Canada, and I've been following Pauline Hanson phenomenon with particular attention. Somehow, I can't help to think that your party reminds me of something similar here, like those French radical assholes that we have in our east. The whole wide world is opening up, and you are going backwards. Imagine some country not accepting an Australian because he's white???? Seems very fair at this particular moment in time.
Awaiting your swift reply
Subject: Shame
Shame on you for supporting & dealing with the Hanson mob. You may be sure that I & my friends will do everything legally possible to harm your name.
Gil Gardiner
Subject: homestay
Dear Scott,
I don't know whether you or any of your readers have checked out the HOMESTAY site but as they say in the classics it must be a "nice little earner".It appears that the scheme revolves around supplying accommodation and "unbiased" advice to prospective students from O/S. It seems that the advice ranges from "welfare" to "language schools".
No wonder they don't like the sound of ON, I doubt that horse no 1, "vested interest" would get a start ....would it? Just a thought.
Paul wildish
Subject: Homestay Network letter
Dear Mr/Ms Homestay,
Thanks for offering to tell your friends about this website. If your friends are rational and balanced people I'm sure they will be impressed with One Nation's position against the extremists and the greedy in this nation.
As for yourself, I figure that you are either
1: very brainwashed by the repetitious lies of the irresponsible and unethical
representatives of discriminatory vested interest groups or
2: you are one of these greedy representatives, using Hitler's propaganda
tool of repeating lies so often that some will actually think they are
You picked up on Mike Owens use of the generalisation "Aboriginals" when he should have actually stipulated that he was only referring to the greedy and/or racist elements amongst the Aboriginal people. But, then you did the very same thing yourself when you labelled Mike Owens a racist and therefore by association you labelled all One Nation supporters as racists ( the pot calling the kettle black ).
It's disappointing to hear that Homestay Network Pty.Ltd is so determined to fight against equality and unity, and making this nation a better place for all Australians regardless of their racial background.
thank you,
Subject: Julie McFadden
Dear Sir,
I would really like yesterday's hate mailer, Julie McFadden to elaborate on her proposition that One Nation should not be on the Ballot at all. Just what do you and your lot propose to do to have us stopped? You could use legislation to ban any political party other than yours. You could use confiscation of our assets. You could use deportation to our ancestor's land of origin. You could try a complete media blackout on us. You could place a curfew on us or perhaps give us all permanent home detention. Disconnect our telephones and cut off our mail deliveries. Get the foreign banks to foreclose on our mortgages. What about the idea of painting a sign on the front of our properties identifying us as "Hansonites". Then again if we were all identified by having a symbol tattooed on our foreheads we would be easier to spot. You could even resort to the unthinkable and line us all up and shoot us. So tell us Julie, just what would you do to the people who dare to have a different view of the world. It seems that to you there is only ONE way...YOUR way?
Allan W. Doak
Dear David,
I read your comments re: One Nation supporters on the GWB News of the Day. Speaking for myself only, of course, you are wrong about my motives.
I have fairly recently come to realise that since the early 1970s this country has been changing, I believe, for the worse. Well maybe I am a slow learner or just would not believe that it was as bad as it is. I also realised that it didn't seem to matter who got in (Lab/Lib), nothing seemed to change. Then I got onto the www and started to read about the UN and globalisation and our situation started to make a lot of sense to me.
It seems that not only are we being lead up the global path, so to speak, but that there IS no difference between the big two's agendas, not only that but neither party has had the honesty to declare their intentions or divulge the ramifications of this to us, the people who will ultimately have to live with the end result of their folly.
If the One Nation party does nothing but make the whole country aware of this fact so that we as a nation can democratically decide for ourselves whether we wish to go down that road, then I will be happy with them.
Further, I believe that this matter is of such gravity and urgency that I am prepared to get off my arse and get a little bit involved in the government of MY COUNTRY until I feel that there is someone in parliament that I can trust to look after my interests first. If I rambled a little, forgive me, I am new to this (as I said) but I am going to persevere until I am, not just listened to but, HEARD! I hope this helps with your query.
Paul Wildish.
Subject: Newspaper ethics
The Australian
I must admit that I am amazed by your recent journalistic behaviour. Just when I think that your ethics cannot possibly deteriorate any further, you somehow manage to descend to new depths.
First you state that One Nation has been infiltrated by The League of Rights. You were proven wrong, with League of Rights spokesmen admitting that they do not have any One Nation links, and in fact have closer links with Coalition politicians.
Having failed in your smear campaign to suggest extremist infiltration of One Nation, you then proceed to criticise the One Nation party structure, the very mechanism that prevents any extremist infiltration. It must take years of practice to get that stupid.
But todays bizzare headline really takes the cake! One Nation has been "highjacked" by its own executive! Whats next? Barry Jones (ALP President) "highjacking" the ALP? Rupert Murdoch "highjacking" News Corporation?
The intended victims of your diatribe are laughing at you. And you think that they are ignorant amateurs?
A One Nation secretary resigns and this is a bigger story than the resignation of a NSW Liberal MLC?
You publish a beat-up about some alleged internal party conflicts, the truth of which must be doubtful given your self-confessed political bias, yet even if true, so what? Are we to believe that the ALP and Coalition parties have no internal conflicts, are they full of love and harmony, like political versions of The Brady Bunch? Do you really believe that your readers are that stupid?
Your well practised tactics of division will not work with One Nation supporters. We have endured worse than you. You are just strengthening our resolve.
Subject: Requesting further information about MAI, FSIA, etc....
To the GWB Webmaster/editor,
Firstly, I would like to say that I am very impressed by your coverage of One Nation, as well as other secrets the 'Main' media want to keep just that. Goodonya !
I am of the distinct impression, from what I have gleaned whilst surfing the 'Net', that we either have ONE NATION, or very soon we will have NO NATION.
I have been trying to spread the word, as much as I can in my position of limited finances, and have passed on some of the documents that I have downloaded from your Web site, as well as several others - Canadian, etc. The information available on the Internet appears to be largely centred on affairs on that side of the world, but there must be something in it, methinks, for it to be so widespread. Whatever, true or not, questions need to be both asked ...AND answered.
A man, to whom I have been introduced by name, via a friend who passed on copies of some of your expose'(s), phoned me this afternoon, to say that he was interested in learning more about MAI and FSIA and the like. He asked me if I knew the sources of the information available on your Website.
He had been concerned enough (And possibly had plenty of time to waste) to write to our local MP, the Hon (?) Neil Andrews, asking if he had agreed with these treaties, or if in fact he had signed them (FSIA, at least). Neil Andrews' secretary had phoned him earlier, to say that Neil Andrews knew nothing about any such treaties being signed. Apparently, she also said that Mr. Rod Kemp, and the Minister of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury, Senator Ian Campbell had also been in contact with Neil Andrews and that they too had not heard anything about the treaties being signed. Do our politicians ever admit knowing anything about anything ?
I do so hope that Im not one of a minority worrying about my country being sold off to the highest (probably not always) bidder.
Keep up the good work and keep your powder dry
Yours truly,
Nigel K. Ross
P.S. Any news about QANTAS banning newsreels about One Nation on their flights because their Asian customers were offended ? They seem to have lost the Spirit Of Australia.
Qantas have been very quiet and have not responded to any of the email.
Maybe we should get another larger cross-section of the mailing list involved this time?
Subject: Pasquarelli
lets not condemn him, he at least still believes in the movement, on John Laws and on channel 7 he spoke only for and to Pauline. And that is what we the ordinary people feel. In the end when we are in power the people WILL take control regardless of the power plays at the top.
Subject: 'selling' policies
On the ABC radio current affairs programme PM tonight (30/6/98), there was a report about the journalists' lock-up in South Australia. According to the report, there were as many if not more, government officials and 'spin-doctors' as there were journalists present during the lock-up.
Was it the traditional Budget night lock-up? No it wasn't Budget night. This lock-up was the result of the SA government's desperate attempt to 'sell' to a traditionally conservative electorate its 'globalisation' policy of privatising the state's currently publicly-owned electricity supply. The government hopes to 'sell' the idea to journalists so that they will in turn 'sell' the idea to an increasingly sceptical and hostile SA citizenry.
I must confess that earlier this year when I started reading Graham Strachan's "Economic Rationalism' Wednesday feature I thought he was, well, a bit whacko. Paranoid. A conspiracy theorist. But increasingly he is making a lot of sense: why else did the SA government indulge in this heavy-handed, expensive, and even desperate attempt to convince SA voters that privatisation is a 'Good Thing' for South Australia? Do the SA leaders believe it themselves? Do they trust the electorate? Obviously not! Hence the journalistic lock-up which up until now, has only been reserved for Budget night.
Until recently, governments used to present their policies to the public and let them be judged at the ballot box. So why is there now the necessity for governments to 'sell' policies? Perhaps it's time somebody told governments that the voters arn't 'buying' anymore. Well it's already happened, hasn't it, in Queensland. In Queensland the government was well and truly TOLD. Today Queensland, tomorrow Australia? Roll on true democracy!
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Pauline the politician?
So little Johnny says that since Pauline sits in Parliament, she is a politician just like the rest of them.
Well maybe she is a politician technically speaking, but she is certainly not like the rest of them, and thank God for that!
Subject: Discrimination against Australians (Australian News)
Dear Editor
My background would not suggest that I would be the kind of person who might have support for some of the issues on which One Nation people are taking a stand. But I do believe in my country, and that we should all be one people.
I have spent several formative years of my life living in Asia. I have lots of Asian friends. And I enjoy, and have developed a strong interest in many aspects of Asian culture and history. But the same can be said for me with respect to Australian history and culture, and our potential as a nation.
Unfortunately, when I came back to Australia recently, the only companies interested in employing me, were Asian ones. So here I am, still hoping to work for an Australian enterprise, but instead, I'm helping the Japanese make more money from the typical Australian scenario: export volumes of cheap, unrefined resources - and import them back from Asia, as cars, computers, machanical equipment...highly value-added goods!
One reason I came back to Australia, was my desire to help our economy. I thought someone young and determined like me, ambitious with a sound knowledge and understanding of Asian business, language and culture, would be a big help.
But the Japanese are better at realising the potential of using someone who understands how they want things done, and who also knows the local scene, and how Australians do business.
Another reason for coming home to Australia was that I was fed up with the discrimination I often encountered in Asia. While it was sometimes pleasantly positive - going in my favour - there were too many times that I was illtreated, simply because I was white. (Tokyo police were the worst culprits.)
But now I am thinking that being white can be a reason for being discriminated against in my own country!
I don't understand how one of my Asian acquaintances, who has become "Australian" and works as a Customs Officer in Sydney, can look down on white Australians, calling us the same derogatory name I encountered time and again in China.
But worse still, I have come across several instances of white Australians being discriminated against in a variety of circumstances.
One of my friends probably speaks and writes better Japanese than anyone else in the country - except for the Japanese themselves. But he is incensed with how several Japanese restaurants have told him that they only employ Japanese as waiters. (Not that he needs to work in a sushi bar - another Japanese trading giant already employs him!)
How many times have I been in a restaurant where the Japanese waiter couldn't tell other Aussie customers the difference between one dish and another - except that they were both "type of fish"?
Obviously, reserving work in Japanese restaurants for only the Japanese is a great idea - for the Japanese. Forget the fact that it's discriminatory! Admittedly, the pay is not that good, but it's something for the many young Japanese who come to Australia on working holiday visas, and need to earn some money here, instead of bringing more from back home.
Why bother contributing to the Australian economy, when you can work for your own countrymen, shop at a fellow Japanese's supermarket, join a Japan Tourist Bureau tour around Sydney, go singing at a Japanese karaoke bar (where else has Japanese songs?), find a unit at a Japanese real estate agent, which you found in one of the local Japanese newspapers, where you can then advertise for Japanese flatmates to share "the high cost of living in Sydney"!? Of course we need Japanese restaurants - the local food is fattening and unhealthy - anyway, we are Japanese! And I even see notices at the local supermarket IN Japanese - no English at all! (Then of course, there are the Koreans, with their similar attitudes: Korean supermarkets, restaurants, hairdressers... And then there is the Cantonese community....)
And now of course, there are no longer tourist visa requirements between Australia and Japan - how unbalanced is that!? Think of how many Japanese tourists and businessmen come to Australia every year on short term visits - what a potential for earning honest revenue for the government! But no, keep the tax system as it is - despite the recent publicity admitting how generations of politicians and cabinet decision-makers have got it wrong, and that we are now in desperate need of "tax reform". How many Australians need (or want) to travel to Japan each year? Hardly any compared to the many Japanese who must think it's great not to have to bother with visa formalities any more.
One reason I was incensed by this relaxing of visa requirements, was again the prejudice I encountered in Japan. I can easily say that the current economic malaise hitting Japan is indicative of the general situation in Japanese society. On the surface, the Japanese banking system seemed sound and secure, but just scratch away at the veneer a little, and watch the abyss open! How the Japanese revel in telling you that theirs is the safest society in the world - no crime: we're all too busy working!
Yet I know from my years living there - and I really mean living! - that there is a lot more crime and unease in Japanese society than meets the average tourist's eye. I was involved in reporting on the Aum Sect - the group which launched its sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway during rush hour, a few years back. All the members of this sick group were Japanese nationals, several of whom had come to Australia to carry out experiments with their deadly sarin gas on a local sheep farm. How did they get in? (Surely we don't have Japanese-born customs officers too!)
Yet ever since the subway attack in Tokyo, I found the police gave me more and more a hard time in my everyday life - despite having never done anything wrong. Because I was a westerner, I would be stopped, my belongings searched, my id checked. I was even asked if I had a weapon in my bag.
The identification which the police look for is the notorious "Alien Registration Card". Even when the Japanese had to be in receipt of an Australian government visa, we still let that group of Aum experimenters in! But any innocent Aussie, or any other non-Japanese national (including my Japanese-born Korean national friend,) who stays in Japan for more than 3 months is required by law to register at his local government office, and carry an Alien Registration Card at all times! The most offensive thing about the card is that the holder's index fingerprint is also imprinted on the card, in addition to photo id.
How easy life is in Australia for the Japanese! No alien cards here! While some have complained of the local unemployment rate affecting their chances of getting a job here, just take a trip down the tourist areas of Sydney, the Gold Coast, Cairns....
Take a peek inside the Japanese-owned hotels, duty-free shops, tour guide services...(if they'll let you in without a passport or air ticket). Maybe it's only in major tourist destinations like Sydney and Cairns - but these parts of Australia look like an extension of the Tokyo economy to me!
What about the young Aussies who have been told: "We have to become Asian!", " Learn an Asian language"....?
Wouldn't waiting in a Japanese restaurant, or working in a duty free shop, a hotel... be a great way for them to learn about Japan - the cooking, the way to look after customers, the differences the language takes on when in a commercial situation..? It would also be a welcome source of employment for some people, in this time of a continuing high jobless rate!
But how about this one?!
I know one (Australian) guy who spent years growing up in Hong Kong, and speaks the local dialect fluently. He is obviously someone who has a lot of Asian influence on/in his life. He almost IS Asian.
Not long ago, he told me how he went to a meeting in Sydney run by ACON - the AIDS Council of NSW, Inc. This meeting group is called "Silk Road". But the poor guy received a phone call afterwards, from the organiser - the Asian Gay Men's Education Officer - (what salary do our taxes pay for this racist?!) and was politely told that the meeting was only for Asians, not "caucasians"- apparently that's the generic term for your average run-of-the-mill Aussie.
No grey areas here: you're either white or yellow. How would they cope with a one-eighth aborigine/one-eighth chinese turning up to a meeting?
I checked out with the Anti-Discrimination Board on this one. But I was told that such discrimination - to help minorities in a particular situation - is warranted by the Act - nothing you or I or anyone can do about it!
When I told my friend, he said he couldn't understand how the group could be so warranted - it didn't seem to be helping anyone: just a forum for stating how racist "caucasian" men were, because so few of them have any time for asian men!
What makes a gay Asian any different from an Australian gay? - to the extent that it justifies public money going into some form of discrimination against white Australians? Gay people are always carrying on about discrimination - yet they perpetrate the same wrong themselves!
I'm starting to wonder what country I'm living in! And I feel sorry to think of the ol' diggers who fought to keep Australia free for the future generations of your average run-of-the-mill Aussies.
Maybe I should go back to Asia myself if it's not going to be much different here in a few years' time!
While there is still a chance, I hope that more people support the idea of one nation for we Australians - and that One Nation MP's become numerous enough so that they can overturn such unfair but legal discrimination!
After all, there was never any referendum on "multiculturalism"! The politicians and bureaucrats who designed this policy of a mixed Australia never consulted the people! And anyone who criticised such policy, has been labelled a racist ever since - hence the hype about Ms Hanson.
Every generation of politicians and policy advisers and administrators ever since, including the present one, think they are better educated, more enlightened than the rest of us. The supporters of One Nation are just uneducated rednecks from the backblocks, dissatisfied and disenchanted with the difficult decisions policy makers are at pains to make.
Well, let me, as an educated Australian (if that's all the string of degrees after my name means!), working for a Japanese multinational in downtown Sydney, say that I don't think our politicians and public servants are any more enlightened than me, with my years of experience and living in Asia! It's about time that they really did serve the public, and stop to listen to what we had to say, instead of choosing to lecture to us, with their supposedly esteemed ideas!
heng ngai
Subject: Pauline Hanson for Prime Minister
Dear One Nation party (and especially Pauline Hanson):
Firstly, congratulations on your success here in Queensland. I live in Smithfield, Cairns.
I still wonder and ponder as to how One Nation policies will affect tourism and foreign investment, but frankly I do not care.
Our governments to date have preferred to align themselves and befriend Asian nations. Their economies are stalling. Asian countries and their governments do not have a good track record when it comes to respecting their citizens, and in the area of human rights.
The powerhouse economies of the world are no longer the Asian economies, they are failing miserably. Europe and the USA have been, and still are strong economies and good countries to make economic ties with, despite us being so far away from them.
When you make friends and "hang around them", you become like them. Hang around a bunch of heavy drinkers, and this is likely to rub off on you. Hang around smokers, and you might begin to smoke (kids do!), hang around failures when it comes to making money and building a stable future, and you are likely to become the same.
Pauline Hanson, you are absolutely right, we should look after ourselves first, and other countries and their needs second. I have a wife and two kids, both girls, 1yr and 3yrs. How would my wife feel if we kept clocking up our bankcard bill, whilst I spent my money in donating it to our next door neighbours instead, whilst our kids are missing out on the essentials of life? She'd be pretty pissed off, to say the least, yet this is how our Government is running our country. Spending millions to get back a fraction of what they "chuck out the window".
Governments to this day are disgusting fat slobs living off the fat of the land, and the time has come for Australians to wake up to themselves and look what is happening to our once great nation, and maybe we can turn back the clock to the days when Australia had a strong manufacturing base, and people actually had a future.
Did you know that Ericsson are shutting down their Melbourne plant? Ericsson manufacture telephone exchange equipment for Telstra and Vodafone, both large telecommunications giants, who have to buy this equipment in a steadily growing high-tech telecommunications industry, from overseas in not-too-distant a future.
Disgusting. The quicker we have a federal election, the better. We need the One Nation Party to hold the balance of power, and "keep the bastards honest".
NB: The last person to say this was a traitor and joined the Labor party. Please don't do the same!
I wish you, and all the party the best.
It never ceases to amaze me that somebody who used to run a Fish&Chips shop can have such tremendous leadership qualities. You might not be a crash-hot speaker when it comes to interviews, but don't let this discourage you (I don't think it does anyway), as speaking skills are learnt over time, and practise makes perfect.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
I just watched a female Asian correspondent on Sky News (via Optus). I couldn't believe the utter crap that flowed from this woman's mouth. In her opinion only dumb Australians voted for Hanson in the QLD election.
She got quite carried away, and by the time Sky cut her off, she was bellowing (I mean literally bellowing) about Australia not wanting to become a part of the Global Village.
If this is the style of ratbag that the New World Order uses to promote their Global Village idea, then they had better review their Recruitment & Selection Policy of employees.
For what it's worth, I believe this ranting women just secured more votes for the One Nation Party. If there's one thing that Australians are sick of, it has to be foreigners like this woman demanding that we do things their way.
Subject: David Moss's Personal Opinion
I think that the main reason we don't get much debate from those who don't support ON is because, in my experience, if you're against ON all you can do is insult and abuse. There's no way you can get an intelligent conversation out of an anti-ON person... nor can you get any valid argument from them as to why ON should not exist. It's only ON supporters who are willing to debate the issues, and intelligently look at what is happening.
I, for one, am happy that there aren't any abusive idiots trying to disrupt debate.
I must say, however, that those intelligent people who I have discussed ON with, and who have been against it, have been intelligent enough to see the wisdom of this new political party and their intentions for Australia.
The main reason intelligent people seem to be against ON - yes, they exist too - is because they follow the news, and believe what they read and see. When they are explained the 'behind the scenes' maneouverings and motivations of the media and the politicians, they quickly seem to see the error of their ways.
Alan Howard
Subject: Bill O'Chee
I received this reply from Bill O'Chee when I questioned his 'racist little old lady' story.
"Dear Mr Daniel,
I am so sorry you didn't believe the truth. My secretary certainly did because she copped an earful of abuse as well.
Maybe you should understand that the truth is not always what the electorate wants to hear, but if I am to do my duty then I have to tell the truth. This is in stark contrast to the people who will promise to deliver the world with simplistic solutions. Last century they were called snake oil salesmen. I think they were still called that in the 1950's. They should certainly be called that now.
Yours sincerely,
Bill O'Chee
Senator for Queensland and National Party Whip in the Senate"
Well Bill, I'm sick of buying the "oil" from the likes of you, Howard and Kim Beastly so I'm gonna buy a different brand off Pauline Hanson. You and your kind have left me no choice........I've got nothing to lose.
N. Daniel
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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