Today's Headlines
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's first daily Internet newspaper.
Since October 1995

Sunday 13th July 1997
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Strange that the News Limited newspapers who were quick to point the finger at Pauline Hanson for the drop off in Japanese tourists visiting areas like the Gold Coast did not pick up on the televised report that the Gold Coast Tourism Commission are investigating complaints by numerous Japanese tourists that they have been charged exorbitant fees as "part of a package" to the Gold Coast by the Japanese tour organisers.
In some cases it is alleged that a 300% mark-up has been added to the entry costs of popular theme parks.
The reputation of the Japanese based tour organisers appears to be to blame for the drop-off in Japanese tourists to the Gold Coast but I guess no apology will be made to Ms Hanson for being accused for this.
Remember what our friend from Asahi TV in Japan said earlier this month?
SB: What do the Japanese know about Pauline Hanson?
HK: The Japanese in Japan know nothing about One Nation or Pauline Hanson.
But let's not let anything get in the way of a good biased News Limited story.
Dr Michael Selley former chief-of-staff of Science Minister Peter McGauren has defected from the Federal Coalition to join Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party as an organiser.
Pauline Hanson's One Nation Official home page.
You say:
Buying a home in Queensland is set to get even cheaper with Colonial State Bank offering a one year fixed rate of just 4.99% the lowest in the country.
The rate reverts back to the standard variable of 7.2% after one year.
The monthly repayment on a Au$100,000 loan at 4.99% are just $439.
The Gold Coast schoolies week has been put under the spotlight through a report by Melbourne's La Trobe university which came up with the following findings:
- 57% of boys expect to get drunk every night and 24.5% expect to drink most days and nights.
- 39% of girls expected to be drunk every night and almost 30% on most days while only 6% said that they did not expect to drink at all.
- 17% of boys expected to get stoned every day and 23.5% of girls expected to be "stoned" at some time.
- 65.3% of the boys expected to have sexual intercourse with 83% expecting to use a condom.
Wet overnight.. but quite warm.
Looks like an overcast (light) rainy day ahead.
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