Today's Headlines
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's first daily Internet newspaper.
Since October 1995

This on-line paper is now archived for perpetuity in the National Library of Australia

Sunday 7th September 1997
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Take this link to see first hand the dishonesty in - today's Sunday Mail article on Global Web Builders.

Yesterday I watched, with hundreds of millions of others, the funeral of Princess Di.

The most moving moment for me was when Elton John sang "Candle in the Wind" - a revised version especially for the deceased princess.

It was also the day that I walked into our local news agent and picked up a copy of Packer's New Weekly which carries the headline "Di and Dodi - making love for the cameras".

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

You say:

Subject: mailing list

Thank you for adding me to the mailing list for your newsletter.

I wish you the best, even though I am not Australian. We are still fighting the same battle, against the same forces.

America needs a Pauline Hanson. Can we borrow her?

Kenneth P. Stoeckmann, Jr.

Subject: Re: Pauline Hanson's One Nation September News Letter

First off I would like to thank you for your e-mail. Thank you Pauline Hanson for saying what was on everones mind. Keep up the good work and give the government a shock at the next ellections. I know that I will be voting for you. If you had not stood up for what you and alot of Australians believe, then the government would have kept putting the issues of ATSIC and Ileagal IMMAGRENTS on the backburner. Beacause you stood up and expressed the concerns of alot of ordinary working class Australians you were dragged over the coals by a bunch of hypocitical jackass reporters, but you have proven to be tougher than they imagined and I for one admire you for that. I have a trade certificate, but because I could only get casual work on and off, I found myself feeling down. I then made a decision to go back to school and then onto University 9 years after leaving school. Since doing this I have set my goals even higher and I believe that I can achieve them, I also have fiath that you will achieve your goal and ambitions.

Thank you.
Peter O'brien.

P.S. Prime Minister Pauline Hanson sound kewl.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another beautiful day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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