Friday 1st August 1997
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It is an interesting fact that the Ipswich City Council place large double page advertisements in the Queensland Times on a weekly basis, and that this reflects a large percentage of their advertising through a decision by the council members who chose to ban Hanson from the city's venues.
It is also interesting that only five protesters came to the Ipswich branch launch of One Nation after the anti-racism campaign refrained from organising buses.
Several disturbing developments have taken place this week. None more so than the call by NAILS (National Aboriginal Islander Services) for the United Nations to take over as mediator on the decisions related to native title in Australia.
In her speech launching One Nation on April 11th this year, Pauline Hanson said:
"The interests of the Australian people, and the future of our country must be determined by Australians themselves, not by the governments of other countries, and not by the United Nations, and not by trade agreements that benefit everybody except us."
While Senator Nick Minchin agrees with Hanson's view saying that the call for UN intervention would be quite ridiculous, we have Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Herron at the United Nations human rights conference in Geneva saying," There has been considerable discussion about the so-called race debate which is linked with certain pronouncements of an independent member of parliament (Pauline Hanson).
"Many of her remarks are racist, bigoted and divisive and have been totally rejected by all the major parties in Australia.
"Australia is a decent and harmonious industrial nation, with a society fundamentally based on fairness, on appreciation of racial and cultural diversity, on tolerance and mutual respect. This government is committed to upholding those values."
So who was Herron talking to? The UN group who are currently putting the Draft United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. Take a moment to view the summary of this draft and the Aboriginal interpretation of it.
Here is what the first part of point 26 of the draft resolution says, quite simply that indigenous people can claim anywhere that they have been before - with no reference to freehold ownership, cities, industry or anything else. Wik and Mabo will become flea bites compared to the damage that the draft currently being formulated behind our backs by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva and carefully selected attendees like Mick Dodson. This is where Herron made the comments referred to above.
The draft articles talk about "indigenous peoples" ie a multitude of Aboriginal tribes forming their own nations within Australia.
So Mr Herron what then happens to, and I quote, "a (Australian) society fundamentally based on fairness, on appreciation of racial and cultural diversity, on tolerance and mutual respect"
What happens to our One Nation?
In the words of the Daily Telegraph (02/03/97 - Piers Akerman):
"The United Nations is paving the way for Australia to be divvyed into a number of nation states governed by Aborigines.
"This will be the end result of the implementation of the UNs draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.
"The draft comprises 45 articles and is being put forward as the "minimum" expected for the "survival, dignity and well-being of indigenous people of the world... by giving them self determination by allowing them to establish independent States.
"Aboriginal Social Justice Commissioner Mick Dodson has declared the draft "the floor not the ceiling. We are still on the plains but hope to climb the foothills and then the mountains in terms of our rights."
Be kept informed, join Pauline Hanson's One Nation mailing list.
A group of Aboriginal "stolen children" removed from their families has lost their case in the High Court. They were seeking financial compensation.
The High Court ruled that there was no right of action against the 1918 laws which allowed half-caste children to be taken from their parents. The ruling effects about 100,000 Aboriginal "stolen children".
The defendants have now threatened to take their case to the United Nations.
In the meantime it has been revealed that the removal of a happy adopted Aboriginal baby from her white parents a few days ago was triggered by the "stolen generations" report. Melita Kepple lived with her new parents Alex and Caroline MacDonald for eighteen months after she was neglected by her natural mother. The adoption process was formalised by local Aborigines who were delighted with the care that the MacDonald's had given Melita.
State Families Department director-general the Rev Allan Male said yesterday, "I am sorry for the anguish caused to the (MacDonalds) but that is a sad fact about foster children. They are only loaned to them.
"Keeping Aboriginal children from their families was something that was done 30 years ago. If the stolen generation report reduced Kim Beazley to tears it obviously had an effect on me too", Male said.
Melita, who was near death before being nursed back by the MacDonald's was taken by the police to an Aboriginal foster mother in Coen in Cape York. The local Aborigines are outraged claiming that the new foster mother is a drunk and will not provide little Melita with the care and attention that she received from her white foster parents. The MacDonalds are shattered.
Two bodies have been found so far in the Thredbo Village tragedy.
Those believed killed include a tourist who was walking a few paces behind her husband while on a midnight stroll. She was swept away while the landslide missed him.
Thredbo resident Phillip Clements was first on the scene. He said, "You could hear the screams, they were screaming help me, help me.
"The cries went for at least three to four hours before they eventually stopped."
Nineteen of those thought to have been killed were staying in the Bimbadeen staff lodge which took the full force of the landslip when the Carinya Lodge fell on to it from above. It is thought that only one person was in the Carinya Lodge at the time.
Pauline Hanson jump station.
I certainly agree with your articles about Pauline Hanson. It's time and again, and as long the media is biased by certain people in the community, there always will be a push to distort the news and views of Pauline Hanson's or her party. One only has to look at the rowdy mob at the demonstrations and watch their faces it tells everything. Like footyplayers they are conditioned for the events, but do they now what this really is all about?. Wherever the One Nation Party meets there is the rent-a crowd bused in by the organisers. It's good business for the Bus Companies! Who are these people behind the scene? It does not take much to see which Radio Stations or News papers behaves hysterically and stirs up total community unrest in Australia and also discredit Australia in Asia. So don't let them blame Pauline Hanson! She is total and genuine for Australia. We, have given up watching "60 (32) Minutes" on Channel 9 as NOT news worthy.
0EW, Melbourne
Dear Editor,
I hope Mr Beazley wins his "win the argument against extremism". He and the leaders of the extreme left leaning (ALP backed) groups that confront Ms Hanson have obviously been disagreeing on whether to throw condoms filled with urine, paint, fruit or just mindless rantings at her.
What a farce the ALP and the NATS have become, extremism is one thing, but diversity is another. In the current political landscape, the difference between the main political parties has become very blurred. The rhetoric is the same, the policies are marginally different and the focus is on number one.
Mighty Mal Coulston could not be more blatant, and will only lose his employment (not work) if he is proven to be the devil incarnate it would seem. In a time when job security is at an all time low, these fat cats look after themselves and leave the rest of us to get by as best we can, after we have paid our tax.
In the news today, there was another economic miracle hatched in Chilly Bottom (Canberra), the plan is to spend a billion tax dollars to attract foreign investment into this country. What genius came up with that?!
In a time when people can't get work, for many reasons, surely we could do better than pay an estate agent to put up the shingle?
How many Km's of road, how much tax relief to people, how many hospitals, Federal coppers, customs people, simply how many jobs could that create right here?
If you put that on top of the Federation (Slush) Fund, and the figures involved, is it any wonder we are incredulous, confused and angry.
These (mostly) rent a crowds at Ms Hansons meetings would do well to realise that she is one MP. There is a government in power who could do something positive, and on form will if the polls tell them to, if they felt the amount of pressure being exerted against this one MP. The only MP who feels any heat is Mrs Vanstone, but from the people I know, have seen and the anecdotal evidence, there are faces at the rallies against both ladies.
Have a good one.