Friday 19th July 1996
The Northern Territory has bowed to pressure, Queensland is following suit and it appears that the bluster from Western Australian politicians might be running out of steam as well.
The uniform gun laws would ban private ownership of all automatic and semi-automatic guns in Australia.
He said that he would not negotiate with ABC staff who ended a 24 hour strike in protest over the Government's decision to cut the broadcaster's funding by Au$65 million (about 10%).
It has now come to light that yesterday's announcement that News Corp is to acquire New World Communications Group has a few strings attached that investors in the company's preferential shares will not appreciate.
The funding for the over Au$3 billion acquisition will come straight out of the company's preferential shares - which have no say in the running of the company or vote at meetings.
Holders of the pref shares don't like this at all and yesterday the shares plummeted from Au$6.30 to about Au$5.30 and it appears that that is not the bottom of the fall either.
Last night he appeared on all the national television channels current affairs programmes saying how delighted he was that his name had been cleared when the news broke. Two weeks from the day of his big event, the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) has advised that it will launch its own investigation into the tribunal which ruled in Dean's favour...
This morning we had our first frost of the winter - on the banks opposite. It was cold overnight, but it looks like a warm day ahead.