11th April 1999
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Thanks to B'nai B'rith we are all aware of the new area of "hate" crimes - and of course thanks to political correctness we know what constitutes the new values of racism.
A couple of weeks ago I posted an email allegedly sent by Ms
Nguyen which fitted both categories of politically correct crime.
We now have a test case on our hands which fits the Racial Vilification Laws - as can be seen in my response to Ms Nguyen earlier today. This follows her email to Mr Beck confirming that she "exists". Of course she has denied sending the email but we have ways of confirming its origins. Such as the image on the right.
I have censored all references to Ms Nguyen's email because I don't want any counter claims being made following its publication.
Today I sent the following email to Ms Nguyen and the webmaster:
Dear Ms Nguyen
Below is a copy of the offensive email sent to One Nation.
I am sending copies of this to your webmaster and Mr Beck to whom you responded.
Now that we know that you exist and that you sent the email we are taking this matter up under the Australian Racial Vilification laws.
Scott Balson
-----Original Message-----
From: Anh nguyen
Date: Wednesday, 31 March 1999 9:47
Here is the email from Ms Nguyen to Mr Beck subsequently received and confirming her authenticity and the origins of the email above:
From: Anh nguyen
To: Jeremy Beck
Date: Thursday, 8 April 1999 8:31
What offensive email ???????? I did not send anything to anyone !!!!!! Are you sure that the " offensive email "is come from me ?????????????
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Beck
Date: Thursday, April 01, 1999 1:34 PM
Subject: E-mail from Anh Nguyen
To whom it may concern:
Scott Balson (One Nation's webmaster) has informed me that one of your employees by the name of Anh Nguyen has sent Scott an offensive E-mail. I would imagine, as with most organisations, that the use of work facilities should be restricted to work related functions only. If this is your policy, I hope Anh Nguyen receives appropriate disciplinary action for not only pursuing a political objective, but in inciting the hatred that has been articulated from the E-mail, above mentioned.
I am not a member of One Nation, but regularly read Scott Balson's daily news at and am a firm believer that One Nation has received a lot of unfair media coverage. One Nation have their shortcomings, but on balance they have many constructive policies to offer that even mainstream politicians are copying.
If One Nation is such a horrid racist party, as Anh Nguyen seems to believe, please explain why:
There was two Asian and one Aboriginal One Nation candidates at the recent NSW state election?
Pauline Hanson employed Lilly Vichitthavong, a woman with Asian ancestry who has described Pauline as "very blunt and frank, but fair, trusting and totally lacking in any racist behaviour". She said if she saw Pauline Hanson now, she "would want to give her a big hug".
Former Queensland One Nation MP, John Kingston, has a wife with Asian ethnic origin.
One Nation has called upon our government on two occasions to help supply starving famine struck North Koreans with food aid.
Amelia Campbell, an Aboriginal from the Ngarrindjeri tribe embraces Pauline Hanson describing her as a leader of Aboriginal people.
And the list goes on;
If you would like, I will cite you dozens of other examples inconsistent with the bias peddled by our mainstream media.
One Nation is striving for the fair treatment for all Australians by fighting the oppressive government policy of economic rationalism and the thought police of the "politically correct".
Yours sincerely,
Jeremy Beck
Reports from Bob Djurdjevic, Truth in Media
MOSCOW, Apr. 9 - What a day this was in European capitals. Two news stories, both emanating from Moscow, quickly shattered the arrogant tranquility of the NATO "Übermenschen" ("supermen"), and had them quaking in their boots and scurrying for cover like rabbits.
First, the Russian Duma (parliament) Speaker, Gennady Seleznyov, back in Moscow after a trip to Belgrade, relayed to Boris Yeltsin Yugoslavia's request to join the recently announced Belorussia-Russia union. Yeltsin immediately contacted by phone Belorussia's president, Alexander Lukashenko, who said he was all for it.
The Russian Foreign Minister, Igor Ivanov, later said that Moscow would "study" Yugoslavia's request to join the Belarus-Russia union. Ivanov's comments to reporters "fell well short of the endorsement Seleznyov said Yeltsin had given to the request," Reuters noted it its today's dispatch.
But a real bombshell news story was that Russia may be re-aiming its nukes to target the NATO countries. It was that news, which broke just after noon GMT, and which later proved to be an exaggeration, that had Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, Erhardt Schroeder and other NATO leaders quaking in their boots. For a while...
After the Kremlin meeting, Seleznyov told the Interfax news agency, and then others, that Yeltsin said he had ordered nuclear missiles aimed at NATO countries. As markets moved on his comments, NATO capitals sought urgent clarification.
The nukes story was given additional credence by an earlier stern warning to NATO by the Russian president..
"I told NATO, the Americans, the Germans, don't push us towards military action. Otherwise there will be a European war for sure and possibly world war," Yeltsin said in televised comments reported by Reuters. Earlier on Friday, he said Russia would not leave a NATO ground operation in Yugoslavia unanswered.
"Russia won't get involved in the (Yugoslav) conflict
unless we are pushed to do it by the Americans," Yeltsin said. "And we, of
course, can't give up Yugoslavia if the U.S. sends ground forces to 'capture'
the country," the Bloomberg newswire reported today.
TiM Ed.: Now, let us pause for a moment, and try to blow some smoke away
from all this rhetoric and posturing. Two things are evident:
(1) "Can't give up Yugoslavia if...," is Russia's as clear as a bell declaration that this country, now under NATO's attack, is considered a country of vital national interests for Russia.
(2) And if NATO does use ground forces against Yugoslavia, it will provoke a military reaction by Russia, still the world's biggest nuclear power.
By the way, by stating that, Yeltsin wasn't bluffing. He was merely echoing opinions of ALL MAJOR Russian political party leaders, including Gen. Aleksandr Lebed, the former presidential candidate, now governor of the Krasnoyarsk district.
In an Apr. 5 interview with the Hamburg-based German magazine, "Der Spiegel" ("The Mirror"), Lebed said that, "first, NATO's actions must be called an aggression without any ifs or buts. Second, quite as clearly, Yugoslavia must be declared an area of Russian interests. And, third, the scope of our military aid to Yugoslavia must be set down."
Meanwhile, Yeltsin, the western stooge who has played the nationalist card whenever it suited him for domestic consumption, such as right now, may end up being consumed by the flames of war himself unless he made good on his threats against NATO. The Russian president faces a possible impeachment vote next week in the Duma, a chamber dominated by Communists and nationalists who dislike NATO as much as Yeltsin, Reuters reported today.
Just as in western Europe (see our report on Brussels arrests - Day 12, Update 2, Items 2-3), and in Serbia, the Russian political left and right have united in a fierce nationalist stand against the fascist NATO.
So one thing is crystal clear: If NATO proceeds with its planned invasion of Yugoslavia, and all indications are that the madmen in Washington, London and Brussels are planning to do just that, the WORLD WILL BE ON THE BRINK OF WORLD WAR III.
It is no consolation at all to us, at TiM, to realize
that we had warned of such a possibility BEFORE any bombs had actually hit
Serbia. We said that on March 24, 1999 - the day which will go down in history
as the New Day of Infamy (see the TiM Statement at our Web site). Let us
hope that there are still some sane U.S. military leaders left who are prepared
to do the right thing to prevent the nuclear holocaust from engulfing our
country, and much of the world.
SKOPJE, Apr. 7 -Macedonia's prime minister, Ljubco Georgievski, called NATO "completely irresponsible" for ignoring warnings that air strikes on Yugoslavia could trigger a humanitarian disaster. Anti-NATO resentment has been growing among Macedonian nationalists who are angry over both the air strikes against fellow Orthodox Serbs and the inflow of refugees, who are mainly Muslim, the Associated Press reported on Apr. 7.
Macedonia, flooded with more than 130,000 refugees since the NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia began, has said it can take in only about 20,000 of the arrivals, and wants the rest quickly shipped off to third countries. The former Yugoslav republic of 2.2 million people fears the flood of refugees will destabilize its ethnic balance and lead to calls for Albanian autonomy.
TiM Ed.: "Completely irresponsible" actually means "totally responsible"
for the consequences of NATO's air strike.
TIRANA, Apr. 7 - Here we go again... Just as hundreds of millions of dollars disappeared amid graft and corruption charges when the western aid went to the Bosnian Muslims, following the end of that war (search our Web site for related stories), "tons of humanitarian aid, which western countries had sent for the Kosovo refugees, are disappearing in Albania without a trace, often becoming a booty of local criminal groups," representatives from Italian charity organizations said in Rome on Wednesday after visiting the region.
Blankets, tinned food and bottles with drinking water, which have failed to reach their destination, could have made up a modern "Tower of Babel" monument to criminal negligence and mismanagement, they told the Itar-Tass news agency reporter in Rome.
Some batches of humanitarian aid disappear without a trace, they say. Last weekend, for example, 12,000 mattresses and 18,000 tons of street clothes from Austria, "went missing." Then, almost 300 boxes with medicines also disappeared without a trace.
On the whole, the efficiency of humanitarian shipments for Kosovo Albanians are estimated by representatives of charity organizations as about 30 percent. Many cargoes, designed for a free distribution among the refugees, end up in the hands of criminal groups, which sell them to buy arms.
TiM Ed.: In other words, the "Albanian Mafia" took its cut on the way in
- the arming of the KLA terrorists. And now they are also taking it on the
way out - from the "humanitarian shipments" -------------
BELGRADE, Apr. 9 - "Aca Singer, who lost 65 members of his family in the Holocaust, says he didn't survive Auschwitz to die from an American bomb," the New York Times correspondent, Steven Erlanger, reported in his dispatch from Belgrade. Here's an excerpt from the article:
"When the Americans bombed the death camps at the end of World War II, I was very happy," he said, sitting in the library of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia, which he heads. "Then I thought, 'Kill me if necessary, but kill the Nazis.' And a lot of Jews died at the end from U.S. bombers, and we were not unhappy to see the bombs."
But today, he said, as NATO bombs and missiles smash civilian and official buildings in downtown Belgrade, "we do not have this feeling -- quite the reverse."
The Americans say President Slobodan Milosevic "is using disproportionate force to repress the Kosovo Liberation Army, and that is true," he said. "But now the Americans are being disproportionate in their actions, in this criminal use of force, which is indiscriminate. And this kind of abuse of power will come back to the United States like a boomerang. They are killing political pluralism here, and thus doing a great favor to this regime."
Singer, now 76, with a full head of white hair, says he had to move from his comfortable apartment on Sarajevo Street, just behind the bombed-out Interior Ministry, because he knew it would be a NATO target.
"I'm pretty angry because I've been moved to a little room and sleep in a cot with my wife," he said genially. "But if I didn't get killed in Auschwitz, I don't want to provide this pleasure to anyone else."
For a full story, check out this link.
Hi John.
It was interesting to read your letter to @notd 10/3/99 and it was good to see you in a more positive frame of mind. Healthy and constructive debate is vital if this party is to grow and mature as a force in Australian politics. Part of ON 's strength is that it is attracting support from disenchanted people from all sides of the political spectrum. Hopefully the things that unite us are stronger then those which divide. If we allow ego and infighting to dominate our agenda then we may as well toss in the towel and allow the Laborals a free hand to destroy this country.
By chipping away at their policies and exposing their programs through rational and constructive exchange of information and debate, and building upon our support base through a continual process of formulating policy and agenda, we will ensure that no election in this country is a lay down misere.
It was interesting to note after Scott's vilification in the Courier Mail over the do peng letter and David Morgan's response, that the Sunday Mail last weekend ran two articles. One dealing with Japanese atrocities in China and a second dealing with Pol Pot and his regime in Cambodia. So I guess we do get some covert support. I also see many politicians and journalists paraphrasing Pauline in policy and in articles ( without the vilification ! ) so I guess the walls of political correctness are starting to crumble.
Scott's coverage of the Balkan conflict is a fair response to balance the heavily pro Albanian, pro Nato coverage that saturates the airwaves and print media. If one was to rely entirely upon the ABC, Packer/ Murdoch coverage for information we would forget that innocent Serbs are being "ethnically cleansed" as well to sate the appetites and egos of their political masters. I do not fully understand the complexities of Balkan politics but through the input of contributors to @notd I have gleaned a little of the history and of influences which has led the the present conflict.
I am certain however that the UN through their destablising policies and agenda to destroy or cripple any nationalist sovereign nation that does not bend to their will are directly responsible for igniting the present situation.
Multiculturalism ???
Who is next on their list???
I hope that the passion you obviously have for this country, which helped lead to the formation of ON, still burns John, and that you continue to contribute your intelligence and knowledge towards fulfilling the objectives and goals that ON supporters and many as yet non aligned Australians aspire to.
For the future prosperity and welfare of our people, and country.
Have a good day,
Steve Milson
The level playing field
Hang on! I thought under economic rationalism there had to be a level playing field: no help or favouritism for any player; no protection via subsidies, tariffs and such like; get big or get out.
So why, pray tell, is big business getting 'incentives'?
According to the Weekend Australian (10-11/4/99), Australian state governments are offering FREE real estate and long-term payroll tax breaks to companies such as Qantas, Telstra, Vodafone and Westpac if they will establish call centres in their states. By offering a better deal, Tasmania was able to entice Telstra to dump 102 Victorian employees at a call centre in Footscray, much to Victoria's dismay.
Graham Strachan's predictions about the behaviour of multinationals and goverments have proved to be 100% right. With the active support of their governments, ordinary Australians are indeed in a race to the bottom.
It's a funny sort of 'level playing field', isn't it. While Australian pork producers are denied any assistance for their industry which is struggling against imported Canadian and Danish pork, the wealthiest multinationals have their snouts deep in the public trough. Believe it or not, Australian taxpayers are subsidising the likes of Qantas, Telstra, Vodafone and Westpac.
That's not economic rationalism; that's economic obscenity. Multinationals pay little if any tax here, and now we find they even get subsidised! Whatever happened to the level playing field?
The IMF's Mr Camdessus says Australia must have a GST. Well it's understandable, isn't it. If the multinationals don't pay tax but expect 'incentives' to set up business here, national governments have to extract the money from somewhere.
So whether they like it or not, all Australians including the poorest of the poor, are going to be slugged with an extra tax on everything - haircuts, rates, fares, rego papers and green slips, tickets to anything (swimming pools, cinemas, galleries, rodeos), shoes and clothing, bread and milk - because Mr Howard is too gutless and unpatriotic to truly reform the tax system to include the multinationals.
As I said, it's not economic rationalism, but economic obscenity. Obviously the level playing field is an economic rationalist myth. No, lie.
Traitors in the House, and....what to expect!
That well known subversive and treacherous organisation(the Fabians) was this week-end obliged to cancel a proposed 'conference' in Warburton, Victoria. Ostensibly, the reason was because of the tightened travel restrictions on MPs due to the recent 'travel rorts affair'. Hmmmm....guess they aren't that committed after all. Do these jerks even have the courage of their convictions?!
Amongst the traitorous scum due to attend were the following: (ALP President) Bazza Jones,ALP 'legends' Craig Emerson and Mark Latham and (ex-ACTU tyro)Martin Ferguson. The whole shebang was apparently organised(or dis-organised, as the case may be[!]) by no less a personage than ex-Victorian Police Minister Race Matthews. [*source: The Melbourne 'Age', 10/4/1999*] Mmmmm....perhaps that explains the 'politically correct' re- structuring of this Force in recent years and its curious reluctance to intervene on behalf of elderly and frail One Nation Party supporters at the notorious Hawthorn Town Hall debacle some months ago.
Whatever....with the increased(open-ended) powers recently
granted to that dubious organisation(ASIO), ordinary Aussies have good cause
to fear with the likes of the above Benedict Arnolds running the show. Herez
a small sample of what we may expect:, even worse,
(*Be _very_ afraid!*)
US must clean up its own attrocities
"M-K-ULTRA" is a secret program of torture of U.S. (and other) citizens started in the 1950s and continuing to this day. Horrible child abuse has been a part of this. Since only a few hundred involuntary test subjects are used, the U.S. government keeps this quiet by just denying it is going on.
The purpose of this "testing" is to develop psychological warfare weapons and tactics.
The Yugoslavian government should take every possible opportunity, especially when in public, on TV, to shout back "WHAT ABOUT M-K-ULTRA", again and again and again.
The Americans are just as guilty of atrocities as Hitler and Stalin - and they should be REMINDED of this as often as possible.
Those citizens who have been involuntarily tortured under M-K-ULTRA will bless the Yugoslavian government for doing this.
Detailed info available on these two sites:
Eleanor White, P.Eng.
Economic growth
In the business section of the Australian (7/4/99) a journalist wrote about a man who spent $6.37 million for a 5.7 per cent stake in E*Trade two weeks ago and who "has already made a generous profit from the stake as its value has nearly tripled to $16.3 million".
I suppose that's the evidence for Australia's economic growth which all the nation's economic gurus and editorialists keep crowing about: an individual trebling his 'wealth' on the stockmarket in two weeks!
I would suggest that most Australians would not regard that as economic growth at all. Nor do they regard the $51 billion spent in mergers and acquisitions last year as evidence of growth. They would prefer to see economic growth measured in real full-time jobs, not in stock market paper fortunes and bubbles.
How the Vietnam War Affected Me
The Vietnam War scarred me more severely than any of the eight Purple Hearts I'd received during almost eight years of combat. Up to Vietnam, I'd always been a Don Quixote-like idealist who believed that those who served our country as professional military officers did so only from the point of view of DUTY, HONOR, AND COUNTRY. But during Vietnam I finally got a look inside the inner circle of the Army's top brass -- and witnessed corruption and evil so great it broke my heart and arc-lighted my belief system.
In Vietnam, I also discovered that most of those at the top were concerned only with themselves, and few senior leaders understood the nature of the war or had a clue about the impossible mission with which they had tasked their soldiers. Most generals and colonels were there only to get combat command assignments and the right glory medals that would punch their ticket. Few cared about their men or the mission, most cared only about clawing their way up the promotion ladder. All but the brain-dead among them knew that it was a bad, unwinnable war that had no military objective; yet not one serving general stood tall and told the American people this truth. Instead, they just went-along-to-get-along, lining up our young men to become the pulverized filler for bodybags.
After observing this obscenity first-hand in the trenches of Vietnam for almost five years, I told the American people -- while in uniform and from Vietnam -- that the war was not winnable, they were being lied to and we should get out now. This act caused a General William Westmoreland-led counter-attack to destroy my credibility. The generals and their synchophants employed every dirty trick in their slimey attempt to silence me (for details, see About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior, Simon & Schuster 1989). They had to prove that I was wrong and they were right, and in so doing they violated every principle that makes America a free land.
Disgusted with the US Army and disillusioned with my country, which my forefathers had settled in 1622, I went to Australia in self-exile. There, I made a new life and tried to forget Vietnam, but I couldn't shake that nightmare. It wouldn't go away not only because of bad dreams but also because Westmoreland and his followers launched a deceptive campaign of disinformation to rewrite the history of the Vietnam War. Their propaganda insisted that we lost the war not because of their poor leadership, but because of: THE PEACENIKS, THE COMMIE PRESS AND THE WEAK-KNEED POLITICIANS. They started the lie: "We won all the battles, but THEY lost the war."
I knew this was a lie, and this lie is what caused me to write About Face so that present and future generations would know and learn from the truth. Since About Face was published and I began my new career as a defense reporter, I sadly discovered that most of today's senior military leaders' values are frighteningly similar to these generals of the Vietnam era who sold their men and their country down the bloody drain. Most of the present crop of senior leadership are all into ME, ME, ME -- which explains the Somalias, Haitis, and Bosnias (for more details see Hazardous Duty, William Morrow 1996).
For most of the 2.5 million Americans who fought there, Vietnam was a bad trip. For me, it became the launching pad of the journey I'm still on today -- to do everything in my power not to let that sort of bloodbath happen again.
Vietnam gave me a new mission: To speak the truth and not let my children or your children or our country be doomed to repeat the horror, the waste and the futility of Vietnam.
Thus began my crusade to wake up the American people.
David Hackworth
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Yesterday gave a talk to bout 60 people at Broadwater branch about my experiences with the media and the book "Murder by Media"
Have a good one.
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