6th April 1999
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One of the worst kept secrets in the city of Ipswich is the fact that there is a large group of 15 out of control Aboriginal juveniles who have been terrorising people after dark - and even, at times, during the day. Of course their vicious unprovoked pack attacks are not acts of racism - they are simply a result of their oppressed upbringing because of the sins of the whiteman. Remember when reading this article that the youths are the victims - according to the politically correct movement.
This group act with impunity because, as hardened criminals and Aboriginals, they know their rights. When caught doing wrong they simply call on the tax-payer funded Aboriginal Legal Service to get them through the legal hassles and back onto the streets again where they repeat the offences.
Some have criminal records which belie their years... pages of crimes - without punishment... their race and their age provide a powerful cocktail of stupidity over justice.
Word travels fast and with the lack of action they have become feral. The police in Ipswich now fear being taken to court for "assault" by these criminals - or being charged with that all-embracing word of "racist". The police now dread being called to attend a crime scene involving these thugs.
Last Thursday night at 11.25pm an innocent 62 year-old man, Hoera Te Kooti, was bashed about the head with a wooden stake as he left the Prince of Wales Hotel in Ipswich's main street. His head was crushed in the attack by a group of five Aboriginal thugs. Passing motorists and hotel patrons who tried to come to his aid were fought off by a second wave of Aboriginal thugs waiting in nearby bushes. Te Kooti died on Saturday night after the life support system was removed at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. The local paper, The Queensland Times, showed a picture of the bloodied tiles outside the hotel as it described the attackers as having a "dark complexion". They dare not use the word Aboriginal because they have already been hammered by the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) for racist reporting.
In fact the clearest unwritten signal that this attack was by Aboriginal youths was the fact that no reports in any papers have referred to the attack on a black man as "racist". If it had been a feral group of white juveniles against Te Kooti that word would have been hanging from every newspaper poster in the city, been the topic of current affairs discussions for weeks with Hanson's One Nation invariably getting the blame... after all Pauline comes from Ipswich doesn't she?
You see political correctness has now reached fever proportions in Ipswich where you can be charged with racism if you dare challenge the criminal activity of these thugs. The attack by the Aboriginal thugs on a man of Papua New Guinean decent is not racism of course... how can it be they are black.
Yesterday the city's mayor, John Nugent proclaimed, "There is a deficiency in Queensland's laws that prevents local police from rounding these kids up before they get in trouble."
A witness to the attack a female staff member at the hotel said, "These kids are a pack of feral animals."
In today's Courier-Mail the attack gets extensive coverage but the word "Aboriginal" is carefully omitted from all reports. The president of Queensland Victims of Crime Association said the Ipswich CBD was now a war zone.
"Everyone knows you don't go in there at night because you are taking your life into your own hands. We don't go into the city at night anymore. I have three daughters and I am loathe to take them in there after dark."
Meanwhile police are following up strong leads and are expected to arrest five youths for murder.
What a sick politically correct society we have allowed ourselves to become victims in.
This site is dedicated to the reform of the current Canadian Immigration System which is, by literally all accounts, not working. The Canadian populace has never been given a real official voice in Immigration, and this has led to widespead anger and resentment of the Canadian Political system and many Canadian politicians.
Heard that somewhere before? Australia is not alone!
Country | Number |
Germany | 40,000 |
US | 20,000 |
Turkey | 20,000 |
Britain | 10,000 |
Norway | 6,000 |
Greece | 5,000 |
Canada | 5,000 |
Australia and Ireland have been approached to take refugees. Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock has correctly stated, "We are very much further away and to suggest that you could bring people here for a temporary outcome would suggest to you why Australia is not being invited to participate in this temporary measure."
Isn't it interesting that it is the countries embracing multiculturalism that are targeted. What happened to Japan, France, Spain, Italy or Israel for starters?
Where are the humanitarian sides of these nations?
NOVI SAD, Apr. 4 - We reported yesterday that two more bridges over the Danube near Novi Sad had been hit by NATO. We told you that, at the time of the attack, there were some vehicles on the bridge.
Today, we bring you, in translation from Serbian, an eyewitness account from Novi Sad about the destruction of the Freedom Bridge, which used to be a part of the Belgrade-Novi Sad-Budapest interstate highway:
"Last night around 19:50 (8:50PM), the second bridge over the Danube was also destroyed, the so-called Kamenica (name of a town) bridge, or Bridge of Freedom.
I watched from my balcony it was hit. It was dark, so one could not see the details. But one could see a huge fiery ball followed by an explosion. One (NATO) plane was shot down near Kamenica.
I went to the bridge this morning; that it to its remains. One passenger automobile was hanging from the ruins. A bicycle was visible in shallow waters. At the time of the attack, normal traffic was crossing the bridge, as no one expected an attack at that time. That Clinton is really an imbecile. Does he even have an IQ of 25?"
Today's (Apr. 4) edition of the Boston Globe seconds the assessment that NATO is waging war on Europe. The article titled, "Growing numbers in Europe believe enemy is America," says that, "a new menace is stalking Europe, threatening to plunge the entire continent into a devastating war. Its leaders espouse the geopolitical ideas of Nazism and the tactics of Hitler. And for damning proof of its existence, all one need do is look at what is happening in Yugoslavia."
"What is the name of this evil?" the Globe's Moscow correspondent asks. "If you guessed ''ethnic cleansing,'' guess again. Try ''America'."
WASHINGTON, Apr. 4 - Writing in his regular column for liberal establishment daily, the Washington Post, the nationally syndicated columnist, George Will, roared that, "the first 10 days of the conflict were 10 days that shook the world. On the eve of this month's celebration of NATO's 50th anniversary, the most successful alliance in world history may have died by suicide."
"NATO, ostensibly a military alliance, involves 19 nations, with 780 million people, well over half of the world's economic product and most of the sophisticated weaponry, Will said. "Obviously it has the means to subdue threadbare and isolated Serbia. NATO lacks only the will to do so. NATO is choosing to lose a war."
"The surrealism is complete: two simultaneous, parallel wars, one waged unsuccessfully by a military colossus, the other waged successfully by a military midget."
To be sure, Will is not railing against NATO because he is sympathetic to the Serbs. Nor because NATO attacked a sovereign country against all norms of civilized behavior. Will is not mad because NATO fought the war; he is mad because NATO fought and is losing the war. At least measured relative to its objectives when it started bombing Serbia on March 24. Take a look at how Will closes out his column:
"The killing on the ground vastly accelerated when NATO began its operations with the perverse announcement that it would never occupy any of Serbia's ground without Serbia's permission. By now, reports of NATO's opaque decision-making call to mind President Lyndon Johnson, late at night in the White House basement, pouring over maps, authorizing the bombing of this target in North Vietnam, but refusing permission for the bombing of that one."
What Will seems to be lamenting is that Clinton doesn't have the will to incinerate all of Serbia! And people like that dare speak about "humanitarian" issues?
Raju G. C. Thomas, Prof., Marquette University
MILWAUKEE, Apr. 4 - The US and NATO are violating a number of international laws in attacking Serbia over Kosovo which is part of a sovereign independent state, writes Dr. Raju G. C. Thomas, professor of political sciences at the Marquette University in Milwaukee. Here are some examples:
"(1) It is a violation of Article 2 of the UN Charter that prohibits the use of force against a sovereign state where it has not committed aggression on other states. Serbia did not attack any neighboring states outside its sovereign borders. The Security Council did not sanction the use of force here. If the issue had been submitted to the Security Council, it would certainly have been vetoed by Russia and China. NATO knows it and therefore bypassed it. Efforts to justify these actions through earlier resolutions or Chapter 7 of the Charter are acts of distortion and convenience.
(2) It is a violation of NATO's own charter which claims it is a defensive organizations and is only committed to force if one of its members is attacked. No member of NATO was attacked.
(3) The so-called Rambouillet "Agreement" (not signed by Serbia ) is a violation of Articles 51 and 52 of the 1980 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties which forbids coercion and force to compel any state to sign a treaty or agreement. Serbia is being asked to sign this "Agreement" through NATO bombs and missiles.
(4) It is a violation of the Helsinki Accords Final Act of 1975 which guarantees the territorial frontiers of the states of Europe. What this so-called peace plan offers is (a) the severance of Kosovo through NATO bombing with immediate effect; or (b) the severance of Kosovo through NATO occupation three years later. The Serbs chose (a).
(5) If the sequel to the bombing is recognition of Kosovo as an independent state, this will violate international law that prohibits recognition of provinces that unilaterally declare independence against the wishes of the federal authorities.
Contradicting my claim that NATO had violated at least five accepted norms of international law, several respondents argued that the NATO's attack on Serbia was justified under the 1948 Genocide Convention and/or other general humanitarian principles.
(1) NATO cannot unilaterally invoke the Genocide Convention and authorize such attacks. Only the Security Council can do so which was deliberately bypassed by NATO because it knew that Russia and China would veto such an attack.
(2) There was no genocide going on in Kosovo when the attack was launched. Cries of Serbian aggression and genocide within its own province were being made in the US Congress in April 1998 when only 80 people had died and less than 100,000 internally displaced. At the time of the attack, 2,000 had died on all sides and 250,000 Albanians had been displaced. It was the threat of NATO attack and the subsequent terror bombing that parallels the fire bombing of Tokyo and Yokohama during the Second World War, that triggered the Serbian retaliation and humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo.
(3) There was no humanitarian intervention by the US and the West when the Nigerian authorities crushed the Biafra separatist movement between 1967 and 1970, causing the deaths of one million Ibos; when Pakistani forces killed one million and drove out 10 million Bengalis during the East Pakistani secessionist struggle in 1971; when the Pol Pot regime killed one million Cambodians, to name just a few cases. In the latter two cases, the US condemned India and Vietnam for their interventions, and threatened military action against them.
(4) Ethnic cleansing is not genocide. If it were, the Allied powers were guilty of genocide for the expulsion of some 12 million Germans from Poland, Czechoslavkia and elsewhere at the end of the Second World War. And surely European Jews committed genocide when they drove out nearly a million Palestinians to carve out the state of Israel in 1948.
(5) There is now an ethnically pure Greater Croatia. There are almost 900,000 Serbian refugees ethnically cleansed from Croatia and the (Bosnian) federation - 300,000 in Republika Srpska, and 600,000 in Serbia. This is more than any other ethnic group. Croatia conducted the largest single ethnic cleansing of the war with American military support.
For the record, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute determined that about 35-50,000 people died on all sides during the Bosnian civil war, not 250,000. The investigative team for the Hague Tribunal interviewed only 223 Bosnian women claiming to be raped, and collected another 575 affidavits. Allegations of 20-60,000 rapes were guesses.
Russia, China and India, representing half the human race, got it right about the Kosovo crisis. NATO, the only alliance left in this galaxy, committed aggression on Serbia. This is all about saving NATO's face at a very heavy price for the Serbs. If NATO is above international law, then so is every other state and organization. It has set a terrible precedent."
The following is the last paragraph in Piers Ackerman's article in the Sunday paper.
In Australia, we should look to enshrine the notion of a nation of laws that deal equally with all individuals according to their needs, regardless of race or creed, before we embrace all tenets of apartheid under the guise of providing "special treatment" for minorities defined ethnically and culturally, not according to their health or economic circumstance.
He gets paid to have published by the very media that vilified Pauline for espousing this as a policy with sincere conviction and belief. What a bloody joke.
Some times I think that people deserve to suffer the consequences of their self- centered short sighted ness. Then I analyze that thought and realise that as true as it might be, some of us can not turn our back even though there is little that will change by our puny efforts.
Politically Correct Money-Wasting?
In these 'tough economic times', 'tight budgets' and carefully scrutinised fiscal spending/government budgeting, it behoves the average taxpayer to ask: "Just where is the money going and what is it being allocated for?".
A quick perusal of these _facts_ about Homosexuals may alert the average yobbo to the fact that it is OK(translation:'politically correct') to waste _zillions_ of taxpayer dollars on such things as 'caring' for a (tiny)class of people who wilfully endanger theirs (and others') lives. Lest we forget those other 'black holes' for wasting hard-earned tax-payer dollars:'indigenous rights'/ 'reconciliation', the republicon, the 'take it or die' GST, greenies and femi-nazis.
How much longer is the said average yobbo gunna cop this crap? Is it now time to decide:"Whether't is nobler in the mind, to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune; Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?"[Hamlet, Act III, Scn i] ....or do we have to wait _our_ turn for the NWO 'invisible `planes' to appear on the horizon lobbing high-tech flying torpedoes at hospitals, factories, schools, office buildings and suburban dwellings?
Did you know?
That the Mont Blanc road tunnel is the primary route for all heavy armour to be used to reinforce NATOs Southern flank? Pity about the recent fire which burned for 30 hours at 2 000 Degrees F. in the absence of an external oxygen supply, resulting in the tunnel being out of action for at least the next two months.
As the other Adolf found out during WWII, if you intend to take on 1 000 Serbs on their own turf with ground forces, be sure to take about on also 60 000 friends and huge quantities of armour!
from the global office:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Pauline Hanson
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One Nation 1999
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"Murder by
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One Nation
"split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the
red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by
Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's
Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship
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Where Prize
Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998
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