Friday 2nd April 1999

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from an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's first daily Internet newspaper.
Since October 1995

Australian Press Council back down

I am pleased to be able to tell @notd readers that following some free-spirited email interaction the Australian Press Council (APC) have tempered down their initial response to our campaign of outing articles which breach their guidelines.

The email interaction can be followed at this link.

Here is a copy of my concluding email to Jack Herman, Executive Secretary of the APC:

Hi Jack,

All that you have said is understood.

Please be aware that I will be monitoring the APC on behalf of complainants on an ongoing basis.

I have learnt, as have many One Nation members, not to trust the ethics or promises of members of the media (they are often worth less than a handshake in a den of thieves) and as you are part of this "self-regulated" industry understand our concerns.

A sad state of affairs but true. If we did trust the media we would not have to be hassling the APC with VALID complaints.

I would like to say from the depth of my heart that I appreciate your openness and willingness to debate this issue rather than pretending that it does not exist. There are very few men like you in bureaucratic or executive positions today... hiding under the proverbial table is a far more simple solution.

You have guts and I respect that.

Perhaps there is hope for Australia through the APC... time will tell.

We will spar in the future, of that I am sure, but please understand that my mission is single-minded and the APC is not my target - there are far bigger fish - and we have recently seen how Prof David Flint of the ABA (one of the **bigger** fish) has bowed to Packer and Power's lawyers... over whether FXF has influence over Fairfax.... I need say no more.

I understand your plight but then you must understand mine and others - we fight for the future of for our kids and grand kids (that includes yours).

If our voice is stifled by the media monopoly kiss freedom goodbye in Australia.

Scott Balson

Although we might appear to be facing each other on the battlefield
In reality our kin are facing the same destiny - perception is the only, but great, divide.

The APC have resolved to treat all our complaints which meet their guidelines as "valid" and not "gratuitous" as originally claimed.

Our side of the bargain is to ensure that we do not waste their time with general claims and assumptions.

Remember complaints should always meet the APC guidelines. In summary these are:

NATO's Impotence Turning to Rage; Air Strikes Only Solidify Serb Defiance

comments by Bob Djurdjevic

BELGRADE, Mar. 31 - It's not working... Even the establishment media, like CNN, are starting to acknowledge that the NATO air campaign against Serbia, now in its eighth day, is failing. The Serbs were supposed scare and buckle under the NATO military might into submission to the would-be New World Order masters.

Yet, undaunted by NATO's escalating air raids, tens of thousands of people massed in downtown Belgrade today for the fourth day, singing, dancing, rocking, shouting anti-NATO slogans, and waving home-made signs, including some "Adolf Clinton" images.

In Novi Sad, the capital of the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina with a sizeable Hungarian minority, members of the local folk dance group, dressed in traditional Serb costumes, danced and sang in the street in another example of open CIVILIAN defiance of NATO.

In Brussels, the NATO spokesman blamed today the Serb hackers for repeatedly knocking off the NATO off the air in the last four days. The performance of the NATO home page has been "erratic to say the least," he said.

NATO's refusal to discuss its losses after an eight-day campaign is a further indication that the war is not going its way. That, in itself, is unbelievably arrogant! Toward the American people and other NATO taxpayers. How long do they think they can withhold the truth from the public whose sons and daughters are dying, or ending up as Serb POWs? And who are paying for this needless waste of lives and assets?

Another sign that NATO's arrogance may be turning into impotence is that the Clinton administration and its supporters are starting to call for TARGETING of civilian buildings. Arizona's Senator, John McCain, an alleged Vietnam "war hero" and a rumored Republican presidential candidate, said on CNN last night that if he were president, he would increase the intensity of NATO's air attack, to include buildings and bridges in downtown Belgrade. During the day, a number of other Washington and Brussels political figures echoed such sentiments, including even the Belgrade TV as a possible target.

Proposing such a barbaric act of vengeance against the people of Belgrade, which would be of no military value whatsoever, is another indication of the rage cause by NATO's impotence in subduing the Serb defiance. Add to it the what all these Washington "Christians" are proposing to do may be happening around Easter, no wonder that Serbs are waving "Adolf Clinton" signs.

For, Hitler also bombed downtown Belgrade on Orthodox Easter on April 6, 1941, outraged that Belgrade demonstrators had forced the Yugoslav government to say "no" to his proposal to join the Axis powers. And then, April 16, 1944, also Orthodox Easter, into another day which will live in infamy for many Serbs. That's when American planes carpet-bombed the Serbian capital, while ostensibly attacking the German occupiers. Still, the Serbs helped save the lives of 500 American pilots downed during the war by the German air defense. And then, finally, 50 years later almost to the day (April 10, 1994), NATO planes bombed the Bosnian Serbs around Gorazde, in the first-ever offensive use of military power by NATO. Need we tell you that was also on Orthodox Easter?

Meanwhile, the Washington Times and Philadelphia Inquirer report that the US Air Force is running low on air-launched cruise missiles which are being used to bomb the most heavily fortified parts of Serbia. NATO has so far used up about 50 of the 150 $1.16 million missiles, leaving 100 for continued air strikes. Add to it the unspecified NATO losses of aircraft and other missiles, and one can see that the only people wringing their hands in glee over the prospect of new business are the "death merchants," the U.S. defense contractors.

No wonder a growing number of American military officers are also starting to protest... (go on to the next story).

US Marines Officer: "We Are Going to Lose Lives; Lives That Need Not Be Lost"

PHOENIX, Mar. 31 - The following is an e-mail which we received this afternoon from an active duty U.S. Marines officer who had just returned from a deployment in the Balkans. He may be returning there soon, and hates the idea. For a good reason. Because he thinks it may turn into another Vietnam (which is exactly what TiM has been saying right from the beginning, if not lead to WW III). We publish his letter solely at his request, to help save lives - American, Serbian, Albanian lives. And we do so under a pseudonim "Devildog," also at his request. Our farewell reply to his gut-wrenching note follows:

At 03:29 AM 3/31/99 +0000, you wrote:

Hello Bob,

How are you my friend? I am enjoying my time home with my family, but it will short-lived, I'm afraid . The Marine Corps is gearing up its war machine, and things don't look very good. As a proud Marine, I have always been faithful to our country and to my Corps, but there are a lot of things that are out of kilter with this conflict.

I have said this before Bob, and I'll say it again, someone has to stop these atrocities. When we were there, I had seen the likes of things that I never want to see again; the innocents of war, from both sides, lying lifeless in the mud. But I feel there has to be a better way. I harbor no ill feelings toward the Serbian people, but Slobodan must be stopped.

We are faced with another Vietnam here, Bob, and I never thought the American people would have to endure such a meaningless loss of its young mens lives, ever again. As you can see I was wrong.

I have spoken to numerous parents this week concerning the safety of their children, who also happen to be my Marines. It pains me not to tell these people the truth, Bob. We are going to lose lives; lives that need not be lost. We have not the need for another wall of tears.

My friend, please continue spreading the word . Since last we spoke, I've been promoted, so if you would like to reprint this letter please sign it "Devildog."

Keep up the good work, my friend, and may God be with you .

Sincerely , Your Friend

Petrovaradin Bridge, Water Plant Hit by NATO

NOVI SAD, Apr. 1 - We've just received five confirmations that the Petrovaradin Bridge (the so-called "old bridge") across the Danube was destroyed by NATO this morning at about 5:30AM (local time); 11:30PM EST.

We've also just gotten one e-mail from Novi Sad which reported that the city's central water plant has also been hit. This source said that they are now without water. But it is unclear as yet whether this means that all of Novi Sad's 400,000 residents are also without water.

Hocus Pocus and the 3 "dead" Albanian leaders

PRISTINA, Apr. 1 - Remember those three "dead" Albanian leaders whom the Serbs were supposed to have summarily executed, according to Bill Clinton's "Lie and Deny" PR factory? Guess what? They are still walking and talking, Reuters and the London Times have just reported (Mar. 31).

Fehmi Agani, a veteran politician who played a key role in the Rambouillet peace talks, and Baton Haxhiu, the Koha Ditore newspaper editor-in-chief who voiced the aspirations of his people, had not been executed as reported by NATO on Monday (Mar. 29), Reuters said.

And Rugova, the only elected "president" of the Kosovo Albanians whom Washington has been referring to all along as a "moderate," before alleging that he had been killed and that Serbian forces had burned down his home, told the London Times that the NATO strikes "must stop."

And today, Rugova was seen on Serb TV not only walking, but talking - with none other than the Yugoslav president, Slobodan Milosevic, with whom he met in Belgrade. By joining hands in their call for cessation of NATO's air strikes, the two leaders have removed even the last shred of legitimacy from Washington's claim that they are somehow helping the Kosovo Albanians.

NATO bombing has been, is and continues to be a barbarous assault on HUMANITY and on SOVEREIGNTY of a country which did us no harm.

Nevertheless, Bill Clinton vowed yesterday that there would be no Easter break in the NATO bombing raid on Serb targets despite a plea by Pope John Paul II. "I hate the idea of having to continue this campaign during this period, but I hate more the idea that we would walk away from this campaign while (Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic) continues to clean out house after house and village after village after village and kill a lot of innocent people," Clinton said in a CBS television interview.

Well, now that the Albanian leader has "risen from the dead" to join worldwide calls for an end to this madness, wonder what Clinton's response will be? Send a Special Forces squad to Pristina to assassinate Rugova? For, surely, he can no longer kill the truth about himself - that "Adolf Clinton" is not only a confessed liar and adulterer, but also a murderer of innocent people - Serb and Albanian alike.

(See the new photos of burning Pristina apartment buildings and a scene from a hospital, which we've just added to our Web site).

Illegal Immigration: Flip Side of "Ethnic Cleansing"

PRISTINA, Apr. 1 - As the Clinton administration officials continue to drone on about the Serbs' in Kosovo engaging in "ethnic cleansing," media reports by their propaganda arms, like CNN and others, may have inadvertently showed us the flip side of "ethnic cleansing," the "illegal immigration" by ethnic Albanians which has been going on in Kosovo for decades, and which has helped tip the balance of population in favor of Albanians.

CNN reported yesterday that the Yugoslav officials were supposedly removing the personal identification documents from the Kosovo Albanian refugees who were streaming into Albania, fleeing the NATO bombardment. But some of our Serbian sources report that many of these people NEVER HAD ANY DOCUMENTS, because they were among hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Albania who came to Kosovo in pursuit of a better life (Albania is Europe's poorest country). Just like millions of illegal immigrants in the American southwest, for example.

You see, in 1929, the Serbs constituted a 61% majority in Kosovo. They had remained a majority all the way up to WW II, during which many Serbs were killed or driven from their homes by the Nazi allies - the Kosovo and Bosnian Muslims. After 1945, Tito's communist government passed a law prohibiting the Serb refugees from returning to their homes in Kosovo. Over the next five decades, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants poured in across a porous border. That is how the Albanians got to be a majority in Kosovo (check out the demographic charts and related stories at our Web site, by doing a search for appropriate keywords).

In a bizarre way, therefore, NATO's bombing and the fighting between the Serbian forces and the KLA terrorists - both of which the Albanian civilians are fleeing, may be inadvertently righting some of the wrongs caused by 54 years of illegal immigration, the flip side of "ethnic cleansing." For, many Albanian refugees are actually returning home.

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

One Nation and the NSW Independents


before rusted on ON supporters become too carried away-consider the following. The Australian Newspoll the Thursday before the NSW election showed ON in NSW rising to 5.5%-almost spot on as the poll was on a rising trend. National polls now have ON in fourth position-behind the Democrats. The real success was the solid reappearance of the independents who look like getting 5 seats in the LOWER house. Why did these candidates overwhelmingly outpoll ON? David Oldfield's success based on a required quota as low as 4.5% is a long, long way from a federal senate quota of 14.5%. At present, ON has Buckleys of making a comeback in state or federal lower house seats or the federal senate. The lighthouse that attracts mediocrity in all our parliaments is the politicians' super schemes whereby an MP who can last 8 years or 3 elections (whichever comes first), walks away with a $50,000 plus annual pension for life-indexed and transferable to a surviving spouse. In our present dog eat dog economic environment, most diligent workers in the public and private sectors can only claim their super after it matures-usually at age 55 and they have to make substantial contributions. Employees who leave after 8 years leave with very little and their long term prospects are often dismal. Most pollies these days sneer at 'protection' but jealously guard and enshrine their own. One of my greatest disappointments with Pauline was when I tried to get her to stand up and call for the dismantling of the scheme so that MPs are treated just like ordinary Australians. In a short period of time she had become just like all the rest! I note that David Oldfield who will claim such a pension after his first 8 year term in the NSW upper house has never ventured into this arena.

John Pasquarelli

One Nation support

I was sorry that Mrs Hanson lost her seat in the federal election and wanted to write to her and tell her to 'hang in there' but didn't know just where to write. However we went on the Internet a month ago and naturally one day looked up One Nation. Have been back a few times since and am now emailing Mrs Hanson to tell her what we wanted to write. Sorry she lost her seat and to 'hang in there'. We need you. As for the media the sooner that lot are sent overseas as deck cargo on a submarine the better. Voted for One Nation in the NSW election (in the Burrinjuck electorate) and heard Alan Jones on 2UE say one day this week that the Democrats had 63,000 something votes and One Nation 123,327 (I think it was) votes. Whatever it was, there was only Carr and Chicker's ahead of One Nation. And the media likes us to believe One Nation is dead in the water! They'll wake up one day! Maybe!! All the very very best to Mrs Hanson and keep up the fight. Never ever give in to 'them' will you. Two other things. Who really cares how you pronounce 'Australia' and what's wrong with asking someone to please explain when they use a word you don't understand. Long Live One Nation I say!


Graham Campbell

Dear Sir,

Last year prior to the Queensland State Election, I had the opportunity to speak personally with Graham Campbell on two consecutive nights. I spoke to him for 40 minutes. I was introduced to him as a One Nation member and Campaign manager for the One Nation Candidate for Beaudesert, so there was no doubt as to who I was.

I had been an advocate of uniting the minor parties and had attempted many times to bring about that end. When I asked Graham Campbell directly if there was any hope of Australia First and One Nation getting together he replied "we can do it tomorrow, so long as I am the leader and things are done my way".

I then asked him about John Pasquerelli and he smirked and said "I sent him over to fix things up". I asked as to why he didn't take Pasquerelli back after he was sacked from One Nation and he replied with a laugh "you've got to be kidding".

At the same meeting he berated me over One Nation stealing his policies (supposedly taken to One Nation by Pasquerelli). Naturally, I questioned why a person who was "sent to help" would be armed with another parties policies. For this I received a blank stare and no answer.

Now for the best part. Graham Campbell stated categorically that Australia first would win more seats in the Queensland Parliament than One Nation. Result : Australia First 0 ... One Nation 11.

Question : How could a leader of a political party who wants people to take him seriously be so politically ill informed as to make a prediction like that ? It was always going to come back and haunt him.

On the local level, the Australia First candidate spent a large part of his campaign rubbishing One Nation with lies and inaccuracies, despite my regular warnings to him that he was doing so, received an astonishing .03% of the primary vote while our One Nation candidate who ran a very quick and very positive campaign was well rewarded with 28.6% of the primary vote.

Just while on the subject of Graham Campbell, perhaps there is someone that can answer the question as to whether or not he (Campbell) was a part of the Labor delegation that performed the handover of Australia's north west shelf oil fields to Indonesia for no monetary reward. Nobody has been able to answer that one for me.

I have learned very quickly that in the dirty game of politics, one must carefully consider just who is friend and who is suspect.

Based on my first hand experience I am very suspicious of this one.

Allan W. Doak

Kosovo - last stop before Jerusalem

What an enlightening article by Barry Chamish. So, let me get this right...Israel is actually the victim. The Rubin's, Cohens and Albrights are out to get Bibi! Who would of thought they'd turn on their own.

I'm almost ashamed to admit that I believed that they were all part of the same gang. There I was believing that their goal to install "democracy" in Malaysia, Burma, Indonesia, Iraq and Serbia was a pretence to undermine Nationalism and buy up whatever they can lay their hands on.

Thanks for putting me straight Barry.

David Miller

Anh Nguyen

Scott Balson (One Nation's webmaster) has informed me that one of your employees by the name of Anh Nguyen has sent Scott an offensive E-mail. I would imagine, as with most organisations, that the use of work facilities should be restricted to work related functions only. If this is your policy, I hope Anh Nguyen receives appropriate disciplinary action for not only pursuing a political objective, but in inciting the hatred that has been articulated from the E-mail, above mentioned.

I am not a member of One Nation, but regularly read Scott Balson’s daily news at and am a firm believer that One Nation has received a lot of unfair media coverage. One Nation have their shortcomings, but on balance they have many constructive policies to offer that even mainstream politicians are copying.

If One Nation is such a horrid racist party, as Anh Nguyen seems to believe, please explain why:

There was two Asian and one Aboriginal One Nation candidates at the recent NSW state election?

Pauline Hanson employed Lilly Vichitthavong, a woman with Asian ancestry who has described Pauline as "very blunt and frank, but fair, trusting and totally lacking in any racist behaviour". She said if she saw Pauline Hanson now, she "would want to give her a big hug".

Former Queensland One Nation MP, John Kingston, has a wife with Asian ethnic origin.

One Nation has called upon our government on two occasions to help supply starving famine struck North Koreans with food aid.

Amelia Campbell, an Aboriginal from the Ngarrindjeri tribe embraces Pauline Hanson describing her as a leader of Aboriginal people.

And the list goes on…

If you would like, I will cite you dozens of other examples inconsistent with the bias peddled by our mainstream media.

One Nation is striving for the fair treatment for all Australians by fighting the oppressive government policy of economic rationalism and the thought police of the "politically correct".

Yours sincerely,
Jeremy Beck


Lets not get in a war with Nguyen, a nice Asian sounding name, from a GOVERNMENT dept.

Hey, Kennett himself could have sent that message, and all the others under Nguyen's name. Can anyone prove Nguyen is a real person?

Lets hold out the hand of friendship to Asian names, and keep the attack up on the internationalist traitors in our governments. We need ALL Aussies, and potential Aussies,of all races and ethnic backgrounds to be on side.


Subject: sue, SUE, _SUE_!

...And: litigate, LITIGATE, _LITIGATE_!!!!
The irrefutable scientific evidence for the cytotoxic(anti-cancer) properties of Vitamin B17(see here: indicates that the political scumbags running this country are little better than puppets of multinational (drug) companies.

The letter in yesterday's @notd from Phillip Madsen says it all. ["Classic answer from the then Minister of health QLD Dr. Edwards. "We abide by and follow the USA FDA, no matter what evidence you have to the contrary. The matter is closed." ]

Well, _I_ say: the _HELL_ it's closed! Close these accomplices to reckless homicide down. Everyone out there who has had a loved one, friend or colleague _DIE_ from this easily-preventable/curable disease(or who has a loved one,friend or colleague currently suffering from it) initiate civil legal action against these scum! It doesn't cost the earth(at least: it won't cost _you_ the earth). You can represent yourself[selves]:there are plenty of people who will help you with research, paperwork, scientific arguments, backup, even appearing as expert witnesses. Only a few hundred dollars at most....but its gunna cost _them_(the scumbag pollies, the multinational drug companies, the hospitals, the cancer Institutes[read: Death Institutes] and their medico 'puppets') _heapz_. Cases like this can be dragged out for pay:

a few hundred $s; they pay: up to $10,000 per _day_ for a team of QCs, barristers and solicitors. Even if it only goes for six months:itz gunna cost _them_ over $1million. Then, when it's finished, someone else starts up another case, and someone else starts another one, and another...and another....get my drift?[!]

Hit these rats where it hurts: their hip-pocket nerves!


from the global office:

Another perfect day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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exclusive to  (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:

Inverell 1999 - 15th March 1999
Pauline Hanson in Penrith - 5th March 1999
One Nation 1999 AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation "split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998

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