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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Last night the eleven state MPs
selected the leader of the Queensland State One Nation party.
Bill Feldman, seen here right delivering his speech on why he should be chosen, spoke extremely well and was a popular choice. Dorothy Pratt was selected as deputy leader.
Below are some images from the events that took place on Sunday. Take this link for full story.
On Channel 10's Meet the Press yesterday Pauline Hanson challenged the basis of the Racial Discrimination Act calling it "discriminatory".
"It is very discriminatory, the Racial Discrimination Act. It is a very unfair act and some clauses in it are very, very unfair and the whole lot needs a complete overhaul. It is not fair to all Australians."
Mrs Hanson said that she would make the repeal of the Racial Discrimination Act and native title legislation a condition for One Nation support for the Coalition in the Senate after the next Federal Election which she has tipped for August the 8th. (See firsthand how unfair the Sex Discrimination Act, another politically-correct Act, is)
The politically correct lobby were fast off the mark after Pauline Hanson's statement with the newly appointed Labor Queensland Attorney General, Matt Foley, saying, "The comments strike at the principles of a fair go - they are based on prejudice and bigotry.. The racial discrimination Act is all about giving every Australian a fair go, whatever their racial background."
And this classic from the Human Rights commissioner, Zita Antonios, "The Racial Discrimination Act is an Act for all Australians. Everybody is included. It's a Civil Act which tries to make people come together. Its about conciliation."
Pauline Hanson also called for stricter English language tests for migrants saying, "If you can communicate you have a better way of being able to assimilate. Here in Australia we speak English, everyone should speak English."
"I think there should be a test on English. I don't believe that Australian taxpayers should be paying people to come here to learn English. We pay out an excessive amount for people - migrants come here to maintain their own mother tongue language and I don't believe that's fair on tax payers."
Tom King, seen right, was elected
pauline Hanson's One Nation state president yesterday by a large gathering
representing party branches from all over the state.
About 200 people selected Tom King to head up the executive with the support of three state vice-presidents: Merv Hyatt (northern zone); Frank Collingwood (central zone) and Burwen Smith (southern zone).
"This has been our biggest (branch) meeting yet held and there was a deal of emphasis on policy development," King said.
"Branch members will play a key role in setting the direction for the party. Our people have an insatiable appetite for policy.
"Branches are being formed everywhere. Things are moving so quickly that everybody has to learn on the run.
"The events over the past twelve months have been a whirlwind, like a political vacuum sweeping people up."
Subject: Just for Penny Bell
Dear Sir,
Somebody please tell Penny Bell that the 437,777 people who voted for One Nation are Australian Citizens, not visitors from another planet. If the "rural older population" view does not fit in with Penny's plans for HER future then just what we suggest we do with these people? We could take away their right to an opinion or their right to vote or even possibly introduce some form of involuntary euthanasia so that their views won't conflict with her plan of the way the world should be.
Pick up your dictionary Penny and have a look at the meanings of the word "EQUALITY" and you will no doubt find something like "The quality or state of being the same in quantity or measure or value or status".
Now try and apply that to the system of totalitarian government that we have lived under for the last 26 years. One Nation is about "Equality for All Australians" but that concept appears a little difficult for some to grasp.
Allan W. Doak
Subject: tonight's news Sunday 28th June
We fully agree with Pauline that all migrants should read write, and speak English. Let them go to the U.S. They are given 12 months to learn English. If they don not. Then they are sent home. We should do the same. It is amazing how many people that I know in Werribee, that have been in Australia 30/40/ years and still do not speak English. I think that Victoria is the only State in Australia, where you can have your driving test in 26 languages.
Keep up the good work.
Graham West
Subject: supporter
Thank you for supplying an alternative to the non representatives we now have in government. It never fails to surprise me how all the negative comments about the One Nation Party and the statements Pauline Hanson are supposed to have made never seem to be shown on television with Pauline actually uttering the so called statement. Keep up the good work
Kind Regards
Peter & Pauline Hanson
Subject: One nation --- Why Christine Jackmans
June 27, 1998
The Editor, Courier Mail.
With frustration I must comment upon Christine Jackmans article Courier Mail, page 32. Why did One Nation do so well? The answer is simple. The Emperor has no clothes. For those who have not heard this story the emperor was convinced to wear the new magnificent clothes which were invisible. The little boy who yelled "look, the Emperor has no clothes" started a revolution. Pauline Hanson may not have all the answers but she is definitely taking note of the problems.
Lets blame Malcolm Frazer, after all, he said life was not meant to be fair. Pauline Hanson is just being honest about simple issues of common sense and for this she has been given a torrid time. How dare she question the current political paradigm.
Since when has renting your own home been better than owning it? How could foreign investment be good when it demands a rent from this country, a rent this country is having trouble paying?
How are people supposed to feel when they are told to hand in their guns because they may be used to massacre people like in Port Arthur. If their government does not trust them why should they support that government? Many people now fear as they perceive themselves to be vulnerable with out protection and we now have South East Asia going unstable.
Why should we let our businesses go broke in the interests of international fair trade when foreign government subsidised products are dumped into the Australian market? The level playing field is not level and our government is prepared to sacrifice our businesses in the name of this unfair playing field.
All the so called rat bags and red necks who have joined One Nation are just ordinary Australians many of who have a sense of fairness in this unfair world. Others are the victims of the rational economics political paradigm operating from Canberra. One Nation gets its energy from all those who sense of fairness and self interests have been threatened by a government that will sacrifice their rights, freedoms and prosperity in the name of some grand concept that has no place in the lives of ordinary Australians.
Our government let the big supermarkets undercut and send broke their neighbourhood green grocer opposition. What happened to most of Australias manufacturers? Where did they go? What about all the small businesses who could not justify Quality Assurance and so did not get any more government orders? What about all those computer companies who watch our Federal government give foreign multi-nationals over 7 billion dollars a year to run our countrys computer facilities. Why did they not let local companies tender for or have an opportunity to compete with the big multi-nationals.
I would suggest that Malcolm Frazer was wrong when he said "life was not meant to be fair". No one wants to believe this any more. One Nation shines as our chance to make life more fairer for the average Australian who wants to be prosperous in control of his own destiny, freedom and business.
Yes I handed out how to vote cards for One nation and voted for One Nation.
Trevor Croll
Subject: Comments on the Day of Reckoning
I am migrant, I strongly support your party. I respect Pauline Hanson very much. I don't find any mistake to care about her country. I know many migrants will give your party their votes. We escaped or left our countries not to come here to find our country again.
Every body came here must respect and accept Australian rules, principals and values, otherwise they have to leave the country and go pack to their ideal countries.
Sorry for any mistake in language, I hope you understand me.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Dear editor,
One Nation and its supporters are always chanting that they are not racist.
Yet reading Mike Owens letter to the editor, certainly clarified this myth. Here is an ill informed, over generalised message of hate that Hitler would have been proud of.
I should really point out all the non truths, and gross over generalisations (he talks as if all aboriginals behave exactly the same way - a classic symptom of racism), and the total lack of historical perspective. However I would be wasting my keystrokes as racism has always been a good friend of extreme ignorance.
I would just like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn the real "heart" (a rather inappropriate metaphor) of the One Nation party. Next time any one of my friends tries to tell me that One Nation is not racist I shall just ask them to log in to this site so that they can see the words and thoughts for themselves.
I shall now do everything possible to see that your party is stopped
Thank you
Homestay Network Pty Ltd
A statement out of Mike Owens' letter:
"Also you need to make some lines of alignment with one of the major parties if you hope to expand. I support the stopping of aboriginal land rights. It is a con and a scam to make money, instant millionaires and to form aborigine corporations."
Subject: Mr Beattie
Thankyou so much from a QLD resident who cant wait to get his Aussie passport in October. Mr Beattie, of plastic fork origins is right in visiting SE Asia business people to minimise the problems caused by Murdoch and packer disinformation. A Hint: please check how much money they have as a percentage or their totals. This will tell you how Aussie they really are. I think it highly offensive they can dictate to Qantas about Pauline.
By the way, don't be afraid of the future, remember in the 50's you had no remote for the TV!
Letters to the Editor
EMERALD - (Sunday, June 28, 1998) - I find it difficult to refrain from commenting on the utterances of Michael Cole on the subject Negative Gearing, News Weekly, February 21, 1998.
I appreciate that some considerable time has passed since the publication of Mr. Coles letter, unfortunately it has just been brought to my attention.
I would like to remind Mr. Cole that over the years various governments have played with negative gearing to the detriment of the economy. In recent years the Hawke/Keating Labor government thought it knew better, sharing Mr. Coles sentiments it had a brief adventure with the abolition of negative gearing. After some eighteen (18) months when certain sectors of the community ground to a halt and in the main the Labor governments supporters were suffering negative gearing was reintroduced.
If Mr. Coles seriously believes that the implementation proposed a Goods and Tax will benefit the Australian economy and the needy I would suggest that he visit Canada. Norway started off with a low tax and now it has reached 25% while in the United Kingdom from 7.5% to 17.5%. Italy has a black economy larger now than prior to the introduction of the GST. Currently some seventy five (75,000) thousand collectors gather and remit sales tax to the Australian Government. With GST it is expected that the number will grow to some one (1,000,00) million unpaid tax collectors. In addition a GST will result in less revenue gathering activity remaining with the state and local governments. In time power will be absolutely centralised to the detriment of the people particularly those domicile in the country areas. The Liberal/National Coalition with the Labor Party and Australian Democrats sharing the same philosophy there is only one hope and that is Queenslands own Pauline Hanson. Alternatively its time for Queensland to withdraw from the Commonwealth.
V. (Vic.) B. Cominos
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.