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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
It depends who you talk to or whose point of you read to gain very different perspectives of just what is happening to the bush and how the "bush" people affected by city-based changes are reacting.
Perhaps the most enlightening example is the Courier Mail's coverage of the latest sortie by Prime Minister John Howard into Pauline Hanson's One Nation territory.
Last night I spoke to Dorothy Pratt, One Nation's new state MP for Barambah and several other One Nation MPs. We met in a small bar on the ground floor of the Park Royal Hotel in Brisbane. Seven country One Nation MPs had booked into the hotel for the weekend get together. We all sat around a number of small tables thrown together by the front door, a gathering of minds that dominated the room. An attractive red haired woman played and sang nearby on the piano.
Dolly told me about the visit of Howard to her area the night before - a meeting where a, bullet-proof vested, Howard was heckled by people who would never have participated in such an activity before even in a pink fit. They were old, hard-working farm types not the mealie mouthed unemployed once found trying to disrupt One Nation meetings. Unlike the "Resistance" printed placards fanning racist messages at One Nation meetings, the protesting farmers had hand written, scrawled messages of desperation on paper held over their heads. Messages that went unseen by the flighty Prime Minister. 500 had come to have a heart to heart.
Dorothy told me when she was introduced (last) by the Liberal MC as a visiting dignitary at the meeting the assembly erupted into loud and uncontrolled applause - a very different reception to the scattered, polite clapping that followed the announcement of Mr Howard's arrival.
Now Dorothy or "Dolly" (as she is affectionately called in Gympie) has never been involved in politics before but last night she was settling well into her new role. Like Pauline Hanson before she and the other MPs I met were facing their task ahead with determination. Not one of them having had prior political experience.
Dolly was engaged in long conversations initiated
by John Kingston (One Nation's State MP for Maryborough). Reading between
the lines I felt that a pact had been made between the two who are both aiming
at leadership roles. From the manner and intent of their discussion one could
be excused for thinking that the discussion was centered around how they
could acquire the required support of the other One Nation members.
My bet is that Dolly, under this pact, would be leader with John Kingston her deputy. Guess we will know by the end of the weekend!
See Personal trivia below for images taken this morning in Parliament.
Subject: Little Johnnie at Wondai
I attended the meeting at Wondai last night and can report nothing new. We got the same old rhetoric, " I'm sorry, but I cant do anything, I stand firm on the gun issue and we cannot place restrictions on the importation of pork because they would retaliate". As I said, the same old tune.
The police presence was ridiculous, I counted at least 10 uniformed police and several suspicious looking characters in suits. The street the hall was in was blocked off, and when I arrived just after seven the doors where shut and no more were let in. On ABC radio this morning it was reported that there were 700-800 at the meeting, my estimation around 500. but they came from all over, Toowoomba, Chinchilla and Monto to name just a few rural centres There was a loud speaker out on the footpath that continually went off line so the people who stood out on the footpath including myself, freezing, did not get to hear all of the bull from inside, what I did hear led me to the conclusion that the crowd inside were not very receptive to Dishonest John and his sidestepping of the issues, Particularly the pork producers. He was asked when the multinationals were going to be made to pay their share of tax, that was neatly sidestepped and if the Questioner began to argue, his microphone was quickly turned off
I think a lot more people will vote for ON in the federal election and I hope Little Johnnie visits many more towns throughout Australia. He will be a great vote winner for ON .
Alan Esson
An important part of the tradition in new governments is cleaning out the upper levels of bureaucracy. And Peter Beattie has wasted no time getting out the brush to clean out what the state Coalition left behind.
The ceremonial changing of the guard has seen twelve of Queensland's top eighteen bureaucrats being given their walking notice. Get out by Monday is the call from Beattie. Those being given the push include: Allan Male (Families Youth and Community Care); Doug McTaggart (Under Treasurer); Kevin Wolff (Public Service); John Hocken (Emergency Services); Col Thatcher (Training and Industrial Relations); Peter Ellis (Premier and Cabinet); Kevin Martin (Justice); Bob Day (mines and energy); Tom Tolhurst (Environment); Dick Wharton (Transport and Main Roads); Roly Nieper (Primary Industries) and Kevin Davies (Public Works and Housing).
The manner in which the move has been covered by The Courier Mail reflects that paper's interesting political Labor bias. When the Coalition took power with the help of Independent Liz Cunningham the headlines were full of outrage that such a move could be conceived... today the headline is quite simple... "Top bureaucrats sacked" with a picture of Peter Beattie leaning like a grinning cheshire cat on a seat in the empty floor of Parliament.
This is only the start of the sanitising of the state bureaucracy - according to Beattie.
The new (temporary) Labor cabinet includes a number of MPs tarred by Shreddergate:
Howard's hopeless hypocrisy
John Howard once again accused Pauline Hanson's One Nation of encouraging hostility towards people of Asian descent. He told an angry crowd at Hervey Bay last night that One Nation's success had made people with an Asian background uneasy. Of course he did not go on to explain that it was the media inspired lies of the intellectual prostitutes in the mainstream media who twisted the One Nation message to their own end in an ongoing tale of deceit and hypocrisy.
He said he would never call people who supported One Nation "racist", "But I do believe that some of the utterances of the party have encouraged a sense of hostility in our community towards people of Asian descent, and I resent that."
Long forgotten were his comments in the 1980s which mirrored Pauline Hanson's now well published claim that Australia was in danger of being swamped by Asians.
"It is something we should all oppose very strongly, because all Australians are equal and all Australians should be treated with civility" Howard continued.
His comments were somewhat out of place as it is Pauline Hanson who has called for all Australians (irrespective of colour) to be treated the same on a "needs" basis. Currently this is not the case under the racist and divisive policies of Australia's tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee (the Coalition and Labor parties).
Howard confirmed that One Nation now represented a large percentage of the Queensland population and was one of four major parties in the state's government saying, "(One Nation is) on the field and we all have to play by the same rules".
"It is very important when people talk about political issues in this country that they do not define Australians according to their racial backgrounds."
Of course the comment flies in the face of the race-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) that the Coalition support and that Pauline Hanson has said that she wants abolished - as it is racist and divisive. Coward's Castle comes crashing down if you look behind the hype.
Last night Pauline Hanson's political adviser, David Oldfield, accused John Howard of making Asians feeling uncomfortable in Australia saying, "The Prime Minister's politically motivated distortion of One Nation policies is probably responsible for any bad feelings Asian Australians have. Its his own way of attacking Pauline Hanson that causes ill-feeling rather than what Pauline Hanson actually says."
"I think it is unfortunate that Mr Howard has tolerated inappropriate immigration which has brought in disease and criminals. He has tolerated all manner of policies that have devastated rural Australia."
We knew it all along but there's nothing like a comment in the Australian Senate to get the papers rocking and rolling - especially when one of the media barons feels left out. It is quite remarkable that the only time that deals between Packer and his mainstream political mates ever get reported are when they are at the direct financial cost to Murdoch.
In the latest example the Courier Mail report on altercations in the Senate yesterday where Communication Minister Richard Alston was called "Packer's doormat" who had given Kerry Packer and Kerry Stokes a gift of digital television worth billions of dollars. (Now if Murdoch had been one of the recipients we would not be hearing about this neither would the issue have been raised in the Senate).
The Opposition Senators went on the attack when the Government tried to push the Packer/Stokes gift through in a three hour session. Such is Packer's power that the Bill was put ahead of a money Bill which must be passed by next Thursday to ensure public servants are paid.
Victorian Labor Senator Steven Conroy branded Alston a "doormat" for allowing legislation to introduce digital television in January 2001 with a ten year protection until 2008 for commercial free-to-air TV stations against any new competition.
His comments are not far removed from those of Sydney Morning Herald reporter Margo Kingston last year who said on ABC TV, "Now when you have a man so powerful that he can buy Graeme Richardson to talk the Labor party around and Michael Kroger to talk the Liberal party around, and Howard and Costello and Alston jump to his every need no matter how irrational, no matter how transparently incoherent their arguments, we have a huge problem. And yes, personally I am very scared, personally, of Mr Packer taking over Fairfax."
Conroy had this to say in the Senate, "That is the Government's priority - giving billions of dollars to three or four media magnates rather than making sure ordinary working Australians get paid next week.
"This is a craven performance by the Government, they've caved in to Channel 9, Stokes and Seven and they want to rush it through with absolutely no serious scrutiny."
On the morning of the 25th June I attended Kingaroy court to answer on 3 charges of illegal possession of fire-arms. The weapons involved were one .22 single shot bolt action rifle and two air rifles. I pleaded NOT GUILTY to all charges as I believe that the laws under which I am charged are illegal. I was remanded on bail to appear again on the 7th August 1998.
On the evening of the 25th June I attended a public meeting in Wondai, Queensland (near Kingaroy) at which the Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, was the main speaker.
At question time I said the following to him:
MARTIN ESSENBERG- "My name is Martin Essenberg. I am a conscientious objector to the New Gun Laws. I am currently on bail having been in Kingaroy court this morning for illegal possession of a .22 bolt action rifle and 2 air rifles. Can you stop enforcing your Governments demands for uniform gun laws and let Queenslander make up their own minds." PM JOHN HOWARD said amongst other things-" NO- I stand strongly on this"
COMMENTS- The Federal government has no jurisdiction in gun laws. These are a state matter. He is enforcing his will on the states of Australia by threatening them with budgetary cuts unless they comply. Queenslanders, as far as John Howard is concerned, are not responsible people who can be trusted to make their own laws in this issue.
Please help me out in my pro-gun campaign by e-mailing the media and your pro-gun friends. If you receive this e-mail from some-one and want to be on my mailing list send me your e-mail address. If you want to be deleted from my mailing list let me know.
Martin Essenberg
Here are some Australian media e-mail addresses:
4 Corners
Subject: Bill O'Chee and the Old Lady
Bill O'Chee spoke with 2UE's Malcolm T. Elliott on last night's talk back radio program. Again, he repeated his story, as told in Parliament, about the very old, and very racist, lady who had rung his office and spoken to him in such a patently offensive manner.
Later in the evening, I rang and spoke with Malcolm myself. I told Malcolm I though O'Chee's anecdote was more than a little hard to swallow. He would have us believe that some little old lady, rang O'Chee's office and was automatically put through to him so she could insult him personally!!!! Yeah right! Malcolm T. Elliott agreed that was a MOST unlikely scenario. He said his own assistant had to go through a huge rigamarole to even contact O'Chee, let alone speak with him. However, he had decided against challenging O'Chee on this aspect, and settled instead for challenging him on the issue of Vietnamese immigrants who had been allowed into Australia without proper checking and who were more than likely ex Viet Cong, and were conducting full on criminal activities here.
I accept that was the point that Elliott wished to make with O'Chee. Nevertheless, I think it is equally telling, if not more so, that the first part of O'Chees anecdote was fabricated. And, if that was a lie, how can you give any credence to anything else he might say on the issue of One Nation.
Perhaps ON needs it's own talk back radio station!!
Subject: Re: O'Chee Misled Parliament
I was wondering if Pauline gets to ask a Question Without Notice, whether she and her advisers might consider there was any point in asking whether or not Senator O'Chee misled Parliament. I don't even know if that question can be asked in the Reps or if someone in the Senate must do it. But it seems clear to me that, at the very least, the first part of his much publiced speech to Parliament about the old lady who rang him was a complete fabrication.
No Senator answers the phone in their own office. That's what minders are for. No minder just puts calls straight through to his or her Senator from some anonymous citizen, regardless of the age or gender of that citizen. The scenario Bill O'Chee related in Parliament is clearly blatantly untrue. Does that not amount to misleading Parliament? Can he not be asked to explain how it is that he was answering his own phone, or his people put anyone who rings straight through to him.
As if? Everyone knows that should they ring a Senator's office they will have ZERO chance of speaking to that Senator, unless they are someone important, or represent someone important!
Subject: Curious about One Nation
I'm writing this from Texas. Unfortunately, we don't get much info on One Nation in the States and what we do hear has been severely tainted by the liberal press. From what I've read about your party it seems to be really on track and I wish we could develope something similar over here. Anyway, any info would be greatly appreciated.
Gary Clopton
Subject: A Letter of Concern From a 23 year old.
To who ever it concerns,
Hi my name is Penny Bell. I am 23 years old and a resident (currently) of Rockhampton. As a young Australian I would like to address you of some concerns that effect me and friends and family around me. First of all I have grown up with great interest in where the country that I so proudly call home is going. Both in the ways of environment and socially. This includes human rights, equality, discrimination and awareness. I believe the role of political leaders is to listen to the public, and this includes all minorities and concerns, and also to teach the public. Teaching means growth and growth means change. We as a nation have to keep going forward and not backwards as I believe is the way of the One -Nation party. The thoughts and policies of the One Nation party, I believe are the hands moving the clock backwards in time. They cater for the older rural population. The people who make a living out of deteriorating our environment and aren't open to social changes and awareness. This scares me.
I dont think that bettering the whole country is a policy of the One Nation party, or is it?
Does this mean that all equality will be put into place such as equality of gays, lesbians, youth, elderly, native Australians (as they so deservingly disserve the title), disabled, people of different cultures and minorities, and criminals? All with the same rights and opportunities as each other?
I think some of the things that Pauline Hanson is standing for have not been thought about on a complete universal level.
also restricting immigration is a issue of human rights. I understand that this is one country amongst a whole planet of countries. I believe that we have to work with these countries at creating peace and recognition across all nationalities and cultures. This planet is very diverse and the only way we can create a balance and is to except this diversity with in our on society. English men came to Australia 221 years ago and built societies. These were English societies that spoke the English language. They did not learn Aboriginal languages and changed to fit in with there society, so why should things be different now. I believe the only way that peace and happiness is going to happen in this country is to except and recognise other cultures.
Australia is a multi- cultural country with the only true native culture being the aboriginal culture. All cultures have the right to recognise and live with there beliefs. Just like you and I. I'm sure that I dont live the same life-style as the guy next door.We must recognise diversity. I understand that the rate of unemployment is the big concern for the immigration. Does this mean that you will not allow Australians to work in other countries? I believe that it would be a bit hypocritical if you did. Then is that fair. We should have the right to make a living elsewhere if we so desire. Maybe an Australian citizen might want to live where there family once was from. I dont think we should isolate our selves. Affairs and issues with other countries is very important for our future. I dont believe that the One Nation party holds strong enough polices to be able to handle all the issues that face young Australians. Im not saying that the current parties in power do any better either. Lets just say that my vote goes to the party whom have some interesting and worthy polices that effect me.
I would be interested to hear the views on equality and recognition of Gays and Lesbians from the One Nation Party. As this is a minority group but a minority group that finds it hard to be them selves and have a happy life. As a young lesbian, I live with the fear of being bashed, having an accident and leaving my partner with nothing, adopting an under privileged child.....etc. These are things that so called "normal" people dont need to think about.
any way as you can see there are a great number of concerns for young people.......the people of the future. We you listen to us as well?
Penny Bell.
Subject: Nelson, Malaysia
Hi Nelson,
Your understanding of One Nation's policies towards Asian immigrants involved in drug trafficking, etc, only proves that the mainstream media/ALP/LIB's etc are having some success with their lies.
One Nation's response to immigrants involved in serious crime is not based on race. References made to Asian immigrants is purely used as an example and also because this racial group has the highest proportion involved in crime.
The term +ACI-racist+ACI- that you no doubt have heard through the media propaganda machine is used solely for political or financial gain by the extremists in our country. In fact, if the term +ACI-racist+ACI- was applied to the Malaysian government in the same context as it is used in this country then your government would be seen as far worse because of it's race based policies.
One Nation is about equality for all regardless of race. It's those who are slandering Pauline Hanson who are the true racists.
Peter. W
Subject: News censorship
Qantas (the Australian Airline)
If you believe that news articles on your flight may be offensive to some passengers, You are obliged to not only drop the articles, but to drop the whole news program. Such pregidicial censorship for the benefit of non Australian audience qualifys you to rename the company "Qantas (the UnAustralian airline)."
Don Jones
Subject: Inflight Censorship
I'd like to address the recent censorship ( and the overt reverse racism involved ) regarding coverage of Ms. Pauline Hanson on certain Pacific flights, particularly Indonesian as it were.
Banning of news coverage is an outrage; even moreso when it involves certain racial issues (i.e. offending Indonesian passengers). Qantas is supposed to be 'The Australian Airline', not 'The Asian Airline'. Ansett is not imposing any sanctions on news coverage. This offends Australians much more than Asian passengers on a flight. If they don't like the news, don't watch it. Plug in headphones or read a book. This is outright discrimination.
Leanne Roberts - flying Ansett (always have been, but now with a very good reason)
Subject: optional preferential voting
What is the logic behind the move by the Australian Democrats and the National Party to endorse the Liberal/Labor ammendment of the electoral legislation to abolish optional preferential voting in the Senate (and House of Representatives?)?
Is this a classical example of the Democrats "keeping the b.......s honest"?
Could it be merely an expression of the fear, demonstrated by the dirtying of the pollies pants perhaps, that groups like "One Nation" are likely to take advantage of the deregulation of politics? Governments of both persuasions having already destroyed the security of virtually every other industry by undue emphasis on competition and worship of Mammon.
Jon Axtens
Subject: Downer's 'image'
I know many people will find this hard to believe, but Downner is a bigger fool than we all think he is. Tucked away in the Australian's Arts on Friday section there is an article entitled: "Cultural antidote to Hanson taint". Such a generous spirit of tolerance expressed there!
Downer has set up a new body called the 'Australia International Cultural Council' which had its inaugural meeting today in Melbourne. Its aim is to promote Australian art and culture overseas and to present a positive 'image' of Australia internationally. He thinks (??) that it is especially needed now to counter the tarnishing of our image by Hanson.
Only problem is that he and the other dills on the new council don't know what Australia is. He says the council's first task is to 'ascertain exactly what image Australia wants to project offshore, where it wants to project it, and how. "It is quite feasible that a different image could be promoted in different countries", he said. "My vision is that with the clever use of the promotion of Australian culture, you can mould the international image of Australia".
That says a lot about their patriotism and love of country, dosn't it. Australia is not a dearly loved country, it's just an elite-created image, or a series of images to 'sell' us in the international arena. Nothing more illustrates the shallowness of politically correct people.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Quotes
Hi Scott
Congratulations on the great result.
Really shook them up, eh.
I thought you might be interested in the following.
Then have a look at the web site.
Keep at it!!!
The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. -Abraham Lincoln
Despite these warnings, Woodrow Wilson Signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote: I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men. -Woodrow Wilson
Subject: (no subject)
We are dairy farmers in the North East, Victoria (Australia) living in a small rural community named Carboor. We are staunch supporters of One Nation. We extend our best wishes to Pauline Hanson and her colleages and thank her for her strong contribution so far.
All the best
The Holmes Family
Subject: Re: QANTAS discriminates against Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Thankyou for the email. It is appalling to see this sort of political orientated activity. I wonder why Qantas did not apply the same restrictions to Mr. Keating - if these people listened to themselves more often, they would talk less.
Keep going .......... Cheers
Some exclusive images taken earlier this morning at the One nation conference in parliament house:
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
![]() |
Name site is owned by One
Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
Queensland candidates
gather in Gympie - 31st May 1998
Political Correctness
and "racism" exposed.- 30th May 1998
Taking on News
Limited at the Australian Press Council in Sydney.- 23rd May 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.