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an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
Apologies in advance
Apologies in advance to the irregular timing in the publishing of anotd over the weekend and Monday next week.
I will be covering the One Nation conference at Parliament and be placing regular news and updates at this link.
A classic Petersen on the ABC's Late Line last night:
One Nation candidate for Gympie, Ian Petersen, sat on a panel which included Peter Cook. The panel were discussing globalisation.
Peter Cook "... the racist policies of One Nation."
A comment which drew the following
classic response from Petersen (seen right):
"For a start we are not a racist party.
"I object to rural Australians becoming a nation of peasants in one of the richest nations of the world. And your (Labor) policies have done nothing to correct that they have made it gradually worse and I assure you that when you turn your back on people that presents them with an excellent opportunity to kick you in the backside, and I suggest gentlemen you want to brace yourself because there are going to be hundreds of thousands of them limbering up right now."
As I said classic Petersen!
Labor's Peter Beattie claims power
Yesterday Independent MP for Nicklin Peter Wellington threw his support behind the Labor Party after Beattie came up with a six page document of promises largely based on accountability in Parliament.
In the document Beattie said, in part:
It will be interesting to see how Wellington votes when Shreddergate raises its ugly head in Parliament.
The election promises of Beattie's platform, for the record, include:
Included in his ministry are a number of shady characters including Jim Elder and David Hamill - who had to use bogus how to vote cards to keep Heather Hill from gaining the Ipswich seat.
After gaining the support required Beattie said that he would do all in his power to see the One Nation party disappear.
You threw the dice Mr Premier you are going to have to live with the way they fall.
John Howard booed in Queensland
Now I have got to start by telling you that I have never seen nor heard of Pauline Hanson wearing a bullet proof vest when she speaks to even the most hostile of groups.
John "Coward" Howard does.
Last night, in Hervey Bay, Howard wore a bullet proof vest. He spoke to about five hundred disgruntled farmers who took him to task over a range of issues including the damage being done to the pork industry.
Hervey Bay is the heart of One Nation territory and it was very obvious who the assembly at the Prime Minister's meeting supported - and it wasn't Mr Howard's Liberal Party.
When he left he was heckled by Mum and Dad Australians (not the ratbags who used to hang out at One Nation meetings) who said: "Don't come back"...
In a day the Liberal Party would rather not have had to face, the very public release of the rural express train blew up in the Liberal's face. The engineers behind the idea expressed outrage that a Liberal businessman had been touted as the man conceiving the project when the media were invited to a press conference attended by John Howard at which the rail line was presented.
The project is a blatant grab by Howard to votes destined to go to One Nation.
Bill O'Chee shows his stupidity in Parliament.
The man that David Oldfield referred to as a "twisted dwarf", Bill O'Chee is in panic mode and it shows.
This is what he said in parliament last week:
Last week a 78 year old woman rang to tell me that I was not an Australian because I looked Asian. She said she voted for One Nation because she grew up in the days of the White Australia policy and she believed it was immoral that people who looked like me should be allowed in the country.
So I said to her, "What do I have to do to be an Australian? Because my family has been in this country for 110 years." She said "It doesn't matter." I said "I have got to look English have I?" And she said "Yes." I said, "But what about Aborigines?" She said they're Australian too."
I said "Let me get this down for the record: you can look Aboriginal and be an Australian or you can look English and be an Australian but you can't look Asian and be an Australian." And she said, "That's right."
I make these comments... as a plea for the many decent Australians for whom views such as these are an affront to their fundamental right as Australians to live in dignity within the shores of this country.
It is a fact that most of the people who voted for One Nation in Queensland probably do not share those views and would probably be horrified by those views. But it is also a fact that they must understand that the people who hold those views have made their home in the heart of the One Nation party.
They must also understand that these people, emboldened by what happened in Queensland, are now sallying forth with new vigour to spread again the politics of hatred and division. Rather than create One Nation, they will tear the nation asunder in the pursuit of their prejudice.
Pauline Hanson would say that this is not true. But she said recently, "I am afraid that we might be swamped by Asians by the numbers we have coming in. All I ask for is a balance be restored by the numbers of Asians coming to Australia..."
The only way you can implement policies like that is to have quotas on the number of people coming to this country from particular parts of the world. Implicit in that suggestion is the assumption that some people are morally superior solely on the basis of the colour of their skin. (These) views are an affront to the fundamental right of every Australian to live their life in dignity. More importantly, in excluding them, we not only deprive them but we deprive ourselves of what they have to offer to us and the common good. This is a betrayal of the principles of decency and a fair go on which the nation was built and to which we all subscribe. It is a betrayal of all that we have done to be a beacon of hope and democracy to people less fortunate than ourselves.
These views cannot be the views of a party that believes in creating one nation, for this is the policy of exclusion. And the politics of exclusion is also to be seen in the attitude that One Nation has towards trade because it would create fortress Australia, which would lock us behind tariff walls to prevent imports. And as we close our doors to the world, the rest of the world will close their doors to us.
We need those export dollars to maintain our standard of living. If One Nation has its way, we as a nation will be poorer because we will learn less but the cost of everything we produce will go up. And the people who will really be hurt will be the working men and women of Australia and the poor and the elderly.
The people who will be hurt will be those who work in the tourism industry. In 1996 alone tourism from Asia was worth Au$8 billion. Our software industry will be shackled - a world-class industry destroyed because they believe we can live without the rest of the world.
I believe that the working men and women of this country, freed from the shackles of an ineffective tax system and the excessive burdens of red tape, can produce the export dollars to keep our country rich.
The greatness that is Australia demands a world stage on which to showcase its glory.
Just a few points on the drivel above.
Qantas has been in the news a lot this week. The first two email below came from totally unrelated sources so I would like people, who can, to check out the authenticity of the allegations made against Qantas chief James Strong.
If he is in deed instructing staff not to vote One Nation then the airline has a huge problem.
Subject: QANTAS discriminates against Pauline Hanson's One Nation
dear sir,
I am a Qantas staff member! James Strong dictated to us, not to support ms Hanson!!! let this be known, Qantas pays my wage only, I am not a black slave of the 1800"s. what I do in my own time, who I vote for on polling day is of no concern to Strong! My e-mail is: Broadcast this so the "big brothers" who vet my e-mail at work can read this. NB. I will not send you people e-mail from work, be it far from me to control what people outside send me at work, but, I will contact you outside work hours on private systems.
Let the whole world know what I have just sent you, & good luck!
Barry McNeil,
Subject: corruption
re Mr Strong censoring Pauline Hanson on the daily news service, Mr Strong dictated to staff not to support Ms Hanson.
That is all the more reason to support her. Mr Strong, you are outsourcing all you can in Qantas, so why should we support you, you don't support us! me & my colleagues discovered how to save $2million p.a. in Qantas, & the corrupt heavies threatened us, senior flying staff, B744, with the sack! you may be able to stop channel 9, but the internet is far beyond your control, & it is not a sin to tell the truth!!!!! & with the aid of internet, the entire planet!!!!!
Alex Hess
Re: Qantas story
Dear Sir,
I find particularly encouraging to see the number of people who have challenged the arrogance of Qantas in trying to censor the Channel Nine News.
I read with great interest yesterday's mail from your readers. Although the main points (freedom of speech and so on) were raised, I feel I can add further to the debate. As you may know, I have closely followed the relationship between Qantas and the media over the last few years. During that time, I exposed several incidents in which the media minimised or suppressed negative Qantas news. I take the liberty to append to this letter one article I published on the matter in November 1996.
There is one question that begs to be asked here: "What gave Qantas the confidence to ask Channel Nine to remove references to Pauline Hanson and One Nation?" Surely, in a climate where Nine is known to be rigorously independent, there is no way anyone would dream to even ask!? Qantas and Nine have been doing business together for a very long time. You would think that they know each other by now. Well, they do. I believe Qantas asked because it has asked and obtained favours before. The only difference back then is the fact that the requests have not become public.
Your readers should be made aware of the fact that "the news" as we know them in Australia is mostly public relations disguised as news. For example, the majority a news event on television are "set-pieces". In the press, a lot of the news is re-worked media releases. The real news is what escapes. From time to time, people like myself (without resources) can conduct extensive monitoring programs at great personal cost and expose a major corporation receiving favourable treatment. This, however, is only the tip of the iceberg.
I believe it is time to make the media truly accountable. We require our companies to make their audited accounts public. Why not require the media, particularly the television news and current affairs programs, to lodge a running sheet of each program with the Australian Broadcasting Authority? This would not cost them a cent - they already keep records for themselves. By looking at summaries of the news stories broadcast each night, people would be able to get the real picture. By analysing the data, people would finally see a concrete representation of what they have long suspected.
JG Estiot
Media-Watch Interactive.
Subject: Shameful, un-Australian conduct by QANTAS
Hi Scott!
Congratulations on your website, and thanks. I admire your talent and your energy. And congrats to One Nation on their brilliant result on the 13th. It was a very memorable night, and I have to say that even though one former Labor PM described his country as "the a-h of the earth", you gotta admit we make some reasonably drinkable champagne here!!
Anyway, what prompted me to write was my disgust at the censorious behaviour of QANTAS, I sent them an Email, but I doubt I'll get the satisfaction of a reply from them, they'll most likely have a chuckle and immediately delete it. I've included that Email on the end of this note, hopefully you'll have enough space to include it in the Letters section on your News Of The Day page.
Thanks again,
I couldn't believe my ears this morning when I heard on the John Laws Show that QANTAS had sent a message to Channel 9, requesting that it carefully and regularly censor certain political content from the in-flight news that they supply to QANTAS.
How utterly disgraceful. You people should be ashamed of yourselves, your actions may have given Australians an ugly foretaste of what lies ahead of us as our business and political "elites" drag us, unwillingly and without consultation, into what is often described as "closer ties with Asia".
An increasing number of ordinary, decent Australians are becoming totally fed up with short-sighted moneygrubbers who are prepared to sell out the future of this great country, for short-term financial gain. This type of censorship of political discussion and ideas, which you advocate, can only cause harm to our country in the long term.
How dare you assume that your Asian customers wish to have this sort of censorship done on their behalf! What on earth were you thinking of? Were you trying to make them feel "more at home", by providing the same type of political censorship that they're used to getting in their home countries?
Perhaps you need to become aware of the fact that there are many fine and brave people in every Asian country, risking their lives and freedom, fighting against the VERY SAME sort of suppression and censorship that your company is now so vigorously trying to promote!
I can assure you that you are most unlikely to get any business from me until you make it publicly known that you intend to cease this sort of disgraceful behaviour, and I can further assure you of my intention to tell as many people as will listen, about the gutless and shameful attitude your company has displayed.
Your actions and attitudes are definitely not in the spirit of the fine Australians who first started QANTAS.
Nor are they in any way comparable with the attitudes and actions of the many fine, decent, ordinary TRUE Australians whom I am proud to call my friends.
Yours in disgust,
A. Peyton-Smith
Subject: Light at the end of a UN tunnel?
At the Geneva Monitoring Committee on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Australian delegation were resolute in their refusal to make it illegal for a parent to slap his or her child. The Australians stood their ground saying that such a move would not be compatible with Australian culture.
Lucky for them. After One Nation's stunning electoral debut, I doubt any Australian government would want to be associated with such a typically heavy-handed, arrogant, UN interference in the domestic life of families.
As a sociologist acquaintance of mine noted, signing this document would make it even harder than it already is for parents of adolescent children, if the children could boldly claim such 'rights' as the right to privacy. It would be an 'offence' for parents to enter their children's rooms if they suspected them of taking drugs. Or even to check that they were doing homework and not just slouching.
Nothing better illustrates what a middle-class wasteful wank this expensive convention is, than recognising that the overwhelming majority of the world's adult population do not enjoy the luxury of privacy. So why should children?
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Membership
Thanks, again, for all your electronic mail updates. You may be interested to know I have now joined 'One Nation' with the Beenleigh Branch, Qld. Paid my membership fee yesterday and I am now active in getting other 'One Nation' sympathisers to join the Party! I am now giving serious thought to perhaps standing for a Federal or State seat. Have you got updates as to what Federal seats require a 'One Nation' candidate? I live in the Electorate of Forde, and due to my occupation as Civil Marriage Celebrant and involvement in community work, I have got to know a lot of people. I am convinced I could win this seat for 'One Nation'. Perhaps you could pass this message onto Heather Hill who, I presume, is still the Queensland leader although she missed out at the Qld Election. Thanks.
Andrew Hopkins.
Subject: Re second verse
Oh John won't you buy me a multi-coloured TV
My old black and white one seems racist to me
I won't be in breach of your race policy
If John you will buy me a multi-coloured TV
Hey, that's not bad for 5AM on a Friday.
Subject: All the best for the election
Dear Sir
I totally agree on your views regarding this country and finally someone has got the nerve to take a stand. The only thing that will fail you on your election success this Saturday is your policy on gun laws. I was a gun owner once, however; i believe the new ruling on weapons is a little harsh but i really believe something had to be done.
The majority of my friends (from all walks of life) had your vote until they realised your policy on guns. They now have since reconsidered. Please change your policy until after the will romp it in GOOD LUCK.
Subject: Congratulations.
Congratulations to the One Nation Team for the courage and determination you have shown in standing up for what is right for Australia.
One Nation is enjoying growing support in this electorate, where the sitting Liberal Member (Fran Bailey) and the Nationals have lost many supporters, partly due to the gun buy-back fiasco. Most people here believed that the Victorian firearms laws were fair and adequate. To "get the facts' (which is not easy with our existing media bias), could you please advise me if One Nation supports the availability of military style weapons, as WAS reported in the media, or does it support allowing people to again possess the semi-automatic 22's and shotguns that we used to have, which most people here again feel is adequate. May your support continue to grow.
Yours faithfully,
Julian Hall. Subject: Discussion group
If I promise not to swear too much - as I am wont to do on aus.politics, can I join in the discussion group that David Moss has provided for One Nation?
Thanks for popping into Aus. News of the Day, the URL for Free Yellow. I spent most of the day studying that, and those blokes are hot on the trail I think.
I think the inclusion of this link somewhere on Aus. News of the Day, would wake a lot up to the devastation that the private banking system causes to the whole world. Interesting that Mont Pelerin's Peter Costello, has a brother that preaches Jubilee 2000, instead of repeating the mantra's of the economic fundies like Mr. PC does.
Subject: re World heritage listing
The Qantas thing is a disgusting gagging of free speech but the world heritage listing of a million hectares of our Australian bush is beyond comprehension. To give you an example of this Gough Whitlam tried without success only because of the time frame to list our own Australian icon the Sydney Opera House to world heritage listing it cost the Australian taxpayer 200.000 dollars for the exercise.
How much is this little deal to buy votes from the greens costing the Australian taxpayer and who is behind the world heritage listing do you hear of America or japan giving away their land to world heritage listing I'm furious to say the least.
maree wright
Subject: Bad Call
Please find attached a copy of letter I sent to John Howard and other members of the Liberal Party.
The irony of your racist attack on Pauline Hanson and her One Nation party is that One-Nation supporters do not believe they are racist.
If you continue to attack One Nation supporters as being racist, it will be like waving a red flag to a bull.
The Liberal Party has totally misread the essence of the Hanson Phenomenon.
People who join One Nation passionately believe that Australia should be made up of people who live under one law, one flag one set of values. Migrants of any nation are welcome provided they accept this. One Nation supporters are proud to be Australian. They do not understand it when they are told they are racist because they demand migrants accept these values. President Clinton's speech the other day would have been seen by the majority of One Nation supporters as reinforcing their arguments.
To One Nation supporters the Liberal Party is seen to be racist.
Pauline Hanson Supporters perceive that the Liberal party is governing for and looking after only vocal minority groups. Who speaks for the people, the voters, and the majority certainly not the Liberal Party?
If you look at it at arms length, the Government has been preoccupied for the last three years with an issue that can only benefit a minority. A vast majority of Australians are going to be adversely affected.
Your Government policies are supporting racism. Put aside the veracity of the High Court decision. This decision applies to less than 2% of the population and yet this Government would discriminate against the majority to support the minority.
By any definition this is racism. One Nation people are saying all Australians are equal, yet your Government is saying some are more equal than other, and you are implementing policies that are quite blatantly racist, and you call One nation supporters racist.
If you agree with my view, the first step to overcome this perception is quite easy.
The irony again is that One Nation can also use the same strategy for its federal election strategy, and in part already is.
Lucius Vilkinas
Member Logan Village Liberal Party Branch
Subject: bad policies
Like Steve Nichols I am astonished that the poor elites still haven't got it. They have been delivered the biggest kick in the teeth in this country's history but they still don't get it. They are still patronising the electorate with their remarks that all they have to do to win back the disenchanted naughty voters who were gullible enough to vote for One Nation is to 'explain' their policies better. Perhaps I can clarify matters for them in easy words.
Your policies stink, morons!!
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Charles Perkins - what a man!
Dear Sir,
I have just walked away from the television set and I think I am about to throw up.
That well known part-Aboriginal spokesman, super wealthy Charles (I didn't get one cent from ATSIC) Perkins has made it official. Those that support Pauline Hanson and One Nation are.....Yes heard it right here on the Today Show........wait for it!
Please explain ... Is this an officially sanctioned strategy of the Aboriginal Reconciliation Process or is Charlie just spewing forth his normal venom and hatred against white Australia?
Allan W. Doak
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Debit Tax
On the surface the "Debit Tax" seems a very attractive alternative to the present system of PAYE and all the other hidden taxes. The idea really appeals to me, BUT, what is to stop Companies, especially Multi Nationals, from simply moving their Banking Offshore?
This seems to me to be the one flaw in an otherwise fair and simple solution to our tax shambles.
Keep up the good work.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
Queensland candidates
gather in Gympie - 31st May 1998
Political Correctness
and "racism" exposed.- 30th May 1998
Taking on News
Limited at the Australian Press Council in Sydney.- 23rd May 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.