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October 1995
New moderated discussion forum for Pauline Hanson's One Nation
We are delighted to advise our many readers of a new on-line discussion forum dedicated to Pauline Hanson's One Nation. Our thanks to David Moss for this facility.
Please note the introductory post and take care to follow the instructions closely.
Labor Party shows their true colours.
A confidential list of speakers at a One Nation gathering to be held this weekend was given to security at Queensland's Parliament house earlier this week.
The list was provided to security management to ensure that passes were made available to those attending.
Yesterday the Labor Party "somehow" got their hands on a copy of that list and handed it over to the media.
This is the "ethical" Labor Party that their leader Peter Beattie keeps on sprouting about... you know the one who says everything that they do will be above board only drowned out by his monotonous calls for honesty in government... What a load of cods-wallup.
The Courier Mail, of course, did not refer in their article today on how the information came to them. Rather they ran a story which included the following:
"One Nation's three day meeting the Parliamentary annex starts Saturday.
"Guests include Sir Joh Bjelke Petersen, Pine Rivers Mayor Yvonne Chapman and whistleblower Kevin Lindeburg."
What it doesn't say is that at least one unnamed guest has cancelled because of the security leak.
One Nation an anti-party?
In The Courier Mail today Perspectives writer Graham Young refers to One Nation as an "anti-party".
Quote: "One Nation is an anti-party political party. It has no traditions, no history and a murky structure. Its pre-selection practices appear to consist of the laying on of hands by Pauline Hanson. Policies are adopted without much consultation and its senior office bearers are selected not elected....
"The organisation might provide the strategic geniuses that guide the team through the political shoals of the campaign but, when a candidate becomes a member 99% of them do it all on their own."
Doesn't take much to see the contradictions in the above statement.... a brand new party with "no traditions" how the heck do you get such a beast going unless you appoint the senior office bearers (who act in a voluntary basis because of lack of funding).
One Nation leadership battle this weekend.
This weekend the leadership of the One Nation party will be fought out with Shaun Nelson, Peter Prenzler, Bill Feldman, John Kingston and Dorothy Pratt expected to lobby for the top position.
One Nation's political adviser David Oldfield made his preferences clear yesterday suggesting that Shaun Nelson and Peter Prenzler are good leadership material.
"I personally have no feeling on who the leader will be. There are a number of talented people who represent a good image of those elected to Parliament.
But I think they would probably be better off to wait until the weekend to decide the issue," Oldfield said.
Two independents refuse to show their hand.
Peter Wellington and Liz Cunningham refused to show their hands after long meeting with both Peter Beattie and Liz Cunningham yesterday.
My own personal gut feeling is that they will join the Coalition now that Borbidge has proposed a system where independents can have a real say over policy making - a fatal chink in the state Labor party's so-called stability message.
If they come to One Nation's weekend get together you will be the first to know and their presence will point towards closer ties between Cunningham, Wellington and Pauline Hanson's One Nation.
A method of risk reduction: Mutual Funds
The graph below is "undeveloped" because the original derivation demands that allowance is made for wage increases lagging employment. Checking against reality shows that this aspect is not involved i.e. the stock market follows a predetermined simplistic track.
There is nothing random - as far as the main indices are concerned - in stock market valuations. As stated above, this is a device for money collection.
We thank all who responded to our alert yesterday about the Qantas letter requesting Channel 9 to censor its news by excluding references to Pauline Hanson or the One Nation party.
Qantas advised late yesterday that the author of the letter had been reprimanded and that this act of censorship would not be pursued with Channel 9. Apparently several thousand email were received by the airline.
Below is a small selection of some of the many email that we received from you
Subject: Re: QANTAS discriminates against Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Dear sir
I heard on the radio this morning that Qantas will not be censoring the news. The action was taken by one individual who has now been reprimanded. It might be a good idea to send out a further email to explain this change of events, otherwise it will provide yet another excuse to accuse One Nation supporters of being extremists who don't know their facts!
RE: Censored news in QANTAS flights.
I happened to hear an interview on Malcolm T Eliott's talkback show tonight.
I hope this gets to those concerned as this seems to be the only email address available. Thanks for successfully alienating and insulting a lot of Australian people in the hope of not insulting people from other countries on your flights. I am totally amazed at the concept of sanitised news on your flights. It's extremely frightening. Maybe Pauline Hanson is correct in her claims of control from outside Australia. This from an airline that had its origins in Queensland! Totally un-Australian. Who are these people who complained about democracy and won? Are we supposed to change all of our news now so we are not offending someone, anyone, or is it just those few extremely powerful people or groups that hold the almighty dollar. What a sad state Australia has reached where we now pander to other countries and deny our own people the right to vote for whoever they feel is supporting their interests. What's next, vetting people at the airports to check for unwanted types in case they offend your "preferred" passengers. I will be taking a world trip with a group next year and was inquiring about Qantas flights, but after this display I will certainly be looking elsewhere as I no longer feel Qantas is representative of the Australian people or their attitudes. My friends will also be informed of your biased and dictatorial attitudes!
Subject: Censorship
My first trip on QANTAS was in April 1942 as a rescued yank, from Port Moresby to Townsville in a Short Sunderland Flying Boat. At that time I believe QANTAS was in fact, the Queensland And Northern Territory Air Service. There have been numerous QANTAS trips since then aboard many other QANTAS aircraft, most recently in your Boeing 747s.
Many Aussie business and personal friendships and acquaintances have been nurtured since then, now numbering more than two hundred. All share a common trait that I consider the most admirable of Aussie traits....... :their ingrained willingness, even insistence to always "give it a fair go!"
I was shocked to learn that QANTAS was accused of NOT giving Pauline Hanson a fair go This was according to the Internet Australian News of The Day of 24 June1998, by "censoring Channel 9's in-flight coverage of Australian news news".
I cannot believe that the QANTAS I know would stoop to this sordid act of disgusting censorship. Please tell me it isn't true!
With many fond memories of , QANTAS, Australia and most of all, Aussies.
john hamilton, USA
Subject: News Censorship on Flights
Dear Sirs:
With amazement, I heard this morning reports QANTAS want news clips shown in flight to be edited to remove any reference to Pauline Hanson and One Nation, because some passengers do not like to hear about what is going on in Australia.
As your passenger on countless flights, I have watched news that upset me or that I did not like. However, I did not request you to edit the news, because no thinking person should hide from reality. The world is what it is. We may hate or like the people and events which go on around us, but should not try to ignore them. If we ignore them, they may take us by surprise later on. Better to keep informed than to be sorry later!
I suspect the protests have come from "politically correct" politicians and public servants, who are scared witless by the unexpected awakening of the "silent majority" (who have finally found a voice through Pauline Hanson). They hope this is a nightmare that will go away if only they ignore it. It won't!
Please advise these passengers to unplug their earphones and read a comic book, so that they won't be frightened by the historic events unfolding before the nation.
I hope QANTAS will not take notice of these pitiful frightened creatures, and continue to provide the majority of their passengers with accurate and balanced media reports. Anything else is censorship of the kind practised in dictatorships and third world countries, where freedom of speech is curtailed.
I know Australia is in a lot of trouble (economically, politically and socially), but have we sunk so low?
SHAME on your airline, if you allow yourselves to be influenced by a small vocal minority who do not respect the democratic rights of others, and try to shape the news we read and watch to suit their personal agendas.
William E. Nixon
Subject: One Nation
Dear Qantas.
I understand that you may need to be sensitive to the 'cultural' concerns of your clientele but the recent censure of One Nation from you in-flight broadcasts is questionable.
Freedom of speech is a key issue in Western Democracy and in censuring One Nation from these broadcasts you are sending a message to our Asian neighbours that Australia is a nation that will sacrifice its democratic principals for economic regional gains.
Yes we need to be culturally sensitive to our Asian neighbours but not culturally repress our own basic freedoms. The attraction of our society, to our Asian neighbours, should be our attitude of tolerance towards those who have political views that we may not agree with.
It should be obvious to you that in some Asian countries, at this point in time, such political freedoms, and tolerance, do not exist. Therefore how can we present an alternative to these people when we compromise ourselves by denying 'freedom of speech' as you have done in these in-flight broadcasts.
There is a saying that goes like this; 'When in Rome do as the Romans do'. Yes be culturally sensitive to our Asian neighbours, but when in Australia do as Australians do.
Subject: Censorship on Qantas Aircraft
I am a frequent traveller on Qantas and other international aircraft and on occasions find news reports and activities not to my liking. I would however find it more distasteful if events and happenings were hidden or censored.
Qantas's attempts to introduce censorship into our national airline simply to pacify people from other countries is appalling. Is Qantas taking lessons from the Chinese government?
As mature freethinking people surely we must be allowed to sift the things that are important from the rubbish that is fed us by the media and other self-interested parties.
I an appalled at the attempts by your airline, the media and the Australia government to stifle debate on any subject and applaud any individual who has the courage the take a stand against the mainstream thinking.
Is freedom of speech dead in Australia? What happened to that saying " I may not agree with what you say but I will fight ..........." . If Mrs Hanson is truly spreading "racist" comments go and arrest her, we have very strong laws against racial vilification. If not let her have the freedom of speech which exists in this country and let all Australians judge her.
I believe that Qantas has made a grave error of judgement in its attempts to introduce censorship on its aircraft.
I also believe that Qantas owe Mrs Hanson an apology.
I would appreciate a response as it may just influence me on my future selection of aircraft when I travel.
Subject: Censorship of Pauline Hanson on in flight news on Qantas
Dear whoever;
I am extremely disturbed by reports that you are now taking it upon yourselves to censor news reports regarding Pauline Hanson's One Nation on Qantas flights. This is outrageous.
I have never heard of any thing so patronising and shameful .
How dare you take it upon yourselves to decide what we should hear as we sit in seats that we have paid you for .
In the past my family have been regular customers of yours and have heard many things that offend us over news broadcasts while in flight , to suggest that we be shielded by you from these broadcasts is distasteful in the extreme. In particular news reports of the Indonesian Governments oppression of the Timorese people and the invasion of their country were among the worst offenders. Reports of the corruption and nepotism of ex president Soeharto and his governments Murder of Australian journalists ,again in Timor, also were extremely upsetting to the sensibilities of democratic and fair-minded people. To suggest ,however that we should be kept uninformed of these things by you ,while on flights that we had paid you to undertake is far more offensive to myself and my family. We will be reviewing our decision to ever fly with you again ,in the light of these revelations.
Steve Nichols
Subject: Censorship
To Whom it may Concern,
I find it reprehensible that you stoop so low as to smear Pauline Hanson and One Nation. I don't live in Australia, but I have many friends there and when I see a company such as yours fabricating a situation to do that it makes me realise that you are running scared of One Nation and I can assure you that I will do everything I can to stop MAI from coming into being. You and your so called "friends" are nothing but a greedy bunch of low lives and in fact you are so low you could walk under a snake with a top hat on and not even knock it off. May you and your "friends" roast in hell! I am hoping that one day I can visit Australia but I can assure you that I will not use the services of Qantas or any other company that has your attitude.
Long Live Pauline Hanson and One Nation!!!
A concerned citizen of this planet.
Subject: Pauline Hanson
Dear friends at Qantas,
I understand that the airline is planning to ban images of or reporting on Pauline Hanson on in-flight news.
I understand completely your desire to protect your clients from discomfort, but surely censoring the news could prove increasingly dangerous as a strategy? Muslims, committed Christians, etc find many movies, ads and news items your present offensive, yet you've taken no action to restrict images that might be found to be offensive by this large sector of the community. Why selective censorship? Banning images or reporting of Pauline Hanson is thus an isolated and somewhat quixotic enterprise.
+AD4-Dear Sirs,
+AD4-I have been reliably informed that Qantas media has requested censoring
+AD4-events important to Australians on in flight news bulletins. In
+AD4-events regarding one of our political parties, One Nation.
+AD4-I have experienced the paranoia of some uninformed Qantas staff in
+AD4-with a group of Indonesian tourists last Tuesday the 16th June. This
+AD4-were last off the aircraft and experienced a slight hold up with
+AD4-They insisted the hold up was racially based and wanted channel nine
+AD4-attend and publicise the 'event'.
+AD4-For goodness sake Qantas, stand up and have the guts to call
+AD4-AUSTRALIAN. No other country censors internal news to appease the bias
+AD4-I have difficulty understanding this treasonable act +ACE-
+AD4-Yours faithfully,
Subject: Censorship
Dear Qantas,
I am very disturbed by the report in the media that Qantas will not broadcast any news which concerns Pauline Hanson or the One Nation political party.
Whether this person or the party is racist or anything else is, besides being a matter of opinion, irrelevant. The news is the news. The news reports accounts of murder which may be distasteful to some people. It reports the 'ethnic cleansing' which is based on race hatreds in Bosnia and the former Yugoslavia. What is so special about One Nation?
There is so much hysteria because somebody dared to make a comment about immigration. What is wrong with someone expressing an opinion? Who says that it is right or wrong? 25% of the voting public of Queensland were not unhappy about One Nation's ideas.
In any event, if you care to look at Indonesia you will find that racism is enshrined in their legal system. People of Chinese extraction are prohibited by law from holding public service positions. They are restricted in their right to enter universities. Some Indonesian people have attacked, damaged, burnt and looted Chinese properties. Recently the mayor of Surabaya after being confronted by a demonstrating group of Chinese (fed up at the violence visited upon them by Indonesians) told them to shut up or "we will rape your women". Thousands of Chinese women and girls have been raped and/or sexually assaulted since the troubles started this year.
How dare an Indonesian person complain about racism (or the perception of it) in Australia. They should look in their own back yard and mind their own affairs (which are in serious disarray). They are very fond of telling us to mind our own business whenever an Australian dares to comment on Indonesian internal affairs. Perhaps we should remind them of this.
Qantas has no place in pandering to the apologists who make loud noises but are in the minority in Australia. Report the news without censorship. If you continue to censor the news I will not fly Qantas - I will fly Ansett who do not censor their news.
Remember, Qantas is not condoning or agreeing with the views of anyone who appears on the news programmes aired on flights. Its very simple. Its just the news - either palatable or unpalatable - and anyone who complains, whether they come from racist Indonesia or not, should be reminded politely of this.
I am very concerned about this development. This is not an idle email. It is a serious issue. You have a customer to win or lose by your response.
Name withheld
Subject: Re: QANTAS discriminates against Pauline Hanson's One Nation
I am outraged by your censorship of Pauline Hanson's views. I hope you will reverse it in time to prevent a boycott of your airline by the patriots around the world. I, for one, won't set foot on a Qantas aircraft until I hear that you have reversed your stand. And I plan to publicise your action to censor Ms. Hanson in the Truth in Media publications which are read in over 40 countries around the world.
Bob Djurdjevic, USA
Is it now a policy of QANTAS to censor items of news that they deem to be "offensive"?, if so, what are the criteria that are applied and who decides what is offensive, and to whom?, surely on an "Australian" aircraft any news pertaining to "Australia" MUST be acceptable.
What right do Indonesians have to complain about our country when the whole world is aware if their track record with regards to Timor, and more to the point the latest riots where people of non Indonesian background have been singled out for "preferential treatment"? We are purported to be a free country and WERE proud of the fact that we had freedom of speech and choice of Government, until SOMEONE decided for us what should be reported by the press, radio & television, and now on QANTAS flights, thus we are now denied this basic right.
What does this SOMEONE have to hide, what hidden agenda could be exposed, that these basic rights now actively being denied to the community in general?
What right does any person of Asian origin have to complain about our country when we see physical abuse and deportations of their ethnic communities, the reason they quote for these "assisted resettlements" is to the improve job prospects of the native people?
I will not use the "Australian" airline again until your policy of deferring to other nationalities in preference to the people you represent is reversed.
Lastly, what was the news item that was so disturbing and distasteful to the Indonesian passengers?
Subject: Non Australian!
Qantas was born at my hometown of Longreach.
It is sad when your company is so narrow minded that you censor media coverage. If you are so narrow minded you will loose more business from Aussies than you will from the Asian clients, who are fooled by the media into thinking that One Nation is all about being 'racist'.
Regards [for the moment]
Darryl Hetherington
Subject: Narrow minded
How narrow minded of Qantas regulating what people see on their flights As if we are treated any different over seas. wake up to yourselves Qantas.
I have travelled extensively and seen the Indonesians absolutely rubbish Australia To you hear what the Chinese say about the Japanese or the Japanese say about the Filipinos.
They don't have any immigration policy they hate each other.
What does Qantas want to do keep bringing immigrants into Australia until there are ghettos and shanties along the highway That our over burden medical system crumbles at the sheer wait of people in Australia.
That the Australian's that built the hospitals over the history are not admitted because of over crowding.
Leave the One Nation party alone
Can QANTAS tell me one country in Asia that actively encourages immigrants from Australia. Over crowded countries love sending people to Australia then they don't have to look after them. And I know the Asian born Australians agree with me.
Subject: Re: QANTAS discriminates against Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Hi Qantas,
I always had the greatest respect for your (our) airline. I have spent many excellent trips with you over the years. To see what One Nation are saying is an excellent example of a great business getting into bed with a very scared mob of frightened politicians. What a shame. You have lost your unbiased objectivity. And you have lost me and my business. When next my job is going to send me away I will be travelling with your competitors, they haven't lost their unbiased views - or my business.
Mark Smith
Subject: Your 'in-flight' _censorship_ of National Nine News items
Dear Sir/Madam
It is with some dismay that I have learnt of QANTAS's exclusion of items relating to Mrs Pauline Hanson and/or One Nation Party from its 'in-flight' news service.
My opinion of your airline has suffered a dramatic reversal. Who appointed you 'arbiters' of public opinion. On the basis of one(or, at most, two) 'complaints' you apparently have seen fit to decide what people should and should not see as per public and current affairs. Let me ask you this: you show inflight movies, yes? What if people complained that they were offended by the sex/violence content of such movies on religious grounds?
Would you then prohibit the showing of such movies in the future? Excuse me for thinking that your bias is showing!
Be assured, that unless this unfair and discriminatory policy is reversed soon, I(for one) will _not_ be using QANTAS for _any_ domestic or overseas travel. Furthermore, I will advise my friends, associates and colleagues _not_ to avail themselves of your airline.
Thank you
Subject: Better media coverage?
The Australia TV news seemed to be a bit more balanced this morning, or am I dreaming?
W.A. Premier Mr Court said that there was no way he was going to support a political party which was involved with racism and that we "had better take a long hard look at the Australian Labor Party"!!
John Howard should have had the guts to say that months ago.
Another segment showed Jeff Kennett and the wiley old Rex Hunt invited to the opening of a seafood shop of some sort and Jeff was invited to try the food. He declined and said that he preferred the old fashioned Flake and chips! Could Rex be a ON supporter?
I also hear that Qantas' Asian passengers are becoming alarmed because of channel nine's Sixty Minutes program which is shown on board its flights. Qantas has asked Channel nine to censor out One Nation segments. Good on Pauline for defending Channel Nine's right to show them uncut. Actually we all know that any publicity is good publicity.
Kevin Wildash.
Subject: The Heiner Papers
This is just another example of public servants riding roughshod over the rights of individual citizens and citing the "public interest" as the justification. The State Archivist had no right to authorise the destruction of the documents; a cursory inquiry on her part would have revealed they were potential evidence in legal proceedings.
As Tony Morris QC and Eddie Howard of counsel concluded, the shredding was a breach of the Criminal Code. Surely none of the apologists for what was done would argue that the Libraries and Archives Act over-rides the Criminal Code, or, at least, removes the Code as a fetter on the discretion of the archivist.
It is my view that the main source of One Nation's complaint that the people are ignored lies not with the politicians (although they are bad enough) but with the public service which exists solely for its own purposes.
If One Nation wishes to make a real impact on Australian society, it need look no further than the out and out reformation of the public service. The fundamental problem is arrogance backed by the practical fact that individual public servants are untouchable and financed by the resources of the state, no matter how culpable they might be.
This would include:
1. the compulsory drafting of strong, precise codes of conduct backed up by heavy penalties and rights of private action. So far, to the best of my knowledge, not one Queensland Government department, or any other 'unit of public administration" has published a code of any kind, in defiance of the Public Sector Ethics Act. Indeed, I know that the Brisbane City Council, for two years, has deliberately delayed in publishing its code (which was due in November 1996) simply because, as a guide to proper behaviour it would assist me personally in proving aggravated and exemplary damages in an action I am running in the District Court against the BCC and two (so far) of its employees.
2. placing the onus of proof on the government to disprove allegations in any action against it of official misconduct, abuse of office or misfeasance in public office;
3. requiring the government to pay the legal costs of any plaintiff making such allegations, regardless of outcome;
4. abolishing legal professional privilege in such cases;
5. giving any citizen standing to sue on such matters, regardless of the plaintiff's special interest. In Canada, any citizen has standing to challenge the constitutionality of legislation and government decisions. That is as it should be, for who else owns the constitution? For whose benefit is the State created and its servants employed?;
6. requiring the individual public servants involved to pay the costs in any action alleging a deliberate tort of the type enumerated above. Only when the public servant's personal assets were exhausted would the government pay the balance. Naturally, because this proposal is a disciplinary measure, any insurance or indemnity would be unlawful and itself constitute a criminal offence;
7. criminalising decisions to defend writs where a conscientious lawyer, acting in good faith, ought to know that the State is in the wrong. To defend an action in such circumstances is an abuse of financial power far exceeding any abuse of the market power against which politicians legislate and public servants rant.
All the talk about ethics and public accountability is just so much trash spouted as part of a public relations exercise. Public servants must be made to realise that they are not employees of some business, which is entitled to act in its own self-interest in any lawful way it chooses. There is only one way to do that and it is
Public servants hold their positions and power in trust for each individual citizen. They must be made accountable as is the trustee who may not exercise his legal ownership of trust property other than in the interests of his beneficiaries. There is only one way to do that - every other way has failed dismally. Toe the line, or you are in jail and broke and you can explain that to your wife and kids.
Kind regards
John Murphy
Subject: Well done
The One Nation Bendigo branch inserted a front page ad in the local newspaper .The ad Pauline Hanson's One Nation, contained a brief list of policies, the Bendigo Branch address, and the One Nation web site. I found the web site interesting and informative, unlike the general media information and political vilification of Ms Hanson and her party.
Noel Markey
Subject: Ridicule
One Nation's critics have used ridicule to try and discredit the party and its supporters. It hasn't worked because the quality was so low. There has to be a target for humour to work, and as One Nation is not 'racist' 'xenophobic' 'simplistic' etc the ridicule didn't really work. People saw through it and voted for One Nation anyway.
I suggest we fight fire with fire and turn it back on them. Their hypocrisy is a biiig target. With his 'media prayer' Omega excellently satirised the hypocrisy of our self-styled elites. Let's make photocopies of it and post it up on work noticeboards all over the country. Let's get people laughing at them. I bet they'll squirm.
I am sure it will prove very effective. After all this is how dissent was expressed in the former communist countries.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: To Pauline Hanson and associates
I am a Malaysian and have just visited your homepage. After reading some of the press releases and speeches made by Pauline Hanson, I have this question.
When is an Australian and Australian ? One of Pauline's political objective is to look into ways/means to revoke an Asian Australian's citizenship if he/she commit crimes such as drug trafficking, rape, etc. Is One Nation advocating that only White Australians are considered Australians. If not , then shouldn't an Asian citizen be treated the same as his/her white counterparts in terms of sentence upon conviction of a crime. If it's 10 year in prison, it 10 yrs in prison, period. Why the special provision for Asian citizens.
We are all humans, made in the image of God and have fallen short of the glory of god and have ALL sinned, so why should punishment differ based on race/skin/country of birth of an Australian ? Is One Nation saying that for the same crime, whites deserve special considerations. Will these not contradict in principle to One nation's belief and aim in eradicating any such presence, as clearly seen in it's attack against programs/provisions given to the aborigines ? Would that not make One Nation out to be a hypocrite ?
I would appreciate it very much if you could enlightened me on the above. Looking forward to your reply.
With regards
Nelson, Malaysia
Subject: Congratulations
Dear Sir
I am an ex-patriot Australian living in Northern California for the past 2 years. I have heard a bit about you from people visiting here from Australia. I decided to have a look at your home page to learn a bit about what you stood for.
After reading your maiden speech in parliament, I was impressed with your platform. It is a pity that more people don't simply stand up and speak out for what is wrong with Australia and it's multi-cultural philosophies.
I agree with all that you say and wish to be kept advised of what is happening in your political life. So please register me on your mailing list.
Please don't be discouraged by the rubbish that your protagonists are bringing up to discredit you. I am sure that there are many like me in Australia who believe in what you stand for - one country, for every person who is prepared to accept the responsibility of being a good, productive citizen.
Kind Regards
(Mr) Lindsay Edwards
Redding CA, USA
Subject: Congratulations
Dear One Nation and Pauline,
At last we have someone with the courage to say what
most normal Australians think.
And the establishment is frightened.
How do I make a small contribution to you to assist your work.
And you must be represented in SA at the next federal election
And to think, I used to be a liberal voter before I read your speech
You should get your speech more out in the open, as many people who have
opinions about your party, have never read it and rely on distorted press
Dennis George [EX liberal]
Subject: Liberal Party
You corrupt dump her (Pauline Hanson) because she did not conform, she gets up and wins her seat, then she gets her electorate cut to pieces, your henchmen ( the media) try to silence her, she kicks your arse in QLD. and now this voting preference rubbish. You know her ideals are honourable and that she stands for the betterment of Australia (the people are starting to raise their voice), so stop this carry-on and get prepared to work with ONE NATION.
Subject: Wildside
As I write this the ABC is broadcasting their show called Wildside which was inspired by Pauline Hanson. Are they doing this in the hope that someone will turn this into reality?
It is a known fact that a lot of crime is copied off the Television stories. This may be a subtle conspiracy by the Politiac correct to solve their problem.
Subject: Questions for Steve Howard
I've got a few simple questions for Steve Howard, convener of The Global Foundation and the Europe-Australia Dialogue.
What if the Australian people decide that they actually don't want to be globabalised any more? What if they don't believe that globalisation is going to deliver long-term prosperity and security but rather will lower standards of living and result in the loss of national sovereignity? What if they prefer independence? We've always been proud of our independent spirit, after all.
It is becoming increasingly obvious to many people that while globalisation is very good for Australia Inc. it is bad news for the once proud nation of Australia.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Frustrated Federal Coalition MP's
Dear Sir,
as the federal coalition flounders toward its imminent demise ,the comments attributed to its MP's become even more laughable.
At the Panic session called by Howard recently, to try and work out how to deal with the rise and rise of One Nation and win back some of their disgusted former supporters, the suggestions are illuminating in their breadth of vision and depth of insight into the reasons for large scale desertions.
26 MP's rose and put forward their thoughts on the disaster. These items reportedly are..
They attributed it to the coalition "failing to communicate its achievements" to the electors. ...:)
And that....
With this quality of debate and leadership ,not to mention tactics ,well within the grasp of our Federal Coalition Parliamentarians ,Australia should now abandon its dangerous flirtation with One Nation and go back to the people who really know how to fix up ........well...any problem that could possibly arise!.
Steve Nichols
Subject: Song for Johnny Dear Mr. Howard,
While you are in a generous mood....
"Oh John, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz"
"Your rail link is horseshit, you must make amends"
"This lie won't buy voters, nor make many friends"
"So John, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz..."
Thats about all I can think of right now - feel free to embellish if you wish.
Scott, how about a story on that poor bastard in SA (Guildford?) - forget whether the verdict was the right one or not and consider that he gave most of the money to a hospital, now the ATO is going to bankrupt him? Johnny, displaying his usual lack of compassion and intestinal fortitude is on record as saying "Sorry, there is nothing I can do..."
Best Regards,
Anthony Mare
Another perfect day in paradise but very cold.....
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
Queensland candidates
gather in Gympie - 31st May 1998
Political Correctness
and "racism" exposed.- 30th May 1998
Taking on News
Limited at the Australian Press Council in Sydney.- 23rd May 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.