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an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
Media polls continue to stun the major parties
The latest Courier Mail poll on One Nation has confirmed the earlier Sunday Mail poll which showed One Nation having more support than the Queensland National Party.
Here are the results on the polling of 2,000 voters:
Labor | 12% |
Liberal | 18% |
National | 28% |
Democrats | 22% |
Independent | 23% |
Did not vote | 19% |
Do not recall | 23% |
Yeah, I know that the figures don't add up to 100 but that is exactly how it appears in today's Courier Mail.
What I find most interesting is the decimation of support for the Australian Democrats who have shown a blood-lust while trying to discredit Pauline Hanson. The reason is now there for all to see.
Yesterday several new One Nation candidates were announced bringing the total to be submitted to the Queensland Electoral Commission today to 78 - just 11 short of the complete 89.
What an incredible achievement for a party just 13 months old! I will be accompanying state leader Heather Hill this afternoon when she visits the Queensland Electoral Commission to submit the state candidates.
Amongst the candidates accepted
by the Queensland State Executive was Collene Hughes who will take on Bob
Gibbs from Bundamba.
The "Ipswich team": Collene can be seen here on the right with Jack Paff (state leader Heather Hill in the foreground). This picture was taken yesterday afternoon at the Goodna RSL memorial in Ipswich Street.
Gibbs, you might recall, attacked Ipswich West candidate Jack Paff in Parliament calling him, amongst other things, "a coward".
Pauline Hanson made it clear last week that if One Nation fielded a candidate in Bundamba Gibbs would be put last on the "How to Vote" card... the only seat where preferences would be set by One Nation. The decision was a direct result of Gibb's action in attacking Paff in such a cowardly way.
Collene Hughes will undoubtedly do well in Bundamba, but more importantly, I predict that as a result of his outburst Bob Gibbs will, after the placement of preferences, lose his seat.
Yesterday when Queensland State Premier Rob Borbidge was asked if he would do a deal with Pauline Hanson's One Nation he replied, "There will be no coalition and no deals with One Nation, before or after June 13. The choice for Queensland at the polls is between Peter Beattie, Rob Borbidge and instability."
The seat that is most likely to fall to One Nation is in Hervey Bay where a massive swing has put One Nation with 30% of the first voting preferences in a normally safe Labor seat. The Labor Party's leader Peter Beattie spent the weekend at Hervey Bay saying, "The choice is a majority Labor government obsessive about job creation and job security or a rag tag coalition of Liberals, Nationals, and One Nation."
One Nation in northern Queensland
The safe National
state seat
of Callide is set to fall after One Nation candidate Chris Savage
revealed that his own polling had revealed that up to 60% of the primary
vote would be passed on to the Party.
Chris, seen here right, was challenged by Cr Seeney the Deputy Mayor of Monto to prove the support suggesting that the poll by Savage would have been selective and targeted at the extreme right element in that seat.
The one issue that is clear is that One Nation is set to make major inroads into the northern part of Queensland - the reason why the tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum of politics (Labor/Coalition) are running around like headless chooks looking for someone to listen to more of their lies.
AUSI Freedom Scouts and One Nation
Following the media hype about the Freedom Scouts and One Nation have come claims that several branches of One Nation had been taken over by the Freedom Scouts. Claims made by the intellectual prostitutes found behind the typewriters and computer screens in big newspaper offices.
The beat up follows a claim by Michael Ettridge, the disendorsed candidate who said that the Mackay branch with some 50 members had been taken over by the Freedom Scouts. There are two members of One Nation at that branch who have been involved with the Freedom Scouts. The question begs how can two take over a branch of fifty? Even Michael's brother David agrees that the assumption is ridiculous.
David Bridgeman from the Freedom Scouts said today on Channel 9's Today programme, "... we have been misquoted by people who have suggested that we are all members of One Nation which is not actually correct many of us may be supporters but we are not actually members."
Interviewer "So you are not out to take over the party?"
Bridgeman, "No. Whoever has said that is out for some big headlines and out to make trouble for One Nation."
It turns out that members of the Freedom Scouts are also Labor and National Party voters....
So who are the Freedom Scouts? A Christian group who want to offer there members the basics in self-defence so that if they are attacked in their homes, in the street or at a party they have a better chance of defending themselves.
Seven Days in May That Toppled a Titan
Here is an extract from the Washington Post:
JAKARTA, Indonesia, May 23Nurcholish Madjid, an unassuming Muslim scholar, was worried. He had received the urgent phone call just two hours earlier -- "the president wants to see you" -- and he was now being ushered into a private meeting with Indonesian President Suharto. It was Monday, May 18, at 9 p.m.
If Madjid was jittery, it was because his view was already well known. He had publicly called on Suharto to institute a process of democratisation and to announce that he would step down from the post he had held for 32 years.
But Madjid was surprised. Rather than steely resistance, he found Suharto in a relaxed, even jocular mood, as if a weight had just been lifted. "I'm fed up with being president," he recalls Suharto telling him. And so Madjid summoned his own courage. "You should resign," he told him.
"I'm not going to argue with that," Suharto replied. "I'm very willing. But is there any guarantee this trouble will stop?"
The next morning, Tuesday, May 19, Suharto announced the compromise plan that he thought would end weeks of rioting and demonstrations: He would set up a new "reform council," hold elections for a new parliament "as soon as possible" and then step down once that parliament chose a new president and vice president. But it was too late for compromises. Two days later, May 21, Suharto was forced to hold another news conference in the same room at the ornate Merdeka Palace, this time announcing that he was resigning immediately, and that Vice President B.J. Habibie was assuming the presidency.
The speed of Suharto's demise was breathtaking, even to those who had long advocated that he quit. In the end, Indonesia confounded the world by managing a largely peaceful presidential transition, avoiding the violent cataclysm that accompanied the only other such transfer of power in 1966 -- and that many here feared could happen again.
But behind the scenes, that transfer of power was shaped by a variety of key figures around Suharto who acted out their own personal rivalries and ambitions over seven dramatic days, once it became clear that the president would be forced from power. It is a tale of back-room palace intrigue, a story of manoeuvring, betrayal, dealmaking and deceit.
Subject: PC wimps
In an article, 'Populate or Perish' in the Weekend Australian (23-24/5/98), Nicolas Rothwell noted that the main barrier to Australia's achieving high levels of immigration was political. Popular opinion is strongly against it. He wrote that Pauline Hanson's significance lay in that that she taps into and perhaps stimulates 'the half-articulated views held by a broad segment of the public; views hostile to greater levels of immigration, to the proportion of Asians in the migrant intake and to the idea of multiculturalism'.
(Note that anybody who opposes any of these three issues is dismissed as having 'half-articulated views'. In other words are dimwits and morons. So much for Mr Rothwell's tolerance for people who hold views contrary to his).
He then quoted polling which showed that a person's position on these matters was primarily determined by education level. He wrote, 'Asked if migrants should learn to live and behave like the majority of Australians, 39% of those with university education agreed with this statement; the figure for the non-university trained was 70%'.
'The non-university trained'. What a felicitous phrase! Yes, non-university trained people including fish and chip shop proprietors are far more likely to speak their minds freely. And conversely, university trained people are often that - trained. Trained to kowtow to PC. With some honourable exceptions most university people are too gutless to speak their minds. They publicly tow the party line, but often privately dissent.
US historian Barbara Dafoe Whitehead has described the phenomenon as "kitchen table" and "conference table" talk. The former involve families and friends and their language is that of the cultural norms and values. The latter is the talk of the media, the academic world and the bureaucracy and the language is of politics and economics. Many academics have to weasel their way through life using both types of talk. It must be horrible.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day-firearms policy
In reply to Mr Terry Georges comments:
I presume he doesn't believe everything he reads or hears in the media, otherwise he wouldn't be making the comments he did, or be on this website. I assume his feelings have been influenced by media reports, rather than research. If the media is inaccurate about ON, why assume it is accurate about firearms? Perhaps the media just says what he wants to believe, ie it is in accord with his gut feelings. One of my gut feelings is that if it was believed that many little old ladies slept with a pistol under their pillow, fewer LOL would get bashed and robbed at home.
It was the firearms issue that got me off the Liberal train, as I was aware of the misinformation that was spread by them and particularly the media. However I was convinced of the appeal of ON before I was aware of their firearms policy. I have found no statistical evidence that proves greater gun density means society is less safe, in fact the reverse is truer. Look how violence seems to be on the increase since they came into effect. Even the Aust Bureau of Statistics shows that the rate of firearm deaths has been falling steadily.
Whether you like guns or not, the method used to get the current laws implemented should be of great concern to those concerned with democracy and balanced debate. I fact, follow the link to THE STATEGY on this page, go to 'view on line strategy', then go down to 'Pt Arthur, were we told the truth'. If that doesn't raise doubts about the sincerity of governments, then nothing will.
The current law on self defence is outrageous. Fundamentally I believe it says that you will have to be able to prove self defence later. If someone breaks into your home and rapes your wife and daughters in front of you, technically, you can only protest verbally (although the courts are unlikely to enforce that). If they attack you , you can only respond in kind afterwards. Pre emptive action is NOT ALLOWED! Then you call the Police, and they roll up later WITH A GUN. (They are intrinsically more trustworthy, you see) IF they catch them, they might go to gaol for a short time. When the crooks break in, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN, HELPLESS. Disarming all citizens only makes the crooks job easier and SAFER, ie it encourages them. Incidentally, the Shooters Party (NSW) has been trying to get a bill passed which addresses the issue of allowable reactions to home invasions, to no avail as yet.
In reply to Carol Kavanagh.
An example of her point is Saturdays Sydney Morning Herald, in which there is an article titled 'The Politics of embarrassment" written by Paul Sheehan. It is actually excerpts from his book Among the Barbarians, published this week.
Fundamentally, it says that Labor used the Immigration Policy to restock its urban seats with people who would be dependant on government largesse-Labors largesse, and then set up watchdogs like the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, and its state counterparts, Ethnic affairs commission, all stifling any comment by using the racist tag. Then there is the marriage scheme. Apparently, there are around 120,000 marriages a year in Aust. Approx 30% of these involved offshore spouses. Many other matters, all explosive, are mentioned here. How he got permission to print the article I dont know.
Again, it seems to justify ON concern for immigration policies to be right.
Roll on One Nation, I say.
Subject: Pauline Hanson [EXPIRED TRIAL LICENCE]
From your performance so far you should be placed first on the Voting Slips. Keep it up One Nation!!
Subject: One Nation Policies
Dear Sir,
I am writing to give my opinion as an 'ordinary Australian'
of your policies. I am 31 years old and tertiary educated, so as we all know
unfortunately probably a bit too young and intelligent to be a true Pauline
Hanson supporter.
Firstly, I must say I do admire you for 'having a go'
as this is exactly what Australia is all about. And I certainly would agree
with some of what you say and believe in, although I believe most of it to
be very simplistic. But that is probably why your support is so high among
ordinary people, not many people really follow politics and the political
system, so someone who makes it sound 'easy' is surely going to make an impact
-I just wish I had thought of it first!
I am more and more disturbed by your pro-gun stance.
Day after day we see and hear what is happening in the USA, and having lived
and travelled there I can say that having guns so readily available is a huge
danger to society. I grew up in rural Australia and did learn to use a gun
at an early age and I now question the need for this. People who want to
own and use a firearm should need a valid reason to have one, if you do then
you have nothing to fear under our current law. I am not so naive to believe
that we will ever get rid of guns, nor do we want to, but ownership of them
should be a privilege not a right as we live in a community, so we need to
be sure not only ourself but our neighbours are comfortable and able to feel
safe with the decisions we make.
Allowing people free access to guns is plain crazy
and you know it. Campaigning to get the 'pro gun' vote makes you no better
than the major political parties. You are a pawn to be played and if you
succeed in making guns more available, you will be making a mistake your
children and grand children will pay dearly for.
Furthermore, I read in the paper today that you don't
believe police or nurses should be tertiary educated! Have you got the first
idea what being a Registered Nurse is about? Not Likely. Tertiary education
is the best thing that ever happened to Health Care in this country. We now
have more professional, competent, clear thinking and intelligent people
in what one could say is the most important part of healthcare. Hospital
training simply did not give nurses adequate theoretical knowledge to be
able to 'keep up' with rapidly advancing medical, scientific and legal knowledge
to be able to be a safe, competent practicing nurse. As a RN who has trained
under both systems, I (and every colleague I know) can honestly say we are
better at our job by far because of tertiary training. No longer are nurses
downtrodden, handmaidens of doctors in a medical system that discouraged
lateral thinking and client advocacy. If you or your loved ones ever end
up unwell and hospitalised, you will then understand the incredible complexities
of human healthcare, and perhaps understand it is not only doctors who daily
make well informed, life threatening decisions about peoples health, but
Registered Nurses as well.
Tertiary education has leveled the playing field' for
RNs, and unlike politicians we are continually the most well respected and
trusted members of society. We deserve a tertiary education and need one
to be able to be an effective part of the health care team. By stating we
do not need this, you have just alienated a very powerful, intelligent group
of women and men. Shame on you. And I don't have time to comment on
Unfortunately, Pauline, you may get the 'over 40s'
vote, as they hanker back to the 1950's like you, have not adjusted to the
changing world, and are poorly educated (like you). But you will never win
the younger, more intelligent vote, and if you do, god help us all. You've
made us the laughing stock of the world, even worse than Alexander
But good on you Pauline, keep having a go, you've got
roughly 20 years until your supporters are either in nursing homes or have
shot themselves and their families in frustration whilst waiting for the
Asian invasion!!
Best Regards,
Subject: Media discomfort
I have been fascinated by the media turnaround regarding
Pauline Hanson and the One Nation party in the last couple of weeks.
The initial strategy to neutralise her was to indulge
in an orgy of vitriol and vilification. It backfired because most Australians
still believe in a fair go. The second strategy was a full-on blackout of
anything to do with her and One Nation. But since the announcement of the
date of the Queensland election the media have been mentioning her name again.
Why? I think they have realised what absolute dills they will appear if One
Nation even polls well let alone wins seats in the coming Queensland
They have realised that their second strategy - censorship
- might also backfire badly. After all how could a party which they have
claimed is dead actually get up and poll well? The revolting masses just
might have the wit to ask why didn't the omniscient media know about it?
I think this is the reason for the sudden rush to remind Australians that
Pauline Hanson and her One Nation party exist.
Pathetic, isn't it. They're just trying to cover their
big fat a....rmchairs! She's got them well and truly spooked.
Antonia Feitz
Subject: dear ms Hanson
All people are are created equal black white green
purple with varicose veins glases or wrinkles for that matterwith or without
red hair please stop your fashist repertroire
many thanks.
Here's a person who is obviously one of those who are ill-informed, ignorant
and bigoted. He should check out
just what Pauline Hanson and One Nation are actually about!
Subject: Personal Interest. Wendy McFarlane is my
Step Daughter
Please keep me informed, this is so exciting for Australia!
Wendy is Allan McFarane's Daughter, my late husband. He would be so
He was to run for the same seat in 1970, then Callide.
Finally a McFarlane in Keppel and for One Nation!
Best Regards
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
Recent stories exclusive to
(how to)
subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Sunday Mail poll
shows One Nation ready to hold balance of power in Queensland.- 24th
May 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.
Therese Theile
Angela McFarlane
Personal trivia, from
the global
Taking on News
Limited at the Australian Press Council in Sydney.- 23rd May 1998
Launch of One Nation's
Queensland leadership.- 22nd May 1998
Protest over
closure of National Australia Bank branch in Ipswich - 21st May
Pauline Hanson meets the people of Blair - 20th May 1998
Unethical trifecta
expose Courier Mail's intellectual prostitutes - 9th May 1998
MIGA - son of MAI
exposed - 8th May
Just me and Pauline - 5th May
One Nation breakfast
- 4th May
Just who are the
Mont Pelerin
Society - 3rd May
The Internet and
the DEATH of the MAI - 30th April
Launch of Pauline
Hanson's re-election campaign - 29th April
Second One Nation
protest surprises Bob McMullan - 28th April
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